Re: [Mpls] Buck Humphrey

2001-05-25 Thread loki anderson

In every event or convention that I have ever seen
Buck in, he seems to be doing his utmost for whatever
cause he is espousing, including SSB's campaign. Now,
I wasn't at the Mpls City Convention, but I find it
extremely hard to believe that he was not doing his
damnest for the Mayor and anyone who believes he
wasn't, including Shawn Towle, musn't have been
watching him very closely. And this from someone who
isn't even supporting SSB's reelection! 

And I do think he'd make a profoundly better Secretary
of State than the jackass we have now.

 Loki Anderson
 Ward 1 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 5/15/01 2:29:38 PM,
> << Buck Humphrey: 
> Many have questioned where I got the story regarding
> Buck Humphrey:  
> Here is the link -- it was posted by Bill Dooley:
> "Interesting blurb in the May 13, 2001 edition of
> online political newsletter. Under the title "You
> Make the Call," the story
> basically blames Buck Humphrey for the Sharon Sayles
> Belton non-endorsement
> because he did not work the delegates the week prior
> to the convention. Here
> is the story:
> --
> EY:  I'm still wondering who the sources were on
> this -- there seem to be
> lots of folks within the DFL very irritated at Buck
> Humphrey.  I think it a
> stretch to blame Buck for SSB's poor performance at
> the convention.  
> Eva
> Eva Young
> Central  
>  >>
> Anyone who is so dissatisfied with Buck Humphrey, no
> matter which party you 
> are traditionally part of, you are welcome to get
> involved with the planning 
> of Green Party Member Chris Allison's campaign for
> Secretary of State.
> Chris Allison
> announced candidate for Secretary of State, seeking
> Green Party endorsement
> appointed member of Gov. Ventura's Advisory
> Commission on redistricting
> Green Party of MN Coordinating Committee member
> Whittier
> ___
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Re: [Mpls] Civic Engagement and the U of Minn.

2001-05-25 Thread Jhpalmerjp
Thanks for putting that out there, Steven.  

As a member of the Advisory Panel for this Task Force, I would encourage 
everyone to get involved with this project, though, not just campaigns.

It is an important mission that is working on institutional commitment to 
public purposes and responsibilities intended to strengthen a democratic way 
of life in our "rapidly changing Information Society of the 21st Century".  
It is a renewal of the commitment to public works that benefit of our city 
and society as a whole.  In my opinion, it is important enough for everyone 
to get involved and not let civic participation be limited in any fashion.

Jonathan Palmer
Stevens Square-Loring Heights

Leadership Does Matter!

Re: [Mpls] demonizing the schools

2001-05-25 Thread Michael Atherton

Lynnell Mickelsen wrote:

>In watching Michael Atherton's responses to various posts on
> public schools, I am struck by his absolute insistence that public
> schools are a failure--no matter what response he gets from School
> Board members or parents or anyone.

I believe that my analysis of the state of the public schools is
correct.  If no one provides me any valid evidence to the contrary,
why should my views change?

Whether the public schools are successful depends on if you are looking
down from the top, out from the middle or up from the bottom.  The
upper classes care little about the public schools because they don't use
them.  The middle class has the liberty to be ambivalent because they
have some degree of choice, as well as complex support networks.
That leaves the lower classes who are stuck with the worst schools in
the country. We can never be a free society if we do not provide social
mobility for those born into poverty.  Education is the key.

Because of an unusual set of circumstances I have experienced the
American education from each of these societal levels, which
is why I am so insistent on reform.  Education was almost my
demise, but has become my redemption.  I have stood on the
edge of the societal toilet. Without a second chance I
would never have made it out and education was my escape
route.  I want this option to be available to all Americans and
I don't really care how we do it.  I support vouchers because
I don't believe that the public schools have the ability to make
the radical changes necessary to fix themselves.  However,
I would prefer to see the public system improved, because
I feel that it provides us a shared national identity.  Those of you
who have been following this thread should realize that I have been
aruguing for improvements in the public schools not for vouchers.

> From my experience, this endlessly dark, destructive view of
> public schools usually isn't just personal pessimism. It's a
> deliberate conservative strategy: repeatedly say public schools are
> an utter failure, then push towards privatizing them.

