Re: [Mpls] Statewide Smoking Ban

2005-03-03 Thread David Shove
I side with the ban. Bring it on. Defend it.

Beat Big Tobacco. Beat know-nothing redneckism.

--David Shove

On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Dan wrote:

  The statewide smoking ban ran into problems today in the House  Commerce
  Committee. The bill is being declared dead by some and it would  appear
  Minneapolis may have to go it alone. Does anyone know where Hennepin
 County or St.
  Paul stands? I believe they are waiting for the state to act. Here  is the
  Star Tribune link: _

 As it now stands, Minneapolis and Hennepin County's draconian total ban is
 going into effect March 31st (coming up like a rocket now). Smoking as of
 that date will be completely banned in all bars, resturants, bowling alleys,
 veterans clubs, private clubs, smoke-shops, and even cigar clubs.

 St. Paul/Ramsey's Ban will exempt bars which derive the majority of their
 revenues from liquor sales (it's a resturant ban). With the lack of a
 state-ban (which I am thankful for), bars in St. Paul, and suburbs outside
 of Hennepin County are going to get a nice boon. Where does that leave
 Minneapolis bar owners? Champs downtown will be pretty crowded, I'm sure,
 but the rest will probably be praying that the non-smokers come out in
 greater numbers than they have historically, I suppose.

 Dakota County is looking like a good place to open a bar or resturant.

 Dan McGrath

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Subject: Re: [Mpls] Stormwatergate NOT

2005-03-03 Thread J L Strand
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2005
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Stormwatergate NOT

I served along with a number of other residents or stakeholders on the 
Stormwater Utility Rate Model Implementation Citizen Advisory Committee called 
together by Minneapolis Public Works to review and comment on the establishment 
of the Stormwater Utility and the new methodology.  Despite informational 
mailings (about 90,000 blue postcards) or inserts, three community meetings, 
and public hearings as part of the city council review, I suspected some 
ratepayers would only become engaged in this process when they received the 
bill reflecting those changes. 

As a low water user with a large lot, I expect to pay about $50 more annually 
under the new rate model in my combined utility bill.  In theory the new model 
is more equitable as to the billing rationale, is more consistent with 
stormwater utility practices in Minnesota and nationwide, and the utility will 
fund needed stormwater capital improvements citywide, will encourage 
development of best practices and allow for credits to perhaps lessen the 
stormwater load on the public infrastructure and reduce to some extent the 
millions of dollars of future capital improvements.  I respect Jim Graham, 
especially for his leadership on neighborhood issues.  In this instance the 
mayor and council members who were elected to lead did so.  The ratepayers and 
voters will have to evaluate and draw their own conclusions about the policy 
change.  I was concerned about rate increases on residents on fixed incomes who 
were low water users, and believe so noted at the public hearing.

Below is an excerpt from an article I had published in the Camden Community 
News March 2005 issue on this subject:
As reported in the December 2004 Camden Community News, the City Council last 
year amended Title 19 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Water, 
Sewers and Sewage Disposal by adding a new Chapter 510 entitled Stormwater 
Management System and Operation of a Stormwater Utility and Stormwater Utility 
Credit Rules. The 2005 sewer and stormwater rates were first approved by the 
Transportation  Public Works committee on 1/18/05, then referred to Ways and 
Means/Budget committee where the rates were approved 1/24/05. Final City 
Council approval was given on 1/28/05 establishing the utility rates for sewer 
rental and stormwater services

The Public Works report approved by City Engineer Klara A. Fabry, P.E. for the 
council committee requests stated The impact of this methodology change for an 
average single-family residential property (average is defined as having 1,530 
sq. ft. of impervious area and currently consuming six units of sewer) will be 
a reduction of $1.00 on their monthly combined sewer/stormwater bill. However, 
current low water users may see an increase in their combined sewer/stormwater 

The action last year to implement a new stormwater utility methodology followed 
fifteen months of preparation including necessary legislative changes, a 
process review by a citizen advisory committee, the holding of a series of open 
house meetings for property owners, and a prolonged council committee 
discussion. The stated project objective was To develop and implement an 
equitable funding mechanism for storm water related activities. The City 
sought a more accurate way to charge fees for storm water management services 
tied to water runoff instead of the existing system based on units of water 

The City of Minneapolis web site provides detailed information about the 
Stormwater Utility change process at:

Municipal utility ratepayers may contact Public Works Project Manager John 
McLain at (612) 673-2990 for more information.

Jeffrey L. Strand, Shingle Creek (Ward 4)

(and CLIC Member 2005-2007)
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[Mpls] IRV adopted in Burlington Vermont

2005-03-03 Thread Jeanne Massey

Burlington Vermont sets another example for Minneapolis, adopting IRV for
mayoral elections. 


On March 1, Burlington voters gave instant runoff voting a landslide win.
Even as other high-profile ballot measures went down in defeat, 62% of
voters supported adopting instant runoff voting for mayoral elections.

Burlington follows Ferndale Michigan, which adopted IRV by ballot with 70%
approval last November. 


Jeanne Massey

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RE: [Mpls] Why some people are excluded

2005-03-03 Thread Paul Skrbec

If you have a beef with Megan, work it out with her. If you have beef
with me, send me flame e-mails and I'll flame back. If you have a beef
with anyone else, do what you are going to dobut for God's sake,
leave the name of Stonewall DFL OUT OF IT. The issues you are bringing
forward have nothing to do with Minneapolis politics and have no
business on the Minneapolis Issues Forum.

The way you toss around the Stonewall DFL's name is damaging to the good
image that many many many individuals have worked so hard to rebuild
after the recent (almost fatal) collapse of the organization while YOU
were on the board of directors. 

To the people of this forum, I sincerely apologize for dirty laundry
being aired in public. It is not the indent of SDFL to distract from the
otherwise very important issues being discussed here. 

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging...

Paul R. Skrbec
Home e-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inver Grove Heights

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dyna
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:03 AM
To: Megan Thomas
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Why some people are excluded

Megan, when I first read this latest bit of character 
assassination from Stonewall DFL I was full of righteous indignation 
and eager to set the record straight.

Then I remembered how a few years back when I was hanging out 
with a well regarded journalist you told me he was a rapist. You 
never provided any evidence to back up your claim and this person is 
still a well regarded journalist who has not been charged with any 

Than a few weeks ago you claimed RT said something he hadn't, 
and you later had to retract your accusations.

