Re: famous, or not so watering holes

2000-11-20 Thread j burns

OOPS. Forgot to signscatterbrained due to the upcoming holidays I'm 
JBurns, Cleveland

Subject: Re:  famous, or not so watering holes
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:04:29 EST

You didn't sign your post.

Valerie Powers
Ward 10

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RE: Another stadium scheme

2000-11-20 Thread Russell Wayne Peterson

Here is the critical quote from the Strib article:
"You do something for us, private sector, and we'll (the city) do something
for you."

It doesn't make any difference if it is cash, TIF financing, land, or some
other transaction.  Our city hall is determined to get a new stadium, by
giving the wealthy private sector our precious community resources.  I think
the critical quote should be:

"Ask not what Minneapolis can do for you, but what you can do for

That is the kind of new leadership we need downtown.

Russell W. Peterson
Ward 9

R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
"You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID

3857 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gary C Bowman, Jr
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 8:56 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Another stadium scheme

As I was working OT overnight last night, I had the opportunity to read
today's Strib.  Once again, we have another stadium scheme.  This one takes
a little different approach and I'll let you each read the story for
yourselves  (Sorry, being up all night leaves me a little too tired to do
much recapping).

Here again we have select members of the Council and a Mayor who are
absolutely obstinate and unwilling to hear their constituents who have said
repeatedly NO to public outlays to a stadium.  I must say that I find it
immensely sad and frustrating that a DFL Council and DFL Mayor are
continually pushing to take resources out of public hands (say working and
middle class peoples hands) and put it into the hands of the immensely
wealthy.  The questions I have asked before and will ask again of the
business community are these: You say that government should stay out of the
private market.  Why now the big turnaround?  Are you going to admit that
you don't mind government intervention as long as you are the beneficiary?
Furthermore, common sense tells me that if accomplished businesspeople are
unwilling to step up to the plate (excuse the pun) to pay for this in its
entireity, then why should the clods in government expect to do any better?
Obviously, if businesspeople won't in!
vest in this project, it's a questionable one- at best.

I also found it interesting that New Ballpark, Inc. who is pushing the
latest stadium schemes and has argued for a smaller stadium that blends more
into a neighborhood (in theory something like Wrigley Stadium) earlier this
year was talking about a $150 million stadium (if memory serves me correct).
Now, in today's article, that number is ballooning to $260-300 million.
Should we have any doubt in our minds that with these little changes we will
also see changes in how this will go from "mostly privately financed" to
something much different?

The newest approach to financing a stadium is exactly that, a new approach.
However, this new approach still smacks of being nothing more than a shell
game to get the public to pay for something businesspeople should be paying

Off the topic but included in the article in the paper was the announcement
that Lisa McDonald is running for Mayor and has also been a staunch critic
of public stadium schemes.  Get me a lawnsign, Lisa!

