Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread Alex Wulms

] By the way, did you know that the formula for SCC frequencies is like this:
] sccfreq = (msxfreq / 32) / (sccfnum + 1),  where:
]sccfreq is the played frequency (in Hertz)
]msxfreq is the MSX clock frequency (3579545 Hz)
]sccfnum is the value you poke in the SCC memory area
] None of the info I had (including the info I put on my web page) mentioned
] the "+1"...

I found this out when I wrote SME3, back in 1991. First I assumed it would be 
(msxfreq/32)/sccfnum, just like on the PSG. But it was detuned a little bit 
from the PSG. So I tried both +1 and -1 to find the proper formula and the +1 
worked fine.

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: compression methods

1999-02-04 Thread Alex Wulms

] > *And now, my spamming against the copyright (claimers) owners
] > of the shrink algorithm. Since 1987, Compuserve has spread a new
] > image file format, the very well known GIF. It uses an algorithm
] > named Lempel-Ziv-Huffman (LZH).
] Errata: GIF uses LZW (Lempel, Ziv  &  Welch) method.
This is correct. LZW is the first efficient implementation of the LZ78 
algorithm (published by Lempel and Ziv in 1978). The LZW implementation has 
been done by Welch somewhere in the beginning of the 80's, who was working 
for AT&T in those days. They filed for a patent something like one year after 
they published the implementation in a public paper. This patent has never 
been granted in Europe, only in the US. In Europe, it is not possible to 
request a patent AFTER you have published something in a public paper, 
conference proceeding or whatever. In the US it is.

Anyway, old compressors like ARC on CP/M, MSX and MS-DOS (not to be confused 
with LHARC!), and compress on UNIX are based on the LZW implementation. And 
ofcourse the GIF format is also based on the LZW algorithm.

Newer compressors, like ZIP, ARJ and LHARC are based on another algorithm 
described by Lempel and Ziv. This algorithm, called LZ77, was first published 
in 1977. It can achieve higher compression ratios then the LZ78 algorithm. 
Though it is much more difficult to come up with a fast and efficient 
implementation. Hence, the LZ78 algorithm was implemented years before the 
LZ77 algorithm...

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: Legends... of packers.

1999-02-04 Thread MARUJO

Cyber Knight wrote:

>Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
>Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?

Ja' usou o popcom para arquivos .COM ?
Infelizmente ele nao empacota outros arquivos, somente
o arquivo .com  (pelo menos gasta menos espaco em dis-

Esta' no ftp da funet, nao lembro o diretorio.

 ___ _   _ ___ ___
|   | |_| |_ __  _  __| WALTER BERNARDO NUNES |
| /|| |_   _|  \| |/ /| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 \  /  || | | |_|  / / Graduacao Fisica-UFRGS |
   \  /|| |_| |_  |_| |/__|
 \__/__||___|___|___|_|_ / MSX pra geracao que nao vai 
___ mandar o mundo pelos ares.
 / \
On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, CLAUDIO MASSAO KAWATA - 900293 wrote:

>   Hi!  |
>   A|A
>  (n n)
>   \_/
> Continuing my digging into the heap of old EMs (I'm about
> at Jan. 23rd), I've got some EMs about "Dragon Slayer",
> "Legend of Heroes" and "Xanadu". It is very, very, very long
> since I last played "Dragon Slayer - Legend of Heroes" (MSX,
> of course), but I don't remember it being called "Dragon Slayer
> VI" anywhere. It shouldn't, because it is an independent series
> from the beginning. If it is indeed named "D.S.6" in MSX, then
> it is another unique game for the system, 'cause all other have
> it as the first of the new series. That's the reason its sequels
> has nothing to do with the other "Dragon Slayer" sequels (except
> for the background environment, of course).
> And what does "Xanadu" have to do with it all. Simple, Xanadu,
> in the "Dragon Slayer" world, is a country. MSX "Xanadu" is an
> adventure on that country. There is an "anime" (Japanese animation
> movie) named "Xanadu - Dragon Slayer Densetsu" (`Xanadu - The
> Legend of Dragon Slayer'). Why? "Dragon Slayer" is the name of a
> legendary sword (that can slay dragons?) The hero of the story is
> a young soldier from Earth's 21st century, thrown into the "Dragon
> Slayer"'s world by an unknown event. Well, won't tell more, it
> wouldn't be fair if someone is planning to watch it. I warn that
> it's not a wonderful "anime", it has many "lost cues" (imagine what
> someone used to technology would be able to do in an almost rural
> world - okay, they have magic, but it's not great a thing if you are
> not endowed with the magical essence, and most people are not... yes,
> okay, only the "right" ones and the final boss). Anyway, that's
> what "Dragon Slayer" is about, a magical sword (okay, said too
> much already...) I personally prefer "Madara" (unfortunately, never
> released by Konami to MSX - indeed, never released to anything but
> Famicom).
> About self-extracting archives: most of them (well, all I had
> the chance to use) can be normally extracted with the proper tool.
> "Exempli gratia", if you have an "AUTOUNPK.EXE", which is a Zip
> SFX file, you can command:
> unzip -l AUTOUNPK.EXE
> ... And see the contents of the file. There is no need to execute
> the file itself (indeed, except when no independent tool is available,
> like stupid Windowsky packages, I use my own tools to avoid virus -
> only my Japanese package is currently unextractable except by itself).
> The same is valid for self-extractor of ARJ, RAR and LHA/LZH. Do
> not tested UltraCompressor, but then, it is a poor packer (and no
> comments about "stuffit").
> For PC, there is an on-development EXE-packer (compress and keeps
> the file still executable) named Apack. I'm using it, even still
> being a beta, because it really smashes things! Far better than
> PKLite and Diet, for example. And what does it have to do with MSX?
> Unfortunately, nothing, and that's why I'm mentioning it: there is
> no EXE-packer for MSX! Or is there and I never realized that? Yes,
> right, MSX would run out of memory and the program would be too
> slow to start executing. Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
> Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?
> Anyway, still on the compression subject, someone complained
> about the Zip docs (oh, sorry, once more I deleted the original EM
> before the reply - you must understand, there was A LOT of unread
> messages in the box...) And it (he/she?) is absolutely right in
> complaining! The docs don't and, for a long time, won't contain
> the "important" data, that is, the compression algorithms. It
> happens that most of them are copyrighted (yes, we live in a world
> where ideas can be labelled and hidden in a safe). If someone
> really wants to make a PKZip compatible compressor/decompressor,
> get QUICK the Info-ZIP's freewares "zip" and "unzip" sources,
> they still contain the implementation of all PKZip methods.
> The only ones that are really annoying are "shrink" and "unshrink",
> the cop


1999-02-04 Thread Sander Zuidema

Hey Alwin,

Whatever happened to that sampler/soundcard you were developing?


