Re: More on Vouchers

2000-11-07 Thread Ewader

PRIVATE SCHOOL using public tax dollars?  PRIVATE BUSINESSES using public tax 
dollars?  Supporters of funding private school with tax dollars are wrong 
plain and simple.  The ever-increasing practice of corporations and other 
private entities stealing finances from the public is a threat to our 
capitalistic society.  

Fascism:  ".the merging of state and business"
This is exactly the direction this country is headed.  We need to be very 
aware and stop it.

wade russell

Re: Vouchers

2000-11-07 Thread constance13

Ms. Marks wrote:
> If
> my kids are in public school and I'm paying to send those families 
> with a
> little more money to private school, then my kid is automatically 
> being
> cheated, cause the public schools lose the money.  

The idea I was trying to float (and see if anyone knew otherwise) in my
original post, was that a school loses the same amount of funds when a
kid leaves for another public as when they leave with a voucher for the
private system.  If indeed that is the case, then you're saying that no
classmate of your child's should ever move, graduate, or seek better

Connie Sheppard
Ward 6 - Ventura Village

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Re: Meadowbrook dialogue

2000-11-07 Thread Carol Becker

Mr. Brown argues that we could sell Lake Calhoun and also raise a lot of
money.  The difference between the two examples is that Meadowbrook Golf
Course is 3 miles outside of our city limits and benefits almost no
Minneapolis residents.

Carol  Becker

Who is following a long tradition of questioning this decision which goes
back to a court case in 1936 questioning the legality of this purchase of

 Original Message -
From: Terrell Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 8:45 PM
Subject: Meadowbrook dialogue

> > Carol Becker  writes:
> >
> > If we sold only Meadowbrook, and put the money in a trust earning a
> > concervative rate of interest, say 6%, you could get $1.2 million
> > a year for
> > kids and parks.   For an asset which is outside of our city limits and
> > benefits few residents, this sounds like a good idea to explore.
> Given that logic, maybe we should sell Lake Calhoun even the whole Chain
> Lakes.  Think of the  money  we could raise.
> Parks aren't just for kids.  I don't golf, but do understand that there
> for example, many seniors who use our public golf courses.  It's a health
> activity.  If you walk the course it doesn't pollute anything.  Its green
> space, it will at times provide a home for wild life.
> One of the great things about our park system is the variety of things
> it provides.  No one expects everyone to take advantage of everything.
> Don't fight to rid the system of someone else's recreation, you may find
> them attacking yours.
> Terrell
> _
> Terrell Brown
> Brown Volunteer Committee
> 110 West Grant Street #30H
> Minneapolis, MN  55403-2315

Re: Library vote - response to negative vote

2000-11-07 Thread Carol Becker

Replacement of the Central Library has been an issue for the last 15 years.
To say that this is new is incorrect.  This is something folks have been
asking for for a long time.

If the cricism is that the plan has not been fully developed, the question
is how much money would you like to have spent on a plan that may not
receive funding or may receive a different level of funding?  What the City
and Library put out was a responsible plan without doing full design, which
would have cost millions of dollars.  Dollars that the Library doesn't have.

If the critisism is over the addition of the branch libraries as a "pork
barrel", the branch libraries need upgrading because they were not built to
accomodate computers.  None of them.  The world of information has changed
over the last ten years and none of the library facilities was built to take
that into account.  I would invite anyone to go to our libraries this
weekend and try to find an empty computer.  Also the number of books has
grown.  That's what happens with a book collection.  Those books have to go
somewhere.Right now, they throw books when they don't have room.

Regardless of  the outcome of the election today, these issues need to be

Carol Becker

- Original Message -
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 8:16 AM
Subject: Library vote