Again in your post you are making allegations that you cannot 
prove. I'd get mad, but then I consider the source... I'm honored to 
be in the company of our mayor and a well regarded journalist who 
shall remain anonymous.

uncommitted in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

OK, breaking a cardinal rule of my own I will respond to Dyna's
continued assertations about her exclusion from the Stonewall DFL
  (and in my opinion)

Of course there is a major problem here ... namely, how do I explain
this and stay within the bounds of the rules of this list? How is that
problem . my guess is that many of the people who read this list
have already figured it out. It means that I in order to respond to
I need to make some personal comments. So, with apologies to the list

Dyna was not reelected to the board because she is an unpleasant
person. She is almost exclusively negative in her tone and comments, at
times hostile and seems to take pleasure in that hostility.

It has nothing to do with her politics, identity or so on. In the
simplest terms, people are, at the very least, uncomfortable around her
and often people feel threatened around her.

As someone who has often been the leader of meetings with Dyna in them
she is extremely disruptive, makes deliberately hostile and
confrontative remarks and plays an excessive role in creating an
unproductive and hostile environment. It often becomes a struggle to
separate her behavior from the candidate or issue she may be advocating
for (or against).

Difference of opinion does not nessecitate hostility. I have often been
supporting different candidates than my other political friends. I am
not even suggesting that you have to agree to disagree, However, when
someone is consistenly hostile and disruptive the issue is no longer
opinion but rather the right of other members of the organization to
work in a safe and respectful environment.

There is a broader question here of how do you deal with disruptive
people? The challange is in trying to balance everyone's right to
participate. Sometimes there are people who simply do not play well
with others and cannot be a member of a group.
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Re: [Mpls] Statewide Smoking Ban

2005-03-03 Thread Michael Thompson
People like Mr. Strand have always had the choice to patronize clubs and
restaurants that did not allow smoking. People like Mr. Strand and the city
council just felt it necessary to have a law passed increasing the number of
choices available. In doing so, the ban actually removes choice. Apparently
a sizeable portion of the populice is unable to decide to stay out of places
that are not healthy for them and need a law to dictate their choices for
them. Thanks, freedom fighters. Like I've said beforeI don't like rap
music, so I stay out of places that play it. If you don't like smoke, why
on earth can't you just stay out of smoky bars? What is so tough about it?

I trust people like Mr. Strand will now be patronizing the local VFWs and
American Legions and Cardinal Bars and Adrians that you didn't go into lest
you have a three-day recovery time. See you there, right?

Life ain't fair, sir, and your respiratory allergies should not deny a
business owner the right to run a business the way he or she sees fit
concerning a legal product that the state makes a lot of money on.
Apparently business owners have to now cater to your allergies so you can
feel more socially free.

This city is screwed up.

Mike Thompson

- Original Message - 
From: David Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Statewide Smoking Ban

 Hmmm... this issue is not likely to go away as
 yesterday Rhode Island became the seventh state to
 pass a comprehensive statewide ban more similiar to
 the strict version still alive in the Minnesota State

 I for one will be visiting nightclubs, bars and
 restaurants in Minneapolis and Hennepin County far
 more frequently following the ban than I did
 previously precisely because they will know be
 accessible to me since I have become able to be in
 smoky environments without becoming seriously ill(due
 to respiratory allergies).

 I love to go out clubbing and out to eat but it's not
 worth a three day recovery time involving lots of
 antihistamines, inhalers, and missed work which is
 what it has come to for me personally.

 I will feel far more socially free in Minneapolis and
 Hennepin with the coming ban and look forward to it
 with anticipation.

 David Strand
 --- Michael Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks be to G-d above that this silly legislation
  went exactly where it
  should, in the proverbial ashcan (pun intended).
  Maybe the Minneapolis city council will realize that
  their efforts to
  protect workers really put them out of step with
  rationality. On second
  thought, I doubt it.

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Re: [Mpls] Why some people are excluded

2005-03-03 Thread List manager
Hi folkslet's take the whole Dyna/Megan/Stonewall feud off-list. 
It's obviously personal   hint: if you address your post to a person, 
you should send it to them and not us  and while sometimes these 
things do matter in politics, things quickly devolve, so it must be 

Warnings and expulsions will be given if you blow through this warning.
David Brauer
List manager

If you have a beef with Megan, work it out with her. If you have beef
with me, send me flame e-mails and I'll flame back. If you have a beef
with anyone else, do what you are going to dobut for God's sake,
leave the name of Stonewall DFL OUT OF IT. The issues you are bringing
forward have nothing to do with Minneapolis politics and have no
business on the Minneapolis Issues Forum.
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Re: [Mpls] Statewide Smoking Ban

2005-03-03 Thread List manager
Hi folks - looks like a busy list-manager day.
There is a VERY narrow basis to discuss the state smoking ban  limited 
to how it affects Mpls.

However, we've held the underlying debate on the general 
merits/demerits of the ban concept, so let's rest on our laurels until 
there's local news, or until March 31.

Did I mention warnings? I'd rather not give them out, so please desist.
David Brauer
List manager

People like Mr. Strand have always had the choice to patronize clubs 
restaurants that did not allow smoking. People like Mr. Strand and the 
council just felt it necessary to have a law passed increasing the 
number of
choices available. In doing so, the ban actually removes choice. 
a sizeable portion of the populice is unable to decide to stay out of 
that are not healthy for them and need a law to dictate their choices 
them. Thanks, freedom fighters. Like I've said beforeI don't like 
music, so I stay out of places that play it. If you don't like 
smoke, why
on earth can't you just stay out of smoky bars? What is so tough about 
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[Mpls] STORMWATERGATE- great name!

2005-03-03 Thread gemgram
Thanks to Jeff Strand, I appreciate your kind words.  The post was intended 
to do what it did.  Get attention! Stormwatergate is cute, thanks to David 
Brauer for that. Isn't it wonderful what humor can achieve!  Well I seem to 
have someone's attention, unfortunately no answer from the Leaders.

I believe the real point of the post has been missed.  I am sure the Mayor 
and Council lead the effort to separately charge for Storm Water, that was 
not a bad idea.  BUT, and it is a big butt, we are talking about the 
overcharging of poor homeowners for storm water.  Would someone please 
address that?

Last evening I reviewed several such letters and bills, and everyone of them 
from my neighborhood was overcharged by almost 300%.   Possibly 50% of the 
homeowners in my neighborhood may have been overcharged to support those 
from neighborhoods where half the yard is paved with driveways and three car 
garages.  This overcharge was due to the bill being charged on a statistical 
model that did not take into consideration non-paved driveways, lack of 
garages and out buildings, and small footprints of two story duplexes that 
prevail in poor neighborhoods.