Sander Zuidema
Listen to my music at:

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Re: Split v1.1...

1999-02-04 Thread Alwin Henseler

"Laurens Holst"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> >> As far as I know there still isn't a program for the MSX with which
> >> you can (like RAR or ARJ) devide large files into smaller pieces (to
> >> reassemble later) which can, for instance, fit on a disk.
> >> Compression is not even nessacary, just the deviding...
> >
> >Eehhhthat's what I would call a file-splitter...
> >Like the one I just uploaded (Split v1.1) a couple of days ago.
> >So: there is!
> Can you just re-assemble them on the MSX using CONCAT and on the PC using
> COPY /B???

Sure! Anyway you like, as long as you have all the parts!

Alwin   ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Tech Doc page

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Re: compression methods

1999-02-04 Thread Alwin Henseler

Hi you all !


> (...)
> Unfortunately, nothing, and that's why I'm mentioning it: there is
> no EXE-packer for MSX! Or is there and I never realized that?

There is: POPCOM.COM:  easy to use, not so great compression
   (compressed .COM file usually some 60-65 % of original)
Also restoring compressed files doesn't always work perfectly 
(although unpacking on execution goes fine).

But PMarc can also (in conjuction with some other file) produce 
self-extracting COM-files. But works difficult, and reeeaaalllyyy 
**ZZzzz** slow
POPCOM de-compresses really quickly, about as fast as when loading it 
from a slow drive.

> Yes, right, MSX would run out of memory and the program would be too
> slow to start executing.

Need not be so. If the file is compressed, that means space is saved, 
that can be used for the unpacking code.
Also when the compressed file is smaller, this saves on disk load 
time. The net result is just a matter of compression efficiency, 
speed, and code size required to use it.

> Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
> Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?

(no use, there are no EXE's to pack on MSX...;-)
Use is limited, because...most MSX program files simply aren't that 
big..(what's 20 kB., even for a Z80?).
-sometimes difficult to see IF a file is compressed (or what method)
-difficult to modify with a simple disk-editor
-might interfere with programs that store settings in the COM-file 
itself (like with TED editor)

-less disk space needed
-difficult to modify with a simple disk-editor
(more difficult for hackers)

On PC's (sorry..) that's just a different calculation, with far 
bigger EXEs, more memory & disk space, faster CPU's etc.

BTW: PC's LHA can also produce self-extracting .LZH files (eh, well, 
EXE's). Does anyone know if MSX's LHPACK can do that as well?

> The docs don't and, for a long time, won't contain
> the "important" data, that is, the compression algorithms. It
> happens that most of them are copyrighted (yes, we live in a world
> where ideas can be labelled and hidden in a safe). If someone
> really wants to make a PKZip compatible compressor/decompressor,
> get QUICK the Info-ZIP's freewares "zip" and "unzip" sources,
> they still contain the implementation of all PKZip methods.
> The only ones that are really annoying are "shrink" and "unshrink",
> the copyright owners* are trying to force the group to keep the
> implementations out of the package (they are currently part of the
> source files, but they are not compiled "normally", you must make
> custom versions if you want to have your "zip" and "unzip" to use
> the methods - I tried but couldn't, too much for the poor Boreland
> C compiler, and not enough patience/time to set-up DJGPP). The
> other methods ("stone", "melt" and so on) work fine in PC (DOS),
> Unix (Sun Sparcs, Digital Alphas) and Linux. Only once I got a
> file that was "crunched" and had to dig out my PKUnzip (ugh!)
> Check "" (the address
> is correct, it is HTTP to access an old FTP site - FTP is also
> available), files "" (PLEASE, DON'T LAUGH! - yes, the
> sources are packed!) and "" (the second is
> new beta). If you have access to a PC clone, download also the
> "self-extractor", so you can extract, later, the sources (look
> out for a ".EXE").

These sources can also be found on a more well known source: SimTel 
(in the DOS collection, I think).
It does contain *all* sources for PKZIP 2.04-compatible crunching & 
uncrunching. Sources are in C though...

> *And now, my spamming against the copyright (claimers) owners
> of the shrink algorithm. Since 1987, Compuserve has spread a new
> image file format, the very well known GIF. It uses an algorithm
> named Lempel-Ziv-Huffman (LZH).

Errata: GIF uses LZW (Lempel, Ziv  &  Welch) method.
I suspect similar to LZH (& ARC, & ZIP etc.), but still something 
And I agree, GIF copyright policy sucks bigtime
(if possible, better use PNG for instance).

> (choose your favourite "I HATE YOU" word). Of course, other programs
> also used LZH (LHA, PKZip and so on) and they also have to pay for
> the use of the algorithm (that is not all that good - there are better
> around - but files that use it saturate the world).

Nonsense...these are really different methods (although maybe having 
some common origin).
LZH = freeware by some Japanese dude, and nobody's gonna change 
that(sources available too)
And ZIP is *really* a free format. There have been many companies and 
interested parties who investigated ZIP's copyrights, and common view 
is that it's FREE (and should be).

And so was written...

Alwin Henseler  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) MSX Tech Doc page

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Re: tape storage details

1999-02-04 Thread Alwin Henseler

Hi all,

Manuel Bilderbeek   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> > It's in 1996.  What the situation is today?  Are there hard-/software
> > solutions to bring my
> > old files from a MSX tape to the PC, not using a MSX computer?
> > 
> > Mindaugas.
> Not really, I believe, but some people seem to work on it. See The Ultimate MSX
> FAQ:, emulator section.

