Re: comparing two databases

2006-09-29 Thread Martijn Tonies

 Is there a program out there that I can use to compare two
 databases?  Just the structure, not the content.

You might want to look into our development tool Database Workbench,
it has a database compare tool as well:

Here's a screenshot/help:

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle 
MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions
My thoughts:
Database development questions? Check the forum!

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Regular Exp help

2006-09-29 Thread Ravi Kumar.
Dear All,
I have a table with a varchar column that stores data in this pattern: 
The pattern may be repeated upto 5 times in same cell, but the string will
be different in each case. Hence there will not be a value like this:
1 BW - 2.5 BW -
1 WT -  
1 BW - 1 ME -   
1 BW - 1 ME - 1.5 SY -  
1 BW -  
1 WT -  
1 OT - 2.5 WE - 
1 OT - 1 SY -   
1 WT -  
1 IT - 1 OT -   
I need a regular exp or any other query to fetch sum of numbers before a
string. For example the result should be 2.5 if I am searching for SY and 3
if I am searching for WT.
I tried a bit, but could not succeed. I am using 4.1.14-standard-log. 
The table is huge, hence the query should be streamlined enough.
Please help.

Re: Regular Exp help

2006-09-29 Thread Philip Mather

   Knight 4 to Pawn's 5!
   Sorry, being serious for a minute, you'd need more info to solve 
this problem. Your example implies that something without a number after 
it still counts for a value of 1, i.e.

 and 3 if I am searching for WT.

Correct? What is the extent of the two letter combos? Are we talking 
just WT, BW, ME, SY, WE, OT and IT or are we talking about the whole 
space of AA to ZZ?
You say the table is huge? 1 million records? 10 million? Just a rough 
ball park are these Var chars indexed?

Just off the top of my head and without knowing what the actual context 
of the problem is I have to say it looks very difficult to do in pure 
SQL, not impossible just very difficult. Can you not use some glue code? 
Perl would be an ideal language, PHP would also be fine, any language 
would be better than SQL to be honest as it's just the wrong tool.
I have a table with a varchar column that stores data in this pattern: 
The pattern may be repeated upto 5 times in same cell, but the string will

be different in each case. Hence there will not be a value like this:
1 BW - 2.5 BW -
1 WT -	

1 BW - 1 ME -   
1 BW - 1 ME - 1.5 SY -  
1 BW -  
1 WT -  
1 OT - 2.5 WE - 
1 OT - 1 SY -   
1 WT -  
1 IT - 1 OT -   
I need a regular exp or any other query to fetch sum of numbers before a

string. For example the result should be 2.5 if I am searching for SY and 3
if I am searching for WT.
I tried a bit, but could not succeed. I am using 4.1.14-standard-log. 
The table is huge, hence the query should be streamlined enough.


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Re: comparing two databases

2006-09-29 Thread mark addison
On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 15:06 -0500, Steve Buehler wrote:
 Is there a program out there that I can use to compare two 
 databases?  Just the structure, not the content.

SqlFairy ( has a sqlt-diff tool that
will output the differences as a set of sql alter statements. Easiest
way to install on nix box is cpan: $ sudo cpan SQL::Translator).



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Problem with subselect and primary keys

2006-09-29 Thread Derek Fountain

Can someone tell me what's wrong with this test:

create table t1 ( course_id int(10) signed not null,   primary key
(course_id) );
create table t2 ( course_id int(10) unsigned not null, primary key
(course_id) );

insert into t1 values
insert into t2 values (65),(66),(67);

select distinct course_id from t1 where course_id not in (select
course_id from t2);

drop table t1;
drop table t2;

Running on 4.1.13 on SUSE Linux, this doesn't print anything. It
should print those values in t1 but not t2. If I replace the subselect
with the result of the subselect (65,66,67) then it works as expected.
It also works if I remove the primary key from t2. If I just remove
the primary key from t1 it prints a somewhat mysterious '1'.

Can anyone explain what's going on?

