Function Not Working

2008-06-10 Thread Jesse

I have the following function on two servers:

  RETURNS text
  Declare cReturn Text;
FROM 2)));

  RETURN cReturn;

It's a very simple function used to properize a string sent to it. When I do 
a simple SELECT ProperCase('JESSE'); it returns "JESSE" on our server that 
is running 5.0.17-nt-log. On another server that I've got, running 
5.0.51a-community-nt, this function returns "Jesse" as it should.

The only difference that I can think of is the version. Is there a problem 
with the older version that would cause this function not to work properly?


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Re: mysqld-nt Windows service: delay btwn svc running and accepting conx

2008-06-10 Thread Les Schaffer

Joerg Bruehe wrote:

Yes, it does announce.
I wrote "any external event ... that Windows *would* monitor" 
(emphasis added): Does the Windows ServiceManager really know which 
file to monitor for which entry to announce the service as "running" ?

see below.

in practice we find the service comes up to RUNNING within several 
seconds of when we announce its being started. this is the longest 
delay between RUNNING and ready-to-accept we have seen so far in 
testing, on the order of 10 seconds.

I perfectly understand this delay is bad for you.

actually, as i tried to say initially, its more an inconvenience than 
bad. we are presently simply polling by attempting to make connections 
and catching exceptions until we succeed. after which we consider the 
MySQL service up and running.

If you find some documentation telling how the MySQL server could tell 
the Windows ServiceManager that it is now really ready to accept 
connections, then please file a bug (feature request) with a pointer 
to that info.

well, your server already communicates using the SetServiceStatus 
function. for example, see the ServiceMain and SetStatus functions in here is the MSDN docs on the function:

For now, I assume the ServiceManager just monitors whether a process 
is running, and so an unknown time for the initialization phase cannot 
be handled exactly. 

the service tells the ServiceManager about its state. for some reason, 
your Windows programmers have decided to announce STATE_RUNNING before 
the engines are up and accepting connections. perhaps they have good 
reasons for doing that. the purpose of my email was to see what could be 
done, if anything. if you think it's worth a feature request, i will try 



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Re: mysqld-nt Windows service: delay btwn svc running and accepting conx

2008-06-10 Thread Joerg Bruehe

Hi Les, all,

sorry - I attended to other things more than to this thread.

Les Schaffer wrote:

Joerg Bruehe wrote:

I assume Windows reports the status as "running" when the process(es) 
got started, but that doesn't necessary imply they have passed their 
own initialization / startup phase.

I doubt there is any external event (say, a file creation or some 
such) that Windows would monitor and check before reporting it as 

the MySQL server log does contain a statement:

080605 23:29:12  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 5087217
080605 23:29:14 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 
5.0\bin\mysqld-nt.exe: ready for connections.

so the server does "announce" to the log.  now here is from our own logs:

Yes, it does announce.
I wrote "any external event ... that Windows *would* monitor" (emphasis 
added): Does the Windows ServiceManager really know which file to 
monitor for which entry to announce the service as "running" ?

2008-06-05 23:28:57 windowsservice 156 INFO Starting service MySQL
2008-06-05 23:29:02 sql 102 CRITICAL MySQL OperationalError 2003  (2003, 
"Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)")

in practice we find the service comes up to RUNNING within several 
seconds of when we announce its being started. this is the longest delay 
between RUNNING and ready-to-accept we have seen so far in testing, on 
the order of 10 seconds.

I perfectly understand this delay is bad for you.


If there is something visible externally, I don't know it - hope our 
Windows experts might have a hint. 

Windows ServiceManager reports the service state as in either STARTING 
or RUNNING. i don't know what the details are of the communication 
between the ServiceManager and and mysqld-nt, but if mysqld-nt reported 
itself as RUNNING (and not STARTING) only when its ready to accept 
connections, that would be fine with us   ;-)

I should have written my disclaimer much earlier: I am no Windows user.

If you find some documentation telling how the MySQL server could tell 
the Windows ServiceManager that it is now really ready to accept 
connections, then please file a bug (feature request) with a pointer to 
that info.

