Mysql..Python.. ..MSQLdb

2002-06-11 Thread R Talbot

I have been using perl and Mysql together but have
decided to try python and Mysql together.
 I download and extracted MYSQLdb 0.35-1 from Andy Dustman's page.
The module does not seen to have instructions for use. Can anyone point
me to intructions or examples.

 My purpose is a user friendly GUI for users to work my database.

  Also is anyone using Mysql and python and how do rate the combo and
compare to perl and Mysql or PHP and Mysql.

Bob T

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Re: Mysql..Python..

2002-06-11 Thread R Talbot

 My sense is that it's not as popular for use with MySQL as PHP or
 Perl, but yes, there are people using it.  A few of the MySQL books
 out there have descriptions of how to use the Python interface for
 MySQL, and (shameless plug) it's one of the 4 languages covered in
 the upcoming MySQL Cookbook.

Yeah, I must admit I have had the P. DuBois (Mysql Book) in my hand
times this past yeat at Barnes  Noble, I had to pass as I wasn't
reading the 2 MySQL titles I was currently reading. Now I have and now I

Python has the ability to produce ( with modules) graphics for my
interface, outside of the Browser enviorment. Seems, from what I have
read PHP
is restricted to the Browser, is this correct?

 I have used Perl with Tcl/TK but would like to see the same results
Any Thoughts on this path.

Lastly I notice the Mysqldb module has two files .9.1-1py1 and py2 do I
both or is py2 an upgrade??

Bob T.

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Re: 3.23.43 fails merge test ON make test of src.

2001-10-28 Thread R Talbot

Michael Widenius wrote:


  R == R Talbot [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 R Hi!
  rjtalbo == rjtalbo  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 rjtalbo I am using Mysql 3.23.40 on Linux kernel 2.2.14 Caldera..


 R Thanks for the response.
 R I did discover .. mysql-test-run --force in the manual after my
 R email..Sorry!
 R  Tests failed were  merge.. replace and rcp16 ( hope I got the last
 R one right)

 R Your binaries won't install on a Caldera System, not even the gnu
 R (generic)..

 What error do you get when trying to run mysqld from the Linux tar file?

 R Apparently something non-standard with Caldera Dir layout..
 R I just updated all libraries, make, compiler.. This helped with
 R PostgreSQL compile
 R but not MySQL...
 R  Spoke to Caldera, Kernal 2.2.14 reworked issues resolved patches by
 R Caldera added..!

 ok, lets try this from the start.
 It should not be that hard to get MySQL to work on Caldera.
 (I don't think the MERGE test is really critical, but it would be
 better to spend a little time to get this completely right).

 What gcc version do you have.
 What glibc version ?
 How did you configure MySQL ?
 Did you check the configure options from the Linux section in the
 MySQL manual ?

 R  If I am to use this at all I suppose I will have to use early 3.23.xx
 R versions or
 R Change all the boxes on my Lan to Red Hat or S.u.SE..
 R I have found, over the past six years, Caldera to be very Stable. I
 R attribute this to
 R the fact that it is reworked and never on the bleeding edge. As we can
 R see this
 R is not without trade offs.
 R  Please note IBM feels the same way. The only Linuxes IBM supports are
 R Caldera
 R Red Hat, TurboLinux, SuSE. for its' Servers.


Hi Monty,

 Thank you for your reply..
It has taken me ten days to reply because of a lan issue and
several down machines.
I had been installing Mysql 3.23.42 on two OS2 machines and
ran into some problems.
The people on [EMAIL PROTECTED] helped me out.
Yuri Dario's port of Mysql 3.23.42 to OS2 is great.