There is one (only in principle) simple solution for this:

a) Hook up a tape recorder to the line input of a common PC 
(sorry...) soundcard
b) Simply record as audio to a .WAV file
c) Write your own program (choose your favourite programming 
language) to process the info in that .WAV file

I agree, not quite as simple as it might look   >;-((

BTW: I do have a ZX-Spectrum emulator which can use some simple 
cassette interface, hooked up to the PC's (sorry...) parallel port. 
So something like it -does- exist.

Alwin Henseler   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  MSX Tech Doc page

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Re: Hi all!

1999-02-04 Thread Sander Zuidema

>nah I loved it back then :)
>but the disklabel really hurts yer eyes!!

I guess you should write a letter to Frico/Domo about that problem
We are innocent :)


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Re: Trouble with ruMSX or fmsx

1999-02-04 Thread TFH

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Datum: donderdag 4 februari 1999 22:44
Onderwerp: Trouble with ruMSX or fmsx

|Hello MSXfans :-)
|I'm a trouble with ruMSX, it's too slow in my PC (under W98)

That's not so strange.. To get RuMSX up and running at a decent speed,
you'll need at least a PII at 266 mhz... (Strange eh ??? All this to emulate
an 8-bit 3.58 Mhz machine !!

|Under fmsx-dos I'm a trouble too : Aleste Gaiden, Feedback, Golveillus 2
|don't run...

Then you are doing something wrong.. Aleste Gaiden & Feedback both work O.K
with fmsxdos 1.6b2. Golvellius I haven't tried to be fair. Ehmm... Feedback
does give a messed up screen during the intro though, but for the rest it
should work okay. Please check your settings, or download the correct
versions of these games from my site: You'll also
find over 1000 other games there.

|I have a real MSX (Turbo-R), but something I play under MSXemulation (via

Me to... Sometimes it's nice just to fool around with some of these cool
games !!



Go visit the MSX Emulator Page (M.E.P.)

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Re: Hi all!

1999-02-04 Thread QUICKzAND

>>Welcome to the list...
>>I still got a trauma from bananenvla
>My music wasn't that bad, was it? :)
nah I loved it back then :)
but the disklabel really hurts yer eyes!!

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Re: Hi all!

1999-02-04 Thread Sander Zuidema

>Well Sander, I think they think it was..

[SNiF] :)

>BUT, it was a hell of a good example of MSX-merchandising...
>I think MSX-ENGINE taught us well of how to sell many copies of your

Well, it's very easy. When you work in a Record Shop, you'll notice how easy
it is to influence people
YOUR product? I remember a nice "sterretjesscroll" and some nice musix from
a fatman too :)

>I remember Bananenvla being released together with IMPACT Musix disk #4...
>DAMNED, dit we REALLY crushed the sales, back then... MUCH, MUCH more
then Impact

Gna gna gna gna gna :)

>Here you have it, it's all about the way to sell it An advertisement in
MCCM...And here you go...
>MSX ENGINE was a master in commercialism...

Yup.. they pushed it a bit too far I think.

>They still are, by the way. There CDROM from Bert Visscher, Hoe verzin
je het!! was in the Dutch Interactive Charts... Number 8...Incredible

Yup, they're now out of the charts, but soon there will be new ones at stock

>Anne 'a hell of a flying byter' de Raad

Sander "another hell of a Flying Byter"Zuidema

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Trouble with ruMSX or fmsx

1999-02-04 Thread yoyo

Hello MSXfans :-)

I'm a trouble with ruMSX, it's too slow in my PC (under W98)

Under fmsx-dos I'm a trouble too : Aleste Gaiden, Feedback, Golveillus 2
don't run...

I have a real MSX (Turbo-R), but something I play under MSXemulation (via

Greeting from France

Lionel (aka yoyo)

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Re: Hi all!

1999-02-04 Thread Anne de Raad

>|>Welcome to the list...
>|>I still got a trauma from bananenvla
>|My music wasn't that bad, was it? :)

Well Sander, I think they think it was..

BUT, it was a hell of a good example of MSX-merchandising...
I think MSX-ENGINE taught us well of how to sell many copies of your
I remember Bananenvla being released together with IMPACT Musix disk #4...
DAMNED, dit we REALLY crushed the sales, back then... MUCH, MUCH more
then Impact

Here you have it, it's all about the way to sell it An advertisement in
MCCM...And here you go...

MSX ENGINE was a master in commercialism...
They still are, by the way.
There CDROM from Bert Visscher, Hoe verzin je het!! was in the Dutch
Interactive Charts... Number 8...Incredible


Anne 'a hell of a flying byter' de Raad

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in the body (not subject) "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the
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Re: Hi all!

1999-02-04 Thread Sander Zuidema

>|My music wasn't that bad, was it? :)
>Do you really wish to have an answer to that question ???

Only if you say that my music back then was amazingly perfect
So lie to me :)

To be serious: Yeah I'd like to know what people think of my music.
I don't consider my music on Bananenvla as good music.
However, I was very satisfied with the result of Not Again!


Sander Zuidema
Listen to my music at:

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Re: Hi all!

1999-02-04 Thread TFH

Do you really wish to have an answer to that question ???

Go visit the MSX Emulator Page (M.E.P.)
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Sander Zuidema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: donderdag 4 februari 1999 22:17
Onderwerp: Re: Hi all!

|>Welcome to the list...
|>I still got a trauma from bananenvla
|My music wasn't that bad, was it? :)

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in the body (not subject) "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the
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Re: Hi all!

1999-02-04 Thread Sander Zuidema

>Welcome to the list...
>I still got a trauma from bananenvla

My music wasn't that bad, was it? :)


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Re: Legends of EXE-packer...

1999-02-04 Thread Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha


> For PC, there is an on-development EXE-packer (compress and keeps
> the file still executable) named Apack. I'm using it, even still
> being a beta, because it really smashes things! Far better than
> PKLite and Diet, for example. And what does it have to do with MSX?
> Unfortunately, nothing, and that's why I'm mentioning it: there is
> no EXE-packer for MSX! Or is there and I never realized that? Yes,
> right, MSX would run out of memory and the program would be too
> slow to start executing. Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
> Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?

