Re: Correlated subquery help

2004-12-01 Thread Dan Sashko
isn't the where subquery would always return only one record if set of 
(k1,k2) is a primary key?
I dont have 4.1+ installed to test on but if you remove 'limit 10' and run 
it don't you get the same list as if you ran 'select k1,k2,total_amt from Z' 

- Original Message - 
From: Rick Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 6:08 PM
Subject: Correlated subquery help

Hi all-
I'm using MySQL 4.1.7, trying to do a subquery that's apparently 
unsupported -
I'm hoping someone can provide a quick alternative for me.

I have a simple table Z with 3 columns, k1, k2, and total_amt, where k1 
and k2
make up the primary key.  I want to create a report that lists the the top 
total_amt for each k1, k2.  My original query was going to be of the form:
from Z a
where a.total_amt in
   (select b.total_amt
from Z b
where b.k1 = a.k1 and
b.k2 = a.k2
   order by b.total_amt desc
   limit 10)
order by a.k1, a.total_amt desc
But I get the dreaded error: ERROR 1235: This version of MySQL doesn't yet
support 'LIMIT  IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'

Is there a better way to do this query?
Thanks for your help.

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A Select improvement

2004-11-30 Thread Dan Sashko
Hi, anyone has suggestions what changes to make to allow this query to run 

SELECT domain FROM tbl_1
id  0 and id  2
domain =
AND score IS NOT Null
AND data LIKE %param=search
GROUP BY domain, data
every one of those WHERE clauses makes the query very slow.
for about 50 million records with 200-900 thousand matching records it takes 
about two minutes if I only have the straight domain = some string,
then almost quadriples if I add the data Like pattern clause.

It is very slow considering that the WHERE has to be ran many many times 
with different parameters

 here is table info :
# Table: 'tbl_1'
CREATE TABLE `tbl_1` (
 `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `domain` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
 `data` varchar(200) default '',
 `score` int(11) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `score` (`score`),
 KEY `domain` (`domain`),
 FULLTEXT KEY `data` (`data`)
 heres query info (it remains the same if i remove some WHERE 
clauses except for rows count going up when i do:
table| type | possible_keys | key| key_len | 
ref| rows | Extra 
tbl_1|ref  | score,domain  | domain |  50 | 
const  |1 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |

thank you 

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Re: help with SQL (join?) query

2004-11-30 Thread Dan Sashko
I think he gave you the right answer.
you can also use joins instead of where, but it is the same idea, not sure 
which one of the two will be faster though:

select groupid, groupname, as f_owner, as  f_creator
from groups
left join users as owner on owner.uid = groups.groupowner
left join users as creator on groups.groupcreator = creator.uid
- Original Message - 
To: Peter Valdemar Mørch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Kris |Lists| [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: help with SQL (join?) query

No offense but your response has created more confusion about this.. Here 
is a more simple diagram for what I'd like to get from an SQL query:

Table users:
uid   username
1   john
2   jim
3   mary
Table groups:
id   name   creator   owner
1   test 11
2   abc 12
3   test2   23
output from mysql:
id(from groups)   name(from groups)   creatorname   ownername
1   test   john 
2   abc   john jim
3   test2 jim 

I just want the output from the groups table but a name instead of the 
number where creator# and owner# in groups table is associated to the uid 
in users.

Hope this helps understand my problem..
Peter Valdemar Mørch wrote:
Kris |Lists| wrote:
I am trying to join to tables:
uid   name
1  john
2  jim
3  mary
groupid   groupname   groupowner   groupcreator
  1 test1   1 1
   2test2   1 2
   3 test32  3
My desired output would look like:
groupid   groupname   owner  creator
   1 test1john john
   2 test2john jim
   3 test3jim   mary
I was unable to find an example online.. Can anyone help?

try something like :
select groupid, groupname, as f_owner, as 
f_creator from groups, users as owner, users as creator where 
groups.groupowner = owner.uid and groups.groupcreator = creator.uid;

(untested - but principle should be sound...)

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SELECT on string

2004-11-10 Thread Dan Sashko
hi i have a recordset of about 4 mil records,

SELECT * from rec where string_field=somestring

takes very long time (30+ sec).  string_field is indexed MUL.  Is there way to 
make it faster?

Re: SELECT on string

2004-11-10 Thread Dan Sashko
i was mistaking before, query is more like :
SELECT MyField, count(id) from MyRec where string_field=somestring
group by field;
and it's explain is :
| table   | type | possible_keys | key| key_len | ref| rows 
| Extra   |
| MyRec| ref  | MyField |  MyField |  21   | const  | 151609 
| Using where |

takes about minute and a half.
- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: SELECT on string

What does
  EXPLAIN SELECT * from rec where string_field='somestring';
Dan Sashko wrote:
hi i have a recordset of about 4 mil records,
SELECT * from rec where string_field=somestring
takes very long time (30+ sec).  string_field is indexed MUL.  Is there 
way to make it faster?

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SELECT where String

2004-11-05 Thread Dan Sashko
hello, I've a query that runs very slow:

select name, count(id) 
where str_field = some string or (str_field  string with nuber at end 1 and 
str_field  string with nuber at end 9)
group by name

i have about 4mil records and the query takes about 3 minutes 

str_field, name are MUL indexes both varchar(100) and id is a pk.

is there a way to speed up the query? (the  and  then seemed to be pretty fast but 
adding or str_field = 'some string' made it really slow).

Re: Slow ORDER BY query..

