Re: Need help to query with timestamp in C++

2008-08-15 Thread Kandy Wong
Hi Saul,

I need to use C++ and I'm not writing a web application.
Thanks anyway.


 I have done queries to the database in PHP with variables like month but
 easily can select from a range of time and data to produce the same
 results, the output goes directly to the web so if that is what you are
 seeking for, I can help with PHP.


 Kandy Wong wrote:

 I need to write a C++ program in a Linux environment to query with a
 The user will only provide with an approximate time so I'd like to know
 how can I write a program or a query to return the closest data.

 The followings are the timestamp in the MySQL database:
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:09 | 1217933769 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:19 | 1217933779 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:29 | 1217933789 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:39 | 1217933979 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:49 | 1217933989 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:59 | 1217933999 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:39 | 1217934159 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:49 | 1217934169 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:59 | 1217934179 |

 For example, '2008-08-05 04:01:39' is the time provided by the user
 does not exist in the database.  So, how can I return the closest data?
 know I can make use of 'LIKE' but this will return more than one data.
 What is the best method to get the closest one?
 And what is the good connector (C++ to MySQL) to use?
 Any suggestion?
 Thank you.


 MySQL General Mailing List
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Kandy Wong
Scientific Programmer Analyst
TRIUMF (Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
4004 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 2A3
Phone: (604) 222- 1047 ext. 6193

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ERROR 13 (HY000): Can't get stat of '/var/lib/mysql/e5publishers.txt' (Errcode: 13)

2008-08-15 Thread Mike Spreitzer
I am running MySQL Community edition 5.0.51a-0.rhel4 (on RedHat Enterprise 
Linux 4).  I am unable to load data from a text file; when I try I get the 
error message in the subject of this email.  In the typescript below you 
will see two tries, with all the necessary file and database permissions. 
In both cases the file and the whole path to the file is world-readable. I 
logged into MySQL using the root account, which has all MySQL privileges. 
What is going wrong here?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# su - mysql
-bash-3.00$ pwd
-bash-3.00$ mysql --user=root --password e5
Enter password: 
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 39
Server version: 5.0.51a-community MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql load data infile '/var/lib/mysql/e5publishers.txt'
- into table e5publishers
- fields terminated by ' ';
ERROR 13 (HY000): Can't get stat of '/var/lib/mysql/e5publishers.txt' 
(Errcode: 13)
mysql show grants;
| Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql Bye
-bash-3.00$ ls -ld e5*
drwx--  2 mysql mysql   4096 Aug 15 01:34 e5
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mysql mysql 214256 Aug 15 01:30 e5publishers.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mysql mysql   2641 Aug 15 01:30 e5servers.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mysql mysql 178746 Aug 15 01:30 e5subscribers.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mysql mysql 627939 Aug 15 01:30 e5topics.txt
-bash-3.00$ pwd
-bash-3.00$ ls -ld .
drwxr-xr-x  5 mysql mysql 4096 Aug 15 02:25 .
-bash-3.00$ ls -ld ..
drwxr-xr-x  24 root root 4096 Feb 16 10:02 ..
-bash-3.00$ ls -ld /
drwxr-xr-x  27 root root 4096 Aug 15 01:50 /
-bash-3.00$ ls -ld /var
drwxr-xr-x  22 root root 4096 Sep 16  2005 /var
-bash-3.00$ ls -ld /var/lib
drwxr-xr-x  24 root root 4096 Feb 16 10:02 /var/lib
-bash-3.00$ logout
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cd /var/lib/mysql
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mv e5*.txt /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# ls -ld /
drwxr-xr-x  27 root root 4096 Aug 15 02:26 /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql --user=root --password e5
Enter password: 
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 40
Server version: 5.0.51a-community MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql load data infile '/e5publishers.txt' into table e5publishers
- fields terminated by ' ';
ERROR 13 (HY000): Can't get stat of '/e5publishers.txt' (Errcode: 13)
mysql Bye
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# ls -ld /e5*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mysql mysql 214256 Aug 15 01:30 /e5publishers.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mysql mysql   2641 Aug 15 01:30 /e5servers.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mysql mysql 178746 Aug 15 01:30 /e5subscribers.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 mysql mysql 627939 Aug 15 01:30 /e5topics.txt
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# rpm -q -a | grep -i mysql