My alarmist post was to get attention and prevent the clear injustice of the 
situation. Leadership requires just that; Taking the Lead.  So I would 
expect that in this election year we might expect Leaders to immediately 
correct the situation.  It should not be up to poor people to Prove they 
do not owe that amount; if they are even aware that they are being 
overcharged.  In that bill and notice there should have been included a 
notice that the bill was based on statistical information and NOT actual 
measurement.   As such the owner should be advised to carefully review it, 
and call if the measurement was faulty.  After such a call taking exception, 
it should be up to the City to measure and prove, not the poor homeowner.

Hopefully, the water department will contact all people in poorer 
neighborhoods and give such a warning.  Perhaps leadership will help them 
make this correction. Also hopefully, responsible neighborhood newspapers 
like David's, will report this issue and warn their readers about these 
overcharging.  In that way they might even have an awareness it is happening 
to them.

I have to apologize to that civil servant I referred to in my last post.  I 
am sure he was simply reacting that way out of frustration from many people 
calling and madly complaining to him about a policy that he had no hand in 
creating.  I, like many people, sometimes forget that our employees do not 
make policy and can not take leadership themselves in fixing the problem. 
We supposedly have elected leaders for that purpose. Any elected leaders 
care to respond?

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village
Crickets, if you can be patient in one moment of anger, you may avoid a 
hundred days of sorrow. In swallowing of one ounce of pride, we may allow 
the creation of several pounds of happiness.  
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Re: [Mpls] Statewide Smoking Ban

2005-03-03 Thread Tom Madden
I too will be out much more now.

I must admit, I do not understand the thinking that smokers will no longer
go out because they can't smoke.  I don't believe that will be the case.
Will they just stay home instead?  Doubtful. Most smokers I know don't smoke
in their own houses anyway.  They go outside their own house to do that.

And as for them going to another county (as this is Hennepin - not just
Mpls), perhaps that could occur around the borders, but not likely
elsewhere.  I prefer to walk to my local watering holes rather than drive.
I suspect there a large number of smokers who feel the same.

While I still philosophically haven't come to a decision whether I think it
is right for government to go down this road, at least I'll be able to
debate it with my friends without coughing.

Tom Madden
Lowry Hill

On 3/3/05 1:29 AM, David Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmmm... this issue is not likely to go away as
 yesterday Rhode Island became the seventh state to
 pass a comprehensive statewide ban more similiar to
 the strict version still alive in the Minnesota State
 I for one will be visiting nightclubs, bars and
 restaurants in Minneapolis and Hennepin County far
 more frequently following the ban than I did
 previously precisely because they will know be
 accessible to me since I have become able to be in
 smoky environments without becoming seriously ill(due
 to respiratory allergies).
 I love to go out clubbing and out to eat but it's not
 worth a three day recovery time involving lots of
 antihistamines, inhalers, and missed work which is
 what it has come to for me personally.
 I will feel far more socially free in Minneapolis and
 Hennepin with the coming ban and look forward to it
 with anticipation.
 David Strand
 --- Michael Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks be to G-d above that this silly legislation
 went exactly where it
 should, in the proverbial ashcan (pun intended).
 Maybe the Minneapolis city council will realize that
 their efforts to
 protect workers really put them out of step with
 rationality. On second
 thought, I doubt it.
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RE: [Mpls] Automobile Insurance Reform

2005-03-03 Thread Leurquin, Ronald
Bill makes some good points for discussion and action.  Years ago I lived in 
Milwaukee and my rates were higher in my area mostly because of car theft, not 
accidents.  My rates were determined by my zip code.  Some of the insurance 
companies were offering coupons for a discount on the 'club' device, and my 
neighborhood group was actually offering them for a very low price to help 
alleviate the theft problem.  I still have mine, but admit I do not use it any 
more since I have a locked garage.
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East

Bill wrote:
There has been some discussion of this list regarding pay-at-the-pump  
automobile insurance reform. Two bills that would otherwise significantly 
Minnesota automobile insurance law were defeated in the Senate Commerce  
Committee today. I bring this to the Minneapolis forum because I know from my  
work that Minnesota is a high price auto insurance state and Minneapolis  is 
the highest priced territory in the state. To again keep this local, we need  
to discuss ways to reduceMinneapolis premiums such as, discouraging  speeding 
and red light running, encouraging police investigations of hit and run  
vehicle damage accidents, encouraging folks to secure their cars with The 
or other such locking devices or taking the time to park the car in the garage, 
 etc. Here is the Star Tribune link to the defeated insurance bills story: 
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[Mpls] a modest proposal

2005-03-03 Thread Ed Felien
Life ain't fair, sir, and your respiratory allergies should not deny a
business owner the right to run a business the way he or she sees fit
concerning a legal product that the state makes a lot of money on.
Apparently business owners have to now cater to your allergies so you can
feel more socially free.

This city is screwed up.

Mike Thompson, Windom

Mr. Thompson is right.  Enough of this whining.  But he doesn't go far
enough.  Public Health Departments are the Gestapo of government.  They can
close down restaurants for what they call unsanitary conditions.  They
insist on an exhaust fan over a stove, then they insist on a make-air system
so a fresh supply of oxygen comes into the restaurant.  Who ever heard of
people dying from lack of oxygen?  Let's get government out of the business
of policing public health!

Ed Felien

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Re: [Mpls] Inclusivity at the caucus

2005-03-03 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello All,
I was new to 10-5, having been in the 8th ward for most of my years of 
political involvement.  We had about three people new to the whole process, and 
one brought forth a resolution regarding Head Start.  It only took a few 
minutes to bring them up to speed regarding the process and what delegates do, 
and they were happy to become such and look forward to the next phase.
We met over at Jefferson on 26th.  As seems to be the norm thus far, we had 
more delegate slots than people to fill them.  We have five open slots left and 
no alternates at all.  I believe three of the delegate seats were filled by 
proxy.  We all were quite friendly and civil to each other, and we all seemed 
such at ease with each other that had some insensitive remark had been made, 
any number of us would have spoke up.  Especially yours truly.  We all hope, 
however, that the next time we meet we do not have to walk up three flights of 
steps to our assigned meeting space, as we were all a bit out of breath at the 
It was interesting meeting people and hearing the candidates speak.  Most 
people seemed to have an idea which candidate they were planning to support 
already.  We had no visits in our group, though candidate Scott Persons was 
there.  He is a member of our precinct.
We were done about 8:15 p.m. and I was able to get home to watch the second 
half of my favorite show The Amazing Race. 
Have a great day!
Pamela Taylor
Lyndale Neighborhood 

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[Mpls] Caucusing in the Second Ward

2005-03-03 Thread Erik Riese
After reading from Earl about the south side of Senate District 62 I 
was disappointed to realize that a Mayoral race is not enough to fire 
up all DFL activists. Or, maybe some parts of the city need more 
organizing. Perhaps a good council race is the missing factor. (Are 
folks in the 12th Ward completely happy with Sandy Colvin Roy?)