There IS an EXE-packer for MSX.
PMARC has a module named PMAEXE2.COM that can be joined to your
PMARC file, turning it into a EXE-packed. Don't confuse with PMASFX2.COM,
that is a self-extract module for PMARC files.
But I don't see many advantages in using it. Generally, MSX
programs are small (yes! we don't have windows!!!) and the PMA-unpacker is
somewhat slow...

> [Unisys copyright of GIF]
> Today, all programs
> able to handle appropriately GIF files must pay to the damn 
> (choose your favourite "I HATE YOU" word).

UNISYS royalties are "only" US$2000 for using LZH decompression
algorithms in your program... :O
If I remember right, freewares aren't subject to this.

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP   MSX-TR:I have one.And you?

 *** NEW URL! AdrianPage now is at ***

* If there would be life after dead, Asimov already would write a book about it. *

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Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 10:50 PM 2/2/99 +0100, you wrote:

>By the way, I also really like the SCC chip.
>It can have an incredibly full sound (only 5 channels) and is very fast.

I'm working on SCC emulation for the MoonSound.
Right now, it works only for SCC Musixx files, but I hope to add it to a
certain Konami game later.

A problem I'm having is that the technical limitations of the SCC seem to
give it its characteristic sound. By "technical limitations" I mean the
fact that SCC has very abrupt level changes (square-formed, no
interpolation) and that it produces a lot of noise.
At the moment, the MoonSound SCC emulation sounds too "rounded", in
contrast to the "raw" SCC sound. Especially for the strings, the sound is
not as SCC-like as I want it to be. However, the bass is a lot better when

By the way, did you know that the formula for SCC frequencies is like this:

sccfreq = (msxfreq / 32) / (sccfnum + 1),  where:
   sccfreq is the played frequency (in Hertz)
   msxfreq is the MSX clock frequency (3579545 Hz)
   sccfnum is the value you poke in the SCC memory area

None of the info I had (including the info I put on my web page) mentioned
the "+1"...
But when I was sampling the SCC's output to see why the emulation didn't
sound right, I noticed the frequency that was played was different from the
one I expected. In fact, it was equal to the frequency of the neighbouring


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Re: DOS 1/2 support (was: Split v1.1)

1999-02-04 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 01:15 PM 2/2/99 +0100, you wrote:

>> >Maybe it will even work with only the built-in RAMdisk, without even 
>> >any real drive attached. Does anyone know if this is true?
>> You mean to boot in BASIC mode, to create RAM disk, to copy MSXDOS2.SYS
>> and
>> COMMAND2.COM on it and CALL SYSTEM? Hum... difficult I think... but anyway
>> I never tried it! ;-)
>I thought CALL SYSTEM can only boot from the A drive? (No matter what the 
>actual drive is.)

I think so as well.
Also, the built-in DOS2 RAM disk will be cleared after reset.

But you can use an ESE-SCC (or MEGA-SCSI), they have a RAM disk that is not
cleared after reset and can be used as drive A. I have booted from one,
although I didn't press SHIFT disable the real drives.


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Re: Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread TFH

I know what you mean, but for US$ 50,- you'll get a soundcard with hardware
wavetable Still far less expensive than a moonsound. And even with a
standard 16 bit soundcard, you can do a whole lot more because of the fact a
PC is much faster. It's no problem to use a software wavetable on such a

Anyway.. it's beside the point... The PC is at this day much mire developped
then the MSX, but MSX was way in front of the PC's late 80's and the
beginning of the nineties...

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: jurczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: donderdag 4 februari 1999 19:50
Onderwerp: Re: Re: AW: msx-ers

|>Hmmm ??? Great Ammount ??? Over here a sound card with 16 bit sound will
|>cost you less then US$ 25,-.. That's not so expensive, isn't it ?
| A 16-bit sound card isn't something professional, like Moonsound. And
as I can remember, a sound card like these SB16-clones can be found on
almost every MSX 2 and 2+ which was produced...
| Sorry, I'm a MSX-freak, not a PC-fan.

I am no PC-fan either, but you also have to be a bit realistic about all
this... MSX is(was) a great system in its time and there is a lot of cool
software for it, which isn't available on the PC. I'll always love my
MSX-system, but most of the things are betteron the PC nowadays...



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Re: Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread jurczyk

>Hmmm ??? Great Ammount ??? Over here a sound card with 16 bit sound will
>cost you less then US$ 25,-.. That's not so expensive, isn't it ?

 A 16-bit sound card isn't something professional, like Moonsound. And as I can 
remember, a sound card like these SB16-clones can be found on almost every MSX 2 and 
2+ which was produced...

 Sorry, I'm a MSX-freak, not a PC-fan.

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R: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread Alessandro Molina

> >Sure.. But .MOD has developped to .XM, and that will go to 128
> channels and
> >some very big samples, and that sounds a whole lot better the
> Music Module /
> >FM-Pac or Moonsound... So... Please... The sound of the PC's
> nowadays is a
> >lot better then from the MSX, there is no discussion about that.
>   But u need a great amount of money to extract nice sound from PC.

Wath? are you crazy? A great amount of money to exctract nice sound from
You only need a Sound Blaster and a free program like WinGroove or
VirtualSoundCanvas i have a SoundBlaster 16 it costs only £160.000 in the
1993 when a moonsound now costs £350.000 you don't need to know the italian
lires to understand the the moonsound costs 3 time more than the SB16.

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Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread TFH

PC's are fast enough for a software wavetable... So no problem there !!! And
I MSX doesn't have a wavetable for that amount either... Moonsound cartridge
is still quite expensive !!



Go visit the MSX Emulator Page (M.E.P.)
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Robert Vroemisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: donderdag 4 februari 1999 08:53
Onderwerp: AW: AW: msx-ers

|> Hmmm ??? Great Ammount ??? Over here a sound card with 16 bit sound will
|> cost you less then US$ 25,-.. That's not so expensive, isn't it ?
| But you don't have a wavetable for that amount of money.
|MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
|in the body (not subject) "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the
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Re: AW: Legends...

