is the mailing list broken or is it just me?

2000-05-25 Thread Timothy Ball

I haven't gotten any mail from the mailing list in weeks now... I am I
unsubscribed or what?


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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How do I make pop support do polling?

2000-06-08 Thread Timothy Ball

For reasons I can not understand (it's a job thing) My mail servers can
neither do imap or nfs mount /var/mail. My only choice is to do pop3. How 
do I make pop poll the pop server? I looked through the docs and it seems 
there is no timer functionality for the "fetch_mail" command. 

(and no I can not use fetchmail, I have to have mutt do it. It sounds 
unreasonable but that's the way the higher ups have decided to do things)


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

Re: How do I make pop support do polling?

2000-06-08 Thread Timothy Ball

On Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 04:47:14PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> How on earth is anyone getting mail now?  Can you mimic that?

Most of the ppl here use kpop (kerberos pop) support in eudora, or
outlook. I myself am adding kerberos support (again) into mutt, via a
SASL (Simple Authentication Support Layer), it does kerberos via GSSAPI.
The practical upshot of doing it this way is that when you POP yr mail
the body of the message is sent encrypted... and of course kerberos
allows you to log into the pop server w/o using a passwd.

> I won't go into wondering why you can't fake it with fetchmail or the
> like; I like Mikko's suggetsion about upgrading your higher-ups :-)

Fetchmail is frowned upon because of the fact that fetchamil basically
runs as a deamon.

> If you have access to the server, could you just read in an xterm from
> there?  Or perhaps you could grab your mail out of /var/mail and
> "deliver" it to $HOME somewhere...

The mail server no longer allows ssh/ktelnet access to "normal" users.

Basically what I would like to see is POP support in mutt to be on the
line of IMAP support, polling of mailhost and delivering it to an INBOX
or something similiar. 

Course I'm having some issues w/ pop.c. I guess it's the fact that I'm
unfamiliar w/ the "mutt" way of doing things. One where can I add a
./configure option. (I am very unfamiliar w/ m4.) how do I add stuff to
init.h, and what format should it be in. And in pop.c where does the pop
mesgs actually get "stored" in the mailbox? Is it via the
mx_commit_message() function near line 280?


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

mutt and POP3-SSL

2000-07-04 Thread Timothy Ball

I am already working for SSL support for pop. I've already sent in a
patch to intergrate mutt pop and kerberos vi the SASL libraries. The 
tasks that I've been working on are a) general clean up of pop code 
b) SSL support c) GSSAPI 

my patch can be found at


Send mail with subject "send pgp key" for public key.
pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

 PGP signature

Re: newbie: looking for pine like expunge feature

2000-08-18 Thread Timothy Ball

On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 03:06:12PM -0400, Federico Grau wrote:
> I believe I have finally made my conversion to mutt (from pine)
> for good.  I am still working out some details but I am sure 
> with time they will be squashed.
> For now, I am looking for a pine like "expunge" feature, where I can 
> really delete emails from my mailbox without having to first leave
> it.  I tried searching the FAQ and teh Manual but could not 
> find anything with "expunge|purge|compress".

bind index x sync-mailbox

is what you want. Check Pine.rc that's bundled w/ the mutt source.


Send mail with subject "send pgp key" for public key.
pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

default folders

1999-08-08 Thread Timothy Ball

I have search pretty far. Maybe I'm blind. But how do I save emails
to a default box as a choice w/ the "s" button? And what do I have
to do if I get a message from a person like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and I always
wanna save those messages (If I wanna save them) in mailbox =foo?


Default save hook

1999-08-16 Thread Timothy Ball

 I've read the docs maybe I'm just dumb but how do I make
 a default save hook? I'd just like it so that when I hit
 "s" email gets saved to =default. And if I send mail I'd
 like the mail to goto =sent-mail...

 I've read the various .muttrc examples and I just feel
 really dumb.


