clear screen after exit in tcsh?

2000-06-22 Thread Ken W

Hi there.  I know this seems more like a tcsh question than a mutt
question, but I only see this behavior in mutt.  Anyone know what
would make the screen clear after exiting mutt?  I have it set up on
two difference Solaris servers, one running mutt 1.0 and the other
1.0.1, both the same versions of tcsh, and both basically the same
.muttrc's and .tcshrc's.  One machine clears the screen upon exiting
mutt, the other keeps what's left of mutt on the screen and gives you
a prompt.




Re: clear screen after exit in tcsh?

2000-06-22 Thread Ken W

On Thu, Jun 22, 2000, Anand Buddhdev wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 11:56:06AM -0400, Ken W wrote:
> > Hi there.  I know this seems more like a tcsh question than a mutt
> > question, but I only see this behavior in mutt.  Anyone know what
> > would make the screen clear after exiting mutt?  I have it set up on
> > two difference Solaris servers, one running mutt 1.0 and the other
> > 1.0.1, both the same versions of tcsh, and both basically the same
> > ..muttrc's and .tcshrc's.  One machine clears the screen upon exiting
> > mutt, the other keeps what's left of mutt on the screen and gives you
> > a prompt.
> I would say this has nothing to do with either mutt or tcsh, but the
> terminal type on each of those servers. All terminals have different ideas
> about how to redraw the screen when a program exits.

They are both set to vt100, if that is what you mean.  Also what I
forgot to say is that mutt exits on the one machine like I said, but
vim exits still showing part of the editor.  That is why I thought it
had to do with mutt.



Re: clear screen after exit in tcsh?

2000-06-22 Thread Ken W

On Thu, Jun 22, 2000, Thomas E. Dickey wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Gary Johnson wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 02:02:43PM -0400, Ken W wrote:
> > 
> > > They are both set to vt100, if that is what you mean.  Also what I
> > > forgot to say is that mutt exits on the one machine like I said, but
> > > vim exits still showing part of the editor.  That is why I thought it
> > > had to do with mutt.
> > 
> > vim allows the user to override the system's termcap settings, so you
> > probably have the following in a vimrc somewhere.
> > 
> > set t_ti= t_te=
> but if they're both "vt100", they shouldn't have the xterm alternate
> screen capability.  (perhaps "xterm" sneaked in someplace ;-)

Hmmm.  I am getting in to these via ssh (SecureCRT) under NT.  the
plot thickens. :)



Re: those users (was "Re: Reply to all???")

2000-06-27 Thread Ken W

On Tue, Jun 27, 2000, Jason Helfman wrote:
> UmPardon me for forgettingI didn't even bother to read this
> mail, but one thing people must keep in mind is that one can forget, and
> this is the first time I have asked this. I am at work, and don't have
> much time to read through the mutt manual.

With all do respect, hitting '?' would have given you your answer in
less than a minute.



shell-escape problem?

2000-06-27 Thread Ken W

Sorry if I am missing something obvious, but something seems odd to me
with mutt's shell-escape behavior.  If I hit '!' and type at the
prompt 'vim ~/.signature', it knows it exists because tab completions
finishes '.signature', yet it opens it as a new file.  Is mutt not
correctly resolving '~'?




Re: shell-escape problem?

2000-06-27 Thread Ken W

On Tue, Jun 27, 2000, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> Ken W [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > Sorry if I am missing something obvious, but something seems odd to me
> > with mutt's shell-escape behavior.  If I hit '!' and type at the
> > prompt 'vim ~/.signature', it knows it exists because tab completions
> > finishes '.signature', yet it opens it as a new file.  Is mutt not
> > correctly resolving '~'?
> I can't duplicate it here, using the same mutt you were (1.0i).  The above
> opens vim on my existing ~/.signature, as expected.

vim says on the bottom: "~/.signature" [New File] .   Weird though
that file tab completion expands it.

> Perhaps there is a problem somewhere else in your setup?  What file does
> vim think it's editing?  Odd that you wouldn't, but are you sure you have
> correct perms for the file you're trying to edit?