So I'm a conservative...but the Republicans would disown me.  I
support gay marriage, a women's right to choose, and an end
to the drug war.  I do not identify with either party, because
neither has a coherent political philosophy.  I am most closely
aligned with libertarian philosophy, but contrary to the party
line I believe in a larger role for govenment in the business

> Of course, the vouchers Republicans propose aren't enough to
> buy poor kids a good, private education. But these vouchers can open
> the door for wealthier people to send their kids to private school
> with public funds. This is, in the end, what the game is all about.
> It's true some struggling students do better in private
> and/or charter schools. But it's in no small part because they have
> parents who are passionate enough about education to actively seek
> out and apply for these special schools.  (An interesting aside
> though: in Texas, the charter schools have turned out to be far worse
> academically than the much-maligned public schools Last year 80
> percent of Texas students in public schools passed the basic state
> test versus 37 percent of the students in charter schools. And it was
> a really dumbed-down test.)
> The more interesting, broader question for voucher proponents
> is how private schools would deal with the more difficult
> students--the ones who arrive in school straight from a juvenile
> detention facility, who have serious emotional, mental or physical
> disabilities and whose parents aren't going to fill out the
> application, much less show up at the school when their kid
> misbehaves.

I don't want these students in the regular public schools negatively
impacting the education of others.  In my day there were "continuation"
schools for disruptive kids. There are already a number of private program
to deal with troubled kids.  If an effective voucher program was initiated
then someone would probably start a program for them.

> It's funny, but every time I propose that private schools
> take on these kids and that we have an honest, fair competition with
> private and public schools each working with the same mixed
> populations, the conservatives tend to get pale and run for the
> doors. As one lovely Republican parent whose kids go to St. Paul
> Academy told me, "I will NEVER allow those kind of students at my
> children's' school." My, my and he had just been regaling me about
> the glories of opening the schools up to free market competition.

Because the presence of these kids in mainstream classrooms is
not conductive to quality education.  I know because I was one
of them.

> This spring I've wondered about the Republican attacks on
> education coming out of our state House --much of which is
> specifically aimed at Minneapolis (and St. Paul) schools. So I asked

[Mpls] Minnehaha Creek Watershed media update

2001-05-25 Thread List Manager

An update on the Watershed District's suit versus MnDOT. -- forwarded by
David Brauer, list manager:

Metropolitan Political Leaders Issue Joint Statement On Mndot Lawsuit By
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District & Alleged Lrt Delays; Group Hopes
Transportation Department Resolves Issue With New Design Change To Hwy.
55/62 Drainage System

MINNEAPOLIS, MN., --May 24, 2001 – A group of Metropolitan political leaders
today released a joint statement about this week’s lawsuit filed by the
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) against the Minnesota Department
of Transportation (MnDOT) over the protection of the Camp Coldwater Springs
and MnDOT’s allegation that such procedures will delay the metropolitan area
’s Light Rail Transit (LRT) schedule.

The group includes, Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, Hennepin County Commissioner
Peter Mclaughlin, State Representative Wes Skoglund and City Council Member
Sandy Colvin Roy (12th Ward) and Metropolitan Council Board Member District
Eight Representative Carol Kummer, also the LRT Community Advisory Committee

According to the group, “The real issue is how soon MnDOT is willing to
acknowledge the threat that the highway project represents to Camp Coldwater
Springs and get the issue resolved.”

Joint Statement
“For the past two years, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has been
raising concerns about whether the construction of the Highway 55 project
will harm the Camp Coldwater Springs.  For the past two months, the MCWD has
been asking MnDOT to cooperate with a groundwater dye tracer test that would
definitively answer the question of whether there is a groundwater flow
connection between the Highway 55/62 interchange and the Springs.

The MCWD maintains that there is extensive and credible evidence that the
groundwater flow to the Springs could be reduced by 30% by the current
design of the 55/62 interchange.  That is an unacceptable result.  The
Minnesota Legislature recently passed legislation to protect the Springs
from any decrease in groundwater flow, which Governor Ventura signed into
law on May 15. There is no need for a modern highway project in Minnesota to
threaten or compromise treasured water resources.

MnDOT has suggested that taking a few weeks to complete the groundwater
testing would delay LRT construction by a year. We reject the assertion that
LRT is an issue here.  In fact, the MCWD experts have confirmed that LRT
construction poses no threat to the Springs.  The real issue is how soon
MnDOT is willing to acknowledge the threat that the highway project
represents to the Camp Coldwater Springs and get the issue
esolved.  –over--

It is in the best interests of both the Highway 55 construction project and
Camp Coldwater Springs to resolve the concerns raised by the Minnehaha Creek
Watershed District as soon as possible.  It would seem that taking a few
weeks to do proper testing would allow everyone concerned with both highway
improvements and protecting the Springs to know the truth about the impacts
of the current 55/62 interchange design.

Better still, MnDOT's engineers should be working right now on design
changes to assure that the highway construction poses no risks to the
Springs.  Whatever the price of these design changes, the taxpayers are sure
to be better off with those changes made now, before the project is built,
than trying to reengineer a more expensive fix later.

