mysql 5.6.10 won't start

2013-04-15 Thread Paul Nowosielski


I'm running mysql 5.6.10 on Fedora.
when I try and boot mysql I get this:

# /etc/init.d/mysql start
Starting MySQL.The server quit without updating PID file 

Any ideas?

Thank you,


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query running very slow, need a little help

2012-12-04 Thread Paul Nowosielski


I'm running this query:

mysql SELECT email FROM promoters where id NOT IN (SELECT promoter_id 
FROM credits WHERE success = 1 ) and active = 1;

Empty set (31.89 sec)

its returning an empty set and take over 30 seconds to return.

 mysql describe promoters;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | 
Default   | Extra  |

| id| int(11) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 
NULL  | auto_increment |
| company_name  | varchar(40)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| first_name| varchar(40)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| last_name | varchar(40)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| address   | varchar(40)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| zip   | varchar(10)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| city  | varchar(40)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| country   | varchar(40)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| phone | varchar(20)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| email | varchar(100) | YES  | UNI | 
NULL  ||
| website   | varchar(100) | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| payments_id   | varchar(10)  | YES  | MUL | 
NULL  ||
| password  | varchar(100) | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| active| tinyint(1)   | YES  | MUL | 
NULL  ||
| activation_key| varchar(50)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| new_email | varchar(100) | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| new_email_activation_key  | varchar(50)  | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| registered| timestamp| YES  | | 
| referral  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | | 
NULL  ||
| whitelabel_beginner_modus | tinyint(1)   | YES  | | 
1 ||

20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql describe credits;
| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default   
| Extra  |

| id | int(11) unsigned| NO   | PRI | NULL  
| auto_increment |
| type   | tinyint(1) unsigned | NO   | | NULL  
| credits| int(11) | YES  | | NULL  
| success| tinyint(1)  | YES  | MUL | NULL  
| profit | float   | NO   | | NULL  
| price  | float   | NO   | | NULL  
| date   | timestamp   | NO   | MUL | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
| user_id| int(11) unsigned| NO   | | NULL  
| promoter_id| int(10) unsigned| YES  | MUL | NULL  
| referrer   | varchar(10) | YES  | | NULL  
| domain_id  | int(11) unsigned| NO   | | NULL  
| string | varchar(100)| YES  | | NULL  
| client_info| varchar(200)| YES  | | NULL  
| promoter_paid  | tinyint(1)  | YES  | | NULL  
| status | tinyint(4)  | YES  | | NULL  
| seconds| int(11) | YES  | | NULL  
| transaction_id | varchar(16) | YES  | | NULL  

17 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Any ideas as to why the wuery is taking so long??

With kind regards,


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Optimize query help.

2011-03-15 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear all,

I have a query that takes a rather long time and was wondering if there is 
anyway to optimize it.
Normally we removing duplicate records by phone number. This query takes about 
second and 

it really slows down the process when we are importing several 1000 records a 

Here is the query:

SELECT count(id) c  FROM leads
WHERE (phone_home = '(770) 512-8990' 
OR phone_work = '(770) 512-8990' 
OR phone_other = '(770) 512-8990'  
OR phone_mobile = '(770) 512-8990' 
OR phone_fax = '(770) 512-8990')
AND date_entered DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 45 DAY) 
AND deleted != '1';

This is the describe:

DESCRIBE SELECT count( id ) c
FROM leads
phone_home = '(770) 512-8990'
OR phone_work = '(770) 512-8990'
OR phone_other = '(770) 512-8990'
OR phone_mobile = '(770) 512-8990'
OR phone_fax = '(770) 512-8990')
AND date_entered  DATE_SUB( NOW( ) , INTERVAL 45 
DAY ) 
AND deleted != '1'


1 SIMPLE leads ALL 
 NULL NULL NULL 636433 Using where 

Any thoughts?

Thank you,


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Slave using SSL?

2010-11-10 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Hey can anyone tell me is my slave is utilizing SSL?
I am unsure why the Master SSL Cipher is not
listed under show slave status.

