Reading table information......

2009-02-03 Thread Krishna Chandra Prajapati
Hi all,

Below are the two examples. In the example 2 its giving 'Reading table
information.' where as in the example 1 its not giving.
I am not able to find out why it is. Example 2 server is configured by me
where as example 1 server is configured by some body else.

Example 1:
[pr...@beta praja]$ mysql -h -u dip -D dip -pdip
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 177299 to server version:

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql exit

Example 2:
pr...@de76:~$ mysql -h -u dip -D dip -pdip
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 278
Server version: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch8-log Debian etch distribution

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


Krishna Chandra Prajapati
Mob: 9912924044

Re: WL#946 and Changing time literal format

2009-02-03 Thread Michael Widenius


 Konstantin == Konstantin Osipov writes:

Konstantin * Michael Widenius [09/01/30 14:53]:
 Its more important that we don't break things for current users than
 try to be concerned about possible wrong usage that no one seams to do
 or find important enough to complain about.

Konstantin Monty, I disagree with this statement. Our current users use the
Konstantin current versions of the server. It's a separate question of what
Konstantin support we're willing to give them and for how long.
Konstantin In the new versions we should hold high the expectations of new
Konstantin users, and they are about standard compliance, and also about ease
Konstantin of migration.

Sorry, but the above is not true.  We have asked user over and over
again what they think about the standard and they have said it's not
critical or even important to them.; What is important that we don't
break their old applications!

When going forward, we must prioritize old user to new ones!
The old ones are our current or customers in the near future. If we
make them unhappy we don't have a business anymore.

The new users will mainly listen to old user if they should use MySQL
or not. If we make the old ones angry, we don't get new users.

Konstantin sql_modes are not a solution since they make the server code a
Konstantin mess, and won't let us make everyone happy anyway. 

I disagree that it makes the code messy. The code depends on how you
implement them. sql_modes are there to help people easier switch to a
newer server and gives them time to upgrade their old applications
over time.  When you have an application with million of code, it will
take time to find and fix all issues.  Seeing able to resolve things
when things are found to break by simply using a sql_mode may save the
day for them.

It's important that you see the usage of MySQL from theu user point of
view;  Saying that something is complex and we will not do it, will
not satisfy a user that needs it.

Konstantin MySQL server needs a vision. Sticking to expectations of existing
Konstantin users is looking back into (not-so) glorious past.

Our existing users is the second biggest user base for any database.
We reached this level as MySQL has worked to their expectations.
Trying to do things differently, like other companies have tried, will
just lead to failures.

Konstanting Trying to make everybody happy is infeasible.

Konstantin Our only option is to move forward 
Konstantin to meet expectations of our modern adopters, and they are largely
Konstantin more intelligent, with past database experience, so the standard
Konstantin compliance is high on their list.

On what do you base your observation ?  It's not what our users have
been telling us on MySQL conferences.

People are using MySQL because it's different and can satisfy their
needs. Standards are useful, but not important for our current or
future users.  Getting the job done and not having downtime, even when
upgrading, that is important!

Konstantin What's worse, is that while we're fighting internally when to make
Konstantin an incompatible change and when not, our change management process
Konstantin is a mess. 

That's another issue, but it's not any reason to abound features that
some of our users may depend on.

Konstantin We introduce incompatible changes in every major release, so
Konstantin people are forced to migrate their applications manually again and
Konstantin again. And yet we can't plan our changes in a way that a bulk
Konstantin incompatible changes in a certain area are done at once, forcing
Konstantin people to look into the problem once only, rather than on every
Konstantin upgrade.

That is a problem with our development processes, has nothing to do
with sql modes.

Konstantin It's a pity we can't shift our focus and mental efforts from
Konstantin developing a shared understanding what incompatible changes are
Konstantin right and called for, to developing the best way of making
Konstantin changes.

Just focusing on one area doesn't solve any problems.
What is needed is to have a good understanding of all aspect of the

I agree that we need to change things.  I disagree that doing
incompatible changes without planning and carefull thinking about how
this will affect our user base is the right way to go.