There are times in public life when it is important to step back a moment
from the heat of a dispute, or the pressures of construction schedules, and
reflect on the long term legacies of our work.  Surely those who have
treasured the Springs  for various reasons, the Legislature that passed
protective legislation, and the Governor who signed it would all expect us
to take every reasonable precaution to protect the Springs that are so
central to our common history”

For more information on the lawsuit, see

For more information on the Camp Coldwater legislation, see

Please call Martin Keller at 612-729-8585 or online at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
any other information.

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[Mpls] Minnehaha Creek Watershed) NO TRUST IN YOUR LEADERSHIP

2001-05-25 Thread ken bradley
As and advocate for Camp Coldwater Springs and Minnehaha Park for the past 5 years I am not surprised by the negative impact to Coldwater Springs by the construction of the Highway 55. I am surprised to see Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin, City Council Member Sandy Colvin Roy participating in a lawsuit to stop the damage to Coldwater Springs by the construction of Highway 55. 
I have had dozens of conversations over the years expressing my concern about the negative impact of dewatering/drawdown on Coldwater Springs with Mayor Sayles Belton, Peter McLaughlin, and Sandy Colvin Roy. I have been reassured countless times that NO negative impact would occur from the construction of Highway 55 on Coldwater Springs. My negative opinion of the project was based on information given to me from people who work in the highway construction industries. When expressing my opinion to these politicians, I was treated like an reactionary extremist that should find something better to do with my life. I thought informing elected officials to the damage was smart and pro-active. Thank you Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, Commmisioner McLaughlin, Council Member Colvin Roy for coming to the table years too late. Your reactive behavior is a shining example of why the public has lost complete trust in your leadership. 
Ken Bradley, Minneapolis, 612-728-8962Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions $2 Million Sweepstakes  -  Got something to sell?

Re: [Mpls] Community Policing for Mpls?

2001-05-25 Thread Dooley, Bill

Let's throw out the old notions of community policing and try this out for

1. Make police officers essential state employees with no union and no right
to strike.
2. Double police officer salaries.
3. Have a zero tolerance policy for police misconduct. (No second or third
4. Require the more experienced officers to work the night shift and let the
rookies and younger officers break in on the day shift.
5. Set policy academy recruitment goals such that the police force reflects
the racial and ethnic makeup of the city.
6. Offer substantial and graded salary bonuses for officers who chose to
live within specific city neighborhoods.

Bill Dooley
Ward 13-Kenny
- Original Message -
From: Matthew Dufresne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 5:56 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Community Policing for Mpls?

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[Mpls] Minneapolis City Council Gay Candidates

2001-05-25 Thread Dooley, Bill

City Pages had a story re the Minneapolis City Council gay candidates.
City Beat · · Vol 22 · Issue 1068 · 5/23/01
Rainbow Coalition
by Leyla Kokmen
In Minneapolis this year's election features a bumper crop of gay
candidates. . .

If it was in this story I missed it and I believe it has been discussed
previously on this list. My question is: are all of the Minneapolis City
Council gay candidates DFL-endorsed? If so, is it safe to assume that all
will be elected?

Bill Dooley
Ward 13 - Kenny

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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis City Council Gay Candidates

2001-05-25 Thread Megan Thomas - Mediaone

Scott Benson, Dean Kallenbach and Gary Schiff ater DFL endorsed. In Ward 10,
where Doug Kress is running there is no endorsement by the DFL.

Robert Lillegren is running against Brian Herron. Herron is DFL and
Stonewall DFL endorsed.

Megan Thomas
Chair, Stonewall DFL

- Original Message -
From: "Dooley, Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discuss Minneapolis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 12:23 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Minneapolis City Council Gay Candidates

> City Pages had a story re the Minneapolis City Council gay candidates.
> City Beat · · Vol 22 · Issue 1068 · 5/23/01
> URL:
> Rainbow Coalition
> by Leyla Kokmen
> In Minneapolis this year's election features a bumper crop of gay
> candidates. . .
> If it was in this story I missed it and I believe it has been discussed
> previously on this list. My question is: are all of the Minneapolis City
> Council gay candidates DFL-endorsed? If so, is it safe to assume that all
> will be elected?
> Bill Dooley
> Ward 13 - Kenny
> ___
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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis City Council Gay Candidates

2001-05-25 Thread David Brauer

Bill Dooley writes:

>City Pages had a story re the Minneapolis City Council gay candidates.

City Pages' lead reads: "Not only are there four openly gay candidates for
city council..."

It's too bad that City Pages repeats Lavender Magazine's mistake: ignoring
8th Ward candidate Robert Lilligren in a gay-candidate roundup. I know that
compared to Scott Benson, Doug Kress, Gary Schiff, and Dean Kallenbach,
Robert has the toughest task -- he's not DFL endorsed and has to beat
incumbent Brian Herron.