Here's some info:

mysql show slave status\G
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_Host: host
Master_User: rep
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.38
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 74709312
 Relay_Log_File: slave-relay.000577
  Relay_Log_Pos: 8579562
  Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.38
   Slave_IO_Running: Yes
  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Replicate_Do_DB: crm
 Last_Errno: 0
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 74709312
Relay_Log_Space: 8579562
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: Yes
 Master_SSL_CA_File: /etc/mysql/ssl/ca-cert.pem
 Master_SSL_CA_Path: /etc/mysql/ssl/
Master_SSL_Cert: /etc/mysql/ssl/client-cert.pem
 Master_SSL_Key: /etc/mysql/ssl/client-key.pem
  Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql  SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_ssl';
| Variable_name | Value |
| have_ssl  | YES   | 
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher';
| Variable_name | Value  |
| Ssl_cipher| DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Thank you,


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MySQL replication SSL

2010-11-10 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear All,

I'm trying to get SSL connections 
for all mysql slave and masters.

I have one box that will not use SSL for some reason.
When I start this slave it can not connect because 
it's not using SSL.

show slave status\G
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Connecting to master
Master_Host: myhost
Master_User: rep_user
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.95
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 1095
 Relay_Log_File: slave-relay.04
  Relay_Log_Pos: 98
  Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.95
   Slave_IO_Running: No
  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Replicate_Do_DB: crm
 Last_Errno: 0
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 1095
Relay_Log_Space: 98
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: No ---
  Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL

Here is a portion of my.cnf.

# Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x
# clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package).
max_connect_errors = 0

# replication
server-id = 1
replicate-same-server-id = 0
auto-increment-increment =3
auto-increment-offset =1

master-host = myHost
master-user = rep_user
master-password = rep_passwd
master-connect-retry = 60
replicate-do-db = crm

log-bin= /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
binlog-do-db = crm

relay-log = /var/lib/mysql/slave-relay.log
relay-log-index = /var/lib/mysql/slave-relay-log.index

expire_logs_days = 10
max_binlog_size = 500M
# end replication

# SSL for replication

port = 3306
socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

Anyone see any issues with this?

Thank you,


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Verify replication slave is using SSL

2010-11-01 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear All,

I just want to verify my rep slave is using ssl.

When I run this  command mysql \s
 I get:

mysql \s
mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.77, for redhat-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 

Connection id:  5
Current database:
Current user:   r...@localhost
SSL:Cipher in use is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
Current pager:  stdout
Using outfile:  ''
Using delimiter:;
Server version: 5.0.77-log Source distribution
Protocol version:   10
Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
Server characterset:latin1
Db characterset:latin1
Client characterset:latin1
Conn.  characterset:latin1
UNIX socket:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 9 min 48 sec

And I can see the Cipher.

But when I run a show slave status I don't see a cipher key:

mysql show slave status\G
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_User: replicate
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.36
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 186677
 Relay_Log_File: slave-relay.74
  Relay_Log_Pos: 186814
  Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.36
   Slave_IO_Running: Yes
  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Replicate_Do_DB: sugarcrm
 Last_Errno: 0
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 186677
Relay_Log_Space: 186814
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: Yes
 Master_SSL_CA_File: /etc/mysql/ssl/ca-cert.pem
 Master_SSL_CA_Path: /etc/mysql/ssl/
Master_SSL_Cert: /etc/mysql/ssl/client-cert.pem
 Master_SSL_Key: /etc/mysql/ssl/client-key.pem
  Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Can any tell me if SSL is functioning or not please?

Thank you,


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Re: REGEXP help Finding phone numbers (nnn) nnn-nnnn format SOLVED

2008-12-03 Thread Paul Nowosielski
This seems to do it:

SELECT phone_work FROM leads WHERE phone_work REGEXP '[(]{1}([0-9]){3}[)]{1}[ 
]?([^0-1]){1}([0-9]){2}[ ]?[-]?[ ]?([0-9]){4}'

- Original Message 
From: Paul Nowosielski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2008 2:39:54 PM
Subject: REGEXP help Finding phone numbers (nnn) nnn- format


Please, can anyone lend a hand in helping pullout
phone numbers from the DB that only match
the format (nnn) nnn- ?

SELECT phone_work FROM leads WHERE phone_work REGEXP 'the_expression?'