Mike Spreitzer
SMTP: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lotus Notes: Mike Spreitzer/Watson/IBM
Office phone: +1-914-784-6424 (IBM T/L 863-)
AOL Instant Messaging: M1k3Sprtzr

Re: Need help to query with timestamp in C++

2008-08-15 Thread DuĊĦan Pavlica

Hi Kandy,

this could be the query you are looking for. It should return record 
with the closest timestamp to your required time:

(SELECT TIMEDIFF('20080815091907', timestamp_column) AS diff, t.* FROM 
table1 t

WHERE timestamp_column = '20080815091907'
ORDER BY timestamp_column DESC LIMIT 1
(SELECT TIMEDIFF(timestamp_column, '20080815091907') AS diff, t.* FROM 
table1 t

WHERE timestamp_column = '20080815091907'
ORDER BY timestamp_column LIMIT 1


Kandy Wong napsal(a):


I need to write a C++ program in a Linux environment to query with a
The user will only provide with an approximate time so I'd like to know
how can I write a program or a query to return the closest data.

The followings are the timestamp in the MySQL database:
| 2008-08-05 03:56:09 | 1217933769 |
| 2008-08-05 03:56:19 | 1217933779 |
| 2008-08-05 03:56:29 | 1217933789 |
| 2008-08-05 03:59:39 | 1217933979 |
| 2008-08-05 03:59:49 | 1217933989 |
| 2008-08-05 03:59:59 | 1217933999 |
| 2008-08-05 04:02:39 | 1217934159 |
| 2008-08-05 04:02:49 | 1217934169 |
| 2008-08-05 04:02:59 | 1217934179 |

For example, '2008-08-05 04:01:39' is the time provided by the user which
does not exist in the database.  So, how can I return the closest data?  I
know I can make use of 'LIKE' but this will return more than one data.
What is the best method to get the closest one?
And what is the good connector (C++ to MySQL) to use?
Any suggestion?
Thank you.



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Re: another INNODB vs MYISAM question

2008-08-15 Thread Doug Bridgens
if you switch the default engine type any new tables would be created  
with that new engine type.  it does not convert existing tables to  
your new format.

if you have existing innodb tables you need to have the innodb  
settings active, in my.cnf

On 15 Aug 2008, at 06:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello mysql,

As I have previously mentioned, I installed WAMPSERVER 2.0 on my
Windows XP pro box recently. It installed INNODB as the Default

All of my legacy Databases are MYISAM and after the installation, I
copied them all into the DATA folder and everything worked, even
adding new tables etc. but the new stuff was INNODB. So I ended up
with some MYISAM databases that contained INNODB tables in them.

After a few weeks I got to thinking that mixing INNODB and MYISAM
might not be a good thing and switched the Default Engine to MYISAM in
my.ini file. I didn't just switch the default, I commented out all the
INNODB calls in the my.ini file as well.

As I half expected, all the databases that I had added INNODB tables
failed when I tried to fire up the applications that used them.

Although I am not new to mysql, I have had a bit of MYISAM tunnel
vision with it so my question is, if I had just switched the default
engine and NOT disabled the INNODB calls in my.ini, would that have
prevented the problem? I restored all the MYISAM files and got
everything back working again.

I don't want to go through the lengthy reproduction exercise of
reinstalling everything to test the theory so if someone has had some
experience with this, I would appreciate hearing from them.

Best regards,
mikesz  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2008-08-15 Thread roger.maynard
I am finding that 




Works fine if the table exists - but if it doesn't exist I get an error?


Surely it should not error and just not try to drop the table.


Is it me?


2008-08-15 Thread Morten Primdahl


I want to retrieve all records where the field value contains either  
foo, bar or baz. Like so:

SELECT id FROM table WHERE value LIKE '%foo%' OR value LIKE '%bar%' OR  
value LIKE '%baz%';

But then I stumbled upon REGEXP, and can do the same this way:

SELECT id FROM table WHERE value REGEXP 'foo|bar|baz' != 0;

Any opinions on what's the better approach and why?



