RE: problem with 4.0.18

2004-02-28 Thread Andrea Riela
Andrea Riela wrote:
 Could you help me?

well, I've tryed with ktrace, see my kdump:

It's possible, a pid file problem?
thanks for your support

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Storing utf-8 on MySQL 3.23.58, and preparing for MySQL 4.1

2004-02-28 Thread Dave G
MySQL Listers,
Currently I am running MySQL 3.23, which I know is not really
designed to handle utf-8. I am eagerly anticipating full utf-8 support
in version 4.1.
In the meantime, I am curious to know if there are any
particular considerations I should take into account when storing utf-8
data in my current database which will make the transition to MySQL 4.1
as smooth as possible. I am new to databasing, and I have never upgraded
a database before. In any case, my sites are hosted on a virtual server,
where I have little control over the database settings.
By reading the archives of this list and looking around on the
net, I'm led to believe that it is possible to store utf-8 strings in
TEXT columns, and that the only sacrifice is that sorting won't really
work. Can I also store utf-8 strings in CHAR and VARCHAR columns?
Up until now, I've been storing text as binary data. But in 4.1
it will be possible to designate different columns as different encoding
sets. Will there be problems in going from a BLOB column to a utf-8 TEXT
column? Will it be any better for me to store my current utf-8 data as
TEXT columns and then in 4.1 assign encoding? Will that be possible?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Dave G

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Problem with regexp

2004-02-28 Thread Ed Leafe

	I'm trying to get a particular pattern to match, and a pattern that 
works in Python and other languages is not working in MySQL. I'm using 
4.1.0 on RH Linux.

	I archive messages from an email list, and we have a standard that 
posts to the list that are Off Topic should be labeled by including 
'[OT]' in the subject. However, some people are lazy, and type '(OT)', 
or '{ot}', etc. I'd like to be able to filter off-topic messages in the 
archives, and so a regexp that catches all these variants is what I'm 
looking for.

	In some python scripts on the site, I use the following pattern: 
'[\[\(\{ ][Oo][Tt][ \]\}\)]'. That means an Open bracket/paren/brace or 
space, followed by 'ot' in either case, followed by a closing 
bracket/paren/brace or space.

Running this in Python, I get a match:
 pat = '([\(][Oo][Tt][ \]\)])'
 tx = 'This is an (OT) Test', tx).groups()
	But in MySQL, I don't match:
mysql select 'This is an (OT) Test' regexp '[\(][Oo][Tt][ \]\)]' as 
| mtch |
|0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

	Can anyone see the problem here?

 Ed Leafe
Linux Love:

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Re: Problem with regexp

2004-02-28 Thread Michael Stassen
Ed Leafe wrote:

I'm trying to get a particular pattern to match, and a pattern that 
works in Python and other languages is not working in MySQL. I'm using 
4.1.0 on RH Linux.

I archive messages from an email list, and we have a standard that 
posts to the list that are Off Topic should be labeled by including 
'[OT]' in the subject. However, some people are lazy, and type '(OT)', 
or '{ot}', etc. I'd like to be able to filter off-topic messages in the 
archives, and so a regexp that catches all these variants is what I'm 
looking for.

In some python scripts on the site, I use the following pattern: 
'[\[\(\{ ][Oo][Tt][ \]\}\)]'. That means an Open bracket/paren/brace or 
space, followed by 'ot' in either case, followed by a closing 
bracket/paren/brace or space.

Running this in Python, I get a match:
  pat = '([\(][Oo][Tt][ \]\)])'
  tx = 'This is an (OT) Test', tx).groups()
But in MySQL, I don't match:
mysql select 'This is an (OT) Test' regexp '[\(][Oo][Tt][ \]\)]' as mtch;
| mtch |
|0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Can anyone see the problem here?

 Ed Leafe
Linux Love:
Unless your string column is defined as binary (or your mysql is 3.23.4 
or earlier), pattern matching is case insensitive, so you can just look 
for OT instead of [Oo][Tt].  That's not the problem here, though.

