MySQL Plugin

2009-12-23 Thread Kaushal Shriyan

I am running collectd
( version 4.9.0 on
Ubuntu Linux 8.04 (Hardy) Server.

Plugin mysql
   Database SMSPAY
   Host localhost
   User nagios
   Database smspay
   Socket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld1.sock
#   MasterStats true
   Database SMSIN
   Host localhost
   User nagios
   Database smsin
   Socket /var/run/mysql/mysqld2.sock
#   SlaveStats true
#   SlaveNotifications true

# mysql -u nagios -h localhost -S /var/run/mysqld/mysqld1.sock
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 50
Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4-log (Ubuntu)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql show databases;
| Database   |
| information_schema |
| mysql  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql quit
# mysql -u nagios -h localhost -S /var/run/mysqld/mysqld2.sock
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 23
Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4-log (Ubuntu)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql show databases;
| Database   |
| information_schema |
| SMSIN  |
| mysql  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


I get the below issue in the collectd.log

[2009-12-21 03:12:22] mysql_real_connect failed: Access denied for
user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
[2009-12-21 03:12:22] read-function of plugin `mysql' failed. Will
suspend it for 10 seconds.

I am not able to figure out why i get r...@localhost and not
nag...@localhost in the collectd.log file even after specifying it in
the collectd.conf file.

Please suggest/guide.



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help design the table

2009-12-23 Thread Eva

I have a table, which has a column named as domain, each domain has
some IPs, each IP has two attributes: disabled,noticed.

For example, the table:


But I don't know how to control the IP's attributes if I set this

Please help,thanks.


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Re: help design the table

2009-12-23 Thread Mikhail Berman
Hi Eva,

It seems to me that you might want to have two tables that will describe
data in your database

* - IPS

DOMAINS table should contain two fields:

* `domain_key` - auto-increment
* `domain_name` - varchar(20)

IPS table should contain three fields

domain_key - int(10) - being a foreign key to DOMAINS table
ip_number - varchar(15)
ip_attribute - varchar(10)

Hoping this gives you some ideas how to handle this data.


Mikhail Berman

Eva wrote:

 I have a table, which has a column named as domain, each domain has
 some IPs, each IP has two attributes: disabled,noticed.

 For example, the table:


 But I don't know how to control the IP's attributes if I set this

 Please help,thanks.



MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: help design the table

2009-12-23 Thread Jerry Schwartz
-Original Message-
From: Mikhail Berman []
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 9:16 AM
To: Eva
Subject: Re: help design the table

Hi Eva,

It seems to me that you might want to have two tables that will describe
data in your database

* - IPS

DOMAINS table should contain two fields:

* `domain_key` - auto-increment
* `domain_name` - varchar(20)

[JS] Quick reminder: domain names can be much longer than 20 characters. 
Otherwise, your suggestion is wise.

Also, Eva, you should check out the MySQL functions INET_ATON(expr) and 
INET_NTOA(expr). Before you use them, though, check to make sure they handle 
IP6 addresses. If they do, then you should store your IP addresses as 

IPS table should contain three fields

domain_key - int(10) - being a foreign key to DOMAINS table
ip_number - varchar(15)
ip_attribute - varchar(10)

Hoping this gives you some ideas how to handle this data.


Mikhail Berman

Eva wrote:

 I have a table, which has a column named as domain, each domain has
 some IPs, each IP has two attributes: disabled,noticed.

 For example, the table:


 But I don't know how to control the IP's attributes if I set this

 Please help,thanks.


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Table level locking when inserting auto-increment PK to InnoDB

2009-12-23 Thread Ryan Chan

Back to few years ago, InnoDB require table level locking when
inserting auto-increment PK to the table, and Heikki said there will
be a fix.

Is this problem still exist now?