Now back to my Linux install of Mysql 3.23.4x
All my compiles of my Mysql above 3.22.32 fail
merge, replace, and rpc16

  Below is My bug report...
Mysql 3.23.40 is runjning after the compile but,
  after a compile with errors 3.23.42 or .43 won't run the
server starts and fails so I guess we should concentrate on 3.23.40

Subject:  3.23.4.x compiles but make test shows errors in merge, replace and
Description:   See email above attached

How-To-Repeat:   COMPILE using (make 3.78.1) (gcc egcs-2.91.66)


 Submitter-Id: submitter ID
Originator: R Talbot
 organization of PR author (multiple lines)
MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
Synopsis: synopsis of the problem (one line)
Severity:  serious
Priority:   high ]
Category: mysql
Class:  [ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)
Release: mysql-3.23.40 (Source distribution)
Server: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.21 Distrib 3.23.40, for
pc-linux-gnu on i686
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  3.23.40-log
Protocol version 10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket  /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime:   1 hour 33 min 25 sec

Threads: 1  Questions: 2  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 0  Flush tables: 2  Open
tables: 0 Queries per second avg: 0.000
 machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: Linux fultower.ibmpeers 2.2.14 #1 SMP Thu Feb 17 11:49:42 MST 2000
i686 unknown
Architecture: i686

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/egcs-2.91.66/specs
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS=''  CXX='c++'  CXXFLAGS=''  LDFLAGS=''
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Sep  2  2000 /lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  1249095 Feb 17  2000 /lib/
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  2266174 Feb 17  2000 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  178 Feb 17  2000 /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   34 Sep  2  2000 /usr/lib/ -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   14 Sep  2  2000 /usr/lib/libc-client.a
- libc-client4.a
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  2033328 Feb 17  2000
Configure command: ./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
Perl: This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-linux

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2001-10-03 Thread R Talbot

Please solve the problems

# groupadd mysql
# useradd -g mysql mysql
# cd /export/home0
# gunzip  mysql-3.23.33.tar.gz | tar xvf -
# cd mysql-3.23.33
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
# make
make  all-recursive

I have compiled 3.22.32, ...3.23.40.. 3.23.42
All on Linux w/  kernel 2.2.10 and 2.2.13   
Gnu make 3.77.xx and GNU make 3.78.xx

What I have learned is that an up to date Make and
libc library are very important .. Earlier versions seem
to compile well with earlier GNU Make/ libc installs and
Later version seem to need updated GNU Make / Libc..

What is your OS flavor and have recent are your library and
tools... Update  when possible...

Hope this helps some...


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Mysql GUI doesn't like localhost/ New Install..

2001-09-30 Thread R Talbot

I obviously missed something because I have installed MySQL
many times but this time MySQL GUI would not except localhost in
MySQL GUI Options.. but it would work with the actual Host name.

Note same versions of all the above with the same Linux kernel
work on two other installs.. All have localhost  loop back.

Bob T

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to12 test Failures

2001-09-24 Thread R Talbot

R Talbot wrote:

R Talbot wrote:
 Still having compile problems and GNU binary
produces the following info

  Michael Widenius wrote:
   The problem is probably that your tar
program doesn't use user-names

  but user-ids, in which case the files may
 be owned by 'anyone.

  What output do you get for:

  ldd bin/mysqld

  [root@thinkpad]# ls -l /bin/mysqld
  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  1832912
Sep 21 20:59 /bin/mysqld
  [root@thinkpad]# ldd /bin/mysqld
  statically linked (ELF)
bin/mysqld --help

 basedir: /usr/local/mysql/
 datadir: /usr/local/mysql/var/
 tmpdir:  /tmp/
 pid file:
 TCP port:3306
 Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