Still, Robert is continually rendered as a gay political "unperson," and
that is frustrating to me as a citizen and a journalist. (Disclaimer: I am
not supporting Robert or Brian; I like them both personally.) It's not fair
to Robert, who in my opinion is a hard-working, credible, & serious
candidate. If we're celebrating the maturation of Mpls in having so many
good candidates who are gay, he deserves to be invited to the party.

I hope reporters make enough calls outside the DFL establishment to get word
of Robert's existennce. As a former political reporter for the urban
weeklies -- papers which fancy themselves sophisticated observers of
power -- I HATE to see this kind of mistake.

At the very least, City Pages owes Robert a correction in its next issue.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis City Council Gay Candidates

2001-05-25 Thread Eva Young

>Robert Lillegren is running against Brian Herron. Herron is DFL and
>Stonewall DFL endorsed.
Many gays in the 8th ward were very disappointed by Stonewall's endorsement
of Brian Herron over openly gay candidate Robert Lilligren.  The current
issue of Lavender Magazine covers Lilligren's campaign:

The incumbent is someone who will be a reliable vote for the Jackie
Cherryhomes agenda -- which often isn't what is in the best interests of
the Central Neighborhood.  

Lilligren has been active with the West Phillips Neighborhood and the
Midtown Greenway Coalition.  He will be a responsive and accessible
alternative to Council Member Herron -- who is notorious for not returning
phone calls, and basically being unresponsive to constituent concerns.  

Robert Lilligren has a campaign announcement list.  To subscribe, write:

Lilligren's campaign website is at:  

Eva Young

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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis City Council Gay Candidates

2001-05-25 Thread loki anderson

Ah, but Robert did score big time in the latest issue
of Lavender. They must've hired an actual journalism
school graduate since the issue featuring the
Stonewall 4, since this article actually told us:

-Robert's age
-his personal and civic qualifications
-his stands on issues other than TIF-financing

none of which was ever asked of Gary,Scott,Dean or
Doug. They also didn't ask him to strike a pose like
they must've done with the others. All in all, I think
Mr. Lilligren comes out a winner with the Lavender

Loki Anderson
Ward 1
--- David Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bill Dooley writes:
> >City Pages had a story re the Minneapolis City
> Council gay candidates.
> >URL:
> City Pages' lead reads: "Not only are there four
> openly gay candidates for
> city council..."
> It's too bad that City Pages repeats Lavender
> Magazine's mistake: ignoring
> 8th Ward candidate Robert Lilligren in a
> gay-candidate roundup. I know that
> compared to Scott Benson, Doug Kress, Gary Schiff,
> and Dean Kallenbach,
> Robert has the toughest task -- he's not DFL
> endorsed and has to beat
> incumbent Brian Herron.
> Still, Robert is continually rendered as a gay
> political "unperson," and
> that is frustrating to me as a citizen and a
> journalist. (Disclaimer: I am
> not supporting Robert or Brian; I like them both
> personally.) It's not fair
> to Robert, who in my opinion is a hard-working,
> credible, & serious
> candidate. If we're celebrating the maturation of
> Mpls in having so many
> good candidates who are gay, he deserves to be
> invited to the party.
> I hope reporters make enough calls outside the DFL
> establishment to get word
> of Robert's existennce. As a former political
> reporter for the urban
> weeklies -- papers which fancy themselves
> sophisticated observers of
> power -- I HATE to see this kind of mistake.
> At the very least, City Pages owes Robert a
> correction in its next issue.
> David Brauer
> King Field - Ward 10
> ___
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[Mpls] civic engagement & the U of M

2001-05-25 Thread Paul Zerby

I agree entirely that this is an effort that should be
followed closely and thank Steve for calling our
attention to it.  However, checking out the U's
website on it has prompted me to send along the
following message, offered in a constructive spirit,
to the U:

Susan--Some months back, when I first heard of this
effort, which I applaud, all of the committees had
some members, except, somewhat ironically I thought,
the community partnership committee, which was vacant.
 I'm pleased to see that there are now some half-dozen
members of the U faculty on the committee.  I suggest
that it would also be a good idea to add some
community members.
 Paul Zerby

I think that if list members who are in agreement or
have suggestions to offer also contact the address
given us in Steve's message the U might be receptive
to broadening the committee; at least I would think so.