> I am usually a lurker on this site, mostly because I feel I don't have a
> good grasp of the issues discussed here (but obviously I am interested!) -
> and since I was soundly walloped for my one voiced opinion on graffiti.
> But, I offer my (and others of my family and acquaintance) opinion on the
> library vote as perhaps the voice of those of us who don't "get" the
> We're not voting for it.  (We are voting for schools.)
> I may be wrong, but the site, method, means and manner of obtaining a new
> main library seem seriously flawed, and the corollary branch plans seem to
> be a weak addendum.   I am no longer willing to vote for something with
> good faith that it will all be worked out later in the details.  Give me
> good details and I'll support it.
> This has nothing to do with our property taxes.  We pay alot, and are
> willing to  do so in order to live in this city in a great neighborhood.
> fact, for a terrific library plan, I'd pay more.  But closing the central
> library down for years, building it in the same location, and shuffling
> books and people around in the interim makes no sense to me.  Why not
> consider a city/county merger?  My hometown did it twenty years ago.  Why
> not move to the Sheraton Hotel site, make it part of the skyway system,
> it a city center rather than an out of the way afterthought?  Why bundle
> branch plans in with the catastrophically needed central building?
> If all of these questions, and more, have been cogently answered, well
> I haven't gotten it, and neither have those I have discussed it with.
> When I moved here twenty years ago I was excited, anticipating using a big
> city library. Had to be much better, I thought, than what I was used to
> living in smaller and less progressive towns. While I moved to St. Paul
> (what did I know?),  I worked in downtown Minneapolis.  But, even though
> office was one block from the downtown library, I found I used on a weekly
> basis, a beautiful old St. Paul Carnegie library on Marshall Ave.   I
> preferred that and the downtown St. Paul library to Minneapolis.  Why?
> Because when I first saw the downtown Minneapolis library, I laughed.  I
> thought it was a joke.  I couldn't believe that a city of this size and
> sophistication, to say nothing of striving for a world class,
> progressive reputation, could consider that mess, that pole building with
> escalators, a world class public library.  Everywhere I had lived had
> better, and many towns were smaller, less noted and poorer.  Then when I
> finally moved to Minneapolis, I thought - now I bet I'll have a great old
> Carnegie building to take the kids to for story time - and what's our
> neighborhood library?  The Walker -  a groovy basement space with tin can
> signage - out of necessity to explain what the heck it is (LIBRARY, thank
> you very much), overlooking a littered, unused courtyard.  So where do we
> go?  Ridgedale.  But we shouldn't have to.
> The rationales given for a new central library are so "well-reasoned", so
> "well-studied" and so lame!  For example, one of the core reasons given is
> that there might be a fire and it isn't well protected!  People!  The
> average voter isn't going to rally around that concept (not to ignore the
> Fahrenheit 451 implications).  Please! Give us something with heart!  How
> about "The building is baboon-faced ugly, it never worked, it never could
> work, we messed up.  Could we just start over and do it again?"  That I'd
> vote for.
> So 

Stenberg's chances in 60B

2000-11-07 Thread Steve Minn

I'd have to concur with RT on this one. In fact, I'm going to go out on a 
limb and predict that Stenberg and IP Candidate Denn Evans have a horse race
for second place, with the edge to Evans.

Having run two legislative races and been actively involved in the
management of a third race in the area that is now roughly the 60B area,
(Dave Anderson for HD 62B in 1988 and 1990, and Maryann Campo for SD62 in
1990); I can assure you Adam that while your race efforts are admirable,
they by no means are, as you phrase it: "...the most active Republican
campaign for state representative in 20 years..."  Both the Anderson and
Campo campaigns had literally hundreds of lit drop volunteers on any given
weekend and easily maxed out on the fundraising limits.

SW Mpls voters care about Minneapolis issues, and in my opinion, the
presence of the likes of Jim Ramstad, Steve Swiggum and Dennis Schulstad
wouldn't move a single SW Mpls voter to your column.  The literature
presence of the Dibble campaign has been simply a superior fit to the issues
this district cares about, while the Stenberg literature, when available,
has been closer to traditional republican themes that have never generated
more than a 30% base in the district. That base continues to dwindle, too.

In my walking of the district, (which has been a lot the last two weeks) I
have seen much more IP lit from Gibson and Evans than I have from any

My prediction in 60B:  Dibble 48%  Evans 29%  Stenberg 23%

Steve Minn
as of late...of Lynnhurst

>From: Adam Stenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Jessie knows my number!  (So does Stenberg)
>Date: Mon, Nov 6, 2000, 8:02 PM

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --EAC532C9D45AAF694806C4C7
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Well, I just finished knocking on my last of almost 11,000 doors here in
> district 60B and am settling in for one last night of personal phone calling
> along with about 18 volunteers scattered throughout southwest Minneapolis.
> I want to take the opportunity to respond the idea posed by R.T. Rybak "that
> the Independence Party is working harder...than the Republicans."  I hesitate
> to address it because the proposition is such so ludicrous.  I personally
> knocked on Mr. Rybak's door on the day when Jim Ramstad took an entire morning
> to block work with us.  I left a note since nobody answered.  However, my
> volunteers probably wouldn't stop at the house since it contains a lawn sign
> for my opponent.  Even so, another volunteer hit that particular block earlier
> today.  The fact that literature wasn't in a certain neighborhood last
> Saturday is certainly no basis for a such broad assumption.
> We've had House Speaker Sviggum knocking on doors along with FOUR former city
> council members.  We've had up to 25 people knocking in a single day!  We
> purchased five billboards. We sent out 15,000 pieces of targeted mail.  As of
> today, we have nearly raised and spent the maximum allowed by law ($25,320).
> We have individually knocked on almost every door in the district.  We were
> just talking recently, that this is probably the most active Republican
> campaign for state representative in 20 years.  We very well know we will
> quite possibly win tomorrow in this independent area of Minneapolis.  Tomorrow
> will tell.
> For those of you in district 60B, your vote will be appreciated tomorrow and
> will finally give Minneapolis a voice in the house majority amongst a straight
> slate of eleven democrats!
> - Adam Stenberg
>   Fulton Neighborhood
>   Republican-endorsed candidate for 60B
> P.S.   R.T., I'd still appreciate your vote, too!
> "R.T.Rybak" wrote:
>> I just got a call from Jesse Ventura.  Well, actually it was a RECORDED
>> call...on behalf of the Independence legislative candidate in my area. I
>> found it interesting that the Indepdence Party is working harder in this
>> race, it seems, than the Republicans.
>> I also saw evidence of that this weekend when I was leafleting for Neva
>> Walker, and found lots of Independence literature on doorsteps...but none
>> for Republicans.
>> It is list-appropriate to ask what other tactics people are seeing to turn
>> out city voters?
>> R.T. Rybak
>> East Harriet.
> --EAC532C9D45AAF694806C4C7
> Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
>  name="adam4house.vcf"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Description: Card for Adam Stenberg
> Content-Disposition: attachment;
>  filename="adam4house.vcf"
> begin:vcard
> n:Stenberg;Adam
> tel;fax:612-922-7438
> tel;work:612-922-7502
> x-mozilla-html:FALSE
> org:Stenberg Volunteer Committee
> adr:;;4920 Ewing Avenue South;Minneapolis;MN;55410;USA
> version:2.1
> email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> title:Candidate for House District 60B
> fn:Adam Stenberg
> end:vcard