The Second Ward had all its precinct caucuses at Anne Sullivan 
Communication Center  a K-8 Minneapolis Public School. My estimate of 
turnout  based on a plenary session where we heard from candidates  
is about 700 folks (for 11 precincts). I would guess that 85% of these 
folks were caucus attendees with the remaining 15% from campaigns, 
observers and candidates.

Precinct 2-1, where I live, had over 70 in attendance. Our initial 
canvas revealed 47 or 48 folks wanting to be delegates. We had 43 
allocated. Some of these folks agreed to stand as alternates and we 
were able to get a slate elected by acclamation. We had seven letters 
from absent neighbors asking for delegate positions. We put them at the 
top of our alternate list.

We took up two resolutions:
1) To remove police authority from the Park Board and combine it with 
the Minneapolis Police Department. This failed.
2) To oppose the Strib's proposal for a city manager system and reduced 
number of Wards. This failed (on a tie vote.)

A wide range of ages and ideologies were represented although I did not 
see any of my republican friends. (Oh! it was a DFL caucus, no wonder 
they weren't there.) Many first time attendees were welcomed, spoke and 
were elected delagates. The grizzled old veterans seemed to run the 

The Mayor's race did not come up in our discussions which surprised me 
a little. I expected there to be more talk about it. It was clear that 
having three strong candidates for Council is a factor in turnout.

I worked the crowd for my Park Board Candidate, Scott Vreeland, who is 
running for the 3rd District seat currently held by Marie Hauser, a 
candidate for 8th Ward Council.

I'm so glad we held city caucuses. I hope even more folks will 
participate in the future. Local issues are most important, vital and 
useful to people's lives. Talking about them face to face with 
neighbors who care is really invigorating.

BTW It turns out that both the Deputy Mayor and Deputy Police Chief 
live in my new Precinct.
Last year it was really hard to see who was there when our 250+ caucus 
met in a classroom designed for 30.

In cooperation,
Erik Riese
Seward US@:
A great place to live, work, learn, create and play.
(612) 724-3217


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[Mpls] Teens take on military recruiters

2005-03-03 Thread Pulse of the Twin Cities
*High school students win right to counter-recruitment table
*/by *Farheen Hakeem*/
*School was letting out on a cold but sunny afternoon last Wednesday at 
Kennedy High School in Bloomington, and lingering around the exit doors 
were dozens of teenagers laughing, shouting and throwing snowballs.* It 
did not seem like a center of controversy, until a group of reporters 
marched into the school, followed by the curious students. They headed 
toward the cafeteria, where a group of students were fighting for their 
freedom of speecha fight they won after receiving support from across 
the country.
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[Mpls] Automobile Insurance Reform

2005-03-03 Thread rpgoldman

WLDJ To again keep this local, we need to
WLDJ discuss ways to reduce Minneapolis premiums such as,
WLDJ discouraging speeding and red light running, encouraging
WLDJ police investigations of hit and run vehicle damage
WLDJ accidents, encouraging folks to secure their cars with The
WLDJ Club or other such locking devices or taking the time to
WLDJ park the car in the garage,

Are you sure that our premiums are high because of auto damage (the
locking devices and garaging points above)?  I ask because of the
almost nil effect on my premiums when I was looking into dropping
comprehensive and collision.  Seems like liability (and perhaps
covering my personal medical expenses) are where the $$ go.  So theft
may be a red herring in this issue.  Anyone know for sure?


Robert P. Goldman
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Re: [Mpls] Automobile Insurance Reform

2005-03-03 Thread WLDJ36
Liability expenses are a part of the picture but liability reform is  
apparently stalled at the legislature.
Bill Dooley
Kenny - Ward 13
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[Mpls] CUE No Longer Behind the Eight-Ball

2005-03-03 Thread Craig Cox
CUE No Longer Behind the Eight-Ball
(March 3) The venerable Committee on the Urban Environment (CUE), 
which last June faced extinction at the hands of the City Council, 
will live to bloom again.

Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer
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Re: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit

2005-03-03 Thread Michael Jensvold
I was pleased to see that the latest PRT article ran
right next to the obituaries.

PRT is an example of extraordinary popular delusion,
and its proponents are either mad or clever; ready to
cash in on the gullibility of others.

Mike Jensvold 
Ward 10

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Although I do not like PRT for both social and
 aesthetic reasons, the Star  
 Tribune has a story about three companies working on
 PRT for Minnesota. CM  
 Zimmerman's vision for Minneapolis is mentioned.
 Here is the link: 


 Bill Dooley
 Kenny - Ward 13
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[Mpls] Automobile Insurance Reform

2005-03-03 Thread Steve Cross
If you want to read about REAL insurance reform, try this site:
It's actually an off-shoot of NOW -- coming from the insurance 
preference women get because they have less accidents.  The site's basic 
premise is that all insurance rates should be based on how much you 
drive and not who you are or where you live.  (As, for example, by being 
charged a higher rate because you live in a bad area of Minneapolis.)

Steve Cross
Prospect Park
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RE: [Mpls] Statewide Smoking Ban

2005-03-03 Thread Allen
Strict?  The smoking ban is classic politics.  It has plenty of exceptions
to it to please special interest groups.  For example, want to smoke at the
local VFW?  Go ahead, smoking is legal there.  Apparently it's not an issue

It's unfortunate that smoking affects you the way it does.  I personally
don't go clubbing because I'd like to avoid having hearing aids before the
age of 40.  When are we going to limit the decibels at these clubs?  Surely
that is just as much of a health risk as smoking?  Or do things that mame
but don't kill not matter?  I can't wait for the day when I can go to most
bars without losing my voice and having my ears left ringing for days.

Allen Graetz
Lowry Hill

-Original Message-
Of David Strand
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:30 AM
To: Michael Thompson; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Statewide Smoking Ban

Hmmm... this issue is not likely to go away as
yesterday Rhode Island became the seventh state to
pass a comprehensive statewide ban more similiar to
the strict version still alive in the Minnesota State

I for one will be visiting nightclubs, bars and
restaurants in Minneapolis and Hennepin County far
more frequently following the ban than I did
previously precisely because they will know be
accessible to me since I have become able to be in
smoky environments without becoming seriously ill(due
to respiratory allergies).

I love to go out clubbing and out to eat but it's not
worth a three day recovery time involving lots of
antihistamines, inhalers, and missed work which is
what it has come to for me personally.

I will feel far more socially free in Minneapolis and
Hennepin with the coming ban and look forward to it
with anticipation.

