Re: Les thread

2002-09-23 Thread Loïc Minier

Nicolas [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Sun, Sep 22, 2002:

  Elimination des doublons 
 :0 Whc: msgid.lock
 | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
 :O a:

   Je ne sais pas si c'est en rapport mais tu as mis un :O
 (deux-points o) dans la seconde règle procmail alors que ce doit être
 un :0 (deux-points zéro).


Re: Les thread

2002-09-23 Thread Olivier Tharan

* Nicolas [EMAIL PROTECTED] (20020922 19:28):
 Une dernière question de débutant. Je suis abonné à diverses

[ pour cela, autant commencer une nouvelle enfilade, avec un sujet
  correspondant mieux à ta question ]

  Elimination des doublons 
 :0 Whc: msgid.lock
 | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
 :O a:

Si tu as fait du copier-coller intégral, ta deuxième règle commence par
un 'Oh' et non un 'zéro', d'où très certainement l'erreur.

I simply trew off the whole HP junk and replaced it by working Gnu
versions where possible

Re: [ Les news avec mutt ?]

2002-09-23 Thread Nicolas

Le Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 05:28:10PM +0200, Aurélien Beaujean écrivait :
 On a dit se tromper de mailing list :-) :

Hu hu, en effet j'ai mis un fr en trop :-)
Merci d'avoir forwardé.


Re: custom flags or priorities?

2002-09-23 Thread Rob Lingelbach

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, Rob Lingelbach wrote:

 i used to use, in mush, a version of the 'flags' command that
 would put a flag of letters A through E on messages so that i 
 could prioritize them in a way independent of any other headers.
 Is there a way to do that in mutt?  thank you.

following up my own posting:  

I'd be curious to know of muttrc examples using scoring to prioritize
messages, though that doesn't offer I don't think the ability to 
score on the fly, at the index level, which is more what I'm after.

Rob Lingelbach  Senior Colorist UCLA Film and Television Archive

message always goes as attachment

2002-09-23 Thread Pankaj Jangid

Hello Everyone,

Why mutt sends all the messages as attachments ?


Pankaj Jangid 

Tel: +91-22-756 0013/5303/5304/5305
Fax: +91-22-756 0004
Yahoo: pankaj_jangid

message always goes as attachment

2002-09-23 Thread Pankaj Jangid

Hello Everyone,

Why mutt sends all the messages as attachments ?

Pankaj Jangid 

Tel: +91-22-756 0013/5303/5304/5305
Fax: +91-22-756 0004
Yahoo: pankaj_jangid

Re: Multiple coloring

2002-09-23 Thread darren chamberlain

* Johan Svedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-19 16:39]:
 I would like all the mail I mark for deletion to be colored the same
 way, so my question is this:
 Is it possible to set some kind of priority for which color mutt
 should use in case a mail has both of these conditions?


  score ~D +100
  score ~f winkle ~p +10

  color index fg bg ~n 110

(This is an untested guess, BTW.)


Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.
Being true to anyone else or anything else is ... impossible.
-- Richard Bach

entering iso-8859-15 won't work (was: Re: charset input trouble)

2002-09-23 Thread Robert Lillack

Robert Lillack wrote:

 I have  some trouble  here getting  Mutt to  recognize non
 ASCII  characters.   Displaying  them  works  wonderfully,
 other  console  programs work  fine,  too  (bash, vi,  mc,
 irssi, ...).

Thanks to Alain Bench, I now  see that what I wrote was kind
of unclear.

I am *unable* to enter  non ASCII characters like the german
umlauts or the euro sign into Mutt's *internal* editor.

This is  not the umlauts  show up  as ?-FAQ. I do  see all
ISO-8859-15 symbols flawlessly, but I cannot enter them.

Hope this is more clear now and somebody is able to help me.

Thanks, Rob.
r o b e r t | l i l l a c k
secure mail key: 0xE7FFDF77

Re: message always goes as attachment

2002-09-23 Thread Lars Heiermann

* Pankaj Jangid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why mutt sends all the messages as attachments ?

According to:

| Mime-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
| Content-Disposition: inline
| User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i

it doesn't. 


