Re: Examples of savepoints and transactions

2018-01-24 Thread Lars Nielsen

Kind Regards / Med venlig hilsen
Lars Nielsen
> - Original Message -
>> From: "Lars Nielsen" <>
>> To: "MySql" <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, 23 January, 2018 23:19:29
>> Subject: Re: Examples of savepoints and transactions
>>> Den 22-01-2018 kl. 22:01 skrev shawn
>>> Hello Lars,
>>>> On 1/21/2018 3:37 PM, Lars Nielsen wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a system that uses begin and commit transactions. It works
>>>> like a dream! ;)
>>>> Now I want to test it by creating test data. This how ever cannot be
>>>> rolled back. I think the solution for rolling back test data is to
>>>> use savepoints and rollback. I think it is hard to find examples of
>>>> this scenario. Are there some good guides or tutorials out there
>>>> somewhere? Any suggestions are welcome.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Lars Nielsen
>>> Can you mock up an example (a simple text walkthrough) of how you
>>> think a savepoint should work with what you are calling "test data" ?
>>> I think that the term "test data" is too general to make much sense to
>>> most of us in the context you described.
>>> Yours,
>> Hello Shawn,
>> Thanks for your interest. Here is an example of my idea.
>> I have a php site working through PDO connections. I insert some data
>> through php like this :
>> |START TRANSACTION; SELECT @A:=SUM(salary) FROM table1 WHERE type=1;
>> UPDATE table2 SET summary=@A WHERE type=1; INSERT INTO table3 values (x,
>> y, z); COMMIT; |||
>> ||Now I want to do automated tests that create "dummy" data that i want
>> to remove after the test has finished:
>> like this :
>> table1 WHERE type=1; UPDATE table2 SET summary=@A WHERE type=1; INSERT
>> INTO table3 values (x, y, z); COMMIT; -- DO OTHER TRANSACTIONAL
>> OPERATIONS ROLLBACK TO autotest1; |||
>> ||All done. I have tested the application and have cleaned up the dummy
>> test-data.
>> The issue is that when I call the first commit then the savepoint is
>> deleted.
>> Is this possible at all?
>> Regards Lars
>> ||
> -- 
> The bay-trees in our country are all wither'd
> And meteors fright the fixed stars of heaven;
> The pale-faced moon looks bloody on the earth
> And lean-look'd prophets whisper fearful change.
> These signs forerun the death or fall of kings.
>  -- Wm. Shakespeare, "Richard II"

> Den 24. jan. 2018 kl. 14.50 skrev Johan De Meersman <>:
> What you're looking for is simple backup and restore :-)
> Savepoints are, simply put, markers within a transaction; allowing you to 
> rollback only part of a transaction instead of the whole thing. A commit will 
> inevitably commit the ENTIRE transactions, and thus remove the savepoints.
> A typical workflow for the kind of thing you're trying to do is to have your 
> (automated) testing framework restore last night's backup after the test run. 
> You could also make a backup before the test run and restore that afterwards; 
> have an automated nightly db copy from prod to dev; or in very specific cases 
> you could simply have your test system revert the data by issuing the 
> "reverse" queries - although that one is rarely an option in real life.
> Another alternative would be to take a filesystem (or virtual machine) 
> snapshot, and revert to that after the tests. Filesystem snapshots will 
> require your database to be stopped and started, though.
> /Johan

Thanks Johan,
I understood the savepoints could be around transactions and not within! 
I know how to restore from a backup. I just wanted to avoid loading 500+GB 
after each test-run. :)
Thanks for your help everyone.

Re: Examples of savepoints and transactions

2018-01-23 Thread Lars Nielsen

Den 22-01-2018 kl. 22:01 skrev shawn

Hello Lars,

On 1/21/2018 3:37 PM, Lars Nielsen wrote:

I have a system that uses begin and commit transactions. It works 
like a dream! ;)
Now I want to test it by creating test data. This how ever cannot be 
rolled back. I think the solution for rolling back test data is to 
use savepoints and rollback. I think it is hard to find examples of 
this scenario. Are there some good guides or tutorials out there 
somewhere? Any suggestions are welcome.