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2009-02-03 Thread Jerry Schwartz
Somebody, I think it was somebody from MySQL, said that you should never put
anything into a WHERE clause that could be put into the ON clause of a JOIN.
My guess is that this helps with the optimization, but it seems
counter-intuitive to me. I've never followed that advice, but I'm starting
to experiment with it. My first, rather simple example didn't seem to
accomplish much: mysqlexplain

- SELECT prod.prod_num, prod.prod_title, prod.prod_samp_doc

- FROM pub JOIN prod ON pub.pub_id = prod.pub_id

- WHERE pub.pub_code = 'dc'

- AND prod.prod_discont = 0

- AND prod.prod_samp_doc IS NOT NULL

- ORDER BY prod.prod_num\G

*** 1. row ***

   id: 1

  select_type: SIMPLE

table: pub

 type: ALL

possible_keys: PRIMARY

  key: NULL

  key_len: NULL

  ref: NULL

 rows: 652

Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

*** 2. row ***

   id: 1

  select_type: SIMPLE

table: prod

 type: ref

possible_keys: pub_id

  key: pub_id

  key_len: 46


 rows: 112

Extra: Using where

2 rows in set (0.25 sec) mysqlexplain

- SELECT prod.prod_num, prod.prod_title, prod.prod_samp_doc

- FROM pub JOIN prod ON pub.pub_id = prod.pub_id

- AND pub.pub_code = 'dc'

- WHERE prod.prod_discont = 0

- AND prod.prod_samp_doc IS NOT NULL

- ORDER BY prod.prod_num\G

*** 1. row ***

   id: 1

  select_type: SIMPLE

table: pub

 type: ALL

possible_keys: PRIMARY

  key: NULL

  key_len: NULL

  ref: NULL

 rows: 652

Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

*** 2. row ***

   id: 1

  select_type: SIMPLE

table: prod

 type: ref

possible_keys: pub_id

  key: pub_id

  key_len: 46


 rows: 112

Extra: Using where

2 rows in set (0.06 sec)


Are the results the same because my query is too simple?




Jerry Schwartz

The Infoshop by Global Information Incorporated

195 Farmington Ave.

Farmington, CT 06032


860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341



2009-02-03 Thread Martin Gainty

ON condition uses the same columnname from both source and target tables

whereas any column expressions can go in the WHERE clause...

Disclaimer and confidentiality note 
Everything in this e-mail and any attachments relates to the official business 
of Sender. This transmission is of a confidential nature and Sender does not 
endorse distribution to any party other than intended recipient. Sender does 
not necessarily endorse content contained within this transmission. 

 Subject: WHERE vs. ON
 Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 12:24:52 -0500
 Somebody, I think it was somebody from MySQL, said that you should never put
 anything into a WHERE clause that could be put into the ON clause of a JOIN.
 My guess is that this helps with the optimization, but it seems
 counter-intuitive to me. I've never followed that advice, but I'm starting
 to experiment with it. My first, rather simple example didn't seem to
 accomplish much: mysqlexplain
 - SELECT prod.prod_num, prod.prod_title, prod.prod_samp_doc
 - FROM pub JOIN prod ON pub.pub_id = prod.pub_id
 - WHERE pub.pub_code = 'dc'
 - AND prod.prod_discont = 0
 - AND prod.prod_samp_doc IS NOT NULL
 - ORDER BY prod.prod_num\G
 *** 1. row ***
id: 1
   select_type: SIMPLE
 table: pub
  type: ALL
 possible_keys: PRIMARY
   key: NULL
   key_len: NULL
   ref: NULL
  rows: 652
 Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
 *** 2. row ***
id: 1
   select_type: SIMPLE
 table: prod
  type: ref
 possible_keys: pub_id
   key: pub_id
   key_len: 46
  rows: 112
 Extra: Using where
 2 rows in set (0.25 sec)
 - SELECT prod.prod_num, prod.prod_title, prod.prod_samp_doc
 - FROM pub JOIN prod ON pub.pub_id = prod.pub_id
 - AND pub.pub_code = 'dc'
 - WHERE prod.prod_discont = 0
 - AND prod.prod_samp_doc IS NOT NULL
 - ORDER BY prod.prod_num\G
 *** 1. row ***
id: 1
   select_type: SIMPLE
 table: pub
  type: ALL
 possible_keys: PRIMARY
   key: NULL
   key_len: NULL
   ref: NULL
  rows: 652
 Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
 *** 2. row ***
id: 1
   select_type: SIMPLE
 table: prod
  type: ref
 possible_keys: pub_id
   key: pub_id
   key_len: 46
  rows: 112
 Extra: Using where
 2 rows in set (0.06 sec)
 Are the results the same because my query is too simple?
 Jerry Schwartz
 The Infoshop by Global Information Incorporated
 195 Farmington Ave.
 Farmington, CT 06032
 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