 system locking is not in use
 max_user_connections  current value: 0
 max_write_lock_count  current value:4294967295
 myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value:8388608
 myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
 myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value:2047
 net_buffer_length current value: 16384
 net_retry_count   current value: 10
 net_read_timeout  current value: 30
 net_write_timeout current value: 60
 open_files_limit  current value: 0
 query_buffer_size current value: 0
 record_buffer current value: 131072
 record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
 slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
 slow_launch_time  current value: 2
 sort_buffer   current value:2097144
 table_cache   current value: 64
 thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
 thread_cache_size current value: 0
 tmp_table_sizecurrent value:33554432
 thread_stack  current value: 131072
 wait_timeout  current value: 28800
 delayed_insert_timeout  current value: 300
 delayed_insert_limit  current value: 100
 delayed_queue_sizecurrent value: 1000
 flush_timecurrent value: 0
 interactive_timeout   current value: 28800
 join_buffer_size  current value: 131072
 key_buffer_size   current value:16773120
 long_query_time   current value: 10
 lower_case_table_names  current value: 0
 max_allowed_packetcurrent value:1047552
 max_binlog_cache_size  current value:4294967295
 max_binlog_size   current value:1073741824
 max_connections   current value: 100
 max_connect_errorscurrent value: 10
 max_delayed_threads   current value: 20
 max_heap_table_size   current value:16777216
 max_join_size current value:4294967295
 max_sort_length   current value: 1024
 max_tmp_tablescurrent value: 32
 max_user_connections  current value: 0
 max_write_lock_count  current value:4294967295
 myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value:8388608
 myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
 myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value:2047
 net_buffer_length current value: 16384
 net_retry_count   current value: 10
 net_read_timeout  current value: 30
 net_write_timeout current value: 60
 open_files_limit  current value: 0
 query_buffer_size current value: 0
 record_buffer current value: 131072
 record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
 slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
 slow_launch_time  current value: 2
 sort_buffer   current value:2097144
 table_cache   current value: 64
 thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
 thread_cache_size current value: 0
 tmp_table_sizecurrent value:33554432
 thread_stack  current value: 131072
 wait_timeout  current value: 28800

 Thank you
 Bob T

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to12 test Failures

2001-09-23 Thread R Talbot

R Talbot wrote:

 R Talbot wrote:

  Michael Widenius wrote:
   The problem is probably that your tar program doesn't use user-names
   but user-ids, in which case the files may be owned by 'anyone.
   What output do you get for:
   ldd bin/mysqld
  [root@thinkpad]# ls -l /bin/mysqld
  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  1832912 Sep 21 20:59 /bin/mysqld
  [root@thinkpad]# ldd /bin/mysqld
  statically linked (ELF)
   bin/mysqld --help
  To see what values a running MySQL server is using, type
  'mysqladmin variables' instead of 'mysqld --help'.
  The default values (after parsing the command line arguments) are:
  basedir: /usr/local/mysql/
  datadir: /usr/local/mysql/var/
  tmpdir:  /tmp/
  pid file:/usr/local/mysql/var/
  TCP port:3306
  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
  system locking is not in use
  max_user_connections  current value: 0
  max_write_lock_count  current value: 4294967295
  myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value: 8388608
  myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
  myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value: 2047
  net_buffer_length current value: 16384
  net_retry_count   current value: 10
  net_read_timeout  current value: 30
  net_write_timeout current value: 60
  open_files_limit  current value: 0
  query_buffer_size current value: 0
  record_buffer current value: 131072
  record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
  slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
  slow_launch_time  current value: 2
  sort_buffer   current value: 2097144
  table_cache   current value: 64
  thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
  thread_cache_size current value: 0
  tmp_table_sizecurrent value: 33554432
  thread_stack  current value: 131072
  wait_timeout  current value: 28800
  delayed_insert_timeout  current value: 300
  delayed_insert_limit  current value: 100
  delayed_queue_sizecurrent value: 1000
  flush_timecurrent value: 0
  interactive_timeout   current value: 28800
  join_buffer_size  current value: 131072
  key_buffer_size   current value: 16773120
  long_query_time   current value: 10
  lower_case_table_names  current value: 0
  max_allowed_packetcurrent value: 1047552
  max_binlog_cache_size  current value: 4294967295
  max_binlog_size   current value: 1073741824
  max_connections   current value: 100
  max_connect_errorscurrent value: 10
  max_delayed_threads   current value: 20
  max_heap_table_size   current value: 16777216
  max_join_size current value: 4294967295
  max_sort_length   current value: 1024
  max_tmp_tablescurrent value: 32
  max_user_connections  current value: 0
  max_write_lock_count  current value: 4294967295
  myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value: 8388608
  myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
  myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value: 2047
  net_buffer_length current value: 16384
  net_retry_count   current value: 10
  net_read_timeout  current value: 30
  net_write_timeout current value: 60
  open_files_limit  current value: 0
  query_buffer_size current value: 0
  record_buffer current value: 131072
  record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
  slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
  slow_launch_time  current value: 2
  sort_buffer   current value: 2097144
  table_cache   current value: 64
  thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
  thread_cache_size current value: 0
  tmp_table_sizecurrent value: 33554432
  thread_stack  current value: 131072
  wait_timeout  current value: 28800
  Thank you
  Bob T