Best regards
Lars Nielsen

Can you mock up an example (a simple text walkthrough) of how you 
think a savepoint should work with what you are calling "test data" ?  
I think that the term "test data" is too general to make much sense to 
most of us in the context you described.


Hello Shawn,
Thanks for your interest. Here is an example of my idea.

I have a php site working through PDO connections. I insert some data 
through php like this :

UPDATE table2 SET summary=@A WHERE type=1; INSERT INTO table3 values (x, 
y, z); COMMIT; |||

||Now I want to do automated tests that create "dummy" data that i want 
to remove after the test has finished:

like this :

table1 WHERE type=1; UPDATE table2 SET summary=@A WHERE type=1; INSERT 
INTO table3 values (x, y, z); COMMIT; -- DO OTHER TRANSACTIONAL 

||All done. I have tested the application and have cleaned up the dummy 

The issue is that when I call the first commit then the savepoint is 

Is this possible at all?

Regards Lars


Examples of savepoints and transactions

2018-01-21 Thread Lars Nielsen
I have a system that uses begin and commit transactions. It works like a dream! 
Now I want to test it by creating test data. This how ever cannot be rolled 
back. I think the solution for rolling back test data is to use savepoints and 
rollback. I think it is hard to find examples of this scenario. Are there some 
good guides or tutorials out there somewhere? Any suggestions are welcome.

Best regards 
Lars Nielsen

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SV: Mysql goes down when executing query

2004-09-14 Thread Nickolai Nielsen

Try setting these variables in you conf:
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=128M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=10M

you have to experiment with the size as it depends on how much ram you
hardware has.

Nickolai Nielsen

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Sendt: 14. september 2004 22:39
Til: MySql List
Emne: Mysql goes down when executing query

Hi, Sorry to disturb but Mysql 4.1.4 gamma goes down when executing this

I've tryed the same query without the coalesce function and the problem

from zzg_int.compara
 into outfile /tmp/compa.txt
 fields terminated by ','
 lines terminated by '\r\n';

This is what the error log shows.

Version: '4.1.4-gamma-standard-log'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port:
3306  Official MySQL-standard binary
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections
= 92783 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0xbfddeb68, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read and
follow instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do
resolve it
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd-query at 0x86da708 = EXPLAIN select
from hrrg_int.compara
into outfile /tmp/compa.txt fields terminated by ',' lines terminated
by '\r\n'
The manual page at contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

Number of processes running now: 0
040914 13:15:00  mysqld restarted
040914 13:15:00  [ERROR] Warning: Asked for 196608 thread stack, but got
040914 13:15:00  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
InnoDB: buffer...
040914 13:15:00  InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
InnoDB: log sequence number 0 281648573.
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 0 281648583
InnoDB: Last MySQL binlog file position 0 79779, file name
040914 13:15:00  InnoDB: Flushing modified pages from the buffer pool...
040914 13:15:00  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 281648583
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '4.1.4-gamma-standard-log'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port:
3306  Official MySQL-standard binary

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SV: ASP Connection to Mysql fails

2004-08-16 Thread Nickolai Nielsen

Try doing a response.write conn after you have made a connection with the
that should print out the connection string the DSN is using

i hope this help debug the problem


Paul Stearns wrote:
 Actually I can connect from the web server to the DB server using DSN (the
odbc tool under windows). What I cannot do is connect from ASP in the same

 I have a work around, but I still would like to determine what the problem
is with a DSNless connection.

 The work around is to use a DSN entry and call it, for example; dsn=myodbcconn; user=myuser; password=mypassword

 where myodbcconn is a System DSN

 Why doesn't; DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};;
USER=myuser; PASSWORD=mypassword; DATABASE=myDB; PORT:3307; OPTION=35;


 Yes the port number really is 3307.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED];]
 Sent: 8/15/2004 8:05:23 PM
 Subject: Re: ASP Connection to Mysql fails

 If I understand you correctly, you can connect to both mysql servers from
 localhost, but not to one from the other.  To mysql, a user is a
 of user and connecting host, so I think your problem translates as you can
 connect as [EMAIL PROTECTED], but you cannot connect as
 You probably need to add a mysql user to allow this.  See the manual
 the details: and


 Paul Stearns wrote:

Ignore the sentence that starts Remember...

