Re: MySQL Replication

2006-01-06 Thread Chander Ganesan

Jason Williard wrote:

I am trying to understand exactly how replication works.  So far, I see that
changes made on a master server are replicated to the slave server(s).
However, if a change is made on a slave server, is that replicated back to
the master as well as all other slaves?


It can be if you enable circular replication (A--B--A) .  However, 
keep in mind that there is no way to prevent simultaneous updates (i.e., 
locking a table on A for update won't apply a lock to B..)

I am asking this question as I try to develop a plan for more efficient web
servers.  Here is what I am planning.  Please let me know if this sounds
smart, or like a bad idea.

Server 1: Redhat MySQL Master
Servers 2  3: Load-Balanced Redhat Apache web servers w/MySQL Slaves

Servers 2  3 will be serving the same content and will need access to the
same data from the MySQL server(s).  I am hoping that running MySQL on each
of the web servers will help to reduce the overall load on the servers.

Are there update operations occuring on servers 2 and 3?  What's the 
bulk of your operations - selects or updates?  There are a couple of 
ways to go with this.  You can use clustering - in which case you can 
apply changes to the cluster and everything should stay in sync, or 
(the more straightfoward way) you can simply have all write operations 
performed on the master - use the slave servers for lookup only.

If you use the second option (this assumes that the bulk of your 
operations are 'select' statements)  you might be able to squeeze out 
some more performance by having the replica servers use a MyISAM table 
type (Assuming you use InnoDB on the master).

If needed you can design a circular replication scheme - and have one of 
the slaves switch to a master role when the master is unavailable.

Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999
Fax: 919-386-0158

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Re: Which Engine?

2006-01-04 Thread Chander Ganesan

John Hoover wrote:

I need some advice re my choice of a storage engine for transaction-safe 
processing and including tables that are not transaction-safe within 

The problem: We need to insert related records into several different tables 
and be sure that all the insertions succeeded. It seems that transactions are 
the recommended way of achieving this and I was thinking of using InnoDB 
tables. However, I'm not sure if that is the best engine to use - can anyone 
give me reasons for selecting a specific transaction-safe engine?

You can use BDB or InnoDB - InnoDB provides row level locking, BDB 
provides page level locking.  I'd say InnoDB is the way to go (usually).

Also, some of my insertions will involve the mySQL tables (creation of a new 
user and granting privileges, for example). According to the manuals, those 
tables use the myISAM engine and can not be changed to any other engine. What 
is the best way to handle insertion errors on myISAM tables? I had planned to 
test for an error after each operation and, if one occurred, manually undo 
whatever previous operations had already succeeded. That's a lot of work if the 
operation involves multiple tables and I'd like to know if there is a better 
alternative. Finally, if I do handle errors manually, what should I do if there 
is an error in the error handler? For example, suppose I've inserted one record 
and then an error prevents insertion of the related record so that I have to 
delete the previously inserted record. Is it possible for the delete to fail? 
If so, I'll have a partial transaction that can't be completed and can't be 
undone - what should I do to clean up?

What are your insertion operations?  Typically, you would use GRANT 
statements to add users the these tables - and those statements (if they 
fail) won't do any GRANTing.  I wouldn't grant access using insert 
statements - you'll be flushing your privilege tables regularly.

Unless you are using the Host table, I'd recommend you do the following:

1. Prior to modifying a user, use the 'show grants' statement to find 
out what access the user has - store that.

2. Perform all your GRANT operations.
3.  If a single operation fails, remove the user and execute the stored 
access (from step 1) for the user to restore his/her access. - if the 
user didn't already exist, just remove all their access.

For users that won't connect to the database directly, you probably 
don't want to create individual accounts - as if the user connects 
directly they can perform operations outside the bounds of your 
application (where you may implement business logic). 

Assuming you stick with grant statements, it shouldn't be too difficult 
to maintain integrity when you want to do your pseudo-transactions.

Use InnoDB everywhere else.

Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999

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Re: removing ibdata1 if some/all tables are not InnoDB?

2006-01-03 Thread Chander Ganesan

InnoDB does purge deleted rows from the ibdata files. Certain 
PostgreSQL advocates have been spreading a claim that InnoDB would not 
do that, but the claim is false.