According to the manual (
and, you have to double your 
backslashes because of the way the pattern is parsed.  I couldn't get 
that to work either, though.  Maybe after my coffee kicks in...

In the meantime, perhaps the following will help:

  mysql select 'This is an [OT] Test'
 regexp [ [:punct:]]OT[ [:punct:]] as mtch;
  | mtch |
  |1 |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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Can't enable replication !

2004-02-28 Thread Mike Rabbitt
Hi guys - 

I am trying to set up replication but cannot get it enabled on the MASTER
server - 

I have added the bin-log line in my.conf and restarted the server - no logs
are created tho - 

Ther are no unusual message in mysql.err - and the following 
' 4 test 3306 60 ' is the only entry in the file - 

Any ideas would most excellent !


Mike Rabbitt

I.T. Applications Manager

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Query cache and queries with non-english characters

2004-02-28 Thread G B U
Recently I've come around that mysql (4.1.0 at least) treats different
queries containing non-english characters (in my case characters from
cp1251 charset) as the same query and therefore returns wrong results.
For example the following queries are regarded as identical while they are not:

Is this a bug or expected behaviour?

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Re: Problem with regexp

2004-02-28 Thread Ed Leafe
On Feb 28, 2004, at 10:33 AM, Michael Stassen wrote:

In the meantime, perhaps the following will help:

  mysql select 'This is an [OT] Test'
 regexp [ [:punct:]]OT[ [:punct:]] as mtch;
	Hey, thanks - that works!

 Ed Leafe
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Re: Feature request related to COMPRESS and UNCOMPRESS functions

2004-02-28 Thread Sergei Golubchik

On Feb 27, Lester Hightower wrote:
 To whom it may concern at Mysql AB:
 I see from the Mysql 4.1.1 CHANGELOG that new COMPRESS(), UNCOMPRESS(),
 and UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH() functions were added.  That is great news, and
 something I have been very interested in for a long time, as evidenced by
 this mysql mailing list thread, dating back to 12/18/2001:
 The MARC system ( was one of the primary reasons for me
 requesting that this feature be added to Mysql.  There is one short-coming
 in the new COMPRESS()/UNCOMPRESS() functionality that I would like to
 point out, and request that you address.
 Here is the background:  Anyone that is running a huge system like MARC
 that has millions of uncompressed blob records in huge tables, needs to be
 able to migrate, in real-time and without down-time, to compressed blobs.
 Therefore, we need a way to know if a given field is compressed or not.
 Running alter table on our tables, to add an am_i_compressed boolean, not
 only takes an excruciating amount of time and resources, but adds bits to
 each record that, from a disk-space perspective, we cannot afford.
 Instead, I would like to be able to run a query like:
   select IFCOMPRESSED(msg_body, UNCOMPRESS(msg_body), msg_body)
   from msg_bodies_200402
   where clause
 Note that the IFCOMPRESSED() function is the key, and what I am requesting
 be added to future versions of Mysql.  That function has to be possible.
 Hopefully you are storing a header with your compressed data, and if so,
 then the IFCOMPRESSED() is trivial to implement.  If you are not storing a
 header with your compressed data, then this might be more complicated.
 Adding a header might be a possibility -- which is why I am trying to
 point this out _EARLY_ in the process before lots of people start using
 COMPRESS()/UNCOMPRESS(), or maybe zlib, lzo, or whatever library you are
 using can let you know if the data is compressed -- maybe they store a
 small header themselves.
 Anyway, that is the issue that I want to point out and ask for assistance
 on.  Thank you very much for listening to the user community and adding
 COMPRESS()/UNCOMPRESS(), and please seriously consider this request.

There is a header - but it only stores the length of the uncompressed
data. And technically, no header can guarantee that the data are
compressed. The check you can use is something like

 1. test that UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH returns something realistic, as you
know how large a blob in your table can be - it should catch most of
the uncompressed rows.
 2. try to uncompress the rest - zlib puts crc in the compressed stream,
and UNCOMPRESS returns NULL if uncompression fails.

so the query could be something like

 select IF(UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(msg_body)  102400, msg_body,
IFNULL(UNCOMPRESS(msg_body), msg_body)) ...


