Re: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Mattia Merzi
2011/1/25 Robinson, Eric
 your whole solution is crippled because why in the world are
 you killing your salves and reinit them without any reason daily?
 There is a very good reason: it is the phenomenon of row drift. The
 master and slave can appear to be in good sync, but often it is not
 actually the case.

... sounds interesting; have you got any document explaining
this phenomenon? AFAIK, the things that (silently) break replication are:
- non-deterministic functions in statement-based replication
- hand-made updates on the slave db
is this enough to justify a *daily* resync?!

However, this could be a solution for your problem (maybe)

if you watch the movie, at ~40 minutes, you can see a slide
What causes slave to get out of sync...



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Re: Error 1064

2010-06-08 Thread Mattia Merzi
Hi Brad,

2010/6/8 Brad Scott
 Any line beginning with just a number (ie 9, 10, 16) causes a failure.  What 
 am I missing?

you should add backticks ( ` ) at both ends of the column name, e.g.
 `7c` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

I think your export should have been done with the option --quote-names enabled.

Hope this helps, unfortunately I have no mysql instances available to
test at the moment...



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Re: Strange behavior by MySQL Stored Procedure

2010-05-28 Thread Mattia Merzi
2010/5/28 Manasi Save
 Or am I doing something wrong?

you better send us another e-mail writing at least:
- mysql version you are using
- mysql Connector/J version you are using
- piece of java code you are using to call the stored procedure
- source of the stored procedure (or part of it)

... probably, a subset of all of these infos will not be enough
to understand the problem.

In any case, if you have troubles using the mysql jdbc driver
but no problem using the mysql CLI and you suspect a
Connector/J bug, maybe you better write to the mysql java
support mailing list:



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Re: Replication : request DELETE is not executed on slave

2010-04-28 Thread Mattia Merzi
AFAIR you can use LIMIT with replication only if you use row-based
replication (or mixed), that means that you must use mysql 5.1.



2010/4/28 Tom Worster Replication and LIMIT
 Replication of LIMIT clauses in DELETE, UPDATE, and INSERT ... SELECT
 statements is not guaranteed, since the order of the rows affected is not
 defined. Such statements can be replicated correctly only if they also
 contain an ORDER BY clause.

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Re: How to modify the application to implement the separation of write/read

2010-03-11 Thread Mattia Merzi
2010/3/11 Peter Chen
 Does someone have met this problem? How to implement the separation of
 read and write?

please, write us some more details about your application!

For example, if you use java with the Connector/j jdbc driver, you can
enjoy a really
nice feature already implemented in the driver:



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Re: How to modify the application to implement the separation of write/read

2010-03-11 Thread Mattia Merzi
2010/3/11 Peter Chen
 I am not sure whether do I need to modify something else? Like my application 
as stated on the webpage you just posted here:

An application signals that it wants a transaction to be read-only by calling
Connection.setReadOnly(true), this replication-aware connection will
use one of the
slave connections, which are load-balanced per-vm using a round-robin scheme

So, I think you just need to set the readonly flag to true on the
connection objects
via the setReadOnly() method. I can't tell you how to handle this
using the hibernate stuffs,
you should probably:
- post this question on an hibernate-related mailing list
- post this question on the Connector/J mailing list (there should be
one, I think! :)
- wait until someone else answers to this mail
- try it by yourself (my suggestion).

Finally, if you look at the user comments on the very same page, you will see an
entry explicitly dedicated to Hibernate, suggesting a way to configure
the persistence.xml file.

Regarding the automatic failover, I suggest you to investigate the
autoReconnect and failOverReadOnly flags of the Connector/J:

Greetings, and have a nice coding!


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Re: last_insert_id

2009-12-27 Thread Mattia Merzi
2009/12/27 Victor Subervi
 mysql select * from products;
 mysql select last_insert_id() from products;
 Now, I was expecting 1, not 0! What up?

[...] LAST_INSERT_ID() (no arguments) returns the first
automatically generated value successfully inserted for
an AUTO_INCREMENT column as a result of the most
recently executed INSERT statement. [...] If no rows
were (successfully) inserted, LAST_INSERT_ID() returns 0.



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Re: Duplicate Entry, But Table Empty!

2009-12-14 Thread Mattia Merzi
2009/12/13 Victor Subervi
 Please advise.

review your sql: you are inserting into


and selecting from


 ( Asterisk in Pinter Tibor's mail means bold )


Mattia Merzi.

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Re: contributing to mysql ..

2009-05-27 Thread Mattia Merzi
here you are:


Mattia Merzi.

2009/5/27 mugisha moses
 hi all
 am new to opensource. iam a finalist student doing computer science in
 East Africa. i would like to start contributing to the mysql project.
 can u guys give me some getting started tips or hacks...
 anything that can help me dive in straight..
 Mugisha Moses

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Re: Trigger working with server 5.0.51 but not 5.0.22

2009-05-13 Thread Mattia Merzi
2009/5/13 Mauricio Tellez
 Hi, I'm developed a trigger with mysql version 5.0.51(ubuntu), and when I
 tried to move this to a production server (version 5.0.22 fedora) I ran into
 but mysql say there is an error near EXISTS cfe_tg_calculas_consumos. Of
The IF EXISTS  clause was added in MySQL 5.0.32.



