Re: GA download reverted back to 5.5.24?

2012-06-30 Thread Govinda
 Oracle have been quick to announce new releases of mysql, but failed to issue 
 a notice saying  uhoh, you better not use it instead, putting a small 
 notice, where, on a fricken manual page FFS. who the hell reads that! and 
 they say use version a which does not even exist, I'd hate to think of how 
 many high profile sites are at risk of being screwed over by yet MORE oracle 
 No one would think  any less of them if they sent that notice, many would be 
 appreciative, but to hide such a serious issue that was enough for them to 
 withdraw and remove that version, is outright despicable.

I can't explain Oracle official behavior.  It does seem odd when seen from the 
way you put it.  And AFAICT you make great points.
It's just that hostility makes it harder to hear the valid points, and also 
that when relative newbies like me see guys like (at least) Shawn Green post 
really coherent and helpful messages here (not to mention all the things we 
love and rely on about MySQL daily) then we have to assume (and hope) that 
there are great sincere people who actually do their level best when they work 
on MySQL... and the lack-of-appreciation tone does not do justice to the guys 
who are really trying, nor to us users who don't do anything but use the free 
stuff and contribute only by our comments.  I don't want to give you a hard 
time either.  I just desire some appreciation woven into the mix... enough to 
clutter this technical list with this.

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Re: GA download reverted back to 5.5.24?

2012-06-29 Thread Govinda
 That was nice of oracle to announce this wasn't it ...(/sarcasm)

I am not aligned with any side.. and I am also not known/qualified/respected in 
this group enough to make much of a statement...  but:
IMHO, In almost all matters, *appreciation* is the only approach that will 
serve... let alone sustain happiness...  
...and especially when we consider what little we must give to have right to 
use MySQL.

Sure, desire for better communication/usability makes total sense.. but I am 
just also observing/suggesting: please add (positively) to the atmosphere.. for 
everyones' sake.  Just us humans under the hood.

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Re: MySQL Community Server 5.1.63 has been released

2012-05-14 Thread Govinda
  Bugs Fixed
* Security Fix: Bug #64884 was fixed.
* Security Fix: Bug #59387 was fixed.
 Anyone want to elaborate on the nature or severity of the security
 problem? Both are private / inaccessible to me.
 Bug #64884 was apparently also applicable to, and fixed in 5.5.24 -
 would be very good to know what the vulnerabilities were, so we know
 wether or not they apply to us.

 Not, it seems. Must've been some pretty ugly critters, to get the silent 

Thanks for at least saying this ^^^ .  I was wondering too what was the nature 
of those vulnerabilities.

Which reminds me...  and maybe I am asking something obvious to others (?) -

In the PHP circles, as soon as any newbie comes along and shows code that makes 
it evident they are not using prepared statements, or PDO, to talk to their 
MySQL db, then some expert yells at them to do so... citing that escaping (i.e. 
mysql_real_escape_string() ) is no longer valid/secure, etc.  There was a 
famous talk by a security guy whose name I forget (Dan ___ ?) that bashed on 
the whole concept of escaping..  pointing out that now with UTF and code points 
one never knows what characters are going to be represented by escaped input, 
and so escape attempts might miss.  There is that famous example of that 
charset (I forget, was it a Chinese charset?) where mysql_real_escape_string() 
would allow a code point to be represented as a single quote (right?  I am not 
looking in my notes to be sure of these details,.. but you guys familiar with 
all this know very well and can correct me?).  Anyway my understanding was that 
a MySQL patch came out to address that.  True?  When security patches come 
along (like the above 5.5.24), I wonder if they might have to do with 
addressing  another example of where mysql_real_escape_string() may have 
failed. (?)

1.) Is anyone *who knows what he is doing* still using 
mysql_real_escape_string()?  Ever?