Paul Zerby
A DFLer for Change on City Council
Ward 2

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Re: [Mpls] Minnehaha Creek Watershed) NO TRUST IN YOUR LEADERSHIP

2001-05-25 Thread Many Crows

Ken stole my thunder on this one.
The impression I got from local government was camp coldwater/spring
wasn't worth 2 cents. The mayor was not a supporter of the spring
With that being said, better late than never. I could rail against these
people as long as the grass grows and the rivers run. But I won't. Let's
be honest about the spring and not only the underground flow, but the
run off from the road which is as much a concern for me as well. Let's
keep this water drinkable!
I have been told that the people of Mpls were directed to go to the
spring in 1978 for water, as the city was having an interruption in
So indeed this is not only a historic resource but a future resource we
should take good care of.
It's too bad that a Burr Oak Savannah wasn't considered such an
important resource to this city. chop chop
It's too bad seven well built homes weren't considered such an important
resource to this city in the midst of an affordable housing shortage.
Not to mention all the houses that were taken for this road to
hellI  mean the Fall of America, there's a place to run for your

joe's comin' in dfl,

Robert Yorga

ken bradley wrote:

> As and advocate for Camp Coldwater Springs and Minnehaha Park for the
> past 5 years I am not surprised by the negative impact to Coldwater
> Springs by the construction of the Highway 55. I am surprised to see
> Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin, City
> Council Member Sandy Colvin Roy participating in a lawsuit to stop the
> damage to Coldwater Springs by the construction of Highway 55.
> ---

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RE: [Mpls] Minneapolis City Council Gay Candidates

2001-05-25 Thread David Brauer

Loki Anderson writes:

> Ah, but Robert did score big time in the latest issue
> of Lavender. They must've hired an actual journalism
> school graduate since the issue featuring the
> Stonewall 4, since this article actually told us:
> -Robert's age
> -his personal and civic qualifications
> -his stands on issues other than TIF-financing
> none of which was ever asked of Gary,Scott,Dean or
> Doug. They also didn't ask him to strike a pose like
> they must've done with the others. All in all, I think
> Mr. Lilligren comes out a winner with the Lavender
> issue.

That's debatable, since Robert wasn't on the big, bold, happy cover of
Lavender as the other candidates were. The subsequent Lilligren inside
one-page feature was what we in the biz call a "make-good." Perhaps Lavender
overcompensated, or didn't. The point is we could avoid all debates over
fairness had Robert been initially included in both round-ups, as he
deserved to be.

If someone wants to do a round-up on "DFL-endorsed gay candidates," they can
fairly ignore Robert (though they'd have to ignore Doug Kress, too). If
someone wants to do a story on "gay candidates who aren't challenging a DFL
endorsee," they can fairly exclude Robert. But if they are doing a story on
gay candidates running for city council, it's only fair and right that they
include Robert...somewhere!

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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RE: [Mpls] Minnehaha Creek Watershed) NO TRUST IN YOUR LEADERSHIP

2001-05-25 Thread Russell W Peterson

Isn't it an election year Ken? Typical current establishment

Russ Peterson
Former Standishite

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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis City Council Gay Candidates

2001-05-25 Thread wizardmarks

Excuse me?  If Herron is so "unresponsive" to constituent
concerns, how is it that he told the neighborhood that the
motel idea in Central is dead as a kipper on a cracker?
Further, a lot of gays in the Eighth Ward were happy with
Herron as the Stonewall endorsee.

Eva Young wrote:

 He will be a responsive and accessible
> alternative to Council Member Herron -- who is notorious for not returning
> phone calls, and basically being unresponsive to constituent concerns.

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[Mpls] better police practices

2001-05-25 Thread Paul Zerby

I am glad to see this issue getting some discussion as
it's one of my prime concerns as a candidate for city
  The police undoubtedly have a difficult job which
few of us would care to take on, particularly with the
modest compensation and considerable grief, not to
mention danger, that sometimes goes with the job, but
there are clearly improvements that need to be made in
the way the city deals with policing.
In addition to ending racial profiling, re-evaluating
CODEFOR, and further intensifying police training in
nonviolent ways to deal with conflict, I believe we
must look critically at the operation of the Civilian
Police Review Board, at least giving it subpoena power
over the officers, and probably using some independent
administrative law judges to hear contested cases.
But probably most important is the need to work
harder, and more successfully, at community building
between the police and those they are to protect and
It was disappointing to be at a recent meeting called
by  Melissa Martinez-Sones, an organizer in the Seward
Community, to discuss the CCP/Safe Program and find it
attended only by a like organizer from Longfellow, two
council candidates (me, an unendorsed DFLer running
for change in Ward 2, and Cam Gordon of the Greens), a
representative from Paul Ostrow's office, none from
Joan Campbell's office, and none from the police.
  However, it was useful to me to get from Melissa the
following "Brainstormed list of goals for CCP/Safe"
which I pass along to forward the discussion:
1. Active participation with the neighborhood.  At a
minimum, attending the crime and safety (or
equivalent) meetings, but also attendance at other
neighborhood meetings as appropriate.
2. Neighborhood organizations having a work schedule
and job description for the team.
3. A commitment of at least one year by the CCP/Safe
team with the two positions alternating so as to
create overlap and ensure that one member of the team
will have been in position for at least a  year.
4. Provide the following information on a regular
basis and in a comprehensive and timely manner:
neighborhood specific crime maps, incident reports to
accompany the crime maps, and information on any block
club leader trainings or upcoming CCP/Safe meetings
where neighborhood invovlement would be appropriate.
5. Be accessible by cell phone or pager--provide these
numbers to the community and to the neighborhood
6. Timely response to phone calls, e-mails, and pages
from both neighborhood organizations as well as
neighborhood residents (within 24 hours excluding
holidays, illness and vacation time).
7. Annual opportunity to meet with CCP/Safe
supervisors to discuss neighborhood successes and
challenges in working with the CCP/Safe team.
8. Use this meeting to develop goals for the upcoming
year for the neighborhood and CCP/Safe in partnership.

