Using an array(-ish) in SQL queries

2004-11-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
X-posted to MySQL and PHP DB
Hi gang
Task at hand: deleting or selecting (same difference) several numbers of 
records using only 1 query.

My first version simply looped through all the ticked off IDs and ran a 
single query for each delete routine. I've still not suceeded in getting 
the delete queries to work on multiple tables at once, despite the column 
names being the same. But besides this:

My current version generates, for multi-select cases, queries like this:
DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID`='1' OR ID`='2' OR `ID`='3' OR `ID`='4' OR 
`ID`='5' OR `ID`='6'

or similar with the SELECT statement.
On some occasions this can result in a very large amount of OR statements, 
like for 50 IDs totally.

I've been reading through the MySQL manual and the comments in the select 
and delete parts, but cannot seem to find any mentioning of an easier way 
to do this. Or it's been deluting me cuz English is my second language, so 
the MySQL manual doesn't always make much sense to me.

I'm looking for something like passing on an array (as comma-seperated-list 
maybe), and then just do statements like:

DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID` ISIN(1,2,3,4,5,6)
Did I totally miss that part of the manual, or is it just not possible with 

Now, for my script it doesn't really matter much which approach to use, but 
was more thinking performance wise it ought to be faster and less taxing 
for the server to parse an SQL statement that's closer to table structure, 
rather than the OR statements that has to be transformed first.

Sorry if I'm just a blind mouse that can't seem to find things in the MySQL 
manual. It's not really my best friend...

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Re: ampersands in the database fields

2004-11-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Simple: don't convert it to HTML before inserting it. I used to do that as 
well, but it causes problems when using searches for several reasons, 
mostly because you have to convert the search query to HTML, which takes 
time, and then send the more complex data structure to the server, which 
also takes more time (albeit extremely little difference).

Converting the entries upon retrieval rather than insert is a little bit 
slower, but it pays off in the searches being more reliable.

At 03:14 03-11-2004, leegold wrote:
The subject title is a sedgeway into my question that may slightly of
topic but I've asked many sources and don't have an answer yet so I ask
it here.
I have a text fields of html marked up content which I render via php.
Looking at the rendered html page in a text editor I see that ampersands
all appear as   amp;   When I select the field via sql I also see amp;
I have a pretty standard seach, Fulltext and substring (ie. %keyword%)
searches. There's an acronym in my content:   NASDand when I try
searching for this it really mucks up. The Fulltext no matter what I try
does not get a hit. The substring search will work properly if I put the
following in the search form:NAamp;SDthat works.  But trying
the substring search with   NASD   produces weird results...kinda works
but strangely and affects the rendering of the search results page.
So what's the cause of all this? Should I upfront load my db text fields
differently, or, search them differently - what is the  fix  via mysql
or php for the ampersand problem?
Lee G.
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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sweat, hoping it was over? Or would you wake up happy and pleased, ready to 
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MySQL 4.x: Access denied for users when password is set...

2003-12-24 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang

as subject says ... I've got a pretty weird situation. For all users I 
create in the 'user' table in 'mysql' DB, if I set a password, that user 
becomes unable to access any DBs ... it doesn't matter if I set the pw as 
ASCII or password, still won't allow access...

I've tried making new users and copying all settings of the default root 
user (which I've not set a PW for cuz I loose access to the main DB when I 
do that) ... nomatter what, all users can access the DBs fine when no pw is 
set, but if a pw is set, MySQL reports access denied...

and yes, it actually also does this when using the MySQL command line tools 
which makes it even weirder...

This is a single-user test setup for development use only ... I run MySQL 
4.0.14b on Windows XP Pro SP1 ... with Apache 2.0.48 and PHP 4.2.3 on CGI. 
Doesn't matter what kind of DB access I try; the MySQL binaries, 
PHPMyAdmin, custom made PHP/MySQL apps, or PHPBB ... if I set a PW for a 
user, that user becomes unable of accessing the DBs ...

I've tried opening up the firewall for the MySQL server modules to access 
the Internet, but does not make a change ... hostname is set to 'localhost' 
in the mysql table (since all it has to work with are connections from the 
same windows session anyways)...

is there any other place in the mysql table that I have to add/change stuff 
than 'user' to get this to work???

so lost here ... any help appreciated

(and as far as I can tell, I've done every step in all MySQL install guides 
I could find ... atm I'm running on a restored version of the default mysql 
DB with the % users set ... since the firewall locks out remote access, I 
didn't think it's a big deal)...

n00b at SQL


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Problem w. loosing access when using passwords on MySQL 4

2003-12-23 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
hi gang

Got a wee bit of a problem with MySQL...