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HELP! RESET MASTER hosed replication

2009-12-23 Thread Daevid Vincent
I got an alert that one of the drives was filling up (3% free). So I
figured out that a large chunk was from /var/log/mysql

r...@pse10:~# find / -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 du -sk | sort -rn |
head -n20  ~/dir-sizes.txt

r...@pse10:~# cat ~/dir-sizes.txt
159121012 /
70442396  /var
70127764  /var/log
69991160  /var/log/mysql big offender
56307436  /data
31479936  /home
29386076  /data/mysql
26899784  /data/archive

It looked like the /var/log/mysql was pretty full of these Mysql-bin.00
log files, 

-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105019928 2009-12-23 05:07 mysql-bin.001196
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105004751 2009-12-23 05:08 mysql-bin.001197
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104978518 2009-12-23 05:10 mysql-bin.001198
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104949073 2009-12-23 05:11 mysql-bin.001199
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104925795 2009-12-23 05:13 mysql-bin.001200
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104974354 2009-12-23 05:14 mysql-bin.001201
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105089249 2009-12-23 05:16 mysql-bin.001202
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105165487 2009-12-23 05:17 mysql-bin.001203
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104926853 2009-12-23 05:19 mysql-bin.001204
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105139076 2009-12-23 05:20 mysql-bin.001205
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104891552 2009-12-23 05:22 mysql-bin.001206
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104959626 2009-12-23 05:25 mysql-bin.001207
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104883048 2009-12-23 05:27 mysql-bin.001208
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104993511 2009-12-23 05:28 mysql-bin.001209
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104945974 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001210
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm  35468892 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001211
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 21728 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.index
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 12836 2009-12-23 00:12 mysql-slow.log

so I took the liberty of resetting them...

vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ dbroot
(r...@localhost) [(none)] RESET MASTER;

vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ ll
total 2792
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 2801618 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.01
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm  32 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.index
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm   14987 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-slow.log
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1102 2009-12-22 00:13 mysql-slow.log.1.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 891 2009-12-21 00:02 mysql-slow.log.2.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1318 2009-12-20 00:02 mysql-slow.log.3.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 687 2009-12-19 00:02 mysql-slow.log.4.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm5246 2009-12-17 20:38 mysql-slow.log.5.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 156 2009-12-16 06:25 mysql-slow.log.6.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1114 2009-12-15 16:26 mysql-slow.log.7.gz

Which freed up a tremendous amount of space again...

However, a co-worker informed me that now our slaves are broken and
replication is hosed! 
What did I do wrong or forget to do? 
I see no mention of something I was supposed to do for replication
Was I supposed to RESET SLAVE too?

As of right now, /var/log/mysql has grown to mysql-bin.28 since last
night when I reset it.
How do I recover from this?

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: HELP! RESET MASTER hosed replication

2009-12-23 Thread Claudio Nanni
That was a wrong operation to do.
Anyway, issue a show master status, and set the replucation again on the
slave with the new values. Next time look for 'purge binary logs'!

On 23 dec 2009 21:21, Daevid Vincent wrote:

I got an alert that one of the drives was filling up (3% free). So I
figured out that a large chunk was from /var/log/mysql

r...@pse10:~# find / -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 du -sk | sort -rn |
head -n20  ~/dir-sizes.txt

r...@pse10:~# cat ~/dir-sizes.txt
159121012 /
70442396  /var
70127764  /var/log
69991160  /var/log/mysql big offender
56307436  /data
31479936  /home
29386076  /data/mysql
26899784  /data/archive

It looked like the /var/log/mysql was pretty full of these Mysql-bin.00
log files,

