innodb rollback 30x slower than commit normal?

2009-05-07 Thread Nikita Tovstoles
We have a java-based webapp that talks to MySQL 5.1 INNODB in READ_COMMITTED. 
We use Hibernate and optimistic concurrency, so periodically concurrent write 
attempts cause app-level Exceptions that trigger rollbacks (and then we retry 
tx). We've added app-level caching and turned down our tomcat NIO thread count 
to just 8 (very little contention inside the app) but now we're seeing that 
rollbacks appear to be up to 30x slower than commits?! Is that normal?

Here's a typical TX:

Set autocommit=0;
Select * from users where name=bob;
Update users set visit_count=X where id=bobId and version=Y
Set autocommit=1;

When this tx is executed about 100 times/sec, appserver latency is about 10-15 
ms per http request (including db time). However, when instead of commit a 
'rollback' is issued, the latency spikes to 600-1100 ms (nearly all of that 
time in appserver appears to be spent waiting on db).

So is that expected cost of a rollback? Can anything be done to speed it up?



please help reading DB deadlock notice

2007-04-03 Thread Nikita Tovstoles


I'd really appreciate help with reading this db deadlock notice. 
Essentially, I'd like to understand:
-what holds the lock that TX2 is waiting on index `token` of table 
`eviltwin/user_sessions`? I thought it'd be TX1 (hence deadlock ?), yet 
it appears that TX1 holds no locks
-if the answer to the above cannot be found in attached report, is there 
a setting I should turn on the server to get the necessary info next 
time this deadlock occurs?

Our setup: MySQL 5, InnoDB, Repeatable Read

relevant columns in table user_sessions:
-id (PK)
-token (unique, nullable)
-serverSessionId (FK, nullable)

TX1 does:
-select for update on a given 'token'
-set serverSessionId to null

TX2 does:
-select for update on the same 'token'
-delete selected record

TX2 seems to start a little earlier, and succeed on 'select for update'. 
TX1 then tries to do the same and is forced to wait on a lock. This I 
But why does TX2 need to wait on a lock to deleted already 'selected for 
update' user_session? Who's holding that lock?


*** 1. row ***

Per second averages calculated from the last 29 seconds
OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 6313003, signal count 5099409
Mutex spin waits 819355967, rounds 1424470313, OS waits 4424501
RW-shared spins 1000685, OS waits 629116; RW-excl spins 760423, OS waits 175362


070402 12:22:41
TRANSACTION 0 12012950, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 7328, OS thread id 1161120096 
starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 3 lock struct(s), heap size 1216
MySQL thread id 93849, query id 1913636508 eviltwin Sending data
select as id37_, usersessio0_.hibernateVersion as 
hibernat2_37_, usersessio0_.serverSessionId as serverSe3_37_, 
usersessio0_.userId as userId37_, usersessio0_.loginTime as loginTime37_, 
usersessio0_.logoutTime as logoutTime37_, usersessio0_.boot as boot37_, 
usersessio0_.token as token37_, usersessio0_.macAddressMD5 as macAddre9_37_, 
usersessio0_.expirationTime as expirat10_37_, usersessio0_.creationDate as 
creatio11_37_ from user_sessions usersessio0_ where 
usersessio0_.token='82ff6193-1216-449a-9e33-5426fb8e10ef' for update
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 130062 n bits 144 index `PRIMARY` of table 
`eviltwin/user_sessions` trx id 0 12012950 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap 
Record lock, heap no 9 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 13; compact format; info bits 
0: len 30; hex 37653530373061382d393537362d343363352d623138342d656266633763; asc 
7e5070a8-9576-43c5-b184-ebfc7c;...(truncated); 1: len 6; hex 00b74d95; asc 
M ;; 2: len 7; hex 00803c29ee; asc ) ;; 3: len 4; hex 8001; asc
 ;; 4: len 30; hex 39373939383430622d323938372d346630382d613539342d663736303831; 
asc 9799840b-2987-4f08-a594-f76081;...(truncated); 5: len 30; hex 
34343431316237362d386663312d343332652d386332342d653837646433; asc 
44411b76-8fc1-432e-8c24-e87dd3;...(truncated); 6: len 8; hex 80001241013060af; asc 
   A 0` ;; 7: SQL NULL; 8: len 1; hex 00; asc  ;; 9: len 30; hex 
3832363139332d313231362d343439612d39652d35343232; asc 
82ff6193-1216-449a-9e33-5426fb;...(truncated); 10: len 30; hex 
62653637616563323661316363613261646561616135373430646130; asc 
be67aec26a1cca2adeffaaa5740da0;...(truncated); 11: len 8; hex 80001241014ee557; 
ascA N W;; 12: len 8; hex 80001241013060af; ascA 0` ;;

