Re: MQSeries on OS/390 performance tuning

2003-09-11 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

for this. Very useful.
There's an interesting (to me!) section comparing performance and
CPU costs for IMS transactions using the IMS bridge vs. the IMS Batch
Trigger Monitor, but its very out of date - even in the latest version of the
supportpac (Dec 2002) it refers to MQ v1.1.4 / IMS V4 etc.
Anybody seen any more up to date comparisonor maybe done some
comparison themselves ?
ask the IMS list as well)

  -Original Message-From: Beinert, William
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 11 September 2003
  14:34To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: MQSeries on
  OS/390 performance tuning
  support pack MP16
-Original Message-From: Bullock, Rebecca (CSC)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 9:31
AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: MQSeries on
OS/390 performance tuning

Peter, look in the
SupportPacs. There's one for MF perfromance, but I don't know the

Rebecca Bullock
Computer Sciences
Princeton, NJ 
    Message-From: Peter
Moir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 9:04
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: MQSeries on OS/390 performance


Does anyone know of any decent
documentation on performance tuning or capacity planning for MQSeries on the
mainframe other than whats in the regular manuals ?


Our MQ series (v5.2) queue
managers on OS/390 have to date been handling relatively low volumes of
small messages. Soon the message rate and message sizes going through these
queue managers will increase several fold, so I need to do a bit of a health





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MQSeries on OS/390 performance tuning

2003-09-11 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

Does anyone know of 
any decent documentation on performance tuning or capacity planning for MQSeries 
on the mainframe other than whats in the regular manuals ?
Our MQ series (v5.2) 
queue managers on OS/390 have to date been handling relatively low volumes of 
small messages. Soon the message rate and message sizes going through these 
queue managers will increase several fold, so I need to do a bit of a health 
Bank of America, 


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Re: Grouping of msgs in MQ on MainFrames

2003-09-11 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

version of MQSeries are you on on the mainframe ?
believe what you are after only became available in MQ V5.3 for z/OS 
& OS/390.

  -Original Message-From: Vivekananda 
  Doraswamy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 11 September 2003 
  11:09To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Grouping of 
  msgs in MQ on MainFramesHello All, I am trying to 
  send(PUT) related messages as a group into a Queue and receive(GET) them as a 
  group from Queue after getting processed by some applications. 
  I tried to use the variables that are 
  mentioned below to achieve Grouping concept, But I am getting compilation errors saying that the variables are not 
  available. I have checked the copy 
  books in Endevor. They are not available. This is the list of copybooks(Header Files) we are using out of 
  have the latest version of copybooks in libraries. The following variables are not defined (which 
  should've been defined in CMQV) MQGMO-LOGICAL-ORDER MQGMO-ALL-MSGS-AVAILABLE MQPMO-LOGICAL-ORDER not found (which should've been defined in 
  found(which should've been defined in CMQMDV). Any help in resolving the problem would be highly 
  appreciated. Please excuse me if I am making a silly mistake as I am new to MQ 
  on mainframes though I have good experience in Distributed systems. 
  Thanks & regards ... 


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2003-08-14 Thread Peter Moir
Many apologies, got my outlook folders mixed up, thought that was to me -
didn't realise that I was replying to the list.

Sorry again!


-Original Message-
From: Moir, Peter
Sent: 14 August 2003 15:24
To: 'MQSeries List'
Subject: RE: OS/390 JCLPUT

Hi...glad it's a help, I think I sent you the JCL & REXX for a get as well
but I attach again in case I forgot. Once again comments in the JCL should
help, but its only actually a browse, i.e. it doesn't take the messages off
the queue, but you can change that, just change the following line in the
REXX as follow I think...

oo = mqoo_browse+mqoo_input_as_q_def oo = mqoo_input_as_q_def   (line

But beware, it just gets EVERYTHING on a queue, doesn't selectively get a

It does give you a a neatly formatted output though breaking up the header
info. for you (dead letter queue and xmit queue headers too if you want)
which can be helpful in testing.


