Re: [Muscle] Smart Card authentication failure with Win 2008 server

2013-04-29 Thread Ludovic Rousseau
2013/4/30 Renju Anand :
> Hi,


> I'm using an application similar to rdesktop which uses pcsc-lite for smart
> card authentication to login to Windows 2008 servers. I'm getting an error
> "Provider could not perform the action since the context was acquired as
> silent"
> The authentication works fine at first time, but later attempts throws this
> error. Please help me if anybody has seen this kind of behavior earlier

Please follow


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau

Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart Card authentication failure with Win 2008 server

2013-04-29 Thread Renju Anand

I'm using an application similar to rdesktop which uses pcsc-lite for smart
card authentication to login to Windows 2008 servers. I'm getting an
error "Provider
could not perform the action since the context was acquired as silent"

The authentication works fine at first time, but later attempts throws
this error. Please help me if anybody has seen this kind of behavior earlier

Muscle mailing list

Re: [Muscle] [opensc-devel] Muscle smart card Applet various versions from M.U.S.C.L.E. and OpenSC

2012-12-12 Thread Ludovic Rousseau
2012/12/10 Douglas E. Engert :
> I am not using the Muscle card applet, but was looking looking at the OpenSC
> debug log for this thread:
> Re: [opensc-devel] The smart card reader is known as "VMware Virtual USB CCID 
> 00 00" in linux ??!!
> The OpenSC card-muscle.c (0.12.2 or 0.13.0) is looking for 
> The author of the original note said:
>   > I've loaded and initialized Muscle applet (0.9.11) on it.
> This appears in the log that GET_STATUS is returning: 00 01 00 05 ...
> This version from 2003-12-19, does not sound like the latest to me...
> Yet in the Muscle CVS archives:
> as of 4 years ago has has:
> And there have been changes in the SVN 9 months ago, 2 years ago and
> 3 years ago, which are not reflected in the Download page:
> Can the download versions be update, or the page change to say
> compile it yourself? Or point to the OpenSC page?

I also noticed that the download section provides version 0.9.11 from
Dec 2003. But the README file has a version 0.9.12 from Feb 2008 that
is not available to download.

> Then on OpenSC-project:
> it says:
>   "OpenSC supports the Muscle applet, available from Debian SVN:"
> svn co svn://
> (This appears to be the same SVN as on the Muscle page, revision 298
>  from 9 months ago.)
> "An updated version, targeting recent JavaCard 2.2.2 cards with
> extended APDUs is available from github:"
> This github is 3 years old, yet changes where made to the Muscle SVN
> 9 months ago.
> (3 years old)
>   buffer[pos++] = (byte) 1; // Major Card Edge Protocol version n.
>   buffer[pos++] = (byte) 3; // Minor Card Edge Protocol version n.
>   buffer[pos++] = (byte) 0; // Major Applet version n.
>   buffer[pos++] = (byte) 9; // Minor Applet version n.
> Which is in line with the PROTO_VERSION_MAJOR the OpenSC code is looking for.
> Can Martin and Ludovic get together and get these versions in sync,
> and make it so others don't download the 9 year old version?

The MUSCLE applet needs a real maintainer. Any volunteer?

It looks like the 2-years old Martin's version on github already
includes the 9-months old fix from
So the (unmaintained) version from
could be removed and replaced by Martin's version.

I propose to:
- add a file DO_NOT_USE_ME.txt in the SVN repository to point the github version
- remove the MCardApplet-0.9.11.tar.gz from
- update the
(and github wiki version) page to point to Martin's github version

Other ideas?

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau

Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Muscle smart card Applet various versions from M.U.S.C.L.E. and OpenSC

2012-12-10 Thread Douglas E. Engert

I am not using the Muscle card applet, but was looking looking at the OpenSC
debug log for this thread:
Re: [opensc-devel] The smart card reader is known as "VMware Virtual USB CCID 00 
00" in linux ??!!

The OpenSC card-muscle.c (0.12.2 or 0.13.0) is looking for PROTO_VERSION_MAJOR=1

The author of the original note said:
 > I've loaded and initialized Muscle applet (0.9.11) on it.

This appears in the log that GET_STATUS is returning: 00 01 00 05 ...

This version from 2003-12-19, does not sound like the latest to me...