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2006-09-29 Thread Cummings, Shawn (GNAPs)

Is there a simple way to encrypted data as it's being stored in a 
table?  And then easily decrypted when it's queried?

Sample syntaxs if available - thanks in advance.

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RE: Encryption

2006-09-29 Thread Jimmy Guerrero

Have you taken a look at:

That might give you a good start.


Jimmy Guerrero
Sr Product Manager
MySQL, Inc

 -Original Message-
 From: Cummings, Shawn (GNAPs) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 8:14 AM
 Subject: Encryption
 Is there a simple way to encrypted data as it's being stored 
 in a table?  And then easily decrypted when it's queried?
 Sample syntaxs if available - thanks in advance.
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updating table but afterwards there are duplicate entries that violate a key..

2006-09-29 Thread Peter Van Dijck

Hi all,
I have a table like this


There is a primary key on (tagid, taggerid, objectid).

First I remove that key, then I am changing the object id (because
I've changed my objects), but what happens now is that I suddenly have
duplicate (tagid, taggerid, objectid) rows.

Is there a way to remove duplicate rows like this?

Thanks for any pointers!!


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SELECT wird unterschiedlich ausgeführt

2006-09-29 Thread Peter Stöcker
Hallo zusammen!

Ich habe die Frage vor ein paar Tagen bereits ins MySQL-Forum gestellt, aber 
leider hat da noch niemand geantwortet. Jetzt versuche ich es mal mit der 
Liste. Wäre super, wenn mit jemand von Euch helfen könnte, weil ich hier nach 
Wochen des Probierens nicht weiterkomme:

Ich habe hier ein ganz komisches Verhalten einer Abfrage (Der Code ist unten).

1. Wenn ich die Abfrage direkt auf der DB ausführe, funktioniert sie perfekt
2. Wenn sie innerhalb des Programms mit einem CREATE TABLE oder INSERT INTO 
abläuft, liefert sie ein anderes Ergebnis:

Ich habe zwei Querys. Die erste liefert mir einer temporary table, die in der 
zweiten dann per LEFT JOIN eingebunden wird.

Die erste Query macht keine Probleme und liefert z.B. folgendes Ergbnis:

Wenn die SELECT der zweiten Anweisung direkt z.B. über PHPMyAdmin abgesetzt 
wird, arbeitet sie richtig und liefert z.B.:

Läuft sie dagegen mit einem CREATE TABLE oder INSERT INTO (auch aus PHPMyAdmin 
heraus) liefert sie:

Der Knackpunkt scheint mir die Variable @q3 zu sein, die nicht berechnet wird; 
nur warum nicht?!?!?!?!?

Ich hoffe, mit kann jemand weiterhelfen!

Kurz noch was zum Hintergrund:
Die erste Abfrage liefert den aktuellen Zustand unserer Produkte sowie die 
Dauer der einzelnen noch nicht erledigten Tätigkeiten in Stunden.
Die zweite Abfrage soll die Summe der ausstehenden Tätigkeiten errechnen, und 
daraus mit einem Faktor einen voraussichtliches Enddatum der Produktion 
errechnen. Es sollen Wochenenden berücksichtigt werden. Fällt das Enddatum auf 
ein Wochenende, so soll das Enddatum auf den nächsten Werktag verschoben werden.
Wie gesagt, im Pronzip funktioniert das!

MySQL-Version: 4.0.18-max-nt (geht leider nicht anders!)

Ich habe die zweite Abfrage mal so umgebaut, dass keine Variablen mehr 
vorkommen und nur noch 3 Spalten erzeugt werden. Leider ändert dies aber nichts 
amVerhalten :-(

Hier der Code:

$query = 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE dauertemp1 (INDEX index1 (prozessid,dauer_neu))
prozess a
LEFT JOIN prozessprotokoll b ON (
LEFT JOIN basisschritt c ON (
(a.erledigt IS NULL OR (a.erledigt IS NOT NULL AND a.gesperrt IS NOT NULL)) AND 
b.erledigt IS NULL '.$where;

