Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-25 Thread Laurens Holst

Hi people,

Thinking that you should set the interruptvector at #C000 when you set I to
#C0 is a commonly made mistake in the MSX world. You should set your
interruptpointer at address #C0FF instead. As some of you might know, the
databus in the MSX is connected to VCC with pull-up resistors. As a
consequence the Z80 will always fetch the value 0xFF when reading from the
databus at a moment that no device is writing to the databus. For example,
when the Z80 reads the databus in IM2 after having received an interrupt

Well as I wrote I always filled in the whole area from #C000 to #CFFF so I
never got problems with it (nowadays I program under Dos environment so I
don't use it anymore). By the way, that will be C0FE and not C0FF, because
interrupt-vectors can only be even numbers, bit 0 is ignored (always zero).

Recently, I read the specs of of my Philips modem adapted to an RS232... The
chip inside can generate an interrupt-vector... Is this put through to the
MSX, will it really generate a vector when used in IM2??? If so, that would
be cool. Or is the MSX standard not capable to use a IM2-vector?


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-23 Thread shevek

On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Alex Wulms wrote:

 Thinking that you should set the interruptvector at #C000 when you set I to 
 #C0 is a commonly made mistake in the MSX world. You should set your 
 interruptpointer at address #C0FF instead. As some of you might know, the 
 databus in the MSX is connected to VCC with pull-up resistors. As a 
 consequence the Z80 will always fetch the value 0xFF when reading from the 
 databus at a moment that no device is writing to the databus. For example, 
 when the Z80 reads the databus in IM2 after having received an interrupt 

This is true on a standard MSX with correct devices connected to it. If on
the other hand a device only checks IORQ and not M1, it might put data on
the bus when it is read at interrupt-time (In this mode IORQ and M1 are
both active).

Conclusion: Putting the interrupt vector on [I]fe (I believe the
last bit is set to 0, since a 2-byte address is fetched) should be enough
on a corruct machine, but it is more secure to fill the whole table from
[I]0 to [I]fe, so:

jumptable: equ  hc000
   ld   a,.high. jumptable
   ld   i,a
   ld   hl,interrupt_routine
   ld   (jumptable),hl
;fill table up
   ld   hl,jumptable
   ld   de,jumptable+2
   ld   bc,Hfe


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-23 Thread Alex Wulms

] This is true on a standard MSX with correct devices connected to it. If on
] the other hand a device only checks IORQ and not M1, it might put data on
] the bus when it is read at interrupt-time (In this mode IORQ and M1 are
] both active).
A device which ignores M1 does not respect the Z80 nor the MSX bus protocol, 
hence is not MSX compatible! Such a device will not only cause problems in 
IM2 but also in IM0 (the Z80 expects to get an instruction, in the MSX it 
will always be 0xFF which is RST 38h) and even in IM1 such a device may cause 
problems. In the last case because a device may generate wait-states. 
Especially when it is slow. This might impact the timing of games, 
copyprotections and other softwares that rely on accurate timing. And 
ofcourse it might also impact the functionality of the device itself. Some 
devices reset/set some internal bits after they have been read or think that 
they have been read. For example, the VDP resets the interrupt request bit 
after its status port has been read and it increases the address counter 
after its dataport has been read. Ofcoure, the I/O decoding for the VDP does 
respect the MSX bus protocol so we have never had any problems with that. 
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned you should ban devices from your MSX that are 
not MSX compatible.

] Conclusion: Putting the interrupt vector on [I]fe (I believe the
] last bit is set to 0, since a 2-byte address is fetched) should be enough
The last bit is not set to 0 but read from the databus. Just like the other 7 
bits. If you store the interrupt vector at the even address, your program 
will NOT work. Just try it.

In a system that really supports IM2, you can have a convention that the 
device will only set the highest 7 bits and that the lowest bit musts always 
be set to 0. You can even enforce this with a specially designed circuit. But 
as far as the Z80 is concerned: it really reads all bits that are placed on 
the databus.

In the case that an incompatible device would place an arbitrary number on 
the bus -which can be both an odd and an even number- there is only one real 
good solution: make sure that the high byte and the low byte of the 
interruptroutine are the same. For example:

jumptable: equ  hc000
interrupt_routine: equ h8080
   ld   a,.high. jumptable
   ld   i,a
;initialize table
   ld   hl,jumptable
   ld   (hl),.low. interrupt_routine
;fill table up (from c000 upto and including c100)
   ld   de,jumptable+1
   ld   bc,H100

   org  interrupt_routine
; the real interruptroutine

But as I already mentioned, you should ban such a device from your MSX 
anyway. And when using only compatible devices, my original routine is 
sufficient (store the pointer only at ofset 0xff in the table).

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms
Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-23 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 10:13 PM 2/22/99 +0100, you wrote:

[about using IM2]

You should set your 
interruptpointer at address #C0FF instead. As some of you might know, the 
databus in the MSX is connected to VCC with pull-up resistors. As a 
consequence the Z80 will always fetch the value 0xFF when reading from the 
databus at a moment that no device is writing to the databus. For example, 
when the Z80 reads the databus in IM2 after having received an interrupt 

Years ago, one of the NOP programmers told me that some devices do write a
value to the databus during an interrupt. To make sure your program will
work in any configuration, you need to fill 257 bytes with the same value.
For example #81 for a routine at #8181.