-Original Message-
From: June Lawton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 August 2003 15:06
Subject: Re: OS/390 JCLPUT

Hey You!

The JCL you gave me was perfect. I PUT some messages out on a Q.  Then went
into the CLIST and moved them to another Q and deleted, etc. Now, can you
help with a GET?

June Lawton
Information Systems
The PMA Insurance Group
(T) 610.397.5058
(F) 610.397.5311

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2003-08-14 Thread Peter Moir

Hi...glad it's a help, I think I sent you the JCL & REXX for a get as well
but I attach again in case I forgot. Once again comments in the JCL should
help, but its only actually a browse, i.e. it doesn't take the messages off
the queue, but you can change that, just change the following line in the
REXX as follow I think...

oo = mqoo_browse+mqoo_input_as_q_def oo = mqoo_input_as_q_def   (line

But beware, it just gets EVERYTHING on a queue, doesn't selectively get a

It does give you a a neatly formatted output though breaking up the header
info. for you (dead letter queue and xmit queue headers too if you want)
which can be helpful in testing.


-Original Message-
From: June Lawton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 August 2003 15:06
Subject: Re: OS/390 JCLPUT

Hey You!

The JCL you gave me was perfect. I PUT some messages out on a Q.  Then went
into the CLIST and moved them to another Q and deleted, etc. Now, can you
help with a GET?

June Lawton
Information Systems
The PMA Insurance Group
(T) 610.397.5058
(F) 610.397.5311

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/* REXX */
/* sysin format ;
   no continuation, msg_header optional, other mandatory
end_rc = 0
"execio * diskr sysin (stem parm. finis"
if RC <> 0 then call err08 'read from sysin failed'
if parm.0 = 0 then call err08 'no sysin supplied'
do i=1 to parm.0 /* start of main loop */
if left(parm.i,1) = '*' then iterate
parse var parm.i qmgr queue_name dlh_ind
msg_header = strip(msg_header)
/* Initialise the interface */
rcc= RXMQV('INIT')
call chkrc
/* Connect to Queue Manager - ME01 */
if length(qmgr) <> 4 then call err08 'Invalid QMGR name (<> 4 CHARS)'
rcc = RXMQV('CONN', qmgr)
call chkrc
/* Open queue Queue Manager - ME01 */
oo = mqoo_browse+mqoo_input_as_q_def
if queue_name = '' then call err08 'No Queue Name Supplied'
rcc = RXMQV('OPEN', queue_name , oo , 'h2', 'ood.' )
call chkrc
/* */
IPmsg.0 = 2048
IPmsg.1 = ''
InputGMO.WAIT = 1
InputMD.MSGID = ''
InputMD.CID = ''
ctr = 0
do forever
ctr = ctr + 1
rcc=RXMQV('GET',h2,'IPmsg.','InputMD.','OutputMD.','InputGMO.','Outpu   tGMO.')
call chkrc
say "MESSAGE #" || ctr
say "~~~"
say " "
say " "
say "  Application Identifier  = " || OutputMD.AID
say "  Application Origin Data = " || OutputMD.AOD
say "  Accounting Token= " || OutputMD.AT
say "  Backout Count   = " || OutputMD.BC
say "  Correlation ID  = " || OutputMD.CID
say "  Coded Character Set = " || OutputMD.CCSI
say "  Encoding= " || OutputMD.ENC
say "  Expriration Date= " || OutputMD.EXP
say "  Feedback= " || OutputMD.FBK
say "  Format  = " || OutputMD.FORM
say "  Message Type= " || OutputMD.MSG
say "  Message ID  = " || OutputMD.MSGID
say "  Put Application Name= " || OutputMD.PAN
say "  Put Application Type= " || OutputMD.PAT
say "  Put Date= " || OutputMD.PD
say "  Put Time= " || OutputMD.PT
say "  Persistence = " || OutputMD.PER
say "  Priority= " || OutputMD.PRI
say "  Report  = " || OutputMD.REP
say "  Reply to Queue  = " || OutputMD.RTOQ
say "  Reply to Queue Manager  = " || OutputMD.RTOQM
say "  UserID  = " || OutputMD.UID
say " "
say " "
say "  Message Data Length = " || IPmsg.0
say "  M