$query = 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE dauertemp2 (INDEX index1 (prozessid,endtermin))
@z:=zieltermin as zieltermin,
@q1:=SUM(dauer_neu) as SummeStunden,
@q3:[EMAIL PROTECTED] as AnzahlStunden,
@q2:=DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL ROUND(@q3/24) DAY) as ZielTermin1,
@y1:=YEAR(@q2)-YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) as JahresVergleich,
@q4_1:=WEEK(@q2,1)-WEEK(CURRENT_DATE(),1) as AnzahlWEGleichesJahr,
@q4_2:=52-WEEK(CURRENT_DATE(),1)+(@y1-1)*52+WEEK(@q2,1) as AnzahlWEDiffJahre,
@q4:=IF(@y1=0,@q4_1,@q4_2) as AnzahlWochenenden,
@q5:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@q4*48 as AnzahlStundenInclWochenenden,
@q6:=DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL ROUND(@q5/24) DAY) as ZielTermin2,
@q7:=WEEKDAY(@q6) as ZielWochentag,
@q8:=IF(@q74,[EMAIL PROTECTED],0) as TageFuerVerschiebungWochenende,
@e:=CAST(DATE_ADD(@q6, INTERVAL @q8 DAY) as DATE) as endtermin,
IF(@z@e,red,green) as color

Ciao und danke!
Viren-Scan für Ihren PC! Jetzt für jeden. Sofort, online und kostenlos.
Gleich testen!

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Re: updating table but afterwards there are duplicate entries that violate a key..

2006-09-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Peter Van Dijck wrote:

Hi all,
I have a table like this


There is a primary key on (tagid, taggerid, objectid).

First I remove that key, then I am changing the object id (because
I've changed my objects), but what happens now is that I suddenly have
duplicate (tagid, taggerid, objectid) rows.

Is there a way to remove duplicate rows like this?

Thanks for any pointers!!


and put the key back.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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perl/dbi - insert into server2.db2.table2 select * from server1.db1.table1

2006-09-29 Thread George Law
Hi All,

I have 2 separate mysql servers and need to import data from a table on
sever1 to
a table on server2.  This would need to be done in Perl.  

The script in question already has open handles to both servers, so I
know I can
select all the rows from server1 and process them one by one and insert
into the table on server2, but I was wondering if there was a more
simple way to do this which would allow me to transfer the data from one
database handle directly to another?

Looking on google, the closest example I can find is something like :

use DBI;


$statement = select a,b,c,d,... from table1 where condition='$value';
my @results;
while (@results = $sth-fetchrow_array) {

  # build placeholders based on num of fields
  my $placeholders;
  $placeholders .= ($placeholders ? ,? : ?) for (@results);

  my $sth2 = $dbh2-prepare(INSERT INTO table2 values


George Law
Phone: 864-678-3161

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Re: Problem with subselect and primary keys

2006-09-29 Thread Dan Buettner

Derek, I was able to replicate all the behaviors you describe in 5.0.21.

I noticed you have a signed INT in one table and an UNsigned INT in
the other.  I changed t1 to UNsigned and then the query returns the
results you would expect:

| course_id |
|-2 |
|-1 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
|68 |

seems like the signed/unsigned data is not being converted before
comparison, perhaps.  If you can't change your column type in the
table, perhaps you could use the CAST function in your queries?


On 9/29/06, Derek Fountain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can someone tell me what's wrong with this test:

create table t1 ( course_id int(10) signed not null,   primary key
(course_id) );
create table t2 ( course_id int(10) unsigned not null, primary key
(course_id) );

insert into t1 values
insert into t2 values (65),(66),(67);

select distinct course_id from t1 where course_id not in (select
course_id from t2);

drop table t1;
drop table t2;

Running on 4.1.13 on SUSE Linux, this doesn't print anything. It
should print those values in t1 but not t2. If I replace the subselect
with the result of the subselect (65,66,67) then it works as expected.
It also works if I remove the primary key from t2. If I just remove
the primary key from t1 it prints a somewhat mysterious '1'.

Can anyone explain what's going on?