Gary Bowman, Jr.
Ward 1-Audubon Park

Gary Bowman, Jr.
Ward 1-Aububon Park

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RE: Property Taxes

2000-11-20 Thread Richard Chandler

 Brauer, you sound a little defensive here.
 That wasn't the Minneapolis GOP chair - it was the entire Minneapolis GOP
 committee who voted to support the library referendum.  It voted to
 support the school referendum as well. And then later requested that this
 be printed on the GOP sample ballot sent to every Republican in
 Minneapolis.  The Minneapolis GOP chair, Lee Eklund, also wrote and
 submitted a separate op-ed piece for each, only one of which the Strib
 printed.  How many votes did that add to the pile?  Nobody knows, but if
 you or anybody else wanted to write Lee Eklund a thank you note I'm sure
 he'll read it to the committee.
 Adam mentions his own tax ideas and you opine that conservatives have yet
 to "make a convincing case that they could both restrain spending and
 intelligently encourage city development through reasonable public
 investments."  Did you pay attention to our last two legislative cycles?
 We got a tax cut AND a nice bump in education spending. Now I know you are
 going to tell me that is not Minneapolis, but since Minneapolis hasn't
 elected a Republican recently, this lets you off just a little too easily.
 The case has been made, and made resoundingly.
 Rich Chandler - Ward 9
 -Original Message-
 From: David Brauer
 This seems contradictory: if we're all DFLers here, and you agree we need
 to work across party lines, you should have worked to convince us,
 especially all the 60Bers here. (Plus, Mpls-issues readers are a captive -
 dare I say fixated? -- audience.) I think Terrell Brown took the time to
 make moderate Republican points - but aiming his fire more at DFL
 politicos than DFLers who actually express sympathy with tax frustration.
 I think the mini-debate that occurred between Terrell and Myron during the
 summer was great, and am sorry you didn't attempt it here, Adam.
 However, I must take issue with your complaints that this is a "list of
 DFLers." The list was set up to be open to all, and there may be a higher
 percentage of non-DFLers on the list than in the city as a whole. (I think
 most people haven't disclosed their party affiliation; it's reasonable to
 think a majority are DFL, given the city's make-up, but never assume!) I
 welcome any and all non-DFLers to mix it up - a one-sided list isn't much
 fun. Also, whatever folks' affiliation, this list has been fairly critical
 of DFL governance of the city. Adam might have exploited that.
 One excellent way to combat ignorance is to be specific. Instead of
 basically claiming that anyone who is a DFLer can't complain about
 property taxes, you'd do well to detail where, exactly you would draw the
 line about city spending. That way, perhaps, we can look past the label.
 But so far, it's all been partisan labeling - which I admit I shot back at
 I did check out the Stenberg website. From the issues section: A pledge
 not to raise taxes (that's nuanced - better hope there aren't emergencies,
 recessions, welfare reform doesn't crash, and god forbid additional
 investments that might actually be worth it.) The phrase "government
 monopoly on education" - code for vouchers (without actually saying so.)
 Pro-life. Pro-death penalty. Anti-same sex marriage. No public incentives
 for affordable housing other than property tax cuts. On these major, major
 issues, all GOP boilerplate - not that a GOPer can't have that, but not
 one claiming to break the mold.
 There are a few unconventional positions: 100 percent state funding of
 education. Pro-LRT (but not in the Hiawatha corridor) - a new exurban
 airport connected by LRT. Pro-new stadium (!) as long as it's less than 10
 percent of the total cost. Domestic partner benefits through cafeteria
 plans where employees get a set amount of money they can spend on
 So there's something. (To be fair, Rod Grams would never go for a
 stadium...but then, neither would Jim Niland.) Not enough to convince me
 the GOP has turned over a new leaf, but list members can now judge for
 themselves. (
 To take my own advice about not strictly labeling the other side, I was
 pleasantly surprised that the city GOP chair endorsed the library
 referendum. Even though I was only a lukewarm supporter, and it seems a
 curious place to acknowledge higher taxes can, at times, be good, I took
 it as a positive sign that Republicans can be open-minded. I look for more
 evidence of same.
 And I can't speak for others, but I can say that I would gladly vote for
 the candidate with the best platform - Republicans, to my mind, probably
 won't get there, but there is an opening.
 David Brauer
 King Field - Ward 10 - Fabulous 60B!
 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Stenberg
 Admittedly, we didn't take the time to post our ideas to this list of
 DFLers, but I'll seriously reconsider that in the future (many 60Bers are
 on this list).  Iam well aware that we can't solve these problems without

Re: new finance director

2000-11-20 Thread Eva Young

i don't know patrick born. he may be a good choice.
the best even, a real phenom. but as ms mcdonald was
qouted as saying in the paper today regarding the new
stadium proposal, " i don't think it will pass the
smell test."

I don't get it.  The voters have said NO repeatedly to stadium subsidies.
Yet the requests keep on coming in.  