1999-02-04 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Coen van der Geest wrote:
> Dragonslayer 3 has nothing to do with 4 (Dragon Family or something),

Drasle Family =)

`:) Parn
ICQ# 1693182
--- "Music of the soul", Mitsuo Hagita

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Re: tape storage details

1999-02-04 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> Hi,
> I found in
> > Tape emulation
> > ==
> > The tape emulation isn't nearly finished. Saving and loading files from
> > BASIC works correctly (Metal Gear saves perfectly as well), but there are
> > some major problems creating tape images from real MSX tapes. There's no
> > program shipped with the emulator that does this
> It's in 1996.  What the situation is today?  Are there hard-/software
> solutions to bring my
> old files from a MSX tape to the PC, not using a MSX computer?
> Mindaugas.

Not really, I believe, but some people seem to work on it. See The Ultimate MSX
FAQ:, emulator section.

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
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Re: tape storage details

1999-02-04 Thread Nestor Soriano

>Can anyone point me to or give me details of tape storage ?
>I'm interested in file headers, bit representation and possible use of 
>parity or CRC.

You can find those details in MSX Technical Handbook (chapter 5 if my
memory don't fails). You can donwload it from my home page.

Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v - Itsumo MSX user
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ#: 18281450
 Please don't send me messages with HTML code

   "New Pentium 34. Obsolete in 2 months. Guaranteed!"


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Re: tape storage details

1999-02-04 Thread Mindaugas_Piesina%UAB


I found in

> Tape emulation
> ==
> The tape emulation isn't nearly finished. Saving and loading files from
> BASIC works correctly (Metal Gear saves perfectly as well), but there are
> some major problems creating tape images from real MSX tapes. There's no
> program shipped with the emulator that does this

It's in 1996.  What the situation is today?  Are there hard-/software
solutions to bring my
old files from a MSX tape to the PC, not using a MSX computer?


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AW: Legends...

1999-02-04 Thread Coen van der Geest

Hi there,

>"Legend of Heroes" and "Xanadu". It is very, very, very long
>since I last played "Dragon Slayer - Legend of Heroes" (MSX,
>of course), but I don't remember it being called "Dragon Slayer
>VI" anywhere. It shouldn't, because it is an independent series

No, Legend of Heroes was the subtitle of Dragonslayer 6, just as
Sorcerian is Dragonslayer 5. Just look at the logo-screen, just after
the text intro, you will see Dragonslayer being mentioned. I believe the
japanese PC88 also have these titles. But Dragonslayer 1 has nothing to
do with 2 (Xanadu), Dragonslayer 2 has nothing to do with 3 (Romancia),
Dragonslayer 3 has nothing to do with 4 (Dragon Family or something),
Dragonslayer 4 has nothing to do with 5 (Sorcerian), etc... :-) (old
Finkers joke). 



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R: tape storage details

1999-02-04 Thread Stefano Fronteddu

Hi to You,
  look in my MSX Soft Tips Page, there you'll find an assembly routine that
use bios call to read header from tape.
It will be useful for you I think !
Fronteddu Stefano
Student in Software Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  MSX, Sardinia, Robotics, Friends   MSX Soft Tips Page
Member of Miri Software - Italy
ICQ: 21401454
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Zoran Majcenic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: giovedì 4 febbraio 1999 15.01
Oggetto: tape storage details

>Can anyone point me to or give me details of tape storage ?
>I'm interested in file headers, bit representation and possible use of
>parity or CRC.
>MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
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R: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Stefano Fronteddu

I agree with Jeroen !

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Jeroen Smael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: giovedì 4 febbraio 1999 12.46
Oggetto: Re: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

>Hi Patrick,
>I don't know if the CD's are any good, but what I do know is that they
>are F*CKING illegal. The CD's contain software of groups that are
>still active on the MSX and the makers of the software don't see a
>penny of the money that Club MSX Power Replay is asking for the CD's.
>I wouldn't buy them if I where you, but who am I to decide that for
>Jeroen Smael
>P.S. If anybody knows if there are FutureDisks on the XTory CD's
>please let me know so I can kick the living SH*T out of the guys from
>Club MSX Power Replay!
>Patrick Kramer wrote:
>> Does anyone have the XTory CD's from Club MSX Power Replay (Spain) ? I'm
>> thinking about buying them, are they good ?
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AW: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Robert Vroemisse

> --
> Van:  Anne de Raad[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Verzonden:donderdag 4 februari 1999 15:06
> Onderwerp:Re: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?
> >I was digging also, but I think I was digging at the wrong spot. The name
> >doesn't ring a bell at all. Could you explane please?
> Well, I am not sure, though, maybe you are digging at the right spot. Tell
> me what you are thinking ofMaster
The FORCE is strong in this one. Give yourself up to the dark site (sigh). 

> I always thought Nijmegen had something to do with FUTURE MAGAZINE (not
> anything to do with FUTUREDISK, by the way)
> Future Magazine emerged with some other disk founding the illustrious
> Which led to Clubguide Picturedisk
> Which led to Sunrise Picturedisk..
> And Sunrise Magazine of course..
> And too..well, I don't know.. Point of no return, I
> guess..
> Greetz,
> Anne de Raad
Robert (JEDI master)

> MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
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> (

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Dragon Slayer VI

1999-02-04 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

> Continuing my digging into the heap of old EMs (I'm about
> at Jan. 23rd), I've got some EMs about "Dragon Slayer",
> "Legend of Heroes" and "Xanadu". It is very, very, very long
> since I last played "Dragon Slayer - Legend of Heroes" (MSX,
> of course), but I don't remember it being called "Dragon Slayer
> VI" anywhere. It shouldn't, because it is an independent series
> from the beginning. If it is indeed named "D.S.6" in MSX, then
> it is another unique game for the system, 'cause all other have
> it as the first of the new series. That's the reason its sequels
> has nothing to do with the other "Dragon Slayer" sequels (except
> for the background environment, of course).

Seems like in some japanese magazines the game is
indeed subtitled "Dragon Slayer VI". I think there
is some MSX-Magazine (the magazine ^^) with a
report on Dragon Slayer games, including Dragon
Slayer II - Xanadu. <:)

I'll have to research further, tho. I'll tell you
about my findings.