Re: IMS Bridge

2003-07-30 Thread Peter Moir

Do you mean the IMS bridge ? i.e. you are connecting to IMS via OTMA and not
using the batch trigger monitor ?

If you are using the IMS Bridge then you do not use triggering on the input
queue. This uses XCF to transfer messages to IMS via OTMA & you specify the
XCF group name you are using in the storage class of the queue when you
define it, turn triggering off.

This isn't true of course if you're using the trigger monitor (CSQQTRMN).


-Original Message-
From: Moreira, Paulo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 July 2003 09:07
Subject: IMS Bridge


I have a MQ-CICS Bridge executing correctly. Now I I have to setup a MQ-IMS
Bridge, but again, I'm having problems about setting up my MQ elements for
it. The requester application is sending a request, and the bridge is
placing it in the dead-letter queue (reason code = MQFB_TM_ERROR again). For
my CICS Bridge I defined the following elements: DEF QL('RequestQueue') +
INITQ('InitQueue') +

DEF QL('InitQueue')

DEF PROCESS('TestProcess') +

Should I use the same configuration for the IMS Bridge?



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Re: Finding userids - OS/390

2003-07-09 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

Rebeccayou are right, I can actually get it from MO12 after all now I
look a bit more closely.

  -Original Message-From: Bullock, Rebecca
  (CSC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 09 July 2003
  13:31To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Finding
  userids - OS/390
  Pete. I suspect that the answer will be "no" from IBM because they want to be
  able to modify the format of the log without worrying about impacting
  customers (at least, that was the explanation from the distributed crowd, and
  I'd expect the same from the MF folks). Actually, I would have expected MO12
  to have done the trick since I'd expect to be able to extract the userids from
  the message headers. You may have to play around with it though (It's been a
  while since I did any significant playing with the MO12 output, so I can't say
  for absolute positive). 
  Cheers, Rebecca
  Rebecca BullockComputer Sciences
  CorporationMFCoE/Newark CS TeamEducational Testing Service
  AccountPrinceton, NJ 08541email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
-----Original Message-From: Peter Moir
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, July 09,
2003 7:07 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:
Finding userids - OS/390
MQ v5.2 on OS/390 V2.10.
Anyone know if
there are macros to map the records on the MQ logs. There is
some information in there that I want that I don't seem to be able to get
easily by other means i.e CSQ1LOGP.
In particular
the userid associated with incoming messages. I get it in the detailed
o/p from CSQ1LOGP (UNDO/REDO record) but not easily identifiable, the userid
field on the summary o/p doesn't list these userids (I get the CHIN userid).
I have MO12 but doesn't help in this case.
Maybe (probably!) there's an easier way
I want to do this over a period of time so
would rather not run any traces and because
of the current security settings on the systems I'm interested in these
userids are not being checked by RACF so I can't find them out from

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Finding userids - OS/390

2003-07-09 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

MQ v5.2 on OS/390 V2.10.
Anyone know if 
there are macros to map the records on the MQ logs. There is some 
information in there that I want that I don't seem to be able to get easily by 
other means i.e CSQ1LOGP.
In particular the 
userid associated with incoming messages. I get it in the detailed o/p from 
CSQ1LOGP (UNDO/REDO record) but not easily identifiable, the userid field on the 
summary o/p doesn't list these userids (I get the CHIN userid). I have MO12 but 
doesn't help in this case.
Maybe (probably!) there's an easier way 
I want to do this over a period of time so would 
rather not run any traces and because of the 
current security settings on the systems I'm interested in these userids 
are not being checked by RACF so I can't find them out from 