For now, I assume the ServiceManager just monitors whether a process is 
running, and so an unknown time for the initialization phase cannot be 
handled exactly.

thanks for your note.

You are welcome,

Joerg Bruehe,  MySQL Build Team,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems GmbH,   Sonnenallee 1,   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering Muenchen: HRB161028

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optimizing UNIONs ?

2008-06-10 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

(mysql  5.0.27 on SuSE Linux)

I recently thought to use UNIONs to allow me to concatenate "vertically" 
some database tables with statements like this

create or replace view combo  as
  (select * from nov06) union
  (select *,ra_corr as ra_cor2,dec_corr as dec_cor2 from jul07) union
  (select *,ra_corr as ra_cor2,dec_corr as dec_cor2 from subaru where

(a show create view tells me this was created as CREATE 
ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED, and of course gives the full list of columns)

The sense of the above is that "nov06" is a first release of an 
astronomical database containing a sky region, and the related catalogue 
has already been published (so it shall be mantained unchanged).

"jul07" and "subaru" are two incremental additions in other sky regions, 
which I'd like to see "all together" as an union ... and at the same time

to keep physically separate to ease maintenance.

The three tables in the union have the same layout, except that nov06 has 
two columns more. To allow the unions these columns are "mimicked" as 
identical copies of two other columns in the other two tables (per CREATE 
statement above).

I do not expect the CREATE makes any difficulty ... it is shown as a full 
list of columns.

All three tables have two indices, an UNIQUE one on two columns 
(`field`,`id`), and another one on the single column "seq" (a sequence 
number which is also auto_increment ... but the tables are static once 
created). In particular seq runs sequentially from table to table so that 
the first jul07.seq is equal to the last nov06.seq + 1 and so on.

So far so good ...

  ... those unions work nicely, only slightly slower than a single


In the past I had (and still have) also some views which allow 
simultaneous "horizontal" access to more than one single table via a 
glorified correlation table (just a table of pointers, I hope the 
definition below illustrates the usage clearly enough)

 list of column aliases
 from glorlss06 left join nov06   on glorlss06.nov06  =nov06.seq
left join nov06b  on glorlss06.nov06b =nov06b.seq
left join nov06cd on glorlss06.nov06cd=nov06cd.seq ;

This is just an example with three "horizontal" members. I have more 
complex examples with up to 30 members, and lived satisfactorily with 

(the ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE and sometimes the usage of SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN
are the only tricks required to improve efficiency, the latter was even 
discussed on this list ... ah the glorlss06 of course have a couple of 
indices, an unique one on (`seq`,`nov06`) and another on nov06 alone.

Just for reference this is example of EXPLAIN SELECT on such view

explain select Xcatname,Xseq,Xra,Xdec from XLSS where Xseq=13121;
| id | select_type | table  | type | possible_keys | key   | 
key_len | ref | rows | Extra   |

|  1 | PRIMARY |  | ALL  | NULL  | NULL  | NULL 
| NULL| 3385 | Using where |
|  2 | DERIVED | glorlss06  | ALL  | NULL  | NULL  | NULL 
| NULL| 3385 | |
|  2 | DERIVED | nov06  | ref  | auxiliary | auxiliary | 4 
| lssdb.glorlss06.nov06   |   16 | |
|  2 | DERIVED | nov06b | ref  | auxiliary | auxiliary | 4 
| lssdb.glorlss06.nov06b  |   16 | |
|  2 | DERIVED | nov06cd| ref  | auxiliary | auxiliary | 4 
| lssdb.glorlss06.nov06cd |   16 | |


In case this gets wrapped in the mail a copy can be seen at

Such a statement (the select, not the explain) takes 0.19 seq


and now the trouble comes ... when I want to put everything together

I create an "horizontal" view whose members are "vertical" unions

 list of column aliases
 from glorcombo left join combo   on glorcombo.combo  =combo.seq
left join combob  on glorcombo.combob =combob.seq
left join combocd on glorcombo.combocd=combocd.seq ;

combo with its three members was illustrated above, and combob and combocd 
are fully equivalent unions with 3 members each. glorcombo is instead a 
physical table.