David Strand
--- Michael Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks be to G-d above that this silly legislation
 went exactly where it
 should, in the proverbial ashcan (pun intended).
 Maybe the Minneapolis city council will realize that
 their efforts to
 protect workers really put them out of step with
 rationality. On second
 thought, I doubt it.

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RE: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit

2005-03-03 Thread Michael Atherton

Michael Jensvold wrote:

  I was pleased to see that the latest PRT article ran
  right next to the obituaries.
  PRT is an example of extraordinary popular delusion,
  and its proponents are either mad or clever; ready to
  cash in on the gullibility of others.

I strongly agree.  This is an outrageously stupid idea 
combining the worst features of both automobiles and 
rapid-transit. It might, however, work as an unpopular 
ride for Disneyland. In fact, I think they already have
something similar (no waiting lines).

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] Central Neighborhood Info

2005-03-03 Thread Pamela Taylor
Just curious as to what the Central Neighborhood and CNIA are doing these days. 
 I know Art Erickson is the board chair, but can anyone else give me a clue as 
to what else is going on?  I am going to be doing some things with agencies in 
that neighborhood, so it would be nice to know a little something.
Pamela Taylor
(Formerly Central, now Lyndale)

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[Mpls] First Thursdays in NE MPLS

2005-03-03 Thread Tom Taylor
The first Thursday of every month many studios and galleries in NE MPLS are
open into the evening till 9:pm for you to peruse and get an eyeful and
hopefully find something beautiful and meaningful to take home.

NE ceramist Laura Drabant has started to be carried at a new shop on 13th
AVE, Hemingway Ceramics (339 13th Ave NE ~  I
have collected several of Laura's works and am especially fond of her pieces
that are ceramic food objects that you can hold in your hand and turn over
and feel and sometimes hear.  You can see some of Laura's work and read more
about her at

Hemingway Ceramics is located right next door to the Modern Cafe and
conveniently located right down the block from two great galleries, Rogue
Buddha ( and Artrujillo Gallery

Make a evening of it, go see some art, have dinner go see some more art and
end up at the newly poshed up and reopened 331 bar at 13th and University
AVE,  and have something to talk about on Friday.

You can find out more about 1st Thursdays and other art type things
happening in lovely lower NE MPLS at

Tom Taylor

Raise less corn and more hell.
Mary Elizabeth Lease

-Original Message-

Hello friends-
Just a short reminder that today is first Thursday! Come to the Arts
District 5-9pm tonight to see all of your favorite Northeast artists.

I'm pleased to announce that my work is going to be regularly carried by a
new NE favorite-Hemingway Ceramics. Its a beautiful new home for fine
ceramics, glass and jewelry. See us at 339 13th Ave NE. (Next to the

or for EVEN MORE information on the District:

Have a great day.

Laura Drabant

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[Mpls] RE: Certain Death

2005-03-03 Thread Jim Bernstein
I assume you are referring to the death penalty.  Though Minneapolis
does not have a death penalty, I suspect that many of the list members
would be screaming in favor of banning it if we did.  

Jim Bernstein
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jennifer L. Rubenzer
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 8:43 PM
To: Gina Palandri;
Subject: RE: [bcc][faked-from][heur] [Mpls] ban the Ban???

I can think of something that results in death 100% of the time - and
there aren't many people on this board screaming for the ban of that.
Choice to so many people in Mpls could be defined as doing what WE
think is right what WE think you should do it.  
-Jennifer Rubenzer
The less oppressive Plymouth


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Re: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit

2005-03-03 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher

 Michael Jensvold wrote:
   I was pleased to see that the latest PRT article ran
   right next to the obituaries.

 I strongly agree.  This is an outrageously stupid idea
 combining the worst features of both automobiles and
 Michael Atherton writes:

Well, I  LIKE  the idea and the perfect place would be to run it from Uptown
to Downtown along Hennepin across the river to Main. Ideal for eliminating
some of the traffic on Henn., ideal for tourists, ideal for sight-seeing,
ideal for just moving people without traffic jams, pollution, road rage,
could use their cell phones in private!, could hold meetings in the sky,
have lunch in Uptown and be back Downtown without stress or a sweaty vest.
Conventioneers staying downtown could frequent the bars in Uptown and stay
off the road in between, courier might even give new slant to
Michael's story of the Jag. I  see it brimed with all sorts of could be so popular it might pay for itself. {Park Board
might want to get involved :+}!

Dorie Rae Gallagher

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[Mpls] Bus Strike

2005-03-03 Thread MD
March 4, 2004 - April 18, 2004

Anybody else thinking about it?   

Those were dark and difficult days.

With the exception of a running LRT... has anything really changed
for the better for Minneapolis commuters?

Madeline Douglass

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Re: [Mpls] Central Neighborhood Info

2005-03-03 Thread WizardMarks
Pamela Taylor wrote:
Just curious as to what the Central Neighborhood and CNIA are doing these days.  I know Art Erickson is the board chair, but can anyone else give me a clue as to what else is going on?  I am going to be doing some things with agencies in that neighborhood, so it would be nice to know a little something.

My understanding, from about two months ago, is that CPED's Citizen 
Participation Department (Bob Cooper, is removing CNIA as the 
neighborhood's representative organization. CNIA has lost the right to 
represent the neighborhood because it cannot repay NRP for some funds 
which were either not used or not accounted for correctly.
A new organization called CANDO, a spin off from Weed  Seed, will 
request/has requested that it be considered the citizen participation 
organization for Central. It either has already or is in the process of 
acquiring 501c3 status.
CANDO/WS meets the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30 in the Media 
Rm of Green Central School. The ED is Sheryl Kabat. Board Chair: Mel North.

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] RE: Bus Strike

2005-03-03 Thread Jennifer L. Rubenzer
March 4, 2004 - April 18, 2004

I loved it!  I had a listing in Linden Hills right on W 44th that showed
much better without those noisy buses going by every 10 minutes!

Every dark cloud has a silver lining! : )

-Jennifer Rubenzer
Positive in Plymouth 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of MD
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 7:53 PM
To: mpls mn forum
Subject: [Mpls] Bus Strike

Anybody else thinking about it?   

Those were dark and difficult days.

With the exception of a running LRT... has anything really changed
for the better for Minneapolis commuters?

Madeline Douglass

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[Mpls] Elm Tree Care and Rain Garden workshops

2005-03-03 Thread Jason C Stone

Some great workshop opportunities below. 