2.) Can anyone get past the rhetoric/buzz and actually point out with authority 
a way to hack (SQL inject) past mysql_real_escape_string() with UTF-8 
db/table/collation, from a UTF-8 PHP script?  Or is the argument against 
escaping (in the case when using UTF-8) just only fear-based?

3.) Do we understand/expect that the MySQL team makes a point (and concerted 
effort) to keep mysql_real_escape_string() current, so that in case any new 
security holes are found, they are patched?  Or have even the MySQL devs 
completely abandoned escaping in favor of prepared statements, along with all 
the buzzy articles and pseudo experts?

I am not attached to escaping, just would like to know what is really going on 
behind the scenes, and also I have legacy code that uses escaping (and not 
prepared statements) and I want to get a sense of its shelf life.

More than anything I would like to just shed light on this topic from those who 
KNOW.  I have read a lot of rhetoric, but not seen much truly authoritative 

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Re: [First email] Problem with backup and ID's for a Database with INNODB

2012-02-03 Thread Govinda

 I'm new here, so since this is my first question email, I'm looking for an
 advice/help a way to do it or a link which can explain me more about my
 related question.

Carlos, you might have better luck if you break the problem down into smaller 
pieces.. both to make it easier for you to debug, and also easier to ask one 
small thing at a time on this list.

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Re: delete all hosts using a wildcard

2012-01-16 Thread Govinda
 I think what Paul (who wrote a book on MySQL, by the way) was getting at was 
 that you risk what database folk call referential integrity issues if you 
 mess with *any* data without knowing where else it is used.

that was really an important post, excellently written!

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Re: Date and Time

2012-01-08 Thread Govinda

 What's your problem/reason with how it is?

I assume Andy means:

leave it stored as a timestamp type or datetime type, and when you need to 
display it otherwise.. then covert with date()

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Re: Date and Time

2012-01-08 Thread Govinda
 leave it stored as a timestamp type or datetime type, and when you need to 
 display it otherwise.. then covert with date()

oops, Paul's post reminded me I was suggesting a PHP function here ^^^  ... and 
this is the MySQL list.


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Re: why does basic MySQLdump on db table fail with Permission denied, or else it creates a zero KB file

2012-01-04 Thread Govinda
 ..which I just (earlier this morning) changed to this:

 You are missing a point, that the proper thing for PATH is directory (or 
 effective directory), not runfile in directory. This, therefore, is more 
 After this, surely, you can run mysqldump or mysql or mysqlbinlog or 

OK, yes, that makes sense.  Thanks.  Note though, then that 
'/usr/local/mysql/bin' path is redundant; it was already there (the preceding 

I also discovered from researching the '/etc/paths.d' dir...  where one can 
store files named after commands one wants to run, whose contents is the paths 
to those commands.

I am now able to run mysqldump or mysql directly.  
Thanks to everyone who replied!

For the archives, should any newbie actually find this thread on topic for 
where he/she is stuck, please note this (another great resource for driving 
mysql, and everything else CL related) -

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Re: why does basic MySQLdump on db table fail with Permission denied, or else it creates a zero KB file

2012-01-03 Thread Govinda
Govind% ls -al
total 251832
drwxr-xr-x  44 root  wheel  1496 Dec 29 09:57 .
drwxr-xr-x  16 root  wheel   544 Jul 13 16:23 ..
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel 14656 Jul 13 15:44 innochecksum
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  1424 Jul 13 15:43 msql2mysql
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   4202416 Jul 13 15:49 mysql
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   4220112 Jul 13 15:49 mysql_client_test
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   3895272 Jul 13 15:49 mysqldump
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  7402 Jul 13 15:43 mysqldumpslow
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   2952616 Jul 13 15:44 resolveip

 How about echo $PATH?
 Govind% echo $PATH
 I don't have the official binary distribution in front of me, but once you 
 get locate working, you can add the path of your MySQL binaries to the 
 $PATH variable by appending it (preceded by a colon) to the $PATH declaration 
 in your shell's startup script.

