
2004-07-01 Thread Marek Lewczuk
I'm using MySQL 4.1.2 and it should be available utf8_polish_ci 
collation. But, it seems that it is not.

# Query:
The same results are for windows and linux. Is this a bug ?

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When 4.1.2 release

2004-05-24 Thread Marek Lewczuk
In the documentation there is a note that 4.1.2 will be released soon. I 
need some features which are available only in this version... Any 
estimated date when it will be ? Sorry for asking about the same thing...


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UTF-8 problem

2004-05-24 Thread Marek Lewczuk
I've just installed 4.1.1 to see how UTF-8 is working. In my.ini I have 
set default-character-set=utf8 - so all input/output data should be send 
in utf-8 charset. System variables (after start) are set as they should:

character_set_database  utf8
character_set_results   utf8
collation_database  utf8_general_ci
And now, php function mysqli_character_set_name return latin1_swedish_ci 
and all queries are returned in this character-set. Queries are working 
only when I set connection character-set:
mysqli_query($c, SET CHARACTER SET utf8;);
mysqli_query($c, SELECT * FROM db);

What I should change to have all in/out queries executed in utf8 and 
utf8_general_ci collation.

Thanks in advance.

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when 4.1.2 release

2004-04-17 Thread Marek Lewczuk
when do you plan to release 4.1.2 version ?

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When release of 4.1.1

2003-10-23 Thread Marek Lewczuk
Can you tell us, when you plan to release 4.1.1 version ?
A few weeks ago, Heikki guess was: ...before Nov 15th, 2003.

And how it looks now ?

Best regards,


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RE: Referential integrity, FULLTEXT and table types

2003-07-28 Thread Marek Lewczuk
 I need to have a table that supports FULLTEXT searches. This 
 implies that this table should be a MyISAM table. 
 However, I also require that this table act as a parent for 
 child tables in order to support referential integrity. If I 
 create the child tables as INNODB tables, will referential 
 integrity still work with the MyISAM parent table?

Hello Tom,
Currently you can't use InnoDB tables and Full-Text search, also you
can't use MyISAM (which support Full-Text) with foreign keys (it's
planned to implement foreign keys in MyISAM tables in MySQL 5.0). So my
suggestion: use InnoDB  MyISAM together - maybe it isn't referential
safe but what can we do...

Good luck,


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LEFT JOIN limitations ??

2003-07-25 Thread Marek Lewczuk
I have a strange problem, maybe some of you will be able to explain me
something. I use LEFT JOIN as a substitute for subselects. It's true
that many subselects can be rewriten using LEFT JOIN. I have made a
query which use LEFT JOIN statement and... when there are many LEFT
JOIN's (over 3) on the same table MySQL execute this query very long
time... few hours or more. Maybe there is something wrong with my table
structures...  Are there any limitations for LEFT JOIN ??

Below the query, and table structures...


  IF(LENGTH(_NNA.content)  250, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(_NNA.content, 1,
250),'...'), _NNA.content) AS content, 
  new_news _NEW, 
  new_news_names_search _NNA 
  LEFT JOIN new_news_categorys _CAT21 ON _CAT21.news_id = _NEW.news_id
AND _CAT21.category_id IN (21) 
  LEFT JOIN new_news_categorys _CAT18 ON _CAT18.news_id = _NEW.news_id
AND _CAT18.category_id IN (18) 
  LEFT JOIN new_news_categorys _CAT50 ON _CAT50.news_id = _NEW.news_id
AND _CAT50.category_id IN (50) 
  LEFT JOIN new_news_categorys _CAT1 ON _CAT1.news_id = _NEW.news_id AND
_CAT1.category_id IN (1,2,3,17,19,30,37)
  _NEW.publish_date = NOW() AND
  _NNA.news_id = _NEW.news_id AND 
  _NNA.language_id = '1' AND 
  _CAT21.news_id  0 AND 
  _CAT18.news_id  0 AND 
  _CAT50.news_id  0 AND 
  _CAT1.news_id  0 
  _NEW.publish_date DESC

# Table structure for table 'new_news_categorys'

CREATE TABLE new_news_categorys (
  news_id int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  category_id int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (news_id,category_id),
  KEY category_id (category_id),
  CONSTRAINT 0_1901 FOREIGN KEY (news_id) REFERENCES new_news (news_id)
set_new_news_categorys (category_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
) TYPE=InnoDB;

# Table structure for table 'new_news_names'

CREATE TABLE new_news_names (
  news_id int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  language_id int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  title longtext,
  content longtext,
  PRIMARY KEY  (news_id,language_id),
  KEY news_id (news_id),
  KEY language_id (language_id),
  CONSTRAINT 0_1909 FOREIGN KEY (news_id) REFERENCES new_news (news_id)
) TYPE=InnoDB;

# Table structure for table 'new_news_names_search'

CREATE TABLE new_news_names_search (
  news_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  language_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  title longtext,
  content longtext,
  PRIMARY KEY  (news_id,language_id),
  FULLTEXT KEY title (title,content)


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MySQL tables performance question

2003-07-23 Thread Marek Lewczuk
I have a table where misc data are stored. Right now this table has
about 30 columns, but for sure it will be more in the near future. So I
wonder how the big number (50-100) of table's columns affect for MySQL
DB performance. Maybe it's better to create more tables rather than more
table's columns ??

