Our AS/400 MQ suddenly goes down

2004-03-25 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Hi!we've MQ 5.2 in our AS/400.Our MQ is running well but suddenly it goes down. In the FDC's files there are a lot of messages like this one (each 4 seconds):+---+| MQSeries First Failure Symptom Report| ==| Date/Time :- Tuesday March 09 08:40:19 2004| Host Name :- A10565M.SEGUROS| PIDS :- 5733A38| LVLS :- 520| Product Long Name :- MQSeries for AS400| Vendor :- IBM| Probe Id :- ZS086001| Application Name :- MQM| Component :- zsllpiCreateQM| Build Date :- Nov 8 2000| UserID :- 0633 (QMQM)| Program Name :- AMQZLAA0 QMQM| Job Name :- 909456/QMQM/AMQZLAA0| Activation Group :- 101 (QMQM) (QMQM/AMQZLAA0)| Process :- 1564| Thread :- 2350| QueueManager :- A104Z35M| Major Errorcode :- xecF_E_UNEXPECTED_RC| Minor Errorcode :- xecS_E_NONE| Probe Type :- MSGAMQ6118| Probe Severity :- 2| Probe Description :- AMQ6118: Se ha producido un error interno de MQSeries| (X'20006037')| Arith1 :- 536895543 20006037+---+That happends while we're using normally our MQ (no IPL, no endmqm, etc).Any idea?Thanks and regards,LuisGarroMuñozSoportedeSoftwareGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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Grouping error on Z/OS

2004-01-16 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz

we've a MQ Series client on Windows 2000 connecting to a queue manager on
We've a JAVA program (running on Windows) which puts and gets messages in
group, this program works correctly connecting to AIX, other Windows or
Linux queue managers, however if we run it connecting to Z/OS queue
manager, we get error 2256 (MQRC_WRONG_GMO_VERSION) on getting (we're sure
that we set version 2 to MQMD and GMO) and 2026 (MQRC_MD_ERROR) on putting.
We know that segmentation is not supported on Z/OS MQ, but what about
grouping?, all the symptoms looks like it is not.
I attached our code, it's a little structured programming, but this is just
for testing.

Thanks and regards,

Luis Garro Muñoz
Technical Support Services
GBM de Costa Rica
Tel:       2843999 ext 6216

(See attached file: JAVA Grouping.zip)

JAVA Grouping.zip
Description: Zip archive

Re: Grouping error on Z/OS

2004-01-16 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz

thanks Doug for your answer. I know that in the attached code we didn't
assign MQC.MQGMO_VERSION_2 to gmo, I forgot that. But, we already prove it
assingning that, and it didn't work either.
I'm wondering if message grouping has some special code lines for Z/OS,
because our code already work well on other OSs.

Thanks and regards,

Luis Garro Muñoz
Technical Support Services
GBM de Costa Rica
Tel:       2843999 ext 6216

(See attached file: Tested JAVA Grouping.zip)

Tested JAVA Grouping.zip
Description: Zip archive

Grouping error on Z/OS (2)

2004-01-16 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz

our application is running with MQ 5.3 Client on Windows and MQ 5.3 Server
on Z/OS (it was install a couple days ago).
We've this two errors:
        1. When we're putting in group we get 2026 MQRC_MD_ERROR.
        2. When we're getting in group we get 2256 MQRC_WRONG_GMO_VERSION.
We prefered work with this error after the first one get fix.

We know that segmentations isn't supported on MQ 5.3 for Z/OS. Also, we
found in

MQMD fields
The following MQMD fields are largely concerned with message segmentation:

If an application sets any of these MQMD fields to values other than their
defaults, and then does a put() or get() on a queue manager which does not
support these, the put() or get() will raise an MQException with
MQRC_MD_ERROR. A successful put() or get() with such a queue manager will
always leave the MQMD fields set to their default values. A grouped or
segmented message should not normally be sent to a Java application that
runs against a queue manager that does not support message grouping and
If a Java application attempts to get() a message from a queue manager
which does not support these fields, and the physical message to be
retrieved is part of a group of segmented message (that is, it has
non-default values for the MQMD fields), it is retrieved without error.
However, the MQMD fields in the MQMessage are not updated, the MQMessage
format property is set to MQFMT_MD_EXTENSION, and the true message data is
prefixed with an MQMDE structure that contains the values for the new

if the default value of MsgFlags is MQMF_NONE, I'm wondering if we assing
MQMF_MSG_IN_GROUP and/or  MQMF_LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP, those aren't the default
values, is that the error?, however, I didn't find some documentation about
programming grouping for Z/OS or neither grouping is supported or not(all
the symptoms looks like it is not supported).
We know MQ for Windows, AIX and Linux support segmentation and grouping, in
those OSs, we ran our program succesfully (using a MQ client  connected to
a MQ Server).