When I telnet to port 3307 on the DB server from the web server I get the
version, a few characters of garbage and it disconnects.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Stearns [EMAIL PROTECTED];]
Sent: 8/15/2004 6:01:59 PM
Subject: ASP Connection to Mysql fails

I have an ASP application running on a server with a mysql DB, everything
works great. I connect using localhost, no problems.

I have a second mysql DB on another server. I connect to it via the odbc
Data Source Administrator from the web server with no problems.

When I try to connect from an ASP script from the web server using the

Set connMailServer = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Connection)

ConnectString = DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};;


The server, user, password, database and port are what I used in the odbc
Data Source Administrator. Remember I can connect to my local DB from ASP.

I receive the following error;


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on ''


The environment is w2k server on both computers. The MYSql version on
remote server is 4.0.17.

I'm so confused...


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SV: MySQL/InnoDB crashes system

2004-07-10 Thread Nickolai Nielsen

I still got this freeze problem, i have found out that this bug is related
to InnoDB, i converted the table that gives problems back to MyISAM, and the
dump operation runs fine just as it did before, but as soon as i convert it
to InnoDB and dump this table my system freezes but not the first time,
usually i can do a dump 2-10 times before it goes wrong.

I am certain that it is not a heat problem, or any other hardware problem
it could be a conflict between a driver and MySQL.

I got 2 identical servers running in a replication setup, i do the testing
on my backup server but i can create the freeze on both servers, we run on
MySQL 4.0.18, but i have also tried 4.0.20a and 4.1.3-beta.

the servers config:
Intel Pentium 4 2.53 Ghz
QDI Superb 4E-A 533 motherboard
1gb DDR333 ram
2x Seagate CHEETAH 73.5 gb U160 SCSI in Raid 1
Adaptec 2110S Raid controller
Windows 2000 Server UK
3Com 996B Gigabit NIC

The servers have SP4 and all updates

if anyone have an idea on how to troubleshoot this?

  Nickolai Nielsen

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Heikki Tuuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 9. juli 2004 05:07
Emne: Re: MySQL/InnoDB crashes system


this very much sounds like a hardware fault. No MySQL or InnoDB bug should
be able to freeze the WHOLE operating system. And SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE
... is a very basic operation in the database.



- Original Message -
From: Nickolai Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 8:33 PM
Subject: MySQL/InnoDB crashes system


 this SQL frezes the system:
 SELECT * FROM journal into OUTFILE 'c:/Backup/current/journal.asc' FIELDS
 terminated by '|' LINES terminated by '\r\n'

 this started after the table was converted to InnoDB, usualy it runs
 the first time, but on 2-5 run it frezes the system so i have to reboot

 Windows 2000 Server
 MySQL 4.0.18

mysqld --console --log --log-warnings --debug=d,info,error,query,general,whe

 this is a trace output:

 do_command: info: Command on TCP/IP (17560) = 3 (Query)
 dispatch_command: query: SELECT * FROM ptanamid into OUTFILE
 'c:/30Min-Backup/current_stress/ptanamid.asc' FIELDS terminated by '|'
 terminated by '\r\n'
 openfrm: info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 3  n_length: 19  int_length:
 open_table: info: inserting table 02A5B348 into the cache
 mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
 mi_get_status: info: key_file: 258048  data_file: 126648
 init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072