Prospective Candidates

2000-11-07 Thread Jordan S. Kushner

In review the responses about prospective or rumored city council
candidates, I noticed that no challengers have been mentioned for Wards
1, 3, 4, 5 and 7.  Is everyone satisfied with representation in all of
those districts?

Jordan Kushner

FWD: Re: Vouchers

2000-11-07 Thread Robb

I would just like to second this bit from the "Wizard"... I think he maybe 
was waving his magic wand of wisdom...but this should not be overlooked.

What a voucher does, is use tax payers' money to fund private schools.  If
my kids are in public school and I'm paying to send those families with a
little more money to private school, then my kid is automatically being
cheated, cause the public schools lose the money.  Not to mention if these
private schools are also parochial schools, then we get into questions of
the separation of church and state.  That's a really important principle we
need to keep intact.

Re: automated dialers and recordings

2000-11-07 Thread Bruce Gaarder

It was suggested that the invitation to leave a message would allow
these automated messages.  Rich Chandler suggested that he might put
a message saying that no solicitations were wanted...

I very strongly doubt that whatever is driving these automated systems
has the capability of interpreting what is said in the the message that
answers the call, so it wouldn't make any difference what the message says.

Bruce Gaarder
Highland Park  Saint Paul

RE: More on Vouchers

2000-11-07 Thread Robb

On Tue, 7 Nov 2000 00:52:57 -0600,
What does it matter if some parents choose to send their kids to parochial 
schools using the taxpayer dollars?  As long as those schools are 
accredited and teach everything deemed necessary in an accredited school, 
what is the problem?  Why discriminate against quality schools just because 
they are parochial, charter, etc.? 

How about because the integration of church and state is UNCONSTITUTIONAL?
how does that hit you buddy? I dont want my tax money used so some 
conservative parent can send there kid to a god fearing institution while i 
pay for it.

Re: automated dialers and recordings

2000-11-07 Thread Rich McMartin

> It was suggested that the invitation to leave a message would allow
> these automated messages.  Rich Chandler suggested that he might put
> a message saying that no solicitations were wanted...
> I very strongly doubt that whatever is driving these automated systems
> has the capability of interpreting what is said in the the message that
> answers the call, so it wouldn't make any difference what the message says.

Preventing them from leaving a message is not the point.  The point is
that they are then not invited to leave a message which theoretically
removes the argument that you invited them to leave a message. 
Theoretically giving you legal grounds for either charging them for the
use of your private answering machine or filing harrassment charges
against them.

The machines do have the cabability of detecting the word "Hello".  Many
of them start after you say "hello".  It is possible that they are waiting
for any voice and not just the word hello.

Rich McMartin

Minnesota Electronic Theatre 2000!!

2000-11-07 Thread Mowry, Betsy A

Contact: Nicole Hinrichs-Bideau
City of Minneapolis Office of Cultural Affairs
Phone:  612.673.2947

Minnesota Electronic Theatre 2000

MINNEAPOLIS (October 25, 2000) - Technology and art come together in an
exhilarating, compelling exhibit at the eleventh annual Minnesota Electronic
Theatre event on November 8! Glimpse Minnesota's own "best of the best" in
computer animation, interactive multi-media, special effects, post
production and web design.  Over 50 works will be on display featuring
accomplished companies and individuals, such as Periscope Interactive, Pixel
Farm, SixtyFootSpider, Popular Front, Hi-Wire, Crash & Sue's, and more... 