Permissions on .signature are 600.  And yes, it is owned by me. :)  If
I ctrl-z, the same thing brings it up fine from the command line.



Re: shell-escape problem?

2000-06-27 Thread Ken W

On Tue, Jun 27, 2000, David T-G wrote:
> % finishes '.signature', yet it opens it as a new file.  Is mutt not
> % correctly resolving '~'?
> ... but it's the shell that isn't handling that.  Call it a bug or a
> feature, but mutt hands off your specified command line to the shell you
> specify -- or perhaps to the shell specified at compile time to *then*
> hand off to your specified shell -- and the sh derivatives don't know
> what ~ means.

I use tcsh.  The same command, 'vim ~/.signature' works just fine from
my command prompt.



Re: shell-escape problem?

2000-06-27 Thread Ken W

On Tue, Jun 27, 2000, David T-G wrote:
> That's what *you* use, but do we know what mutt uses?  I'm not absolutely
> sure of this position, and I could be wrong, but I vaguely recall this
> going by before and I think that it had to do with how mutt invoked the
> command line you want to run...

Ah.  This is in the mutt manual: 


Type: path
Default: "" 

Command to use when spawning a subshell. By default, the user's login
shell from /etc/passwd is used. 


but does nothing for this to set it to /bin/tcsh.



Re: suggestion

2000-06-28 Thread Ken W

On Wed, Jun 28, 2000, Sven Guckes wrote:
> * fman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000628 04:16]:
> > The muttfaq says to send suggestions to this list.
> > I suggest someone write a book on how to use mutt.
> > Maybe a small book like those o'reilly pocket references.
> > Mutt is popular enought to deserve one, no?
> I had suggested this to O'Reilly two years ago.
> They said there was no market for this and -
> "mutt is an alpha version program"...
> Maybe I should ask Tim O'Reilly personally?

Unfortunately I think O'Reilly is right.  I don't think they would
sell many books on mutt alone.  Probably the closest thing they would
consider would be something like a book on unix mailers in general,
like mutt, pine, etc.



Re: suggestion #2

2000-06-28 Thread Ken W

On Wed, Jun 28, 2000, fman wrote:
> Is there plans to make enable mutt to read the news from a news server?

Yeah, it already can.  Hit 'qtin' or 'qslrn'.  Works great. ;-)



basic pgp question

2000-07-07 Thread Ken W

Sorry to ask this of the list, but I don't know what to do with this.
I am finally sick of all the ^G stuff in PGP signed emails, so I
checked out but I don't know

"Make sure the PGP command formats pass "+language=pgp" to all the PGP
binaries (but not to pgpring!)"

means.  I copied language.txt to my $PGPPATH but don't know what the
above means.




tin-like quoting

2000-07-26 Thread Ken W

Has anyone here written a script to make vim quote replies like tin 
can, placing a spaces between quoted paragraphs?  I would do it but I
don't know how. :(  I think this would be a great function for mutt as
a variable.




Re: tin-like quoting

2000-07-26 Thread Ken W

It would look like the following:

On Thu, Jul 27, 2000, Joe Abley wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 10:27:39PM -0400, Ken W wrote:
> > Has anyone here written a script to make vim quote replies like tin 
> > can, placing a spaces between quoted paragraphs?  I would do it but I
> > don't know how. :(  I think this would be a great function for mutt as
> > a variable.

> Do you have an example of that? I'm intruiged as to exactly what
> you mean.

I guess essentially, blank line would not be quoted.  It would be
really nice for skipping paragraph to paragraph.


Re: tin-like quoting

2000-07-26 Thread Ken W

That would do it.  Thanks, Ronny.  I think I prefer the vim mapping.
Overall I do prefer the quoting of the entire reply.