If I follow your directions to the letter, then I would make my ~/.profile 
contents this:

..but I instead tried this:

...and then when i attempt the same mysqldump as I successfully do, but with 
the shortcut path to mysqldump, like so:
Govind% mysqldump -uroot -p myDBname myTableName  

..then it still gives me:
mysqldump: Command not found.

Whatever is the thorough answer here, I assume it will allow me to also log 
into mysql without using a full path (as I currently have to do)

Anyway, I would just make my ~/.profile contents this:

..but I am hesitant to tread much further without understanding why my 
~/.profile contents is currently this:

..but I do not see that new path to mysqldump here:

Govind% echo $PATH

...nor here:
Govind% printenv

I use git commands without full path, from any directory, successfully, so I 
know this is right:
Govind% echo $PATH
/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/X11/bin then why is there no mention of git in  ~/.profile  ?

Again, I sincerely appreciate your time and efforts on my behalf Jan!!
And I will not feel disappointed in the least if you do not reply, as I KNOW 
this whole thread is not deep into the territory of: NOT a direct MySQL 
question, and RTFM.
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Re: why does basic MySQLdump on db table fail with Permission denied, or else it creates a zero KB file

2011-12-31 Thread Govinda
 So then I try (in Mac OS X Terminal, while logged in as me (not root)):
 mysqldump -uroot -p myDBname myTableName  ~/myTestDumpedTable.sql
 ...and again it produces:
 sh: mysqldump: command not found..
 that is because Mac OSX is missing a package-managment and so you need
 a little knowledge about your OS to fix the PATH or you have to use
 full-qualified calls or configure/install your software to locations.
 How did you get your copy of MySQL?

I don't remember for sure.. but think I just went to the MySQL site and 
downloaded whatever looked like the right version for my environment.  I used 
to use the one included with Mac OS 10.5, but when I upgraded to 10.6, then it 
no longer worked.. so I had to re-install MySQL.

 If you're using MacOS X Server, it should be in /usr/bin, which should be in 
 your default $PATH, or else you couldn't do ANYTHING, including ls.
 And for the record, there are at least two excellent package managers 
 available for Mac OS, and either MacPorts or Fink should append the proper 
 path to their binaries to the $PATH variable so they can be found. (Although 
 you need to log out and log back in to have your shell's .rc file executed.)
 Or else you built from source, in which case, you should know how to fix your 

You may have guessed I am pretty much in over my head with running servers..  
so I am just glad I have so far managed to do everything I need to develop, if 
not look smart on lists like this  ;-)

I have notes somewhere in my stuff about how to get $PATH to include where 
mysql actually lives, but once I realized what the issue was (in my OP this 
thread) then I was fine with just using a full path for now.  The convenience 
of a 'fixed' $PATH will be nice, sooner or later (when I get to it), but for 
now it is just as well that I let it beat into my head how the CL is actually 
working (working out the full paths)

 What does locate mysqldump tell you?

Govind% locate mysqldump

WARNING: The locate database (/var/db/locate.database) does not exist.
To create the database, run the following command:

  sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Please be aware that the database can take some time to generate; once
the database has been created, this message will no longer appear.

Govind% sudo launchctl load -w 
Govind% locate mysqldump

WARNING: The locate database (/var/db/locate.database) does not exist.
To create the database, run the following command:

  sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Please be aware that the database can take some time to generate; once
the database has been created, this message will no longer appear.

Password was right.. but   'sudo launchctl load -w 
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/'   seemed to have no 
(Again, way over my head for now).

 How about echo $PATH?

Govind% echo $PATH

Thanks for poking :-)
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Re: why does basic MySQLdump on db table fail with Permission denied, or else it creates a zero KB file

2011-12-29 Thread Govinda

 that is because Mac OSX is missing a package-managment and so you need
 a little knowledge about your OS to fix the PATH or you have to use
 full-qualified calls or configure/install your software to locations
 which are already in the path
 which mysqldump as normal user wil tell you where it is really
 [harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ which mysqldump

Thank you Richard, Andy, and Reindl !