A statement fully analogous to the previous one takes now 49 sec instead 
of a fraction. All the time is spent in the analysis phase of EXPLAIN 
select (which I report below, and, in case of wrap, at the URL given 


Re: revoke all on *.* ??

2008-06-10 Thread Simon J Mudd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pawel Eljasz) writes:

> there is a user with following grants:
> 'x'
> is it possible to:
> revoke all on *.* from $above_user  OR revoke usage on *.* from $above_user
> ?



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Fw: mysql query, min, max with where conditions

2008-06-10 Thread William Newton

Well, if your particular problem has a well defined maximum minimum and minimum 
maximum (Ie the max(q) < 4294967296, because q is a 32 bit  unsigned int, and 
min(q)> -1)  then you can do it without any extra joins or sub selects.

min(IF(date <100, q, 4294967296)) as min_q,
max(IF(date>100, q, -1)) as min_q,
from a left join b left join c
group by a.p

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, June 9, 2008 9:33:37 AM
Subject: mysql query, min, max with where conditions 

Hello there,

What is the corect syntax for selecting something like:

(min(q) where date<100),
(max(q) where date>100)
from a left join b left join c
group by a.p

i need min() max() values each of them with other WHERE clause.

How can I do that?


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RE: revoke all on *.* ??

2008-06-10 Thread Martin Gainty


the syntax is


Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:45:24 +0100
> To:
> Subject: revoke all on *.* ??
> dear all
> mysql 5.0.51a, very basic config thus I don't think could be of any 
> relevance here
> there is a user with following grants:
> '077042fb4932b5b5'
> is it possible to:
> revoke all on *.* from $above_user  OR revoke usage on *.* from $above_user
> ?
> when I execute this I get no errors, but show grants still show there 
> are privileges
> is it possible to make a user able to view and work only on one specific db?
> I think of it in respect of phpmyadmin, like user can only access a 
> specific DB and no access to
> anything else whatsoever?
> cheers
> P.
> __
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revoke all on *.* ??

2008-06-10 Thread Pawel Eljasz

dear all
mysql 5.0.51a, very basic config thus I don't think could be of any 
relevance here

there is a user with following grants:

is it possible to:
revoke all on *.* from $above_user  OR revoke usage on *.* from $above_user
when I execute this I get no errors, but show grants still show there 
are privileges

is it possible to make a user able to view and work only on one specific db?
I think of it in respect of phpmyadmin, like user can only access a 
specific DB and no access to

anything else whatsoever?

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Re: Index/Range Problem?

2008-06-10 Thread Dave Raven
 Thanks for the help; that makes sense I think you guys are right. Is it
worth tuning such a thing? It seems to me like it would be much faster to
use the index?

Thanks again

> Dave schrieb:
>> Hi all,
>>  I've been trying to optimize some of our queries against a large
>> database
>> and come up against an index problem I haven't been able to find any
>> documentation on. I've cut the query down to the bare minimum, and found
>> the following --
>> explain Select iname,domain,serv,time from log where date between
>> '2008-05-10' and '2008-05-30';
>> ++-+---+---+---+--+-+--+
>> ---+-+
>> | id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len |
>> ref
>> | rows  | Extra   |
>> ++-+---+---+---+--+-+--+
>> ---+-+
>> |  1 | SIMPLE  | log   | range | date  | date | 4   |
>> | 45178 | Using where |
>> ++-+---+---+---+--+-+--+
>> ---+-+
>> As you can see in the above query, it uses type "range" and the key date
>> is used. If I change it to -05-01 to -05-30 though it does not :
>> explain Select iname,domain,serv,time from log where date between
>> '2008-05-01' and '2008-05-30';
>> ++-+---+--+---+--+-+--+-
>> ---+-+
>> | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref
>> | rows   | Extra   |
>> ++-+---+--+---+--+-+--+-
>> ---+-+
>> |  1 | SIMPLE  | log   | ALL  | date  | NULL | NULL|
>> | 353558 | Using where |
>> ++-+---+--+---+--+-+--+-
>> ---+-+
>> As you can see the type is now "ALL" and it doesn't work.
> as Ananda already wrote, it seems rows valid for '2008-05-01' to
> '2008-05-30' are exceed the threshold when MySQL thinks it is faster to
> scan
> the table instead of scan the index and than read the table
>> What could be the cause of this? It seems like its limited to a specific
>> number of rows? The rows in explain appear to be wrong...
>> mysql> Select count(id) from log where date between '2008-05-01' and
>> '2008-05-30';
>> +---+
>> | count(id) |
>> +---+
>> | 85232 |
>> +---+
>> 1 row in set (0.97 sec)
> "rows" is how many rows MySQL thinks it must examine to execute the query,
> not the number of rows possible returned
> --
> Sebastian Mendel