On Wed, Jul 26, 2000, Ronny Haryanto wrote:
> On 26-Jul-2000, Ken W wrote:
> > I guess essentially, blank line would not be quoted.  It would be
> > really nice for skipping paragraph to paragraph.
> To do it manually, put this in ~/.vimrc:
>   map _> :%s/^> $
> and use _> everytime you need to.
> To do it automatically, in ~/.muttrc:
>   set editor = 'vi -u ~/.vimrc-mutt'
> and then add this to your ~/.vimrc-mutt:
>   au BufRead * normal :%s/^> $gg
> HTH,
> Ronny
> PS. the above assumes your $indent_string = "> ".

changes in 1.2.x

2000-09-03 Thread Ken W

Hi.  I just upgraded from 1.0 to 1.2.5 and notice that mutt does not
insert by default the x-mailer header.  I didn't see this in the
upgrade readme.  Is this intentional?  

Also, Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I notice in my tmp
directory A LOT of .bak files made by mutt.  They look like emails I
have sent.  All text files.  Why are these here and if they are temp
files, why are they not deleted after the mail is sent?  If it makes
any difference, I use vim as my text editor.

Thanks.  And sorry if this has been discussed recently, but I have
been off the list for a while now.


Re: changes in 1.2.x

2000-09-04 Thread Ken W

On Mon, Sep  4, 2000, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Yes.  Mutt now creates the User-Agent header instead of X-Mailer.
> User-Agent is preferred over X-Mailer.

Ah, thanks.

> It sounds like whenever you edit an email message text with vim, and
> save and exit, vim creates a backup copy of the original.  Mutt knows
> to delete the temporary file from /tmp (containing the real text) but
> it can't know about the backup copies created by your editor.
> The solution is to configure vim not to create backups of edited files.
> I believe it's:  :set nobackup
> If you want to normally have backups, then you need a default
> configuration and a configuration just for editing emails.

That was it, thanks, Mikko.  I never set it, and vim help says that
writebackup and nobackup is default.  I looked at the settings and
sure enough for some reason backup was set.  Someone must have rebuilt
vim on the server setting that.



1999-01-17 Thread Ken W

I have some questions/problems with mutt_dotlock.  My problem may be
obvious, so sorry if so.  I do not have root on this system and run
mutt from $HOME/bin.  Because of this, every time I build mutt, I
disable setgid and dotlock.  Since I recently became aware that since
my mailboxes are mbox format, I may be at risk of losing mail.  So, I
put mutt_dotlock into $HOME/bin and rebuilt mutt without disabling
dotlock and now it cannot read my spool folder from /var/mail.  Seeing
Felix von Leitner' mutt faq, I saw that it may be that I need to have
my spool folder in my home directory, but this is where I came into
trouble.  I tried the DEFAULT option in my .procmailrc, but it did not
seem to do anything.  The system does not use procmail, so my .forward
has the procmail redirect.  Anyone know what my problem may be?




Re: mutt_dotlock

1999-01-17 Thread Ken W

On Sun, Jan 17, 1999, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> I'd suggest you try to convince your system administrator to install
> a privileged version of mutt_dotlock at some proper location on your
> system.  You can then use it from your own mutt installations.

Are you suggesting that mutt itself is not even finding mutt_dotlock?
It does, since the first time I did this I did get an error message
saying something like "can't find /usr/local/bin/mutt_dotlock", so
after editing configure and rebuilding mutt, I didn't not get any
error message at all, just a blank mutt screen I think saying 
(no mailbox) in the status line.




1999-02-13 Thread Ken W

On Sat, Feb 13, 1999,  V. UMA MAHESWAR RAOSYSTEM ADMIN" wrote:
> > we have recently installed mutt in our unix server.
> > 
> >  and we are facing the problem in sending mail by using mutt.
> > 
> >  And whenever we are trying to send a mail or replying a mail
> > 
> >  or forwarding a mail by pressing y:SEND , it is showing the following
> > 
> >  error message and is unable to send the mail, and even it is not keeping 
> > 
> >  the mail in queue.
> > 
> > the  error showing is
> > 
> > Error sending message, child exited 127 ()
> > 
> > press key to continue.
> > 
> > After pressing key it is showing the follwing message
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > please kindly give your valuable suggestions in resolving the error

When you ran configure, did it find sendmail?  If not, you will have
to specify where it is.



index question about deleted messages

1999-02-15 Thread Ken W

I have mutt set like elm, I think the default, to skip messages marked
for deletion in the index when going up or down, so I have to skip to
the particular message number to go to one marked for deletion.  Sorry
if this is already a feature, but I think it would be great to be able
to toggle this variable, 'resolve' I think, with something like
'shift-up' so if resolve it set, the cursor will move up one message,
whether marked for deletion or not, and vice versa if resolve is
unset.  Possible?




