replication newbie questions

2013-08-28 Thread Ed L.

Mysql newbie here, looking for some help configuring 5.0.45 master-slave 
replication.  Here's my scenario...

We have a heavily loaded 30gb 5.0.45 DB we need to replicate via 
master-slave configuration to a new, beefier server running same mysql 
5.0.45, and then cutover to the new server.  Due to extreme SAN 
congestion and a grossly overloaded master server, our DB dumps take 5.5 
hours.  But we cannot afford that much downtime or locking during the 
replication transition; we can manage 10-15 minutes, but more is very 

I understand that FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK will lock the tables for 
the duration of the 5.5 hour dump.  Is this true?

If so, we'd like to dump/initialize/sync slave WITHOUT any locking 
anything the master for more than a few seconds if at all possible.  
Will this give us the dump we need?

mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data --all-databases

Thank you in advance for any help.


Re: replication newbie questions

2013-08-28 Thread Ed L.

On 8/28/13 2:00 PM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

Why don't u try snapshot backups, where the lock held for less 
duration. Or can't u take mysql dumps during Night time when there is 
less bd activity

I neglected to mention these systems are both CentOS linux systems.

Unfortunately, the 5.5 hour dumps are already done during the least busy 

Regarding snapshots, how long are snapshot locks held?  These are ext4 
filesystems.  Assuming the lock is not held for long, what's the 
recommended way to do snapshots on ext4?


On Thursday, August 29, 2013, Ed L. wrote:

 Mysql newbie here, looking for some help configuring 5.0.45 
master-slave replication.  Here's my scenario...

 We have a heavily loaded 30gb 5.0.45 DB we need to replicate via 
master-slave configuration to a new, beefier server running same mysql 
5.0.45, and then cutover to the new server.  Due to extreme SAN 
congestion and a grossly overloaded master server, our DB dumps take 
5.5 hours.  But we cannot afford that much downtime or locking during 
the replication transition; we can manage 10-15 minutes, but more is 
very problematic.

 I understand that FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK will lock the tables 
for the duration of the 5.5 hour dump.  Is this true?

 If so, we'd like to dump/initialize/sync slave WITHOUT any locking 
anything the master for more than a few seconds if at all possible. 
 Will this give us the dump we need?

 mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data --all-databases

 Thank you in advance for any help.


connection issue

2013-08-09 Thread Ed L.

This mysql newbie is having trouble connecting to a mysqld instance, 
hoping someone can offer a clue on troubleshooting.

I have 2 mysql 5.0.45 installations on one RHEL server.  One live mysqld 
is setup in what appears to be a relatively standard installation, port 
3306, user 'mysql', etc.  I've set up the other mysqld to run tests on a 
non-standard port 5045, user 'testsql', different data root, config, 
logs, etc.

When I attempt to connect to the mysqld running on port 5045 from the 
command-line mysql client on the same host as follows ...

# mysql -P 5045

... it seems I'm actually connecting to the live server on 3306 because 
'show databases' shows the live databases.  How can I troubleshoot this 