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Re: avoiding use of Nulls (was: The = operator)

2009-03-15 Thread Mattia Merzi
 So instead of thinking that I am an idiot, try using your intelligence and
 try to understand what I am really talking about!
... instead, try to point us to a chapter of a book or take your time
and write a short paper, 'cause my (stupid) intelligence suggests
me that (maybe) you are the one that is not able to express his
ideas *clearly* 



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Re: avoiding use of Nulls (was: The = operator)

2009-03-14 Thread Mattia Merzi
 I have a database logging weather data. When a station does not report a
 temperature, it is set to NULL. It would be a very bad idea to set it to 0
 as this would ruin the whole statistics.
 NULL is a perfectly valid information in many cases.
  I'd use -9., I'd never allow a i don't know what it is value
 like Null in my database.
what about a sensor that reports -9. when it is broken
or the temperature is out of range for it? How could you express
this information in this case? Just changing your fake-NULL value
to -8. would be something *horrible*.
I perfectly agree with Thomas, and I would expand his idea:
- sensor working: integer value between -250~+32767
- sensor now working: integer value less than -250
- sensor unavailable: NULL
I think that the advantages of this kind of architecture are easy to understand.
More generally, NULL means (in this case): I cannot write a *value* because I
have no informations, instead, -9. is a *value*!
In a previous e-mail on this thread you wrote: NULL is garbage or something
like this, but think: -9. is garbage.
NULL is something we all  agree, in general, it means I don't know.
Going back to the fax-number example, you wrote (if I correctly remember) that
you would use some blanks, instead ... well, I would use a single zero
and another could use some other value it would be a disaster!
How could you avoid this?



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Re: InnoDB deadlocks

2009-03-10 Thread Mattia Merzi
Hi there,

well, thanks for the hints regarding transaction-serialization
performance but, if you read my very first e-mail, I didn't mention
any kind of performance trouble, I just sometimes (once a *month*)
have to re-issue some db commands because of these
deadlocks, but 99.9% of the time I have free cpu, free memory and
free disk IO resources so, fortunately, performace is not
a problem, just some deadlocks, and I just want to be sure that
everything works as it should, even in that 0.1% of the time that
the database is heavily used.
Additionally, the database that causes me this kind of troubles
is a database dedicated to batch jobs, so in any case nobody
will be angry if the jobs finish couple of minutes later than usual ...:)

It's something like: 23.5 hours a day data is loaded, 0.5 hours a day
some clients run in parallel and call some stored procedures
that can run in a serial fashion without causing any kind of trouble.

Thank you anyway, any e-mail is really appreciated, even if
performance is not a problem for me... and I hope that this sentence
will not make this e-mail be considered as spam  :D

Greetings, and thanks again, Jerry!

Thanks even to Paul for the really-tiny-but-really-appreciated
answers to my questions!

Mattia Merzi.

2009/3/10 Jerry Schwartz
 [JS] There is no free lunch, but sometimes you get a free appetizer. Within
 limits, you will get better throughput if you have multiple transactions
 running in parallel rather than running them serially. The problem is to
 determine those limits. If you have the luxury, you run stress tests and
 examine the queue lengths for the various bits: disk, memory, cpu, network.
 That will give you some idea of what your system can tolerate, as well as
 telling you where to put your money. In reality, most of us run stress tests
 during production. :(

 Of the various resources, memory is the one with the sharpest knee in the
 curve because either you have enough or you don't. If you have enough
 memory, then more will not help.

 Remember, there is always exactly one bottleneck in a system at any given

 By the way, if transactions are constantly presented to a resource faster
 than the resource can service, the queue length will grow to infinity. That
 will cause performance problems. ;)

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InnoDB deadlocks

2009-03-09 Thread Mattia Merzi
Hi everyone,

I've got some problems with deadlocks on InnoDB tables.
On paragraph How to Cope with Deadlocks
of the mysql 5.1 version, the last sentence states:
Another way to serialize transactions is to create an auxiliary
“semaphore” table that contains just a single row.
Have each transaction update that row before accessing other tables.
In that way, all transactions happen in a serial fashion.
Note that the InnoDB instant deadlock detection algorithm also works
in this case, because the serializing lock is a row-level lock.
With MySQL table-level locks, the timeout method must be used to
resolve deadlocks.

Just two very simple questions:
- using this method, transactions will be serialized so the deadlock
problem will never come up again?
  This seems clear reading that sentence, the only thing that makes me
humble is the statement:
  Note that the InnoDB instant deadlock detection algorithm also
works in this case ... can someone
  briefly explain me this concept?
- if I create a semaphore table and I start any deadlock-prone
transaction issuing a lock table  write
  on that table and an unlock tables immediately after the commit,
will the effect be the same?
  'Cause the last sentence of the manual says:
  With MySQL table-level locks, the timeout method must be used to
resolve deadlocks
  will this mean that if I use this LOCK TABLE method I can get
timeouts instead of deadlocks
  on the very same transactions?

Thank you very much,



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Re: Record IDs

2009-02-23 Thread Mattia Merzi
2009/2/23 Hagen Finley
 I have a number of duplicate records in my table which are identical hence,
 I can't do a delete on the columns without deleting both records. One
 deletion strategy I have considered is identifying the records by their
 table record id - but I don't know for certain that such an identifier
 exists or how I would show it via a select statement. Any suggestions?

DELETE FROM yourtable WHERE foo=bar LIMIT 1
should do the job.


Mattia Merzi.

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