Lars Heiermann
LANparty? = ['ju:nien] ||

Re: message always goes as attachment

2002-09-23 Thread Heiko Heil

* Pankaj Jangid [EMAIL PROTECTED] [09/23/2002 13:01]:
 Why mutt sends all the messages as attachments ?

You think about [g|p]gp-encrypted mails? Then take a look at RFC 2015
(, keyword
multipart/encrypted or try the pgp-traditional-patch.
Best regards

listing what's in a directory

2002-09-23 Thread Deb

Hey Folks,

When I converted from Elm to Mutt, I found that I could no longer list
the contents of a directory easily.  I checked the FAQ, haven't found
what I need yet, but maybe I'm blind, so I'm asking the list:

In Elm, at the save prompt I could type a directory name or = (for the
default Mail directory), hit return instead of a filename, and I would be
graced with a file listing inside that dir.

For some reason, I haven't been able to configure mutt to do this.

Could someone tell me what I'm missing here?



  There are 010 types of people in the world:
  those that understand binary, and those that don't.

Re: listing what's in a directory

2002-09-23 Thread darren chamberlain

* Deb [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-23 13:39]:
 In Elm, at the save prompt I could type a directory name or = (for the
 default Mail directory), hit return instead of a filename, and I would
 be graced with a file listing inside that dir.
 For some reason, I haven't been able to configure mutt to do this.

Doesn't Tab do that for you?


If history teaches us anything, it's that everyone will be part of
the problem, but not everyone will be part of the solution.
-- Larry Wall

Re: message always goes as attachment

2002-09-23 Thread David Champion

* On 2002.09.23, in [EMAIL PROTECTED],
*   Pankaj Jangid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Everyone,
 Why mutt sends all the messages as attachments ?

Mutt doesn't generally send messages as attachments. All outbound
messages are MIME documents, though, and adhere to the MIME
specification. This means that every message body is a MIME part,
and some mail readers indeed make all MIME parts look like the same

Mutt presumes a MIME-capable mail reader on the other end. This is
probably the issue you're addressing.

When you forward a message, it can actually be a MIME attachment, but
it's not necessarily. There are configuration parameters that control
this. But I don't think that this is what you mean.

And, of course, there's the PGP issue. By default, PGP messages will be
MIME documents -- again, because Mutt's aim is to be a MIME mailer. But
to some extent, these, too, can be turned off.

 -D.We establised a fine coffee. What everybody can say
 Sun Project, APC/UCCO  TASTY! It's fresh, so-mild, with some special coffee's
 University of Chicago  bitter and sourtaste. LET'S HAVE SUCH A COFFEE! NOW!
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Please love CAFE MIAMI. Many thanks.

reply and start new thread?

2002-09-23 Thread Fernan Aguero


How do you reply to a message in a thread, change the
subject and start a new thread?

I mean, I can do all this by hand, but perhaps there is
already a command for doing this?

Suppose that while reading a thread you get motivated to
reply to something that has nothing to do with the thread,
but you need to quote it. Basically you reply to the list
(and perhaps CC the original author), change the subject,
perhaps using a common formula:
New Subject (Was: Re: Old thread)
remove the In-Reply-To or Mail-Followup-To fields so that
the message does indeed start a new thread (at least in MUAs
that thread reasonably well).

Anything else that should get changed/touched? Something I
missed? Perhaps it is not a good idea to remove some

Thanks in advance for any tip/suggestion.


F e r n a n   A g u e r o

Re: listing what's in a directory

2002-09-23 Thread Deb

That's it!  TAB x 2, in my case.  One I hadn't tried.  I wonder why it
takes 2 tabs...?

I had been able to do the completion, so maybe the first tab tries for a 
word completion, the 2nd tab gets a listing.  I s'pose I can live with that.

Is this in the documentation?  I sure did miss it, if it is.

Thanks a lot, Kevin!


kevin lyda [EMAIL PROTECTED] had this to say,
 On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 10:32:08AM -0700, Deb wrote:
  When I converted from Elm to Mutt, I found that I could no longer list
  the contents of a directory easily.  I checked the FAQ, haven't found
  what I need yet, but maybe I'm blind, so I'm asking the list:
 tab.  if you type c=tab you chould get a dir listing, if not, press
 tab one more time.  you can type a few chars of the folder name and then
 tab to either expand it or give a listing (press tab twice for that).
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to
 fork()'ed on 37058400the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier
 meatspace place: home   than a sober one. the happiness of credulity is a   cheap  dangerous quality -- g.b. shaw

  There are 010 types of people in the world:
  those that understand binary, and those that don't.