Attendees will discover dynamic approaches to merging media technologies and
art during a mind-blowing and inspirational presentation by Greg Uhler and
Mike Brown, the creators of MYST III: EXILE. The Myst franchise, which
includes Myst and Riven: The Sequel to Myst, is considered by many to be a
cornerstone of computer gaming. Combined, these products have sold over nine
million units since the game's introduction in 1993. Uhler and Brown will
address queries such as - How do cutting-edge technologies and the artistic
mind merge? How do animation and interactivity combine in the gaming

WHAT:   The Minnesota Electronic Theatre 2000 
(The event is free and open to the public)

WHEN:   Wednesday, November 8, 2000
4 - 5:00 p.m.:   Myst III: Exile presentation
5 - 9:00 p.m.:   Exhibition 

WHO:City of Minneapolis Office of Cultural Affairs and the 
Minneapolis/St. Paul chapter of SIGGRAPH

WHERE:  The Quest, 110 North Fifth Street, Minneapolis 

During the exhibition, groove to the sonic vibrations of Radius Ulna. This
kicky blend of music combines records, live synthesis and effects to create
an otherworldly aural pastiche. After 9:00, hang around for the funky music
stylings of DJ Rexor.

Additional information is available at the website
or by calling 612.673.2947.

Re: Stenberg's chances in 60B

2000-11-07 Thread Greg Abbott

on 11/7/2000 9:52 AM, Steve Minn at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My prediction in 60B:  Dibble 48%  Evans 29%  Stenberg 23%


I agree with you that Evans is ahead of Stenberg, but I think you've got the
percentages a little high.

My prediction: Dibble 55%  Evans 24%  Stenberg 21%.

I think the close presidential race in Minnesota is generating large DFL
turnout, which will benefit Scott.  (and will also benefit other DFL
legislative candidates).  Particularly on the choice/Supreme Court issue.
Perhaps a sleeping giant has been awakened (temporarily, anyway).

Anecdotally, I voted at 11 a.m. today in 13-3, and I was voter #847.  Heavy,
heavy turnout.  

P.S. I did get a recorded call from Gov. Ventura urging support for Evans,
but IMHO, it was too generic to be truly effective  -- only mentioning Evans
by name once, for example.

> Steve Minn
> as of late...of Lynnhurst

are you back in Minneapolis ? To run for Mayor perhaps ? Do tell ...

Sent from the computer of:

Linden Hills
13th Ward   (612) 925-0630

Minneapolis turnout

2000-11-07 Thread David Brauer

Greg notes:

>Anecdotally, I voted at 11 a.m. today in 13-3, and I was voter #847.
>heavy turnout.

In 10-10, I voted at 9:30 a.m., and there were already 500 voters. Election
judges there were remarking it was the heaviest turnout they had ever seen
(and of course, many were old, so I imagine their personal database was
pretty good).

It'll be interesting to see if this is because snow looms, or everyone is
just fired up by a close election. It will also be interesting to see if
Minneapolis is different than the rest of the state, as far as heightened

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

Re: Minneapolis turnout

2000-11-07 Thread kaforbes

At about noon today I was the 340th voter in 8-5 in Central neighborhood.
They said they had been busy all morning.  I had to stand in line which was
great!  My feeling is that people are just fired up about the election.  Of
course in our precinct people want to vote in the first black women to the
Minnesota House of Representatives Neva Walker.
Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
- Original Message -
From: David Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 12:18 PM
Subject: Minneapolis turnout

> Greg notes:
> >Anecdotally, I voted at 11 a.m. today in 13-3, and I was voter #847.
> Heavy,
> >heavy turnout.
> In 10-10, I voted at 9:30 a.m., and there were already 500 voters.
> judges there were remarking it was the heaviest turnout they had ever seen
> (and of course, many were old, so I imagine their personal database was
> pretty good).
> It'll be interesting to see if this is because snow looms, or everyone is
> just fired up by a close election. It will also be interesting to see if
> Minneapolis is different than the rest of the state, as far as heightened
> turnout.
> David Brauer
> King Field - Ward 10

Re: Minneapolis turnout

2000-11-07 Thread Dean Lindberg

In 12-9 ( I'm sure of the 12 Ward, but not as certain about the 9th) I
was voter 561.  The election judges commented that turnout so far was
very strong.  I voted around noon.  When I drove by around 10 a.m. there
were so many cars parked, I decided to come back when things were slower.

David Brauer wrote:
> Greg notes:
> >Anecdotally, I voted at 11 a.m. today in 13-3, and I was voter #847.
> Heavy,
> >heavy turnout.
> In 10-10, I voted at 9:30 a.m., and there were already 500 voters. Election
> judges there were remarking it was the heaviest turnout they had ever seen
> (and of course, many were old, so I imagine their personal database was
> pretty good).
> It'll be interesting to see if this is because snow looms, or everyone is
> just fired up by a close election. It will also be interesting to see if
> Minneapolis is different than the rest of the state, as far as heightened
> turnout.
> David Brauer
> King Field - Ward 10

Dean Lindberg
5335 39th Avenue South  
Minneapolis, MN 55417

Re: Minneapolis turnout

2000-11-07 Thread craig miller

My pct in Rogers is experiencing massive turnout.  Lots of new residents
though.  The city issued 10-30 certificates of occupancy a week all spring,
summer and fall.

Friend of mine reports from WhiteBearLake that turn out was heavy.  Very
mature, static neighborhood.

