Re: Pub/Sub in MQSI topology

2002-06-06 Thread Lanny Heidenfelder

  If you have multiple brokers already, you simply need to group those
brokers into a collective (done on the Topology tab of the Control Center)
and the brokers will share subscriptions and publications.  What actually
happens is that when a subscription request is received by one broker (say
broker1), that broker will register itself as subscriber on the same
topic/filter with all the other brokers in the collective.  With that in
place, if a message is published on that topic/filter to any broker, the
broker (broker1) will get the message (since it's subscribed) and pass it
along to any client registered with it.  This helps optimize network
traffic.  You just need to understand that publications aren't really
passed around to all brokers but are passed around based on who's
  The Planning and Install guide has some additional information on Broker
networks and collectives.
  Hope this helps.


Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning Services

"Kulbir S. Thind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 06/06/2002
09:25:57 AM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Pub/Sub in MQSI topology


Although I have been using MQSI for some time I have never used the
Publish/Subscribe features yet and therefore have a design question.

If we had a topology of MQSI brokers inter-connected and we wanted to
implement pub/sub on them would we be able to configure MQSI to replicate
publications and subscriptions automatically between the MQSI brokers or
would we have to design and develop our system to do that?



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Re: Integrator - Basic Question

2002-05-20 Thread Lanny Heidenfelder

  For databases, you're limited to DB2 for the configuration manager
databases, but you have a larger list of options for the Broker's and user
databases.  See the planning and install or the README for list of choices
and levels supported.
  As far as interface, there is on the plug-in interface (both plug-in
nodes and parsers) that let's you extend the product.  There is no generic
API beyond that.  At the 2.1 level, plug-in nodes can be written in C or
Java, and plug-in parsers can only be written in C.  Once you've played
with the product some more, you'll realize that with how it's written,
there's really no good way to have just a generic interface.


Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning Services

Sid Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 05/19/2002 09:22:10 PM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Integrator - Basic Question

Howdy All,

Some really newbie style questions about Integrator.

Does MQSeries Integrator require a DB2 Database or does it just use an ODBC
connection that could be anykind of DB?
Does it have a C++ API? or is it all geared towards a plug in style
architecture ?

Any comment appreciated.

Sid Young
QML Pathology
QLD, Australia

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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: MQSI Compute Node

2002-05-16 Thread Lanny Heidenfelder

  Are you putting a valid PDF format message to the queue?  I'm not even
sure what a PDF message looks like myself since I've never used it, so I'd
suggest changing the MQInput node default value to a domain of XML and
putting a test message of the format:
  My test
  That's a valid XML message that will contain the tag msgText that your
compute node it referencing.  That should get you around the input message
parsing, from there you'll have to make sure you construct a valid MRM
message on the output side (since you're putting the msgText field in the
MRM domain).
  Hope that helps,


Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning Services

Ratnadeep Bose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 05/16/2002 06:02:13 PM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Re: MQSI Compute Node


Thanks for your advice. You are right. I found everything about the broker
under the Operation tab once I refreshed the screen. So I can assume it's
deployed properly. I am putting some message using explorer into the input
queue. But I doubt if I am using the right format in the input node under
Default tab. When I use PDF which comes in the list box I get the following

( MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER.default ) PDF Worker error. PDF overflow: function
'OpenDataStreamForReading'; error code '9'.

This is returned when the PDF Worker tries perform an operation beyond the
end of the Bitstream.

Record the full details provided with this message and contact your IBM
support center.

And if I remove the wire format it complains as

( MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER.default ) Resource Manager: Bitstream Worker cannot be
found: message set id 10, wire format descriptor id rmLoadWorker.

I have the following code in the compute node.

SET I = 1;
SET OutputRoot.*[I] = InputRoot.*[I];
SET I=I+1;
SET "OutputRoot"."MRM"."msgText" = "InputBody"."msgText";

The message has only one element 'msgText'.

Any idea ?

Thanks again,

Ratnadeep Bose

-Original Message-
From: Lanny Heidenfelder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: MQSI Compute Node

  That's a new one on me.  When you add the Broker on the Topolgy tab and
deploy (after you creation of the different components), you should be able
to go to operations and refresh and see the broker and it's execution
groups.  That's the tool that's provided to see what's up and running on a
broker system.  You did press the green refresh button the operations tab,
correct?  If you don't referesh you won't see anything.  If you did refresh
and don't see anything, do you get any error messages in the NT Event
Viewer on the Config Manager machine?


Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning Services

Ratnadeep Bose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 05/15/2002 11:15:44 AM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Re: MQSI Compute Node


Thanks for you help. Surprisingly I dont see anything in the operation tab.
There's no entry under the Broker. But I added the message set in the
Assignment to the broker. How do you get the broker within the Operation
view? Yes, I tried the complete Deployment.


Ratnadeep Bose

-Original Message-
From: Lanny Heidenfelder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: MQSI Compute Node

  This message usually means that the message set isn't assigned and
deployed to the broker in question or that the value of the message set
identifier for the message doesn't match the actual value for the message
set.  You say you've checked all those, but I would double check that the
message set actually deployed to the broker (check the operations tab).
  As for what you can copy the entire message, but not reference fields,
the body of the message doesn't need to be parsed in order for you to be
able to copy it.  However, when you reference fields in the body of the
message, it must now be parsed, and that's why you can do the copy but not
reference fields in the message.  There's no way around the error, you need
to figure out why the broker thinks the message set you're trying to
reference isn't available.  Have you tried doing a complete deploy as
opposed to a delta deploy?


Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning 

Re: MQSI Compute Node

2002-05-15 Thread Lanny Heidenfelder

  That's a new one on me.  When you add the Broker on the Topolgy tab and
deploy (after you creation of the different components), you should be able
to go to operations and refresh and see the broker and it's execution
groups.  That's the tool that's provided to see what's up and running on a
broker system.  You did press the green refresh button the operations tab,
correct?  If you don't referesh you won't see anything.  If you did refresh
and don't see anything, do you get any error messages in the NT Event
Viewer on the Config Manager machine?


Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning Services

Ratnadeep Bose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 05/15/2002 11:15:44 AM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Re: MQSI Compute Node


Thanks for you help. Surprisingly I dont see anything in the operation tab.
There's no entry under the Broker. But I added the message set in the
Assignment to the broker. How do you get the broker within the Operation
view? Yes, I tried the complete Deployment.


Ratnadeep Bose

-Original Message-
From: Lanny Heidenfelder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: MQSI Compute Node

  This message usually means that the message set isn't assigned and
deployed to the broker in question or that the value of the message set
identifier for the message doesn't match the actual value for the message
set.  You say you've checked all those, but I would double check that the
message set actually deployed to the broker (check the operations tab).
  As for what you can copy the entire message, but not reference fields,
the body of the message doesn't need to be parsed in order for you to be
able to copy it.  However, when you reference fields in the body of the
message, it must now be parsed, and that's why you can do the copy but not
reference fields in the message.  There's no way around the error, you need
to figure out why the broker thinks the message set you're trying to
reference isn't available.  Have you tried doing a complete deploy as
opposed to a delta deploy?


Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning Services

Ratnadeep Bose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 05/14/2002 06:30:47 PM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:MQSI Compute Node

Hello All,

I am trying to setup a simple message flow where message is sent from an
Input node to output node through compute node. Whenever I am trying to
access the message elements in compute node by ESQL I am getting the
following error in Application log.

( MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER.default ) Resource Manager: Dictionary not found for
message set DPF1U2S07I001.

The runtime dictionary resource for message set DPF1U2S07I001 has been
requested by the broker in the function rmLoadDictionary but the resource
cannot be found as it is not registered. This means that the message set
has not been deployed or has not been deployed properly.

The broker was requested to load a dictionary that has not been registered
with it. Check that the dictionary identifier (e.g. DLPLT0807A001) as
detailed on the properties tab on the Message Sets pane in the Control
Center is the same as that specified in the message instance. Verify that
the correct message set is associated with the desired Execution group
(Assignments pane in Control Center). Redeploy the dictionary and check the
Control Center's log.

It's working fine if I dont include the message tree in compute node and
make OutputRoot = InpoutRoot. The message set is defined and it's been
deployed multiple times. The message set id, I confirmed is same as what I
am using in input node in Default tab. Does anyone know any way around?


Ratnadeep Bose

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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: MQSI Compute Node

2002-05-14 Thread Lanny Heidenfelder

  This message usually means that the message set isn't assigned and
deployed to the broker in question or that the value of the message set
identifier for the message doesn't match the actual value for the message
set.  You say you've checked all those, but I would double check that the
message set actually deployed to the broker (check the operations tab).
  As for what you can copy the entire message, but not reference fields,
the body of the message doesn't need to be parsed in order for you to be
able to copy it.  However, when you reference fields in the body of the
message, it must now be parsed, and that's why you can do the copy but not
reference fields in the message.  There's no way around the error, you need
to figure out why the broker thinks the message set you're trying to
reference isn't available.  Have you tried doing a complete deploy as
opposed to a delta deploy?


Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning Services

Ratnadeep Bose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 05/14/2002 06:30:47 PM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:MQSI Compute Node

Hello All,

I am trying to setup a simple message flow where message is sent from an
Input node to output node through compute node. Whenever I am trying to
access the message elements in compute node by ESQL I am getting the
following error in Application log.

( MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER.default ) Resource Manager: Dictionary not found for
message set DPF1U2S07I001.

The runtime dictionary resource for message set DPF1U2S07I001 has been
requested by the broker in the function rmLoadDictionary but the resource
cannot be found as it is not registered. This means that the message set
has not been deployed or has not been deployed properly.

The broker was requested to load a dictionary that has not been registered
with it. Check that the dictionary identifier (e.g. DLPLT0807A001) as
detailed on the properties tab on the Message Sets pane in the Control
Center is the same as that specified in the message instance. Verify that
the correct message set is associated with the desired Execution group
(Assignments pane in Control Center). Redeploy the dictionary and check the
Control Center's log.

It's working fine if I dont include the message tree in compute node and
make OutputRoot = InpoutRoot. The message set is defined and it's been
deployed multiple times. The message set id, I confirmed is same as what I
am using in input node in Default tab. Does anyone know any way around?


Ratnadeep Bose

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: MQSI Trace node patterns not displaying ExceptionList

2002-05-14 Thread Lanny Heidenfelder

  You got stuck in a retry loop since you had a trace node on the Failure
path that was trying to output the body of the message.  The body of the
message couldn't be parsed (you put an ASCII file which was not XML so it
couldn't be parsed), so the trace node was throwing an exception causing
the message to be rolled back.  Keep in mind that when using a trace node,
if you're message isn't getting parsed for some reason and you can't access
the body of the message in another node (i.e. a compute node), you won't
have any better luck outputting the message body in a trace node since it
needs to be able to parse the body to put it in the trace file.
  As far as your original question, there have been several other comments
that I believe are correct.  I don't think the comma necessarily has
anything to do with it, but I do usually do what John suggested below and
put each entry a new line.  Keep in mind that the trace does need to be on
a catch path or connected to a failure terminal on a node other than the
MQInput in order for the Exception List tree to contain data.  If you put a
trace in the main flow with no exceptions having been thrown you'll see an
empty tree represented by: ( ) usually each on it's own line.
  One other point, when you change the mode of a compute to "Message and
Exception List", are you copying the Input Exception List to the Output
Exception List (i.e. set OutputExceptionList = InputExceptionList)?  If
not, if there were any exceptions in InputExceptionList they will be lost
after the compute node since when you change the mode to include
ExceptionList you get a new empty ExceptionList which you need to populate.
  Sorry about the length of this, but I hope it helps.

Lanny Heidenfelder
MQSeries/WMQI Instructor and Developer
IBM Learning Services

"Quigley, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-WIEN.AC.AT> on 05/14/2002
11:31:26 AM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Re: MQSI Trace node patterns not displaying ExceptionList

Thanks, John.

In trying to test this, I dropped a plain ascii test message (non-xml) onto
the input node who's default msg domain was set to XML.  Having set the
backout-requeue attribute of the input queue to 5, I expected this to retry
5 times, then proceed down the MQInput failure terminal, which was wired to
the trace node to test your suggestion.

To my surprise, the msg began a continuous loop on the input node, and
went down the failure term.  I stopped the msg flow and saw that the
count on the msg was up to 27, well above the threshold of 5 set on the
queue.  Any ideas as to why this didn't exit the input node thru the
term rather than continuously rolling back?

-Original Message-
From: John Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: MQSI Trace node patterns not displaying ExceptionList

> Greetings,
> I had flows in 2.0.2 that use trace nodes w/ the
> following pattern: ${Root},
> ${ExceptionList}.
> After migrating to 2.1, I'm not getting any
> exception list data - all is
> blank after the comma (${Root} works just fine).
> The compute nodes in the
> flow have "Message and Exception" selected on the
> advanced tab.  Any ideas
> on what may be causing this appreciated -

Try removing the comma between ${Root} and
${ExceptionList}. Also try putting them on separate

John Scott.

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