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2008-08-15 Thread Fish Kungfu

Hmmm.  It works okay for me, without an error when the tabel doesn't exist.
I'm using mysql Server version 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1

For example:
mysql use lsldatabase;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql show tables;
| Tables_in_lsldatabase |
| lslstore  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql drop table if exists recipes;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
As you see, the table recipes doesn't already exist, and I don't get 
an error.

roger.maynard wrote:
I am finding that 




Works fine if the table exists - but if it doesn't exist I get an error?


Surely it should not error and just not try to drop the table.


Is it me?

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Re: Need help to query with timestamp in C++

2008-08-15 Thread walter harms

Kandy Wong wrote:
 Hi Saul,
 I need to use C++ and I'm not writing a web application.
 Thanks anyway.

you can do something like:

select min(abs(timediff(targettime,timestamp))) from table where 
condition ;

if you use the libmysql you can get the result as strings back (the method i 
prefer) and convert them
in what ever you need.


 The followings are the timestamp in the MySQL database:
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:09 | 1217933769 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:19 | 1217933779 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:29 | 1217933789 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:39 | 1217933979 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:49 | 1217933989 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:59 | 1217933999 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:39 | 1217934159 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:49 | 1217934169 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:59 | 1217934179 |

 For example, '2008-08-05 04:01:39' is the time provided by the user
 does not exist in the database.  So, how can I return the closest data?
 know I can make use of 'LIKE' but this will return more than one data.
 What is the best method to get the closest one?
 And what is the good connector (C++ to MySQL) to use?
 Any suggestion?
 Thank you.


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encode/decode question

2008-08-15 Thread Duzenbury, Rich

One of our previous developers decided to obfuscate some columns via the mysql 
encode and decode functions.  This was done on a 4.x server.  Recently, we 
converted to a 5.x server, and some of the fields in the rows will not decode 
correctly, and I cannot figure out why.

My first thought was that perhaps the implementation of encode/decode changed, 
but googling so far has been to no avail.

My second thought was that perhaps there was a problem when we dumped the data 
from the 4.x server and imported it to the 5.x server.  The old 4.x server is 
gone, so I cannot verify whether that is the case.  I did dump/restore the data 
in question from the 5.x back to a 4.x server, but it decodes in error as well.

This obfuscation was a retrofit to an existing table, mostly of varchar fields. 
 Another thought I had was that perhaps it's not a good idea to store binary 
data in a varchar field.

So, a few questions:

Anyone know if the implementation of endcode/decode changed along the line from 
v4 to v5?  What algorithm is used for encode/decode?

Are there limits on what can be stored in a varchar field?  Is it ok to store 
the results of encode/decode in a varchar?

We don't need to encrypt the data, simply obfuscate it to prevent accidental, 
unintentional use.  Any ideas appreciated.

Thank you.


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Re: Need help to query with timestamp in C++

2008-08-15 Thread Warren Young

Kandy Wong wrote:

And what is the good connector (C++ to MySQL) to use?

MySQL++ ( has native Date, Time, and 
DateTime data types.  You can convert to these types implicitly:

mysqlpp::DateTime dt = row[my_column];

Row::operator[] doesn't return DateTime, it returns a stringish type, 
which can convert itself to lots of different C++ data types.  This is 
useful because the MySQL C API normally returns results in string form, 
so you need a natural way to convert these values to the native C++ 
types for processing.  In this particular case, it saves you from having 
to do the timestamp string parsing yourself.

Warren Young, maintainer of MySQL++

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RE: Need help to query with timestamp in C++

2008-08-15 Thread Jerry Schwartz
I'm puzzled by the layout of your table, if that's what you're showing us. Is 
the timestamp in the table truly associated with the time at which the user 
put in his approximate time?

If, for example, the user types in 04:05:07 at 04:03:02, and then types in 
04:02:59 at 04:03:03, what is it that you want to return?


Jerry Schwartz
The Infoshop by Global Information Incorporated
195 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT 06032

860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341
-Original Message-
From: Kandy Wong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 2:36 AM
To: Saul Bejarano
Subject: Re: Need help to query with timestamp in C++

Hi Saul,

I need to use C++ and I'm not writing a web application.
Thanks anyway.