Yet in the Muscle CVS archives:
as of 4 years ago has has:



And there have been changes in the SVN 9 months ago, 2 years ago and
3 years ago, which are not reflected in the Download page:

Can the download versions be update, or the page change to say
compile it yourself? Or point to the OpenSC page?

Then on OpenSC-project:
it says:
 "OpenSC supports the Muscle applet, available from Debian SVN:"
   svn co svn://

   (This appears to be the same SVN as on the Muscle page, revision 298
from 9 months ago.)

   "An updated version, targeting recent JavaCard 2.2.2 cards with
   extended APDUs is available from github:"

This github is 3 years old, yet changes where made to the Muscle SVN
9 months ago.
(3 years old)
 buffer[pos++] = (byte) 1; // Major Card Edge Protocol version n.
 buffer[pos++] = (byte) 3; // Minor Card Edge Protocol version n.
 buffer[pos++] = (byte) 0; // Major Applet version n.
 buffer[pos++] = (byte) 9; // Minor Applet version n.

Which is in line with the PROTO_VERSION_MAJOR the OpenSC code is looking for.

Can Martin and Ludovic get together and get these versions in sync,
and make it so others don't download the 9 year old version?



 Douglas E. Engert  
 Argonne National Laboratory
 9700 South Cass Avenue
 Argonne, Illinois  60439
 (630) 252-5444

Muscle mailing list

Re: [Muscle] smart card simulator

2011-02-17 Thread Fabian Bertholm

You can use the SUN Javacard simulator and load the muscle applet.
Then this has to be mapped against pcsc or a virtual reader (SUN card
simulator has only a TCP/IP socket). I ve seen a patch somewhere to do
this - cannot remember.
Nevertheless was a quite complicated setup


2010/12/29 Tommaso Cucinotta :
> Il 29/12/2010 14:34, ha scritto:
>> Hi!
> Hi,
>> I want to know if exist a linux software smart card simulator (i.
>> e. smart card plus card reader simulated via software) for testing
>> purpose.
> what kind of smart-card would you like to simulate ?
> For JavaCard enabled smart cards, it is possible to use the software-only
> simulator
> provided by Sun itself inside the JavaCard toolkit. But, AFAICR, it does not
> simulate
> the cryptographic part of the smart-card.
> For the latter purpose, there is an old simulator written by students of
> mine, which
> also supports cryptography, and furthermore it is well-integrated within the
> PCSC-Lite
> framework: it includes a "fake" smart-card reader driver which actually
> redirects the
> APDUs to the smart-card simulator. This way, the host-side developer has the
> "illusion"
> of having a SC reader and SC device connected to their PC. In case you need
> more
> info about it, please, let me know.
> Bye,
>    T.
> --
> Tommaso Cucinotta, Computer Engineering PhD, Researcher
> ReTiS Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
> Tel +39 050 882 024, Fax +39 050 882 003
> ___
> Muscle mailing list

Muscle mailing list

Re: [Muscle] smart card simulator

2010-12-29 Thread Tommaso Cucinotta

Il 29/12/2010 14:34, ha scritto:



I want to know if exist a linux software smart card simulator (i.
e. smart card plus card reader simulated via software) for testing

what kind of smart-card would you like to simulate ?

For JavaCard enabled smart cards, it is possible to use the 
software-only simulator
provided by Sun itself inside the JavaCard toolkit. But, AFAICR, it does 
not simulate

the cryptographic part of the smart-card.

For the latter purpose, there is an old simulator written by students of 
mine, which
also supports cryptography, and furthermore it is well-integrated within 
the PCSC-Lite
framework: it includes a "fake" smart-card reader driver which actually 
redirects the
APDUs to the smart-card simulator. This way, the host-side developer has 
the "illusion"
of having a SC reader and SC device connected to their PC. In case you 
need more

info about it, please, let me know.



Tommaso Cucinotta, Computer Engineering PhD, Researcher
ReTiS Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
Tel +39 050 882 024, Fax +39 050 882 003

Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] smart card simulator

2010-12-29 Thread

I want to know if exist a linux software smart card simulator (i.
e. smart card plus card reader simulated via software) for testing 


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Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart card reader archaeology

2010-02-09 Thread Sébastien Lorquet
Hi all,

I found an old Philips PE122 reader. Is there any chance to revive this
grandfather? google is not very talkative... :)

pointers to the RJ-45 pinout and/or driver would be appreciated.

Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart-Card Open Test Toolkit

2009-10-28 Thread Tommaso Cucinotta

Hi all,

I would like to announce the availability of SCOTT, an open, modular and
extensible smart-card shell, which can be used for interacting with
smart-card devices, i.e., browsing its contents or also using the
on-board capabilities, as well as for automating such smart-card
operations by means of scripts. The envisioned usage scenario is around
automated smart-card configuration like needed during the development of
smart-card based applications, where one may have to repeatedly perform
a set of operations onto a smart-card, usually for testing purposes. For
example, "formatting" a card and loading some certificates and keys, or
loading some (updated version of a) JavaCard Applet. This is the
motivation for the project name: Smart-Card Open Test Toolkit.

The idea is to have a basic core constituted by a command-line
interactive shell, where external plugins define sets of commands which
can be:
-) commands related to some particular smart-card API, like the "system"
scott-pcsc plug-in, which provides shell commands for listing available
readers, checking status, connecting to the inserted device and sending
generic APDUs;
-) commands corresponding to a set of command APDUs defined by some
specific standard, like the scott-iso7816 plug-in, currently supporting
ISO 7816-4 file management commands
-) commands corresponding to the specific set of APDUs supported by a
particular smart-card device, like the scott-cryptoflex8 plug-in,
currently supporting specific capabilities of the Schlumberger
Cryptoflex 8K device.

Other plugins which may come in the future could be for supporting
loading of JavaCard applets, for supporting specific commands of
particular devices, or for supporting other standard APIs.

The shell has a built-in type-system, by which a plug-in can define its
own set of types. This allows for example to exchange high-level
information with the user in a structured form (the classical example is
when one provides the set of information needed to create a new file, or
when one selects an on-board file and retrieves its "descriptor").

Also, it has a built-in variables environment, by which one can assign
return types from commands, then supply them to other commands as input,

The project has been developed by Andrea Angella for his masters thesis
in Computer Engineering here at the Real-Time Systems Laboratory of
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, under my supervision, and it has been
released under GPL open-source license. Code is available on

Any comment/suggestion is of course encouraged and very welcome. You can
also use the mailing-list we set-up for the project:

Thanks for your attention.


 Tommaso Cucinotta

Tommaso Cucinotta, Computer Engineering PhD, Researcher
ReTiS Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
Tel +39 050 882 024, Fax +39 050 882 003

Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] smart card SHA-256 compatibility test?

2009-07-10 Thread kincses zoli

Dear Members,

how can be tested in advance if a smart card will handle the longer
SHA-256 hashes in case of a new certificate using that (storage? that
file is fixed or variable length, or...?)

we have an Axalto - Cyberflex 64K (3B 95 95 40 FF AE 01 03 00 00) card
and we need to change the certificate that will have SHA-256, but we
need to know in advance if it is suitable or we need another card type.

thank you in advance,


Muscle mailing list

Re: [Muscle] Smart card interface problem with ARM linux

2008-08-05 Thread Rajaram.R

What error you faced on make all ? Does the device listed in lsusb ?

- Original Message 
From: abhijit d niwalkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 4 August, 2008 9:25:00 AM
Subject: [Muscle] Smart card interface problem with ARM linux 


I am integrating Gmalto smart card with ARM-Linux.

Host machine Kernel version: 2.4.21
ARM-Linux kernel version: 2.4.27
Gmalto Card reader : PCSC supported USB card reader.

Basic Steps which i followed
Compiling libusb for generation of the libusb supported file.
Compiling CCID driver for PCSC
Finally compile PCSC

I download respective files from net and compile with redhat linux with normal 
GCC and found that it working smoothly.

When i cross compile the same i found that CCID and libusb giving me problem 
during "make" but they smoothly configure.

The same tar file i use and compile for redhat linux 2.4.21 and found that it 
is able to detect reader.
In the configuration ./configure both CCID and LIBUSB working fine. However 
these fail while "Make all ".

Recently i found that while compiling LIBUSB with normal gcc creates respective 
lib folder which is not formed while cross compilation with ARM linux.

As per my knowledge i am making some mistake during the configuration.

If any one having expertise please guide me to resolve the problem.

Abhijeet N. 