I've been trying to lick this for hours now with
no avail.

Thank you,



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REGEXP help Finding phone numbers (nnn) nnn-nnnn format

2008-12-02 Thread Paul Nowosielski

Please, can anyone lend a hand in helping pullout
phone numbers from the DB that only match
the format (nnn) nnn- ?

SELECT phone_work FROM leads WHERE phone_work REGEXP 'the_expression?'

I've been trying to lick this for hours now with
no avail.

Thank you,



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regular expressions matching only numeric characters in order

2008-12-01 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear All,

I'm trying to create a regular expression query to match phone numbers
in a database field.

My issue is this , the numbers have no set standard for input in the db.

So the number in the db could be in multiple formats.


So I am wanting to find matches and ignore any non-numeric values and
need some help with the expression.

The query would be something like:

SELECT tel FROM leads WHERE do_not_call = '1' AND tel  REGEXP 'the expression'

The number I am looking for will already have all the non numerics stripped and 
be in the format of nn.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,



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Re: regular expressions matching only numeric characters in order

2008-12-01 Thread Paul Nowosielski

Seems to work! But the number is a zero you have to add an extra escape:


or you get ERROR 1139 (42000): Got error 'parentheses not balanced' from regexp

Thank you!!


- Original Message 
From: Bartis, Robert M (Bob) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Paul Nowosielski [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 6:42:19 PM
Subject: RE: regular expressions matching only numeric characters in order


I am a bit of novice at Regexp, but I believe this will work for you


Robert M. Bartis  

-Original Message-
From: Paul Nowosielski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:32 AM
Subject: regular expressions matching only numeric characters in order

Dear All,

I'm trying to create a regular expression query to match phone numbers
in a database field.

My issue is this , the numbers have no set standard for input in the db.

So the number in the db could be in multiple formats.


So I am wanting to find matches and ignore any non-numeric values and
need some help with the expression.

The query would be something like:

SELECT tel FROM leads WHERE do_not_call = '1' AND tel  REGEXP 'the

The number I am looking for will already have all the non numerics
stripped and will be in the format of nn.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,



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sub query help

2008-08-18 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear All,

I am interested in performing a sub query that  removes duplicate records from
a temporary table prior to pushing the data to the main table.

I am not sure if it is possible and thought I would ask prior to the endeavor.

I currently use php to perform this operation but is really bogs down the db.

Here is the code example i am using now to perform this function:

// select the name from the dedup row

$sql = select name,id from dedup;

$ret = run_query($sql);

// loop through and check if the name exists in the lead table


$sql2 = select name,id from leads where name LIKE '$ddupRow[name]';
$ret2 = run_query($sql2);

 // if rows returned is greater than 0 delete from the dedup table

if(myqsl_num_rows( $ret2 )  0){

$del_sql = DELETE FROM dedup WHERE id = '$ddRow[id]';

   // else insert the new record

$iQ=INSERT into leads (name) VALUES ( '$ddupRow[name]');
;   run_query($iQ);

I am wondering if it is possible to do this with one query without the double 
hit to the DB?
Or ,if possible, perform one large query and remove the duplicates in one blow?

Any thought or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards,



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Pulling Percentages From Query

2006-11-10 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear All,

I'm trying to pull percentages from a query and really don't understand how to 
initiate this.

Here is the low down:

I have a list of venues with the number of acts who performed catoragized by 

For example:

venue_id: 23 blues: 117 rock: 34 world_music:57 ( and so on, there are 24 
genres listed.)

So my question would be how can I write a query to spit out a result set like:
venue_id:24 blues:34(%) rock:12(%) world music:3(%) comedy: 0(%)

Is this possible?

here is the table structure:
venue_idint(6)  PRI 0
Actor   int(6)  0
Adult Contemporary  int(6)  0
Alternative int(6)  0
Blues   int(6)  0
Children's Entertainmentint(6)  0
Christian   int(6)  0
Classic Rockint(6)  0
Classical   int(6)  0
Comedy  int(6)  0
Country int(6)  0
Dance   int(6)  0
Folkint(6)  0
Holiday int(6)  0
Jazzint(6)  0
Latin   int(6)  0
Lecturers  Speakersint(6)  0
Magicianint(6)  0
Reggae  int(6)  0
Rockint(6)  0
Sports/Athleticsint(6)  0
Urban   int(6)  0
Variety int(6)  0
World Music int(6)  0

Any help would really be appreciated!