TRANSACTION 0 12012949, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 7328, OS thread id 1182153056 
updating or deleting, thread declared inside InnoDB 499
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
8 lock struct(s), heap size 1216, undo log entries 3
MySQL thread id 93773, query id 1913636516 eviltwin updating
delete from user_sessions where id='7e5070a8-9576-43c5-b184-ebfc7c288d69' and 
*** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 130062 n bits 144 index `PRIMARY` of table 
`eviltwin/user_sessions` trx id 0 12012949 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
Record lock, heap no 9 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 13; compact format; info bits 
0: len 30; hex 37653530373061382d393537362d343363352d623138342d656266633763; asc 
7e5070a8-9576-43c5-b184-ebfc7c;...(truncated); 1: len 6; hex 00b74d95; asc 
M ;; 2: len 7; hex 00803c29ee; asc ) ;; 3: len 4; hex 8001; asc
 ;; 4: len 30; hex 39373939383430622d323938372d346630382d613539342d663736303831; 
asc 9799840b-2987-4f08-a594-f76081;...(truncated); 5: len 30; hex 
34343431316237362d386663312d343332652d386332342d653837646433; asc 
44411b76-8fc1-432e-8c24-e87dd3;...(truncated); 6: len 8; hex 80001241013060af; asc 

rename a DB schema?

2006-09-11 Thread Nikita Tovstoles


Is it possible to rename a DB schema? if so how? Using mysql 5.0, innodb 


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make mysqldump to sort columns alphabetically

2006-09-08 Thread Nikita Tovstoles


I'm diffing two versions of a schema produced using mysqldump and would 
like to know if there's a way to make mysqldump sort entries inside 
CREATE statements (say alphabetically or in some other way)? Currently 
some of the column declarations are juxtaposed between the versions and 
thus produce false diffs.

Mysql 5.0, InnoDB

thanks a lot

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Re: make mysqldump to sort columns alphabetically

2006-09-08 Thread Nikita Tovstoles

Thanks, Douglas!

That seems OK, but I'd prefer to avoid altering the schemas in any way. 
In particular altering order of constraints seems error-prone, given 
that one is essentially re-defining these, not simply rearranging the 
order. Am I asking for impossible? ;-


Douglas Sims wrote:
One way you could solve this is to conform the column orders between 
the two versions.

For example, if one table, t6, has columns id, name, and address and 
the same table in the second database is id, address, name, you could 
just ALTER the second database t6 table to be id, name, address:

mysql describe t6;
| Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id  | int(9)  | NO   | PRI | 0   |   |
| address | varchar(32) | YES  | | |   |
| name| varchar(32) | YES  | MUL | |   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql alter table t6 change column address address varchar(32) after 

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql describe t6;
| Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id  | int(9)  | NO   | PRI | 0   |   |
| name| varchar(32) | YES  | MUL | |   |
| address | varchar(32) | YES  | | |   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Here is the mysql documentation on ALTER TABLE:

Douglas Sims

On Sep 8, 2006, at 12:27 PM, Nikita Tovstoles wrote:


I'm diffing two versions of a schema produced using mysqldump and 
would like to know if there's a way to make mysqldump sort entries 
inside CREATE statements (say alphabetically or in some other way)? 
Currently some of the column declarations are juxtaposed between the 
versions and thus produce false diffs.

Mysql 5.0, InnoDB

thanks a lot

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Re: effects of aquiring exclusive lock on subsequent reads inside same TX?

2006-07-21 Thread Nikita Tovstoles
 I'm new to MySQL mailing lists. Is there a more appropriate list for 
this type of question?


Nikita Tovstoles wrote:


I'm running into lost of DB deadlocks would really appreciate answers 
to the questions below which will help me diagnose the problem. I am 
running MySQL 5 InnoDB, SERIALIZABLE mode.

Let's say we have:

1.TX1 START //assume autocommit is off
2.TX1 read on TableA
3.TX1 update on TableA
4.TX1 read on TableB

Is the following correct?
-In step2, TX1 obtains a SHARED lock. Is it applied to all rows in 
TableA or only those returned by select statement?
-In step3, TX1 obtains an EXCLUSIVE lock. Does that lock out all of 
TableA or only those rows that are being updated?
-In step4, does TX1 apply SHARED or EXCLUSIVE lock? is the lock 
applied to all of TableB or only to rows returned by the select 

In general what is the effect (w/r/t locking) on selects performed 
after a write operation within the same TX?

thanks a lot!



Nikita Tovstoles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Doppelganger, Inc.

Re: effects of aquiring exclusive lock on subsequent reads inside same TX?

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effects of aquiring exclusive lock on subsequent reads inside same TX?

2006-07-20 Thread Nikita Tovstoles


I'm running into lost of DB deadlocks would really appreciate answers to 
the questions below which will help me diagnose the problem. I am 
running MySQL 5 InnoDB, SERIALIZABLE mode.

Let's say we have:

1.TX1 START //assume autocommit is off
2.TX1 read on TableA
3.TX1 update on TableA
4.TX1 read on TableB

Is the following correct?
-In step2, TX1 obtains a SHARED lock. Is it applied to all rows in 
TableA or only those returned by select statement?
-In step3, TX1 obtains an EXCLUSIVE lock. Does that lock out all of 
TableA or only those rows that are being updated?
-In step4, does TX1 apply SHARED or EXCLUSIVE lock? is the lock applied 
to all of TableB or only to rows returned by the select statement?

In general what is the effect (w/r/t locking) on selects performed after 
a write operation within the same TX?

thanks a lot!


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