Re: FW: MQ software evolution - fill in the gaps?

2003-07-30 Thread Kelly, Steve
Title: FW: MQ software evolution - fill in the gaps?

the story change whenSybase acquired New Era of Networks (I don't think we 
can call them NEON anymore after a legal case with the other NEON can we 

whatever happened to the Copernicus product that New Era of Networks acquired 
when they bought VIE Systems that was subsequently the subject of a legal 
(intellectual property rights or patent or similar) case with New Paradigm 
Corporation, the former owners of the Copernicus software. Did any of the 
Copernicus rules and formattingcode make its way into the New Era of 
Networks products ?


-Original Message-From: Fryett.Chris 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 23 July 2003 
22:32To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: FW: MQ 
software evolution - fill in the gaps?
From a 
colleague of mine:

ex-NEON and ex-IBM here is my summary:

V1.x There is love in the air and talk of a marriage.
V2.0Talk of breaking up (marriage jitters), but decided to get 
married anyway.
V2.1 Trial separation and divorce preparation.
V5 Daddy can visit on the weekends as long as he pays 
support. : )

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:43 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: FW: MQ software 
  evolution - fill in the gaps?
  Since no one took up the gauntlet for MQSI or MQ Workflow, 
  I'll have a shot at MQSI... (I dug into my memory, 
  some old presentations and some redbooks I have around, but this gives a 
  reasonable history) 
  Beginning of 1998 IBM saw an opportunity for an addition to 
  the MQ Family (this is also the timeframe in which the 'triangle' was invented 
  :-) ), which does routing and transformation of messages i.e. the entry of IBM 
  to a high value market of Message Brokers (start of the (n-1)**2 versus n 
  connections pitch, unfortunately they didn't have a product... 
  So let's build one and put Hursley to work. Plans were made 
  and MQSI V2 as we know it today was born (on paper). 
  Plans got a little bigger and it turned out that a delivery 
  date would end up somewhere in 2000 (2 years from beginning 1998...) So 
  waddah-y-a do??? there is this huge opportunity and nothing to sell... 
  Bam... There is a company called NEON (New Era of Networks, 
  not to be confused with NEON Systems (NESY on NASDAQ...), which has a product 
  called NEONET and it has some interesting patented technology... So first 
  steps were taken and the first IBM Sales of NEONET 4.0 as MQIntegrator 1.0 
  were done as PRPQ's (IBM name for special products that are not in the 
  catalog...) and support was done through NEON. This turned out a huge success 
  The PRPQ process is not so easy (internal IBM stuff) and 
  support came from NEON, which most IBM customers did not really like (they are 
  used to one point of contact...) so... 
  IBM announces (and immediately delivers, after doing all the 
  paperwork with IBM lawyers and NEON) in - April 1999 
  MQSeries Integrator V1.0 (Shortname MQI), which is the OEM version of NEONET 
  V4.01  (notice the subtle difference between 
  MQIntegrator and MQSeries Integrator...) soon followed in - June 1999 by MQSeries Integrator V1.1, which 
  is the OEM version of NEONET V4.1.1 - December 1999 
  MQSeries Integrator on AS/400 sees the light (still kicking around and 
  supported until 31 JUL 2004!) - December 1999 MQSeries 
  Integrator V1.1.1 on OS/390 (not sure about this one..., but is still 
  supported and no end date is 
   known yet...)  time goes 
  by and Hursley is working their b*tts off and MQSeries development almost 
  halts... in - March 2000 MQSeries 
  Integrator V2.0 (Shortname MQSI), with MQSeries Integrator V1.1 stuck 
  underneath as is, debuts on 
   the Windows platform  
  (remember this V2 is the product IBM had in mind beginning of 1998..., so this 
  was meant as the V1 product, also  deducted by 
  simple rule of thumb, because all V2 IBM products have to be multi-language 
  and MQSI V2 was not...),  followed by 
  - June 2000 MQSeries 
  Integrator V2.0.1 on Sun Solaris (because there was a customer willing to pay 
  for early delivery, 
   but the product is delayed until August...) and 
  - August 2000 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.1 on AIX 
  and an update of the Windows code - 
  April 2001 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.2 on NT - June 2001 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.2 on AIX, 
  Solaris, HP-UX and iSeries (wasn't this the thing running on the 
   NT emulation card?), V2.0.2 included the move to NEONET 
  V5.2, which was renamed to e-Biz Integrator by NEON... - Fall 2001 announcement of WebSphere MQ 
  Integrator V2.1 (Shortname WMQI), to include the first V2 version on 390 AND 
   of the first 390 products to come as OTC (one time 
  charge) whereas most 390 software is billed month after month, year 

   after year... - 
  December 2001 WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1 (with non-working new

FW: MQ software evolution - fill in the gaps?