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Searching through an alphabetical range

2006-07-21 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear All,

I need to write a query that searches last names between the ranges of m 
through z.

Is there a way to do this in the query?

Thank You,

Paul Nowosielski
office: 303.440.0666 ext 219
cel: 303.827.4257

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Re: Searching through an alphabetical range

2006-07-21 Thread Paul Nowosielski

I have the solution:

SELECT DISTINCT email_address FROM mailing_list WHERE last_name = 'm' AND 
last_name = 'z'

Thank you,

Paul Nowosielski

On Friday 21 July 2006 11:03, Paul Nowosielski wrote:
 Dear All,

 I need to write a query that searches last names between the ranges of m
 through z.

 Is there a way to do this in the query?

 Thank You,

 Paul Nowosielski
 office: 303.440.0666 ext 219
 cel: 303.827.4257

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Re: Searching through an alphabetical range

2006-07-21 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Its working fine for me:

mysql SELECT DISTINCT email_address FROM mailing_list WHERE marketing_list 
LIKE 'Y' AND last_name = 'm' AND last_name = 'z';

26371 rows in set (1.00 sec)

Thank You,

Paul Nowosielski

On Friday 21 July 2006 12:46, Tim Lucia wrote:
 Not quite...

 mysql select 'zebra' = 'm' AND 'zebra' = 'z';

 | 'zebra' = 'm' AND 'zebra' = 'z' |


 | 0 |

 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql select 'seal' = 'm' AND 'seal' = 'z';

 | 'seal' = 'm' AND 'seal' = 'z' |


 |   1 |

 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


 'zz' will probably do the trick, though.


  -Original Message-
  From: Paul Nowosielski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 2:10 PM
  Subject: Re: Searching through an alphabetical range
  I have the solution:
  SELECT DISTINCT email_address FROM mailing_list WHERE last_name = 'm'
  AND last_name = 'z'
  Thank you,
  Paul Nowosielski
  On Friday 21 July 2006 11:03, Paul Nowosielski wrote:
   Dear All,
   I need to write a query that searches last names between the ranges of
   m through z.
   Is there a way to do this in the query?
   Thank You,
   Paul Nowosielski
   office: 303.440.0666 ext 219
   cel: 303.827.4257
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Left Join Help

2006-06-23 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear All,

I've been hashing out this query for awhile with no luck as of yet.
Basically the query works if I put a limit of 500 or so but when I do the full 
query it takes up so many resource that the database engine is useless.

Here is the query:

SELECT DISTINCT (td.td_id)  ,td.venue_id as ven_id, td.td_date as td_date, 
art.NAME as art_name,art.WEB as art_url, artd.artist_id as art_id, tv.ID, 
tv.NAME as ven_name, tv.ADDR1 ven_add0, tv.ADDR2 as ven_add1,tv.CITY 
ven_city,tv.STATE ven_state, tv.ZIPCODE ven_zip,tv.COUNTRY ,tv.WEBSITE as 
ven_url,tvc.SIZE as capacity,
tvage.TYPE as age,tv.TICKETAGNCY1 as tix0, tv.TICKETAGNCY2 as tix1

FROM tourdates td, tbl_ARTST as art, artist_tourdate artd , tbl_VENUES tv, 
,tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF tvax, tbl_VENUE_AGES tvage





td_date  NOW() AND (td.td_id = artd.td_id AND artd.artist_id = art.PKEY AND 
td.venue_id=tv.ID) LIMIT 500