Jason Stone
Diamond Lake

--- Alliance for Sustainability [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Alliance for Sustainability [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Alliance for Sustainability [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  Free Elm Tree Care Workshops March 29  30, April 2  4, CUE 
 Raingardening Workshops-
 free native plants!
 Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 17:12:34 -0600
 To: Neighborhood Sustainability Conference list members,
 With the mild winter, experts predict a second high year for Elm Tree loss in 
 the Twin Cities. 
 Neighborhood and volunteers can do many things to protect the majestic elms 
 on their blocks. 
 Please publicize these four FREE Elm Tree Care workshops, March 29  30 and 
 April 2  4 through
 your neighborhood newsletters, email lists and meetings. Also please let 
 people know about the
 free FREE Workshops on Rain Gardens with Native Plants sponsored by CUE. 
 Sean Gosiewski, Alliance for Sustainability, 612-331-1099 x 1 [EMAIL 
 Free Elm Tree Care Workshops for Neighborhoods and Block Clubs March 29, 30, 
 and April 2, 2005
 Sponsored by the Minneapolis Tree Advisory Commission, Alliance for 
 Sustainability and Tree
 Details at and 
 Elm Tree Care Workshops
 Free Workshops for Twin Cities community volunteers who want to work for a 
 healthy urban forest
 on their block and in their neighborhood, with a focus on preventing the 
 spread of Dutch elm
 Tuesday March 29th 7pm to 9pm
 Burroughs Elementary Auditorium
 1601 West 50th Street Minneapolis, MN 55419
 Wednesday March 30th 7pm to 9pm - 
 Logan Park Gym
 690-13th Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55413
 Saturday, April 2nd 10am to Noon   - 
 Minnehaha Academy, North Campus, Campus Room
 3100 West River Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55406 (2 blocks south of Lake Street.)
 Monday April 4, 2005, 6pm, St. Paul Student Center 2017 Buford Ave, St. Paul 
 Campus MN 55105
 Dutch Elm Disease  How to Handle One of Histories Worst Tree Epidemics 
 U of MN Urban Forestry Club.  Registration and information online at:
 - Neighborhoods that want to protect elms for this season must start 
 injecting trees by early
 - Our urban forests provide multiple benefits for neighborhoods including: 
 increasing property
 values, reducing energy costs, reducing storm water run off, providing 
 habitat, strengthening
 business districts
 What you will learn at the free workshops: 
 Tree Care professionals, city foresters and volunteers from neighborhoods 
 that have organized
 successful elm tree protection campaigns will inform you about how to:
 -  Do an inventory of elms in  your neighborhood or on your block
 -  Raise money through creative fundraisers to inoculate trees
 -  Work with licensed tree professionals, certified arborists or 
 trained community
 volunteers to inoculate healthy elms to protect them from Dutch Elm Disease, 
 -  Set up a system for keeping the trees protected in future years,
 -  Plant, water and mulch new trees.
 Detailed Workshop Agenda
 -  The benefits of trees in your neighborhood, and simple things you 
 can do to care for
 trees: proper trimming, removing elm logs from wood piles, watering  
 mulching young trees.
 Minneapolis Tree Advisory Commission, and Minneapolis Park and Recreation 
 Board forester
 -  What is Dutch elm disease, how it spreads, how to identify elm 
 trees and  symptoms of
 Dutch elm disease. Key elements of a city wide prevention effort Certified 
 Arborist from a local
 tree care company
 -  How to do an inventory of elm trees on your block or in your 
 neighborhood. Experts to
 call to help with your elm inventory: licensed tree professionals, certified 
 arborists,  Tree
 Care Advisors, graduate students. How to use PDA's to input tree data and 
 download the data into
 a data base. How to prioritize which trees to protect this year.  Janette 
 Monear and Gail Nozal,
 Tree Trust, 
 -  How to raise and distribute money to protect your elms. Examples 
 from other
 successful neighborhood campaigns.  Working with block captains.  Creating a 
 block club matching
 grant program. Sample article for your neighborhood paper. Sample 
 informational flyers.  Sean
 Gosiewski, Alliance for Sustainability
 -  How to protect your neighborhood elms and do follow up.  The 
 importance of removing
 diseased elms and wood piles quickly. Why protecting many elms at once saves 
 money and time.
 Boulevard trees and park trees require a permit from the park board prior to 
 injection. How to
 hire a qualified arborist to do the injections. How to train neighborhood 
 volunteers to properly
 inoculate trees on private property using a macro infusion kit. Setting up a 

Re: [Mpls] RE: Bus Strike

2005-03-03 Thread Michael Thompson
Making $20 an hour to drive a bus (a bus!!), and they wanted more from the
public teat? No wonder we're going broke.

Perhaps during their time off they could have taken a lesson or two in what
a red light is.

They should thank the citizens for having a job and drive on.

Mike Thompson

- Original Message - 
From: Jennifer L. Rubenzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: MD [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mpls mn forum
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:17 PM
Subject: [Mpls] RE: Bus Strike

 March 4, 2004 - April 18, 2004

 I loved it!  I had a listing in Linden Hills right on W 44th that showed
 much better without those noisy buses going by every 10 minutes!

 Every dark cloud has a silver lining! : )

 -Jennifer Rubenzer
 Positive in Plymouth

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of MD
 Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 7:53 PM
 To: mpls mn forum
 Subject: [Mpls] Bus Strike

 Anybody else thinking about it?

 Those were dark and difficult days.

 With the exception of a running LRT... has anything really changed
 for the better for Minneapolis commuters?

 Madeline Douglass

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Re: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit

2005-03-03 Thread Michael Thompson
PRT in Minneapolis is, hands down, the most ridiculous, pie-in-in-the-sky,
wishful thinking, throwing money down the tubes idea I have ever, ever heard
of. A meeting in the sky? Please? I know what kind of meetings there will
be, and they won't involve guys in suits and ties. I'm sure there won't be
any vandalism, nobody will get run over (remember, LRT has killed more in
Minneapolis than concealed carry has), no auto versus pod collisions, no
drug deals, no PRT Club liaisons (with associated messes for the next
rider to sit in) and on and on and on...

Please, all we need is another wacky idea to clog up traffic, and this will.
A model or pro-PRT video can show us anything. The best minds from the USDOT
can't fix the signals on Hiawatha, and we want to run little pods down
Hennepin so people don't sweat in their vest?

Mike Thompson

- Original Message - 
From: Dorie Rae Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mpls mn forum
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit

  Michael Jensvold wrote:
I was pleased to see that the latest PRT article ran
right next to the obituaries.