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to12 test Failures

2001-09-23 Thread R Talbot

R Talbot wrote:

 R Talbot wrote:

  R Talbot wrote:
   Michael Widenius wrote:
The problem is probably that your tar program doesn't use user-names
but user-ids, in which case the files may be owned by 'anyone.
What output do you get for:
ldd bin/mysqld
   [root@thinkpad]# ls -l /bin/mysqld
   -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  1832912 Sep 21 20:59 /bin/mysqld
   [root@thinkpad]# ldd /bin/mysqld
   statically linked (ELF)
bin/mysqld --help
   To see what values a running MySQL server is using, type
   'mysqladmin variables' instead of 'mysqld --help'.
   The default values (after parsing the command line arguments) are:
   basedir: /usr/local/mysql/
   datadir: /usr/local/mysql/var/
   tmpdir:  /tmp/
   pid file:/usr/local/mysql/var/
   TCP port:3306
   Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
   system locking is not in use
   max_user_connections  current value: 0
   max_write_lock_count  current value: 4294967295
   myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value: 8388608
   myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
   myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value: 2047
   net_buffer_length current value: 16384
   net_retry_count   current value: 10
   net_read_timeout  current value: 30
   net_write_timeout current value: 60
   open_files_limit  current value: 0
   query_buffer_size current value: 0
   record_buffer current value: 131072
   record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
   slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
   slow_launch_time  current value: 2
   sort_buffer   current value: 2097144
   table_cache   current value: 64
   thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
   thread_cache_size current value: 0
   tmp_table_sizecurrent value: 33554432
   thread_stack  current value: 131072
   wait_timeout  current value: 28800
   delayed_insert_timeout  current value: 300
   delayed_insert_limit  current value: 100
   delayed_queue_sizecurrent value: 1000
   flush_timecurrent value: 0
   interactive_timeout   current value: 28800
   join_buffer_size  current value: 131072
   key_buffer_size   current value: 16773120
   long_query_time   current value: 10
   lower_case_table_names  current value: 0
   max_allowed_packetcurrent value: 1047552
   max_binlog_cache_size  current value: 4294967295
   max_binlog_size   current value: 1073741824
   max_connections   current value: 100
   max_connect_errorscurrent value: 10
   max_delayed_threads   current value: 20
   max_heap_table_size   current value: 16777216
   max_join_size current value: 4294967295
   max_sort_length   current value: 1024
   max_tmp_tablescurrent value: 32
   max_user_connections  current value: 0
   max_write_lock_count  current value: 4294967295
   myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value: 8388608
   myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
   myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value: 2047
   net_buffer_length current value: 16384
   net_retry_count   current value: 10
   net_read_timeout  current value: 30
   net_write_timeout current value: 60
   open_files_limit  current value: 0
   query_buffer_size current value: 0
   record_buffer current value: 131072
   record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
   slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
   slow_launch_time  current value: 2
   sort_buffer   current value: 2097144
   table_cache   current value: 64
   thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
   thread_cache_size current value: 0
   tmp_table_sizecurrent value: 33554432
   thread_stack  current value: 131072
   wait_timeout  current value: 28800
   Thank you
   Bob T

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Help - I'm completely locked out of mysql

2001-09-22 Thread R Talbot

Subject:  Help - I'm completely locked out of mysql
From: Derek Fage [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2001-09-22 14:36:08
[Download message RAW]

Hi there,

If your forgot yout root password try

  #/bin/mysql  -Skip-grant
use mysql;
UPDATE user SET password = password
Where User = 'root';
#bin/mysql   mysqladmin reload

