Re: Transitioning to IMAP maildir. Howto define ~/mail instead of ~/Mail?

2013-01-03 Thread Jamie Paul Griffin
* s. keeling [2013-01-02 22:05:29 -0700]:

 ... and it's entirely possible that I don't know what I'm doing there.
 I'm very new to IMAP (never used it before).  spoolfile used to be
 /var/mail/keeling when I POPped mail from my ISP (and then procmail
 picked it up ...).  When I login to ISP's webmail, all I can tell is;.  I'm using OfflineIMAP --
 ~/mail, so ...

As you're using offlineimap, you will have a configuration file for that
program somewhere, usually you set up your own options in
~/.offlineimaprc. The options set within this file will determine where
the program is putting your mail. It's been sometime since I used it but
I believe its default is ~/Mail or ~/Maildir.

So, you will need to edit its configuration file to tell it to store
your mail where you want it: ~/mail. Check the man page and you'll find
out how to do that. It's very trivial to set up. 

Then, you need to set $folder in muttrc - which you've done. Because the
default for mutt is ~/Mail, so you need to override that default. 

You can set $spoolfile as well to the main Maildir (your inbox) or you
can set the $MAIL environment variable to that directory. Personally,
i'd do that. So, if your using a bourne-style shell, it would look
something like this:

export MAIL=$HOME/mail/inbox

... then each time you log in to a shell this will be set in the
environment and mutt will use it to find the spoolfile. 

So, the steps are:

1 - read offlineimap man page to find what options you need to change so
get it to put your mail where you want it.

2 - set or check that you've set $folder in ~/.muttrc to ~/mail

2 - set the $MAIL environment variable in your shell configuration file
to the spoolfile you have asked offlineimap to use; i.e. ~/mail/inbox

That *should* get you going. 


Primary Key: 4096R/1D31DC38 2011-12-03
Key Fingerprint: A4B9 E875 A18C 6E11 F46D  B788 BEE6 1251 1D31 DC38

Re: Transitioning to IMAP maildir. Howto define ~/mail instead of ~/Mail?

2013-01-03 Thread s. keeling
Incoming from Jamie Paul Griffin:
 * s. keeling [2013-01-02 22:05:29 -0700]:
  picked it up ...).  When I login to ISP's webmail, all I can tell is;.  I'm using OfflineIMAP --
  ~/mail, so ...
 As you're using offlineimap, you will have a configuration file for that
 program somewhere, usually you set up your own options in
 ~/.offlineimaprc. The options set within this file will determine where

That's working fine, I think.  I'm still learning about how it works
and what it actually does.

 You can set $spoolfile as well to the main Maildir (your inbox) or you
 can set the $MAIL environment variable to that directory. Personally,
 I'd do that. So, if you're using a bourne-style shell, it would look

Huh.  My MAIL was unset (empty), but I see MAILDIR was set to
~/Mail.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I hadn't thought of looking
there.  Will test.

 That *should* get you going. 

Actually, it's going pretty nicely.  This is a very small problem and
easily worked around.  Thanks for the tips.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*) :(){ :|: };:
- -

Transitioning to IMAP maildir. Howto define ~/mail instead of ~/Mail?

2013-01-02 Thread s. keeling
Hi.  Long time.  :-)

   User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15) # Debian testing/wheezy.

Background, I used mutt for years locally, dumping mail into ~/Mail
via POP.  Now, I've recently discovered that my ISP allows me IMAP
access, so I'm trying to resurrect my old mutt config.  The problem
is, I can't seem to get rid of mutt's belief that mail here's based
around ~/Mail (mbox) instead of my new plan, ~/mail (maildir).

I've been reading (re-reading) mutt docs for days, have replaced all
instances of Mail in my configs with mail, yet still s (save),
among others, wants to put it in ~/Mail somewhere.

Please suggest how I might tell mutt to think ~/mail instead of ~/Mail.