  I strongly agree.  This is an outrageously stupid idea
  combining the worst features of both automobiles and
  Michael Atherton writes:

 Well, I  LIKE  the idea and the perfect place would be to run it from
 to Downtown along Hennepin across the river to Main. Ideal for eliminating
 some of the traffic on Henn., ideal for tourists, ideal for sight-seeing,
 ideal for just moving people without traffic jams, pollution, road rage,
 could use their cell phones in private!, could hold meetings in the sky,
 have lunch in Uptown and be back Downtown without stress or a sweaty vest.
 Conventioneers staying downtown could frequent the bars in Uptown and stay
 off the road in between, courier might even give new slant to
 Michael's story of the Jag. I  see it brimed with all sorts of could be so popular it might pay for itself. {Park
 might want to get involved :+}!

 Dorie Rae Gallagher

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[Mpls] Bus Strike

2005-03-03 Thread Nathan Hunstad
Making $20 an hour to drive a bus (a bus!!), and they wanted more from the
public teat? No wonder we're going broke.
I ride the bus every day to work.  I also ride it to get downtown when going to 
bars or restaurants, I take the LRT to the could say I use transit 
more than the average person here.  I see bus drivers have to deal with 
motorists who refuse to obey state law and yield to the bus, I see motorists 
try to run buses off the road when they are on the shoulder on the freeway, I 
see drivers deal with short fares, belligerent riders, and drunk riders.  This 
morning on my bus ride to work a police officer had to be called to deal with a 
problem rider.  Drivers spend several hours a day driving buses over 
pothole-filled streets, shaking and getting jolted in their seats.  While they 
are trying to maneuver 20 tons of metal and get 50 riders to their destinations 
safely, they are getting flipped off, yelled at, sworn at, even called racists 
pigs because they won't let a rider on for free.  No, I don't think they are 
overpaid in any way.  I wouldn't have that job no matter how much it paid.  I 
certainly wouldn't start out as a part-time driver for far less than $20 an 
hour, which is how drivers start.

Nathan Hunstad
Minneapolis, MN
PGP DH/DSS public key --

Do you Gonzo?! 
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[Mpls] This Week In Park Board History

2005-03-03 Thread Chris Johnson
It was 3 years ago on March 6, 2002 that angry citizens expressed their 
outrage in person at the regular Park Board meeting over the Board's proposal 
to put Dairy Queen franchises in the Lake Harriet and Lake Calhoun 
refectories.  Thanks to the overwhelming opposition by the public, when the 
approval item was brought forward, it failed due to lack of a motion.

Two weeks later, the Park Board approved a management contract for these 
refectories with Steve Gillen -- who was an operator of a Dairy Queen.

This was also the same meeting where commissioner Rochelle Berry Graves 
attempted to get the board to investigate the employee theft that was 
occurring at the Lake Harriet refectory which resulted in its first operating 
loss in years.  Initially, other commissioners and staff appeared ignorant of 
any such activity.

Finally, after continued questioning by Berry Graves, Assistant Superintendent 
commented that he believed there was an investigation being conducted by Park 
Police.  He believed they were talking to concession employees.  At that 
point, other staff and commissioners began admitting they had a clue about 
what was going on.  President Bob Fine stated that Superintendent [Mary] 
Merrill Anderson has informed him that she has asked the head of the Park 
Police to conduct an investigation.  Fine informed the Board that there was 
an investigation underway at this time.

Commissioner Marie Hauser then suggested this matter be referred to President 
Fine and Superintendent Merrill Anderson to look at this issue and bring it 
back to the Board if it is not resolved.

President Bob Fine stated he would follow up with the Superintendent on the 

No employee was ever charged with theft or embezzlement, according to news 
reports.  Neither Bob Fine nor Mary Merrill Anderson ever brought anything 
back to the board, as far as can be discerned from Park Board meeting minutes.

However, in 2004, Bob Fine stated to Steve Nelson that the cause of the losses 
at the Lake Harriet refectory were a result of employee theft.  If Bob Fine 
was so certain of that situation, why did he never bring it back to the board? 
 Why didn't Mary Merrill Anderson bring it to the board?  Why was the 
employee not charged with a crime?

Chris Johnson
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RE: [Mpls] Automobile Insurance Reform

2005-03-03 Thread Jim Bernstein
I will rarely - very rarely - defend the insurance industry but basing
auto insurance premiums strictly on miles driven is ultimately
unworkable, unrealistic and will likely lead to even higher premiums.
Any viable insurance system must have a means for assessing and
predicting risk in order to correctly calculate premium.  While there is
a weak correlation of miles driven to accidents (yes, assuming all other
factors are similar if you drive 50,000 miles a year you are slightly
more likely to have an accident if you drive 500 miles a year but not
dramatically so) but it should not be the sole factor in rating.

Minneapolis residents pay higher premiums in auto insurance because the
industry is still able to use credit scores as a basis for rating.
While credit scores are not deliberately designed to discriminate by
race and income, they in fact are discriminatory.  Most auto insurers
use credit scores as a primary component of their auto insurance rating
formula.  Higher scores mean lower rates.  Lower scores mean higher

Because the credit score is weighted towards access and use of certain
kinds of credit more than others, minorities and lower income people who
tend to use credit less or to use credit differently or not at all are
more likely to be have lower credit scores. Minneapolis does have a
higher percentage of minorities living within its borders than most
suburbs.  It also has more people who are identified as low income than
most of the suburbs.  

What is grossly unfair is discrimination between zip code or census
tract in metropolitan areas.  There is no difference between a resident
of Minneapolis or a resident of Hopkins or a resident or Burnsville or a
resident of Maple Grove with regard to driving in an urban area. Many
Minneapolitans commute to work in the suburbs or visit them routinely
for retail or recreation just as many suburbanites got to Minneapolis
for work or retail or recreation. Yet some companies will tag a resident
of Minneapolis with additional premium because it is a higher risk
driving environment than a suburbanite - even though the suburbanite
uses mostly the same roads as a Minneapolis resident under the same
driving conditions with the same frequency!

Jim Bernstein

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Steve Cross
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 3:03 PM
To: Minneapolis Issues
Subject: [Mpls] Automobile Insurance Reform

If you want to read about REAL insurance reform, try this site:

It's actually an off-shoot of NOW -- coming from the insurance 
preference women get because they have less accidents.  The site's basic

premise is that all insurance rates should be based on how much you 
drive and not who you are or where you live.  (As, for example, by being

charged a higher rate because you live in a bad area of Minneapolis.)