-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105019928 2009-12-23 05:07 mysql-bin.001196
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105004751 2009-12-23 05:08 mysql-bin.001197
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104978518 2009-12-23 05:10 mysql-bin.001198
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104949073 2009-12-23 05:11 mysql-bin.001199
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104925795 2009-12-23 05:13 mysql-bin.001200
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104974354 2009-12-23 05:14 mysql-bin.001201
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105089249 2009-12-23 05:16 mysql-bin.001202
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105165487 2009-12-23 05:17 mysql-bin.001203
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104926853 2009-12-23 05:19 mysql-bin.001204
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105139076 2009-12-23 05:20 mysql-bin.001205
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104891552 2009-12-23 05:22 mysql-bin.001206
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104959626 2009-12-23 05:25 mysql-bin.001207
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104883048 2009-12-23 05:27 mysql-bin.001208
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104993511 2009-12-23 05:28 mysql-bin.001209
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104945974 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001210
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm  35468892 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001211
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 21728 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.index
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 12836 2009-12-23 00:12 mysql-slow.log

so I took the liberty of resetting them...

vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ dbroot
(r...@localhost) [(none)] RESET MASTER;

vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ ll
total 2792
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 2801618 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.01
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm  32 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.index
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm   14987 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-slow.log
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1102 2009-12-22 00:13 mysql-slow.log.1.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 891 2009-12-21 00:02 mysql-slow.log.2.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1318 2009-12-20 00:02 mysql-slow.log.3.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 687 2009-12-19 00:02 mysql-slow.log.4.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm5246 2009-12-17 20:38 mysql-slow.log.5.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 156 2009-12-16 06:25 mysql-slow.log.6.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1114 2009-12-15 16:26 mysql-slow.log.7.gz

Which freed up a tremendous amount of space again...

However, a co-worker informed me that now our slaves are broken and
replication is hosed!
What did I do wrong or forget to do?
I see no mention of something I was supposed to do for replication
Was I supposed to RESET SLAVE too?

As of right now, /var/log/mysql has grown to mysql-bin.28 since last
night when I reset it.
How do I recover from this?

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: HELP! RESET MASTER hosed replication

2009-12-23 Thread Carlos Proal

The issue is that replication relies on  this logs !!!, so when you 
deleted them .

Generally speaking you have to:
 stop the slave
 sync the master with the slave (there are several ways to do this and 
depending how busy is your master)

grab the master status (position)
change the slave to point to the master new position
start the slave

Hope this helps.


On 12/23/2009 2:20 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

I got an alert that one of the drives was filling up (3% free). So I
figured out that a large chunk was from /var/log/mysql

r...@pse10:~# find / -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 du -sk | sort -rn |
head -n20  ~/dir-sizes.txt

r...@pse10:~# cat ~/dir-sizes.txt
159121012 /
70442396  /var
70127764  /var/log
69991160  /var/log/mysql big offender
56307436  /data
31479936  /home
29386076  /data/mysql
26899784  /data/archive

It looked like the /var/log/mysql was pretty full of these Mysql-bin.00
log files,

-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105019928 2009-12-23 05:07 mysql-bin.001196
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105004751 2009-12-23 05:08 mysql-bin.001197
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104978518 2009-12-23 05:10 mysql-bin.001198
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104949073 2009-12-23 05:11 mysql-bin.001199
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104925795 2009-12-23 05:13 mysql-bin.001200
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104974354 2009-12-23 05:14 mysql-bin.001201
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105089249 2009-12-23 05:16 mysql-bin.001202
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105165487 2009-12-23 05:17 mysql-bin.001203
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104926853 2009-12-23 05:19 mysql-bin.001204
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105139076 2009-12-23 05:20 mysql-bin.001205
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104891552 2009-12-23 05:22 mysql-bin.001206
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104959626 2009-12-23 05:25 mysql-bin.001207
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104883048 2009-12-23 05:27 mysql-bin.001208
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104993511 2009-12-23 05:28 mysql-bin.001209
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104945974 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001210
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm  35468892 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001211
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 21728 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.index
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 12836 2009-12-23 00:12 mysql-slow.log

so I took the liberty of resetting them...

vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ dbroot
(r...@localhost) [(none)]  RESET MASTER;

vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ ll
total 2792
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm 2801618 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.01
-rw-rw 1 mysql adm  32 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.index
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm   14987 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-slow.log
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1102 2009-12-22 00:13 mysql-slow.log.1.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 891 2009-12-21 00:02 mysql-slow.log.2.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1318 2009-12-20 00:02 mysql-slow.log.3.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 687 2009-12-19 00:02 mysql-slow.log.4.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm5246 2009-12-17 20:38 mysql-slow.log.5.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm 156 2009-12-16 06:25 mysql-slow.log.6.gz
-rw-r- 1 mysql adm1114 2009-12-15 16:26 mysql-slow.log.7.gz

Which freed up a tremendous amount of space again...

