OT: Reply-Adress in this list

2002-10-03 Thread Franz Alt

I use some mail-lists for mysql, php and security with Outlook Express.

When I reply, some lists set their list-adress automatically, some the
adress of the person originally posting. The second version may not so good
IMHO, because I think so many replies are not going to the lists.
mysql++ and mysql do not automatically reply to the list
mysql-de does.

I think the a big Problem with the first solution are some autoresponders
which may spamming mainling lists.

I'm not a freak in mailservers, but maybe others know if there's a better

Maybe I can configure my Outlook Express better?


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Re: Duplicate entries

2002-09-28 Thread Franz Alt

Sorry, but justs a quick remark on the top:
Have you looked at small and KAPITAL letters?


Franz Alt

 at work I run mysql 3.23.45. on a windows2000 machine with apache 1.3.23
 and php4.06. at home it's Linux SuSe *.0, mysql 4.03 apache 1.3.26 and
 php4.2.3. the problem is I'm having problems inserting data into
 temporary tables. the results are different running the same script.
 here is the script (It's semi long so please bear with me).
 $CreateTempTable=mysql_query(Create temporary table
  Tmp (maintId int unique,
  deptId varchar(30),
  exhibitId VARCHAR(30),
  datefinished date,
  progressId VARCHAR(33),
  reset int(1)));
 //create temp table for all occurrences during dates specified

 mysql_query(INSERT into Tmp
 SELECT maintId,
 from maintenance where DateReported='$firstdate'
 and DateReported='$lastdate');
 // insert into temporary table date reported data

 mysql_query(INSERT into Tmp
 SELECT maintId,
 from maintenance where DateFinished='$firstdate'
 and DateFinished='$lastdate');
 // insert into temporary table date finished data

 mysql_query(INSERT INTO Tmp
 SELECT maintId,
 from maintenance where DateReported='$firstdate'
 and DateFinished='-00-00');
 //insert into  temporary table unfinished and previously started data

 mysql_query(INSERT into Tmp
 SELECT maintId,
 from maintenance where DateReported='$firstdate'
 and DateFinished='$lastdate');
 // insert into temporary table finished and previously started data

 mysql_query(UPDATE Tmp set progressid='in progress'
 where DateFinished'$lastdate');
 //change database to show what was completed by lastdate

 mysql_query(alter table Tmp add complete
 tinyint default 0);
 //added to be able to sum() complete

 mysql_query(alter table Tmp add InProgress
 tinyint default 0);
 // added to be able to sum() InProgress

 mysql_query(Alter table Tmp add parts
 tinyint default 0);
 //added to be able to sum() parts

 mysql_query(ALTER TABLE Tmp add deferred
 tinyint default 0);
 //added to be able to sum() deferred

 mysql_query(UPDATE Tmp set complete='1' where
 //changed to be able to sum()complete

 mysql_query(UPDATE Tmp set InProgress='1'
 where progressId='in progress');
 //changed to be able to sum()InProgress

 mysql_query(UPDATE Tmp set parts='1'
 where progressId='waiting for parts');
 //changed to be able to sum()Waiting for parts

 mysql_query(UPDATE Tmp set deferred='1'
 where progressId='deferred');
 //changed to be able to sum() deferred

 $row=mysql_query(SELECT  dept.name,
 sum(reset)/sum(complete) * 100,
  sum(reset)/$days_result from Tmp, dept where
  Group by dept.deptId order by dept.name);
  // selecting departments by groups

  if ($row==0)
 $totals=mysql_query(SELECT COUNT(deptId),sum(complete),
 sum(reset)/sum(complete) * 100 ,sum(Tmp.reset)/$days_result from

 any thoughts on the duplicates? this gives runs fine on mysql 3.2.53 but
 stops at duplivcate entries on 4.03.

 John Coder

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Re: MySQL as a desktop DB

2002-09-25 Thread Franz Alt

 I think MySQL will be more faster in Desktop environment and if you are
 adverse to using the text based interface to MySQL then you can try out
 GUI avaiable in the market. The best I know are MySQL-Front and SQLyog but
 since MySQL-Front has been discontinued you can try SQLyog at

Have you ever tried OpenOffice as a Frontend for our mySQL?