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Re: perl/dbi - insert into server2.db2.table2 select * from server1.db1.table1

2006-09-29 Thread Dan Buettner

George, that's probably about the easiest way you could do it in perl.
If you want every column transferred you could do a SELECT * instead
of enumerating columns I think.


On 9/29/06, George Law [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

I have 2 separate mysql servers and need to import data from a table on
sever1 to
a table on server2.  This would need to be done in Perl.

The script in question already has open handles to both servers, so I
know I can
select all the rows from server1 and process them one by one and insert
into the table on server2, but I was wondering if there was a more
simple way to do this which would allow me to transfer the data from one
database handle directly to another?

Looking on google, the closest example I can find is something like :

use DBI;


$statement = select a,b,c,d,... from table1 where condition='$value';
my @results;
while (@results = $sth-fetchrow_array) {

  # build placeholders based on num of fields
  my $placeholders;
  $placeholders .= ($placeholders ? ,? : ?) for (@results);

  my $sth2 = $dbh2-prepare(INSERT INTO table2 values


George Law
Phone: 864-678-3161

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Re: perl/dbi - insert into server2.db2.table2 select * from server1.db1.table1

2006-09-29 Thread dpgirago

| Hi All,
| I have 2 separate mysql servers and need to import data from a table on
| sever1 to
| a table on server2.  This would need to be done in Perl.
| The script in question already has open handles to both servers, so I
| know I can
| select all the rows from server1 and process them one by one and insert
| into the table on server2, but I was wondering if there was a more
| simple way to do this which would allow me to transfer the data from one
| database handle directly to another?
| Looking on google, the closest example I can find is something like :
| #!/usr/bin/perl
| use DBI;
| $dbh1=.;
| $dbh2=.;
| ...
| $statement = select a,b,c,d,... from table1 where condition='$value';
| $sth=$dbh1-prepare($sql);
| my @results;
| while (@results = $sth-fetchrow_array) {
|  # build placeholders based on num of fields
|  my $placeholders;
|  $placeholders .= ($placeholders ? ,? : ?) for (@results);
|  my $sth2 = $dbh2-prepare(INSERT INTO table2 values
| ($placeholders););
|  $sth2-execute(@results);
|  $sth2-finish;
| }
| $sth1-finish;
| $dbh1-disconnect();
| $dbh2-disconnect();
| George Law
| Phone: 864-678-3161


Did you try to INSERT INTO db2.tablename SELECT fields from db1.tablename
where field='Somevalue' across different servers? Don't know if it's
possible but it would certainly be more efficient.


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RE: comparing two databases

2006-09-29 Thread Andrew Braithwaite
Some freebies:





-Original Message-
From: Steve Buehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 21:06
To: mysql
Subject: comparing two databases

Is there a program out there that I can use to compare two databases?
Just the structure, not the content.


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Help needed

2006-09-29 Thread Feliks Shvartsburd


I'm having a problem compiling store procedure getting errors that don't
make much sense. The problem is that I need to filter any value that is
either NULL or an empty string an set to '0' character.  SP is below








update table_name


 filed_name =  CASE  when ISNULL(filed_name) = 1 OR
CHAR_LENGTH(filed_name) = 0  then code





Thanks for any help.

Quick way to determine existence of an index?

2006-09-29 Thread Mark

Dear MySQL-ers,

Using MySQL 5.0.24a, is there a quick way to determine which columns on a
table don't have an index?

I want to do sort of s recursive loop, and add indices for all columns
which don't have an index yet (and that over many databases).


- Mark

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Running a Staging and Development DB on the same server?

2006-09-29 Thread Jay Paulson
I'm setting up our one server for staging and development.  I am need to set
up MySQL to have 2 copies of the same database on the same server.  Could
anyone direct me to some documentation or tell me how to do this?


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Re: Quick way to determine existence of an index?

2006-09-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Mark wrote:

Dear MySQL-ers,

Using MySQL 5.0.24a, is there a quick way to determine which columns on a
table don't have an index?

I want to do sort of s recursive loop, and add indices for all columns
which don't have an index yet (and that over many databases).