   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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Re: help on PHP code

2004-02-28 Thread James Moe
electroteque wrote:
well dude u never showed what the parser returned, i am pretty sure u need
curly brackets if u are including more than one line in an if statement
  well dude u r like totally wrong.

jimoe at sohnen-moe dot com
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Re: Can't enable replication !

2004-02-28 Thread Paul DuBois
At 15:46 + 2/28/04, Mike Rabbitt wrote:
Hi guys -

I am trying to set up replication but cannot get it enabled on the MASTER
server -
I have added the bin-log line in my.conf and restarted the server - no logs
are created tho -
The option is log-bin and the filename is my.cnf.

What did you *actually* do?

Ther are no unusual message in mysql.err - and the following
' 4 test 3306 60 ' is the only entry in the file - is a file used by slave servers, not master servers.

Any ideas would most excellent !

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004
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Backup Questions

2004-02-28 Thread Rhino

Can anyone help me with some questions about backup scripts?

I've written a bash script to take database-level backups of each of the 
databases in our copy ofMySQL. We are running MySQL 4.0.15 on Linux 
Mandrake 9.1 and using a mix of MyISAM and InnoDB databases. This is my script, 
with the userid and password faked for obvious reasons:


#This script makes a separate database-level backup of each of the current 
MySQL databases and#deletes backups older than a certain number of 
days.#This script is normally invoked via a cron job so that it runs once 
per day in the middle of the night.#The crontab entry looks like this:#0 
3 * * * sh /home/foo/MySQL/backup.bash  /home/foo/MySQL/backup.out 

DEBUG=1; #DEBUG switchUSERID="foo"; #The userid to use for creating the 
backupPASSWORD="bar"; #The password to use for creating the 
backupBACKUP_TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d"-"%H%M%S`; #The timestamp 
(MMDD-HHMMSS) of the backupBACKUP_PATH="/home/foo/MySQL/backup"; #The 
directory into which the backup will be 
writtenNUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP=7; #The number of generations of 
backups to keep

#Display the non-secret values used in this run.if test $DEBUG -eq 
1then echo "BACKUP VALUES:"; echo " 
Backup timestamp is" $BACKUP_TIMESTAMP; echo " Backup path 
is" $BACKUP_PATH; echo " Number of daily backups to keep 

#For each database currently in MySQL, take a database-level backup, then 
list any backups older than a certain number of days, then delete these old 
backupsfor ONE_DBNAME in `echo show databases | mysql -s -u $USERID 
-p$PASSWORD`do echo echo "Backing up 
database" $ONE_DBNAME; /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt --verbose 
" Deleting these old backups for this database..." 
/usr/bin/find ${BACKUP_PATH} -mtime +$NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP -name 
$ONE_DBNAME'*' -print; #display old backups (if any) 
/usr/bin/find ${BACKUP_PATH} -mtime +$NUMBER_OF_DAILY_BACKUPS_TO_KEEP -name 
$ONE_DBNAME'*' -exec rm '{}' ';'; #delete old backups (if any)done

The script seems to work just fine at the moment but I'm concerned that it 
isn't equipped to handle errors very well. Unfortunately, I'm not very clear on 
exactly what sort of errors *can* occur when doing backups, let alone how they 
can be handled. Can anyone tell me from their own experience what errors we are 
likely to encounter in doing mysqldumps and how we can recognize them when they 
happen? Also, since I'm pretty new to bash, I'd appreciate some hints on how to 
catch errors with a bash script. For instance, if we encounter a full disk while 
writing the backup, what sort of error will we get and how will bash know what 
the error was so that it can tell the user of the script?

In a nutshell, I'd like to generate a simple email in any case where the 
backup doesn't work correctly and send it to the appropriate administrators so 
that they can take action. The first action they would take is to look at the 
output from the script (which is redirected to a file) so the emailshould 
contain the name of that file.
Rhino---rhino1 AT sympatico DOT ca"If you want the best 
seat in the house, you'll have to move the cat."