While this deals only with a part of the problem, it
seems to me that specifics like this, and those that
may be generated by discussion on the list could be
useful to all of us in tackling the problems that I
believe most of us would agree need some seriouw work.

Paul Zerby
A DFLer for Change on City Council
Ward 2

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Re: [Mpls] Minnehaha Creek Watershed) NO TRUST IN YOUR LEADERSHIP

2001-05-25 Thread Dean Lindberg

It makes me wish we had elections every year or so.

Russell W Peterson wrote:
> Isn't it an election year Ken? Typical current establishment
> behavior.
> Russ Peterson
> Former Standishite
> ___
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Dean Lindberg
5335 39th Avenue South  
Minneapolis, MN 55417
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Re: [Mpls] Community Policing for Mpls?

2001-05-25 Thread Matthew Dufresne

I think that Bill has some things to think about here.  I'm still
wondering what the mayoral and council member candidates think about
this though.  Come on guys, don't be shy!

I have also had a couple of people ask me to describe what my idea of
community policing is or means.  I believe that the essence of community
policing is whatever a given community makes it.  So if we were to take
some of the given responses to my question we would have a police dept.
that was paid more, that was more interactive with the community and
also held much more accountable for their conduct, whose members were
encouraged to live in the city of Minneapolis, who had better training,
who got out of their cars more to speak to residents (if the residents
felt comfortable enough and I think they eventually would with this new
model), that there were more beat cops walking alone, etc...My point
being that we can and should be able to make it into something that
serves our given needs.

Some people feel, including many in the police dept., that the Mpls.
Police Dept. already is practicing community policing whether it be
through CODEFOR, CCP/SAFE and/or other methods.  I think we can do much
better though.

Cameron asked what we thought about CCP/SAFE.  I personally feel that it
is a big step forward for the Minneapolis Police Dept. but I know we can
and should do more.  The good thing about our SAFE teams is that they
are much more responsive to the particular needs of the given
neighborhoods and to individuals, at least in my experience.  Our SAFE
teams are the closest thing we have to community policing at this point
and I feel that we should continue to support them and do our best to
make them into what we want from our police dept.  Then we can move into
a much more holistic community policing approach that truly serves the
wants and needs of Minneapolis and our various neighborhoods.

I know that this is a bit pie-in-the-sky but we have to have something
to work towards.  I would like to hear what some of the rest of you
think about this issue.  What is your vision of true community policing,
how can we achieve it and what are you willing to do to support it?

Have a great Memorial Weekend.


Matthew Dufresne
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Re: [Mpls] better police practices

2001-05-25 Thread M Smith

Community Policing is an effort that comes out
the community working with the police to
determine the best policing methods for their
neighborhood.  This is truly SUPPOSED to be a

Community Policing has had a very hard time in
Minneapolis, for several reasons.  But when I was
working to try to get a program going in the
Central neighborhood the biggest problem I had
was getting the police to cooperate.  They wanted
to design the community policing effort and then
get the community's buy-in.  That is not the way
to get a good community policing program going. 
The program is supposed to be a true partnership.

IF we can get a good Community Policing
partnership going, racial profiling, and many
other issues would not be the issues they are
currently because the police and the community
would be working in partnership to tackle these
issues in a realistic and humanistic manner.

Community Policing has worked well in other
cities, and I would challenge Chief Olson to work
with one or two neighborhoods until his police
force can get used to actually developing a REAL
partnership with the neighborhoods.

Minneapolis is fortunate to have many community
based programs that are up and running, and
Community Policing, in my opinion, is the natural
next step.

Matthea Smith
Powderhorn Park - 9-4

Matthea Little Smith
MN DFL Affirmative Action Officer
612-724-2997 - Home
612-221-9675 - Cell

"Community must not mean a shedding of our differences, nor the pathetic pretense that 
these differences do not is learning how to stand alone, unpopular and 
sometimes reviled, and how to make common cause with those others identified as 
outside the structures in order to define and seek a world in which we can all 
flourish." --- Audre Lorde

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Re: [Mpls] Community Policing for Mpls?

