Re: Encoding problem

2008-10-13 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Il lunedì 13 ottobre 2008 09:09:43 Przemyslaw Gawronski ha scritto:
 Hi, I've decided to change the default encoding of my system from
 iso-8859-2 (latin2, pl_PL) to utf-8 (pl_PL.utf8) and am still struggling
 a little with mutt/vim. I did look at:

 but I still have something wrong :(

Odd, but... Did u put
set encoding=utf-8
in your ~/.vimrc ?

linux user no.: 353546

Re: mutt tmp files

2008-10-01 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Il mercoledì 1 ottobre 2008 16:12:14 Kyle Wheeler ha scritto:
 Files of that name pattern are from composing a message, and *should*
 be deleted when the message is sent.
 Do they have a ~ at the end of them, maybe? They might be tmp files
 that your *editor* creates while editing your messages (which,
 obviously, mutt wouldn't know about).

I've this situation:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mail/tmp$ ls
mutt-debian-1000-18365-1  mutt-debian-1000-18665-0  mutt-debian-1000-18763-0
mutt-debian-1000-18399-1  mutt-debian-1000-18665-1  mutt-debian-1000-18763-1


linux user no.: 353546

mutt tmp files

2008-09-30 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
I set mutt to put all tmp file in ~/mail/tmp.
However, at present I've a lot of file, many empty
or backup files. Is there an (automatic) method
to delete the all there not useful files?


linux user no.: 353546

Re: mutt tmp files

2008-09-30 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Tuesday 30 September 2008, at 16:01, Kyle Wheeler scrisse:
 Generally, mutt shouldn't leave files behind. There have been one or 
 two bugs that would cause it to leave files behind (that have been 
 fixed) and one or two issues with broken filesystems that would cause 
 files to be left behind (which can't be fixed). You should update to 
 the most recent version of mutt in order to make sure those bugs are 
 fixed, but generally, you should be able to delete everything in the 
 tmp folder whenever mutt exits - you can create a shell script wrapper 
 around mutt to make that happen.

I removed manually all those files.
Maybe from a past uncorrect use
which left some file in that dir...


linux user no.: 353546

abook and mail list

2008-09-08 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
I'd like to have in abook some lists.
A single name with more addresses.
So I can chose that name and send mail
to all addresses grouped under that name.
However, in abook I'm able to refer
to a name only 2 or 3 addresses,
the following one are truncated.
Is there anything to put in abookrc
to create these distribution lists?


linux user no.: 353546

Viewing attachements

2008-01-30 Thread Mauro Sacchetto

I receive a mail with an attachement.
I put v to view it and enter to open
the application to open the file.
If the attachement is an .odt file,
while OpenOffice is open I can
come back to Mutt and read other e-mails.
If I've other kinds of files, as .pdf,
while Kpdf is open it's impossible
to come back to Mutt, or better
I come back to a empty windows
but I can not use it to read other e-mails.
I found a little script
that solves this problem, but maybe
there is a better way to do it
without using external programs...


linux user no.: 353546
public key at

Re: locale and external address

2007-12-07 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Alle venerdì 7 dicembre 2007, Kyle Wheeler ha scritto:
 This sounds like something you should more likely be asking the exim
 mailing list.
Yes, I've already posted a message in exim list...

 That said, to prove for a fact whether it's mutt or exim, try
 replacing your hooks with this:
 send-hook .* 'my_hdr From: samiel [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 If your mail still has the wrong header, then there's nothing mutt can
 do about it. Exim is likely rewriting things that use the form
 @hostname (where hostname is the local machine's hostname), since
 those are technically illegal according to the SMTP RFC (2822).

I tried: the local mail arrives again with the wrong (external) address.
The outgoing mail (I think for my provider doesn't recognize the sender
name [EMAIL PROTECTED]) doesn't arrives at all.  Infact,
in /var/log/exim4/mainlog I read:
2007-12-07 23:25:12 1J0ldA-0003hk-I6 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Unrouteable address
2007-12-07 23:25:12 1J0ldA-0003hk-I6 Frozen (delivery error message)
So, we can conclude that all this matter depends on exim behaviour...


linux user no.: 353546
public key at

Re: locale and external address

2007-12-07 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Alle giovedì 6 dicembre 2007, Kyle Wheeler ha scritto:
  I find again the old external address and not that one specified by
  the hook: samiel [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm very confused, but
  I suspect that Exim rewrite the address furnished by Mutt with that
  one present in /etc/mail.addresses... Maybe, there is something to
  change in exim.conf too... M.