Steve Cross
Prospect Park
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[mpls] Park Board Highlights 3-2-05 Part 1

2005-03-03 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Planning Committee Convened at 5:00 pm
4.1 Bridal Veil Falls Bridge Reconstruction
The board had a presentation from Tim Brown (MPRB staff) Kelly 
Moriarity (MPLS Public Works Dept) and Greg Brown (contracted civil 
engineer to MPLS)

The Board was presented with a variety of options ( 8 or 9) to replace 
the bridge and at the same time improve visibility of the falls, 
traffic flow, pedestrian and bike trails etc... some plans included 
rerouting traffic through the neighborhoods, others involved traffic 
circles and the approved plan calls for the road to be shifted to allow 
for a bigger bike, walking trail.  By choosing this plan, which 
addresses the bridge over the falls and the widened trails, there is 
still the possibility for a scenic overlook and traffic circle to be 
added at some future date if funds become available ( Bridal Veil Falls 
is just north of the Franklin AV Bridge over the Mississippi on the 
east side of the river ).  This plan was also chosen by the city and 
the neighborhood participants. Construction should begin in 2006.

Study report items
Bureau of Mines Property
Judd Rietkerk, director of Planning for the MPRB gave a presentation 
about the 27 acre property located just south of Minnehaha Park on the 
Mississippi that on it's southeastern corner is not far from the MPRB's 
Neiman Sports Complex.   The site also includes Camp Coldwater Springs 
and 11 buildings in various states of disrepair and possible pollution 
clean up problems.  The property also comes with a host of protective 
covenants (because of the springs and the proximity to Historic For 
Snelling) including height restrictions due to the airport and a light 
recreational factor ( to which no one had a definition).  Keeping all 
of these factors in mind Director Rietkerk gave 3 suggestions to the 
board as possible directions staff could follow.

1) Do Nothing ... watch how the process goes and maybe be offered the 
site after someone else does demolition and clean up
2) Search out partners with the intent of creating a joint venture (DNR 
3) Feasibility Analysis ... cost estimates, reuse schemes, funding 
sources etc

Commissioner Kummer suggested attending the hearings so as to look 
ahead but not to appear as if we came with the checkbook in hand
Commissioner Erwin asks if demolition of the large building is 
necessary (estimated cost to demolish is $500,000)
Director Rietkerk points out that having been vacant in this climate 
for a number of years will probably mean and extensive and expensive 
rehab if the building is kept and that the MPRB is not in need of more 
office space.
Commissioner Erwin would like to pursue a combination of options 2 and 
3 and asks again if the building could be saved and possibly lease out 
to which Director Rietkerk replies the building is in bad shape and any 
rents collected might revert to the federal government.  He points out 
that if the MPRB does nothing they might be asked to take on the 
sight at a lesser cost than the $6 million the MAC had offered in a 
deal that did not go through. There can be advantages to not jumping in 
Commissioner Young brings up a nugget from the past in that at one time 
the MPRB had considered the site for their headquarters, believes in 
reduce, reuse and recycle and wonders about saving the building and 
also prefers the combo 2 and 3 option, perhaps the Historical Society 
or the Native American communities would be possible partners.
Again the costs of rehabilitation vs. demolition are repeated (this 
time by Operations General Manager Mike Schmidt who toured the facility 
in 1998 and said the heating plants alone will be an expensive 
Commissioner Dziedzic mentions having been through the site on a 1998 
tour and asks some questions about the derelict officers quarters at 
Fort Snelling and if the site is polluted, then recommends making No 
Bid on the property.
Commissioner Hauser also prefers the 23 combo and recommends the Urban 
Land Institute or the Brownfields group as possible partners
Commissioner Kummer mentions that the possible fuel containers might be 
addressed with the states petrofund.
Commissioner Berry Graves suggests keeping a judicious eye on the 
Commissioner Olson questions that if the site has all these problems 
shouldn't the buyer get a deal to which Director Rietkerk says for the 
MPRB's purposes it has a negative value and should come with resources.
Commissioner Fine (who was also on the tour) agrees with the 23 
options but states the property is important to the MPRB.

The committee adjourned at 5:57 and the regular meeting was convened 
for open time.

Judy Blasak (sp) of Linden Hills the mother of an 11th grade daughter 
who plays soccer for DeLaSalle  (with younger children coming up 
through the ranks) makes
a plea for the MPRB to approve the plan for the DeLaSalle stadium.  She 
comes as a citizen not an attorney or well connected political figure 

RE: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit

2005-03-03 Thread Allen

This is pure speculation on my part.  I figured the real problem with the
traffic lights on 55 is that they haven't dug up the streets to install
proper traffic sensing equipment so the signals can function according to
cars that are present.  They seem to be on timers at the moment which just
doesn't work for a route that busy with a pesky train thrown into the mix.

Allen Graetz
Lowry Hill

-Original Message-
Of Michael Thompson
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:59 PM
To: Dorie Rae Gallagher; mpls mn forum
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit

Please, all we need is another wacky idea to clog up traffic, and this will.
A model or pro-PRT video can show us anything. The best minds from the USDOT
can't fix the signals on Hiawatha, and we want to run little pods down
Hennepin so people don't sweat in their vest?

Mike Thompson

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Hiawatha Stoplights (was Re: [Mpls] Personal Rapid Transit)

2005-03-03 Thread Dan
 This is pure speculation on my part.  I figured the real problem with the
 traffic lights on 55 is that they haven't dug up the streets to install
 proper traffic sensing equipment so the signals can function according to
 cars that are present.  They seem to be on timers at the moment which just
 doesn't work for a route that busy with a pesky train thrown into the mix.

Whatever the problem is, I pray someone will figure it out, and fix it. When
Hiawatha was rebuilt, it was a very nice route from the airport to downtown,
and just a nice quick path through South Minneapolis. Now, everything about
it is terrible. Trying to cross, or turn onto Hiawatha is a cruel experiment
in human tolerance, and travelling either direction down it depletes brake
pads more than gas. The more they tinker with the lights, the worse it gets.
I've had a deepening suspicion the engineers want travel by car on Hiawatha
to be torturous to try to coerce us onto the train. Before the train opened,
I recall being told that driving down Hiawatha  would be even better,
because if you shadowed the train, you'd never have to stop. Well, such is
not the case. Cars speed limit is 40. Train goes about 50, but then makes
stops, and the latest timing of the stoplights for approaching trains
completely baffles me. being in proximity to a train while driving Hiawatha
virtually guarantees stopping at every intersection.

While we're on the subject, can anyone explain to me the reasoning behind
dropping the speed limit back to 35 for like 2 blocks by the freeway exit at
62 and Hiawatha? Our city council in action? They always resisted raising
the limit on Hiawatha. Looking for more ticket revenue? I remember before
the speed limit was raised to 45 and 40, some brilliant city council member
(reacting to demands to raise the limit) challenged this list to find a
single street in the metro which had pedestrians crossing with a speed limit
over 35. That council member must not get around much (can't remember who it
was). Suburban streets with a design and use similar to Hiawatha typically
have speed limits in the range of 40-55 MPH.

By the way, we already have personal rapid transit. It's called the

Dan McGrath

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