2001-05-25 Thread M Smith

--- Matthew Dufresne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Some people feel, including many in the police
> dept., that the Mpls.
> Police Dept. already is practicing community
> policing whether it be
> through CODEFOR, CCP/SAFE and/or other methods.
>  I think we can do much
> better though.

The principle of Community Policing was not to be
efforts that were designed by the police
departments or any other government official that
the community was supposed to attempt to make

CODEFOR and CCP/SAFE are not programs that were
designed BY the community...they were designed
FOR the community.  Had the community input, I
venture to say that both programs would have been
designed very differently.

Matthea Smith
Powderhorn Park 

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Re: [Mpls] Community Policing for Mpls?

2001-05-25 Thread Tamir Nolley

Matthew Durfresne wrote:
>I have also had a couple of people ask me to describe what my idea of
>community policing is or means.  I believe that the essence of community
>policing is whatever a given community makes it.  So if we were to take
>some of the given responses to my question we would have a police dept.
>that was paid more, that was more interactive with the community and
>also held much more accountable for their conduct, whose members were
>encouraged to live in the city of Minneapolis, who had better training,
>who got out of their cars more to speak to residents (if the residents
>felt comfortable enough and I think they eventually would with this new
>model), that there were more beat cops walking alone, etc...My point
>being that we can and should be able to make it into something that
>serves our given needs.

I suppose I feel the need to keep posting because I am a city
council candidate who has experienced police brutality, although admittedly
to a lesser degree than many people.  I don't want the police getting out of
their cars to talk to me.  I don't want them pulling me over in my taxi as
they have been doing lately "just to make sure everything is legal." I don't
want to encounter them and because of my own experiences with the family of
Efrain Depaz and other victims of police brutality, I often find myself
reluctant to call them, even when there is a need, and I'm not sure 
I want the police getting out of their cars to "say hi and get to know me."
I think the only way is to really drive it home that our taxes pay for
police protection, therefore they should look at ALL of us as the people
that employ them.  The other touchy thing is the residency requirement.  I
think Matthew is right on that we as a city should make it more attractive
for police who live in Minneapolis, but for those of us who are mistrustful
of authority, it is disturbing to have the government deciding where someone
should live.  Most candidates have at this time said "I know most of the
cops are good," but I have always had a history of mistreatment and
harrassment and who knows why (I have long hair, I'm a taxi driver, my first
name, etc., none of these justify this sort of treatment.)  I understand
that in that uniform is a human being that works in difficult conditions,
and as such deserves a lot more money than she or he makes and more
advancment opportunities, but until I started running for the city council I
had never had a positive experience with the Minneapolis Police.  As a
council member I would work with law enforcement on some things, but as a
private citizen I would prefer to limit my contact.

| Tamir Nolley
| Candidate for Mpls City Council, Ward 6
| Independence Party Endorsed 
| Hop on the Nolley Trolley !

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[Mpls] Fwd: Mpls public schools fed funding threatened by Hilleary amendment