Update question

2004-02-28 Thread Juan E Suris
Here's my table definition:

CREATE TABLE `files` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`checksum` char(32) NOT NULL default '',
`size` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `checksum` (`checksum`(8))

This table is used to store information on files. When I delete a file, instead of 
deleting the row, I set checksum to the empty string and size to 0. When I want to add 
a new file, I try the following query, and if it returns 0 rows affected, I will then 
try a regular insert:

UPDATE files SET checksum='[md5 of file]', size=[size of file] WHERE checksum='' AND 
size=0 ORDER BY id LIMIT 1

The idea is to try and reuse the id's of deleted files, and if there aren't any, then 
I do an INSERT to create a new id. 

My concern is that if I have many clients doing this, that updates from different 
clients may catch the same row and I would lose some data. Am I correct?


Query Help

2004-02-28 Thread John Berman

Using MySql 4.x and need some help with a query

There are two tables

Which holds list name +other stuff

Which holds list name from above, email address + other stuff

I want to list all the lists and then which lists a member is associated


List1 - Member
List2 - Not a Member
List3 - Member

I can do a query that show the lists some is a member or a separate query to
show which they are not a member of but not a query to bring the whole thing

Pointers Appreciated.


John Berman

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2004-02-28 Thread John Berman

Using  MySql 4.x

Simple one this (I think)

What do I actually need to use to add a CR and LF with some data that gets
imported into my dbase


John B

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Re: Update question

2004-02-28 Thread Paul DuBois
At 18:41 -0400 2/28/04, Juan E Suris wrote:
Here's my table definition:

CREATE TABLE `files` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`checksum` char(32) NOT NULL default '',
`size` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `checksum` (`checksum`(8))
This table is used to store information on files. When I delete a 
file, instead of deleting the row, I set checksum to the empty 
string and size to 0. When I want to add a new file, I try the 
following query, and if it returns 0 rows affected, I will then try 
a regular insert:

UPDATE files SET checksum='[md5 of file]', size=[size of file] WHERE 
checksum='' AND size=0 ORDER BY id LIMIT 1

The idea is to try and reuse the id's of deleted files, and if there 
aren't any, then I do an INSERT to create a new id.

My concern is that if I have many clients doing this, that updates 
from different clients may catch the same row and I would lose some 
data. Am I correct?


Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004
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Re: Query Help

2004-02-28 Thread Paul DuBois
At 23:09 + 2/28/04, John Berman wrote:

Using MySql 4.x and need some help with a query

There are two tables

Which holds list name +other stuff
Which holds list name from above, email address + other stuff
I want to list all the lists and then which lists a member is associated

List1 - Member
List2 - Not a Member
List3 - Member
I can do a query that show the lists some is a member or a separate query to
show which they are not a member of but not a query to bring the whole thing
Have you tried using a UNION of the two queries?

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004
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RE: Query Help

2004-02-28 Thread John Berman

Err no, new area for me this 

My two queries independently look like this

This give me all the lists some one is not a member of

SELECT lists_.Name FROM lists_ WHERE (((lists_.Name_) Not In (select
members_.List_  from members_ where members_.EmailAddr_ like  (' em 

And for all the list someone is in

SELECT ists_.Name_, members_.EmailAddr_
FROM lists_ INNER JOIN members_ ON lists_.Name_ = members_.List_
WHERE (((members_.EmailAddr_) like (' em  ')))

So a union joins them somehow ?

Oh em is the variable I feed in

John B

-Original Message-
From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 February 2004 00:08
Subject: Re: Query Help

At 23:09 + 2/28/04, John Berman wrote:

Using MySql 4.x and need some help with a query

There are two tables

Which holds list name +other stuff

Which holds list name from above, email address + other stuff

I want to list all the lists and then which lists a member is associated


List1 - Member
List2 - Not a Member
List3 - Member

I can do a query that show the lists some is a member or a separate query
show which they are not a member of but not a query to bring the whole

Have you tried using a UNION of the two queries?