 I have done queries to the database in PHP with variables like month
 easily can select from a range of time and data to produce the same
 results, the output goes directly to the web so if that is what you
 seeking for, I can help with PHP.


 Kandy Wong wrote:

 I need to write a C++ program in a Linux environment to query with a
 The user will only provide with an approximate time so I'd like to
 how can I write a program or a query to return the closest data.

 The followings are the timestamp in the MySQL database:
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:09 | 1217933769 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:19 | 1217933779 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:29 | 1217933789 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:39 | 1217933979 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:49 | 1217933989 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:59 | 1217933999 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:39 | 1217934159 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:49 | 1217934169 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:59 | 1217934179 |

 For example, '2008-08-05 04:01:39' is the time provided by the user
 does not exist in the database.  So, how can I return the closest
 know I can make use of 'LIKE' but this will return more than one
 What is the best method to get the closest one?
 And what is the good connector (C++ to MySQL) to use?
 Any suggestion?
 Thank you.


 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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Kandy Wong
Scientific Programmer Analyst
TRIUMF (Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
4004 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 2A3
Phone: (604) 222- 1047 ext. 6193

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2008-08-15 Thread roger.maynard
I am getting this problem when I am calling this from within a stored
procedure and from the command line area but from MySQLQueryBrowser
Windows package.

I have tried the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS from the mysql DOS-type command
line and it doesn't error - I do notice that (also in your example) that
there is a Warning provided.  

Maybe what I am seeing in the Query Browser area is in fact a Warning
message and not an error!!

If so, sorry to have wasted anyone's time



-Original Message-
From: Fish Kungfu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 August 2008 12:43
Subject: Re: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS - doesnt??

Hmmm.  It works okay for me, without an error when the tabel doesn't
I'm using mysql Server version 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1

For example:
mysql use lsldatabase;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql show tables;
| Tables_in_lsldatabase |
| lslstore  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql drop table if exists recipes;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
As you see, the table recipes doesn't already exist, and I don't get 
an error.

roger.maynard wrote:
 I am finding that 




 Works fine if the table exists - but if it doesn't exist I get an


 Surely it should not error and just not try to drop the table.


 Is it me?

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2008-08-15 Thread Martin Gainty

I am certain the SQLBrowser program authors want to hear about this error
It may be due to the fact that MYSQL procedures need to have a different 
(//) instead of ;

delimiter //;

Disclaimer and confidentiality note 
Everything in this e-mail and any attachments relates to the official business 
of Sender. This transmission is of a confidential nature and Sender does not 
endorse distribution to any party other than intended recipient. Sender does 
not necessarily endorse content contained within this transmission. 

 Subject: RE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS - doesnt??
 Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 14:50:16 +0100
 I am getting this problem when I am calling this from within a stored
 procedure and from the command line area but from MySQLQueryBrowser
 Windows package.
 I have tried the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS from the mysql DOS-type command
 line and it doesn't error - I do notice that (also in your example) that
 there is a Warning provided.  
 Maybe what I am seeing in the Query Browser area is in fact a Warning
 message and not an error!!
 If so, sorry to have wasted anyone's time
 -Original Message-
 From: Fish Kungfu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 15 August 2008 12:43
 Subject: Re: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS - doesnt??
 Hmmm.  It works okay for me, without an error when the tabel doesn't
 I'm using mysql Server version 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1
 For example:
 mysql use lsldatabase;
 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
 Database changed
 mysql show tables;
 | Tables_in_lsldatabase |
 | lslstore  |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql drop table if exists recipes;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
 As you see, the table recipes doesn't already exist, and I don't get 
 an error.
 roger.maynard wrote:
  I am finding that 
  Works fine if the table exists - but if it doesn't exist I get an
  Surely it should not error and just not try to drop the table.
  Is it me?
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2008-08-15 Thread Fish Kungfu
Maybe what I am seeing in the Query Browser area is in fact a Warning
message and not an error!!

Ahhh...yes maybe that's it.  Just fyi, here is the detail of the warning:

mysql drop table if exists recipes;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

| Level | Code | Message |
| Note  | 1051 | Unknown table 'recipes' | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

~~Second Life addict ~~

-Original Message-
From: roger.maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Aug 15, 2008 9:50 AM
Subject: RE: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS - doesnt??