Windows Live™ Hotmail®…more than just e-mail.

Re: WHERE vs. ON

2009-02-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Jerry Schwartz wrote:
 Somebody, I think it was somebody from MySQL, said that you should never put
 anything into a WHERE clause that could be put into the ON clause of a JOIN.
 My guess is that this helps with the optimization, but it seems
 counter-intuitive to me.

It seems like it shouldn't make any difference if the optimizer is
smart enough, but in my experience it sometimes does.  Because of
that, I always try to put conditions in the ON clauses when I can,
even if they are not about joining the tables.

- Perrin

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Re: WHERE vs. ON

2009-02-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Jerry Schwartz wrote:
 From: Martin Gainty []
 Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 1:03 PM
 To: Jerry Schwartz;
 Subject: RE: WHERE vs. ON
 ON condition uses the same columnname from both source and target tables

 whereas any column expressions can go in the WHERE clause...
 [JS] That isn't necessarily true.
 ON a.x = b.y

 Is valid.

You don't even need to reference either table in the join.

(yes, I have found the need to use that)

Join by rand!

The on clause is just something evaluated for each row that if it
returns an expression that evaluates to true will allow the row to be

Rob Wultsch

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Algorithm for resolving foreign key dependencies?

2009-02-03 Thread Philip Pemberton

  First of all, I apologise in advance for any mind-altering, or 
headache-inducing effects this question may have. I've spent the past two days 
trying to figure it out, and all I've got to show for it is a mostly-working 
recursive depth-first-search routine and an empty packet of painkillers.

MySQL version: 5.0.67-0ubuntu6

I'm trying to write a code generator (in Python) that reads in a MySQL 
database, enumerates all the tables, then produces INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE 
code in PHP. The INSERT and UPDATE code generation was fairly easy, and works 
quite well. What I'm having trouble with is the DELETE code generator -- more 
specifically, resolving foreign key references.

Basically, what I have is a tree built in memory, so I can go:
And get a complete list of all the tables (and the fields within that table) 
that reference 'fieldname' in 'thetable'.

What I want is an answer to the question: If all my foreign keys were set to 
'ON DELETE CASCADE', what would I need to do to delete row 'X' in table 'Y' 
without violating any foreign key constraints?

Here's an example. Let's say I've got these tables:

CREATE TABLE `Manufacturers` (
  `idManufacturer` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`idManufacturer`)

  `idPart` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `idManufacturer` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `partnumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`idPart`),
  KEY `Parts_idManufacturer_FKIndex` (`idManufacturer`),
  CONSTRAINT `Parts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idManufacturer`) REFERENCES 
`Manufacturers` (`idManufacturer`)


And my database contains:
  123   Any Company Inc.

  idPart  idManufacturer  partnumber
  1   123 12345

Now, let's say I want to do this:
  DELETE FROM Manufacturers WHERE idManufacturer=123

Because I have a part that references Manufacturer #123, I have to do this 

  DELETE FROM Parts WHERE idManufacturer=123
  DELETE FROM Manufacturer WHERE idManufacturer=123

What I want is something I can feed the table definitions to, and the name of 
the table I want to delete a row from (in this case 'Manufacturers'), and 
generate a list of the DELETE commands that would allow me to delete that row 
while enforcing FK dependencies.