Of course you all nailed it.  
Reindl, I especially appreciate you addressing each point, as it pointed me in 
the right direction to fill in the understanding-holes on all those topics!  
Some things I (partially) knew, but did not remember today because I don't have 
to deal in these areas much.

For right now, I just used full paths both for the command and for the output.

Just a side note, that:

Govind% which mysqldump
mysqldump: Command not found.
Govind% which /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump

kind of defeats the purpose of having to know the path in advance in order to 
use the command to detect the path  ;-)


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why does basic MySQLdump on db table fail with Permission denied, or else it creates a zero KB file

2011-12-29 Thread Govinda
Hi Everyone

This should be quick and simple, but after researching on Google quite a bit I 
am still stumped. I am mostly newbie with: server admin, CLI, MySQL.

I am developing my PHP site locally, and now need to move some new MySQL tables 
from my local dev setup to the remote testing site. First step for me is just 
to dump the tables, one at a time.

I successfully login to my local MySQL like so:
Govind% /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot

but while in this dir (and NOT logged into MySQL):

...when I try this:
mysqldump -uroot -p myDBname myTableName  myTestDumpedTable.sql

..then I keep getting this:
myTestDumpedTable.sql: Permission denied.

Same result if I do any variation on that (try to dump the whole db, drop the 
'-p', etc.)

On StackOverflow I asked this question [1], and replies there led me to trying 
being logged in as root user, and then (the same):
mysqldump -uroot -p myDBname myTableName  myTestDumpedTable.sql

sh: mysqldump: command not found

...which is odd because it does produce a zero-KB file named 
myTestDumpedTable.sql in that dir. 

So then I try (in Mac OS X Terminal, while logged in as me (not root)):
mysqldump -uroot -p myDBname myTableName  ~/myTestDumpedTable.sql

...and again it produces:
sh: mysqldump: command not found... 

and again a zero-KB file named myTestDumpedTable.sql, in ~/

I am embarrassed as I am sure this is going to be incredibly simple, or just 
reveal a gaping (basic) hole in my knowledge. .. but I would appreciate any 
help ;-)


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Re: delete syntax

2011-12-02 Thread Govinda
 well, i am using delete/insert-statements since 10 years to maintain
 users since you only have to know the tables in the database mysql
 and use flush privileges after changes
 The privileges should be maintained  only using the designated commands.
 You cannot rely on the knowledge you have of the underlying implementation
 which can change anytime , while the privileges command are standard.
 do what you think is good for you if YOU can't be sure what you do
 so please do not tell other peopole on what knowledge they can rely

*all* the back and forth in these threads is good.. is susses out all the 
knowledge for everyone to see.
Sincerely thanks to everyone who chimes in from all perspectives,
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Re: Inserting a new row

2011-11-14 Thread Govinda

 I'm a novice to MySQL and am currently facing the following difficulty.
 I'm trying to update a table with a row of data the primary key of which is
 an ID which I believe is an auto incrementing serial number.  My first
 question is how to check if this is the case.

Hi Toni

from the command line (or else how are you using mysql?),
type this:

mysql desc yourTableName;

..which will give you back a description of your table, something like this:

| Field  | Type  | Null | Key | Default 
| Extra   |
| userID | mediumint(9)  | NO   | PRI | NULL| 
auto_increment  |
| firstname  | varchar(100)  | NO   | | NULL
| |
| lastname   | varchar(100)  | NO   | | NULL
| |
| primaryEmail   | varchar(100)  | NO   | | NULL
| |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

See in my case it is telling me that userID is an integer type, a primary key 
(or has a primary key, however we say that), and that it is set to 

 Secondly while trying to insert such a row leaving out this column mySql is
 inserting the row at ID 0 (the previous ID's in the table are from 1 to 9),
 but then will not take further inserts.

hmmm...  I am also relative newbie with mysql, but I am guessing this means 
that your ID field is not set to auto_increment.  FIx that, and then test.


