[Mpls] Cub/ LRT

2003-04-02 Thread Matt Mason
In the case of a possible Cub, I suggested putting
parking behind or below the store.  In this case,
you're right, there presently is not the land value to
afford burying the parking.  Having the parking
screened as well as possible from pedestrians was my
point.  However, as was suggested to me off-list, a
smaller co-op/ grocer would be more appropriate for
the neighborhood.  Being located closer to the stop
would be preferable.

However, I take issue with the contention that
apartments could not coexist with a grocery- or any
number of uses- on the ground floor.  I can think of
dozens of examples in other cities of very large
grocery stores forming the base of apartment
buildings.  Once again, screening becomes important-
in this case the delivery trucks need to be screened. 
I would find having a 24 hour grocery downstairs to be
a tremendous convenience, in fact.  

If rail, or any transit (including just busses), is to
be truly effective, Minneapolis needs to incorporate
these sorts of mixes on the same site.  This will be
the best way to expand the tax base, as well.  Land is
scarce, fitting more uses on available land makes the
best use of that land.  In areas where the investment
in rail has already been made, this concentration of
use seems appropriate.  

Some of Minnapolis' most attractive neighborhoods have
these mixed use centers- proper design is key to
making them work.   

Matt Mason

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[Mpls] Hiawatha LRT/ Cub/ Traffic Enforcement

2003-04-01 Thread Matt Mason
I was wondering whether anyone could provide more
information on the proposed Cub store near Hiawatha on
46th St?  Is the company even trying to make it
transit friendly to the impending nearby rail stop?
They could put parking behind/below the store or add
multiple housing units above the store.  This kind of
big-box store is not generally very
pedestrian-friendly, but it could provide an amenity
for new and existing residents using the rail line. 
It should be done in an urban manner which blends in
to the streetscape rather than dominates it (like the
Lunds in Uptown- lots of windows on the street).  Can
the neighbors/ Planning Dept. stop it if it isn't done

In a similar vein, has the City been progressing with
getting new housing/ mixed use development rolling
around other stations (particularly the more "urban"
and undeveloped ones- Lake, Franklin, DT East)?  The
line is only about a year away from opening and any
development would take about that long.  I would think
the city would want as many new residents living
around the stations as possible as soon as possible to
boost ridership.  How about the old shopping center
adjacent to the Lake St. stop?  I would think that
this would be ripe for a medium-to-high density
residential and retail development.  What is holding
this up (admission: the last I saw the site was over
Christmas, maybe something *is* happening)?

Finally, I would like to agree with Mr. Atherton's
idea for raising money by enforcing traffic laws.  As
a pedestrian in Minneapolis, I was constantly nervous
of the drivers' aggresive behavior even in Uptown. 
Similarly aggressive traffic enforcement would create
a culture more respectful to pedestrians...and make a
bit more money for the City- often from suburban (and
otherly urban) users, too.

Matt Mason

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[Mpls] Lynrail

2003-01-12 Thread Matt Mason
Ok, I just wanted to follow up a bit on my previous
post concerning a SW LRT line following Lyndale Ave.
into Downtown:

First, I think Minneapolitans should oppose the route
that goes through Kenwood not on the grounds of
disturbing the peace for an upper-income neighborhood,
but because this route adds little transit amenity for
Minneapolitans.  Kenwood would not provide either a
rich (pardon the unintended pun) source of either trip
generators or ridership, whereas Uptown and Lyndale
Ave. does.  In addition, bike trails should not be
destroyed as they provide both an amenity and a
commuting compliment to other forms of transit.

The article
mentioned that rail would either have to replace
parking or a lane of traffic.  One lane of traffic
could be replaced, providing for One driving lane in
each direction as well as a left-turn lane.  The
parking lane would remain for local businesses (as
would the sidelots and sidestreets).  

Finally, yes, the present state government will make
it difficult to build new rail.  Effort should
concentrate on building healthy mixed-use pedestrian
environments around the new Hiawatha line to ensure
its success.  But Hennepin County is studying the
Southwest line now for future investment.  It would be
encouraging to see them make a transit decision that
really emphasises present urban assets and begins to
build a transit system.  This should not simply be a
commuter line for the suburbs.  No Pawlenty, Mulnau,
and Krinkie will not be likely to be building many new
rail lines soon, but who knows?  Perhaps Pawlenty
could become the proverbial "Nixon in China," breaking
down the partisan stalemate over transit...

Matt Mason

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[Mpls] Lyndale Ave. Light Rail

2003-01-09 Thread Matt Mason
The Southwest Journal Online had an article talking
about a rivlary between Lyndale Ave.-area residents
and Kenwood residents concerning the route of a
possible (with Pawlenty?) Southwest Corridor light
rail line.  The contention is that neither
neighborhood actually wants the line.  This really
confuses me.  

As the article says, the line would stop in Uptown at
Hennepin.  Presumably, the line would stop at Lyndale
near Lake (at the Greenway) and somewhere else along
Lyndale (Franklin, perhaps?).  This seems like an
absolutely IDEAL corridor for light rail.  

I lived along Lyndale during the length of my college
years and observed a high bus ridership in the area. 
I would have loved to have had an express route both
to Downtown and Uptown.  Densities are high in this
area to support the line and stores and restaurants
along  the line could benefit from increased
pedestrian presence and from the increased access of
suburbanites to their businesses the line would
provide.  Businesses would not need to provide as much
parking, relying instead on transit ridership
(avoiding another astounding planning slip-up from the
SWJ concerning the redevelopment of the Embers site on

It seems like there are often complaints about
insufficient transit options in Minneapolis, but
whenever a proposal is made it seems opposition pops
out of the woodwork.  Do these opponents have suburban
envy?  This line seems like a remarkable benefit for
the Wedge and Whittier neighborhoods that could
increase transit use and provide an excellant urban

Matt Mason
(enjoying the amenity of proximity to the C,E,F,1, and
2 trains)
New York City

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Fwd: Re: [Mpls] Fun Neighborhood Places to Eat in Minneapolis

2002-07-11 Thread Matt Mason

> I just wanted to give a quick mention to Dulono's on
> Lake by Lyndale.  I used to live down the alley and
> loved the late night availability of both good
> greasy
> pizza and various other diner options and the
> atmosphere that seemed dropped from the deep south
> into uptown.
> matt
> nyc
> __
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