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004

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RE: Query Help

2004-02-28 Thread Paul DuBois
At 0:32 + 2/29/04, John Berman wrote:

Err no, new area for me this

My two queries independently look like this

This give me all the lists some one is not a member of

SELECT lists_.Name FROM lists_ WHERE (((lists_.Name_) Not In (select
members_.List_  from members_ where members_.EmailAddr_ like  (' em 
And for all the list someone is in

SELECT ists_.Name_, members_.EmailAddr_
FROM lists_ INNER JOIN members_ ON lists_.Name_ = members_.List_
WHERE (((members_.EmailAddr_) like (' em  ')))
So a union joins them somehow ?
Yes, though you would need to select the same number of columns in
each query.  Read here for more information:

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004
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procedure entry point question

2004-02-28 Thread Alan


I'm working with MySql 4.0.18 on Windows2000 and 
have a question about the C API function mysql_real_escape_string( ). 

The program I'm working on compiles and links 
flawlessly, but at runtime, I get a system pop-up with the error: "The 
procedure entry point mysql_real_escape_string could not be located in the 
dynamic link library LIBMYSQL.dll." This is the case whether I compile 
the program using Cygwin or MSVC, and so far only occurs when I include this one 
function call.

I am hoping that there is just different .dll that 
I need to download to solve this problem.

Any help would be appreciated.


Current ICQ status:
  + More ways to contact me 

Limit connections from same host

2004-02-28 Thread Scott Haneda
How can I limit the connections from the same host in mysql.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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RE: Query Help

2004-02-28 Thread John Berman

Well getting there, im now selecting the correct number of columns but get a
cant be distinct error ?

John B

-Original Message-
From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 February 2004 00:47
Subject: RE: Query Help

At 0:32 + 2/29/04, John Berman wrote:

Err no, new area for me this

My two queries independently look like this

This give me all the lists some one is not a member of

SELECT lists_.Name FROM lists_ WHERE (((lists_.Name_) Not In (select
members_.List_  from members_ where members_.EmailAddr_ like  (' em 

And for all the list someone is in

SELECT ists_.Name_, members_.EmailAddr_
FROM lists_ INNER JOIN members_ ON lists_.Name_ = members_.List_
WHERE (((members_.EmailAddr_) like (' em  ')))

So a union joins them somehow ?

Yes, though you would need to select the same number of columns in
each query.  Read here for more information:

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004

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Test mail (please ignore)

2004-02-28 Thread ryan


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Timestamp woes

2004-02-28 Thread ryan


(Please note: NEWBIE WARNING, below questions might sound stupid, but feel
free to flame.) ;-)

I have a table tbl_users with a field dat_an_time which is a
In that I have values such as:

I have searched google/the manual for the answers to the below questions but
I only found answers if
the field is a datetime field and not a timestamp, I cannot change the
format as I am the new
developer of an old (already live) project and lots of scripts are already
accessing this table.

Please tell me how to do this with my current setup.

Two questions:
Question 1.
In my php script I am taking the value of days_last which should run a
select query to display all the
records in the last $days_last days (for those of you who dont program in
PHP/Perl $days_last is the
variable that is a number which the user selects. eg: 10 or 5 or 35 etc)

How do I format the query to get the results from my dat_an_time
timestamp(14) field?

Question 2.
The client will be entering 2 fields in this format MMDD, how do I
select *  for all records that
are between $T_field1 and $T_field2 from my dat_an_time timestamp(14)
my records are like this:

Any help, references to the manual or URLs will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Update from 3 to 4 and some privs don't make sense

2004-02-28 Thread Scott Haneda
When from 3 to 4, ran the update_privs_table thngy...

All my users used to say Global Privileges USAGE now they are all
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES,  LOCK TABLES  I am not sure this is good or bad,
nor am I sure how these settings got in there.