However, a co-worker informed me that now our slaves are broken and
replication is hosed!
What did I do wrong or forget to do?
I see no mention of something I was supposed to do for replication
Was I supposed to RESET SLAVE too?

As of right now, /var/log/mysql has grown to mysql-bin.28 since last
night when I reset it.
How do I recover from this?


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: HELP! RESET MASTER hosed replication

2009-12-23 Thread Claudio Nanni
In this case it should not be needed to sync the slave,
Resetting the master basically broke the 'pipe' but events are still on the
new binary logs, it might have lost some event in some unfortunate case, but
anyway it is probably for now to put slave back on track, check and
eventually resync.

On 23 dec 2009 21:35, Carlos Proal wrote:

The issue is that replication relies on  this logs !!!, so when you deleted
them .
Generally speaking you have to:
 stop the slave
 sync the master with the slave (there are several ways to do this and
depending how busy is your master)
grab the master status (position)
change the slave to point to the master new position
start the slave

Hope this helps.


On 12/23/2009 2:20 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:   I got an alert that one of
the drives was filling...

Re: HELP! RESET MASTER hosed replication

2009-12-23 Thread prabhat kumar
*Next time look for 'purge binary logs'!*

Purge may also cause problem , before doing purge make sure slave is in sync
with master or at least cross check slave currently which bin file getting

On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Carlos Proal

 The issue is that replication relies on  this logs !!!, so when you deleted
 them .
 Generally speaking you have to:
  stop the slave
  sync the master with the slave (there are several ways to do this and
 depending how busy is your master)
 grab the master status (position)
 change the slave to point to the master new position
 start the slave

 Hope this helps.


 On 12/23/2009 2:20 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

 I got an alert that one of the drives was filling up (3% free). So I
 figured out that a large chunk was from /var/log/mysql

 r...@pse10:~# find / -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 du -sk | sort -rn |
 head -n20  ~/dir-sizes.txt

 r...@pse10:~# cat ~/dir-sizes.txt
 159121012 /
 70442396  /var
 70127764  /var/log
 69991160  /var/log/mysql big offender
 56307436  /data
 31479936  /home
 29386076  /data/mysql
 26899784  /data/archive

 It looked like the /var/log/mysql was pretty full of these
 log files,

 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105019928 2009-12-23 05:07 mysql-bin.001196
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105004751 2009-12-23 05:08 mysql-bin.001197
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104978518 2009-12-23 05:10 mysql-bin.001198
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104949073 2009-12-23 05:11 mysql-bin.001199
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104925795 2009-12-23 05:13 mysql-bin.001200
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104974354 2009-12-23 05:14 mysql-bin.001201
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105089249 2009-12-23 05:16 mysql-bin.001202
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105165487 2009-12-23 05:17 mysql-bin.001203
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104926853 2009-12-23 05:19 mysql-bin.001204
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105139076 2009-12-23 05:20 mysql-bin.001205
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104891552 2009-12-23 05:22 mysql-bin.001206
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104959626 2009-12-23 05:25 mysql-bin.001207
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104883048 2009-12-23 05:27 mysql-bin.001208
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104993511 2009-12-23 05:28 mysql-bin.001209
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104945974 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001210
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm  35468892 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001211
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 21728 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.index
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm 12836 2009-12-23 00:12 mysql-slow.log

 so I took the liberty of resetting them...

 vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ dbroot
 (r...@localhost) [(none)]  RESET MASTER;

 vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ ll
 total 2792
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 2801618 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.01
 -rw-rw 1 mysql adm  32 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.index
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm   14987 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-slow.log
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm1102 2009-12-22 00:13 mysql-slow.log.1.gz
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm 891 2009-12-21 00:02 mysql-slow.log.2.gz
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm1318 2009-12-20 00:02 mysql-slow.log.3.gz
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm 687 2009-12-19 00:02 mysql-slow.log.4.gz
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm5246 2009-12-17 20:38 mysql-slow.log.5.gz
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm 156 2009-12-16 06:25 mysql-slow.log.6.gz
 -rw-r- 1 mysql adm1114 2009-12-15 16:26 mysql-slow.log.7.gz

 Which freed up a tremendous amount of space again...

 However, a co-worker informed me that now our slaves are broken and
 replication is hosed!
 What did I do wrong or forget to do?
 I see no mention of something I was supposed to do for replication
 Was I supposed to RESET SLAVE too?

 As of right now, /var/log/mysql has grown to mysql-bin.28 since last
 night when I reset it.
 How do I recover from this?

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:

Best Regards,

Prabhat Kumar
Datavail-India Mumbai
Mobile : 91-9987681929

My Blog:
My LinkedIn:

RE: HELP! RESET MASTER hosed replication

2009-12-23 Thread Daevid Vincent
Thank you guys for the tips. 

I've also updated the documentation so others don't run into this:

 -Original Message-
 From: prabhat kumar [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 12:46 PM
 To: Carlos Proal
 Subject: Re: HELP! RESET MASTER hosed replication
 *Next time look for 'purge binary logs'!*
 Purge may also cause problem , before doing purge make sure 
 slave is in sync
 with master or at least cross check slave currently which bin 
 file getting
 On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Carlos Proal
  The issue is that replication relies on  this logs !!!, so 
 when you deleted
  them .
  Generally speaking you have to:
   stop the slave
   sync the master with the slave (there are several ways to 
 do this and
  depending how busy is your master)
  grab the master status (position)
  change the slave to point to the master new position
  start the slave
  Hope this helps.
  On 12/23/2009 2:20 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:
  I got an alert that one of the drives was filling up (3% 
 free). So I
  figured out that a large chunk was from /var/log/mysql
  r...@pse10:~# find / -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 du -sk 
 | sort -rn |
  head -n20  ~/dir-sizes.txt
  r...@pse10:~# cat ~/dir-sizes.txt
  159121012 /
  70442396  /var
  70127764  /var/log
  69991160  /var/log/mysql big offender
  56307436  /data
  31479936  /home
  29386076  /data/mysql
  26899784  /data/archive
  It looked like the /var/log/mysql was pretty full of these
  log files,
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105019928 2009-12-23 05:07 mysql-bin.001196
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105004751 2009-12-23 05:08 mysql-bin.001197
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104978518 2009-12-23 05:10 mysql-bin.001198
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104949073 2009-12-23 05:11 mysql-bin.001199
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104925795 2009-12-23 05:13 mysql-bin.001200
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104974354 2009-12-23 05:14 mysql-bin.001201
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105089249 2009-12-23 05:16 mysql-bin.001202
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105165487 2009-12-23 05:17 mysql-bin.001203
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104926853 2009-12-23 05:19 mysql-bin.001204
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 105139076 2009-12-23 05:20 mysql-bin.001205
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104891552 2009-12-23 05:22 mysql-bin.001206
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104959626 2009-12-23 05:25 mysql-bin.001207
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104883048 2009-12-23 05:27 mysql-bin.001208
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104993511 2009-12-23 05:28 mysql-bin.001209
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 104945974 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001210
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm  35468892 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.001211
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 21728 2009-12-23 05:30 mysql-bin.index
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm 12836 2009-12-23 00:12 mysql-slow.log
  so I took the liberty of resetting them...
  vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ dbroot
  (r...@localhost) [(none)]  RESET MASTER;
  vince...@pse10 /var/log/mysql $ ll
  total 2792
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm 2801618 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.01
  -rw-rw 1 mysql adm  32 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-bin.index
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm   14987 2009-12-23 05:35 mysql-slow.log
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm1102 2009-12-22 00:13 mysql-slow.log.1.gz
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm 891 2009-12-21 00:02 mysql-slow.log.2.gz
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm1318 2009-12-20 00:02 mysql-slow.log.3.gz
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm 687 2009-12-19 00:02 mysql-slow.log.4.gz
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm5246 2009-12-17 20:38 mysql-slow.log.5.gz
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm 156 2009-12-16 06:25 mysql-slow.log.6.gz
  -rw-r- 1 mysql adm1114 2009-12-15 16:26 mysql-slow.log.7.gz
  Which freed up a tremendous amount of space again...
  However, a co-worker informed me that now our slaves are broken and
  replication is hosed!
  What did I do wrong or forget to do?
  I see no mention of something I was supposed to do for replication
  Was I supposed to RESET SLAVE too?
  As of right now, /var/log/mysql has grown to 
 mysql-bin.28 since last
  night when I reset it.
  How do I recover from this?
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Re: HELP! RESET MASTER hosed replication