2003-07-23 Thread Michael . Dag
Title: FW: MQ software evolution - fill in the gaps?

Since no one took up the gauntlet for MQSI or MQ Workflow, I'll have a shot at MQSI... 
(I dug into my memory, some old presentations and some redbooks I have around, but this gives a reasonable history)

Beginning of 1998 IBM saw an opportunity for an addition to the MQ Family (this is also the timeframe in which the 'triangle' was invented :-) ), which does routing and transformation of messages i.e. the entry of IBM to a high value market of Message Brokers (start of the (n-1)**2 versus n connections pitch, unfortunately they didn't have a product... 

So let's build one and put Hursley to work. Plans were made and MQSI V2 as we know it today was born (on paper).

Plans got a little bigger and it turned out that a delivery date would end up somewhere in 2000 (2 years from beginning 1998...) So waddah-y-a do??? there is this huge opportunity and nothing to sell... 

Bam... There is a company called NEON (New Era of Networks, not to be confused with NEON Systems (NESY on NASDAQ...), which has a product called NEONET and it has some interesting patented technology... So first steps were taken and the first IBM Sales of NEONET 4.0 as MQIntegrator 1.0 were done as PRPQ's (IBM name for special products that are not in the catalog...) and support was done through NEON. This turned out a huge success but...

The PRPQ process is not so easy (internal IBM stuff) and support came from NEON, which most IBM customers did not really like (they are used to one point of contact...) so... 

IBM announces (and immediately delivers, after doing all the paperwork with IBM lawyers and NEON) in 
- April 1999 MQSeries Integrator V1.0 (Shortname MQI), which is the OEM version of NEONET V4.01
 (notice the subtle difference between MQIntegrator and MQSeries Integrator...) soon followed in
- June 1999 by MQSeries Integrator V1.1, which is the OEM version of NEONET V4.1.1
- December 1999 MQSeries Integrator on AS/400 sees the light (still kicking around and supported until 31 JUL 2004!)
- December 1999 MQSeries Integrator V1.1.1 on OS/390 (not sure about this one..., but is still supported and no end date is 

 known yet...)
 time goes by and Hursley is working their b*tts off and MQSeries development almost halts... in
- March 2000 MQSeries Integrator V2.0 (Shortname MQSI), with MQSeries Integrator V1.1 stuck underneath as is, debuts on 

 the Windows platform 
 (remember this V2 is the product IBM had in mind beginning of 1998..., so this was meant as the V1 product, also 
 deducted by simple rule of thumb, because all V2 IBM products have to be multi-language and MQSI V2 was not...), 
 followed by 
- June 2000 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.1 on Sun Solaris (because there was a customer willing to pay for early delivery, 

 but the product is delayed until August...) and
- August 2000 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.1 on AIX and an update of the Windows code
- April 2001 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.2 on NT
- June 2001 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.2 on AIX, Solaris, HP-UX and iSeries (wasn't this the thing running on the Windows 

 NT emulation card?), V2.0.2 included the move to NEONET V5.2, which was renamed to e-Biz Integrator by NEON...
- Fall 2001 announcement of WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1 (Shortname WMQI), to include the first V2 version on 390 AND one 

 of the first 390 products to come as OTC (one time charge) whereas most 390 software is billed month after month, year 

 after year... 
- December 2001 WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1 (with non-working new MRM2, but fixed in CSD3...) available on NT/2000, AIX, 

 Sun, HP-UX and iSeries (still on the Windows Emulation Card?)
- December 2001 WebSphere MQ Integrator for z/OS V2.1
 BTW: V2.1 includes NEONET or e-Biz Integrator V5.6 Rules and Formatter
 Meanwhile IBM went on the eclipse plan and so had WebSphere MQ Integrator... a lot of time was spend on this and a lot of

 new function was halted in development... then someone thought hey... we refresh code completely using CSDs so why not put 

 the changes in the CSD's... and so it happened that a CSD (which is a Corrective Service Disk/Distribution) contained new 

 functionality... this notorious CSD was number 3 :-)... 
 and time went on eclipsifying things in Hursley... 
- in the meantime something like WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker V2.1 saw the light, which was WS MQI without NEON (so it was 

- WebSphere MQ Event Broker V2.1 (Shortname WMQEB) turned up... basically WS MQI V2.1 without NEON AND without Compute 
 nodes... but with
 High-Speed Pub/Sub based on TCP/IP Multicast technology.
- May 2003 IBM announces WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5 (Shortname WBI MB, or as I already heard somewhere 

 WebSphere BIMBo :-)... ), which is the follow on for WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker V2.1... 
 So what to do with NEON name wise...??? you get it... we call it: ... with Rules  Formatter Extensions... 
 which makes: WebSphere Business Integration

Re: FW: MQ software evolution - fill in the gaps?

2003-07-23 Thread Fryett.Chris
Title: FW: MQ software evolution - fill in the gaps?