Re: reply and start new thread?

2002-09-23 Thread Timo T. Rajala

* Fernan Aguero [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 How do you reply to a message in a thread, change the
 subject and start a new thread?
 I mean, I can do all this by hand, but perhaps there is
 already a command for doing this?
 Suppose that while reading a thread you get motivated to
 reply to something that has nothing to do with the thread,
 but you need to quote it. Basically you reply to the list
 (and perhaps CC the original author), change the subject,
 perhaps using a common formula:
 New Subject (Was: Re: Old thread)
 remove the In-Reply-To or Mail-Followup-To fields so that
 the message does indeed start a new thread (at least in MUAs
 that thread reasonably well).
 Anything else that should get changed/touched? Something I
 missed? Perhaps it is not a good idea to remove some

I'm quite new to Mutt so I don't have any suggestions with the
commands, but what about the References: header? I like to use these
settings in my .muttrc:

set   sort=threads
set   strict_threads

So, if you change the headers you have mentioned without removing
References: I will still see the mail in the same thread. BTW, I have
noticed that many MUAs don't care about References: at all. Wonder

A good reference page about this subject, in my opinion, is:

Timo T. Rajala

mouse functionality?

2002-09-23 Thread Dave Price

I know I will probably get flamed for this, but ...

Are there any pathes to mutt to allow minimal mouse functionality?

Like allowing the mouse wheel to scroll the index and pager ...
and perhaps a click to open messages?


pop download to a specific folder

2002-09-23 Thread Matthew Hinton

How can I get mutt to download messages from a pop server into a certian
folder when I press G?  I would like the messages placed into IN.pophost
instead of my spoolfile directory.

Description: PGP signature

Re: reply and start new thread?

2002-09-23 Thread Roberto Rotta

* Fernan Aguero [23 Sep 2002, 15:25 -0300]:
 How do you reply to a message in a thread, change the
 subject and start a new thread?

press m :D

 I mean, I can do all this by hand, but perhaps there is
 already a command for doing this?
 Suppose that while reading a thread you get motivated to
 reply to something that has nothing to do with the thread,
 but you need to quote it. Basically you reply to the list
 (and perhaps CC the original author), change the subject,
 perhaps using a common formula:
 New Subject (Was: Re: Old thread)
 remove the In-Reply-To or Mail-Followup-To fields so that
 the message does indeed start a new thread (at least in MUAs
 that thread reasonably well).
 Anything else that should get changed/touched? Something I
 missed? Perhaps it is not a good idea to remove some

I think that you can set edit_hdrs and use your favourite editor to do
what you want, when you want

with my favorite one (vim)

 ,stn = Start New Thread
map ,stn 1G/^In-Reply-To: CRdd1G/^Subject: /e+1CRC


  2.4.1.  Editing the message header

  When editing the header of your outgoing message, there are a couple
  of special features available.


  When replying to messages, if you remove the In-Reply-To: field from
  the header field, Mutt will not generate a References: field, which
  allows you to create a new message thread.


Re: Thread Display

2002-09-23 Thread Christian Ordig

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 03:48:39AM +0200, René Clerc wrote:
 * PeterKorman [EMAIL PROTECTED] [17-09-2002 19:21]:
  I think I can correctly interpret what you said in more than 1 way.
  So I wont try.
  1)message to Sally
  2)reply from Sally
  3)reply to reply from Sally.
 fcc-hook will store _any_ message to Sally in the folder which you
 specify (probably sally).
that's not really useful for conversations ... you'd need for everybody
a new procmail rule ... and a fcc-hook ... and you'd end up with one
folder per person ... 
 If you configure procmail correctly, it can deliver every message
 _from_ Sally in that same folder.
yes ... that is useful for people communicating with only 5-10 other 
guys ... 
I'd suggest the following:

- sort incoming mail using procmail as you'd also do normally 
  (everything coming to [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to folder xyz and so on)
- use folder-hooks for setting record to the same folder you're
  currently in
  - example: 
# default record location
folder-hook . set record==sent
# every mail sent from inside folder =xyz is saved to =xyz
folder-hook =xyz set record==xyz
- now when there comes a message to =xyz and you reply, your answer will 
  also be stored to =xyz. Mails sent from any other folder, not having
  such a folder-hook are saved to =sent

Any further suggestions?