Re: index question about deleted messages

1999-02-15 Thread Ken W

On Mon, Feb 15, 1999, Vikas Agnihotri wrote:
> We already have next/previous-undeleted(j/k) and next/previous-entry(J/K). 
> Nuff, me thinks.

That's what I was looking for.  Thanks.  Problem, though.  Since I
normally use  and  instead of j and k, I wanted to make with
shift- or control- to do J and K.  When I try to bind something like
"\C" for previous-message, upon restarting, mutt tells me:

previous-message: no such function in map

I have tried this in index and pager with the same error.

Is there something that I am overlooking here?




overwriting aliases from within mutt

1999-02-15 Thread Ken W

The 'a' command from within mutt to create an alias from the current
message's sender works fine, but I can't seem to find out how to
overwrite one that already exists.  Isn't there a way?




Re: index question about deleted messages

1999-02-16 Thread Ken W

On Tue, Feb 16, 1999, Vikas Agnihotri wrote:
> Well, Mutt is telling you what the problem is. previous-message is a
> invalid function. As I said earlier, the functions you are looking for
> are "previous-entry" and "previous-undeleted".

Well, then someone had better change the manual 
'J' is listed as "next-message" and 'K' is listed as "previous-message".



Re: ENTER for send-message?

1999-01-21 Thread Ken W

On Wed, Jan 20, 1999, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
> I want to send my messages with ENTER, so I put in my muttrc:
> bind compose  send-message
> But it does not work. I still have to hit S for send-message. Where is the
> problem? (I am using 0.95.1)

I have:

bind compose \n send-message

This works for me



patch problem

1999-03-12 Thread Ken W

Hi, I am trying to patch mutt on a new system witht he same patches I
have always used on BSD systems, but this system is Solaris.  When I
run 'patch < ' I get the following:

  The next patch looks like a unified context diff.
  The next patch looks like a unified context diff.
  The next patch looks like a unified context diff.
  The next patch looks like a unified context diff.
  The next patch looks like a unified context diff.
  The next patch looks like a unified context diff.
  The next patch looks like a unified context diff.
  I can't seem to find a patch in there anywhere.

Anyone know what the problem is?




Re: patch problem

1999-03-13 Thread Ken W

Thank you all for the responses.  The GNU patch did indeed work.



Sender header?

1999-03-24 Thread Ken W

I am not sure if this is from mutt, but I have seen a Sender: header
on another account with mutt.  I want to kill this.  Anyone?



can't access files via mutt

1999-04-09 Thread Ken W

Hi.  I am having a weird problem with mutt 0.95.4i on Solaris.  This
is installed into my home directory.  If for example I save an
attachment into my home directory and then try to chmod it after
hitting '!', using a relative pathname like dir/filename it works
fine.  If I use ~/dir/filename I get the following:

chmod: WARNING: can't access ~/dir/filename

Anyone know why this is?




feature request

1999-04-14 Thread Ken W

I know this has been discussed before, but are there any plans for a
feature to force an alias if one by that name already exists?



Re: VanDyke's CRT program and Mutt

1999-04-11 Thread Ken W

On Sun, Apr 11, 1999, Wayne Walker wrote:
> Has anyone gotten Mutt with color to work with Van Dyke's CRT for Win32?
> How??  :-)

Good question.  I more often than not use mutt via CRT in NT.  I have
not gotten mutt color to work but HAVE gotten things like color ls.  I
just had to change emulation to ANSI and use ANSI Color in Session
Preferences.  If you get mutt to work in color as well, please let
me/us knowhow you did it.