I am getting this problem when I am calling this from within a stored
procedure and from the command line area but from MySQLQueryBrowser
Windows package.

I have tried the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS from the mysql DOS-type command
line and it doesn't error - I do notice that (also in your example) that
there is a Warning provided.  

Maybe what I am seeing in the Query Browser area is in fact a Warning
message and not an error!!

If so, sorry to have wasted anyone's time



-Original Message-
From: Fish Kungfu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 August 2008 12:43
Subject: Re: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS - doesnt??

Hmmm.  It works okay for me, without an error when the tabel doesn't
I'm using mysql Server version 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1

For example:
mysql use lsldatabase;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql show tables;
| Tables_in_lsldatabase |
| lslstore  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql drop table if exists recipes;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
As you see, the table recipes doesn't already exist, and I don't get 
an error.

roger.maynard wrote:
 I am finding that 




 Works fine if the table exists - but if it doesn't exist I get an


 Surely it should not error and just not try to drop the table.


 Is it me?

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PHP Documentation in the MySQL Manual

2008-08-15 Thread Stefan Hinz

PHP Documentation in the MySQL Manual
MySQL can be used with a multitude of programming languages, but PHP is
probably the most popular choice. For that reason, we always felt a bit
bad about our PHP-related documentation being somewhat sparse, mostly
consisting of links to the PHP manual.

Well, that situation has changed. MC Brown of the MySQL Docs team has
moved over the MySQL-related parts of the PHP documentation to the MySQL
Reference Manual now. You can find it here:

No worries, we haven't actually *moved* the PHP docs. Rather than that,
they're being synced over from to our mysqldoc repository on a
regular basis, where they get merged into the MySQL docs and built in
various format (HTML, PDF, CHM, etc.) just like the rest of the

This means users who work with MySQL and PHP don't have to flip between
manuals any more, but can rather look up all information in one place.
We regard this as another sign that MySQL has a strong commitment
towards the PHP users in our community.

Currently, the PHP docs cover:

* ext/mysql (the original set of PHP functions for accessing MySQL)
* ext/mysqli (the improved and recommended set of functions)
* PDO_MYSQL (the MySQL PDO driver for PHP's PDO interface)

This will soon be amended by the newest set of functions:

* ext/mysqlnd

Tony Bedford of the MySQL Docs team will be in charge of writing the new
section on ext/mysqlnd. Currently, he's in the process of reworking the
ext/mysqli section which still lacks a lot of function descriptions.
When done with this, the MySQL-related parts of the PHP documentation
will be in much better shape, so that's a true win-win situation for PHP
and MySQL.

Needless to say, Tony will keep maintaining the PHP docs, so they'll
always be up to date, complete, and correct. Go MySQL! Go PHP! :-)


Sun Microsystems GmbHStefan Hinz
Sonnenallee 1Manager Documentation, Database Group
85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten  Phone: +49-30-82702940
Germany  Fax:   +49-30-82702941
http://www.sun.demailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

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2008-08-15 Thread emierzwa
It looks like LIKE is only slightly faster(on my XP), hardly worth
mentioning. Go with what is easier for you to read or for portability if
you need it. IMHO

set @a='gfdueruie baz hdhrh';select BENCHMARK(500, (select 1 from
dual WHERE @a LIKE '%foo%' OR @a LIKE '%bar%' OR @a LIKE '%baz%')) as
# average 750ms

set @a='gfdueruie baz hdhrh';select BENCHMARK(500, (select 1 from
dual WHERE @a REGEXP 'foo|bar|baz' != 0)) as elapse_time;
# average 770ms 


-Original Message-
From: Morten Primdahl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 5:12 AM
To: mysql
Subject: REGEXP vs LIKE/OR


I want to retrieve all records where the field value contains either  
foo, bar or baz. Like so:

SELECT id FROM table WHERE value LIKE '%foo%' OR value LIKE '%bar%' OR  
value LIKE '%baz%';

But then I stumbled upon REGEXP, and can do the same this way:

SELECT id FROM table WHERE value REGEXP 'foo|bar|baz' != 0;

Any opinions on what's the better approach and why?