[OT] pgp question

1999-09-18 Thread Timothy Ball

I already have a pub/secret key using pgp 2.6.2 on my solaris machine I
wanted to know how do I move that set of keyrings over to my  linux
machine? I know this is a bit off topic but I wasn't sure where to ask
this. More than likely I'd like to a newer version of pgp or even better
yet gnuPGP. Is this possible?


save-hook stuff?

1999-10-19 Thread Timothy Ball

Is there away to grep thru the "Subject" field in mutt so if I have a
message w/ [LUG] in the subject I can save it to my =lug mail box?


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

more sane editting?

1999-10-26 Thread Timothy Ball

I'm using mutt 1.0i and vim to to edit my mail... I've set the
edit_headers thing and I have a sig on the bottom om my mail. Is there
a way to start vim at the first blank line of my mail and be ready to
start editing, instead of having to hit "i" to start inserting text?


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

Re: Clicking http- and ftp-Links in mutt?

1999-10-27 Thread Timothy Ball

If you use gnome-terminal, if you hold down the  key whilst
clicking on a url gnome-terminal will open a fresh copy of netscape w/
the url... Not just that but gnome-terminal understands Drag and drop of
url's... very cool.


Send mail with subject "send pgp key" for public key.
pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

[OT] dingus clicking in rxvt?

1999-11-16 Thread Timothy Ball

Where does one get the patches to make dingus clicking work in rxvt?


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

Re: [OT] dingus clicking in rxvt?

1999-11-17 Thread Timothy Ball

Wow thanks a lot everyone for the dingus info... I'm still having some
"issues" w/ compiling it on solaris, but I think they're just shell


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

which is preferred slang/ncurses?

1999-11-27 Thread Timothy Ball

I've noticed a small difference (potentially major) difference between
the slang and ncurses interface. In ncurses if I use the bg color of
"default" mutt will use transperent backgrounds in gnome-terminal (or
Eterm) but if I use slang 1) default goes to "black" and 2) Colors look

So I thought I'd ask which interface is preferred? ncurses or slang?

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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

cvs mutt and "lists"

1999-12-01 Thread Timothy Ball

I just got the latest mutt outta the cvs and is it me or does the
"lists" directive no longer work at all?


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

slightly off topic: reformatting rude mail

1999-12-03 Thread Timothy Ball

Anyone got a way to reformat mail so that it's <80 cols? I figured this
was a common problem and someone would have a pre-made solution.


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

[Feature Request] ordering of headers

1999-12-07 Thread Timothy Ball

Is there a way to make mutt display headers in the same order for each
mail? It seem that mutt is just printing the headers in the order that
is inside each email. Like sometimes I get:

 Subject: Uh huh.

and other times I get:
 Subject: Uh huh.

I already use the ignore and uninore thingie. I was just hoping to order
the headers so that reading email becomes more uniform.


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

Re: [Feature Request] ordering of headers

1999-12-07 Thread Timothy Ball

I'm an idiot. 
Guess I need to get sgml-tools eh?


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pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

one click save/sending?

2000-01-06 Thread Timothy Ball

Is there a way to give vim a single keystroke to at once both save and
send a letter in mutt? I love everything else in mutt and I even have a
vimrc that makes the status bar behave like my mutt colors but the one
thing I miss from the evil pine days was the ability to just hit ^x and
send a letter. I guess I just wish there was a way to make mutt and vim
play a bit nicer together.



Send mail with subject "send pgp key" for public key.
pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

Re: one click save/sending?

2000-01-07 Thread Timothy Ball

I've been experimenting w/ various things and might be close to a
solution I'll post as soon as I get something that floats.


Send mail with subject "send pgp key" for public key.
pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD

delaying sends of email

2001-06-07 Thread Timothy Ball

I have been using mutt for quite a while just by ssh'ing into my main
server. Now I just got a laptop and I would like to be able to rsync my
inboxes from mainserver to laptop, and then be able to respond to email
from the laptop and then delay the sending of the messages while the
laptop isn't connected.

