Using Gmail IMAP with Mutt

2021-09-02 Thread David J. J. Ring, Jr.
Hello List,

I have seen muttrc files with both folder names of gmail, Gmail, and Gmail and 
even GoogleMail and varients.

I think what happens if you use on that Google doesn't know about is that gmail 
makes that folder for you and does what you are asking for, so if you've said 
save drafts 
to a GMail (capital G and capital M) folder, it does that, if you say save 
drafts to 
Gmail (capital G small m) folder it does that for you.

Now I have several folders and they're not the same.

What does gmail really want?  Gmail or GMail or something different?

Thanks in advance for your replies and help.  I'm sorry I'm confused but it is 

David Ring

Description: PGP signature

Wordwrap of long lines

2021-08-10 Thread David J. J. Ring, Jr.
It seems I'm either getting emails with long lines now all of a sudden or I did 
something to my

I'm seeing lines with + at the left hand side and reading the screen it doesn't 
make sense because 
some of the message is missing, which I can see by going into the editor and 
looking at the message.

I would rather just see the message directly with lines wrapped.

How do I do this, or is it a key sequence?  I could not find this in "help".


Description: PGP signature

Re: Console HTML view with picture using W3M or other

2021-08-01 Thread David J. J. Ring, Jr.
Hello Tavis,

I love that name! It reminds me of beautiful music, or is it the Ormandy last 

I cannot find an "av" package what Jude suggested.

You, Tavis, mentioned adding to mailcap this line:

image/png; img2sixel -- %s | less -r; nametemplate=%s.png; needsterminal

I'm guessing - and I realize that's gotten me into the deep fryer more than 
once... that you can make more lines in mailcap based on that line for 
different picture formats -- stop me if you hear hot oil bubbling and David 

image/jpg; img2sixel -- %s | less -r; nametemplate=%s.png; needsterminal
image/jpeg; img2sixel -- %s | less -r; nametemplate=%s.png; needsterminal
image/gif; img2sixel -- %s | less -r; nametemplate=%s.png; needsterminal

I find a package called "libsixel" in Slackware and I'm installing that.

Thanks and say "Hello to Eugene Ormandy" he was a great favorite of a friend of 
mine who was born in Budapest.

Best regards,
David Ring

  Tavis Ormandy wrote:
Sun, Aug 01, 2021 at 10:58:37PM -

> On 2021-08-01, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > * Jude DaShiell  [07-31-21 23:34]:
> >> If memory serves, w3m can use av package if installed to allow it to view
> >> pictures.  I've only read about this never having been able to look at
> >> pictures.
> >> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> >> > Has anyone succesfully configured mutt to give a roughly equivalent
> >> > view of html emails using w3m or other
> >> > browser in text console with direct-fb or other?
> > w3m is configuragle to display images, "auto_image=TRUE"
> Not exactly what was asked, but I use this mailcap to view image
> attachments:
> image/png; img2sixel -- %s | less -r; nametemplate=%s.png; needsterminal
> It uses the sixel support in xterm (or any other terminal that supports
> sixels) to display images in the terminal. I think you just need
> something like this in .Xresources to enable it in xterm:
> XTerm*decTerminalID: vt382
> Tavis.
> -- 
>  _o)$ lynx
>  /\\  _o)  _o)  $ finger
> _\_V _( ) _( )  @taviso

Description: PGP signature

Location of sample muttrc and mailcap files, and correct names of Gmail folders

2021-02-12 Thread David J. J. Ring, Jr.
Hello Mutt-Users,

Today for some reason, mutt stopped working, it needed a control-c to interrupt 
then continue, 
I finally got it working, I don't remember how, but probably I had an error
in my muttrc file.

Where are sample files for muttrc located?  Where are sample mailcap located?

Also and this seems to be the initial cause of my calamity, what is the correct
names of the imap folders in gmail?   Some of my muttrc files have GMail others 
have Gmail with only the first letter capitalized.

This was causing a problem because I started having all sorts of extra folders 
appear in my gmail imap account with names like Gmail and GMail, I cannot give 
you specifics because I have finally eliminated them all.

I use settings in my muttrc to retreive my imap because I had tried 
offline-imap or some sort of program
and I lost a bunch of email doing so - or so I think.  So I'm scared of doing 
that again.

Best wishes to all,

David Ring

Description: PGP signature

Mutt inside emacs

2019-06-21 Thread David J. J. Ring, Jr.

I am really happy except for one little thing.

I found out how to get mutt working inside emacs / emacspeak.

The only problem is that I cannot press q to quit, I have to quit emacs instead 
by using Control C Control X (emacs C-c C-x)

I'll go to the emacspeak list or emacs list but I thought I'd ask here first.

I'll paste my .emacs file below if anyone is interested in this.

If I wasted your time, I beg forgiveness, I am just so happy that I have mutt 
talking to me inside emacs!

But does anyone know how I can exit gracefully?

I run emacs and press Shift-F2 and mutt runs!


; uncomment if you have via voice / outloud and want that voice as default.
;(setenv "DTK_PROGRAM" "outloud")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e/")
(require 'mu4e-multi)
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 150)

(load-file "/home/djringjr/Programs/emacspeak-49.0/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el")

;; From running console programs inside emacs

(defun djcb-term-start-or-switch (prg  use-existing)
  "* run program PRG in a terminal buffer. If USE-EXISTING is non-nil "
  " and PRG is already running, switch to that buffer instead of starting"
  " a new instance."
  (let ((bufname (concat "*" prg "*")))
(when (not (and use-existing
 (let ((buf (get-buffer bufname)))
   (and buf (buffer-name (switch-to-buffer bufname))
  (ansi-term prg prg

;; add macro to define key values
(defmacro djcb-program-shortcut (name key  use-existing)
  "* macro to create a key binding KEY to start some terminal program PRG; 
if USE-EXISTING is true, try to switch to an existing buffer"
  `(global-set-key ,key 
(djcb-term-start-or-switch ,name ,use-existing

;; define key values

;; terminal programs are under Shift + Function Key
(djcb-program-shortcut "zsh"   (kbd "") t)  ; the ubershell
(djcb-program-shortcut "mutt"  (kbd "") t)  ; mail client
(djcb-program-shortcut "slrn"  (kbd "") t)  ; nttp client
(djcb-program-shortcut "htop"   (kbd "") t)  ; my processes
(djcb-program-shortcut "mc" (kbd "") t)  ; midnight commander
(djcb-program-shortcut "raggle"(kbd "") t)  ; rss feed reader
(djcb-program-shortcut "irssi" (kbd "") t)  ; irc client

;; end keybindings

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(line-number-mode nil)
 '(send-mail-function (quote mailclient-send-it)))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

Description: PGP signature