Don't now the effect, but interesting to speculate.

Craig Miller
Formerly 13-5 ( the 2 biggest pct in the whole city)
-Original Message-
From: David Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 12:27 PM
Subject: Minneapolis turnout

>Greg notes:
>>Anecdotally, I voted at 11 a.m. today in 13-3, and I was voter #847.
>>heavy turnout.
>In 10-10, I voted at 9:30 a.m., and there were already 500 voters. Election
>judges there were remarking it was the heaviest turnout they had ever seen
>(and of course, many were old, so I imagine their personal database was
>pretty good).
>It'll be interesting to see if this is because snow looms, or everyone is
>just fired up by a close election. It will also be interesting to see if
>Minneapolis is different than the rest of the state, as far as heightened
>David Brauer
>King Field - Ward 10

RE: Minneapolis turnout

2000-11-07 Thread Russell Wayne Peterson

In 9 at 1:15 pm the turnout was still heavy and I was the #814 voter.  I
understand this morning's line was out the door, down the stairs, and into
the lower level. Wow!  This turnout is even bigger than when my district
helped elect Jesse governor.  I got a recorded call from the gov asking me
to support Mary Mellon - oops she's in 62A and I live in 62B.  My neighbor
got  the same call.

Russell W. Peterson
Ward 9

R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
"You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID

3857 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407


Re: Minneapolis turnout

2000-11-07 Thread KarenCollier

I voted in 13-3 at 1:00 p.m. and was number 1164.  That's about half the 
entire precinct.  Up to 1:00 p.m. they had registered only about 100 new 
voters.  Based on those figures, half the precinct had voted by 1:00 p.m.  
That's heavy, but not unusually so.  The precinct usual has about 2000 people 
voting during major elections.

Karen Collier
Linden Hills

Voter Turnout

2000-11-07 Thread Annie Young

Even in the 6th Ward and in the Indian Country of East Phillips voters were
out in! It's wonderful to live in a place where people really
do care and appear to not be staying at home, even with the yucky weather.
Way to go!

Annie Young
Ward 6 - East Phillips
Citywide at-large Park Board Commissioner
Working to build a sustainable community

Re: RE newspaper endorsement scorecard

2000-11-07 Thread Andy Driscoll

Steve, of course, is correct about the organizational separation between
editorial and news. The difficulty? Such facts elude most readers, even the
more sophisticated policy wonks. And if only it were as absolute as that.

The lack of real competition in newspapering these days should have shoved
the survivors into a more objective news mode, but it's almost impossible,
because humans and owners and money are running the show - not the reader
seeking news they can trust, opinions they can accept or reject and an
outlet where money has little to do with coverage. Naive.

Still, hefty competition has not served to downplay the perception - and the
reality - of clear bias in both reporting and editorial. But that's OK. When
there's plenty of competition, papers can take on an identity associated
with a political philosophy. The problem comes when they try to hornswaggle
the public into the  notion that bias enters not these hallowed news pages.

Historically, as any observer should know, the dailies, in particular, were
organs of political parties pretending to be objective, or of media moguls
manipulating public opinion from the front page back. Citizen Kane (Wm.
Randolph Hearst) was a reality couched in fiction. My great-grandfather, who
owned the St. Paul Pioneer Press for the last third of the 19th Century, was
a devout Republican, and, with no apologies for the slant, all papers then
were promoted as "Republican" or "Democrat" or "Populist."  His was
Republican, and he served as one in the State Senate.

Many were named for their politics. Think about the Red Wing Republican. It
lives up to its name.

Most newspapers still do, in fact, blend news coverage with editorial
opinion. Smaller communities betray biases all of the time in news stories,
fearful of angering their advertisers over any story considered truly
probative of, say, a polluting business, or a corrupted elected official.

Any wonder why the cynicism? That's the tradition in journalism; all efforts
to disclaim bias fall on deaf ears. And should.

Oh, you can hear the wails of reporters (including me) going up in protest
when their objectivity is questioned; more often than not, they cover their
subjects well and with as much balance as possible.

But they also try to disown the bias shown by editors on the news side, who
betray themselves in in the news they choose to cover, whom they choose to
assign a story, whose interview is published, how much space to assign a
story and where it's placed.

It is less the subjectivity of media coverage than perpetuating the sham
that all reporting is objective, balanced, blah-blah-blah, but rather must,
in the face of human nature have two biases underlying it:  the personal
bias of any writer, and the editorial bias they know they will face when
filing a story. Let's simply get real. Just examine, for instance, the
extraordinary role the St. Paul PP played in the march toward a publicly
funded stadium, once the paper signed onto the notion. The cases are legion.