Re: VanDyke's CRT program and Mutt

1999-04-15 Thread Ken W

On Thu, Apr 15, 1999, Edgard Castro wrote:
>   I got color with SecureCRT setting the TERM to 'screen' and
>   enabling ANSI color on CRT. Mine is not compiled with S-Lang.

That's it!  Set the TERM to screen.  works with mutt compiled with
ncurses.  Thanks, Edgard!



Re: Moving messages

1999-05-10 Thread Ken W

On Mon, May 10, 1999, John R. Sheets wrote:
> Okay, thanks, that makes sense, sorta.  Semantically speaking, 
> "save" seems closer to "copy" than to "copy and delete".  But I 
> guess that's close enough  (c:  Just a little misleading, though.

'Save' will copy and delete the mesage in its current mailbox.  'C'
(or at least that is what I have it bound to) will copy it to another
folder and leave it in the present one as well.



ghost mail?

1999-05-27 Thread Ken W

Many times today I have had mutt tell me in the status bar that I have
new mail in a couple of mailboxes, yet when I go to them there is no
new mail at all.  Anyone know why this could be?  One mailbox was my
spool folder, a few times, and just now a regular mailbox file in




postponed index format?

1999-08-04 Thread Ken W

I have looked around the manual, but can't find anything on this.  Can
I set the format of the postponed index?  Now it sets it to show the
sender, like most other mailboxes.  I set 'postponed' in my muttrc to
show the recipient instead, like in my 'sent' mailbox.  This only
works if I go to the postponed mailbox.  But if I hit 'R' to recall a
postponed message and there is more than one, the index is formatted
with the sender.

Thanks for any input...



Re: Feature request (or yet another brainfart by M$?)

1999-08-11 Thread Ken W

On Wed, Aug 11, 1999, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
> > Have you ever wished you could take back something you said? Well
> > here's some good news: Outlook allows you to recall an email message
> > that you sent to another Outlook user! This feature works only if the
> > message you're trying to recall hasn't yet been opened by the
> > receiver. You can choose to simply delete unread copies of the
> > message, or you can replace unread copies of the message with a
> > brand new message. You can also request to be notified whether the
> > message recall was successful. Once you've selected the options you
> > want, click OK, and Outlook attempts to recall the message you selected. 
> Hmm, I wonder how one can abuse this? But wouldn't that be another
> nice feature for mutt?

I believe this is only for within an intranet type network.  I don't
think it works for the Internet.



Re: mutt -v does not display version number in 0.95.7i - intentional?

1999-08-18 Thread Ken W

I am on Solaris and my mutt -v works fine.  uname -a says SunOS 5.5.1.



saving portions of a digest to a file?

1999-08-20 Thread Ken W

In the mutt pager, sometimes when reading a digest I would like to
save one message from it to a file.  Is there any easy way to do this?




Re: saving portions of a digest to a file?

1999-08-20 Thread Ken W

On Fri, Aug 20, 1999, Sven Guckes wrote:
> Mutt does not have support for splitting
> digests and handling messages within.
> I might be missing a patch, though..  ;-)
> I remember some scripts which split up digests...  search the web!

Thanks, Sven, but I was talking more about a way to say highlight
block of text (even if you have to scroll a bit) and then write the
block to a text file.  The only way I have been able to do this so far
is to edit the message, as if I were going to resend it, and in vim
delete everything but the message I wanted to save, and then write it
to a file, and exit vim and quit from the message.  I have wanted to
do this with individual messages as well, not just digests.  If mutt
cannot do this, I think that it would be a great function.



Re: saving portions of a digest to a file? -> pipe to vim

1999-08-20 Thread Ken W

On Fri, Aug 20, 1999, Sven Guckes wrote:
> Overkill!
> Just pipe the message to "vim -" and select the text visually
> (eg the current paragraph with "vip") and then ":w snippet".
> Then exit with ":q".
> Much quicker, I think.  :-)

Okay, that will work. :)  Thanks, Sven!



Re: sent-items: To: default?