Here is a description of the query:
| table  | type   | possible_keys | key | key_len | 
ref| rows  | Extra|
| td | range  | PRIMARY,idx01,dateidx | dateidx |   4 | 
NULL   | 43943 | Using where; Using temporary |
| artd   | ref| idx01,idx02   | idx01   |   4 | 
td.td_id   | 1 |  |
| art| eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx02 | PRIMARY |   4 | 
artd.artist_id | 1 | Using where  |
| tv | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx04 | PRIMARY |   4 | 
td.venue_id| 1 | Using where  |
| tvage  | ALL| NULL  | NULL|NULL | 
NULL   | 4 |  |
| tvc| ALL| NULL  | NULL|NULL | 
NULL   | 10261 |  |
| tbl_VENUE_CAPACITY | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   5 | 
NULL   | 10261 | Using index; Distinct|
| tvax   | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   8 | 
NULL   | 11616 | Using index; Distinct|
| tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   8 | 
NULL   | 11616 | Using index; Distinct|
| tbl_VENUE_AGES | index  | NULL  | PRIMARY |   4 | 
NULL   | 4 | Using index; Distinct|

I need to be able to run the full query on a daily basis without killing the 
DB engine. 

The query needs to pull in about 50,000 results.

Does anyone see a way to optimize this query or rewrite it so it doesn't cause 
a huge system load?

Thank you,

Paul Nowosielski

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Re: Left Join Help SOLVED

2006-06-23 Thread Paul Nowosielski

Thank you all so much for your help, here is my solution:
(I'm sure I can do a little more optimization)

SELECT DISTINCT (td.td_id) ,td.venue_id as ven_id, td.td_date as td_date,
art.NAME as art_name,art.WEB as art_url, artd.artist_id as art_id, tv.ID,
tv.NAME as ven_name, tv.ADDR1 ven_add0, tv.ADDR2 as ven_add1,tv.CITY
ven_city,tv.STATE ven_state, tv.ZIPCODE ven_zip,tv.COUNTRY ,tv.WEBSITE as
ven_url,tvc.SIZE as capacity,
tvage.TYPE as age,tv.TICKETAGNCY1 as tix0, tv.TICKETAGNCY2 as tix1

FROM tourdates td
JOIN tbl_ARTST as art ON  (art.PKEY = artd.artist_id)
JOIN artist_tourdate artd ON (artd.artist_id = art.PKEY)
JOIN tbl_VENUES tv ON (td.venue_id = tv.ID)
LEFT JOIN tbl_VENUE_AGES tvage ON (tvage.PKEY = tvax.VENUE_ID) 
td_date  NOW()
(td.td_id = artd.td_id AND artd.artist_id = art.PKEY AND td.venue_id=tv.ID)

45929 rows in set (3 min 11.75 sec)

Best Regards,

Paul Nowosielski

On Friday 23 June 2006 14:10, Gerald L. Clark wrote:
 I ammend my previous post.

 Paul Nowosielski wrote:
  Dear All,
  I've been hashing out this query for awhile with no luck as of yet.
  Basically the query works if I put a limit of 500 or so but when I do the
  full query it takes up so many resource that the database engine is
  Here is the query:
  SELECT DISTINCT (td.td_id)  ,td.venue_id as ven_id, td.td_date as
  td_date, art.NAME as art_name,art.WEB as art_url, artd.artist_id as
  art_id, tv.ID, tv.NAME as ven_name, tv.ADDR1 ven_add0, tv.ADDR2 as
  ven_add1,tv.CITY ven_city,tv.STATE ven_state, tv.ZIPCODE
  ven_zip,tv.COUNTRY ,tv.WEBSITE as ven_url,tvc.SIZE as capacity,
  tvage.TYPE as age,tv.TICKETAGNCY1 as tix0, tv.TICKETAGNCY2 as tix1
  FROM tourdates td, tbl_ARTST as art, artist_tourdate artd , tbl_VENUES
  tv, tbl_VENUE_CAPACITY tvc
  ,tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF tvax, tbl_VENUE_AGES tvage

 Use INNER_JOIN and use ON clauses. tvc, tvax, and tvage are not joined
 at all, producing Cartesian Products.


 This on condition does not include the table being joined.


 This on condition does not include the table being joined.


