Replication Sync Error

2011-06-23 Thread Anupam Karmarkar
Hi All,

We are running semi-sync replication on production server, last week found out 
that replication suck at some event schedule created at master, as that was not 
important i skipped that started replication again, found out that slave is 
days behind at master, i invested gate more and found that it is read 200 MB of 
binary file and few more need to be read by salve get in sync, still i think 
200 MB file should not take hours to read, any ways but in error logs i am keep 
on getting following error 

110623 15:50:56 [Note] Semi-sync replication switched OFF.
110623 15:50:56 [Note] Semi-sync replication switched ON with slave (server_id: 
2) at (master-bin.31, 15494716)
110623 15:51:02 [Warning] Timeout waiting for reply of binlog (file: 
master-bin.31, pos: 15505733), semi-sync up to file master-bin.31, 
position 15505129.

can any one help on this. 


sql query advise

2011-06-23 Thread Norman Khine
i have this SQL code in a python programme but i wanted to change the
SQL so that it returns totals for each date. or do i have to make a
loop for each date range so that i get the following results which
then i would like to plot on a graph.

$ python
(2L, Decimal('173.958344'), Decimal('159.966349')) 2011-06-23
(6L, Decimal('623.858200'), Decimal('581.882214')) 2011-06-22

here is the code:



˙ʇı ɹoɟ ƃuıʎɐd ǝɹ,noʎ ʍou puɐ ǝɔıoɥɔ ɐ ʞooʇ ı ʇɐɥʇ sı 'ʇlnɔıɟɟıp sı ʇɐɥʍ
˙uʍop ǝpısdn p,uɹnʇ pןɹoʍ ǝɥʇ ǝǝs noʎ 'ʇuǝɯɐן sǝɯıʇ ǝɥʇ puɐ 'ʇuǝʇuoɔ
ǝq s,ʇǝן ʇǝʎ
% .join( [ {'*':'@','^':'.'}.get(c,None) or
chr(97+(ord(c)-83)%26) for c in ,adym,*)uzq^zqf ] )

Help making tablespaces work for my application

2011-06-23 Thread Natusch, Paul

I have an application for which data is being written to many disks
simultaneously.  I would like to use a MySQL table space on each disk.
If one of the disks crashes it is tolerable to lose that data, however,
I must continue to write to the other disks.My specific concerns are
around the redo/undo log.


It is my understanding that there is a separate undo log for each table
space and a single redo log for the CLUSTER of all of the table spaces.
Is that correct?


1.What happens if a disk containing a table space ( but not the
redo log) crashes.  Will MySql continue writing to the other disks.
Will the redo log be corrupted at this point or would it continue to be
valid with the understanding that there is no more data being added for
the crashed disk. Could the redo log be used to restore the data on the
crashed disk to the point of the crash?


2.What happens if the disk containing the signal redo log
crashes.  Does that halt the system until the disk is returned.  Is
there any way of allowing the system to run without a redo log in this
situation?  Is there any way to distribute the redo logs to the location
of the tablespaces?  If I were to put the redo log on a raid disk, I
assume that would allow the system to continue running in these
scenarios.  I would prefer a solution that does not add this cost to the


Thanks for your help
