Re: Using Elinks with mutt

2008-05-06 Thread Chris G
During a recent thread kyle said as follows:-

The next task is to figure out how to get elinks' colors to be 
preserved. The key mutt configuration value here is $allow_ansi. 
Default is "no", but if you set it to "yes" then mutt will preserve 
the colors in elinks' output. If that doesn't work, it means that 
elinks isn't putting the colors into its dump output, so you have to 
tell elinks to use colors when printing formatted text to a pipe. The 
magic argument you need to pass to elinks is -dump-color-mode. 
Unfortunately, as you can see in this bugreport 
(, they've only 
implemented that flag for the cutting edge 0.12.GIT version of elinks 
(it hasn't made it into a stable version of elinks yet). So, if you 
REALLY REALLY want color, you can get it, but it'll be a bit of a 

Thanks to the other part of your reply (which I haven't quoted) I can
now get elinks to fill the width of the window in 'autoview' dump mode.

However my other issue is less with colour as such but with formatting.

If I run elinks to view an HTML E-Mail via the 'v'iew command I not
only get the original colours, I get proper frames for tables etc.
rather than ASCII characters.  I *suppose* this may be for the same
reasons that you have described above for colours but I'm not really

I guess it *might* be possible to write a wrapper script that allows
elinks to feel as if it has a terminal, capture the output to file and
then dump that to mutt.

Chris Green

utf8 console font

2008-05-06 Thread Chris Bannister

Just wondering which console font people are using in an utf8 locale.

Currently I am using chavo

less /etc/console-tools/config

That was aquired by "apt-get install fonty-rq" in Debian Etch

locale | grep LANG

Any tips?

"One, with God, is always a majority, but many a martyr has been burned
   at the stake while the votes were being counted."  -- Thomas B. Reed

Re: utf8 console font

2008-05-06 Thread Vladimir Marek
> Just wondering which console font people are using in an utf8 locale.



Description: PGP signature

Can one automate selecting HTML version and viewing it?

2008-05-06 Thread Chris G
OK, I have given up trying to get elinks to display an HTML E-Mail
nicely via "auto_view text/html", even with the latest elinks and
using -dump-color-mode the result is still rubbish compared with
running elinks 'manually' via v[iew] and selecting the part of the
message to display with elinks in interactive mode.

While w3m via "auto_view text/html" does give me a slightly better
result than elinks it lacks display of HTML font colours and that
means it's little use to me because many messages I receive are chunks
of error logs with important parts highlighted with colour.

So ..  Can I automate the process of running elinks interactively
on the HTML part of a message?  A macro to do some of it is easy
enough but how do I get the macro to move down to the [first] HTML
part of a message automatically?

Chris Green

Re: Can one automate selecting HTML version and viewing it?

2008-05-06 Thread Vladimir Marek
This is not answer to your question, but have you tried Twibright Links

I'm using 'links -dump %s' and I'm quite happy with it.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Can one automate selecting HTML version and viewing it?

2008-05-06 Thread Michael Kjorling
On 6 May 2008 12:13 +0100, by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris G):
> So ..  Can I automate the process of running elinks interactively
> on the HTML part of a message?  A macro to do some of it is easy
> enough but how do I get the macro to move down to the [first] HTML
> part of a message automatically?

Use something like text/html in your macro.

Michael Kjörling .. [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..
* . No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings . *
* ENCRYPTED email preferred -- OpenPGP key ID: 0x 758F8749 BDE9ADA6 *
* ASCII Ribbon Campaign: Against HTML mail, proprietary attachments *

Description: Digital signature

changing subject of all messages in a thread

2008-05-06 Thread martin f krafft
We all know it: mailing list threads often go wild and
correspondents forget to amend the subject lines appropriately. This
makes it really hard to find stuff later.

mutt can join and break threads, beautifully sort them and otherwise
makes my life a lot easier.

But... can it help me change the subject line for messages that are
part of a subthread? I know how to set $editor to get it to do this
automatically, but how do I convince mutt to spawn the editor on all
tagged messages or messages of a subthread without manually

martin | |
"writing a book is like washing an elephant: there no good place to
 begin or end, and it's hard to keep track of what you've already
-- anonymous
spamtraps: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Digital signature (see

Re: utf8 console font

2008-05-06 Thread Ken Moffat
On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 11:04:38PM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondering which console font people are using in an utf8 locale.
 sigma-general-8x16 ;) [ It's from sigma-consolefonts which is my own
assemblage, derived from etl16, and includes a number of different
maps (the maps decide which characters are available in a particular
psfu font). ] .

 End of blowing my own trumpet.  I must remember to update that font
with a few minor fixes.
> Any tips?
 Screen fonts fall into two types - the 'vga' fonts derived from
what you get from the video card (usually very bold), and the others
(often less bold, which might be a problem for some people).  You
then have the "256 glyphs and bold colours, or 512 glyphs without the
bold colours" decision.  There is also a size consideration (fewer
lines of text, or more lines of text)  FWIW, mine is up-to 512 glyphs
and «less bold» with only an 8x16 "cell".