I figure this is going to have to work something like mathematical expression 
evaluation -- build up a list of dependencies, then deal with the deepest 
dependency first. Catch being I can't see an obvious way to deal with 
generating the necessary DELETE commands without having to write a massive if 
recursion_level = 0 then generate_a_straight_delete else if recursion_level = 
1 then... statement...

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Re: Algorithm for resolving foreign key dependencies?

2009-02-03 Thread ddevaudreuil
Try looking at the  information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table (where
referenced_table_schema is not null).  It will show you the FK
relationships.  You could then create a tree that you could use to find the
hierarchy.  For that, I suggest looking at  The
information_schema table is already sort of an edge-list, although each
node is made up of the tuple (table_schema, table_name, column_name) or
(referenced_table_schema, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name).


news wrote on 02/03/2009 05:38:34 PM:

 Andy Shellam wrote:
  Am I missing something here?  (It is late after a long day, I admit!)

 Only something I forgot to mention.

 All the foreign keys are set up as ON DELETE RESTRICT, meaning MySQL's
 response to a foreign key violation is to spit out an error message to
 effect of I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that.

 The problem is, the target platform doesn't use foreign keys for
 reasons. I want to use foreign keys in development as a
bug-trappingmethod --
 I'd rather see an FK violation error in development than get an angry
 from a customer asking why there's a part listed that doesn't seem to
have a

 The plan was to write a code-generator that would generate all the
 code for me, then I could deal with the page templates and display logic
 myself (thus eliminating ~80% of the boring, repetitive work). I want the

 generated code to handle foreign keys itself, rather than relying on
 the database.

 As I said above, if foreign key constraints didn't slow things down
 I'd use them in production. Based on the (admittedly limited) testing
 done, application-side FK enforcement is considerably faster than using
 DELETE CASCADE and letting MySQL deal with the foreign keys.

 I don't like writing database code by hand (it all follows a standard
 template), so I figured I'd write a program to do it for me. Work
 smarter not
 harder and all that :)

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Re: Algorithm for resolving foreign key dependencies?

2009-02-03 Thread Andrew Garner
Sounds like you want to walk tables in order of their fk dependencies
- a topological ordering.  You might want to take a look at SQLAlchemy
which has some methods to do just this in sqlalchemy.sql.util:

def sort_tables(tables, reverse=False):
sort a collection of Table objects in order of their
foreign-key dependency.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Philip Pemberton wrote:
  First of all, I apologise in advance for any mind-altering, or
 headache-inducing effects this question may have. I've spent the past two
 days trying to figure it out, and all I've got to show for it is a
 mostly-working recursive depth-first-search routine and an empty packet of

 MySQL version: 5.0.67-0ubuntu6

 I'm trying to write a code generator (in Python) that reads in a MySQL
 database, enumerates all the tables, then produces INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE
 code in PHP. The INSERT and UPDATE code generation was fairly easy, and
 works quite well. What I'm having trouble with is the DELETE code generator
 -- more specifically, resolving foreign key references.

 Basically, what I have is a tree built in memory, so I can go:
 And get a complete list of all the tables (and the fields within that table)
 that reference 'fieldname' in 'thetable'.

 What I want is an answer to the question: If all my foreign keys were set
 to 'ON DELETE CASCADE', what would I need to do to delete row 'X' in table
 'Y' without violating any foreign key constraints?

 Here's an example. Let's say I've got these tables:

 CREATE TABLE `Manufacturers` (
  `idManufacturer` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`idManufacturer`)

  `idPart` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `idManufacturer` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `partnumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`idPart`),
  KEY `Parts_idManufacturer_FKIndex` (`idManufacturer`),
  CONSTRAINT `Parts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idManufacturer`) REFERENCES
 `Manufacturers` (`idManufacturer`)

 And my database contains:
  123   Any Company Inc.

  idPart  idManufacturer  partnumber
  1   123 12345

 Now, let's say I want to do this:
  DELETE FROM Manufacturers WHERE idManufacturer=123

 Because I have a part that references Manufacturer #123, I have to do this
  DELETE FROM Parts WHERE idManufacturer=123
  DELETE FROM Manufacturer WHERE idManufacturer=123

 What I want is something I can feed the table definitions to, and the name
 of the table I want to delete a row from (in this case 'Manufacturers'), and
 generate a list of the DELETE commands that would allow me to delete that
 row while enforcing FK dependencies.