- Mark

Sounds like an extremely bad idea to me.
You don't want to have any indicies you don't actually need.
They will slow down all inserts and updates.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: Running a Staging and Development DB on the same server?

2006-09-29 Thread Philip Hallstrom

I'm setting up our one server for staging and development.  I am need to set
up MySQL to have 2 copies of the same database on the same server.  Could
anyone direct me to some documentation or tell me how to do this?

Is there a reason you can't have one instance of the mysql server and 
simply have foo_staging and foo_development databases?

Unless you are tweaking server parameters, this should work just fine...


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Re: Running a Staging and Development DB on the same server?

2006-09-29 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Jay Paulson wrote:

I'm setting up our one server for staging and development.  I am need to set
up MySQL to have 2 copies of the same database on the same server.  Could
anyone direct me to some documentation or tell me how to do this?


What's wrong with having a test and production database?
Just connect to the proper database when you start your application.

mysqladmin create testdata
mysqldump production | mysql testdata

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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communication error

2006-09-29 Thread Chris Jones

The following is an example of an error in our mysql log files:
[Warning] Aborted connection 1519045 to db: 'ES_buildings' user: 
'esbuildweb' host: '' (Got an error reading communication 

Is there some way to determine why/when that happens and to fix our setup 
so it is corrected?

 Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.22, for sun-solaris2.8 (sparc) using  EditLine wrapper

Thanks for any insights.

Chris Jones
14 Oneida Avenue
Toronto, ON M5J 2E3.
Tel.  416-203-7465
Fax. 416-946-1005

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Joining *3* tables

2006-09-29 Thread Renito 73
Hello list

I have a large database of contacts, but since not all fields are used I 
decided to separate all information in 3 tables to save space like this:

id int
address char(128)
... three columns more ...

id int
company char(64)

id int
list char(16)

Not all addresses have necesarily a company name, so it is separate in a table 
DB_COMPANY. Some other addresses are clasified in lists by category and they 
are grouped in DB_LISTS table.

If I want a report with address and company name pairs I use:

select address,company from DB_ADDRESS left join DB_COMPANY on where is not null;

If I want a report of address belonging to a certain category:

select address,list from DB_ADDRESS left join DB_LISTS on where is not null and 

BUT... If I want to generate a report with address, company and list 
(category) how can I join the three tables with a single query? or should I 
first generate a temporal table with the result of the first join and then a 
second one joining the third table?

Thanks for your comments

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Re: Joining *3* tables

2006-09-29 Thread André Hänsel
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Renito 73 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Samstag, 30. September 2006 04:20
 Betreff: Joining *3* tables
 Hello list

Hello Mr 73,

 I have a large database of contacts, but since not all fields 
 are used I 
 decided to separate all information in 3 tables to save space 
 like this:
 id int
 address char(128)
 ... three columns more ...
 id int
 company char(64)
 id int
 list char(16)
 Not all addresses have necesarily a company name, so it is 
 separate in a table 
 DB_COMPANY. Some other addresses are clasified in lists by 
 category and they 
 are grouped in DB_LISTS table.

Obviously you have a performant server (otherwise you would not accept the
performance loss of a join) and are very short on space. So simply use
VARCHAR columns, they take up only as much space as their content and are
yet faster than a join.

 If I want a report with address and company name pairs I use:
 select address,company from DB_ADDRESS left join DB_COMPANY on where is not null;
 If I want a report of address belonging to a certain category:
 select address,list from DB_ADDRESS left join DB_LISTS on where is not null and 
 BUT... If I want to generate a report with address, company and list 
 (category) how can I join the three tables with a single 
 query? or should I 
 first generate a temporal table with the result of the first 
 join and then a 
 second one joining the third table?

Yes, but remember to drop all indexes from all tables. You can even remove
most of the memory from your machine if you want it extra slow. ;-)

You can chain as many joins as you want:
FROM db_address
JOIN db_lists USING (id)
JOIN db_company USING (id)

 Thanks for your comments

Probably you should read through the MySQL doc once again before you proceed
with your project.


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