1999-08-20 Thread Ken W

This reminds me of a question I hd posted to the list but never got a
response to.  I wanted to do this in the Postponed menu, the one you
get when hitting 'P' (at least that is what I have it mapped to) and
you have more than one postponed message.  Anyone?



Re: showing recipients in postponed folder -> index_format %F

1999-08-20 Thread Ken W

On Fri, Aug 20, 1999, Sven Guckes wrote:
> Use the field "%F" for this in your index_format.
> Example: index_format="%4C %Z %[!%y%m%d] %-17.17F (%3l) %s"

index_format?  I have been using hdr_format.  What I had in my muttrc
was the following:

folder-hook postponed 'set hdr_format="   %3C   %[%b %d]   %-20.20t (%3l)  %s"'

I have the same for sent and it works, but postponed kept my default.

> Well, Ken, "RTFM"!  ;-)

I did.  See above.


Re: showing recipients in postponed folder -> index_format %F

1999-08-20 Thread Ken W

> folder-hook postponed 'set hdr_format="   %3C   %[%b %d]   %-20.20t (%3l)  %s"'
> I have the same for sent and it works, but postponed kept my default.

Oh, I should mention this: =postponed display the format above.  As I
said initially, it is the postponed menu that comes up when I recall
the postponed messages, NOT if I change mailbox to =postponed.  these
are different menus.



email problem

1999-08-21 Thread Ken W

All, my apologies if email to me was bouncing all over the place
yesterday.  Someone where my domain name is hosted totally screwed up 
my DNS record yesterday so it looked as if the domain didn't exist.

If anyone had any more input on my postponed menu, I didn't receive
it.  Could you kindly resend it to me?  Thanks!



hdr_format / index_format?

1999-08-22 Thread Ken W

I have bothered Sven enough.  What is the difference between
hdr_format and index_format?  Did index just replace hdr?  Since I set
up my .muttrc I guess with mutt 0.88 or so, that is what I have for my

Oh, btw, someone mentioned being new to mutt and just using the stock
muttrc to learn it, screw that! :)  When I started (granted I came
from elm), I just kept the manual up and built mine from scratch how I
wanted it.




Re: Re: message width in vim?

1999-08-30 Thread Ken W

On Mon, Aug 30, 1999, Renaud Colinet wrote:
> Err, I think so. vim has a format option mapped (since versions 5. or
> so) to gq. So you just have to select the paragraph you want to format
> (that is, visualize it) and then hit 'gq'. If you have had your .vimrc
> on the web, it might have Q mapped to gq. Of course, this only works for
> "standard" text: quoted text wouldn't be correctly formatted, but there
> must be macros doing this.

On the contray, vim's formatting DOES correctly format quoted text and
even correctly places the quoting angled brackets.  I don't know about
for any other quoting symbols though.



mailing file from vim from mutt?

1999-09-10 Thread Ken W

I have a weird question.  Thanks to Sven, I recently learned that I
can pip from within mutt to 'vim -' to edit the current file, usually
a digest, and save to a file.  Butt, I would like to be able to email
that file once I have edited it to what I want.  Any way to open mutt
with this text file in my editor (vim)?  I figure once I am done
editing it, I could pipe from vim to another mutt session, but I don't
know how I would get the current file into it.




Re: mailing file from vim from mutt?

1999-09-10 Thread Ken W

Thanks for the responses to my question.  Now that I see them I feel
kind of stupid, but I realize that I actually didn't explain well.  I
was also thinking of wanting to email a highlighted block of test.
Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied to me with exactly what I was
looking for:

> :!mutt -s "This is the subject" recipientemail <%
> - this sends the entire file that you are editing as the body of the
> mail
> :w! !mutt -s "This is the subject" recipientemail 
> - this sends the visually slected text - very usefuo in my opinion
> You are in a true shell env here and can do anything that you could
> do in
> command line mutt like attach messages with -a etc.



macro help?

1999-09-20 Thread Ken W

Hi, I am trying to make a macro for a digest which I read that as
message seperaters uses:


I want to be able to search for this, but the line break is what I
can't figure out how to specify in the macro.  Thanks for any info on



postponed messages to =sent?