Restart Mysql for the new password

  Been There Done This: ^)

Bob T

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42to 12 test Failures

2001-09-22 Thread R Talbot

Michael Widenius wrote:


  R == R Talbot [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 R Monty,
 R  Took your advice and downloaded
 R  mysql-3.23.42-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
 R Placed it in /usr/local
 R Renamed /usr/local/mysql to /usr/local/mysql-old
 R unpacked  with
 R tar -zxvf  mysql-3.23.42-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
 R which made /usr/local/mysql-3.23.42-pc-linux-gnu-i686

 R  I checked out the dir ( I was working as root)
 R and I saw the owner of the dir and files is db2as !!
 R Now db2as is the Admin User Created by the DB2 7.1 install.
 R How did this happen??

 The problem is probably that your tar program doesn't use user-names
 but user-ids, in which case the files may be owned by 'anyone.

 R I have used tar frequently and I have never seen this error.
 R DB2 was installed in April.
 R I did whoami and I was root. Tried as user same results.
 R Tarred another non Mysql file, No problem?
 R So, I changed all the dir and file owners to root or mysql.
 R I changed the dir name to /usr/local/mysql.
 R I ran   /usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db
 R and got this error every time..

 R faults: command not found
 R Didn't find ./bin/mysqld
 R You should do a 'make install' before executing this script

 What output do you get for:

 ldd bin/mysqld

 bin/mysqld --help

 R I renamed the dir to long name and copied mysqld to /bin...
 R   same error message...
 R I guess this just won't work.. :^(

 It 'should' work.  To know why it doesn't work, we would however need
 some more information...


Thank you for your response...

As the binary install won't start without the initdb installing
a skeleton database How can I get a MysqlBug to run..?
 And there is no make for a make test...
 Im without tools to give an answer..
Any suggestions??

Bob T

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Re: Help - I'm completely locked out of mysql

2001-09-22 Thread R Talbot

Derek Fage wrote:

 Hi Bob,

 Sorry to appear a bit dense, but how do I use the -Skip-grant?

 I don't see a -Skip-grant option in mysql (mysql --help)



 -Original Message-
 From: R Talbot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 22 September 2001 11:57
 Subject: Help - I'm completely locked out of mysql

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 Subject:  Help - I'm completely locked out of mysql
 From: Derek Fage [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2001-09-22 14:36:08
 [Download message RAW]

 Hi there,

 If your forgot yout root password try

Restart Mysqld as below SORRY Syntax error on Command Prompt
  Bad advice is worst then no advice  : ^)

   #/mysql/bin/ mysqld  -Skip-grant
 use mysql;
 UPDATE user SET password = password
 Where User = 'root';
 #bin/mysql   mysqladmin reload

 Restart Mysql for the new password

   Been There Done This: ^)

 Bob T

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Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to 12 test Failures

2001-09-22 Thread R Talbot

Michael Widenius wrote:

 The problem is probably that your tar program doesn't use user-names

 but user-ids, in which case the files may be owned by 'anyone.

 What output do you get for:

 ldd bin/mysqld

[root@thinkpad]# ls -l /bin/mysqld
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  1832912 Sep 21 20:59 /bin/mysqld
[root@thinkpad]# ldd /bin/mysqld
statically linked (ELF)

 bin/mysqld --help

To see what values a running MySQL server is using, type
'mysqladmin variables' instead of 'mysqld --help'.
The default values (after parsing the command line arguments) are:

basedir: /usr/local/mysql/
datadir: /usr/local/mysql/var/
tmpdir:  /tmp/
pid file:/usr/local/mysql/var/
TCP port:3306
Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