Andy Driscoll
"Whatever keeps you from your work is your work."
Albert Camus
The Driscoll Group/Communications
Writing/Graphics/Strategic Development
835 Linwood Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55105

> From: "Steve Brandt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 10:41:18 -0600
> To: "Multiple recipients of list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE newspaper endorsement scorecard
> And today's' lesson is? Although this is editorial page data, don't
> assume the Strib is an unbiased, objective newspaper.
> Bob Schoonover
> Afton MN
> A more apt lesson would be to not assume that the Strib has an
> unbiased, objective EDITORIAL PAGE.  News and editorial are separate
> departments.  Labeling the whole paper because of the stance of the
> editorial page is a misreading of how a newspaper functions.  It's
> comparable to concluding that because the Supreme Court rules one way,
> the Justice Department and the rest of the federal government must
> feel that way.  
> Is there liberal bias on the editorial page?  Bob's numbers can speak
> for themselves.  I do know that the Pioneer's editorial page made some
> conscious choices several years ago to seek conservative-liberal
> balance in its staff.  The bulk of the Star Tribune legislative
> endorsements are researched by two retired reporters who have close to
> a half-century's experience between them in covering state government
> and rate as pretty fair observers of both the issues and what it takes
> to ably serve as a legislator.  They are Gene Lahammer, formerly of
> the Associated Press, and Betty Wilson, formerly of the Star and the
> Star Tribune.
> Steve Brandt

Re: automated dialers and recordings

2000-11-07 Thread Bruce Gaarder

I attributed a comment to Rich Chandler that was made by Rich McMartin...
Sorry about the mixup.

Rich Chandler says that he doesn't get these calls because he has an unlisted
number.  I have an unpublished number (one step past unlisted) and I still
get calls from blind dialing, where they don't know/care who the number is
assigned to.

Since it's the last gasp of electioneering, I'll point out that my polling
place changed since last year and I got helpful postcards for both the
primary and general elections listing the approved DFL candidates and where
I should go to vote...the old polling place.

Bruce Gaarder
Highland Park  Saint Paul

Election strategy

2000-11-07 Thread David Brauer

Note to Adam Stenberg and Progressive Minnesota:

Your election postcards arrived this afternoon. Too bad I voted this

You may want to get your stuff in the mail earlier...then again, I never
manage this at holiday time!

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10 - at the end of the mail person's route

Re: Vouchers

2000-11-07 Thread RANDERSON67

Wizard, I apologize for Robb. Maybe my post set him/her wrong in your 

Robert Anderson
IP Candidate(?),House 61B

Re: Stenberg's chances in 60B

2000-11-07 Thread Adam Stenberg

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Wow, not much in the way of good news for the Stenberg campaign on this list
tonight!  Fortunately, we are confident we have run a solid campaign geared for
victory.  I, of course, will be quite interested in how incorrect these
predictions turn out.  While we have not deluded ourselves into thinking that
the DFL does not practically own this seat, we have been incredibly surprised at
the positive response from voters as we doorknock the district.  Maybe it's just
been "Minnesota-nice" people who won't end up voting for me.  Regardless, I have
truly appreciated the kind responses from so many people as I talk with them.
Thank you.

Other than the victor, I will be curious to see how the "Republican base" has
changed, as Minn stated.  Previously, it was about 23% which is where he puts
me.  I got 24.1% two years ago against a popular incumbent.  I will also be
curious to see if the Independence Party can increase the 7.7% showing for it's
Reform candidate from two years ago when Gov. Ventura got 30.8% of the vote in
the same district in the same election.  Voters don't necessarily vote for an
independent just because he or she is on the ballot.  Many really do vote for
the person.

Furthermore, will the Independence Party vote cut more into the DFL or
Republican vote?  I won't make a final prediction but frankly don't see me
getting less than 30% of the vote or the Independence Party getting more than
10% of the vote.  If the DFLer gets less than 50% of the vote, that would be
incredible.  We'll all know in just a few hours!

- Adam Stenberg
  Fulton Neighborhood
  Excited Candidate for 60B

Greg Abbott wrote:

> on 11/7/2000 9:52 AM, Steve Minn at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > My prediction in 60B:  Dibble 48%  Evans 29%  Stenberg 23%
> >
> Steve:
> I agree with you that Evans is ahead of Stenberg, but I think you've got the
> percentages a little high.
> My prediction: Dibble 55%  Evans 24%  Stenberg 21%.
> I think the close presidential race in Minnesota is generating large DFL
> turnout, which will benefit Scott.  (and will also benefit other DFL
> legislative candidates).  Particularly on the choice/Supreme Court issue.
> Perhaps a sleeping giant has been awakened (temporarily, anyway).
> Anecdotally, I voted at 11 a.m. today in 13-3, and I was voter #847.  Heavy,
> heavy turnout.
> P.S. I did get a recorded call from Gov. Ventura urging support for Evans,
> but IMHO, it was too generic to be truly effective  -- only mentioning Evans
> by name once, for example.
> > Steve Minn
> > as of late...of Lynnhurst
> are you back in Minneapolis ? To run for Mayor perhaps ? Do tell ...
> Sent from the computer of:
> Linden Hills
> 13th Ward   (612) 925-0630

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org:Stenberg Volunteer Committee
adr:;;4920 Ewing Avenue South;Minneapolis;MN;55410;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Candidate for House District 60B
fn:Adam Stenberg


Re: Minneapolis turnout (fwd)

2000-11-07 Thread Mary Catherine Lynch

I am hoping Robert Anderson will win the House Seat in 61B south central
Minneapolis and Sheree Breedlove will be the first African American
woman MN Senator for District 58, north Minneapolis. 