What are your suggestions?  I don't think I want any user able to LOCK
tables, these are global so I assume all databases are able to be locked by
all users.

Whats the best way to udpate all these back to the USAGE they were at
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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Re: Timestamp woes

2004-02-28 Thread Scott Plumlee


(Please note: NEWBIE WARNING, below questions might sound stupid, but feel
free to flame.) ;-)
I have a table tbl_users with a field dat_an_time which is a
In that I have values such as:
I have searched google/the manual for the answers to the below questions but
I only found answers if
the field is a datetime field and not a timestamp, I cannot change the
format as I am the new
developer of an old (already live) project and lots of scripts are already
accessing this table.
Please tell me how to do this with my current setup.

Two questions:
Question 1.
In my php script I am taking the value of days_last which should run a
select query to display all the
records in the last $days_last days (for those of you who dont program in
PHP/Perl $days_last is the
variable that is a number which the user selects. eg: 10 or 5 or 35 etc)
How do I format the query to get the results from my dat_an_time
timestamp(14) field?
Somewhat new myself but I believe you can do something like SELECT 
(whatever you need) FROM tbl_users WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) - 
($days_last*24*60*60))  UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dat_and_tim).

I will add the the PHP Cookbook and the MySQL Cookbook are godsends and 
that's where I got the solution.  Grab a copy of these to help out - 
I've got a project due in a week and I'm using these non-stop.


Scott Plumlee
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RE: Query Help

2004-02-28 Thread John Berman
Got it working at last

SELECT lists_.DescShort_ FROM lists_ WHERE (((lists_.Name_) Not In (select
members_.List_  from members_ where members_.EmailAddr_ like  (' em 
' union SELECT lists_.DescShort_ FROM members_ INNER JOIN lists_ ON
members_.List_ = lists_.Name_ WHERE (members_.EmailAddr_ = (' em  '))

My only problem being it now lists the lists Im not a member of and the ones
I am a member of - how on earth do I show on screen which is which ?


John Berman

-Original Message-
From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 February 2004 00:47
Subject: RE: Query Help

At 0:32 + 2/29/04, John Berman wrote:

Err no, new area for me this

My two queries independently look like this

This give me all the lists some one is not a member of

SELECT lists_.Name FROM lists_ WHERE (((lists_.Name_) Not In (select
members_.List_  from members_ where members_.EmailAddr_ like  (' em 

And for all the list someone is in

SELECT ists_.Name_, members_.EmailAddr_
FROM lists_ INNER JOIN members_ ON lists_.Name_ = members_.List_
WHERE (((members_.EmailAddr_) like (' em  ')))

So a union joins them somehow ?

Yes, though you would need to select the same number of columns in
each query.  Read here for more information:

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004

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Remove Russ Myrick

2004-02-28 Thread Scott Haneda
Can someone remove this guy and his challenge response system.

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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Re: Limit connections from same host

2004-02-28 Thread Paul DuBois
At 17:22 -0800 2/28/04, Scott Haneda wrote:
How can I limit the connections from the same host in mysql.
You can put a limit on the number of connections per hour from a given
account (WITH MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR), but not from a given host.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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RE: Query Help

2004-02-28 Thread Paul DuBois
At 2:45 + 2/29/04, John Berman wrote:
Got it working at last

SELECT lists_.DescShort_ FROM lists_ WHERE (((lists_.Name_) Not In (select
members_.List_  from members_ where members_.EmailAddr_ like  (' em 
' union SELECT lists_.DescShort_ FROM members_ INNER JOIN lists_ ON
members_.List_ = lists_.Name_ WHERE (members_.EmailAddr_ = (' em  '))
My only problem being it now lists the lists Im not a member of and the ones
I am a member of - how on earth do I show on screen which is which ?

Select an extra column in each SELECT.  SELECT member, ... UNION
SELECT non-member, ...
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Update from 3 to 4 and some privs don't make sense

2004-02-28 Thread Paul DuBois
At 18:12 -0800 2/28/04, Scott Haneda wrote:
When from 3 to 4, ran the update_privs_table thngy...