 This on condition does not include the table being joined.

  td_date  NOW() AND (td.td_id = artd.td_id AND artd.artist_id = art.PKEY
  AND td.venue_id=tv.ID) LIMIT 500
  Here is a description of the query:
  | table  | type   | possible_keys | key | key_len
  | |
  ref| rows  | Extra|
  | td | range  | PRIMARY,idx01,dateidx | dateidx |   4
  | |
  NULL   | 43943 | Using where; Using temporary |
  | artd   | ref| idx01,idx02   | idx01   |   4
  | |
  td.td_id   | 1 |  |
  | art| eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx02 | PRIMARY |   4
  | |
  artd.artist_id | 1 | Using where  |
  | tv | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx04 | PRIMARY |   4
  | |
  td.venue_id| 1 | Using where  |
  | tvage  | ALL| NULL  | NULL|NULL
  | |
  NULL   | 4 |  |
  | tvc| ALL| NULL  | NULL|NULL
  | |
  NULL   | 10261 |  |
  | tbl_VENUE_CAPACITY | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   5
  | |
  NULL   | 10261 | Using index; Distinct|
  | tvax   | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   8
  | |
  NULL   | 11616 | Using index; Distinct|
  | tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF | index  | NULL  | idx01   |   8
  | |
  NULL   | 11616 | Using index; Distinct|
  | tbl_VENUE_AGES | index  | NULL  | PRIMARY |   4
  | |
  NULL   | 4 | Using index; Distinct|
  I need to be able to run the full query on a daily basis without killing
  the DB engine.
  The query needs to pull in about 50,000 results.
  Does anyone see a way to optimize this query or rewrite it so it doesn't
  cause a huge system

Join help

2006-06-14 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear All,

I'm working on a database that has a lot of inconsistencies. I have a large 
query that pulls artist and venue information.

My problem is this: I'm trying to create a data feed that lists artists tour 
dates, and the relation venue information corresponding to that tour date.
Unfortunately the data is inconsistent.

For example I have an artist thats on tour at a specific venue. I am supposed 
to also give the venue format information but some venues do not have this 
relation. Therefore these artist tour dates would not be list in the query 

Is there a join method that can ignore the fact that there is no venue 
information and just populate the fields as blank?

Here is my query so far:

select DISTINCT (t.td_id),ta.NAME as artist,ta.PKEY as artist_id, hta.NAME as 
headliner, DATE_FORMAT(t.td_date, '%b %e %Y') as start_date, tv.ADDR1, 
tv.ADDR2, tv.NAME as venue, tv.CITY, tv.STATE, tv.COUNTRY,tv.ID as 
venID,ta.WEB as artlink,tv.WEBSITE as venweb,vcp.SIZE as vensize,vtp.TYPE as 
ventype, vage.TYPE as venage ,tv.TICKETAGNCY1  as ticket1,tv.TICKETAGNCY2 as 
from tbl_VENUE_TYPE vtp, tbl_VENUE_CAPACITY vcp, tourdates t, tbl_VENUES tv, 
tbl_ARTST ta, artist_tourdate at, tbl_ARTST hta, artist_tourdate 
hat,tbl_VENUE_TYPE_XREF tvtx,tbl_VENUE_AGE_XREF vax, tbl_VENUE_AGES vage
where t.td_id = at.td_id and at.artist_id = ta.PKEY and t.venue_id = tv.ID and 
hat.headliner=1 and t.td_id = hat.td_id and hat.artist_id = hta.PKEY and 
vcp.VENUE_ID = tv.ID and =tvtx.VENUE_ID AND  tvtx.TYPE_ID = vtp.PKEY 
and vax.VENUE_ID =tv.ID AND vax.AGE_ID = vage.PKEY   AND 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.td_date) $time GROUP BY t.td_id

Thanks for the help!

Paul Nowosielski

MySQL General Mailing List
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Backup and recovery problems

2006-05-25 Thread Paul Nowosielski
Dear all,

I've been testing our backup and recovery strategies here at work.
When dumping all the databases I'm using this command:

mysqldump  --all-databases --force -u root -p -h  all.sql

When this command is run I receive these error messages:
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `help_category`': 
Can't find file: './mysql/help_category.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `help_keyword`': 
Can't find file: './mysql/help_keyword.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `help_relation`': 
Can't find file: './mysql/help_relation.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `help_topic`': Can't 
find file: './mysql/help_topic.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `proc`': Can't find 
file: './mysql/proc.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `procs_priv`': Can't 
find file: './mysql/procs_priv.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `time_zone`': Can't 
find file: './mysql/time_zone.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table 
`time_zone_leap_second`': Can't find file: 
'./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `time_zone_name`': 
Can't find file: './mysql/time_zone_name.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table 
`time_zone_transition`': Can't find file: 
'./mysql/time_zone_transition.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table 
`time_zone_transition_type`': Can't find file: 
'./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)