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Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart card interface problem with ARM linux

2008-08-03 Thread abhijit d niwalkar
I am integrating Gmalto smart card with ARM-Linux.

Host machine Kernel version: 2.4.21
ARM-Linux kernel version: 2.4.27
Gmalto Card reader : PCSC supported USB card reader.

Basic Steps which i followed
Compiling libusb for generation of the libusb supported file.
Compiling CCID driver for PCSC
Finally compile PCSC

I download respective files from net and compile with redhat linux with normal 
GCC and found that it working smoothly.

When i cross compile the same i found that CCID and libusb giving me problem 
during "make" but they smoothly configure.

The same tar file i use and compile for redhat linux 2.4.21 and found that it 
is able to detect reader.
In the configuration ./configure both CCID and LIBUSB working fine. However 
these fail while "Make all ".

Recently i found that while compiling LIBUSB with normal gcc creates respective 
lib folder which is not formed while cross compilation with ARM linux.

As per my knowledge i am making some mistake during the configuration.

If any one having expertise please guide me to resolve the problem.

Abhijeet N.___
Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart Card

2008-04-29 Thread zilamidor

[Muscle] Reflex USB v.2 Reader
Geoffrey Elgey  gelgey
 Tue Mar 22 14:52:29 PST 2005

Previous message: [Muscle]
Reflex USB v.2 Reader 
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PKCS#11 and native Windows mutex instead of pthread 
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Sukalyan Mukherjee wrote:
> I want to
use a SchlumbergerSema Reflex USB v.2 reader on RedHat Linux 
> 9.0. I am using pcsc-lite-1.1.1 version of the library. I
installed the 
> USB reader driver from
slb_rfUSB.0.9.0.tar.gz file. The installation was 

I had this problem just last week, and posted a
solution to this list a 
few days ago.

The slb_rfUSB
driver does not work with the Reflex USB v.2 reader. I 
asked Axalto
about this, and was told that you need to reflash the 
firmware of
the reader so that you can use the CCID driver in PC/SC Lite.

The firmware is available here:

V5.18 for the SCR331 firmware is required.

After I did
this, I used the CCID driver (not the slb_rfUSB driver) and 
pcsctest without any problems.

-- Geoff

Hello, I saw that message and have same problem, but not on RedHat
Linux. The problem is on 
Ubuntu 7.10 (Debian). I tested the link to
v5.18 SCR331 firmware and the page does not have the firmware.
Can u
help me?
Muscle mailing list

Re: [Muscle] smart card driver in linux environment

2005-10-11 Thread Ludovic Rousseau
On 10/10/05, Srinivas G. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,


> 5) My final question is: I need to develop only IFD Handler and I/O
> device driver for my IFD (smart card reader). Is it correct?
> OR
> I need to develop any other modules other than this.

You need to implement the functions described in [1] if you want to
use your driver with pcsc-lite.

Some people here can do consulting for you if needed.



 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
 For private mail use [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not "big brother" Google

Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] smart card driver in linux environment

2005-10-10 Thread Srinivas G.

Dear All,


I have asked you about developing smart card driver in Linux
environment long back. 

I got some information after studying the PC/SC
specifications and OpenSC User Manuals. The general smart card architecture as follows





From the above architecture I understood that I need to develop the IFD (smart card
reader) driver to my PCI card. For this IFD driver I follow the
character driver features and I decided to develop a character driver for
handling the following features


Power management features

Parsing the ATR

Transmitting and receiving functionality between ICC and IFD for T=0 and

IOCTLs based on the requirement


I also understood that I need to develop
the IFD Handler that is specific to our IFD. 

I have studied the ifhandler.pdf
file which explains about the APIs that are generally accessed by the Resource
Manager of the PC/SC Lite.




Still I have some doubts in my mind.
 Could any one please
clarify them?


1) Where can
I find the installation procedure for the OpenSC Library under Linux

If I install the OpenSC library,
even then I need to install the PC/SC lite on my Linux box?


I have gone through the following
link, but it gives more information on Windows boxes only.



2) How the
Resource Manager knows about our IFD Handler and our I/O device driver?

Where/How can we inform the Resource
Manager about our IFD Handler and I/O Device Driver?



I studied in the PART-3 of the PC/SC specification about the following.