Thanks and regards,

Luis Garro Muñoz
Technical Support Services
GBM de Costa Rica
Tel:       2843999 ext 6216

JAVA Grouping.zip
Description: Zip archive

Message Group get error

2003-12-28 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Hi,we're getting this error:when we tryed to get messages in group from a queue, some times we get our program stuck, even if we use "All messages available" and "logical order".This is a segment of our code:CompCode = OpenCode;md.Version = MQMD_VERSION_2;gmo.Version = MQGMO_VERSION_2;gmo.Options = MQGMO_WAIT /* Espera para nuevos mensajes */  + MQGMO_CONVERT + MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER + MQGMO_ALL_MSGS_AVAILABLE;gmo.WaitInterval = -1; /* Tiempo de espera para nuevos mensajes */gmo.MatchOptions = MQGMO_NONE;while (CompCode != MQCC_FAILED) { buflen = sizeof(buffer) - 1; /* buffer size available for GET */  memcpy(md.MsgId, MQMI_NONE, sizeof(md.MsgId));  memcpy(md.CorrelId, MQCI_NONE, sizeof(md.CorrelId)); memcpy(md.GroupId, MQMI_NONE, sizeof(md.GroupId)); md.Encoding = MQENC_NATIVE; md.CodedCharSetId = MQCCSI_Q_MGR; MQGET(Hcon, /* connection handle */  Hobj, /* object handle */  md, /* message descriptor */  gmo, /* get message options */  buflen, /* buffer length */  buffer, /* message buffer */  messlen, /* message length */  CompCode, /* completion code */  Reason); /* reason code */if (CompCode != MQCC_FAILED) { /*Some process*/ if( gmo.GroupStatus == MQGS_NOT_IN_GROUP || gmo.GroupStatus == MQGS_LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP ) {  /*Some process*/   } }}Thanks and regards,LuisGarroMuñozSolucionesyServiciosGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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WMQI: Message Flows, Message Set or Execution Group problems

2003-12-27 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Hi,this is the scenario:We've a development environment in which all our message flows works correctly. That's a Windows 2000 broker.We've also a production environment in which we import message set and flows correctly. The ConfigMgr ison Windows 2000 and the broker is on AIX 4.3.3.When we deploy on production, everything looks good, however, if we've two or more message flows in the same execution group, one of them doesn't work. If we redeploy the same assignments, both or the othermessage flowdoesn't work. So, It's inconsistenly.If we create one execution group per message flow, everything works well.However, we're affraid if somethingcould bring us problems in the future.Any ideas?Thanks and regards,LuisGarroMuñozSolucionesyServiciosGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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WMQI: Message Flows, Message Set or Execution Group problems (2)

2003-12-27 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Hi,thanks for yor help.When I debug the non-working message flow, it looks like an empty message is comming in, because the MRM-TDS parser can't get data. But it's for sure that our message has the length and data that we want to pass thru MQ.We set up DB2 to accept 100 connections and we applied all the steps to configure the broker domain (DB2 heap size andbindings) andMQ tunning (MQ log file size).If we see system logging ordb2 logging, there aren't errors or warnings.So, that's all I can say for now.Thanks and regards,LuisGarroMuñozSolucionesyServiciosGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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WMQI: Message Flows, Message Set or Execution Group problems (3)

2003-12-27 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Hi, I forgot to mention thatMQ has CSD04 and WMQI has CSD05 for both OS.Also, the deployment is clean, no error messages at all.All that message flows and message set are already running in our development environment (Windows 2000), so, it's for sure that there aren't message flow or message set errors.Thanks and regards,LuisGarroMuñozSolucionesyServiciosGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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MQ AS/400 Remote Administration problem (2)

2003-12-03 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Hi,thanks for the tip (MQJExplorer), but now, I'm having a trouble with it. Everything workswell (ver similar to MQ Explorer on MMC), however, when I tryed to modify one of the channels, MQJExplorer throwed the exception "Queue manager return reason code 3011". I tryed to find out that reason code, but I couldn't get it.Also, if a enable "System objects", I can see the channel SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN "retrying", but in the AS/400 MQ it's showed "running".Any idea about that?Thanks and regards,LuisGarroMuñozSolucionesyServiciosGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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MQ AS/400 Remote Administration problem