I'm willing to do this in exim if that's the "right place to do it", but
one of the requirements is that I be able to send mail when ever I'm
connected, even if it's not to the same ISP. (travel to strange places w/
strange networks) 

Anyone got any hints?


Send mail with subject "send pgp key" for public key.
pub  1024R/CFF85605 1999-06-10 Timothy L. Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Key fingerprint = 8A 8E 64 D6 21 C0 90 29  9F D6 1E DC F8 18 CB CD


2001-11-10 Thread Timothy Ball

[sent once before when i wasn't subscribed to mutt-users if it double
posts I appologize]

I've written a little program to make using mutt and procmail together
slightly happier... it's a filter like but it
generates procmail recipies. Please try it and tell me what you think.
It's available on my website at:


GPG key available on
pub  1024D/511FBD54 2001-07-23 Timothy Lu Hu Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = B579 29B0 F6C8 C7AA 3840  E053 FE02 BB97 511F BD54


2001-11-12 Thread Timothy Ball

I've written a little program to make using mutt and procmail together
slightly happier... it's a filter like but it
generates procmail recipies. Please try it and tell me what you think.

(I'm not on the mutt-users ml atm so Cc: me too)


GPG key available on
pub  1024D/511FBD54 2001-07-23 Timothy Lu Hu Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = B579 29B0 F6C8 C7AA 3840  E053 FE02 BB97 511F BD54

Re: mail2procmailrc

2001-11-12 Thread Timothy Ball

On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 04:12:20PM -0600, David wrote:
> > ... it's a filter like but it generates procmail
> > recipies. Please try it and tell me what you think.
> I'd love to. Got a link?

That'd be my bad... The package is available at:
I have screen shots of mail2procmailrc in action too. 


GPG key available on
pub  1024D/511FBD54 2001-07-23 Timothy Lu Hu Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = B579 29B0 F6C8 C7AA 3840  E053 FE02 BB97 511F BD54

Re: mail2procmailrc

2001-11-17 Thread Timothy Ball

On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 11:03:48PM +0100, Markus Sagebiel wrote:
> i get this error on slackware 8 !
> Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at
> /home/mark/.procmail/m2proc/ line 7.
> Where to find it ?

$bash perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Curses::Widgets
cpan> install Mail::Headers

If all goes well and cpan does it's proper magic those two pkgs will get
and install all the other perl packages you need.

Yeah I'm looking into a way for a Makefile to automatically install
these pkgs for a user if a they aren't installed sytemwide... As I'm not
the worlds best perl hacker, if anyone knows of a way to do this easily
please email me. :)


GPG key available on
pub  1024D/511FBD54 2001-07-23 Timothy Lu Hu Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = B579 29B0 F6C8 C7AA 3840  E053 FE02 BB97 511F BD54

[OT] stripping pgp sigs

2002-03-14 Thread Timothy Ball

I know this is more of a procmail question, but no one on the procmail
list seems to know or respond... 

I'm on a lot of mailing lists and I would like to strip out all the pgp
sigs from messages but I don't know the correct kungfu to do this w/
procmail. Anyone do this before?


GPG key available on
pub  1024D/511FBD54 2001-07-23 Timothy Lu Hu Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = B579 29B0 F6C8 C7AA 3840  E053 FE02 BB97 511F BD54

Re: [OT] stripping pgp sigs [procmail]

2002-03-14 Thread Timothy Ball

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 02:53:50AM +0100, Sven Guckes wrote:
> * Timothy Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-14 22:01]:
> > I'm on a lot of mailing lists and I would like to strip out
> > all the pgp sigs from messages but I don't know the correct
> > kungfu to do this w/ procmail. Anyone do this before?
>   :0
>   * Content-Type: multipart/signed
> works for me. ;-)

Hehehehe... Yeah I was hoping for more... Guess I better stretch my
parsing legs.


GPG key available on
pub  1024D/511FBD54 2001-07-23 Timothy Lu Hu Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Key fingerprint = B579 29B0 F6C8 C7AA 3840  E053 FE02 BB97 511F BD54