Re: MAXHANDS Attribute on the QMGR

2004-11-22 Thread Lawrence Coombs
On Friday we received a max channels error message. Instead of changing the
qm.ini file and adding the CHANNELS stanza with the
MaxChannels/MaxActiveChannels (we were using the default), the MQ admin
simply increased the MAXHANDS attribute of the queue manager.

This did resolve the problem. However, I am bit puzzled because while I can
understand making more handles available to a queue manager might allow
more Client channels to be started, why would MQ ignore the limits in the
qm.ini file? Furthermore I thought MAXHANDS only applied to a single

Any thoughts?

PS: The version of MQ is old, 5.x (where x is less than 2).

11/19/04  14:02:56
AMQ9513: Maximum number of channels reached.

The maximum number of channels that can be in use simultaneously has been
reached. The number of permitted channels is a configurable parameter in
queue manager configuration file.
Wait for some of the operating channels to close. Retry the operation when
channels are available.

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Re: DefaultQBufferSize and DefaultQFileSize

2004-11-15 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Does any know if these parameters are valid for MQ 5.3? If I specify
DefaultQBufferSize, do I need to specify a value for DefaultQFileSize ?

With a very high throughput of persistent messages (200 msg /sec), does
anyone have a checklist of things to tweak for a queue manager?

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Error Message when Executing 'gsk6ikm'

2004-11-09 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Does anyone have a resolution for this problem?

I am getting the following error when I run the gsk6im after exporting
DISPLAY and Java_HOME variables. This is an AIX machine.

JAVA_HOME is set to: /usr/mqm/ssl/jre

(Embedded image moved to file: pic31957.jpg)


Re: MQJMS2007 Message

2004-11-03 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Can anyone shed any light on the following scenario:

We are doing a stress test with a JMS application and are getting a strange
error message without any stack trace. The program works with a message
length of 10,000 bytes but when we increase the message length to 315,000
we get this MQJMS2007 error message after putting 7 JMS messages to a

Has anyone seen this before?

[11/3/04 13:03:35:803 CST] 133f5e92 ConnectionEve A J2CA0056I: The
Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource
Adaptor for resource [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The
exception which was received is javax.jms.JMSException: MQJMS2007: failed
to send message to MQ queue
[11/3/04 13:03:35:847 CST] 133f5e92 ConnectionEve A J2CA0056I: The
Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource
Adaptor for resource jms/SQAT0263.  The exception which was received is
javax.jms.JMSException: MQJMS2007: failed to send message to MQ queue

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Re: MQ Clustering Question

2004-10-18 Thread Lawrence Coombs
At the 'Application' level  means the server in my scenario. What I am
trying to achieve is this:

If a back-end service running on a server is knocked out of the rotation
(even though MQ might be OK), I want to:

1. Not send anymore messages to that instance (from the client)
2. Move the "stuck" message on that instance to another instance that is
being serviced.

I cannot afford for messages to get stuck for any period of time.

PS: If a cluster queue is set to PUT(INHIBITED), on the server, will the
WLM exit that IBM supplies recognize it when the client does the MQPUT
(assume DEFBIND is NOT-FIXED)? Or, will the message travel down the channel
to the cluster queue instance that was chosen, then the MCA will detect it
when it tries to put the message to the chosen cluster queue? I know it
will reroute it to another instance of the cluster queue, if one exist.

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Re: Starting a 5.3 Queue manager

2004-10-15 Thread Lawrence Coombs
I am restoring  a couple of queue managers in a cluster to physically
different machines with different IP addresses. I still have the production
cluster queue managers running (and there is connectivity between the two
centers). I do not want any incoming or outbound channels to start if I
bring up these queue managers for application testing.

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Re: MQ Clustering Question

2004-10-15 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Thanks for answers to my prior question, especially Paul Clarke from IBM. I
will definitely test out your suggestion

In a cluster I can have cluster queues with the same name on multiple
cluster queue managers. I need a way (at the application level) to NOT send
messages to a specific cluster queue if the application servicing that
instance dies/stops running etc. I don't want to write an exit.

 Has anyone developed an elegant solution to this problem and would care to
share it, on-line or off-line? My application cannot tolerate "stuck"

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Re: Starting a 5.3 Queue manager

2004-10-15 Thread Lawrence Coombs
This is an AIX queue manager NOT windows.

It's a long story.

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Re: Starting a 5.3 Queue manager

2004-10-15 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Is there a way to start a 5.3 queue manager without starting the channel
initiator automatically?

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Re: Sample code to get a JMS message specifying the Correlation ID

2004-09-13 Thread Lawrence Coombs
I am trying to use a JMS program to get a message based on a specific
correlation ID. Does anyone have any snippet of code they would like to
share that does this?