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MySQL compatibility with Windows Server 2008

2008-08-15 Thread Jesse
We will be purchasing a server pretty soon with Windows Server 2008 on it. 
I have heard that MySQL is not compatible with WS2008.  Is that true?  I've 
also seen instructions for installing MySQL 5.1 on WS2008.  Is 5.1 
compatible, but earlier versions are not?

We run ASP and ASP.Net applications on our servers now, and the new server 
will be used for the same. So, what about the MySQL .Net connector and the 
ODBC Driver?  Are they compatible with WS2008?


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Re: PHP Documentation in the MySQL Manual

2008-08-15 Thread Fish Kungfu
HOORAY!!!  Thanks for all of yours and Tony's hard work!

~~Second Life addict~~

-Original Message-
From: Stefan Hinz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Aug 15, 2008 11:09 AM
Subject: PHP Documentation in the MySQL Manual

PHP Documentation in the MySQL Manual
MySQL can be used with a multitude of programming languages, but PHP is
probably the most popular choice. For that reason, we always felt a bit
bad about our PHP-related documentation being somewhat sparse, mostly
consisting of links to the PHP manual.

Well, that situation has changed. MC Brown of the MySQL Docs team has
moved over the MySQL-related parts of the PHP documentation to the MySQL
Reference Manual now. You can find it here:

No worries, we haven't actually *moved* the PHP docs. Rather than that,
they're being synced over from to our mysqldoc repository on a
regular basis, where they get merged into the MySQL docs and built in
various format (HTML, PDF, CHM, etc.) just like the rest of the

This means users who work with MySQL and PHP don't have to flip between
manuals any more, but can rather look up all information in one place.
We regard this as another sign that MySQL has a strong commitment
towards the PHP users in our community.

Currently, the PHP docs cover:

 * ext/mysql (the original set of PHP functions for accessing MySQL)
 * ext/mysqli (the improved and recommended set of functions)
 * PDO_MYSQL (the MySQL PDO driver for PHP's PDO interface)

This will soon be amended by the newest set of functions:

 * ext/mysqlnd

Tony Bedford of the MySQL Docs team will be in charge of writing the new
section on ext/mysqlnd. Currently, he's in the process of reworking the
ext/mysqli section which still lacks a lot of function descriptions.
When done with this, the MySQL-related parts of the PHP documentation
will be in much better shape, so that's a true win-win situation for PHP
and MySQL.

Needless to say, Tony will keep maintaining the PHP docs, so they'll
always be up to date, complete, and correct. Go MySQL! Go PHP! :-)


Sun Microsystems GmbHStefan Hinz
Sonnenallee 1Manager Documentation, Database Group
85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten  Phone: +49-30-82702940
Germany  Fax:   +49-30-82702941
http://www.sun.demailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

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Re: Need help to query with timestamp in C++

2008-08-15 Thread Kandy Wong
Hi Dusan,

Thank you so much. It works!


 Hi Kandy,

 this could be the query you are looking for. It should return record
 with the closest timestamp to your required time:

 (SELECT TIMEDIFF('20080815091907', timestamp_column) AS diff, t.* FROM
 table1 t
  WHERE timestamp_column = '20080815091907'
  ORDER BY timestamp_column DESC LIMIT 1
 (SELECT TIMEDIFF(timestamp_column, '20080815091907') AS diff, t.* FROM
 table1 t
  WHERE timestamp_column = '20080815091907'
  ORDER BY timestamp_column LIMIT 1


 Kandy Wong napsal(a):

 I need to write a C++ program in a Linux environment to query with a
 The user will only provide with an approximate time so I'd like to know
 how can I write a program or a query to return the closest data.

 The followings are the timestamp in the MySQL database:
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:09 | 1217933769 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:19 | 1217933779 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:56:29 | 1217933789 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:39 | 1217933979 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:49 | 1217933989 |
 | 2008-08-05 03:59:59 | 1217933999 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:39 | 1217934159 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:49 | 1217934169 |
 | 2008-08-05 04:02:59 | 1217934179 |

 For example, '2008-08-05 04:01:39' is the time provided by the user
 does not exist in the database.  So, how can I return the closest data?
 know I can make use of 'LIKE' but this will return more than one data.
 What is the best method to get the closest one?
 And what is the good connector (C++ to MySQL) to use?
 Any suggestion?
 Thank you.