 I figure this is going to have to work something like mathematical
 expression evaluation -- build up a list of dependencies, then deal with the
 deepest dependency first. Catch being I can't see an obvious way to deal
 with generating the necessary DELETE commands without having to write a
 massive if recursion_level = 0 then generate_a_straight_delete else if
 recursion_level = 1 then... statement...

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2009-02-03 Thread Jerry Schwartz


From: Martin Gainty [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 1:03 PM
To: Jerry Schwartz;
Subject: RE: WHERE vs. ON


ON condition uses the same columnname from both source and target tables

whereas any column expressions can go in the WHERE clause...

[JS] That isn't necessarily true.


ON a.x = b.y

Is valid.

Re: Algorithm for resolving foreign key dependencies?

2009-02-03 Thread Philip Pemberton

Andy Shellam wrote:

Am I missing something here?  (It is late after a long day, I admit!)

Only something I forgot to mention.

All the foreign keys are set up as ON DELETE RESTRICT, meaning MySQL's 
response to a foreign key violation is to spit out an error message to the 
effect of I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that.

The problem is, the target platform doesn't use foreign keys for performance 
reasons. I want to use foreign keys in development as a bug-trapping method -- 
I'd rather see an FK violation error in development than get an angry email 
from a customer asking why there's a part listed that doesn't seem to have a 

The plan was to write a code-generator that would generate all the database 
code for me, then I could deal with the page templates and display logic 
myself (thus eliminating ~80% of the boring, repetitive work). I want the 
generated code to handle foreign keys itself, rather than relying on the database.

As I said above, if foreign key constraints didn't slow things down markedly, 
I'd use them in production. Based on the (admittedly limited) testing I've 
done, application-side FK enforcement is considerably faster than using ON 
DELETE CASCADE and letting MySQL deal with the foreign keys.

I don't like writing database code by hand (it all follows a standard 
template), so I figured I'd write a program to do it for me. Work smarter not 
harder and all that :)

If mail bounces, replace 08 with the last two digits of the current year.

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Re: Algorithm for resolving foreign key dependencies?

2009-02-03 Thread Andy Shellam

Hi Philip,

Am I missing something here?  (It is late after a long day, I admit!)

In the example case you've given, if the foreign key in Parts is set to 
ON DELETE CASCADE, and you delete a row from Manufacturer, MySQL will 
first delete the associated records in Parts before deleting the row 
from Manufacturer - all you have to do is issue the DELETE FROM 
Manufacturer WHERE  query - MySQL will handle the rest.

If Parts was also the primary key table for another table (e.g. 
PartNumbers) and that relationship was set to ON DELETE CASCADE, and you 
issued the DELETE FROM Manufacturer... query, MySQL would delete the 
associated records from all 3 tables automatically.

The only time you'd have to manually issue all 3 DELETE statements were 
if your foreign keys didn't have the ON DELETE CASCADE option set.


Philip Pemberton wrote:

  First of all, I apologise in advance for any mind-altering, or 
headache-inducing effects this question may have. I've spent the past 
two days trying to figure it out, and all I've got to show for it is a 
mostly-working recursive depth-first-search routine and an empty 
packet of painkillers.

MySQL version: 5.0.67-0ubuntu6

I'm trying to write a code generator (in Python) that reads in a MySQL 
database, enumerates all the tables, then produces INSERT, DELETE and 
UPDATE code in PHP. The INSERT and UPDATE code generation was fairly 
easy, and works quite well. What I'm having trouble with is the DELETE 
code generator -- more specifically, resolving foreign key references.

Basically, what I have is a tree built in memory, so I can go:
And get a complete list of all the tables (and the fields within that 
table) that reference 'fieldname' in 'thetable'.