Mary Lynch, Northrup

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 12:28:41 -0600
From: kaforbes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Minneapolis turnout

At about noon today I was the 340th voter in 8-5 in Central neighborhood.
They said they had been busy all morning.  I had to stand in line which was
great!  My feeling is that people are just fired up about the election.  Of
course in our precinct people want to vote in the first black women to the
Minnesota House of Representatives Neva Walker.
Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
- Original Message -
From: David Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 12:18 PM
Subject: Minneapolis turnout

> Greg notes:
> >Anecdotally, I voted at 11 a.m. today in 13-3, and I was voter #847.
> Heavy,
> >heavy turnout.
> In 10-10, I voted at 9:30 a.m., and there were already 500 voters.
> judges there were remarking it was the heaviest turnout they had ever seen
> (and of course, many were old, so I imagine their personal database was
> pretty good).
> It'll be interesting to see if this is because snow looms, or everyone is
> just fired up by a close election. It will also be interesting to see if
> Minneapolis is different than the rest of the state, as far as heightened
> turnout.
> David Brauer
> King Field - Ward 10

No Subject

2000-11-07 Thread D.Klein

We are in 60A - 5th Ward, I believe. We got some literature from Gore, some
from Bush, some from Grams and alot from Dayton. No one else.  We had only
one call - from the DFL, for money.  That's it. Nothing from Nader, nothing
from Jesse, nothing from the Greens, the Independents the Progressives etc.
No door knocking. We're feeling a little left out!  But we're OK with that -
don't stop by!

D Klein

Voter Turn-out

2000-11-07 Thread Barbara Lickness

Whoever wins this election (and I do care who wins), I
have to say this is the most exciting election I have
seen in a very long time at least during my mid-life

My precinct 6-1 generally has mediocre turn out. 
Today it was packed.  I saw a couple neighbors there
today who I know haven't voted in years.  That made me

I saw old and young, and a larger number of people of
color.  A couple of friends I have were working the
polling places today called and said they were mobbed.

THIS IS GOOD!  I will be very interesting in hearing
what the overall voter turn out percentages were.  My
gut instinct is that they will be very good. 


Here a some parties I heard about

SD 61 - 

Karen Clarks house
2633 - 18th Av. So
after 8:00 p.m.

Neva Walker Campaign Headquarters
3100 Chicago Av. So.
Mpls, MN 
6:00 - 8:00

SD 62 

Chatterbox Pub
2229 E. 35th St.
7:00 p.m.

SD 60

Dulono's Pizza
607 W. Lake St
7:30 p.m.

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

Re: Voter Turn-out

2000-11-07 Thread wizardmarks

I was at Hosmer Library today, a voting station for part of
Central neighborhood.  The turnout was impressive.  Many more
young black voters, many middle-aged black voters and a healthy
sprinkling of caucasians as well.  It was extremely heartening.
Of course, we're in the center of Neva Walker territory here and
Neva's the daughter of a much respected community elder, so it
stands to reason that people are turning out to vote for Neva.
Wizard Marks, Central

Barbara Lickness wrote:

> Whoever wins this election (and I do care who wins), I
> have to say this is the most exciting election I have
> seen in a very long time at least during my mid-life
> crisis.
> My precinct 6-1 generally has mediocre turn out.
> Today it was packed.  I saw a couple neighbors there
> today who I know haven't voted in years.  That made me
> happy.
> I saw old and young, and a larger number of people of
> color.  A couple of friends I have were working the
> polling places today called and said they were mobbed.
> THIS IS GOOD!  I will be very interesting in hearing
> what the overall voter turn out percentages were.  My
> gut instinct is that they will be very good.
> Here a some parties I heard about
> SD 61 -
> Karen Clarks house
> 2633 - 18th Av. So
> after 8:00 p.m.
> Neva Walker Campaign Headquarters
> 3100 Chicago Av. So.
> Mpls, MN
> 6:00 - 8:00
> SD 62
> Chatterbox Pub
> 2229 E. 35th St.
> 7:00 p.m.
> SD 60
> Dulono's Pizza
> 607 W. Lake St
> 7:30 p.m.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

re: Newspaper endorsement scorecard

2000-11-07 Thread Tim Bonham

>Following is the distribution data by party designation of candidates in
>tomorrows election as endorsed and published by the Minneapolis StarTribune
>and by the St. Paul Pioneer Press:
>Minneapolis StarTribune:
>-- endorsed Democrats= 77%
>-- endorsed Republicans  = 18%
>-- endorsed Independents =  5%
>St. Paul Pioneer Press:
>-- endorsed Democrats= 50%
>-- endorsed Republicans  = 50%
>-- endorsed Independents =  0%
>I've done this analysis for quiet a few elections and the Strib endorsements
>are always 70-80% for Democrats.
Have you done a similar analysis of the voting public's endorsements (the 
election results)?  If so, it would be interesting to see.  It might show 
which paper is more in tune with the voters.

