Re: MSX PC local network

1999-02-10 Thread Sander Kooijmans

Hi there!

 From: "Randy Simons" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: MSX PC local network
 Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 17:51:13 +0200

--- cut ---

 MIDI not fast enough you think? MIDI is 31.5kb/s, so faster than a 28k8
 modem! There is a tetris-clone which you can play with 32 players at once,
 using the MusicModule as "lan". Does somebody know's how this is achived? I
 guess using the MIDI-IN and MIDI-OUT and a piece of software that relays the
 data for other computers. Using the interrupt-capabilities of the MusMod I
 guess it is possible to make a reliable network, in which you can hook up a
 PC quite easily.

This Tetris-clone is called 'Triplex'. I've written this game a couple of
years ago. You can read more about Triplex on my homepage:

Triplex allows up to 16 players to play at once. The computers were linked
up as a ring. The MIDI-OUT of computer 1 is connected to the MIDI-IN of
computer 2. The MIDI-OUT of computer 2 is connected to the MIDI-IN of
computer 3... Finally, the MIDI-OUT of computer n is connected to the
MIDI-IN of computer 1, where n is the number of computers participating.

The network structure indeed is a token ring. A token (1 byte), contained
a sender and a message. The receiving, queing and forwarding of the
message was taken care of by a routine which was called on interrupt-base. 
When the sender finally receives the token it has sent itself, the token
is removed from the network. 

The principle is quiet simple. Our game works fine, and has resulted in
many hours of fun! (You don't need fancy graphics and a fast computer to
have fun. Ofcourse all of you know that... :-)

| Sander Kooijmans    |
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Source MCeq's Operating System published on the web.

1999-02-09 Thread Sander Kooijmans


Perhaps some people remember that a few years ago some people were working
on a MIDI sequencer for MSX called MCeq junior. Well, I was one of them. I
found the source of our own operating system on my harddisk and decided
to put it on the Web. This way our work can still be usefull. There is
only one problem: The file has been damaged. Most of it is still readible,
luckily. If I manage to dig up an undamaged version, I will let you know.

You can find more information and the sources (49kB zip-file, including
some dutch documentation in Word) on

| Sander Kooijmans    |
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| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_ |__| |
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