When I recover the databases using this command:

mysql --force -u root -p -h localhost  all.sql

Tables are missing (and not the ones the dump is complaining about) and 
relations are broken.

I'm assuming that the dump is dying before all the data is received.

Can anyone give me advice on how to obtain a clean dump with all the tables so 
I may sleep well at night?

I'm using MySQL 4.0.26 client and sever for these databases.

I had thought that using the --force switch would alleviate my concerns. 
Unfortunately not...

Best regards,

Paul Nowosielski
office: 303.440.0666 ext 219
cel: 303.827.4257

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Backup and recovery problems

2006-05-25 Thread Paul Nowosielski

On Thursday 25 May 2006 12:09, you wrote:
 Paul Nowosielski wrote:
 Dear all,
 I've been testing our backup and recovery strategies here at work.
 When dumping all the databases I'm using this command:
 mysqldump  --all-databases --force -u root -p -h  all.sql
 When this command is run I receive these error messages:
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
  `help_category`': Can't find file: './mysql/help_category.frm' (errno:
  13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `help_keyword`':
 Can't find file: './mysql/help_keyword.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
  `help_relation`': Can't find file: './mysql/help_relation.frm' (errno:
  13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `help_topic`':
  Can't find file: './mysql/help_topic.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `proc`': Can't
  find file: './mysql/proc.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `procs_priv`':
  Can't find file: './mysql/procs_priv.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `time_zone`':
  Can't find file: './mysql/time_zone.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `time_zone_leap_second`': Can't find file:
 './mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
  `time_zone_name`': Can't find file: './mysql/time_zone_name.frm' (errno:
  13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `time_zone_transition`': Can't find file:
 './mysql/time_zone_transition.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `time_zone_transition_type`': Can't find file:
 './mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 When I recover the databases using this command:
 mysql --force -u root -p -h localhost  all.sql
 Tables are missing (and not the ones the dump is complaining about) and
 relations are broken.
 I'm assuming that the dump is dying before all the data is received.
 Can anyone give me advice on how to obtain a clean dump with all the
  tables so I may sleep well at night?
 I'm using MySQL 4.0.26 client and sever for these databases.
 I had thought that using the --force switch would alleviate my concerns.
 Unfortunately not...
 Best regards,

 perror 13
 Error code  13:  Permission denied
 Mysql does not have permiission to read its own tables.

 Perhaps you have been testing recovery strategies as root, and have
 changed the permissions?

Ok this is very strange. I checked the permissions on the data directory and 
they where set to 660(rw rw X) and owned by mysql.

I became the mysql user and listed the data/mysql directory:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src/mysql_current/data ll mysql/

and I got:
/bin/ls: mysql/procs_priv.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/procs_priv.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/procs_priv.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_keyword.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_keyword.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_keyword.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/func.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/func.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/func.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/columns_priv.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/columns_priv.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/columns_priv.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/tables_priv.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/tables_priv.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/tables_priv.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_topic.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_topic.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_topic.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/db.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/db.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/db.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/host.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/host.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/host.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_relation.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_relation.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/help_relation.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/time_zone.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/proc.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/proc.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/proc.frm: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/user.MYD: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql/user.MYI: Permission denied
/bin/ls: mysql

Re: Backup and recovery problems

2006-05-25 Thread Paul Nowosielski
 Thank you that worked. now I'm receiving this error:

dev:/tmp # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u root -p -h --force 
--all-databases  all.sql
Enter password:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table 
`help_category` (File 
'/usr/local/src/mysql_current/share/mysql/charsets/?.conf' not found 
(Errcode: 2))
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table 
`help_keyword` (File 
'/usr/local/src/mysql_current/share/mysql/charsets/?.conf' not found 
(Errcode: 2))
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table `help_topic` 
(File '/usr/local/src/mysql_current/share/mysql/charsets/?.conf' not found 
(Errcode: 2))
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table `proc` (File 
'/usr/local/src/mysql_current/share/mysql/charsets/?.conf' not found 
(Errcode: 2))
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table `procs_priv` 
(Can't open file: 'procs_priv.MYI'. (errno: 138))
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table 
`time_zone_name` (File 
'/usr/local/src/mysql_current/share/mysql/charsets/?.conf' not found 
(Errcode: 2))

Any ideas?