2009-12-23 Thread Carlos Proal

Yep, It might not be needed to sync, but its better to double check ;).


On 12/23/2009 2:44 PM, Claudio Nanni wrote:

In this case it should not be needed to sync the slave,
Resetting the master basically broke the 'pipe' but events are still 
on the new binary logs, it might have lost some event in some 
unfortunate case, but anyway it is probably for now to put slave back 
on track, check and eventually resync.


On 23 dec 2009 21:35, Carlos Proal wrote:

The issue is that replication relies on  this logs !!!, so when you 
deleted them .

Generally speaking you have to:
 stop the slave
 sync the master with the slave (there are several ways to do this 
and depending how busy is your master)

grab the master status (position)
change the slave to point to the master new position
start the slave

Hope this helps.


On 12/23/2009 2:20 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:   I got an alert that 
one of the drives was filling...

Slave is not updated

2009-12-23 Thread Jeetendra Ranjan

I am getting this information from slave 

mysql show slave status \G;
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Connecting to master
Master_User: root
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: ip-201-107-236-77-bin.42
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 4702
 Relay_Log_File: ip-95-84-86-41-relay-bin.01
  Relay_Log_Pos: 98
  Relay_Master_Log_File: ip-201-107-236-77-bin.42
   Slave_IO_Running: No
  Slave_IO_Running: Yes
 Last_Errno: 0
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 4702
Relay_Log_Space: 98
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: No
  Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL

The Slave_IO_Running is always No even after repeating below steps so many times

stop slave



start slave

Please guide why this is always NO and how do i enable it ?

Jeetendra Ranjan

RE: Slave is not updated

2009-12-23 Thread Parikh, Dilip Kumar
You can see connecting to master means it is not able to establish the
connection from slave to master, give the grants as (replication client
and then try again.

Database Engineering

-Original Message-
From: Jeetendra Ranjan [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 1:05 PM
Subject: Slave is not updated


I am getting this information from slave 

mysql show slave status \G;
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Connecting to master
Master_User: root
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: ip-201-107-236-77-bin.42
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 4702
 Relay_Log_File: ip-95-84-86-41-relay-bin.01
  Relay_Log_Pos: 98
  Relay_Master_Log_File: ip-201-107-236-77-bin.42
   Slave_IO_Running: No
  Slave_IO_Running: Yes
 Last_Errno: 0
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 4702
Relay_Log_Space: 98
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: No
  Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL

The Slave_IO_Running is always No even after repeating below steps so
many times

stop slave



start slave

Please guide why this is always NO and how do i enable it ?

Jeetendra Ranjan

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