 Info about JOIN
 ptanamid  type: ALL  q_keys:0  refs: 0  key: -1  len: 0
 init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
 init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072
 mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
 mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
 mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
 do_select: info: 5277 records output
 dispatch_command: info: query ready
 close_thread_tables: info: thd-open_tables=02A5B348
 do_command: info: Command on TCP/IP (17560) = 3 (Query)
 dispatch_command: query: SELECT * FROM ptanamnese into OUTFILE
 'c:/30Min-Backup/current_stress/ptanamnese.asc' FIELDS terminated by '|'
 LINES terminated by '\r\n'
 openfrm: info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 4  n_length: 53  int_length:
 open_table: info: inserting table 02A5AC40 into the cache
 mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
 mi_get_status: info: key_file: 9187328  data_file: 9766188
 init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072

 Info about JOIN
 ptanamnesetype: ALL  q_keys:0  refs: 0  key: -1  len: 0
 init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
 init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072
 *** here it crashed ***

   Nickolai Nielsen

 MySQL General Mailing List
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SV: MySQL/InnoDB crashes system

2004-07-10 Thread Nickolai Nielsen
Hi Again

i forgot to mention that this table has 527101 rows, and takes 90mb when it
is dumped to the disk. I dont have this freeze problem when i dump the
smaller smaller tables that also uses InnoDB.

i Also discovered that it is not on the same posistion ind the dump file the
lockup happens.


-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Nickolai Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 10. juli 2004 16:28
Emne: SV: MySQL/InnoDB crashes system


I still got this freeze problem, i have found out that this bug is related
to InnoDB, i converted the table that gives problems back to MyISAM, and the
dump operation runs fine just as it did before, but as soon as i convert it
to InnoDB and dump this table my system freezes but not the first time,
usually i can do a dump 2-10 times before it goes wrong.

I am certain that it is not a heat problem, or any other hardware problem
it could be a conflict between a driver and MySQL.

I got 2 identical servers running in a replication setup, i do the testing
on my backup server but i can create the freeze on both servers, we run on
MySQL 4.0.18, but i have also tried 4.0.20a and 4.1.3-beta.

the servers config:
Intel Pentium 4 2.53 Ghz
QDI Superb 4E-A 533 motherboard
1gb DDR333 ram
2x Seagate CHEETAH 73.5 gb U160 SCSI in Raid 1
Adaptec 2110S Raid controller
Windows 2000 Server UK
3Com 996B Gigabit NIC

The servers have SP4 and all updates

if anyone have an idea on how to troubleshoot this?

  Nickolai Nielsen

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Heikki Tuuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 9. juli 2004 05:07
Emne: Re: MySQL/InnoDB crashes system


this very much sounds like a hardware fault. No MySQL or InnoDB bug should
be able to freeze the WHOLE operating system. And SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE
... is a very basic operation in the database.



- Original Message -
From: Nickolai Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 8:33 PM
Subject: MySQL/InnoDB crashes system


 this SQL frezes the system:
 SELECT * FROM journal into OUTFILE 'c:/Backup/current/journal.asc' FIELDS
 terminated by '|' LINES terminated by '\r\n'

 this started after the table was converted to InnoDB, usualy it runs
 the first time, but on 2-5 run it frezes the system so i have to reboot

 Windows 2000 Server
 MySQL 4.0.18

mysqld --console --log --log-warnings --debug=d,info,error,query,general,whe

 this is a trace output:

 do_command: info: Command on TCP/IP (17560) = 3 (Query)
 dispatch_command: query: SELECT * FROM ptanamid into OUTFILE
 'c:/30Min-Backup/current_stress/ptanamid.asc' FIELDS terminated by '|'
 terminated by '\r\n'
 openfrm: info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 3  n_length: 19  int_length:
 open_table: info: inserting table 02A5B348 into the cache
 mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
 mi_get_status: info: key_file: 258048  data_file: 126648
 init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072