The slot logical device shall support the following ICC-related events: 

    • Card
insertion notification 

    • Card
removal notification 


My question is: How
the PC/SC Resource Manager will know about the Card Insertion or Card Removal

I also studied about it like 

When one of these
events occurs, it is the responsibility of the IFD Handler to notify the ICC
Resource Manager layer.

How it will notify
the RM of the PC/SC Lite? Should I need to do any thing in the driver on behalf
of this?


If the system has two different smart card readers (IFDs) then how it will
distinguishes the IFD Handlers?

Like in which slot the user has inserted the smart card?



My final question is: I need to develop only IFD
Handler and I/O device driver
for my IFD (smart card reader). Is it correct?


I need to develop any other modules other than this.


Thanks in advance.


Thanks and Regards,

Srinivas G



Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart card 2-factor authentication to Apache-enabled ZOPE web site

2005-04-16 Thread Rich3800

I would like to know how to use my Axalto/Schlumberger e-gate smart card to 
1) login into my dual-booting Linux/XP machine and 2) enforce a 2-factor 
authentication to an Apache-enabled  ZOPE web site that has a public IP and 
3) make it possiblefor me to distribute smart cards to people of my 
choosing to enable them to do collaborative work on the above ZOPE web site 
using the WebDAV features of ZOPE.
Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart Card Enrollment Workstation

2004-12-06 Thread David Corcoran

A new version of the CSP has been included in the 120604 version of the Identity Alliance middleware at:

This includes support for the Smart Card Enrollment Workstation, previous versions were not able to use
the CSP for this purpose.


David Corcoran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Identity Alliance  []
Smart Cards, Biometrics, Training, Identity Management
Muscle mailing list

Re: [Muscle] smart card logon to remote shares

2004-10-13 Thread Bruce Barnett

> 2.- Use remote authentication onto a server using cryptographic 
> capabilities of the card (kerberos or something like that). Single signon.

Or use the mechanism used in openssh-mcard-3.5p1 where the remote
system sends a challange to the ssh-agent, which forwards it to the
card.  The card signs it with the private key, and returns it to the
agent, which returns it top the remote host. The remote host verifies
it using the public key.

when you use ssh, as long as the card is in the reader, you can log onto the remote 
system without a password.

Getting it to work with remote mounting of file shares is possible, 
but I have no idea about the difficulty.

You still need to tell the ssh-agent the PIN number you use. But that can be once per 
Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] smart card logon to remote shares

2004-10-13 Thread Josep Monés Teixidor
As I explained a little bit in this list, I've been testing a little bit 
smart card logon using muscle but now I'd need to authenticate to mount 
remote shares, not only to a local client.

As I see it, if I don't want the user to type passwords for the remote 
shares I have 2 possibilities:
1.- Although I don't like it: store passwords in the smart card (as Sun 
recommended in their pam documentation).
2.- Use remote authentication onto a server using cryptographic 
capabilities of the card (kerberos or something like that). Single signon.

Is there any existant software that can use this scheme (specially using 

If now, what do you think is the faster path to developping this kind of 

BTW, can pam_ldap be configured to use a smart card?
TIA for your insight,
Josep Monés
C3PO, S.L.
Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart Card Developer Training

2003-11-12 Thread David Corcoran
Hello all,

I'm pleased to announce our first smart card developer training course 
that will be offered to the public February 23-27 2004 in Austin TX.  
We've taught several of these one week courses in the past which cover 
pretty much everything with smart cards from APDUs, file-system cards, 
Java Cards, PKCS#11, CryptoAPI, Global Platform, and more.  There is 
also a 3 hour (each day) evening lab which includes programming 
exercises.  Everything is pretty much provided.  For more information 
go to:

Just as an update, I've been doing some re-organizing over the past few 
months and working primarily for the US government to roll out federal 
smart card identification here in the states.  It is rather exciting 
work and has given us a chance to write some software on the side that 
we felt was needed as well.  We are releasing a shareware Java Card 
management program that works with most Schlumberger and Gemplus Java 
Cards to allow you to load, instantiate, delete, list, etc applets on 
the card.  We'll post it to the site soon.

I'm really pleased to see how this and other smart card related 
projects have taken off and provided software for use in a wide array 
of operating systems.  As always, feel free to contact me if you have 
any questions 

Best Regards,
Muscle mailing list

Re: [Muscle] smart card reader: how to choose ?

