Minor annoyance/bug when saving tagged messages

2000-07-03 Thread cgreen

I just tagged a few messages and tried to save them to my IMAP
account. It just happened that the IMAP server wasn't running (I have
to rememeber to do it manually myself) and, not unreasonably, I got an
error message saying that mutt couldn't connect to the IMAP server.

The annoyance/bug is that mutt *still* marked the messages as deleted
after not saving them.  As I had noticed the error it didn't matter
but if I'd tagged a lot of messages it would at least have been rather

  WWW: http://www.isbd.co.uk/

defining colors with RGB values for mutt

2000-07-03 Thread Jochen Schnapka


Is there a way to use arbitrary RGB colors or pre-defined values like
"GreenYellow", "DeepPink" with mutt? 

I could imagine that I have to make these colors first available to xterm
or Eterm, right?

The docu says, I could use keywords like color1, color2, ..., colorN. How
can I find out how these values look like?

Any hints?

Thanks, ~~:-Jochen Schnapka

Re: defining colors with RGB values for mutt

2000-07-03 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

Jochen Schnapka proclaimed on mutt-users that:

Is there a way to use arbitrary RGB colors or pre-defined values like
"GreenYellow", "DeepPink" with mutt? 
I could imagine that I have to make these colors first available to xterm
or Eterm, right?

Quite feasible.

The docu says, I could use keywords like color1, color2, ..., colorN. How
can I find out how these values look like?

Maybe just mapping foo to the appropriate hex value in your xterm /
eterm settings?

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Blood flows down one leg and up the other.

Re: those users (was Re: Reply to all???)

2000-07-03 Thread Telsa Gwynne

On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 04:37:36PM +0530 or thereabouts, Mrinal Kalakrishnan wrote:
  * Using multiple e-mail addresses in Mutt
  * Managing mailing lists with Mutt
  * Using keybindings to customize mutt
  * Color setups for folder index, mail header and mail body
  * managing mails via IMAP
  * managing mails via POP
  * using digital signatures
  * setup for your language
 Are these written yet, or is it vapourware? ;-)

I am sure I have seen brief notes on setting up "roles" a la pine
from someone. That might be worth doing, too. I shall play Hunt The
URL later.
 And one more suggestion - why don't you do it all in the LinuxDoc DTD
 (SGML) instead of using HTML directly? This will make things uniform,
 neat and standardized. (I'm not a fan of DocBook) :-)

I'm a big fan of DocBook. If you're looking for standardisation, then
I think you might want to consider DocBook, actually. As used by the
Linux kernel, the FreeBSD Documentation Project, the GNOME and KDE
Documentation Project, and even now used in some parts of the LDP :)

Unless you mean standardisation within Mutt, of course, since I saw
that the docs were in LinuxDoc. I don't know LinuxDoc very well: I 
have converted stuff from it to DocBook before, though. I do think
DocBook is the way to go, but that's not really an argument for this 
list :)

I'm just back from LinuxTag and ploughing through email: I shall start
digging out all my saved "useful tricks" and seeing whether the 0.9x
and 1.0x versions apply to 1.2 shortly. (Is this document/collection
going to try to cover both, or merely to assume that people will have
1.2? I think the latter assumption will be wrong for a few months
yet, but I can see some logic to starting with 1.2 stuff.)


Re: those users (was Re: Reply to all???)

2000-07-03 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

Telsa Gwynne proclaimed on mutt-users that:

I am sure I have seen brief notes on setting up "roles" a la pine
from someone. That might be worth doing, too. I shall play Hunt The
URL later.

Martti Rahkila has a good page on this - the link was posted earlier.

I'm a big fan of DocBook. If you're looking for standardisation, then
I think you might want to consider DocBook, actually. As used by the
Linux kernel, the FreeBSD Documentation Project, the GNOME and KDE
Documentation Project, and even now used in some parts of the LDP :)

Docbook it is - we're working on it.  BTW Telsa, could you please join

I'm just back from LinuxTag and ploughing through email: I shall start
digging out all my saved "useful tricks" and seeing whether the 0.9x
and 1.0x versions apply to 1.2 shortly. (Is this document/collection
going to try to cover both, or merely to assume that people will have
1.2? I think the latter assumption will be wrong for a few months
yet, but I can see some logic to starting with 1.2 stuff.)

We'll cover whatever's standard to both mutts, and wherever there's a
difference (in pgp support, list support etc) we'll add notes for mutt 1.0
and 1.2

ok? :)


Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If little green men land in your back yard, hide any little green women
you've got in the house.
-- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"

mutt and POP3-SSL

2000-07-03 Thread Stephan Seitz


mutt-1.2 supports SSL-IMAP.
Can I use the POP-support over SSL too?

I didn't find any hints in README.SSL about POP3 and SSL.
The SSL-libs are the same for IMAP and POP, so it shouldn't be a
problem, or am I wrong?

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan SeitzE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  WWW: http://fsing.fs.uni-sb.de/~stse/|
| PGP Public Keys: http://fsing.fs.uni-sb.de/~stse/pgp.html |

 PGP signature

(fwd) mutt for newbies

2000-07-03 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

Is this stuff OK?  We're now freezing the wishlist and going to start on
the actual howtos now.


- Forwarded message from Binand Raj S -

From: Binand Raj S
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 16:20:34 +0530
To: Suresh Ramasubramanian 
Cc: Mrinal Kalakrishnan 
Subject: Re: (fwd) SourceForge Project Approved
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.3i

Hash: SHA1

Suresh Ramasubramanian forced the electrons to say:
 You start with advanced tricks (but this is mutt for newbies, remember
 that) ;)

Hardly an advanced trick - just a few command line options plugged together...