`:) Parn
ICQ# 1693182
--- "Music of the soul", Mitsuo Hagita

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Re: A question...

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>> As far as I know there still isn't a program for the MSX with which
>> you can (like RAR or ARJ) devide large files into smaller pieces (to
>> reassemble later) which can, for instance, fit on a disk.
>> Compression is not even nessacary, just the deviding...
>Eehhhthat's what I would call a file-splitter...
>Like the one I just uploaded (Split v1.1) a couple of days ago.
>So: there is!

Can you just re-assemble them on the MSX using CONCAT and on the PC using
COPY /B???


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Re: tape storage details

1999-02-04 Thread shevek

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Zoran Majcenic wrote:

> Hi,
> Can anyone point me to or give me details of tape storage ?
> I'm interested in file headers, bit representation and possible use of 
> parity or CRC.

The easiest way to use the tape is via the bios. You have routines for
write header (long/short), read header, read character and write
character. It should be possible to do it direct as well, but there's not
very much use for it, except if you want to be sure others can't read your
files... You have to make your own code for storage anyway if you use tape
directly, so it's up to you if you add a CRC... I don't know if the bios
routines use parity bits, but I don't think you can change it.


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RE: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Patrick Kramer

> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Vroemisse [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 04, 1999 2:51 PM
> Subject:  AW: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?
> > --
> > Van:Anne de Raad[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Verzonden:  donderdag 4 februari 1999 14:48
> > Onderwerp:  Re: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?
> > 
> > > Sorry. Are they the today's version of "MSX club Nijmegen"
> > 
> > 
> > I wonder if the Dutch readers DO understand this. I really had to dig
> deep
> > in my memory for this...
> > 
> > A gloomy diskmagazine arises at the horizon.
> > 
> > And some very familiar names...
> > 
> > 
> > h.
> > 
> > Anne
> > 
> I was digging also, but I think I was digging at the wrong spot. The name
> doesn't ring a bell at all. Could you explane please?
> Hideo
MSX "copy" club Nijmegen was known for their copy-parties.
I've never been there, but some members of the MSX-club I was member
of, have. We're talking around 1989 now. "We've been to Nijmegen" meant the
same as "we brought new software"


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Re: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Anne de Raad

>I was digging also, but I think I was digging at the wrong spot. The name
>doesn't ring a bell at all. Could you explane please?

Well, I am not sure, though, maybe you are digging at the right spot. Tell
me what you are thinking ofMaster

I always thought Nijmegen had something to do with FUTURE MAGAZINE (not
anything to do with FUTUREDISK, by the way)

Future Magazine emerged with some other disk founding the illustrious

Which led to Clubguide Picturedisk

Which led to Sunrise Picturedisk..

And Sunrise Magazine of course..

And too..well, I don't know.. Point of no return, I


Anne de Raad

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tape storage details

1999-02-04 Thread Zoran Majcenic


Can anyone point me to or give me details of tape storage ?
I'm interested in file headers, bit representation and possible use of 
parity or CRC.


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AW: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Robert Vroemisse

> --
> Van:  Anne de Raad[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Verzonden:donderdag 4 februari 1999 14:48
> Onderwerp:Re: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?
> > Sorry. Are they the today's version of "MSX club Nijmegen"
> I wonder if the Dutch readers DO understand this. I really had to dig deep
> in my memory for this...
> A gloomy diskmagazine arises at the horizon.
> And some very familiar names...
> h.
> Anne
I was digging also, but I think I was digging at the wrong spot. The name
doesn't ring a bell at all. Could you explane please?


> MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> put
> in the body (not subject) "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without
> the
> quotes :-) Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (

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Re: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Anne de Raad

> Sorry. Are they the today's version of "MSX club Nijmegen"

I wonder if the Dutch readers DO understand this. I really had to dig deep
in my memory for this...

A gloomy diskmagazine arises at the horizon.

And some very familiar names...



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RE: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Patrick Kramer

> -Original Message-
> >Does anyone have the XTory CD's from Club MSX Power Replay (Spain) ? I'm
> >thinking about buying them, are they good ?
> Don't ever, EVER, call the name of those f*cking MSX-destroyers again.
> there.
Sorry. Are they the today's version of "MSX club Nijmegen" ? (Dutch
readers will know what I'm talking about) 

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Re: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>At 18:32 29/01/99 +0100, you wrote:
>>No, no AVI!!! If you can make an MPEG of it it would be perfect. Size is
>>almost the same but the quality is a lot better...
> Err, M-PEG has nearly the same quality of AVI but the size is much

The same, ain't it?
Just about perspective...


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Re: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>Does anyone have the XTory CD's from Club MSX Power Replay (Spain) ? I'm
>thinking about buying them, are they good ?

Don't ever, EVER, call the name of those f*cking MSX-destroyers again.



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Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: Rieks's hair

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>> One of the nice things about Quarth is that it has two different
>> 2-player modes :) It's nice to have the possibility to team up as well
>> as to contest each other.
>On the C64 there is this game: wizard of war, which could be done with 2
>players. You were supposed to kill all the monsters together, but killing
>each other also gave a lot of points, so that is what we tried quite often
>as well. (hmm, I could try to clone this game :)) The cool thing about it
>is that you can even start a game as a team and somewhere later on make it
>a contest (or even worse, really: a duel).

Have you ever played STRACON 1???

Now THAT is a game


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Re: Legends...

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>Continuing my digging into the heap of old EMs (I'm about
>at Jan. 23rd), I've got some EMs about "Dragon Slayer",
>"Legend of Heroes" and "Xanadu". It is very, very, very long
>since I last played "Dragon Slayer - Legend of Heroes" (MSX,
>of course), but I don't remember it being called "Dragon Slayer
>VI" anywhere. It shouldn't, because it is an independent series
>from the beginning. If it is indeed named "D.S.6" in MSX, then
>it is another unique game for the system, 'cause all other have
>it as the first of the new series. That's the reason its sequels
>has nothing to do with the other "Dragon Slayer" sequels (except
>for the background environment, of course).