Tim Bonham

Re: Election strategy

2000-11-07 Thread Adam Stenberg

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Thanks for the information on receiving our postcard late.  Although I
figure I probably didn't lose a vote there.  ;-)

The group you were in wasn't exactly a priority, although I really wish they
would have been received in time.  (The USPO said they would since they went
first class).  You were in our generic voter list (six other mailings went
out a few days earlier to targeted groups of registered voters).  We
unfortunately didn't get our last voter list until 10:30pm on Friday night!

Just one more instance of the uphill battle we faced.

- Adam Stenberg
  Fulton Neighborhood
  Anxious Candidate for 60B

David Brauer wrote:

> Note to Adam Stenberg and Progressive Minnesota:
> Your election postcards arrived this afternoon. Too bad I voted this
> morning!
> You may want to get your stuff in the mail earlier...then again, I never
> manage this at holiday time!
> David Brauer
> King Field - Ward 10 - at the end of the mail person's route

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Adam Stenberg
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org:Stenberg Volunteer Committee
adr:;;4920 Ewing Avenue South;Minneapolis;MN;55410;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Candidate for House District 60B
fn:Adam Stenberg


Re: Jessie knows my number!

2000-11-07 Thread Tim Bonham

>As a democrat and politcal hack, I personally was really irritated to
>receive a mailing from the State DFL in SD59B (University / NE) last
>week.  It was a mailing for Kahn, Pogemiller, Sabo et al.  It said
>paid for by the state DFL, Mike Erlandson, chair.  It didn't even seem to
>mention Gore.  That would have at least given it some justification in
>Nader country.
>This seems like a reprehensible allocation of resources.  The Nader voters
>alone will be enough to reelect the full DFL slate in 59B where there were
>3000 DFL primary voters and 193 Republicans.
 This may be explained by some overly assertive activity by the 
Federal Elections Commission.  They have reached the strange conclusion 
that is now longer allowable for political parties to mix endorsements for 
Federal races with state & local races, like for instance joint literature 
pieces listing all the DFL endorsed candidates.  Seems to me that's pretty 
much the definition of a Sample Ballot -- having all the DFL candidates 
from President to local dog-catcher is the point!
 The FEC claims that this is somehow using state or local money to 
support federal races, or maybe vice-versa, and is not allowed, even though 
this is accounted for and the sample ballot costs are allocated to the 
various campaigns as in-kind expenditures.
 I know the Minneapolis DFL had to really fight with the State DFL 
to get them to include the Minneapolis endorsed referendums on the sample 
ballots for Minneapolis.   They said that the FEC was already threatening 
them if they did this.  They said that the FEC had already filed complaints 
against the Mn DFL Party several times over similar situations.  


2000-11-07 Thread List Manager

For those of you up late and not tuned in to Minneapolis stuff, both the
library and schools referenda passed overwhelmingly -- libraries by 2-to-1
and schools by nearly 3-to-1. Maybe that tax cut the Republicans in
Washington will send us will pay for the tax hike locally. (Joke! Joke!
Late-night punchiness! For the record, I voted for both referenda...)

Seriously, congratulations to those who worked so hard on both initiatives,
especially the library one. I know this forum might have made you sweat - a
little -- but you came out smelling like roses. Looking forward to an
awesome facility.

David Brauer
List manager, Mpls-Issues

Re: Referenda

2000-11-07 Thread Claire Stokes

Yes, the school referendum especially is very exciting. Something like 89%
of those voting for that referendum don't have kids: speaks very well of
the Minneapolis Citizenry.

Regarding the libraries, I'm very happy for them as well and hope we can
make sure enough fiscal intelligence can be brought to bear on the
situation to ensure the financial well being of the city is not harmed as a

Helps quite a bit standing up to the possible Bush win. Should be known
within the hour - I really can't believe it. Hard to imagine what the next
four years with Bush at the helm could entail.

I wish there were more coverage in these exhausting hours of our local
races, our state is doing so well it would be great to hear more about our
successes locally! I'm so proud of our turnout and everything.

And atleast now I know my district number.

Claire Stokes

>For those of you up late and not tuned in to Minneapolis stuff, both the
>library and schools referenda passed overwhelmingly -- libraries by 2-to-1
>and schools by nearly 3-to-1. Maybe that tax cut the Republicans in
>Washington will send us will pay for the tax hike locally. (Joke! Joke!
>Late-night punchiness! For the record, I voted for both referenda...)
>Seriously, congratulations to those who worked so hard on both initiatives,
>especially the library one. I know this forum might have made you sweat - a
>little -- but you came out smelling like roses. Looking forward to an
>awesome facility.
>David Brauer
>List manager, Mpls-Issues