Re: Mutt or muttng?

2007-06-27 Thread Eyolf Oestrem
On 27.06.2007 (22:43), Alexander Dahl wrote:
>> So far, I've been using mutt-ng, but today I figured I would try out vanilla
>> mutt -- for no particular reason, other than to try out the newest
>> relase.
>You seem to use mutt 1.5.15 but 1.5.16 is newest release. 8-)

You're right; I do want that sidebar from time to time, so I went for
the latest version with the sidebar patch, which is 1.5.15.

Debian is the Jedi operating system: "Always two there are, a master and
an apprentice".
-- Simon Richter on debian-devel

Mutt or muttng?

2007-06-27 Thread Eyolf Oestrem
So far, I've been using mutt-ng, but today I figured I would try out vanilla
mutt -- for no particular reason, other than to try out the newest
I got an error message, notifying me that the following variables are


I suppose these are functions that haven't (yet?) made their way into
the main mutt, but I do like them, and I have some use for most of
Before I reinstall mutt-ng - are there any equivalents to these (a
designated trash folder, an option to reply to the list and not the
original sender; a reminder for forgotten attachments; a max line
length) in regular mutt?
And, perhaps more importantly: are there good reasons why I should use
mutt and not muttng?


When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at
you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".
   -- Linus Torvalds

Re: Charset issue?

2007-05-13 Thread Eyolf Oestrem

This has been an interesting thread to follow for someone who still
hasn't gotten his head around the locale/encoding stuff. 

The following:

- U8 line I get "won" followed by an "A with a caret on top" followed by
 an apostrophe and a "t". I then get "A with caret" quote mark "reply" "A
 with caret" quote mark.

Made me think: I would have loved to see a website where all these
common encoding errors were collected in a table or a database, where
one could check: "there are 'As with carets on top' in my message
where I expected this and that character" [lookup in table] "Aha the
message is in encoding x but my reader thinks it's y". In other words:
some kind of cheat sheet "if you have many characters like this, the
error is most likely this" etc.
Anyone know of anything like that?


Catching his children with their hands in the new, still wet, patio,
the father spanked them.  His wife asked, "Don't you love your children?"
"In the abstract, yes, but not in the concrete."

Re: Programs to Receive and filter mail

2007-05-12 Thread Eyolf Oestrem

On 11.05.2007 (22:31), Charles Cazabon wrote:

slakmagik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

n/getmail-4.7.4-noarch-1.tgz:  A secure python-based fetchmail alternative.

Very interesting.  getmail is included in most of the major distributions
these days as an optional package, but that's the most recent version I've
seen any of them ship -- that's the current version.

FYI, Archlinux also has this version. 


Hodie natus est radici frater.

[ Unto the root is born a brother ]

Re: Extract URL's from message

2007-05-09 Thread Eyolf Oestrem

On 09.05.2007 (19:42), Joel Esler wrote:

Hash: SHA1

OOOhh.. and if you find it, let me know too!

It sounds like you're talking about urlview.


joel esler | security consultant | Sourcefire |

On May 9, 2007, at 7:38 PM, Trey Sizemore wrote:

I remember a while back I had a setup with mutt that allowed me to
extract all URL's from a message and display them (numbered) in a
separate window.  I could then choose a URL to open by selecting its
number and it would open in my browser of choice.

I've been googling to find the proper 'recipe' for my .muttrc.  Anyone
have what I'm talking about?


Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.
-- Milton Friedman

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It is your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire.
-- Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)