From a 
colleague of mine:

ex-NEON and ex-IBM here is my summary:

V1.x There is love in the air and talk of a marriage.
V2.0Talk of breaking up (marriage jitters), but decided to get 
married anyway.
V2.1 Trial separation and divorce preparation.
V5 Daddy can visit on the weekends as long as he pays 
support. : )

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:43 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: FW: MQ software 
  evolution - fill in the gaps?
  Since no one took up the gauntlet for MQSI or MQ Workflow, 
  I'll have a shot at MQSI... (I dug into my memory, 
  some old presentations and some redbooks I have around, but this gives a 
  reasonable history) 
  Beginning of 1998 IBM saw an opportunity for an addition to 
  the MQ Family (this is also the timeframe in which the 'triangle' was invented 
  :-) ), which does routing and transformation of messages i.e. the entry of IBM 
  to a high value market of Message Brokers (start of the (n-1)**2 versus n 
  connections pitch, unfortunately they didn't have a product... 
  So let's build one and put Hursley to work. Plans were made 
  and MQSI V2 as we know it today was born (on paper). 
  Plans got a little bigger and it turned out that a delivery 
  date would end up somewhere in 2000 (2 years from beginning 1998...) So 
  waddah-y-a do??? there is this huge opportunity and nothing to sell... 
  Bam... There is a company called NEON (New Era of Networks, 
  not to be confused with NEON Systems (NESY on NASDAQ...), which has a product 
  called NEONET and it has some interesting patented technology... So first 
  steps were taken and the first IBM Sales of NEONET 4.0 as MQIntegrator 1.0 
  were done as PRPQ's (IBM name for special products that are not in the 
  catalog...) and support was done through NEON. This turned out a huge success 
  The PRPQ process is not so easy (internal IBM stuff) and 
  support came from NEON, which most IBM customers did not really like (they are 
  used to one point of contact...) so... 
  IBM announces (and immediately delivers, after doing all the 
  paperwork with IBM lawyers and NEON) in - April 1999 
  MQSeries Integrator V1.0 (Shortname MQI), which is the OEM version of NEONET 
  V4.01  (notice the subtle difference between 
  MQIntegrator and MQSeries Integrator...) soon followed in - June 1999 by MQSeries Integrator V1.1, which 
  is the OEM version of NEONET V4.1.1 - December 1999 
  MQSeries Integrator on AS/400 sees the light (still kicking around and 
  supported until 31 JUL 2004!) - December 1999 MQSeries 
  Integrator V1.1.1 on OS/390 (not sure about this one..., but is still 
  supported and no end date is 
   known yet...)  time goes 
  by and Hursley is working their b*tts off and MQSeries development almost 
  halts... in - March 2000 MQSeries 
  Integrator V2.0 (Shortname MQSI), with MQSeries Integrator V1.1 stuck 
  underneath as is, debuts on 
   the Windows platform  
  (remember this V2 is the product IBM had in mind beginning of 1998..., so this 
  was meant as the V1 product, also  deducted by 
  simple rule of thumb, because all V2 IBM products have to be multi-language 
  and MQSI V2 was not...),  followed by 
  - June 2000 MQSeries 
  Integrator V2.0.1 on Sun Solaris (because there was a customer willing to pay 
  for early delivery, 
   but the product is delayed until August...) and 
  - August 2000 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.1 on AIX 
  and an update of the Windows code - 
  April 2001 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.2 on NT - June 2001 MQSeries Integrator V2.0.2 on AIX, 
  Solaris, HP-UX and iSeries (wasn't this the thing running on the 
   NT emulation card?), V2.0.2 included the move to NEONET 
  V5.2, which was renamed to e-Biz Integrator by NEON... - Fall 2001 announcement of WebSphere MQ 
  Integrator V2.1 (Shortname WMQI), to include the first V2 version on 390 AND 
   of the first 390 products to come as OTC (one time 
  charge) whereas most 390 software is billed month after month, year 

   after year... - 
  December 2001 WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1 (with non-working new MRM2, but 
  fixed in CSD3...) available on NT/2000, AIX, 
   Sun, HP-UX and iSeries (still on the Windows Emulation 
  Card?) - December 2001 WebSphere MQ Integrator for 
  z/OS V2.1  BTW: V2.1 includes NEONET or e-Biz 
  Integrator V5.6 Rules and Formatter  
   Meanwhile IBM went on the eclipse plan and so 
  had WebSphere MQ Integrator... a lot of time was spend on this and a lot 
   new function was halted in development... then someone 
  thought hey... we refresh code completely using CSDs so why not put 

   the changes in the CSD's... and so it happened that a 
  CSD (which is a Corrective Service Disk/Distribution) contained new 

   functionality... this notorious CSD was 
  number 3 :-)...  and time went