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Re: MySQL compatibility with Windows Server 2008

2008-08-15 Thread Reggie Burnett

.NET connector is fine.  ODBC should be ok but I'm not 100% sure.

Jesse wrote:
We will be purchasing a server pretty soon with Windows Server 2008 on 
it. I have heard that MySQL is not compatible with WS2008.  Is that 
true?  I've also seen instructions for installing MySQL 5.1 on WS2008.  
Is 5.1 compatible, but earlier versions are not?

We run ASP and ASP.Net applications on our servers now, and the new 
server will be used for the same. So, what about the MySQL .Net 
connector and the ODBC Driver?  Are they compatible with WS2008?


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Re: MySQL compatibility with Windows Server 2008

2008-08-15 Thread Jesse

.NET connector is fine.  ODBC should be ok but I'm not 100% sure.

How about MySQL itself?


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Re: MySQL compatibility with Windows Server 2008

2008-08-15 Thread Reggie Burnett
It can depend on the version.  Earlier versions of MySQL had problems 
with protocols like shared memory on Vista.  Use a recent build of 5.0 
or 5.1 and you should be ok.

Jesse wrote:

.NET connector is fine.  ODBC should be ok but I'm not 100% sure.

How about MySQL itself?


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2008-08-15 Thread Paul Choi
Can you give us the output of `uname -a` from your mysql hosts?
There's a difference if you are running a 2.4 kernel vs. 2.6 kernel

In 2.4 kernel, try ps -ef, and in 2.6 kernel, ps -Lef. You may
notice that PPID is the same for all PIDs except one, usually.


On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 13:38 +0530, Krishna Chandra Prajapati wrote:

 But some of the mysql server(mysql server on debian) shows only one mysql
 On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Ellison, David 
  I may be talking rubbish here, but is it not threading?
  I have seen Linux processes before create more than one PID etc when it
  needs to handle multiple requests. This may be not true for MySQL.
  However when looking at my test server is shows more than one. If you
  use a command called htop, similar to top but a little more visually
  easier, it has an option called tree. Which shows how one process spawns
  many when/where needed.
  -Original Message-
  From: Krishna Chandra Prajapati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 14 August 2008 05:57
  To: mysql
  Hi all,
  I am running mysql on debian. I didn't understand why there is a lots of
  mysql process running. There should be only one mysql process running.
  Please help me that what should i do. Although there is no problem with
  mysql server.
  debian:~# ps axu
  root 1  0.0  0.0  1400  472 ?SJun03   0:03 init [2]
  root 2  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   0:01 [keventd]
  root 3  0.0  0.0 00 ?SN   Jun03   0:06
  root 4  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   2:25 [kswapd]
  root 5  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   0:00 [bdflush]
  root 6  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   1:15
  root99  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   6:52
  root   250  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   0:00 [kcopyd]
  root   252  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   0:00
  root   265  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   0:00
  root   431  0.0  0.0 00 ?SJun03   0:00 [khubd]
  root  1247  0.0  0.0  1456  600 ?Ss   Jun03   0:04
  root  1250  0.0  0.0  2084  444 ?Ss   Jun03   0:00
  root  1288  0.0  0.1  2432 1024 ?SJun03   0:00 /bin/sh
  mysql 1325  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   0:31
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1336  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   0:03
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1337  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   0:00
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1338  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   0:01
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1339  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03  16:49
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1340  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   0:30
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1369  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   6:10
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1370  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   3:32
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1380  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   1:16
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1381  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   0:08
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 1384  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun03   5:33
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  root  1431  0.0  0.1  4736 1560 ?Ss   Jun03   1:23
  mysql 3404  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun04   3:22
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 3456  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun04   3:06
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 3607  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun04   3:24
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 3685  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun04   2:25
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 5325  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun05   3:14
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 5352  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun05   3:21
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 5374  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun05   3:16
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 5378  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun05   3:06
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 5397  0.0 27.1 324124 262548 ? SJun05   2:49
  /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/
  mysql 5398  0.0