 Info about JOIN
 ptanamid  type: ALL  q_keys:0  refs: 0  key: -1  len: 0
 init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
 init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072
 mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
 mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
 mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
 do_select: info: 5277 records output
 dispatch_command: info: query ready
 close_thread_tables: info: thd-open_tables=02A5B348
 do_command: info: Command on TCP/IP (17560) = 3 (Query)
 dispatch_command: query: SELECT * FROM ptanamnese into OUTFILE
 'c:/30Min-Backup/current_stress/ptanamnese.asc' FIELDS terminated by '|'
 LINES terminated by '\r\n'
 openfrm: info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 4  n_length: 53  int_length:
 open_table: info: inserting table 02A5AC40 into the cache
 mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
 mi_get_status: info: key_file: 9187328  data_file: 9766188
 init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072

 Info about JOIN
 ptanamnesetype: ALL  q_keys:0  refs: 0  key: -1  len: 0
 init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
 init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072
 *** here it crashed ***

   Nickolai Nielsen

 MySQL General Mailing List
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MySQL/InnoDB crashes system

2004-07-08 Thread Nickolai Nielsen

this SQL frezes the system:
SELECT * FROM journal into OUTFILE 'c:/Backup/current/journal.asc' FIELDS
terminated by '|' LINES terminated by '\r\n'

this started after the table was converted to InnoDB, usualy it runs normaly
the first time, but on 2-5 run it frezes the system so i have to reboot the

Windows 2000 Server
MySQL 4.0.18
mysqld --console --log --log-warnings --debug=d,info,error,query,general,whe

this is a trace output:

do_command: info: Command on TCP/IP (17560) = 3 (Query)
dispatch_command: query: SELECT * FROM ptanamid into OUTFILE
'c:/30Min-Backup/current_stress/ptanamid.asc' FIELDS terminated by '|' LINES
terminated by '\r\n'
openfrm: info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 3  n_length: 19  int_length: 0
open_table: info: inserting table 02A5B348 into the cache
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 258048  data_file: 126648
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072

Info about JOIN
ptanamid  type: ALL  q_keys:0  refs: 0  key: -1  len: 0
init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
do_select: info: 5277 records output
dispatch_command: info: query ready
close_thread_tables: info: thd-open_tables=02A5B348
do_command: info: Command on TCP/IP (17560) = 3 (Query)
dispatch_command: query: SELECT * FROM ptanamnese into OUTFILE
'c:/30Min-Backup/current_stress/ptanamnese.asc' FIELDS terminated by '|'
LINES terminated by '\r\n'
openfrm: info: i_count: 0  i_parts: 0  index: 4  n_length: 53  int_length: 0
open_table: info: inserting table 02A5AC40 into the cache
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 9187328  data_file: 9766188
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072

Info about JOIN
ptanamnesetype: ALL  q_keys:0  refs: 0  key: -1  len: 0
init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 131072
*** here it crashed ***

  Nickolai Nielsen

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Obscure FULLTEXT search problems

2002-10-21 Thread Jakob Nielsen
Hi there,

I have some trouble understanding some results I'm getting when
executing a SELECT statement in an FULLTEXT indexed table in my MySql

In scenario 1 I'm using this SQL-statement:

'%HYDRO%' )

In scenario 2 I'm using this SQL-statement:

SELECT * FROM tArticles WHERE ( MATCH( Title, Body ) AGAINST( 'HYDRO' )

My problem is that if I'm searching for a word (For instance HYDRO) that
are found in a lot of my articles, then scenario 1 is much faster than
scenario 2. But if the search word is in just a few of the articles then
scenario 2 is _much_ faster than scenario 1. Can someone explain this to
me? What do I do?

I'm running MySql 3.23.46 on Solaris 8.

My table creation statement looks like this:

CREATE TABLE tArticles (
  ArticleId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  Author varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  Version int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  TickerCodes varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  SubjectCodes varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  MessageNum varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  Timestamp datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  Body text NOT NULL,
  Footer varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (ArticleId),
  KEY Timestamp (Timestamp),
  FULLTEXT KEY Title (Title,Body)

Jakob Vad Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: HELP - Having serious trouble here...

2002-10-14 Thread Anders Nielsen

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 16:51, John Hinton wrote:
 I'm having the same problems. I'm on a RedHat machine... 7.2 running
 MySQL ver. 3.23.41. I've been told to upgrade my package. 