Marek Lewczuk


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Full-Text for InnoDB Unicode

2003-07-23 Thread Marek Lewczuk
As far I remember full-text doesn't work with utf-8. Anybody knows the
estimated time when it will be supported ?? I next few months 4.1
version will be ready to use (I hope so...) and I wish to use utf-8
charsets, but very important issue is full-text search.

I'm also curious with InnoDB support for Full-Text search.

Best regards,


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Set variable ft_min_word_len

2003-07-22 Thread Marek Lewczuk
On our Linux server we get this error:
030722 08:09:55  mysqld started
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ERROR: unknown variable 'ft_min_word_len =
030722 08:09:55  mysqld ended [...]

It's strange becouse I can set this variable through my.ini on my
Windows. Anyone can help me solve this problem ?


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RE: Set variable ft_min_word_len

2003-07-22 Thread Marek Lewczuk
 At 8:20 +0100 7/22/03, Marek Lewczuk wrote:
 On our Linux server we get this error:
 030722 08:09:55  mysqld started
 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ERROR: unknown variable 
 'ft_min_word_len = 
 2' 030722 08:09:55  mysqld ended [...]
 It's strange becouse I can set this variable through my.ini on my 
 Windows. Anyone can help me solve this problem ?
 What version is MySQL on your Linux box? Older than 4.0.x?

First we were using 4.0.12, but today we have made an update to 4.0.13
- but on both versions it's not working.


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RE: Set variable ft_min_word_len

2003-07-22 Thread Marek Lewczuk
 the correct syntax is WITHOUT quotes and WITHOUT spaces.
   -O ft_min_word_len=2  -- but -O is obsolete
 but not
   -O 'ft_min_word_len = 2'

But we want to set this variable in my.cnf, so the syntax shouldn't be
like this:
set-variable = ft_min_word_len=2



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Building from the develepment tree (windows)

2003-07-16 Thread Marek Lewczuk
I'm trying to build mysql from the development sources of mysql 4.1.,
retreived using bitkeeper under win2k using cygwin.

I have made bk -r edit, and now I'm having a problem
running aclocal:

aclocal: configure.in: 450: macro `AM_PROG_AS' not found in library

When I make automake --version and aclocal --version it prints me

Does anyone use cygwin for this, any solutions and advices ?

Best regards,
Marek L.


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MySQL vs. PostgreSQL -- speed test

2003-07-14 Thread Marek Lewczuk
Hello group,
For everyone who thinks about moving from MySQL to PostgreSQL I have a
realy bad news - It's not worth. Why, You may ask... A few days ago I
have installed and tested PostgreSQL, becouse I realy need UTF-8 support
and subselects. I thought that PostgreSQL will be as good as MySQL but
also will give me that features, which aren't availble in MySQL. Well,
after installation and moving my MySQL dbs into PostgreSQL I decided to
check if PostgreSQL is as fast as MySQL is.

I was shocked... I have made several tests with simple and complicated
querys - select, update, insert, drop. PostgreSQL execute those querys
even 20 times slower than MySQL. On average, PostgreSQL is 2-3 times

So, all people who needs trigers/views/procedures etc. have to be
patient and wait for new MySQL versions.



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RE: MySQL vs. PostgreSQL -- speed test

2003-07-14 Thread Marek Lewczuk

 If maximum speed is critical.
 It's easy to lose sight of the fact that speed is not the 
 only criterion 
 in choosing a DBMS.  Features, stability, security, and so on can be 
 just as important or more so.  No single DBMS is going to win all the 
 prizes; the trick is to find the one with the right balance.

I agree with your opinion in 100%, but in my case I need DBMS with
features like subselectes/utf-8/stored procedures but the speed is also
very important issue.


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RE: MySQL vs. PostgreSQL -- speed test

2003-07-14 Thread Marek Lewczuk
 which PostgreSQL version have you testet? If you want compare 
 MySQL and 
 PostgreSQL, than you have to use InnoDB tables. Tests with 
 MyISAM make no 
 sense. Out J2EE Application is working woth PostgreSQL 7.3.3 
 and MySQL 
 4.0.13 with InnoDB tables (we need transactions and 
 referencial integrity). 
 and the performance is at moment the same. But we have unoptimized 
 PostgreSQL version.

