Re: Cannot complete database transfer

2004-12-15 Thread Jason McKnight
I keep getting 'command not found'. 
This error indicates that your shell cannot find the mysql file to 
execute (or that it is not executable for some reason... bad 
permissions).  This can be caused by mysql (client) not being installed 
or by the client not being on a path that your user can see.

more below...
Victor Pendleton wrote:
Did you install MySQL on the other box? It sounds like you took a 
snapshot of the data but have not installed the executables yet.

James Sherwood wrote:
I am trying to transfer a database from one linux box to another, 
both using

On one I performed a mysqldump and it worked fine.
On the other I created the database using a manager and tried the 'mysql
username password database  filename.sql' command
The problem is, I cannot seem to get the box to see the mysql.
I found it in init.d

The mysql in init.d is a control script that starts and stops the 
daemon. It is not the mysql client program and mysql  mysqld.

vi (or whatever your text editor preference may be) the script and look 
at it. You can find your bin dir somewhere in this file. Once you find 
it you can see if mysql is in there.

I have root access
try su - instead of su if that is what you are using for root access.
I keep getting 'command not found'.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated


Jason McKnight
Mgr. Information Services
The InSite Group,LLC 

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Re: Install problems with phpMyAdmin

2004-12-01 Thread Jason McKnight
This may be a bit off-topic for the MySQL List but see below:
Gunter Götz wrote:
Hello experts,
according the desprictions I have installed the phpMyAdmin (2.6.0-pl3) as
 shell su - enter
 shell mv phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3.tar.tar /usr/sbin/  enter
 shell cd /usr/sbin/ enter
 shell tar -zxf phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3.tar.tar enter
 shell rm phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3.tar.tar
 shell mv phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3/ phpMyAdmin
 shell phpMyAdmin/ enter

phpmyadmin is a web application. You extracted it to your /usr/sbin 
directory which is probably not where your web server is looking for 
files (unless you directed it to do so in your httpd.conf). The default 
for Apache is in the apache install directory (often 

At the configuration file I did following changes:
 shell vi
 $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://localhost/phpMyAdmin';
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = '';
After that I startet a browser(Mozilla) at that local server and entered:
But unfortunately it appeared only the message The connection was refused
when attempting to
contact localhost.

Sounds like your web server is either not running or is running on a 
different port (you would have to alter the std port in httpd.conf)

On that server runs a mysql server (V.4.0.22) which is placed in
I`m just a beginner with linux, mysql and phpMyAdmin. Who can give me
support? Is there any
additional software for PHP necessary?

To run phpmyadmin you need:
Web Server that supports php (Apache is good, if you get Apache 2.0 use 
the prefork option with PHP, if you don't know what that is go with the 
1.3.x versions for linux)--

There are quite a few Linux distro's that can create all of this during 
install for you if you are unfamiliar with installing software on Linux.

Jason McKnight
Mgr. Information Services
The InSite Group,LLC

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Reg SubQuery

2004-12-01 Thread Jason McKnight
You could also do it like this:
select min(id) from emp;
Roger Baklund wrote:
I need to get all the details of an employee whose salary is the lowest.
I can do like this in Oracle
select * from emp where id = (select min(id) from emp).
Can we have any alternative in MySQL for the above query, as sub queries
are not supported in MySQL 4.0.21

There is no need for a subquery in this case:
select * from emp order by id limit 1;

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Re: MySQL support for AMD64

2004-12-01 Thread Jason McKnight
I don't have your configuration but I do have 2 servers running with 
3ware controllers (800 or so megs in RAID 5 on each). They are stable 
and performance is good. I don't run MySQL on these however. I also have 
an AMD64 box running Fedora/AMD64/MySQL and everything is stable. My 
AMD64 box is not a production box (sadly I usually buy DELL for servers 
and they may never offer an Opteron solution).

There are others on the list who can tell you what you need to know 
about running high end MySQL installs but I can tell you RAID5 is 
probably going to limit your performance. Also you might want to 
calculate the possible size of indeces as that can affect how much ram 
you really need.