Me too. After reading your posting I realized that glibc probably was
the root of the problems (my problems started after upgrading glibc).

After I downgraded glibc back to glibc-2.2.4-29 on the server I could
once again connect to mysql over network.

Anders Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: HELP - Having serious trouble here...

2002-10-14 Thread Anders Nielsen

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 17:29, Anders Nielsen wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 16:51, John Hinton wrote:
  I'm having the same problems. I'm on a RedHat machine... 7.2 running
  MySQL ver. 3.23.41. I've been told to upgrade my package. 
 Me too. After reading your posting I realized that glibc probably was
 the root of the problems (my problems started after upgrading glibc).
 After I downgraded glibc back to glibc-2.2.4-29 on the server I could
 once again connect to mysql over network.

The problem is already filed in bugzilla. See

Let's hope redhat will fix this soon.

Anders Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Mysql eating up diskspace.

2002-09-11 Thread Michael Wulff Nielsen

Hello everyone.

I have had this very strange problem with Mysql, it seems to start eating 
diskspace untill the disk is full, restarting the mysql process seems to free
all the used space again.

Any idea what could be wrong?

Kind regards
Michael Wulff Nielsen

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Re: Non Ascii characters

2001-10-03 Thread Doc Nielsen


If the text is supposed to be parsed from a mySQL to a HTML webpage, using
#128; or euro; should display a € sign.
A simple replace would then do the trick.


- Original Message -
From: Haapanen, Tom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mysql@Lists. Mysql. Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: Non Ascii characters


This is likely a client software issue.  We use Perl and DBI, and we have no
trouble storing or retrieving non-USASCII characters.

What are you using to access the MySQL database?

Tom Haapanen

-Original Message-
From: Jamie Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 October 2001 06:23
To: Mysql@Lists. Mysql. Com
Subject: Non Ascii characters

I'm having a problem with the sending of the new euro € symbol into the
mysql database through a standard SQL stament. I have tried everything cut
and paste or ALT 0128 on the command line but all I seem to get is a ?
character stored. I know it can be done because I have managed to enter the
symbol using a program 'ArtAdmin' by artronic to enter the data but this
will not be usable because I am trying to write and web based from system to
submit information.
Can anyone tell me how to get this symbol in and are there any others that
might casue trouble.
I have not been able to find anything on this in the manual or previous


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Replication question

2001-04-02 Thread Jakob Nielsen

Hi there,

My situation is like this:

I have a local server behind a firewall. On the outside I have a webserver.
I want the local server to act like a master for replications, and the
external server to act like a slave. This way I can make the changes on my
database directly on the local server. But the problem is that I can't
connect to the local server from the external server because of the
firewall. Is there a way where I can have the external server acting as a
slave, but where the master a doing the connection stuff?

in other words : The local server can do a connection to the external
server, but the external server can't open a connection to the local server.

Please help me out!

Jakob Vad Nielsen
System Developer

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RE: NT installation

2001-03-27 Thread Chad Nielsen

Thanks Jean - Claude,

NT Workstation comes with a built-in client. but from what I can tell, NT
Server does not come with a built-in Telnet Server. The NT book I have says

"The Telnet program requires TCP/IP on both the client and server, and
requires an account set up on the server being contacted. Microsoft NT
doesn't provide the server process, but it does provide the client
interface. "

Am i interpreting this correctly?

If so, does mySQL provide the Telnet Server process?

Thanks again,


 -Original Message-
 From: jcmaes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 11:47 AM
 To: Chad Nielsen
 Subject: Re: NT installation

 Hi Chad

 You do not need a Telnet client. Just install Myodbc and the mysql client.

 To connect to your server, type "mysql -h yourhostname -u userID"

 If you defined a password for the userID, add -p at the end of
 the line. The
 system will prompt you for the password. See manual for more options.

 You can also install a web server (PWS or Infradig) and the PHP scripting
 langage on your local machine, and run PHPmyAdmin. Take care to
 protect your
 local machine for intrusions.