It IS called Dragon Slayer IV. Take a look at the intro-image (if I'm not

>For PC, there is an on-development EXE-packer (compress and keeps
>the file still executable) named Apack. I'm using it, even still
>being a beta, because it really smashes things! Far better than
>PKLite and Diet, for example. And what does it have to do with MSX?
>Unfortunately, nothing, and that's why I'm mentioning it: there is
>no EXE-packer for MSX! Or is there and I never realized that? Yes,
>right, MSX would run out of memory and the program would be too
>slow to start executing. Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
>Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?

One word: POPCOM.

And you can also give a SFX-ed PMA-file the option to auto-execute a certain
file after decrunching (and even deleting it after that, if I'm not
mistaking). Anyways, I do not know if this an also be done using other


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AW: MoonSound Greatest, Volume 1 and 2...

1999-02-04 Thread Coen van der Geest

Hi there,

>>09 Papua New Guinea...- R Schrijvers 4:47
>Isn't that Omega who forgot to put his name over the default "MoonBlaster
>vx.x by Remco Schrijvers"?

 I have to tell Remco this :) He only made one or two songs in his
program :)


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Re: DOS 1/2 support (was: Split v1.1)

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>I thought CALL SYSTEM can only boot from the A drive? (No matter what the
>actual drive is.)

Nope. If my A:-drive crashes I have to boot from a floppy. The system skips
the (invalid) A:-drive and goes to Basi. Then I have to type _CHDIR("G:")
and then _SYSTEM to 'boot' from the floppy. Then I have access to all drives
and an I re-initialize the A:-partition.

~Grauw "expert in crashes"

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1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>Hi all,
>Check out for more information about 

Whow, MSX is still a large industry!!!


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Re: Who has DOS2 and HD

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

> Grauw,
>> I was wondering... is there still anybody who hasn't got Dos2???
> Oh, yeah! A lot of people!

Especially in Brazil, I guess...

>> Oh, I was also wondering who hasn't got a harddisk?
> Ha! More people than that those who hasn't DOS2!
> Believe me!

No, that sounds too unlogical to me. Since harddisks can work with Dos1 (!
not !) I would really never have guessed that :)


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Re: SOmeone wanting to help?

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>> Hello to everybody
>> I need a guy able to translate from Dutch to English some 
>> articles. 
>> Any charitative soul over here?
>> CYA
>I can help you, if I have the time. Try me!

I can too. Mail me.


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Re: from gif to SCreen

1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

>I'm currentrly working on a videogame for msx, and now i'm working to the
>intro of the game, because the game has an intro in cartoon stile is has to
>draw on paper and take the image with a scanner, now i want to ask about
>can i convert the gif files to a bload msx format...
>i have a program called "DaGIF" but it only draws the image on the screen
>and doesn't ask me to save it.
>do you know how to save the image or do you know another program to convert
>the gif images or bmp images to msx images?

For the best conversion (in my humble opinion), save it to BMP and then use
the BMP->MIF-converter provided with the MIF-package. Then convert it from
MIF to SC?. However, MIF is not freeware...


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1999-02-04 Thread Laurens Holst

> Here's another fine MSX page

I somehow expected someone to give this URL...

Robert, EVERYBODY knows this site. Have you ever tried to search for MSX?
Everybody who has has probably 'accidentally' entered this page thinking it
was about MSX. Not that I say it isn't...


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1999-02-04 Thread CLAUDIO MASSAO KAWATA - 900293

  Hi!  |
 (n n)

Continuing my digging into the heap of old EMs (I'm about
at Jan. 23rd), I've got some EMs about "Dragon Slayer",
"Legend of Heroes" and "Xanadu". It is very, very, very long
since I last played "Dragon Slayer - Legend of Heroes" (MSX,
of course), but I don't remember it being called "Dragon Slayer
VI" anywhere. It shouldn't, because it is an independent series
from the beginning. If it is indeed named "D.S.6" in MSX, then
it is another unique game for the system, 'cause all other have
it as the first of the new series. That's the reason its sequels
has nothing to do with the other "Dragon Slayer" sequels (except
for the background environment, of course).

And what does "Xanadu" have to do with it all. Simple, Xanadu,
in the "Dragon Slayer" world, is a country. MSX "Xanadu" is an
adventure on that country. There is an "anime" (Japanese animation
movie) named "Xanadu - Dragon Slayer Densetsu" (`Xanadu - The
Legend of Dragon Slayer'). Why? "Dragon Slayer" is the name of a
legendary sword (that can slay dragons?) The hero of the story is
a young soldier from Earth's 21st century, thrown into the "Dragon
Slayer"'s world by an unknown event. Well, won't tell more, it
wouldn't be fair if someone is planning to watch it. I warn that
it's not a wonderful "anime", it has many "lost cues" (imagine what
someone used to technology would be able to do in an almost rural
world - okay, they have magic, but it's not great a thing if you are
not endowed with the magical essence, and most people are not... yes,
okay, only the "right" ones and the final boss). Anyway, that's
what "Dragon Slayer" is about, a magical sword (okay, said too
much already...) I personally prefer "Madara" (unfortunately, never
released by Konami to MSX - indeed, never released to anything but

About self-extracting archives: most of them (well, all I had
the chance to use) can be normally extracted with the proper tool.
"Exempli gratia", if you have an "AUTOUNPK.EXE", which is a Zip
SFX file, you can command:


... And see the contents of the file. There is no need to execute
the file itself (indeed, except when no independent tool is available,
like stupid Windowsky packages, I use my own tools to avoid virus -
only my Japanese package is currently unextractable except by itself).
The same is valid for self-extractor of ARJ, RAR and LHA/LZH. Do
not tested UltraCompressor, but then, it is a poor packer (and no
comments about "stuffit").

For PC, there is an on-development EXE-packer (compress and keeps
the file still executable) named Apack. I'm using it, even still
being a beta, because it really smashes things! Far better than
PKLite and Diet, for example. And what does it have to do with MSX?
Unfortunately, nothing, and that's why I'm mentioning it: there is
no EXE-packer for MSX! Or is there and I never realized that? Yes,
right, MSX would run out of memory and the program would be too
slow to start executing. Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?