But point noted.

 You slap together a howto on using pgp/gnupg with mutt please, Binand.
 That's priority.

OK - Will do. BTW, I haven't ever used PGP with mutt. ;-)

 Mrinal?  Why not do something about installing mutt from rpm, tarball,
 common problems, etc?

It doesn't compile all that well, especially the devel trees. I think the
prepare scripts sometimes works better that configure. And applying patches is
a pain...

BTW, what about a little comparison of mutt with other console mail clients?
Pine, elm etc.? Maybe mh? One of the major reason for pine's popularity is its
ease of use.

Maybe we should get someone else to write about debian systems.

A proposed TOC is:

1. What is mutt
2. How does it compare with other MUAs?
3. Getting, compiling and installing mutt
4. Starting mutt up and basic navigation through mailboxes
5. Command line options.
6. Config file options.
7. Advanced stuff - GPG/POP/IMAP/Macros/Bindings/Multiple mail accounts
8. Troubleshooting
9. Web resources
10. Cute mutt tips and tricks.

Some of the stuff is already there on www.mutt.org. Mutt-users archives are
going to be a great source of info.

The default manual.txt is not very elaborate, and at places, can be quite
intimidating. That is what we should overcome.


- -- 
main(int c,char **v){while(!fork()){strcpy(v[0],tmpnam(0));sleep(1);}}
A program that changes its name and pid every second.
Try this program at your own risk!   --- Binand ---

Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


- End forwarded message -

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Life may have no meaning -- or even worse, it may have a meaning of
which I disapprove."

Re: defining colors with RGB values for mutt

2000-07-03 Thread N. Raghavendra

On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 11:33:15AM +0200, Jochen Schnapka wrote:

 Is there a way to use arbitrary RGB colors or pre-defined
 values like "GreenYellow", "DeepPink" with mutt?



 The docu says, I could use keywords like color1, color2, ...,
 colorN. How can I find out how these values look like?

I found the default values in /usr/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color:

*VT100*color0: black
*VT100*color1: red3
*VT100*color2: green3
*VT100*color3: yellow3
*VT100*color4: blue3
*VT100*color5: magenta3
*VT100*color6: cyan3
*VT100*color7: gray90

 I could imagine that I have to make these colors first
 available to xterm or Eterm, right?

To change the colors a bit, mainly color7 to a slightly darker
gray, I put the following lines in $HOME/.Xresources:

XTerm*VT100*color0: Black
XTerm*VT100*color1: Red
XTerm*VT100*color2: Green
XTerm*VT100*color3: Yellow
XTerm*VT100*color4: Blue
XTerm*VT100*color5: Magenta
XTerm*VT100*color6: Cyan
XTerm*VT100*color7: Gray85

I guess one could substitute these colors with any color name
found in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt or by a numerical color
specification. After loading .Xresources, you can then use the
keywords color0,..., color7 in your .muttrc.


N. Raghavendra  |
Mehta Research Institute, Allahabad | Eloquence is logic on fire.
GnuPG public key at:|
http://riemann.mri.ernet.in/~raghu/ |


2000-07-03 Thread Rebecca Wu

Is this address working?

Re: testing

2000-07-03 Thread Clemens Wohld

* On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 09:32:09AM -0400, Rebecca Wu wrote:
 Is this address working?

neee ;)

Gruß, Clemens

Mit statserial/setserial serielle Infos abfragen:
$ statserial /dev/ttyS0  (Ausgabe u.a. Signal und Pin)
$ setserial /dev/ttyS0   (Ausgabe u.a. Port und IRQ) 
 [Info: man setserial; man statserial]

Re: those users (was Re: Reply to all???)

2000-07-03 Thread Curt Zirzow

* Suresh Ramasubramanian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000701 03:31]:
 HELP: mutt dumps core
 HUMOR: pine sucks

I could see a branch like:
  HELP: how do I use these tags

Thus, straying from the whole purpose of the list. I personally like the way
freebsd has it set up.

  mutt-chat -where this whole thread would go :)

Any time things appear to be going better, you have overlooked

pgp problems

2000-07-03 Thread Dale Morris

I'm having pgp headaches. I'm running redhat 6.2 and I was using gpg
for the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was unable to get it to work with pgp
6.5.3 which is on the wife's windoze box. So I revoked the gpg key and
created a keypair for command-line pgp which I installed (version
6.5.2). I used the same address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) as I used for the gpg
key. I have an entry in my .muttrc file [source ~/.mutt/pgp6.rc] I
copied the /usr/doc/mutt-1.2i/pgp6.rc to .mutt directory and commented
out the[set pgp_getkeys_command="pkspxycwrap %r"] after being unable
to enter an ID for the pgp key. When mutt asks for a key ID, I enter
the key ID #, but it doesn't work, mutt won't accept it. When I type
[pgp -kv] all it shows is:
DSS  2048/1024 0xFDD83C0A 1998/10/03 hank henry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DSS  2059/1024 0xF6F83318 1997/06/04 Jason Bobier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What do I do to get the key id into mutt so I can encrypt mail? 


Re: pgp problems

2000-07-03 Thread fman

 What do I do to get the key id into mutt so I can encrypt mail? 
 try www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Mutt-GnuPG
"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." ~unknown

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. 
Sit with a pretty girl for  an hour, and it seems like a minute." A. Einstein

 PGP signature