2003-12-02 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Hi,we're trying to administer6 MQ on AS/400 remotely (from W2k), somewith MQ v5.2 (OS v4.5) and others with MQ v5.3 (OS v5.1).When wemodify channel configurations using remote administration, we don't know why the channel 'exit' fields are filled with the character '', so, whenwe try to ping or start the channel(no matter if it's SDR or RCVR) we get'AMQ4081, User exit not available'. We understand the error,it's because the channel 'exit' fields trash character mustn't exists.In order to get a temporaly solution, we clean the 'exit' fields using AS/400 MQ (not remotly, of course) and everyting works fine. But we couldn't continue so, because we'vesome MQ users that don't have any idea of using AS/400 (passwords, etc).So, does anyone know why and how to resolve this remote administration problem?Thanks and regards,LuisGarroMuñozSolucionesyServiciosGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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IBM MQ Series 5.3 for Windows 2003?

2003-10-09 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Hi everyone,I need to know if IBM MQ Series 5.3 CSD04 could be installed on Windows 2003.If the answer is 'yes', would you tell me where to find some installing information?Thanks and regards,LuisGarroMuñozSolucionesyServiciosGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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Re: IBM MQ Series 5.3 for Windows 2003?

2003-10-09 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
ThanksChristopher, it really woul help me.Regards,LuisGarroMuñozSolucionesyServiciosGBMdeCostaRicae-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:2843999ext6216
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Re: Oracle MQ Interface

2003-09-02 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz

we installed the attached SupportPac MA0I succesfully (modified under
instructions of Clark Nipko), but, just a problem, all the documentation is
in spanish, however, is easy to understand.

Thanks and regards,

Luis Garro Muñoz
Soluciones y Servicios
GBM de Costa Rica
Tel: (506)2843999 ext 6216
Cel: (506)8343647

MA0I Modified.zip
Description: Zip archive

CWF repeat

2003-08-14 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
Andre van Zyl wrote this:

In my MQSI flow I receive one message containing a repeating structure.
structure of the data is known and can therefor be parsed by MRM, but the
problem is that I do not know how many repetitions will be sent at a time
the same message.
I am able to extract all the repeating segments, and parsing them.

My MRM message definition contains two compound elements. The first does
repeat, by the second repeats as many times as the number of segments sent
in the message. In the Connection Tab I set the element to Mandatory and
also set Repeat to yes. In the CWF tab I them set the number of

The problem with this is that if the number of repetitions is less than the
number of segments in the messages, a part of the message is lost. If the
number of repetitions setting is greater then the actual number of segments
received, MQSI goes into error - basically complaining that it is expecting
data for the empty segments for which no data was received.

Does anyone have any ideas how I could possibly overcome this problem???

I did investigate using a different Repeat Count Type for the message -
where I would use an integer element in my message and set it equal to the
number of repetitions. No matter what I try, the Repeat Count Type field in
the CWF tab stays greyed out and cannot be changed from Count.
Furthermore, the outgoing message contains no Integer elements - the
structure of the outgoing message is very specific as it is in an SAP IDOC
format and gets sent to SAP via R3Link software - if I change the message,
the R3Link and SAP will reject the message as it is not in the expected

I'm exactly in the same situation, Do you know how to solve this problem???


Luis Garro Muñoz
Soluciones y Servicios
GBM de Costa Rica
Tel: (506)2843999 ext 6216
Cel: (506)8343647
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://vm.akh-wien.ac.at/MQSeries.archive

MQ Oracle Support

2003-07-31 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz
some applications wrote with Oracle Developer 6 needs to be connected to
MQSeries 5.3. This aplications are on AIX 4.3.3, 5.1.L and Windows 2000
I need to know what are the possibilities to do that? MA0I SupportPac, JAVA
or VB modules called by procedures calls, etc.

We appreciate all your help!

Thanks and regards,

Luis Garro Muñoz
Soluciones y Servicios
GBM de Costa Rica
Tel: (506)2843999 ext 6216
Cel: (506)8343647
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
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MA0I SupportPac (PL/SQL Support)

2003-07-28 Thread Luis Garro Muôoz


We tryed to install the MA0I supportPac 1.1 (but we don't need XASQL) on
AIX 5 (64 bits), Oracle (without ProC), MQSeries 5.3 and C Compiler
5; it didn't work (I'm giving you a log file result of the install.sh
execution, it could help).
We need to know if there're new versions or patches for this supportPac,
or, if there're more options to do this labor (Connectivity between Oracle
and MQSeries).

Thanks and regards,

Luis Garro Muñoz
Soluciones y Servicios
GBM de Costa Rica
Tel: (506)2843999 ext 6216
Cel: (506)8343647

Description: Binary data