Christian Ordig

Re: Thread Display

2002-09-23 Thread PeterKorman

On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 12:42:17AM +0200, Christian Ordig wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 03:48:39AM +0200, René Clerc wrote:
  * PeterKorman [EMAIL PROTECTED] [17-09-2002 19:21]:
   I think I can correctly interpret what you said in more than 1 way.
   So I wont try.
   1)message to Sally
   2)reply from Sally
   3)reply to reply from Sally.
  fcc-hook will store _any_ message to Sally in the folder which you
  specify (probably sally).
 that's not really useful for conversations ... you'd need for everybody
 a new procmail rule ... and a fcc-hook ... and you'd end up with one
 folder per person ... 
  If you configure procmail correctly, it can deliver every message
  _from_ Sally in that same folder.
 yes ... that is useful for people communicating with only 5-10 other 
 guys ... 
 I'd suggest the following:
 - sort incoming mail using procmail as you'd also do normally 
   (everything coming to [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to folder xyz and so on)
 - use folder-hooks for setting record to the same folder you're
   currently in
   - example: 
 # default record location
 folder-hook . set record==sent
 # every mail sent from inside folder =xyz is saved to =xyz
 folder-hook =xyz set record==xyz
 - now when there comes a message to =xyz and you reply, your answer will 
   also be stored to =xyz. Mails sent from any other folder, not having
   such a folder-hook are saved to =sent
 Any further suggestions?
Here is what I have:

Mailing list are fine. Everything already goes out and comes in
the mutt list folder via 
  folder hooks 
  my receive address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  the mutt mailing list sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I manage all my mailing lists the same way threading is terriffic.

Here are the gory details. Much of my communication is not through
mailing lists. As a rule I don't go to a folder to exchange mail with 
a particular person. I want to keep a record of everything I send.
So send gets its own folder. This is nonnegotiable. I want keep a
record of everything I receive. I dont want to hand sort that stuff.
(maildrop switches destination folders for me just fine, but that is
not the kind of data I'm processing.) So all my non-newsgroup
inbound goes to 1 folder. That is also non negotiable.

I haven't done it yet, but here's what I'm thinking:

I'll use perl to scan my sent folder. I'll extract all of the 
message-ID(ish) headers into a hash whose index is the message-ID
and whose data is a linked list of filenames. Now I'll scan my inbound 
folder for message-ID(ish) headers that match the ones in the hash 
I've generated (from the sent folder) and plug their filenames into 
the linked list data structure of the associated message-ID index.

Finally, my perl hash will contain all filenames of associated with
threads containing at least 2 messages, 1 of which was sent buy me.
Now I create hard links to all those filenames in a third maildir 
directory called conversations.

Am I making sense to anyone besides my self? Thanks.




[]+ Wisdom is vindicated by all her children.  +[]
[]  []
[]+ GnuPG ECBA EA08 C3C1 251E 5FB5  D196 F8C8 F8B7 AB60 234D +[]

Description: PGP signature

Re: custom flags or priorities? - flag-message

2002-09-23 Thread Sven Guckes

* Rob Lingelbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-23 08:08]:
 On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, Rob Lingelbach wrote:

  i used to use, in mush, a version of the 'flags' command that
  would put a flag of letters A through E on messages so that i
  could prioritize them in a way independent of any other headers.
  Is there a way to do that in mutt?  thank you.

 I'd be curious to know of muttrc examples using scoring to prioritize
 messages, though that doesn't offer I don't think the ability to
 score on the fly, at the index level, which is more what I'm after.

your text is missing words, i think.  anyway,
mutt does not allow arbitary flags - alas.
there is only flag-message - that's it.

but there was a patch which allowed to
add a comment in an extra header line.
maybe this can solve your problem...


Re: message always goes as attachment

2002-09-23 Thread Sven Guckes

* Pankaj Jangid [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-23 10:30]:
 Why mutt sends all the messages as attachments ?

it doesn't - even though the Compose menu make it look like that.
but you could have sent yourself a message and found out that way.