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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-22 Thread Alex Wulms

] You probably won't get problems.
] However, in Dos it is easiest to replace the bytes at adress #38, for
] example putting a JP Interrupt there. In Basic, it is -to my opinion- better
] if you swith away the ROM, however you could also set the other interrupt
] mode (mode 2?) in which the high byte of the adress of a jumptable is set in
] the I-register and the low byte of the adress is determined by the devie.
] For example, set I to #C0, and then fill adresses #C000-#C0FF with words of
] the adress the interrupt should jump to (yes, indeed, the device can only
] set odd adresses) (there are no devices delivering this lower byte of the
] adress on the MSX. So #C000 can be assumed as the set adress. However, it is
] still safe to fill the omplete 128 words with the right value, just in
] case...)
Hi people,

Thinking that you should set the interruptvector at #C000 when you set I to 
#C0 is a commonly made mistake in the MSX world. You should set your 
interruptpointer at address #C0FF instead. As some of you might know, the 
databus in the MSX is connected to VCC with pull-up resistors. As a 
consequence the Z80 will always fetch the value 0xFF when reading from the 
databus at a moment that no device is writing to the databus. For example, 
when the Z80 reads the databus in IM2 after having received an interrupt 

This is for example a codefragment, which I used in the 'No Waste' demo:

intvector:  equ #88ff   ; int. vector int mode 2

scroll: di
im  2
ld  a,.high. intvector
ld  i,a ; Startoffset for int table
ld  hl,vertint
ld  (intvector),hl  ; Set interruptvector

vertint:in  a,(#99)
  ; some code cut-out

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms
Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: [real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-20 Thread Laurens Holst

I read (nearly) all the messages from the last time...
- Oh my god! I really miss  mails refering to (program-) technical

So - lets start a "serious" thread...   ;cP


DOS 2  memory
I found out that the DOS2 page-switch routines are
kinda slow. Does anybody know a simple, "legal", and
compatible way to speed up those bottlenecks?

Compatible, because I dunno how many different versions
of DOS2 are in use. - And I want it to work with every
kind of DOS2.

The segment number Dos2 returns is the same as the MemMap page-number.
Therefor, you can use the number you get if you allocate a page with OUT
(#FC-#FF). It is illegal (ofcourse), but it works. This way you an also
switch away page 3. But beware: If you set pages this way and you want to
read from disk to that page the Bdos sets the old page he's got in his
table. Really, these routines are made as fast as possible, so don't worry
about speed. And if you do use the thing stated above, take care...

Oh - another question comes in mind:
In DOS1 you are not allowed to "ask" the outs (#fe...) about
the page number which they may contain.

You can't. Just use the pages starting with 0. So if you need 96k then use
pages 0-5...

- How will I know which ones are selected?
- Is there a _STANDARD_ definition which
   memmaps are selected after the bootstrap?

In dos1, the following table is valid:
-3FFF: page 3
4000-7FFF: page 2
8000-BFFF: page 1
C000-: page 0

In Dos2 you should request the segment-nrs. using Get_Seg.

DOS2 and Interrupts:

I want to redirect the standard-interrupt (with use of
IMx). Will I get troubles if there is NO(!) ROM selected
in page0/1 the whole time? - I dont wanna load in this
situation, only wanna switch mem...

You probably won't get problems.
However, in Dos it is easiest to replace the bytes at adress #38, for
example putting a JP Interrupt there. In Basic, it is -to my opinion- better
if you swith away the ROM, however you could also set the other interrupt
mode (mode 2?) in which the high byte of the adress of a jumptable is set in
the I-register and the low byte of the adress is determined by the devie.
For example, set I to #C0, and then fill adresses #C000-#C0FF with words of
the adress the interrupt should jump to (yes, indeed, the device can only
set odd adresses) (there are no devices delivering this lower byte of the
adress on the MSX. So #C000 can be assumed as the set adress. However, it is
still safe to fill the omplete 128 words with the right value, just in

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[real coding] DOS2 and Memory...

1999-02-05 Thread john . j


I read (nearly) all the messages from the last time...
- Oh my god! I really miss  mails refering to (program-) technical thingies...

So - lets start a "serious" thread...   ;cP

DOS 2  memory
I found out that the DOS2 page-switch routines are
kinda slow. Does anybody know a simple, "legal", and
compatible way to speed up those bottlenecks?

Compatible, because I dunno how many different versions
of DOS2 are in use. - And I want it to work with every
kind of DOS2.

Oh - another question comes in mind:
In DOS1 you are not allowed to "ask" the outs (#fe...) about
the page number which they may contain.

- How will I know which ones are selected?
- Is there a _STANDARD_ definition which
   memmaps are selected after the bootstrap?

DOS2 and Interrupts:

I want to redirect the standard-interrupt (with use of
IMx). Will I get troubles if there is NO(!) ROM selected
in page0/1 the whole time? - I dont wanna load in this
situation, only wanna switch mem...

hope to get interesting answers...

(or call me chief-gavaman)

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