I agree with Lisa McDonald, and I think I'd like a McDonald lawn sign also.  

Terrell said it eloquently and well about TIF financing and what it does to
our city.  

Another thing worth noting:  in our heavily DFL dominated city, we seem to
have a bit of a problem with the police killing mentally ill people.  That
latest shooting of Alfred Saunders.  

There was quite a gathering at 35th and Chicago on Saturday demanding a
full investigation into this shooting.  I hope that this goes beyond
investigation, and that the MPD re-evaluates there procedures--because they
need to get better at dealing with situations when they are prepared ahead
of time knowing the person is mentally ill.  In this case, apparently the
family of Saunders had called the police, and told them he was mentally ill.  

Eva Young

Re: new finance director

2000-11-20 Thread timothy connolly

If you read my piece accurately ms berget you will see
that what i object to is the process and the lack of

i believe i made clear that i do not know pat born and
that he in fact may be a fine and ethical person.

what i object to are smoke and mirrors. if you like
them. fine. keep voting the way you do and you'll get
exactly what you want and deserve.

frankly, i am insulted by a mayor, for instance, who
goes before the city council, an audience of political
appointees and city workers, and states how proud she
is of chief olson for finding $1 million dollars of
savings for the upcoming budget in the police
department only to find three days later that the
overall city police budget has increased by $4

Do you think that out of a current $90 million budget
this police chief could have found a few dollars to
train his force on how to deal with people who unfor-
tunately suffer from mental disorders?

That's what I impugn Ms Berget. This city smells to
high hell of insider politics and corruption. it is
shameful beyond comprehension and worst of all are
apologists who support it. 

your words roll off my back.

next time read the mail carefully before you come
charging at me.

tim connolly
ward 7

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know about the rest of you, but I wince when
 I hear another character 
 inuendo about a public figure before there are any
 facts to support such 
 I don't know if this is the same Pat Born who
 facilitated many bond sales for 
 Mpls. Public Schools in recent years, but I hope it
 is. THAT Pat Born is an 
 outstanding finance head and a man of good judgement
 and strong personal 
 character. The City and its residents would be well
 served by THAT Pat Born.
 Were you talking about a different one?
 Ann Berget
 Kingfield 10-10

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Re: new finance director - Attack on new Finance Director

2000-11-20 Thread Carol Becker

I hate to tell you guys but first off, no finance officer "brokers"
political deals like the ones that you are talking about.  No consultants
broker those kind of deals either.  Politicians broker those kind of deals.
No staff person would get within a mile of the kind of heavy politics it
would take to put together a deal like that.

Second off, how many people on this list have been asked to work on things
at their jobs that they didn't personally believe in but had to because it
was there job?  In finance, you work on a lot of deals and frankly at a base
level they are all the same.  Money is money whether you are selling bonds
for libraries, stadiums, convention centers, street construction, schools.
It is all pretty much the same on the finance end as far as selling bonds.

Third, to insinuate that some hired gun was brought in to just do this one
deal is pretty demeaning for the person who was hired.  A finance director
deals with a whole bunch of very not sexy things - CAFR preparation, state
auditors, cash flow management, CIP development, etc, etc, etc.  To
insinuate that this guy was brought in because of one deal is just simply
inaccurate and demeaning to someone who needs a plethora of skills to do
this job.

Fourth, if this is the Pat Born who worked on the Convention Center, I can
attest that he was a really good smart guy who will be an asset to the City.
I also believe that he is a resident to boot.  I am looking forward to good
things from him if he is the Pat Born I remember.

Carol Becker

- Original Message -
To: Multiple recipients of list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: new finance director

 Actually Ann, I was talking about the Pat Born that St. Paul hired in 1999
 help try and negotiate a deal with the MN twins for a publicly funded
 stadium.  I was talking about the Pat Born  who worked with Milwaukee on
 publicly funded, Miller Park and the Pat Born who worked with St. Louis on
 the publicly funded football stadium.

 wade russell

Another attempts at Questionnaire

2000-11-20 Thread Jordan S. Kushner

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Sorry about the scramble message for Brian Hanninen's response to the
city candidate questionnaire.  I am making another attempt to send it in
Word Format.  Hopefully people can read it.