Would be a powerfull Opensource-Team!


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Re: Tryout mysql++ Example Loading binary file in a BLOB ... ... to be continued in msql++ list !?

2002-09-24 Thread Franz Alt

I think I'll start this thread in mysql++ list again.

Sorry, I might was to tired yesterday...

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Re: Store pictures in DB

2002-09-24 Thread Franz Alt

 Can I use MySQL to store pictures as part of a record?

You CAN.

 Should I just try to store the name of the picture?

Yes. If you have FTP Access or similiar, I would prefere this!

Some remarks from the manual :
-- Insert a File located locally on MySQL-Serverinto a blob-column
INSERT INTO media_binaerdaten (Daten) values(load_file(c:/tmp/test.zip);
-- get length of blob-fields
SELECT Key,length(Daten) FROM `media_binaerdaten` WHERE 1
SELECT Daten  FROM `media_binaerdaten` WHERE FKMedia_ID=47 INTO OUTFILE
- get data WITH escapes, can be insertet again
SELECT Daten  FROM `media_binaerdaten` WHERE FKMedia_ID=47 INTO DUMPFILE
- get raw data (WITHout) escapes, can be used as binary, e.g. *.zip or

If you want to insert binary data into a BLOB column, the following
characters must be represented by escape sequences:

NUL ASCII 0. You should represent this by `\0' (a backslash and an
ASCII `0' character).
\  ASCII 92, backslash. Represent this by `\\'.
'  ASCII 39, single quote. Represent this by `\''.
  ASCII 34, double quote. Represent this by `\'.
If you write C code, you can use the C API function mysql_escape_string
() to escape characters for the INSERT statement. See section 22.3 C
API function overview. In Perl, you can use the quote method of the DBI
package to convert special characters to the proper escape sequences.
See section 22.5.2 The DBI interface.
You should use an escape function on any string that might contain any
of the special characters listed above!

greetings by a busted by blobs-coder !


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Re: Store pictures in DB

2002-09-24 Thread Franz Alt


 For medical imaging, at least in radiology (PACS), you usually see the
 terabytes of images being stored on a NAS somewhere, and the database
 itself is actually pretty small just pointing to filenames of where the
 pictures are located.  This keeps the database small and fast, and lets
 you add storage without the complication of using Logical Volume
 Management since you don't need to extend your filesystem to add space.
   Just add a completely new block of space and start writing your images
 out to it, storing the location in a field in your DB.

 On Tuesday, September 24, 2002, at 08:46 AM, Salada, Duncan wrote:

  You can store pictures in a BLOB field, but it is generally
  recommended that
  you simply store the filename of the picture.

I'm not shure, but is there a feature in oracle, which stores something like
BLOBS internally as files?
Is something like that planed in MySQL?


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Re: granting does not give the correct privileges

2002-09-24 Thread Franz Alt

 Is this an error in Mysql?
 I do the follwing command from a shell
grant insert on mydb.* to username@localhost identified by user
 When I check the permissions the insert_priv field on user table of mysql
 is set to 'N'.

 Why is that?  I can change the privileges by giving an update command.

I did't understand exactly, but here a mistake I made:
What plattform? Are you using WinmySQLAdmin? - look section [WinMySQLadmin]


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Tryout mysql++ Example Loading binary file in a BLOB ...

2002-09-23 Thread Franz Alt

I wanted to test the mysql++ example Loading binary file in a BLOB ...
because I'm looking for for a solution to load several MB up to a remote DB,
without FTP or things like that. Just 1 thread in DB, so performance should
be no problem.

Therefor I try to execute and benchmark this quite famous Code from the
online-manual, but I've got some Problems (P) and Questions (Q).
I'm using Visual C++ 6 on an Windows98 , 526MHz and 320MB Ram.