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Re: Queue sharing Groups and RRS

2003-07-04 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

assume you are refering to CFRM policies ?...the CFRM policy will define
your CF structures which your queue sharing group will utilise. I'm not sure
what CF structues MQ needs for queue sharing, I think theres a admin one and one
or more to hold the messages. Info should be in the system set up
I have
no experience of MQ queue sharing but have set up sysplex data sharing for IMS
and DB2 - I guess the lack of responses has something to do with the date (4th
July). No doubt you'll get some more helpful responses
come Monday!
of America, UK.  

  -Original Message-From: Herd, Stewart
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 04 July 2003
  09:32To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Queue sharing
  Groups and RRS
  Dear All,   Perhaps some of
  you could enlighten me on this subject, we are currently setting up a SYSPLEX
  where we will utilize Queue Sharing groups and whilst attempting to define
  these we ran into a problem because an OS/390 component RRS was not running as
  a started task, thus the QSG's could not be defined.
  After investigation we required both RRS and ARM to be running
  to facilitate moving forward with this but then we came across something
  called 'POLICIES' which seems to need some effort from both DB2 and MQ areas,
  I have found very little online explaining this concept so I would be very
  grateful if someone could either explain the relationship between MQ and these
  'policies' or point me to an article or publication that explains the
  Thanks in advance for any help 
  Stewart Herd Senior Software
  Engineer Systems Engineering Services ACS NSC Campus Loughmahon Technology Park Cork


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Re: OS/390 MQ Client Attach Feature compatibility.

2003-06-12 Thread Peter Moir
Morag, thankyou very much.

Thought it seemed like a unlikely (or at least inappropriate) combination! I
have already sent our IBM account manager off in search of v5.2.


-Original Message-
From: Morag Hughson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 June 2003 10:43
Subject: Re: OS/390 MQ Client Attach Feature compatibility.

Aside from the fact that SMP/E shouldn't let you install a V5.3 feature on
top of V5.2 base, you might have a V5.2 and a V5.3 install image. If you mix
and match any of the features, or even the CHINIT and QMGR address spaces
from different releases they will not work together. In V5.3 specific
checking was introduced to ensure this, since it's one of the hardest
problems to debug in a PMR when the root cause is a mismatch! So as soon as
you have something of V5.3 in the mix, this checking will happen.

That aside, you really need to get hold of a V5.2 CAF. You have been sent a
V5.3 CAF, because V5.2 is no longer for sale. However, this is not helpful,
or useful. I am currently trying to track down a way you can get hold of the
V5.2 CAF and will post a further reply when I find out, but thought I
shouldn't stay quiet any longer on the first issue.

Morag Hughson
WebSphere MQ for z/OS Development

Pete, the CAF FMID will undoubtedly have a PRE for the base V5.3 FMID. You
might be able to bypass the PRE for the base V5.3 FMID, but would it work?
That's a question for Morag Hughson...And even if it DID work, I doubt you'd
get support with any issues. -- Rebecca
  -Original Message-----
  From: Peter Moir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:56 AM
  Subject: OS/390 MQ Client Attach Feature compatibility.

  We currently run MQ 5.2 on OS/390 2.10.

  We do not have the Client Attach Feature but have now ordered it. We
  need to get this in quickly before we upgrade MQ itself (later this

  I assume for MQ5.2 we need CAF v5.2.

  I've been on holiday and got back to be told that IBM have told us
  that CAF v5.2 is no longer shipped so are shipping us v5.3 instead.

  I assume that v5.3 CAF doesn't work with a v5.2 queue manager. Can
  anyone confirm that for me ?

  Can you run different releases of a queue manager and a CAF ??



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Re: Bend It Like Beckman

2003-06-11 Thread Peter Moir
.but I didn't think you guys over the other side of the Atlantic took
any notice of "proper" football* ?!