Anyway, still on the compression subject, someone complained
about the Zip docs (oh, sorry, once more I deleted the original EM
before the reply - you must understand, there was A LOT of unread
messages in the box...) And it (he/she?) is absolutely right in
complaining! The docs don't and, for a long time, won't contain
the "important" data, that is, the compression algorithms. It
happens that most of them are copyrighted (yes, we live in a world
where ideas can be labelled and hidden in a safe). If someone
really wants to make a PKZip compatible compressor/decompressor,
get QUICK the Info-ZIP's freewares "zip" and "unzip" sources,
they still contain the implementation of all PKZip methods.
The only ones that are really annoying are "shrink" and "unshrink",
the copyright owners* are trying to force the group to keep the
implementations out of the package (they are currently part of the
source files, but they are not compiled "normally", you must make
custom versions if you want to have your "zip" and "unzip" to use
the methods - I tried but couldn't, too much for the poor Boreland
C compiler, and not enough patience/time to set-up DJGPP). The
other methods ("stone", "melt" and so on) work fine in PC (DOS),
Unix (Sun Sparcs, Digital Alphas) and Linux. Only once I got a
file that was "crunched" and had to dig out my PKUnzip (ugh!)
Check "" (the address
is correct, it is HTTP to access an old FTP site - FTP is also
available), files "" (PLEASE, DON'T LAUGH! - yes, the
sources are packed!) and "" (the second is
new beta). If you have access to a PC clone, download also the
"self-extractor", so you can extract, later, the sources (look
out for a ".EXE").

*And now, my spamming against the copyright (claimers) owners
of the shrink algorithm. Since 1987, Compuserve has spread a new

Re: AW: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> > cost you less then US$ 25,-.. That's not so expensive, isn't it ?
> > 
> > 
>   But you don't have a wavetable for that amount of money.

What's the advantage of a wavetable if you can use your own samples, in very 
high qualilty? Just borrow some good sample-cd and make your own wavetable...

Grtjs, Manuel

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
PPS: Visit my homepage at 

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Re: Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Jeroen Smael

Hi Patrick,

I don't know if the CD's are any good, but what I do know is that they
are F*CKING illegal. The CD's contain software of groups that are
still active on the MSX and the makers of the software don't see a
penny of the money that Club MSX Power Replay is asking for the CD's.

I wouldn't buy them if I where you, but who am I to decide that for


Jeroen Smael


P.S. If anybody knows if there are FutureDisks on the XTory CD's
please let me know so I can kick the living SH*T out of the guys from
Club MSX Power Replay!

Patrick Kramer wrote:
> Does anyone have the XTory CD's from Club MSX Power Replay (Spain) ? I'm
> thinking about buying them, are they good ?

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Does anyone have Xtory CD ?

1999-02-04 Thread Patrick Kramer

Does anyone have the XTory CD's from Club MSX Power Replay (Spain) ? I'm
thinking about buying them, are they good ?

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Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: Rieks's hair

1999-02-04 Thread shevek

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Wynke Stulemeijer wrote:

> One of the nice things about Quarth is that it has two different
> 2-player modes :) It's nice to have the possibility to team up as well
> as to contest each other.

On the C64 there is this game: wizard of war, which could be done with 2
players. You were supposed to kill all the monsters together, but killing
each other also gave a lot of points, so that is what we tried quite often
as well. (hmm, I could try to clone this game :)) The cool thing about it
is that you can even start a game as a team and somewhere later on make it
a contest (or even worse, really: a duel).


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Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: Rieks's hair

1999-02-04 Thread Wynke Stulemeijer

On Wed, Feb 03, 1999 at 10:14:29PM +0100, Laurens Holst wrote:
> >True... I like puzzle games a lot... My favourite game is Quarth. But I
> >like other games too. I like Vampire Killer but never got past the
> >second stage... maybe with some practice I can still get further...
> >
> >And I nearly finished DS6...
> A lot of people don't like Quarth, but I think it's da bomb, especially the
> 2-player-mode... :) It also has some of Konami's better musics.

One of the nice things about Quarth is that it has two different
2-player modes :) It's nice to have the possibility to team up as well
as to contest each other.


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Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread Erik Maas

>> Hmmm ??? Great Ammount ??? Over here a sound card with 16 bit sound will
>> cost you less then US$ 25,-.. That's not so expensive, isn't it ?
> But you don't have a wavetable for that amount of money.

I have seen a soundcard for the PC with an OPL-4 with wavetable ROM (same as
on the Moonsound), it even works!!! That is : Yamaha only made drivers for
3.11 and did not release the sources or any information about the ROM...

And yes, the price was around US$ 50,- some years ago.

Greetings from Erik Maas

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AW: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread Robert Vroemisse

> Hmmm ??? Great Ammount ??? Over here a sound card with 16 bit sound will
> cost you less then US$ 25,-.. That's not so expensive, isn't it ?
But you don't have a wavetable for that amount of money.

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Re: Booting DOS 1/2

1999-02-04 Thread Sander Zuidema

Hey Alwin!

> Greetings (and to you too, Sander Zuidema ! ;-))
>.yep, this guy is a musical genius indeed

Thank you very much Alwin. You're giving me more credits than I deserve I
Good to hear from you again anyway. Glad you're still active.

Sander Zuidema

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Re: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-04 Thread TFH

Hmmm ??? Great Ammount ??? Over here a sound card with 16 bit sound will
cost you less then US$ 25,-.. That's not so expensive, isn't it ?

Go visit the MSX Emulator Page (M.E.P.)
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: woensdag 3 februari 1999 22:48
Onderwerp: Re: AW: msx-ers

|At 19:05 02/02/99 +0100, you wrote:
|>Sure.. But .MOD has developped to .XM, and that will go to 128 channels
|>some very big samples, and that sounds a whole lot better the Music Module
|>FM-Pac or Moonsound... So... Please... The sound of the PC's nowadays is a
|>lot better then from the MSX, there is no discussion about that.
| But u need a great amount of money to extract nice sound from PC.

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