BTW, I'm getting mail via OfflineIMAP which is syncing local ~/mail
with ISP's ~/Inbox.  Gkrellm is running /usr/bin/offlineimap -u Basic
which appears to be working well.  Only mutt's misbehaving.  It's
not a big problem, but it's annoying.


set folder=~/mail
set mbox=~/mail
set mbox_type=maildir

Thanks.  :-)  Love mutt.  I wish I was half as smart as it is.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*) :(){ :|: };:
- -

Re: Transitioning to IMAP maildir. Howto define ~/mail instead of ~/Mail?

2013-01-02 Thread Michael Elkins

On Wed, Jan 02, 2013 at 10:26:23AM -0700, s. keeling wrote:

set folder=~/mail

Make sure that your set folder line appears before any use of 
+ or = in mailbox names in any other variables or hooks.  
~/Mail is the default value, so if you did something like this:

save-hook . +foo
set folder=~/mail

The +foo will still expand to ~/Mail/foo.

Re: Transitioning to IMAP maildir. Howto define ~/mail instead of ~/Mail?

2013-01-02 Thread Jamie Paul Griffin
* s. keeling [2013-01-02 10:26:23 -0700]:

 Hi.  Long time.  :-)
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15) # Debian testing/wheezy.
 Background, I used mutt for years locally, dumping mail into ~/Mail
 via POP.  Now, I've recently discovered that my ISP allows me IMAP
 access, so I'm trying to resurrect my old mutt config.  The problem
 is, I can't seem to get rid of mutt's belief that mail here's based
 around ~/Mail (mbox) instead of my new plan, ~/mail (maildir).
 I've been reading (re-reading) mutt docs for days, have replaced all
 instances of Mail in my configs with mail, yet still s (save),
 among others, wants to put it in ~/Mail somewhere.
 Please suggest how I might tell mutt to think ~/mail instead of ~/Mail.
 BTW, I'm getting mail via OfflineIMAP which is syncing local ~/mail
 with ISP's ~/Inbox.  Gkrellm is running /usr/bin/offlineimap -u Basic
 which appears to be working well.  Only mutt's misbehaving.  It's
 not a big problem, but it's annoying.
 set folder=~/mail
 set mbox=~/mail
 set mbox_type=maildir
 Thanks.  :-)  Love mutt.  I wish I was half as smart as it is.

What is the setting for $spoolfile and also for the $MAIL environment

Primary Key: 4096R/1D31DC38 2011-12-03
Key Fingerprint: A4B9 E875 A18C 6E11 F46D  B788 BEE6 1251 1D31 DC38

Re: Transitioning to IMAP maildir. Howto define ~/mail instead of ~/Mail?

2013-01-02 Thread s. keeling
Incoming from Jamie Paul Griffin:
 * s. keeling [2013-01-02 10:26:23 -0700]:
  Hi.  Long time.  :-)
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15) # Debian testing/wheezy.
  Background, I used mutt for years locally, dumping mail into ~/Mail
  via POP.  Now, I've recently discovered that my ISP allows me IMAP
  access, so I'm trying to resurrect my old mutt config.  The problem
  is, I can't seem to get rid of mutt's belief that mail here's based
  around ~/Mail (mbox) instead of my new plan, ~/mail (maildir).

First, thanks to all who've replied.  I've been fiddling with your
replies all day trying to get it to sink in.  Your help's appreciated.

 What is the setting for $spoolfile and also for the $MAIL environment

set spoolfile=/home/keeling/mail/Inbox

$MAIL is empty (not set).

... and it's entirely possible that I don't know what I'm doing there.
I'm very new to IMAP (never used it before).  spoolfile used to be
/var/mail/keeling when I POPped mail from my ISP (and then procmail
picked it up ...).  When I login to ISP's webmail, all I can tell is;.  I'm using OfflineIMAP --
~/mail, so ...

Damn, I feel like a noob.  :-|  Creeping senility.  Still, mutt works
great and I don't have to stomach webmail mangling my mail into
ugliness.  Cheers.  :-)  Have fun.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*) :(){ :|: };:
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