What I want is an answer to the question: If all my foreign keys were 
set to 'ON DELETE CASCADE', what would I need to do to delete row 'X' 
in table 'Y' without violating any foreign key constraints?

Here's an example. Let's say I've got these tables:

CREATE TABLE `Manufacturers` (
  `idManufacturer` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`idManufacturer`)

  `idPart` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `idManufacturer` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `partnumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`idPart`),
  KEY `Parts_idManufacturer_FKIndex` (`idManufacturer`),
  CONSTRAINT `Parts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`idManufacturer`) REFERENCES 
`Manufacturers` (`idManufacturer`)


And my database contains:
  123   Any Company Inc.

  idPart  idManufacturer  partnumber
  1   123 12345

Now, let's say I want to do this:
  DELETE FROM Manufacturers WHERE idManufacturer=123

Because I have a part that references Manufacturer #123, I have to do 
this instead:

  DELETE FROM Parts WHERE idManufacturer=123
  DELETE FROM Manufacturer WHERE idManufacturer=123

What I want is something I can feed the table definitions to, and the 
name of the table I want to delete a row from (in this case 
'Manufacturers'), and generate a list of the DELETE commands that 
would allow me to delete that row while enforcing FK dependencies.

I figure this is going to have to work something like mathematical 
expression evaluation -- build up a list of dependencies, then deal 
with the deepest dependency first. Catch being I can't see an obvious 
way to deal with generating the necessary DELETE commands without 
having to write a massive if recursion_level = 0 then 
generate_a_straight_delete else if recursion_level = 1 then... 


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Re: Algorithm for resolving foreign key dependencies?

2009-02-03 Thread Peter Brawley


Try looking at the information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table (where
referenced_table_schema is not null). It will show you the FK
relationships. You could then create a tree that you could use to find the
hierarchy. For that, I suggest looking at The
information_schema table is already sort of an edge-list, although each
node is made up of the tuple (table_schema, table_name, column_name) or
(referenced_table_schema, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name).

Yep that's a tree but it ain't the one he needs. He can build a tree of 
the FK children of db.tbl by modifying Listing 7 in 
to use a version of the followings query as the algorithm walks down the 

|SELECT c.table_schema,u.table_name,u.column_name,u.referenced_column_name
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS u
USING( constraint_schema, constraint_name )
WHERE c.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' 
AND u.referenced_table_schema='db'

AND u.referenced_table_name = 'tbl'
ORDER BY c.table_schema,u.table_name;  |


- wrote:

Try looking at the  information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table (where
referenced_table_schema is not null).  It will show you the FK
relationships.  You could then create a tree that you could use to find the
hierarchy.  For that, I suggest looking at  The
information_schema table is already sort of an edge-list, although each
node is made up of the tuple (table_schema, table_name, column_name) or
(referenced_table_schema, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name).


news wrote on 02/03/2009 05:38:34 PM:


Andy Shellam wrote:

Am I missing something here?  (It is late after a long day, I admit!)

Only something I forgot to mention.

All the foreign keys are set up as ON DELETE RESTRICT, meaning MySQL's
response to a foreign key violation is to spit out an error message to


effect of I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that.

The problem is, the target platform doesn't use foreign keys for


reasons. I want to use foreign keys in development as a

bug-trappingmethod --

I'd rather see an FK violation error in development than get an angry


from a customer asking why there's a part listed that doesn't seem to

have a


The plan was to write a code-generator that would generate all the


code for me, then I could deal with the page templates and display logic
myself (thus eliminating ~80% of the boring, repetitive work). I want the


generated code to handle foreign keys itself, rather than relying on
the database.

As I said above, if foreign key constraints didn't slow things down


I'd use them in production. Based on the (admittedly limited) testing


done, application-side FK enforcement is considerably faster than using


DELETE CASCADE and letting MySQL deal with the foreign keys.

I don't like writing database code by hand (it all follows a standard
template), so I figured I'd write a program to do it for me. Work
smarter not
harder and all that :)

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