I was testing MySQL 4.0.13 with InnoDB tables and PostgreSQL 7.3.3.


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RE: MySQL vs. PostgreSQL -- speed test

2003-07-14 Thread Marek Lewczuk
 I agree with your opinion in 100%, but in my case I need DBMS with
 features like subselectes/utf-8/stored procedures but the 
 speed is also
 very important issue.
 You might have to spend money!

You are saying that there is DBMS with all this features and it is as
fast as MySQL ? 


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Utf-8 in 4.1

2003-05-28 Thread Marek Lewczuk
4.1 version can use UTF-8 encoding, but as far I remember there is
something wrong with this feature. Can you tell us when 4.1.1 version
will be released and is it will be fixed.

Best regards,


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InnoDB: no full text search alternative solution ??

2003-03-21 Thread Marek Lewczuk
As you all know InnoDB doesn't support full text search. My application
is a huge news system with about 100 new news per day. All of my tables
are in InnoDB becouse of foreign keys. Today I find out that the main
feature of news system - searching - is not available. It's quite big
problem... Do you have any ideas how to search text tables in InnoDB ??
Of course I know about querys using LIKE = '%%' but it isn't so
effective and good as FULL TEXT... Maybe in further versions (4.1) of
MySQL, InnoDB will support this feature ??

Thanks for answer.


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Problem with unique index on InnoDB

2003-02-25 Thread Marek Lewczuk
Hello group,
My table look like this:

CREATE TABLE `mda_models` (
  `model_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `make_id` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  `model_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `model_phase` varchar(100) default NULL,
  `model_phase_no` int(4) default NULL,
  `model_manufacturer_name` text,
  `model_type` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  `model_wage` int(4) default NULL,
  `update_date` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  `update_user_id` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  `add_date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `pricelist_start_date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `pricelist_end_date` date NOT NULL default '-12-31',
  `sales_end_date` date NOT NULL default '-12-31',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`model_id`,`make_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `model`
  KEY `make_id` (`make_id`),
  KEY `model_id` (`model_id`),
  KEY `model_type` (`model_type`),
  FOREIGN KEY (`make_id`) REFERENCES `mda_makes` (`make_id`),
  FOREIGN KEY (`model_type`) REFERENCES `set_mda_car_types` (`type_id`)

As you see there is the unique key called model. There are several
fields, some of them can be null.. Look at this insert querys:

INSERT INTO mda_models (make_id, model_name, model_phase,
model_phase_no, model_type) VALUES (42, 'Test model', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO mda_models (make_id, model_name, model_phase,
model_phase_no, model_type) VALUES (42, 'Test model', NULL, NULL, 1);

MySQL should send an error before second query, that there is the record
which is the same as the inserting one... But NO, you can add as many as
you want... Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong.

I would be appreciated for help!!

Marek Lewczuk


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RE: Problem with unique index on InnoDB

2003-02-25 Thread Marek Lewczuk

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Harald Fuchs
 Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:52 AM
 Subject: Re: Problem with unique index on InnoDB

 The second record is different because it has another model_id.
 BTW: your index on model_id is useless because it's covered 
 by your primary key.

Yes, correct... Primary key is based on model_id, and model_id field is
set as autoincrement. But there is also unique index called model, and
there is no model_id field inside... So mysql should not add two same

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Marek Lewczuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hello group,
  My table look like this:
  CREATE TABLE `mda_models` (
`model_id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`make_id` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`model_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`model_phase` varchar(100) default NULL,
`model_phase_no` int(4) default NULL,
`model_manufacturer_name` text,
`model_type` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`model_wage` int(4) default NULL,
`update_date` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
`update_user_id` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`add_date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
`pricelist_start_date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
`pricelist_end_date` date NOT NULL default '-12-31',
`sales_end_date` date NOT NULL default '-12-31',
PRIMARY KEY  (`model_id`,`make_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `model` 
KEY `make_id` (`make_id`),
KEY `model_id` (`model_id`),
KEY `model_type` (`model_type`),
FOREIGN KEY (`make_id`) REFERENCES `mda_makes` (`make_id`),
FOREIGN KEY (`model_type`) REFERENCES `set_mda_car_types` 
  ) TYPE=InnoDB
  As you see there is the unique key called model. There 
 are several 
  fields, some of them can be null.. Look at this insert querys:
  INSERT INTO mda_models (make_id, model_name, model_phase, 
  model_phase_no, model_type) VALUES (42, 'Test model', NULL, 
 NULL, 1); 
  INSERT INTO mda_models (make_id, model_name, model_phase, 
  model_phase_no, model_type) VALUES (42, 'Test model', NULL, 
 NULL, 1);
  MySQL should send an error before second query, that there is the 
  record which is the same as the inserting one... But NO, 
 you can add 
  as many as you want... Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong.


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