 The big question is, which languages do you want to support in the
console ?  Most fonts are limited to only a few languages.  If you
already have UTF-8 text in all the languages of interest to you, or
you can create some (remember punctuation, quotation marks, currency
symbols as well as the accented letters), then try using the
different fonts ('setfont') to see how well they cope.  For
non-ascii text, creating it is usually a lot easier in a graphical

 I assume you already know that only alphabetic languages can be
displayed in the regular linux console.

 Of course, there are also visual choices for any font, such as
'what letter form for "g"?', and "how many rows of the character cell
are used for the text?" and even "what do you display when the glyph
isn't available?".  Many console fonts use different glyphs for
cyrillic and latin letters (e.g. Aa|Аа B|В and perhaps C|С) which to
me looks strange.  There is definitely no "one size fits all".

das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce

Re: Using Elinks with mutt

2008-05-06 Thread Kyle Wheeler
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, May  6 at 10:01 AM, quoth Chris G:
> However my other issue is less with colour as such but with 
> formatting.
> If I run elinks to view an HTML E-Mail via the 'v'iew command I not 
> only get the original colours, I get proper frames for tables etc. 
> rather than ASCII characters.  I *suppose* this may be for the same 
> reasons that you have described above for colours but I'm not really 
> sure.

That I don't know. I've never gotten elinks to use line-drawing 
characters for frames in its dump output. Generally, I would expect 
that to be some argument like -dump-charset, but that doesn't work 
with elinks. Those line-drawing characters are why I use w3m instead 
of elinks or any of the other similar programs (w3m seems to have 
better character set support in general).

- -- 
The real problem is not whether machines think, but whether men do.
   -- B. F. Skinner
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


Re: changing subject of all messages in a thread

2008-05-06 Thread Kyle Wheeler
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, May  6 at 03:36 PM, quoth martin f krafft:
> But... can it help me change the subject line for messages that are 
> part of a subthread? I know how to set $editor to get it to do this 
> automatically, but how do I convince mutt to spawn the editor on all 
> tagged messages or messages of a subthread without manually 
> iterating?

Easy: tag them all, then press ;e

To make tagging easier, you can use patterns (T)

- -- 
Almost everything about a human creature is ridiculous, except its 
ability to suffer bravely and die gallantly for whatever it loves and 
believes in. The validity of that belief, the appropriateness of that 
love, is irrelevant; it is the bravery and the gallantry that count.
-- Robert A. Heinlein, Job: A Comedy of Justice
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


Re: utf8 console font

2008-05-06 Thread Kyle Wheeler
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, May  6 at 11:04 PM, quoth Chris Bannister:
>Just wondering which console font people are using in an utf8 locale.


Tips? Get a mac. ;)

- -- 
Come to me, son of Jor-El. Kneel before Zod. Snootchie-bootchies.
 -- Jay
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


Re: changing subject of all messages in a thread

2008-05-06 Thread David Champion
> part of a subthread? I know how to set $editor to get it to do this
> automatically, but how do I convince mutt to spawn the editor on all
> tagged messages or messages of a subthread without manually
> iterating?

set editor="perl -pi -e 's/^Subject: .*/Subject: mwahaha/;' %s"
[tag some messages]

 -D.[EMAIL PROTECTED]NSITUniversity of Chicago

multiple gmail accounts

2008-05-06 Thread Dale Harris
I've done some poking around and I haven't found a good answer to this,
yet.  How best to use gmail/imap accounts with mutt.  The problem is I
have multiple gmail accounts that I would like to access from the same
mutt process.  So I'm using account-hook and folder-hook (to set options):

account-hook imaps://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 'set imap_user=rodmur
folder-hook imap://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 'source

However, it would not seem that account-hook or folder-hook supports this
at all.  I guess this would work if I had only one account at gmail, and
was doing "account-hook imaps:// ..." 

Anyone have any suggestions? Or am I SOL and I'll just have to go back to
using mutt -F. 

Dale Harris

Re: changing subject of all messages in a thread

2008-05-06 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach David Champion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.05.06.1804 +0100]:
> > part of a subthread? I know how to set $editor to get it to do this
> > automatically, but how do I convince mutt to spawn the editor on all
> > tagged messages or messages of a subthread without manually
> > iterating?
> set editor="perl -pi -e 's/^Subject: .*/Subject: mwahaha/;' %s"
> [tag some messages]

Okay, I fell prey to having 'e' rebound. But in any case, the
problem with this is that I'd like to provide a new subject line
once for all messages, but not really redefined $editor every time.

Ideally, I'd have a keybinding doing all this, and using e.g.
$response on the right-hand-side of the regexp. Now, how do I fill
$response sensibly?