Re: adding cc automatically

2002-09-23 Thread Sven Guckes

* David Ellement [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-23 17:09]:
 I'd like to automatically set the cc header when I send mail
 to particular addresses.  I tried using send-hook with my_hdr,
 but it appears the my_hdr part gets processed before
 send-hook, since the header gets set for the next message.
 Has anyone been able to make something like this work?

this must be the fourth time i have seen this request in the list.
please take a look at the archives!


Re: mouse functionality?

2002-09-23 Thread Sven Guckes

* Dave Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-23 19:39]:
 I know I will probably get flamed for this, but ...
 Are there any pathes to mutt to allow minimal mouse functionality?

there have been - a long long time ago.  and the code has
been removed.  yes, there were reasons.  read the archives.

 Like allowing the mouse wheel to scroll the index and pager ...
 and perhaps a click to open messages?

you can configure your mouse to send codes -
and you can create macros to react to them.


Re: pop download to a specific folder - $spoolfile

2002-09-23 Thread Sven Guckes

* Matthew Hinton [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-23 19:51]:
 How can I get mutt to download messages from a pop server into a
 certian folder when I press G?
 I would like the messages placed into IN.pophost
 instead of my spoolfile directory.

  set spoolfile=/path/file

Sven [mind the sig, too!]

use lists address   when you are *not* subscribed
use subscribe address   when you   *are*   subscribed

Re: custom flags or priorities? - flag-message

2002-09-23 Thread Rob Lingelbach

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Sven Guckes wrote:

 your text is missing words, i think.  

sorry about that, i might not have been clear.

 but there was a patch which allowed to
 add a comment in an extra header line.
 maybe this can solve your problem...

thank you Sven.  it might, but let me explain 
better my intent.  it is that i want to be able
to sort messages in the index view by my own 
arrangements, based on a string, letter, or value
I can assign to the messages.  For example, let's say
i receive 10 messages and regardless of whom they are
from, and their subjects or other headers, I would 
like to assign them priorities, so that i could 
use mutt's 'sort' or 'limit' command to present only 
these messages, or a subset of these messages based
on the value/string i assign (possibly with the 
header addition patch you mention).  

But I might be complicating the task unnecessarily if
there is some way others are doing this more simply.

Rob Lingelbach  Senior Colorist UCLA Film and Television Archive

Re: custom flags or priorities? - flag-message

2002-09-23 Thread Nicolas Rachinsky

* Rob Lingelbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-23 22:21 -0700]:
 On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Sven Guckes wrote:
  but there was a patch which allowed to
  add a comment in an extra header line.
  maybe this can solve your problem...

 thank you Sven.  it might, but let me explain 
 better my intent.  it is that i want to be able
 to sort messages in the index view by my own 
 arrangements, based on a string, letter, or value
 I can assign to the messages.  For example, let's say
 i receive 10 messages and regardless of whom they are
 from, and their subjects or other headers, I would 
 like to assign them priorities, so that i could 
 use mutt's 'sort' or 'limit' command to present only 
 these messages, or a subset of these messages based
 on the value/string i assign (possibly with the 
 header addition patch you mention).  

I don't use it, but search the manual for %y and ~y. Perhaps these can
do what you want (perhaps together with the above patch).


Re: adding cc automatically

2002-09-23 Thread David Ellement

On 020924, at 04:18:21, Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 * David Ellement [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-23 17:09]:
  I'd like to automatically set the cc header when I send mail
  to particular addresses.  I tried using send-hook with my_hdr,
  but it appears the my_hdr part gets processed before
  send-hook, since the header gets set for the next message.
  Has anyone been able to make something like this work?
 this must be the fourth time i have seen this request in the list.
 please take a look at the archives!

I thought I had.  Maybe I didn't go back far enough; I've only seen two
related threads over the last two years.  I have seen the message(s) in
the archives pointing out the manual section that states send-hook can't
be used to change the recipient headers.  What I've not seen is anyone
suggesting how it might be accomplished without without using send-hook.

(I suppose this is a little like standing front of a large crowd and
saying those of you in the back that can't hear me, raise you hand).

David Ellement