2001-05-25 Thread David Strand

--- David Strand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 18:03:19 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Strand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Mpls public schools fed funding threatened
> by Hilleary amendment
> To: issues minneapolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CC: MPN Minnesota Politics National
> Hi all, The US House of Representatives passed an
> amendment to the education funding bill yesterday
> that
> will require all k-12 schools that recieve any form
> of
> federal dollars from the Department of education to
> allow youth groups targeting people under the age of
> 21 access to the school if the organization has a
> policy banning "homosexuals" from membership or
> leadership positions.  The amendment is deceptively
> cited as "The Boy Scouts of America Equal Access
> Act."
>  It would actually forbid a school district from
> banning any group on the basis of that group
> discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation,
> so
> the results of the legislation would reach far
> beyond
> requiring schools to allow access to just the Boy
> Scouts of America.
> Furthermore, the act may be interpreted, in banning
> discrimination against groups that officially ban
> gay
> and lesbian members and leaders, to require school
> districts to give equal consideration in awarding
> youth serving contracts to such groups.
> I would like to thank Rep. Martin Sabo for voting
> against the overall education bill due to his
> opposition to this amendment.  The amendment passed
> on
> a voice vote.
> Minneapolis Public Schools federal funding is
> threatened by this amendment.  Calls are needed to
> Senators Wellstone and Dayton to highlight our
> communities concerns about this threat to our
> schools
> due to their support of equal opportunity for all
> regardless of sexual orientation.
> Following is the text of the amendment.
> Thanks, 
> David Strand
> Loring Park, Ward 7
>Amendment No. 24 offered by Mr. HILLEARY: 
> After part A of title IX of the bill, insert the
> following (and redesignate provisions accordingly):
> This part may be cited as the ``Boy Scouts of
> America Equal Access Act''.
> (a) IN GENERAL.--Notwithstanding any other
> provision of law, no funds made available through
> the
> Department of Education shall be provided to any
> public elementary school, public secondary school,
> local educational agency, or State educational
> agency,
> if the school or a school served by the agency--
> (1) has a designated open forum; and
> (2) denies equal access or a fair opportunity to
> meet to, or discriminates against, 
> [Page: H2618]  GPO's PDF
> any group affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America
> or
> any other youth group that wishes to conduct a
> meeting
> within that designated open forum, on the basis of
> the
> membership or leadership criteria of the Boy Scouts
> of
> America or of the youth group that prohibit the
> acceptance of homosexuals, or individuals who reject
> the Boy Scouts' or the youth group's oath of
> allegiance to God and country, as members or
> leaders.
> (1) DEPARTMENTAL ACTION.--The Secretary is
> authorized and directed to effectuate subsection (a)
> by issuing, and securing compliance with, rules or
> orders with respect to a public school or agency
> that
> receives funds made available through the Department
> of Education and that denies equal access, or a fair
> opportunity to meet, or discriminates, as described
> in
> subsection (a). 
> (2) PROCEDURE.--The Secretary shall issue and
> secure compliance with the rules or orders, under
> paragraph (1), in a manner consistent with the
> procedure used by a Federal department or agency
> under
> section 602 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42
> U.S.C.
> 2000d-1).
> (3) JUDICIAL REVIEW.--Any action taken by the
> Secretary under paragraph (1) shall be subject to
> the
> judicial review described in section 603 of that Act
> (42 U.S.C. 2000d-2). Any person aggrieved by the
> action may obtain that judicial review in the
> manner,
> and to the extent, provided in section 603 of that
> Act.
> (1) DEFINITIONS.--In this section:
> terms
> ``elementary school'', ``local educational agency'',
> ``secondary school'', and ``State educational
> agency''
> have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of
> the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
> (as
> in effect after the effective date of this Act).
> (B) SECRETARY.--The term ``Secretary'' means the
> Secretary of Education, acting through the Assistant
> Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of
> Education

[Mpls] Openly Gay Green Candidate

2001-05-25 Thread David Strand

Add to the discussion of openly gay candidates in
Minneapolis-Freeman Wicklund's school board candidacy.
 Freeman is seeking the Green Party endorsement for
school board at the June 2nd endorsing convention of
the Mpls/5th District Green Party.  He submitted an
impressive 28 page document to the candidate screening
committee outlining his core campaign issues and how
they tie into the 10 key values of the Green Party. 

 I know Freeman sought to screen with the Central
Labor Union after meeting with the teachers' union. 
He was intially told that they would send a screening
form out to him right away.  Two days later he was
informed that he would not be recieving a form as the
Central Labor Union had already decided to endorse
three Dfl'ers.  It's unfortunate that such a fine
candidate was denied the opportunity to screen for
labor endorsement.  

This is another strong candidate outside the Dfl
endorsement process to watch!

David Strand
Loring Park
Ward 7

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Re: [Mpls] better police practices

2001-05-25 Thread wizardmarks

M Smith wrote:
> Community Policing is an effort that comes out
> the community working with the police to
> determine the best policing methods for their
> neighborhood. 
People might want to read Chief Olson's monographs/books on
community policing.  They may find that our notions and his
are not necessarily the same notions.
WizardMarks, Central
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Re: [Mpls] Community Policing

2001-05-25 Thread Cameron A. Gordon

I agree with Matthea that community policing is about partnership and teh 
community must be involved from the start.  

In Seward we also had a difficult experience trying to develop a community 
policing program realted to our first phase of NRP.  People worked and worked to
get something and many are still frustrated and disappointed. Clearly this stems
from a basic lack of agreement between police, neighborhood activists and others
about what community policing is, and how to make it happen.

It will be key to develop educational opportunities for rank and file police 
staff, residents as well as other city and neighborhood staff. These 
opportunities ought to include presentations and facilitation from people with 
proven track records in community-oriented policing from outside the police 
department, from outside Minneapolis and from outside (as well as inside) the 
law enforcement profession.

I would like to see a mayor, police department and City Council as fired-up 
about (and willing to promote) community-oriented policing as they are today 
about CODEFOR. 

I would like to see us all sitting together as equals ready to learn and develop
our shared vision of real community policing, defining the steps we need to take
and taking them as soon as possible.  

Like Matthea and others on this list I think Minneapolis is ready and eager. 

Cam Gordon
Candidate for Minneapolis City Council, 
Ward 2

914 Franklin Terrace
Mpls. MN 55406-1101
(612) 332-6210

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