I can compile in debug and release-Version. No errors, just warnings like, I
try to translate:
\include\type_info1.hh(39) : warning C4800: 'int' : Variable wird auf
booleschen Wert ('True' oder 'False') gesetzt

Integer set to boolean value true or false
\include\convert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : Inkonsistente
DLL-Bindung. dllexport angenommen.

assumed inconsistent dll-binding for dllexport
\include\sql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: this' : wird in
Initialisierungslisten fuer Basisklasse verwendet

-this is used in init-lists for derived classses
\load_file.cpp(5) : warning C4273: '_errno' : Inkonsistente DLL-Bindung.
dllexport angenommen.

assumed inconsistent dll-binding

Q1: Can I do something against this warnings?
Q2:  or are they taking any affect?

Then something curious: I can execute the code in Release-Mode and it runs
with no runtime error ( but the result is wrong , see below).

P1: When I run in in debug-Mode, I get an SQL-Syntax-Error 1064

Q3: Where can I find error-codes in the online-manual?

Q4: I'm not shure if std::string fill(read_buffer,blen);I included

P2:Unfortunally, the result ist not ok, since the escape manipulator
doesn't seem to do anything at all.

P3: I tried to fix the code for my VisualC++ compiler by inserting
#include string iostream , using namespace std;  or adding std::
for debug-mode.
 Then I get (often, not always) an Exception in line:
  std::string tmp_str = strbuf.str();
release binary seems to be unchanged ...

This is a sample output of 2 runnings. file aaa contains now data to
escape, but abs does. both are ascii files.

release: loading ... abc
load data file: 0s
kBytes/second: 1.#INF
// the cout of the whole query
INSERT INTO blobs (blob_data) VALUES(abc / 1 ' 2   3\
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '3\
)' at line 1 1064

release: loading ... aaa
load data file: 0s
kBytes/second: 1.#INF

INSERT INTO blobs (blob_data) VALUES(aaa bbb !§$%() 123  x-_
kBytes/second: 1.#INF

P3) Uploaded Binary files cause no SQL-error, but are cut at the first '\0'.
therefore only some bytes are stored in BLOB (messured via phpmyadmin,
SELECT length(blob_data) ...

Has anybody compiled and tried out the original example?

now a last, my lightly changed code:

#include windows.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include fstream
#include sqlplus.hh
extern int errno;

#include iostream
#include string

// Für Zeittests


#include time.h
#include cstdlib
#include vector
#include algorithm

#include conio.h

using namespace std;

const char  MY_HOST[]=localhost;
const char  MY_USER[]=franz;
const char  MY_PASSWORD[]=fff123;

const char  MY_DATABASE[]=blobtest;
const char  MY_TABLE[]=blobs;
const char  MY_FIELD[]=blob_data; // BLOB field

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

#ifdef _DEBUG // compiled for debugging
  std::string datei = aaa;
  cout  debug: loading ...   datei endl;
  // argc=2;

#ifndef _DEBUG  // compiled for release
   std::string datei = argv[1];
 if (argc  2) {
  cerr  Usage : load_file full_file_path  endl  endl;
  return -1;
 cout  release: loading ...   datei endl;

  Connection con(use_exceptions);
 try {
  Query query = con.query();
  std::ostrstream strbuf;
  std::ifstream In (datei.c_str(),ios::in | ios::binary);
  struct stat for_len;
  if ((In.rdbuf())-is_open()) {
   if (stat (datei.c_str(),for_len) == -1) return -1;
   unsigned int blen = for_len.st_size;  if (!blen) return -1;

 // Performance Test
 clock_t Start, End;
 double Elapsed;
 Start = clock();

 char  *read_buffer = new char[blen];
 std::string fill(read_buffer,blen);

 End = clock();
 Elapsed = static_castdouble ( End - Start ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
 cout  \load data file:\   Elapsed  s  endl;
 cout  Length: blen  endl;
 cout  Bytes/second:   blen / Elapsed  endl;

 // 2nd Performance Test
 Start = clock();
   strbuf   INSERT INTO   MY_TABLE   (  MY_FIELD  )
VALUES(\   escape  fill   \);
   std::string tmp_str = strbuf.str();  // to have variable in debugger
   int l = tmp_str.length();
   cout  endl