Jordan Kushner

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Sucessful transfers

2000-11-20 Thread Jordan S. Kushner

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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These copies of Brian Hanninen's response to the candidate questionnaire
should work (sorry for any inconvenience).


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One more time

2000-11-20 Thread Jordan S. Kushner

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I'm really sorry that the attachment keeps getting messed up.  The text
version is not as pretty but works on my computer so here it is:

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Content-Disposition: inline;

  Candidate for City Council, Ward 2
  Neighborhoods of Cedar-Riverside, Como, Downtown East, Elliot Park, Marcy-
  Holmes, Prospect Park East River Road, Seward, and University
  I envision Minneapolis becoming a city that provides opportunities for all of its
  residents to achieve fulfilling lives.  The individual defines fulfillment whether 
it is
  defined by career, religion, family, art, physical exercise, music, philosophy, or
  other fields of human endeavor.  Government can assist individuals by investing
  in public infrastructure, parks, commercial districts, housing, education,
  consumer protection regulations, the courts, and all other facets of civic life.  The
  City of Minneapolis must continue to maintain and invest in the civic life of the
  City.  Residents must be engaged in the decisions that occur within their
  neighborhoods and communities.  Greater participation by individuals in civic life
  will create the Community that all of us seek.
  Under what circumstances would you support any public funding for sports  
  facilities intended primarily for the use of private professional teams? 
  I will support the public financing of sports facilities if both 1) the sports 
  will advance the creation of community among the residents of the City and the
  region; and 2) the City of Minneapolis receives a reasonable return on its
  investment.  For condition #1 to occur, the sports facility will have to work with
  the residents of the surrounding neighborhood to identify how the facility could:
  support the commercial success of community business; reduce concerns of
  safety around the facility; provide meeting space for community events; and
  support the philanthropic organizations within the neighborhood and Twin Cities
  region.  For condition #2 to occur, the professional sports team and the City
  would have to reach agreement on the City's share of: concessions' sales,
  revenue generated from luxury boxes, proceeds from advertising within and
  outside the sports facility, as well as any other revenue-generating activities.  The
  project would also have to return to the property tax rolls as soon as financially
  Under what circumstances would you support subsidies or special tax 
  breaks for for-profit corporations engaged in commercial development? 
  Business subsidies can be provided to strengthen the long-term economic
  success of the residents and businesses within the City of Minneapolis.  Among
  the goals to be supported by business subsidies include: 1) new employment
  opportunities; 2) livable wages; 3) support of local entrepreneurs; 4) brownfield
  cleanup and redevelopment; and 5) repairs to the City's physical infrastructure. 
  Ideally business subsidies would go to local businesses that will create linkages
  with several other local businesses.  Development on brownfields is desired
  because of the infrastructure already present at these sites and the need to
  reduce the commercial development on farmland and natural areas in the
  metropolitan region.The fiscal constraints faced by the City of Minneapolis and
  the Minneapolis Community Development Agency (MCDA) will require careful
  selection of business subsidies and their recipients.
  What is your position on domestic partner benefits for city employees? 
  Domestic partnerships, regardless of sexual orientation, should receive
  medical and retirement benefits from the City.  All workers must be able to help
  support their families.  Guidance from the State of Minnesota for a legal definition
  of a domestic union would be helpful.  However, the City should proceed to apply
  benefits equally among its employees even if the State does not provide
  guidance in this matter.
  What, if any additional civilian oversight for the Minneapolis police 
  department do you support? 
  Will comment at a later time.
  Do you have any proposals to address racial profiling and other racial 
  disparities in police encounters with citizens? 
  The elevation of racial profiling to public awareness has revealed the
  underlying racial biases within the City of Minneapolis.  The City and the region
  have never acknowledged the discrimination that its residents, businesses, and
  governments have practiced.  I say "have practiced" 