 Possibly. If your sent messages are correct, then your suspicion
 sounds plausible.

I made some experiments more.
If I put in my .muttrc:
send-hook .* 'my_hdr From: spiderman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
exim4 sends correctly the message,
and in the header I read the new address. SO,
it doesn'r re-writes the original, true address.
But if I put into:
send-hook .* 'my_hdr From: spiderman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook '~t debian$' 'my_hdr From: samiel [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
(for I've: set hostname=debian)
in local email I find again an ever my right external address.
Why in the first case the field From is changed
as I ask to Mutt, and in the second one not?


linux user no.: 353546
public key at

locale and external address

2007-12-06 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
I've an address for outgoing mail (with my provider's domain)
and a local one ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). When I send local mail,
in the header I fond always, as From field, the external
address. There is a way to tell Mutt to use the external
address only for outgoing emails and the internal one
for local mail?


linux user no.: 353546
public key at

Re: locale and external address

2007-12-06 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Alle giovedì 6 dicembre 2007, Rado S ha scritto:
  I've an address for outgoing mail (with my provider's domain) and
  a local one ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). When I send local mail, in the header
  I fond always, as From field, the external address. There is a
  way to tell Mutt to use the external address only for outgoing
  emails and the internal one for local mail?

 Yes, read about the various hooks in manual.txt.

I tried the following:
send-hook '~t [EMAIL PROTECTED]' 'my_hdr From: Mutt User [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
to send local email (the domain is debian) having [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as sender, but it doesn't work. There is a misteke in format?
Note that I'm using exim4 on Debian Sid, which has the habit
of get the address from /etc/email.addesses rather from .muttrc...


linux user no.: 353546
public key at

Re: locale and external address

2007-12-06 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Alle giovedì 6 dicembre 2007, Kyle Wheeler ha scritto:
 Yes. When you use the ^ in your pattern, you're telling it to match
 the beginning of the address (the $ at the end tells it to match the
 end of the address). Thus [EMAIL PROTECTED] will ONLY match @debian and
 nothing else---it will not match [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] either. ;)
 If you use this hook instead:

  send-hook '~t @debian$' 'my_hdr From: Mutt User [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

 ...then it WILL match all three examples I listed above, but will NOT
 match [EMAIL PROTECTED] (because the $ at the end is still
 there). Make sense?

It looks very resonnable, only that... I've still a trouble.
I adopted the hook you suggested me. Now: in sent the headers
look correct. The voice From is set just to samiel [EMAIL PROTECTED].
But when I controll in inbox after the delivering of email,
I find again the old external address and not that one
specified by the hook: samiel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm very confused, but I suspect that Exim rewrite the address
furnished by Mutt with that one present in /etc/mail.addresses...
Maybe, there is something to change in exim.conf too...

linux user no.: 353546
public key at

Re: locale and external address

2007-12-06 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Alle giovedì 6 dicembre 2007, Kyle Wheeler ha scritto:
  But when I controll in inbox after the delivering of email,

 When you control in inbox? I don't understand what you're talking

I mean that, after receiving the email, it stays in inbox.
In the header of this (seceived) mail, i find a changed field from,
still with the external address and not with that one
present in the original email. Who or what does change it?
So, I think it's exim...


Prof. Mauro Sacchetto
Santa Croce 1332a
30135 Venezia
tel.: 041 5226494
cell.: 320 7414579
linux user no.: 353546
public key at

Re: numerical field in .muttrc for positioning menus

2007-11-19 Thread Mauro Sacchetto
Alle martedì 20 novembre 2007, Kyle Wheeler ha scritto:
 It's the same logic as in printf. To quote the applicable parts from
 the man page:
 Does that make sense?

Yes, great answer, it' almost a treatise! :-)
Thanx a lot

linux user no.: 353546
public key at