Archiving Mail on mysql

2004-01-19 Thread Marc DVer
Has anyone done any programming relating to using mysql as a mail 
archive?  I'd like to play around with mysql, and I happen to have alot 
of old mail that I don't need.  I'm using Mozilla, so it shouldn't be 
hard to extract mail from the mail folders and input them into a 
database.  I'm a newbie at databases, so I'm wondering how would I 
handle messages that have binary attachments.  I could send the whole 
thing as a blob, but then I would have problems with full text 
searching.  I'm willing to work with other people on this and share 
whatever code results from it. 
Marc DVer

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Certification Test Questions

2004-01-18 Thread Marc Dver
1.  What is the format of the test questions?  I.e., are they multiple 
choice, free answer, essay, etc.?  Are they theory based or is it fact 
based, i.e., memorize the books to pass?
2.  Upon the recommendation of someone on this list, I purchased two 
books, one entitled, MySQL by Paul Dubois, and An Introduction to 
Database Systems by C.J. Date.  Would these materials, together with 
practice on a live server, suffice to give me the knowledge to pass the 
certification test?
3.  What version is the test geared for?
Marc DVer

MySQL General Mailing List
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Recommended Course

2004-01-07 Thread Marc Dver
This might be a bit of a repeat, but I didn't get too many responses. 
Can someone recommend a course in the Northeast of the US that teaches 
the details of the use of mysql?
Marc DVer

MySQL General Mailing List
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Best Method for Learning mysql

2004-01-05 Thread Marc Dver
Based on the collective experiences of the members of this group, what 
are the best methods for learning mysql, both from the perspective of 
certification and of learning enough to excel in the production 
environment?  My interests include both the specifics of mysql and the 
general concepts behind the use and administration of databases in 
general.  I'm interested in both free and pay-for methods.  I'm 
particularly interested in solicitations from companies offering 
products in this area, so if you represent such a company or otherwise 
have an interest in my business, please feel free to send a private 
email.  In fact, its probably better if people in general send me 
private emails, from which I shall endeavor to summarize to the public list.

Marc DVer
MySQL General Mailing List
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Online Training for mysql

2003-12-28 Thread Marc Dver
Does anyone know of a site that offers online training in mysql for the 
purpose of passing the certification tests?  I am willing to pay for 
descent training, especially if the provider is recognized by mysql AB.

Marc DVer
MySQL General Mailing List
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