* translation - "Soccer", although I can hardly bring myself to say the

Bank of America (UK!).

-Original Message-
From: June Lawton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 June 2003 18:45
Subject: Bend It Like Beckman

I apologize profusely for this Email. I meant to send it to a Hursley dude!

June Lawton
Information Systems
The PMA Insurance Group
(T) 610.397.5058
(F) 610.397.5311
- Forwarded by June Lawton/PMA/PMAGroup on 06/11/2003 01:46 PM -

  June Lawton
  06/11/2003 01:42 cc:
  PM   Subject:  Bend It Like

Just read in the Philadelphia Inquire where Beckman may goe to Barcelona's
team.  Beckman's current team and Spains are scheduled to play here in
Philly in August!  That would be an awesome game if he does go to Spain's.

June Lawton
Information Systems
The PMA Insurance Group
(T) 610.397.5058
(F) 610.397.5311

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OS/390 MQ Client Attach Feature compatibility.

2003-06-11 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

We currently 
run MQ 5.2 on OS/390 2.10.
We do not have the 
Client Attach Feature but have now ordered it. We need to get this in quickly 
before we upgrade MQ itself (later this year).
I assume for MQ5.2 
we need CAF v5.2.  
I've been on holiday 
and got back to be told that IBM have told us that CAF v5.2 is no longer shipped 
so are shipping us v5.3 instead. 
I assume that v5.3 
CAF doesn't work with a v5.2 queue manager. Can anyone confirm that for me 
Can you run 
different releases of a queue manager and a CAF ?? 


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Re: MQ PSID Max Size

2003-04-02 Thread Peter Moir

Not contemplated a PSID greater than 4gig myself but theoretically a VSAM
dataset can be defined as extended format with extended addressability and
be larger than 4 gig (up to
CI size x 4GB) but whether MQSeries supports PSIDs in extended format I'm
not sure, would need to check that out, some things, IMS for example, do not
support extended format VSAM.

It does need to be EA to go past 4Gig though, SMS on its own doesn't do it
for you.

I believe you can define up 100 PSIDs per queue manager though!


-Original Message-
From: Dean Montevago [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 April 2003 21:04
Subject: MQ PSID Max Size


Is there one ? Can a PSID be larger than 4gb if it is SMS managed ?


Dean Montevago
Sr. Software Specialist
Visiting Nurse Service of N.Y.

phone : (212) 290 - 0543

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Re: MQSeries OS/390 QMGR Abend - CSQV086E - Reason 00E80100 - Urg ent

2003-03-17 Thread Peter Moir
Well, a S522 means the task has been in a SVC wait state for longer than
that allowed by your systems definitions.

I think that is set in SYS1.PARMLIB(SMFPRMxx) & JWT parm if that is still
the way its done.

I'm not sure what you had set up to prevent tasks like MQSeries getting
timed out like this, but I should suspect something has changed in this area
(you mention you suspected WLM, maybe that is it).

As a quick get around, coding ,TIME=NOLIMIT on the exec statement in your
started task JCL should presumably solve it ?


-Original Message-
From: P Karthikeyan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 March 2003 10:08
Subject: MQSeries OS/390 QMGR Abend - CSQV086E - Reason 00E80100 - Urgent


Today we face the problem of queue managers getting abended with the
following error

 TIME=15.21.01  SEQ=50409  CPU=  ASID=0045
  PSW AT TIME OF ERROR  077C1000   8DE01B1A  ILC 2  INTC 01
DATA AT PSW  0DE01B14 - BF08AB0B  0A0194FE  90681F11
AR/GR 0: /8001   1: /0C3D41F8
  2: /FF7F   3: /80200080
  4: /   5: /0C3D4000
  6: /   7: /0BA2E040
  8: /0C3D41D0   9: /7F6F2690
  A: /8DE01008   B: /7F6F2560
  C: /0DE02007   D: /7F6F2560
  E: 8C74936E/   F: /

On cheking the messages for CSQV086E & 00E80100,  it is stated that one of
the problem for the could be that MQ unable to locate the CSQZPARM. But it
is not the case.