 Hope this helps you,


 , or install
 - Original Message -
 From: "Chad Nielsen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 6:57 PM
 Subject: NT installation

  I'm trying to install mySQL on NT Server 4.0
  I guess I need to install a Telnet Server so I can manage mySQL from a
  What's a good Cheap or Free Telnet Server for NT?
  Also, any instructions on how to set this up would be great.
  Chad M. Nielsen, GIS Programmer/Analyst
  Tillamook County Performance Partnership (TCPP)
  Tillamook Coastal Watershed Resource Center (TCWRC)
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searching tables.

2001-03-21 Thread John Nielsen

Hi Everyone,

This question may have been asked before, but i could not find it in the
archives, so i was wondering if someone could help me out.

Say i had the following table:

| id | address| domainalias |
|  2 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | fred|
|  3 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | bill|

Now say i had over 200 entrys in that table, but all i wanted to see was
just "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but i did not know what "id" it was, is there a
way i can "search" the table, and only show the relevent information that
i need?

Thanks in Advanced.

John Nielsen.

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2001-02-28 Thread John Nielsen

Hey everyone,

This may have already come up a couple of times in the mailling list, but I
I was wondering with  mysql-3.22.32 if you can have two auto_increment's 
in one table, e.g.:

| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| username | char(32) | YES  | | NULL||
| passwd   | char(32) | YES  | | NULL||
| uid  | mediumint(9) |  | PRI | 0   | auto_increment |
| gid  | mediumint(9) | YES  | | NULL||
| gecos| char(32) | YES  | | NULL||
| home_dir | char(32) | YES  | | NULL||
| shell| char(32) | YES  | | NULL||
| maildrop | char(128)| YES  | | NULL||
| id   | tinyint(4)   |  | PRI | 0   | auto_increment |

Now i know this table will not work with the two PRI keys,
but i was wondering  *if* i could change one to just another key, as well
as keep it's auto_increment's on both if possible.

Thanks in Advanced.


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RE: CREATE TABLE / Telnet (Linux / Unix server)

2001-02-11 Thread Nielsen

 ...and this will load the table into your database.  Now, in the book
 it doesn't specify whether or not you have to be on the computer with
 the server, or if you can send the .sql file command from your
 computer to the remote server, sort of like a file transfer protocol
 as well.  Basically, my question is, do I have to either FTP my files
 to the server, and then execute the command, or can I do it remotely
 without FTP? Or is it possible AT ALL to execute the command from a
 remote computer?  In case it helps, I am on a Windows 98 system
 connected through SSH to an Linux system running Apache.  Please
 help, I'm stuck and I won't give up until I'm un-stuck!  Thanks in
 advance to all that reply.

The file must be on the remote machine (as has been answered), but yes, if you
are connected to the shell (via telnet/ssh/ssh2/etc), you can execute the
command.  And, no, the extension may be anything (all you're doing is
redirecting the contents of the file (via '') into the 'mysql database'


Jon A. Nielsen.

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General MySQL Questions

2001-02-08 Thread Nielsen


I am one of the developers of a MUD, and we have recently decided to rewrite our
entire driver to C++/OOP and use MySQL to store our data, so it has become my
duty to begin to learn about all the facets of MySQL.  I have been going through
FAQs, manuals, etc, and we are also using MySQL++ to interface to the database.
Here are a few general questions that I've got at this point:

1. We would like to make saving/retrieving information from the database
non-blocking, if possible.  Does anyone have any suggestion for this?  Our
thoughts were to write an external program to fetch information and return it to
our main program;  is there any easier way to handle this?  Is it even necessary
to make calls to the database non-blocking?

2. When our driver boots and begins accepting connections, would it be more
feasible to read the various tables into memory structures, rather than querying
the database everytime we need information on a specific item within the game?

Thanks for your help!  Also, if anyone might be willing to help us in a forum
other than the list, a personal reply would be great.  (it would not, of course,
be a paying position, but just for asking advice)

Jon A. Nielsen
Lazarus of Spear of Insanity MUD

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