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Re: New-be: problem installing on Mac SO10.6

2011-11-05 Thread Govinda Brandon said..  from terminal you have to type something to get into 
mysql, and if you are like me, then that is:



 I installed Mysql using the .dmg package.  I can use System Preferences to 
 start and stop the program.  When I open a terminal window, I think this is 
 the way to us the program, any Mysql command I inter is not recognized.

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Re: New-be: problem installing on Mac SO10.6

2011-11-05 Thread Govinda Brandon said..  from terminal you have to type something to get into 
 mysql, and if you are like me, then that is:

Oh, I forgot to add - but you might need to be super user first.

(input pass..)

 I installed Mysql using the .dmg package.  I can use System Preferences to 
 start and stop the program.  When I open a terminal window, I think this is 
 the way to us the program, any Mysql command I inter is not recognized.

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Re: New-be: problem installing on Mac SO10.6

2011-11-05 Thread Govinda Brandon said..  from terminal you have to type something to get into 
 mysql, and if you are like me, then that is:
 Oh, I forgot to add - but you might need to be super user first.
 (input pass..)
 why in the world should someone call the mysql-cli as root?

answer: just because he (I) was developing locally (and so was not worried 
about it), is newbie, and because it worked - so he did not pursue learning 
further how to get into mysql without being su.

 NEVER call anything as root if not really needed, NEVER

 [harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ mysql -u root -p
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 715
 Server version: 5.5.17-log build

anyway, now I discovered this works (when there is no pass set up yet, 
apparently) -

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root

(my mentioning this ^^^  is not for the benefit of my saying something smarter 
(is it?), nor for you guys who know what you are doing (obviously).. but just 
for you Roger, in case it helps you (who seem to be even more newbie than me).  
  and also in case Reindl wants to teach us/comment some more (please do!)  
(coming from a developer who only learns the minimum (server admin skills) that 
he has to;  I like to focus on *development*.  I mean I would like to be expert 
in everything.. only minus extra reading ;-)


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Re: New-be: problem installing on Mac SO10.6

2011-11-05 Thread Govinda
Roger, 2 mins. of Google turned up these (just f.y.i.):


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Re: DBA Mentor?

2011-05-05 Thread Govinda
 Folks, I have no skin in this game whatsoever

same with me ^^^ .

...but I was just never sure what the OP meant by mentor.
 [...] take me under his or her wing [...]

...seemed to imply wanting to hire someone to soften/expedite the $free 
self-study process.

When I really look into people's motivation, I never find real mal intentions.. 
I just have to look deep enough; 
Everyone seemed innocent here (not deserving of any flippant remarks).

Communication is the trick, eh?  
Are we surprised?  ;-)

- Govinda

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what outputs/illustrates a table's structure? - WAS: Re: Hard? query to with group order by group head's name

2009-07-16 Thread Govinda

My table group_member looks like this:
| member_id | name  | head_id |
| 1 | Elim  |NULL |
| 2 | Ann   |   1 |
| 3 | David |NULL |
| 4 | John  |   3 |
| 5 | Jane  |   3 |

I see such nice formated text output serving to illustrate people's  
tables and I think it must be due to some code which is spitting that  
out, rather than people typing so painstakingly.  What is that  

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Re: what outputs/illustrates a table's structure? - WAS: Re: Hard? query to with group order by group head's name

2009-07-16 Thread Govinda
I see such nice formated text output serving to illustrate people's  
tables and I think it must be due to some code which is spitting  
that out, rather than people typing so painstakingly.  What is that  

It's the default output format of the mysql command line client,  
nothing special.


Meaning that on a shared hosting situation, without ssh, then I cannot  
do that, right?

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