2004-10-25 Thread Dan Sashko
from mysql:
With EXPLAIN SELECT ... ORDER BY, you can check whether MySQL can use
indexes to resolve the query. It cannot if you see Using filesort in the
Extra column.
. further :
In MySQL 4.1 and up, a filesort optimization is used that records not only
the sort key value and row position, but also the columns required for the
query. This avoids reading the rows twice.
so suggestion is to upgrade to 4.1+. This is most likely not  a viable
solution :) so further from their website:
If you want to increase ORDER BY speed, first see whether you can get MySQL
to use indexes rather than an extra sorting phase. If this is not possible,
you can try the following strategies:
 a.. Increase the size of the sort_buffer_size variable.
 b.. Increase the size of the read_rnd_buffer_size variable.
 c.. Change tmpdir to point to a dedicated filesystem with lots of empty
space. If you use MySQL 4.1 or later, this option accepts several paths that
are used in round-robin fashion. Paths should be separated by colon
characters (`:') on Unix and semicolon characters (`;') on Windows, NetWare,
and OS/2. You can use this feature to spread the load across several
directories. Note: The paths should be for directories in filesystems that
are located on different physical disks, not different partitions of the
same disk. 
also from their site, if  I am not mistakin, they suggest to use GROUP BY
the colum that will be sorted by (which forces the sort and might eliminate
the rereading of the rows) with ORDER BY NULL at the end to eliminate the
overhead of sorting (since it will be sorted in 'GROUP BY deletedate DESC')
SELECT ID FROM Offers_To_Buy WHERE subcatID = 336 GROUP BY deletedate DESC
if your deletedate is not unique then mesh some already used key into it (ID
or subcatID) to eliminate actual grouping:
SELECT ID FROM Offers_To_Buy WHERE subcatID = 336 GROUP BY deletedate DESC,
(note to that, you ID field, thought autoincremented, is not set to be
unique, so unless you know it is unique for a fact then meshing it with
deletedate might still produce undesirable grouping. In that case you might
have to add some unique number in group by clause liek a current row
counter, or worst case a random number).
It might not speed up the query depending on the size of the WHERE results,
but might not be as random on completion time.

Curiouse if it does anything, let me know if you try.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 4:19 PM
Subject: Slow ORDER BY query..

Hi all ,
I am currently experiencing an issue with a query I would have thought to be 
somewhat straightforward. Perhaps someone could shed some light on what 
might be causing this? The below example was running by itself , not waiting 
for any other queries. It just took a bloody long time to run. The system 
load went to around 7 or so , however the CPU's were not taxed at all.

Of curious note to me , is that it seems to be intermittently taking a long 
time. Upon restarting of the server and flushing the cache , some queries 
will take  1 second , some will take around 5 , and some will take 
ridiculously long times. I think that has to do perhaps with the amount of 
rows matching before the ORDER BY?

I've included all the information I can think of below if anyone feels like 
having a look, It would be be greatly appreciated.

MySQL Version:
MySQL 4.0.18 on RedHat Linux
The Query

mysql SELECT ID FROM Offers_To_Buy WHERE subcatID = 336 ORDER BY deletedate 
| ID  |
| 1653497 |
| 1653498 |
| 1653506 |
| 1652861 |
| 1652685 |
| 1652784 |
| 1651739 |
| 1650276 |
| 1650323 |
| 1649569 |
| 1649079 |
| 1649228 |
| 1649410 |
| 1649411 |
| 1648444 |
| 1648543 |
| 1648877 |
| 1648897 |
| 1648911 |
| 1648308 |
20 rows in set (2 min 52.20 sec)

Record Count:
mysql SELECT count(1) FROM Offers_To_Buy ;
| count(1) |
|   461216 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Explain Output:
mysql EXPLAIN SELECT ID FROM Offers_To_Buy WHERE subcatID = 336 ORDER BY 
deletedate DESC LIMIT 20 ;
| table | type | possible_keys| key | key_len | ref   | 
rows | Extra   |
| Offers_To_Buy | ref  | subcategory,scdd | subcategory |   4 | const | 
8562 | Using where; Using filesort |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The Table:

mysql describe Offers_To_Buy ;

SELECT earliest unique records

2004-10-12 Thread Dan Sashko
I have a table that contains a item_id field (non unique index) id field and 
a date field.

How would you go about selecting rows from the table (single row for each 
item_id with the earliest date field for that item_id).

If I use group by item_id the date field will be whatever the first date 
field it had, so ordering by it at that point will not yeald the intended 

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Re: SELECT earliest unique records

2004-10-12 Thread Dan Sashko
thank you, this does return the proper date field for the item_id, however 
the rest of the fields of the records are still from the first record in the 

How would you make it so that the entire row is the one that contains the 
earliest data field ?

- Original Message - 
From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 2:47 PM
Subject: RE: SELECT earliest unique records

I have a table that contains a item_id field (non unique index) id field
a date field.
How would you go about selecting rows from the table (single row for
item_id with the earliest date field for that item_id).
If I use group by item_id the date field will be whatever the first date
field it had, so ordering by it at that point will not yeald the
Use MAX(date field)
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Copy a record

2004-09-10 Thread Dan Sashko
hi, a quick question.

is there a way to duplicate a record (without knowing fields in advance) in
sql alone?
the only thing is know is that `id` is a primary key (autonumber)

something of this sort:

INSERT INTO the_table
SELECT * FROM the_table
WHERE id=the_number

this fails due duplicate entry for the primary key. Is there way to select *
minus the id field?


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