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Re: Index/Range Problem?

2008-06-10 Thread Sebastian Mendel

Dave schrieb:

Hi all,
 I've been trying to optimize some of our queries against a large database
and come up against an index problem I haven't been able to find any
documentation on. I've cut the query down to the bare minimum, and found
the following --

explain Select iname,domain,serv,time from log where date between
'2008-05-10' and '2008-05-30';
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref
| rows  | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | log   | range | date  | date | 4   | NULL
| 45178 | Using where |

As you can see in the above query, it uses type "range" and the key date
is used. If I change it to -05-01 to -05-30 though it does not :

explain Select iname,domain,serv,time from log where date between
'2008-05-01' and '2008-05-30';
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref
| rows   | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | log   | ALL  | date  | NULL | NULL| NULL
| 353558 | Using where |

As you can see the type is now "ALL" and it doesn't work.

as Ananda already wrote, it seems rows valid for '2008-05-01' to 
'2008-05-30' are exceed the threshold when MySQL thinks it is faster to scan 
the table instead of scan the index and than read the table

What could be the cause of this? It seems like its limited to a specific
number of rows? The rows in explain appear to be wrong...
mysql> Select count(id) from log where date between '2008-05-01' and
| count(id) |
| 85232 |
1 row in set (0.97 sec)

"rows" is how many rows MySQL thinks it must examine to execute the query, 
not the number of rows possible returned

Sebastian Mendel

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Re: Matching subtables

2008-06-10 Thread Werner Van Belle

Sebastian Mendel wrote:

Werner Van Belle schrieb:


You might find the following challenging -or- you might now the 
answer :-)

Table Q
Subtable, field, val, ID
A 1  a42
A 2  b42
B 1  a78
B 2  t78
B 3  o78
C 1  u23

Table R
Subtableid, field, val
A   1  a
A   2  b

Table S
Subtableid, field, val
B   1  a
B   2  t

Table T
Subtableid, field, val
C   1  u
A   1  a
A   2  b

We now want to check whether table R is fully contained in table Q 
and what the ID is. In this case the answer should be 42. However if 
we would use table S and mathc it against table Q, then we should not 
get 78 back since field 3 is missing in table S.

Also, we might want to perform this operation in batch mode, where we 
provide a table such as T for which we then should get the return value

Subtable, field, val, ID
A 1  a42
A 2  b42
C 1  u23

Is there anybody that bumped into a similar query and was able to 
solve it satisfactory ?

you can do a OUTER JOIN on subtableid, and than check for NULL values 
(with HAVING), which means that at least one field is missing in one 
of the tables

with sub selects:


  SELECT Subtable, ID
  ON T.Subtable = Q.Subtable
 AND T.field = Q.field
 AND T.val = Q.val

Thanks for the hint. You query helped me along. Currently I have 
something like

SELECT Q.subtable, Q.field,
FROM Q JOIN T ON T.subtable=Q.subtable and T.field=Q.field and T.val=Q.val
WHERE ID not in (SELECT distinct ID
 LEFT OUTER JOIN T ON T.subtable=Q.subtable and T.field=Q.field and 

 WHERE T.field is NULL)

which does a large part of the job.


Dr. Werner Van Belle

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