2003-08-14 Thread Truong Manh Cuong
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your response.

:All I need is:::
a system for an industry zone that uses:
 - one smart card for multi-service, use for contact card reader and also
for contactless card reader.
 - Door lock card reader for building access.
 - card reader/writer for e-payment service: canteen, car-pack, library.
terminal will decrease value of money stored in smart card.
- A database management system that stored:
+ time and information of a user that accesses in and out a door
+ information of emplyees (ID,name..)
+ amount of money for each emplyee that stored in his or her smart card.
I care about:::
- in an industry zone, there are some buildings and there is alot of card
 --> How about distance between terminal and hub and hub between PC ? I
think the solution here is that a hub will have a network interface and it
will connect to central server vial TCP/IP.
+ I have not find any product like this yet. could you please help me ?
- I need a kind of terminal for e-payment solution: during transaction
period, user will not able to take his or her smart card out of the

How the smart card management software deals with database server ?
Could you please help me this problem, please
Thanks and best Regards.

Cuong Truong Manh.

Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] smart card reader: how to choose ?

2003-08-14 Thread Truong Manh Cuong
Hi all,
I want to find card reader solution for contact card.
- there is one PC that controls all terminals.
- Terminal is card reader/writer
- smart card stored user information and amount of money.
User will use smart card at a terminal to charge for their service (canteen,
library) and terminal will decrease value of money stored in smart card.

I don't know where to find (and buy) what kind of these terminal and how to
integrate them to my network (TCP/IP). a solution is there is a hub that all
terminal will connect to and that hub is connect to a PC via TCP/IP using my
avaible network. Is it possible ?

Could you please give me some information about software for Smart card
Management ? I have so few information about it.
- What does Smart card Management server include ? (DB server, .. ?)
- How does it work
- How many server may I need ?
Thanks and best Regards

Truong M?nh Cu?ng
System Engineer - SE
Research & Development Division - RDD
Mobile: 84-90-8392986
Work Phone: 84-08-9321001 - 664
EIS Service, Inc.
Saigon Software Park, 2nd Floor.
123 Truong Dinh St., Dist. 3, HCM City, Vietnam.
Tel 84-8-932 1001 Fax 84-8-932 1002

Muscle mailing list

Re: [Muscle] smart card reader: how to choose ?

2003-08-07 Thread Damien Sauveron
I want to find card reader solution for contact card.
- there is one PC that controls all terminals.
- Terminal is card reader/writer
- smart card stored user information and amount of money.
User will use smart card at a terminal to charge for their service (canteen,
library) and terminal will decrease value of money stored in smart card.
How many readers do you want to use? PC/SC Lite supports actually 16 
readers maximum.
I use many readers on USB with USB hub. See pictures on [1].
With CT-API there is some banks used more than 16 readers [2].

I don't know where to find (and buy) what kind of these terminal and how to
integrate them to my network (TCP/IP). a solution is there is a hub that all
terminal will connect to and that hub is connect to a PC via TCP/IP using my
avaible network. Is it possible ?
Perhaps if you find TCP/IP readers. But if you find such readers I don't 
think that they support PC/SC. IMHO they may have a proprietary APIs.

Could you please give me some information about software for Smart card
Management ? I have so few information about it.
See PC/SC Lite documentation [3] (in the doc directory) and CT-API [4].

- What does Smart card Management server include ? (DB server, .. ?)
- How does it work
- How many server may I need ?
Thanks and best Regards
We only provide the management of the smart card reader and the 
communication with the card(s) and after it is your responsability to 
implement the framework that you need.


Damien Sauveron

Muscle mailing list

[Muscle] Smart Card Market

2003-03-12 Thread Tommaso Cucinotta
Hi all,

I'm searching for a few data about smart card market. I was thinking
somebody on this ML can easily help me. I roughly need to know how the
market of cryptographic smart cards is subdivided with respect to
security applications, smth. like:

   App Category Percentage
- PKI enabled applications: xxx%
  - remote authentication:
  - digital signatures: 
  - document encryption:
  - ...
- User authentication
- Encrypted filesystem
- Badge for physical access control
- Cellular phones
- Credit cards
- Prepaid Payment Cards (telephone, ...)
- etc

Is there anybody who can suggest me a good source for such information
(even with respect to a limited geographical area) ?

Thanks, bye,

Muscle mailing list