Jason McKnight
Mgr. Information Services
The InSite Group,LLC
Lynn Bender wrote:
I just received a box with the following specs:
Dual AMD64
8G ram
Two 3ware 2.4 terabyte RAID 5 arrays.
My company has been using Redhat for most of its production machines.
1. Does anyone have any success/horror stories running MySQL 4.0.x
on RHES 3/ AMD64?
2. Does anyone have alternate recommendations for running MySQL
databases in the terabyte range on AMD64?
Lynn Bender

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Re: Downsides of MySQL?

2001-08-16 Thread Jason McKnight

To the original poster: Is this a loaded question just to see what kind of
response you might get?

The application that requires a database server was not mentioned as far as
I can tell, but that will influence your decision on what backend to choose.

If you need every feature set under the sun go get Oracle. It is really
nice. It is also really expensive and you need some massive hardware to run
it (to run it well anyway). And dont for get to hire that Oracle DBA while
your at it for an additional $60k (US) per year.

If you need a fast reliable database server MySQL will do nicely for most
applications. I'll bet there is NO WAY that you can even pay for access to
the actual developers of the commercial database systems. You get that
access right here in this list. You can also pay them (yes everybody needs
some type of income) for different levels of support.

check it out. RTFM.

- Original Message -
From: Steve Edberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Downsides of MySQL?

 Urgh...I've been fortunate enough to avoid things like this myself
 until recently, when some of my PHP/MySQL/Apache stuff is getting
 tossed out in favor of Cold Fusion/MS-SQL Server/MS-IIS. Anyway, my

 At 8:35 AM -0500 8/16/01, Boget, Chris wrote:
 Good morning.
 Recently, we presented MySQL as a database option for a website that
 we might be working on.  We've used it as our database in the past and
 we plan on using it in the future as possible.
 With that said, I confess I don't have as intimate a knowledge of mySQL
 to address some of the things in the email that was sent to me.  I'd like
 to hear what some of you have to say/think about this.  I know some
 of the things said below aren't entirely correct, but I'm not 100% sure
 about some of the others.
 --Begin Quote--
 MySQL - as I said at our meeting, we would not be comfortable with this
 as an enterprise strength solution. MySQL is unsupported freeware and
 lacks enterprise management functionality.

 Do these people even know what they mean by 'enterprise management
 functionality', or did they just crib from an Oracle brochure? DO
 they have any specifics about what they require?

 It has a small limited feature
 set compared to ORACLE, DB/2 and is lacking the functionality to support
 data replication and has little capability for generating management

 No surprise that these folks haven't been following MySQL development
 for quite a while, and probably don't know about its replication
 features. I haven't used 'em myself, though, so I can't vouch for
 their robustness.

 As far as the feature set  manageability, it's true - there's a
 lotta things MySQL made a conscious decision to leave out (unions,
 views, triggers, stored procedures, subselects [i know, coming soon],
 foreign key support, etc.) in favor of speed/small memory footprint.
 And you have to go to third-parties for
 reverse-engineering/diagramming tools.

 If your application requires such, then maybe MySQL _isn't_ the right
 solution; however - depending on your app - Oracle/DB2/whatever might
 be sheer overkill. Administrative overhead for systems like those
 might far outweigh any advantages they have for you.

 There are question marks around the scalability of the product, I'm not
 sure of the locking algorithms used (whether row level or record level) -

 It depends on table type; AFAIK, it can be table (ISAM/MyISAM),
 page-level (BDB), or row-level (InnoDB). See:

 You've got a choice! This used to be considered a good thing...

 fact that it is not generally used in multi-user solutions is a good
 indication that this is not accepted database technology for
 multi-user systems.
 The fact that it is unsupported freeware would mean that an end user
 potentially be held to ransom by a DBA with specific knowledge.

 This kinda of statement is beginning to REALLY rile me when I hear
 it. Even if you discount the fact that this mailing list provides
 better support than the majority of PAID support programs, if you
 want to, the MySQL folks would be more than happy to take a large
 amount of your $$$ to provide excellent support:

 - this can include customizing MySQL for you! There are also
 individual consultants  firms that will support you as well. How
 anyone could actually back up a claim of MySQL being 'unsupported' is
 beyond me.

 The mySQL
 security model is also not sufficiently developed for any system that

 I dunno, with some combination of encrypted fields, database server
 behind a firewall, SSH-tunnelled communication and good DB/system
 administration, you'd have a plenty secure