The Queue manager comes up normally and stays active for around 30 mins ,
then abends with the above mentioned error.

The environment is OS/390 V2R10 with MQ ver 2.1. This environment runs fine
for more than 1.5 years and we had not received this kind of problem. Also,
we have not applied any maintainence recently  to suspect any problem
related to maintainence.

Also, we face same problem in other subsystems in the LPAR.

We are suspecting that the problem could be due to TCPIP & WLM.

Have any one in the list faced similar problems? Any resolutions??

Thanks in Advance,

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Client Attachment Feature for OS/390

2003-03-05 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message


the only thing we 
use MQ server on Windows NT or 2000 for is to attach clients (on Windows) 
to applications running on OS/390. i.e client connects to server on NT and 
puts to remote queue from there to OS/390 where the app. runs (in IMS) and then 
back to the NT server where the client picks the reply up 
We do not have the 
Client Attach feature for OS/390.
I think that if we 
installed the client attach feature on OS/390 we could just junk all our 
MQ/NT servers and bring the clients directly into OS/390. I can see this having 
a number of benefits to us.
In principle is 
it as easy that ? Are then any "gotchas" with connecting clients on windows 2000 
to OS/390 or in using the client attach feature ?
Are many people 
doing this ?
any view much 


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Re: Question re: RACF and OS/390

2003-02-27 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

found an APAR thats a match, looks like we need UQ49303, UQ49306 & 

  -Original Message-From: Moir, Peter 
  Sent: 27 February 2003 09:37To: 'MQSeries 
  List'Subject: RE: Question re: RACF and OS/390
  Thanks Ian, seemed like the logical explanation, but the CHIN has been 
  running & working for donkey years and the only thing I've changed is 
  removed its access from RESLEVEL.
  I start the CHIN I get this message;
  which would suggest it is getting assigned a valid userid and it is 
  this userid that has the access granted to it in RACF. It has the same basic 
  RACF set up of all our started tasks.
  Obviously the userid is working as far as dataset access is concerned 
  but without the RESLEVEL access it can't open these system queues during start 
  up as RACF is checking a blank userid...doesn't make sense to 

-Original Message-From: Ian Metcalfe 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 26 February 2003 
20:05To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Question 
re: RACF and OS/390
seems that the CHIN isn't running under a valid RACF userid. Do you have a 
STARTED class resource defined under RACF to assign a useris/group to the 
task when it starts? This is covered briefly in the System Manaagement 
Furthermore. MQQUEUE resources don't use the ** 
wildcard, as they aren't dataset format based, they are strings. Just use a 
single * to wildcard them.

  -Original Message-From: MQSeries List 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Peter 
  MoirSent: Thursday, 27 February 2003 03:45To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Question re: RACF and 
  Firstly apologies for what might be a very 
  straight forward question, I have checked 
  the archives best I could
  I'm looking a MQ security and just playing around in test at the 
  moment, we use RACF and are MQ 
  V5.2 on OS/390 2.10.
  I found that the CHIN userid had been given ALTER access to 
  There was also a profile in MQADMIN called 
  ME04.** which the CHIN userid 
  also had ALTER access to
  I removed the CHIN from the access list of 
  Then I bounced the CHIN, when it came back up 
  I got this error...
  USER(    ) 
  GROUP(    ) 
  MQCC=2, MQRC=2035
  I've read a lot about RESLEVEL and the 
  userids that get checked depending upon the setting of RESLEVEL and PUTAUT etc. This is 
  what I wanted to play with to understand it better. However I don't 
  understand where this RACF violation is coming from (why the undefined 
  userid ?) as this is just during CHIN start 
  up and nothing to do with put authority or connection authority is it 
  There is no specific MQQUEUE definition for 
  the SYNCQ, there is a MQQUEUE resource of ssid.** which the CHIN userid 
  has ALTER access to.
  Hope someone 
  can enlighten me.
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  The information in this internet e-mail and 
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  If this email originates from the U.K. please 
  note that Bank of America, N.A., London Branch, Banc of America Securities 
  Limited and Banc of America Futures Incorporated are regulated by the 
  Financial Services Authority.