[Fwd: [Fwd: Candidate Questionnaire]]

2000-11-20 Thread Jordan S. Kushner

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Received: by (mbox kushn002)
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Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 18:39:16 -0700
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To: Jordan S Kushner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject: Re: Candidate Questionnaire

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Jordan -

I am sending my responses to the questionnaire -- or at least a portion of the 
questionnaire.  Forgive me for not having had time yet to complete the questionnaire.  
This has been very helpful for me as a candidate.  This lets me imagine how I would 
respond to these issues if I were on the City Council.  

I submit these responses for you to use to help spark discussion.  Please allow me the 
opportunity to submit my responses to other questions as time becomes available to me.


Brian Hanninen

On Tue, 07 November 2000, "Jordan S. Kushner" wrote:


 In truth, the two-week deadline is a more of a goal.  After all, how could it be 
enforced anyway.  I appreciate the feedback and suggestions, and will continue to 
present the questionnaire and refine it.  At the same time, i think that some prompt 
and thoughful responses could be very helpful to developing productive focus and 






  Jordan -


  How definite is the two-week deadline?  I am assembling supporters and defining 
issues at this time.  These questions are excellent and deserve well thought out 
responses.  To be honest, I think that whatever candidates state right now may change 
over the course of the campaign -- conversations with voters will help a candidate 
clarify his/her own stands.  I'll do my best to complete as much of the questionnaire 
within the time limits you give.  I'd ask that you offer this questionnaire or a 
similar one again in February as the endorsing conventions approach.


  Brian Hanninen

  Cedar-Riversdide - nationwide internet access
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Stadium Deal/Finance Director

2000-11-20 Thread Russell Wayne Peterson

1   A Finance Director is named after a national search and there was no
mention of process or finalists.
2   A Finance Director is named who has had extensive experience with public
funding of professional sports facilities.
3   It is revealed that the city is indeed considering giving away precious
community assets to wealthy team owners and players to fund a new stadium
which is not in alignment with what the community wishes to see happen.

What conclusion do we think most people will draw?

Many concerned citizens have not only political differences, but also
process differences with City Hall.  I believe that is why we end up yelling
at each other sometimes without hearing the other side.  Many people like
Carol (and I do appreciate her many detailed posts, thank you) may be
working very hard, but if there isn't either political or process agreement
at a minimum, those efforts can be undermined quite easily.  And we are at a
crossroads where many of us believe that the process is flawed and that the
political outcome is not what we desire, the two are linked right now in way
that portrays that there is the potential for intentional deception.  It
seems to me it is human nature to assume that scenario even if it might not
be true?

I don't think there is any surprise here that people think the system is
flawed and perhaps even corrupt no matter how unintentional.  After we've
had a revolving door with Northwest Airlines, the Mayor's office and the
Planning Commission and an MCDA head who helped give city money to a
developer and then jumped ship to work for them, we are all a little
skeptical about the boundaries and, yes as Timothy said, the lack of
transparency in this city about process.  With this history, it is easy to
see why people are concerned about fairness in our system and that they can
easily become enraged about another back door/insider arrangement.
Sometimes hearing the passion behind a message is just as important as
hearing the message.  But alas, that is hard to do.

On  face value, it seems both the process and the pre-determined political
outcome are questionable in the Finance Director/Sports Stadium Scenario
that is being discussed.  There might not be outright corruption, but there
is a need to step back and see our system for what it is. If we do step back
and look at the three points I started out with, there should be a lot of
questions.  That is what we are seeing here.  Unfortunately many of them go
unanswered because the silence from City Hall is deafening.  That is what
makes this even worse than it might be.

Russell W. Peterson
Ward 9

R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
"You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID

3857 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407