/me wants mutt to have a  function.

martin | |
"give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. teach a man to
 fish, and he'll buy a funny hat. talk to a hungry man about fish,
 and you're a consultant."
  -- scott adams
spamtraps: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Digital signature (see

Re: changing subject of all messages in a thread

2008-05-06 Thread David Champion
> /me wants mutt to have a  function.

 would be handy.  Meanwhile, you might try something like:

$ cat mutt-subject-edit
printf "New subject: " >/dev/tty
read subj 


 -D.[EMAIL PROTECTED]NSITUniversity of Chicago

Re: Using Elinks with mutt

2008-05-06 Thread Chris G
On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 11:59:09AM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Tuesday, May  6 at 10:01 AM, quoth Chris G:
> > However my other issue is less with colour as such but with 
> > formatting.
> >
> > If I run elinks to view an HTML E-Mail via the 'v'iew command I not 
> > only get the original colours, I get proper frames for tables etc. 
> > rather than ASCII characters.  I *suppose* this may be for the same 
> > reasons that you have described above for colours but I'm not really 
> > sure.
> That I don't know. I've never gotten elinks to use line-drawing 
> characters for frames in its dump output. Generally, I would expect 
> that to be some argument like -dump-charset, but that doesn't work 
> with elinks. Those line-drawing characters are why I use w3m instead 
> of elinks or any of the other similar programs (w3m seems to have 
> better character set support in general).
Yes, w3m 'looks' better but since it doesn't offer HTML font colouring
it's not a lot of use to me.

Chris Green

Re: Using Elinks with mutt

2008-05-06 Thread Kyle Wheeler
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, May  6 at 08:25 PM, quoth Chris G:
>> That I don't know. I've never gotten elinks to use line-drawing 
>> characters for frames in its dump output. Generally, I would expect 
>> that to be some argument like -dump-charset, but that doesn't work 
>> with elinks. Those line-drawing characters are why I use w3m 
>> instead of elinks or any of the other similar programs (w3m seems 
>> to have better character set support in general).
> Yes, w3m 'looks' better but since it doesn't offer HTML font colouring 
> it's not a lot of use to me.

Well, it sounds like you have your choice of people to complain to: 
you could try to get the w3m folks to add color to their dump output, 
or you could try to get the elinks folks to use line-drawing 
characters in *their* dump output (or learn to live without 'em). 
Either way, mutt could display whatever they produce without any 
problem. About the only trick they can do that mutt can't handle is 
w3m's graphics support (which is, at best, a realy impressive 

- -- 
Reason is itself a matter of faith. It is an act of faith to assert 
that our thoughts have any relation to reality at all.
-- G. K. Chesterton
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


Deleting Duplicates

2008-05-06 Thread Mike Loiterman
I have an mbox file with 3633 messages.  Every single message has a  
duplicate.  I understand that I can easily delete duplicates with the  
tag ~=.  The problem that I have is that this only works with messages  
with a unique message ID.  Sadly, none of these messages has a unique  
message ID, so this will not work.

Is there some other way of deleting the duplicate messages?  Is there  
some way of tagging every other message or every odd numbered  
message?  There must be some way to select every other message and  
delete it.

Date filters won't work since each set of messages has a different  
date.  Neither will subject or From filters for the same reason.  I  
have also looked at grepmail which has the -u option for filtering out  
only unique messages, but that works on Message-ID too!

I know I'm missing something...please help!

Mike Loiterman
Cell: 630-302-4944
Fax: 773-442-0992

Re: utf8 console font

2008-05-06 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 01:05:05PM +0200, Vladimir Marek wrote:
> > Just wondering which console font people are using in an utf8 locale.
> Terminus

Yeah, I have heard of it and am installing it now.

Installed "Uni3-TerminusBold16" and it seems to be displaying more
foreign characters than "chavo", although it does remind of the early
personal computers in the '70s :-), ah nostalgia ...

"One, with God, is always a majority, but many a martyr has been burned
   at the stake while the votes were being counted."  -- Thomas B. Reed

Re: utf8 console font

2008-05-06 Thread Vladimir Marek
> > > Just wondering which console font people are using in an utf8 locale.
> > 
> > Terminus
> > 
> >
> Yeah, I have heard of it and am installing it now.
> Installed "Uni3-TerminusBold16" and it seems to be displaying more
> foreign characters than "chavo", although it does remind of the early
> personal computers in the '70s :-), ah nostalgia ...

I use fullscreen terminal (no borders around). I think it looks nice :)
I installed the same font to my solaris, linux and windows machines.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Deleting Duplicates

2008-05-06 Thread Russell L. Harris
* Mike Loiterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080507 01:07]:
> I have an mbox file with 3633 messages.  Every single message has a  
> duplicate.  I understand that I can easily delete duplicates with the  
> tag ~=.  The problem that I have is that this only works with messages  
> with a unique message ID.  Sadly, none of these messages has a unique  
> message ID, so this will not work.
> Is there some other way of deleting the duplicate messages?  Is there  
> some way of tagging every other message or every odd numbered  
> message?  There must be some way to select every other message and  
> delete it.
> Date filters won't work since each set of messages has a different  
> date.  Neither will subject or From filters for the same reason.  I  
> have also looked at grepmail which has the -u option for filtering out  
> only unique messages, but that works on Message-ID too!

Several weeks ago, someone on this list suggested "fdupes".