Re: Question re: RACF and OS/390

2003-02-27 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

Ian, seemed like the logical explanation, but the CHIN has been running & 
working for donkey years and the only thing I've changed is removed its access 
When I 
start the CHIN I get this message;
would suggest it is getting assigned a valid userid and it is this userid that 
has the access granted to it in RACF. It has the same basic RACF set up of all 
our started tasks.
Obviously the userid is working as far as dataset access is concerned but 
without the RESLEVEL access it can't open these system queues during start up as 
RACF is checking a blank userid...doesn't make sense to me.

  -Original Message-From: Ian Metcalfe 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 26 February 2003 20:05To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Question re: RACF and 
  seems that the CHIN isn't running under a valid RACF userid. Do you have a 
  STARTED class resource defined under RACF to assign a useris/group to the task 
  when it starts? This is covered briefly in the System Manaagement 
  Furthermore. MQQUEUE resources don't use the ** 
  wildcard, as they aren't dataset format based, they are strings. Just use a 
  single * to wildcard them.
-Original Message-From: MQSeries List 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Peter 
MoirSent: Thursday, 27 February 2003 03:45To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Question re: RACF and 
Firstly apologies for what might be a very 
straight forward question, I have checked 
the archives best I could
I'm looking a MQ security and just playing around in test at the 
moment, we use RACF and are MQ V5.2 
on OS/390 2.10.
I found that the CHIN userid had been given ALTER access to 
There was also a profile in MQADMIN called 
ME04.** which the CHIN userid 
also had ALTER access to
I removed the CHIN from the access list of 
Then I bounced the CHIN, when it came back up I 
got this error...
USER(    ) 
GROUP(    ) 
MQCC=2, MQRC=2035
I've read a lot about RESLEVEL and the userids 
that get checked depending upon the setting of RESLEVEL and PUTAUT etc. This is 
what I wanted to play with to understand it better. However I don't 
understand where this RACF violation is coming from (why the undefined 
userid ?) as this is just during CHIN start 
up and nothing to do with put authority or connection authority is it 
There is no specific MQQUEUE definition for the 
SYNCQ, there is a MQQUEUE resource of ssid.** which the CHIN userid has 
ALTER access to.
Hope someone can 
enlighten me.

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If this email originates from the U.K. please 
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Limited and Banc of America Futures Incorporated are regulated by the 
Financial Services Authority.


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The information in this internet e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended addressee please notify the sender immediately by telephone. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. 

Question re: RACF and OS/390

2003-02-26 Thread Peter Moir
Title: Message

Firstly apologies for what might be a very straight
forward question, I have checked the
archives best I could
I'm looking a MQ security and just playing around in test at the moment, we use RACF and are MQ V5.2 on OS/390 2.10.
I found that the CHIN userid had been given ALTER access to
There was also a profile in MQADMIN called ME04.**
which the CHIN userid also had ALTER
access to
I removed the CHIN from the access list of
Then I bounced the CHIN, when it came back up I got
this error...
USER(    )
GROUP(    )
I've read a lot about RESLEVEL and the userids that
get checked depending upon the setting of RESLEVEL and PUTAUT etc. This is what I
wanted to play with to understand it better. However I don't understand where
this RACF violation is coming from (why the undefined userid ?) as this is just during CHIN start up and nothing to do
with put authority or connection authority is it
There is no specific MQQUEUE definition for the
SYNCQ, there is a MQQUEUE resource of ssid.** which the CHIN userid has ALTER
access to.
Hope someone can
enlighten me.


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