If your ibdata file keeps growing indefinitely, please check with SHOW 
INNODB STATUS that you do commit all your transactions. If a 
transaction stays open for months, then the purge cannot remove 
deleted rows.

If you convert ALL your tables from InnoDB to MyISAM, then you can 
remove the ibdata files and ib_logfiles. If you put skip-innodb to 
my.cnf, then those files will not be created again.

I don't think there is a question as to whether or not InnoDB will purge 
data and re-use space, the question is whether or not the ibdata files 
will be shrunk when that space is purged.

My understanding (and experience) has always shown that ibdata files  - 
while they may purge and re-use unused space, will not shrink themselves 
based on the actual space usage.  Is that not correct?

I.e., if I have 100 MB of table data, and say - delete 6 tables (which 
would result in InnoDB recovering all that space), that results in only 
10MB of space being used, the file will be re-sized to 10MB - or 
something smaller than 100 MB.

The practical example would be if I were to accidentally add 1GB of data 
to my InnoDB tablespace, and then remove it.  Would my total ibdata file 
sizes total less than 1GB of space (now I'm just using 100MB)? 

If that were the case it would be a simple matter of switching to 
'tablespace per table', migrating the data to the individual tables 
(which would shrink the ibdata files), re-structuring the ibdata files 
(to use other partitions, etc.) an the moving the data back into the 


Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999

Best regards,


Oracle Corp./Innobase Oy
InnoDB - transactions, row level locking, and foreign keys for MySQL

InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up 
MyISAM tables

- Original Message - From: Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: removing ibdata1 if some/all tables are not InnoDB?

HI Carl,

   The ibdata file growth can be stopped by removing the autoextend
keyword in the my.cnf file.

In your my.cnf file the entry might be

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:256M:autoextend

If you want to stop the growth of that file and add another file then 

is what you want to do.

1. Stop the mysql server
2. Get the size of the ibdata1 file in MB (Lets say its 5600MB in size)
3. edit the my.cnf file and replace

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:256M:autoextend


innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:5600M;ibdata2:256M:autoextend

4. Start the server.

This will stop that file from growing and a new file will be added that
can pushed on to a different disk and symlinked into the ibdata 

Data growth is a problem in all table types. Even if you migrate to 

you need space.

See whether there is log_bin turned on the server. If so there might be
lots of bin log files that you can do a cleanup on. Bin logs occupy a
great deal of space.


On Tue, 03 Jan 2006 08:28:24 +0530, Carl Brewer [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm stuck with a rapidly decreasing amount of available disk space and
a requirement to keep a lid on the size of our databases.  We're
using MySQL 4.1.12 as bundled with RHEL ES 4.  We do a lot of
transactions keeping short term track of webserver sessions, which
we don't need to keep logs of for very long.

I have a number of databases, almost all of which are using MyISAM or
HEAP, and one database using InnoDB.  As such (or at least, as I
understand it) we have a ibdata1 file that will grow forever and
AFAIK there's no way to stop it growing forever for as long
as we have that InnoDB database.  Am I correct?  I'm no MySQL
guru, my parsing of TFM and googling around and finding bug and feature
requests for ibdata1 purging suggests that this is the case.

If so, if I drop the InnoDB database, stop mysqld, delete (UNIX
filesystem) the imdata1 file, restart mysqld and import a
(modified to be MyISAM) dumped copy of the InnoDB database,
will that work without damaging anything and then not leave me
with another infinatly growing imdata1 file?

Am I correct in assuming that InnoDB databases are meant
for sites where disk space is not ever likely to be an
issue, and MyISAM is a more suitable database engine for
our much tighter disk space situation?  I may have missed
a section of the doco that discusses why one would choose an
engine over another?

Thanks for any advice,


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Re: Problem installing MySQL 5.0

2006-01-03 Thread Chander Ganesan

You can force the installation (--nodeps) when installing the RPM package.

Even if you build DBI (and not install it from RPM) it won't be in the 
RPM database, and you'll get the same error.

You should be able to get a FC2 RPM for the DBI module - download that 
RPM and install it, then install MySQL - that would be the easiest 
course of action...

Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999

Francesco Vincenti wrote:

Hello everybody,
This is the first time I try to install MySQL 5.0, I think I followed the
steps showed by the documentation in the right way, but when I run the

rpm -i MySQL-server-Version-.i386.rpm

I get back the error:

error: Failed dependencies:
   perl(DBI) is needed by MySQL-server-standard-5.0.18-0.rhel3

I am trying to install MySQL on this platform:
- CPU:AMD Athlon 800 Mhz
- Operating System: Linux Fedora core 2, release 2.6.5-1.358

The packages I have downloaded are:
- MySQL-server-standard-5.0.18-0.rhel3.i386.rpm
- MySQL-client-standard-5.0.18-0.rhel3.i386.rpm

After the error, I found a few information on internet about perl(DBI), so I
downloaded it  and  installed it on my system.
The test step (make test) ended with error 355 (??), but I run anyway make
install which ended without problems, I think.
At this point I do not know what to do, so I need your help to solve this
Francesco Vincenti



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Re: logging issue

2006-01-03 Thread Chander Ganesan

Jon Miller wrote:

Red hat 7.2
My SQL modules:

I would like to log or turn on the facility to do a verbose logging to 
troubleshoot an issue I'm having with a program on another (mail) server trying 
to access the mysql server.  From the mail server I can issue the following:
mysql -h -u mailwatch -p and enter the password and it connects.  Yet from within the initial program it does not work and in the mail logs it has: 
Jan  3 18:19:31 mail MailScanner[11376]: Unable to initialise database connection: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110)
I've ask the mailscanner list, the mailwatch list and the postfix list and we are not getting anywhere.  


If you're not using SSL, I'd recommend that you fire up ethereal on the 
client or the server .  You can have ethereal show you the entire 
conversation - should help you filter out several different types of 
problems that could occur.

A lot of things could be happening outside of what MySQL would see (for 
example, the mailscanner could be trying to connect to the wrong port on 
the server - the (110) makes me wonder if it's trying to connect to port 
110).  This would help diagnose a lot of those.

Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: removing ibdata1 if some/all tables are not InnoDB?

2006-01-02 Thread Chander Ganesan
You can stop the auto-growth of your ibdata1 file, and add additional 
ibdata files (as needed) on different disks/partitions.  However, you 
cannot currently shrink the file without some work..

Check out the MySQL documentation for innodb_data_file_path (that is the 
config setting that you would use in the my.cnf file to set things up).

You'll have to find out the size in MB of your current file (ls -lh) 
when you do this (if you want to start a new innodb data file on a 
separate disk, etc.), since in my experience MySQL will complain if you 
specify the size of the file incorrectly.

InnoDB is great when you have a lot of transactions going on, need 
rollback capability (batch operations that should either succeed as a 
whole or fail as a whole) - or you need ACID compliance.  MyISAM is fast 
for lookups, but requires a table lock to be acquired for updates, and 
most inserts (except in certain cases) - so its fast for lookups, but 
not as good for updates.  Each have their own distinct advantages...  
HEAP is good when you don't care if your data sticks around, and you 
need fast access to it (such as web cookies...)

As far as purging - you'd be best off doing an export, trash your InnoDB 
tables, and then import .

Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999
Fax: 919-386-0158
Expert MySQL Training

Carl Brewer wrote:


I'm stuck with a rapidly decreasing amount of available disk space and
a requirement to keep a lid on the size of our databases.  We're
using MySQL 4.1.12 as bundled with RHEL ES 4.  We do a lot of 
transactions keeping short term track of webserver sessions, which

we don't need to keep logs of for very long.

I have a number of databases, almost all of which are using MyISAM or
HEAP, and one database using InnoDB.  As such (or at least, as I
understand it) we have a ibdata1 file that will grow forever and
AFAIK there's no way to stop it growing forever for as long
as we have that InnoDB database.  Am I correct?  I'm no MySQL
guru, my parsing of TFM and googling around and finding bug and feature
requests for ibdata1 purging suggests that this is the case.

If so, if I drop the InnoDB database, stop mysqld, delete (UNIX
filesystem) the imdata1 file, restart mysqld and import a
(modified to be MyISAM) dumped copy of the InnoDB database,
will that work without damaging anything and then not leave me
with another infinatly growing imdata1 file?

Am I correct in assuming that InnoDB databases are meant
for sites where disk space is not ever likely to be an
issue, and MyISAM is a more suitable database engine for
our much tighter disk space situation?  I may have missed
a section of the doco that discusses why one would choose an
engine over another?

Thanks for any advice,


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