All my users used to say Global Privileges USAGE now they are all
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES,  LOCK TABLES  I am not sure this is good or bad,
nor am I sure how these settings got in there.
They got there when you updated the grant tables.

What are your suggestions?  I don't think I want any user able to LOCK
tables, these are global so I assume all databases are able to be locked by
all users.
Whats the best way to udpate all these back to the USAGE they were at
UPDATE user SET Create_tmp_table_priv = 'N', Lock_tables_priv = 'N', ... ;
You might want to add WHERE User != 'root' to that, if you don't
want root accounts to have those privileges disabled.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Limit connections from same host

2004-02-28 Thread Scott Haneda
on 02/28/2004 07:08 PM, Paul DuBois at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 17:22 -0800 2/28/04, Scott Haneda wrote:
 How can I limit the connections from the same host in mysql.
 You can put a limit on the number of connections per hour from a given
 account (WITH MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR), but not from a given host.

Any hacks to make this happen?  In OS X with safari, if someone holds
command-R on the keybaord and points it to any site that is talking to
mysql, you are going to fill up all your connections in a few seconds.  The
best I can tell, Safari sends about 100 page requests per 2 seconds.  Pretty
bad :-(

I guess I can limit from same host in apache and do the same, thanks.
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602   Fax: 313.557.5052

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Re: Limit connections from same host

2004-02-28 Thread Paul DuBois
At 20:32 -0800 2/28/04, Scott Haneda wrote:
on 02/28/2004 07:08 PM, Paul DuBois at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 17:22 -0800 2/28/04, Scott Haneda wrote:
 How can I limit the connections from the same host in mysql.
 You can put a limit on the number of connections per hour from a given
 account (WITH MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR), but not from a given host.
Any hacks to make this happen?  In OS X with safari, if someone holds
command-R on the keybaord and points it to any site that is talking to
mysql, you are going to fill up all your connections in a few seconds.  The
best I can tell, Safari sends about 100 page requests per 2 seconds.  Pretty
bad :-(
Um, those are connections to your Web server, not the MySQL server.
Connections made by the Web server to your MySQL server are always going
to appear to be from the same host.  If you want to throttle client
connections, you'll need to clearly identify which clients you mean,
and what program they are clients *of*.

I guess I can limit from same host in apache and do the same, thanks.

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL Users Conference: April 14-16, 2004
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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optimizing a select statement over a database with 50 million recs

2004-02-28 Thread karthik viswanathan
Need help on optimizing the select statement:

Table structure




name_id (unique)
start_id (unique)
end_id (unique)

Only table4 has unique fields all other fields are not unique.

The following select statement does what is required but the tables are really
( 50 million records) so need to be optimized

FROM table1 a, table1 b, table2 c, table3 d, table4 e, table4 f
WHERE =275 AND a.p_id = b.p_id AND != 
  AND a.p_id = c.p_id AND c.out_id = d.out_id AND d.name_id = e.name_id 
  AND e.start_id = f.start_id AND e.end_id = f.end_id AND e.end_id !=0 
  AND (f.name_id =45 OR f.name_id =56) 

The explain for the above statement is

a | ref | id,p_id,combine | combine | 4 | const | 5281 | Using where; Using
Using temporary; Using f...  
c | eq_ref | PRIMARY,p_id | PRIMARY | 4 | a.p_id | 1 |  |  | 
d | ref | name_id,out_id | out_id | 4 | b.out_id | 1 |  |  | 
b | ref | p_id | p_id | 4 | a.p_id | 3 | Using where | 
e | range | PRIMARY,start_id,end_id,combine,name_id | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 2 |
where | 
f | eq_ref | PRIMARY,start_id,end_id,combine,name_id | PRIMARY | 4 | c.name_id |
1 | 
Using where | 

I am sure there should be some better way to do this using Inner join or
similar but I am not sure how. It will be helpful if you could suggest me some 
improvements for this query. If you need any further explanation please let me

Thanks for your help

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