Running Distrib 4.0.14, for Win95/Win98 on i32 ... on Windows XP Pro SP1 ...

as long as I keep the default setup, with no password on the root user and 
nothing modder in 'user' at all, I can access the DB. But as soon as I try 
adding a user or change the password for the root, I loose all contact to 
the DBs.

After changing the root pw, I tried accessing it with \mysql\bin\mysql.exe 
but it still fails ... tried just restarting the MySQL service, telling 
MySQLAdmin to reload, and by rebooting the entire computer ... none of it 
makes any difference

tried going through the crappy MySQL manual, but all I got out of it was a 
headache ...

I'm running Apache 2.0.48 and PHP 4.2.3, and latest PHPMyAdmin. As long as 
there's no pass on the root, I can use PHPMyAdmin just fine ... as soon as 
I set a password on root, using any method I could find on the web, I loose 
access (as in it reports 'access denied') 

This is all just a test/development setup, not an actual server, but 
nevertheless for security sake I'd like to get the thing working ...

tried adding a test install of PHPBB, but it runs into the same problem 
with the access ...

Using PHPMyAdmin I created a user called 'phpbb', and gave it a password, 
and set everything to 'Y' in the DB... but when I run the install setup for 
PHPBB I get this:

Warning: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) in 
E:\web\phpBB2\db\mysql4.php on line 48

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' 
(Using password: YES) in E:\web\phpBB2\db\mysql4.php on line 48

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link 
resource in E:\web\phpBB2\db\mysql4.php on line 330

Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link 
resource in E:\web\phpBB2\db\mysql4.php on line 331
phpBB : Critical Error

Could not connect to the database

^obviously that's just a PHPBB error, and not an actual MySQL error, but 
since the problem originates in the MySQL, I figured it's worth mentioning ...

PHPBB can't run on the root user without a PW, and since I loose access to 
the MySQL DBs _when_ I make a PW, I've not done so yet ...

so ... does anyone have any ideas for how to get this working like it's 
supposed to ??? ... I have no clue about MySQL ... never worked with SQL 
databases till 2 months ago when I did the first MySQL install ... I've 
changed comps in the meantime, so it's a new installation ... but the 
problem was the same with the old one ...

I figure there's just something I need to change the setting off to get it 
working, but I have no clue what that would be ... like I said, the MySQL 
manual is mostly useless to me...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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MySQL shutdown error...

2003-07-25 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Hi gang

Not sure if this is more for the RedHat list than here, but let's try...

I've put MySQL on a RedHat by using the RPM ... haven't yet figured out if 
it actually works... but I had to make the thing start automatically on my 
own ... so I put mysqld and mysql on the startup list for runlevel 3, which 
is what I run at...

But when it shifts to runlevel 0 or 6, it saysStopping MySQL .. 
[FAILED]everytime ... now is that essential, or did I do something wrong???

I basically added mysql and mysqld as startup on level 1-5, and on the kill 
list for level 0 and 6...

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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Compiling 4.2.3 with MySQL ... what does it look for?

2003-07-05 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
X-posted to PHP General, PHP DB, and MySQL

Hi gang

Attempting to get my Linux test-server working, but ran into a problem when 
making PHP...

System is RedHat 8, Apache 1.3.27 (compiled myself, tested OK), MySQL 4.0.13.

The Apache 2.0.40 and PHP 4.2.2 that came w. RH8 didn't work correctly, 
thus I've ventured into my own creation.

Trying to build PHP 4.2.3 (because that's what my webhost runs, so need 
that version to test correctly) w. support for MySQL. Running

./configure --with-mysql=/[path to mysql] --with-apxs=/[path to apxs]

Found the path to the apxs to be /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs, but for the 
life of me I cannot figure out what path to give it for MySQL. I installed 
MySQL from the the RPM files:

client and server first, the rest second ... used --force to get them in, 
because it complained about version issues with the one already there (even 
though the package manager was told not to put the Mysql in, it still put 
MySQL 3.something in...)

When doing the configure above, I get this error:

configure: error: Cannot find header files under /usr/include

or whatever path I give it ... I'm having a hard time figuring out where 
the RPM puts everything, and an even harder time figuring out what path to 
stick to PHP ...

Some detective work gave me these paths:

MySQL (bins):
MySQL daemon (mysqld):
MySQL headers (.h):
I've tried them all, but they all result in the above error. Anyone care to 
guess which path I should give to the configure?

Or is it something else that causes this?
I haven't ever used MySQL before, or any other SQL for that matter, so got 
0 experience in getting the system up and running with it...


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
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