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Re: SSL with MQExplorer

2004-08-10 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Does anyone know of a way to use SSL with MQExplorer?

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Re: Trigger a Shell Script that starts a Java Program

2004-07-02 Thread Lawrence Coombs
I did some more testing and the queue in question is an error queue that
can be written to by several applications.  I tested a scenario whereby I
used MQExplorer to put one message to the queue to trigger the script, then
ran the other applications to generate additional error messages. In this
scenario, only one instance of the Java program was sever started

However, whenever triggering occurs because of error messages being
generated by the applications themselves, multiple instances of the Java
program gets triggered (IPPROCS > 1). This happens consistently.

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Re: Trigger a Shell Script that starts a Java Program

2004-07-02 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Trigger type is FIRST. No I do not close and re-open the queue at any time.

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Re: Trigger a Shell Script that starts a Java Program

2004-07-02 Thread Lawrence Coombs
We are running MQ 5.3 with CSD 6 on AIX. We have a scenario whereby we
trigger a shell script  then runs a Java program. The Java program has a
wait interval of 1000 milliseconds and polls 50 times when the queue
becomes empty (don't know why).

If you put one message at a time on the queue, the started Java process
will process all messages.

However, if you were to put 60 (this is just an arbitrary number we are
using at this time to recreate the problem), multiple Java processes are
triggered off (the number is arbitrary). I have the TRIGINT set to 6
Milliseconds. This seems odd. I thought that if a queue had at least one
process (Java or otherwise) that had it open for input, MQ would not
generate another trigger message.

Can anyone shed some light on what I am seeing?

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Re: How to setup dynamic pooling of JMS Sessions with WAS and WMQ

2004-06-29 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Does any know how to override the number of JMS sessions (dynamically) that
are pooled when using WebSphere Application Server and WMQ as the JMS
provider? I am NOT talking about WMQ and the Java classes, this a JMS
application. If you do, care to share some code snippets?

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Re: JbossMQ and WMQ bridge

2004-06-29 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Does anyone know of bridge between JBossMQ and WebSphere MQ? I am trying to
interconnect a package that uses the JBoss application server that uses
JBossMQ as its JMS provider with a WMQ infrastructure.

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Re: Windows 2000 Server and CSD07 problem

2004-06-22 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Check the listserv archive (date around May 7,2004). There were some
excellent responses to a similar problem, not with W2K and Terminal
Services, but with applying CSDs in general.

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Re: SSL and certificate expiry

2004-04-23 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Anyone care to share the lifetime they assign to a certificate used by a
queue manager that has SSL channels? Also, how do you handle certificates
expiring when a OS/390 queue manager communicates with many distributed
queue managers?

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Re: JMS and ReplyTo Function

2004-03-30 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Look at the MQ Using Java manual (page 196, SC34-6066-01). You have to use
something that looks like URIs.

  Jeff A Tressler
  Sent by: MQSeriesSubject:  JMS and  ReplyTo Function

  03/30/2004 11:58
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

I do not know JMS but our developers are trying to use the ReplyToQueue
and ReplyToQueueManager feature.

I can explain how it is supposed to work using the procedural terminology.
The program does a MQOpen using the reply to queue and queue manager
and MQSeries figures out it need to open and generate messages to a
transmission queue with the same name as the ReplyToQueueManager.

The problem is they are having problems translating that into object based
JMS. They are calling some Sender method passing Destination or

Any information on how JMS handles reply messages?

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Re: MQ connect errors

2004-01-23 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Have you checked the ListenerBacklog parameter for your platform?

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Re: AMQ7467 & 8 every 30 min

2003-09-12 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Part of the MQ logging algorithm is to take a checkpoint every 30 minutes,
every 10,000 writes to the log file etc. So even if a queue manager is
idle, I assume that a checkpoint would be taken every 30 minutes after the
last checkpoint.

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Re: Using MQ Bridge to invoke 3270 Applications

2003-09-12 Thread Lawrence Coombs
Has anyone used the MQ Bridge to successfully drive a 3270 based CICS
application in a production environment? If so, would you be willing to
share your experience.

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Re: MQ V5.3 GA1 and GA2 Version

2002-12-11 Thread Lawrence Coombs
In order to use BIG MQ as a JMS provider with WebSphere Application Server
5.0 (Network Version), the software prerequisite states that you need MQ
5.3 with CSD 1. Am I right in assuming that the October release of MQ 5.3
(mentioned as GA2 Version) is MQ 5.3 with CSD 1 applied? Or do I need to
get CSD 1 and apply it to the October GA2 version?

PS: The package label with the CD states that the version is MQ 5.3.1.

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