Thank you,

Paul Nowosielski
office: 303.440.0666 ext 219
cel: 303.827.4257

On Thursday 25 May 2006 13:24, gerald_clark wrote:
 Paul Nowosielski wrote:
 On Thursday 25 May 2006 12:09, you wrote:
 Paul Nowosielski wrote:
 Dear all,
 I've been testing our backup and recovery strategies here at work.
 When dumping all the databases I'm using this command:
 mysqldump  --all-databases --force -u root -p -h  all.sql
 When this command is run I receive these error messages:
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `help_category`': Can't find file: './mysql/help_category.frm' (errno:
 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
  `help_keyword`': Can't find file: './mysql/help_keyword.frm' (errno:
  13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `help_relation`': Can't find file: './mysql/help_relation.frm' (errno:
 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `help_topic`':
 Can't find file: './mysql/help_topic.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `proc`': Can't
 find file: './mysql/proc.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `procs_priv`':
 Can't find file: './mysql/procs_priv.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `time_zone`':
 Can't find file: './mysql/time_zone.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `time_zone_leap_second`': Can't find file:
 './mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `time_zone_name`': Can't find file: './mysql/time_zone_name.frm' (errno:
 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `time_zone_transition`': Can't find file:
 './mysql/time_zone_transition.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
 `time_zone_transition_type`': Can't find file:
 './mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm' (errno: 13) (1017)
 When I recover the databases using this command:
 mysql --force -u root -p -h localhost  all.sql
 Tables are missing (and not the ones the dump is complaining about) and
 relations are broken.
 I'm assuming that the dump is dying before all the data is received.
 Can anyone give me advice on how to obtain a clean dump with all the
 tables so I may sleep well at night?
 I'm using MySQL 4.0.26 client and sever for these databases.
 I had thought that using the --force switch would alleviate my concerns.
 Unfortunately not...
 Best regards,
 perror 13
 Error code  13:  Permission denied
 Mysql does not have permiission to read its own tables.
 Perhaps you have been testing recovery strategies as root, and have
 changed the permissions?
 Ok this is very strange. I checked the permissions on the data directory
  and they where set to 660(rw rw X) and owned by mysql.

 Which is wrong.
 You need 770 or you have no execute (search)  privilege on the directory.

 I became the mysql user and listed the data/mysql directory:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src/mysql_current/data ll mysql/
 and I got:
 /bin/ls: mysql/procs_priv.MYD: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/procs_priv.MYI: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/procs_priv.frm: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/help_keyword.MYD: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/help_keyword.MYI: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/help_keyword.frm: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/func.MYD: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/func.MYI: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/func.frm: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/columns_priv.MYD: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/columns_priv.MYI: Permission denied
 /bin/ls: mysql/columns_priv.frm: Permission denied

Problem using IN statement MySQL 5

2006-01-11 Thread Paul Nowosielski

I'm trying to run q query with an IN statement in MySQL 5. Like so:

SELECT * from encore enc, article art
WHERE  enc.encore_id= '10' AND `article_id` IN (`articles`)

Its should return all the articles in the encore.articles column but
instead only returns the first article.

In encore,articles is the data 43,44,45,46.
These are article IDs. If I manually place 43,44,45,46 into the query
like so:

SELECT * from encore enc, article art
WHERE  enc.encore_id= '10' AND `article_id` IN (43,44,45,46)

All 4 articles are returned. Any ideas why this is not working?


Paul Nowosielski
2401 Broadway St
Boulder, Co 80304
Tel: 303.440.0666 ext:219 
Cell: 303.827.4257

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