1999-09-26 Thread Ken W

Is mutt supposed to FCC a postponed message to =sent?  This server had
a problem the other day where exim ran out of disk space to I could
not send mail, so I posponed it until I could send it.  After doing
this a few times it sent.  I just went into =sent and found a copy of
those mails for every time I postponed it.



"you have new mail in " - WHERE?!?

1999-09-29 Thread Ken W

I am getting the same problem reported about mutt telling of new mail
in mailboxes, but there is nothing there.  I keeps on telling me that
I have new mail in my spool folder and also in a regular maiulbox
under ~/Mail.  Every time I go to either there is nothing new there.
This has been happening all day.  What could be the problem here?
This is all local mail, no NFS, and are regular mbox format.




Re: "you have new mail in " - WHERE?!?

1999-09-29 Thread Ken W

On Wed, Sep 29, 1999, David DeSimone wrote:
> Mutt checks mbox folders by examing the time stamp information.
> Try these commands, when Mutt is reporting new mail:
> ls -l  /path/to/spool/file(modified time)
> ls -lu /path/to/spool/file(accessed time)
> By comparing the time when the the folder was last changed, against the
> time when it was last read, Mutt makes its determination of whether the
> folder has new mail in it.

Thanks, David.  The times were indeed different when I checked just
now since it reported new mail again.  It is only with my spool folder
and one other under ~/Mail.  What could this be since it is the same
two mailboxes over and over again?



Re: Cut and paste annoyance...

1999-09-30 Thread Ken W

On Thu, Sep 30, 1999, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
>   Hmmm  Just noticed a "cut and paste" annoyance that I had never
> encounted with elm or with any other pager like more or less.  If I'm
> viewing a message and copy part of the message using the mouse cut and
> paste in X-Windows, I find that when I paste it into something else, all
> of the lines are padded with spaces out to the width of the original window
> that Mutt was running in.  I would guess that the Mutt pager is padding
> out the lines rather than clearing and terminating.
>   Like I said, it's an annoyance.  It's not a drop dead fatal type
> problem.  It makes it a pain to subsequently edit the text that's been
> pasted in.

Sorry for the "me too" post, but for the record, I get this as well.
It seems to be most apparent when I copy and paste a body of text into
a message and with vim I format the block and some words have maybe 5
spaces between them because of that.



Re: Cut and paste annoyance...

1999-09-30 Thread Ken W

On Thu, Sep 30, 1999, Daniel Eisenbud wrote:
> I have a vague recollection that this may be a ncurses vs. slang issue.
> Could the people saying that this does and doesn't happen to them post
> the output of "mutt -v"?  This is in general good practice when
> reporting a problem,

Mutt 1.0pre3i (1999-09-25)
Copyright (C) 1996-9 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: SunOS 5.5.1 [using ncurses 4.2]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Hope this helps



copy and paste problem - jpeg

1999-09-30 Thread Ken W

I took part of a screen shot of the mutt pager with a block of text
highlighted.  .  This is with
using vim as a pager with tw set to 70 if it makes any difference.



Re: Cut and paste annoyance...

1999-09-30 Thread Ken W

FYI, I do not use color and use the CRT telnet application under
Windows NT.  Again, here is my mutt -v:

Mutt 1.0pre3i (1999-09-25)
Copyright (C) 1996-9 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: SunOS 5.5.1 [using ncurses 4.2]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.



WOB: telnet via port 80 (java?)

1999-10-11 Thread Ken W

Sorry for the WOB, but at my new job I only have access via the
firewall through port 80 and I am goig insane not having my email up.
Does anyone know of any way to telnet via port 80, as in maybe a
java-based telnet in a web browser?




Re: pronounce

1999-11-08 Thread Ken W

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an HTML character for the 'u'
in 'mutt'.  The 'u' in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is called
a "shwa" represented by an upside-down 'e'.  It is the same vowel
sound in "what" and "up" and "cup".

Wow, finally putting my degree in linguistics to good use! :)  Hope
this helps.