system locking is not in use
max_user_connections  current value: 0
max_write_lock_count  current value: 4294967295
myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value: 8388608
myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value: 2047
net_buffer_length current value: 16384
net_retry_count   current value: 10
net_read_timeout  current value: 30
net_write_timeout current value: 60
open_files_limit  current value: 0
query_buffer_size current value: 0
record_buffer current value: 131072
record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
slow_launch_time  current value: 2
sort_buffer   current value: 2097144
table_cache   current value: 64
thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
thread_cache_size current value: 0
tmp_table_sizecurrent value: 33554432
thread_stack  current value: 131072
wait_timeout  current value: 28800
delayed_insert_timeout  current value: 300
delayed_insert_limit  current value: 100
delayed_queue_sizecurrent value: 1000
flush_timecurrent value: 0
interactive_timeout   current value: 28800
join_buffer_size  current value: 131072
key_buffer_size   current value: 16773120
long_query_time   current value: 10
lower_case_table_names  current value: 0
max_allowed_packetcurrent value: 1047552
max_binlog_cache_size  current value: 4294967295
max_binlog_size   current value: 1073741824
max_connections   current value: 100
max_connect_errorscurrent value: 10
max_delayed_threads   current value: 20
max_heap_table_size   current value: 16777216
max_join_size current value: 4294967295
max_sort_length   current value: 1024
max_tmp_tablescurrent value: 32
max_user_connections  current value: 0
max_write_lock_count  current value: 4294967295
myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value: 8388608
myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value: 2047
net_buffer_length current value: 16384
net_retry_count   current value: 10
net_read_timeout  current value: 30
net_write_timeout current value: 60
open_files_limit  current value: 0
query_buffer_size current value: 0
record_buffer current value: 131072
record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
slow_launch_time  current value: 2
sort_buffer   current value: 2097144
table_cache   current value: 64
thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
thread_cache_size current value: 0
tmp_table_sizecurrent value: 33554432
thread_stack  current value: 131072
wait_timeout  current value: 28800

Thank you

Bob T

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to12 test Failures

2001-09-22 Thread R Talbot

R Talbot wrote:

 Michael Widenius wrote:


  The problem is probably that your tar program doesn't use user-names

  but user-ids, in which case the files may be owned by 'anyone.

  What output do you get for:
  ldd bin/mysqld
 [root@thinkpad]# ls -l /bin/mysqld
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  1832912 Sep 21 20:59 /bin/mysqld
 [root@thinkpad]# ldd /bin/mysqld
 statically linked (ELF)

  bin/mysqld --help

 To see what values a running MySQL server is using, type
 'mysqladmin variables' instead of 'mysqld --help'.
 The default values (after parsing the command line arguments) are:

 basedir: /usr/local/mysql/
 datadir: /usr/local/mysql/var/
 tmpdir:  /tmp/
 pid file:/usr/local/mysql/var/
 TCP port:3306
 Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

 system locking is not in use
 max_user_connections  current value: 0
 max_write_lock_count  current value: 4294967295
 myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value: 8388608
 myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
 myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value: 2047
 net_buffer_length current value: 16384
 net_retry_count   current value: 10
 net_read_timeout  current value: 30
 net_write_timeout current value: 60
 open_files_limit  current value: 0
 query_buffer_size current value: 0
 record_buffer current value: 131072
 record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
 slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
 slow_launch_time  current value: 2
 sort_buffer   current value: 2097144
 table_cache   current value: 64
 thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
 thread_cache_size current value: 0
 tmp_table_sizecurrent value: 33554432
 thread_stack  current value: 131072
 wait_timeout  current value: 28800
 delayed_insert_timeout  current value: 300
 delayed_insert_limit  current value: 100
 delayed_queue_sizecurrent value: 1000
 flush_timecurrent value: 0
 interactive_timeout   current value: 28800
 join_buffer_size  current value: 131072
 key_buffer_size   current value: 16773120
 long_query_time   current value: 10
 lower_case_table_names  current value: 0
 max_allowed_packetcurrent value: 1047552
 max_binlog_cache_size  current value: 4294967295
 max_binlog_size   current value: 1073741824
 max_connections   current value: 100
 max_connect_errorscurrent value: 10
 max_delayed_threads   current value: 20
 max_heap_table_size   current value: 16777216
 max_join_size current value: 4294967295
 max_sort_length   current value: 1024
 max_tmp_tablescurrent value: 32
 max_user_connections  current value: 0
 max_write_lock_count  current value: 4294967295
 myisam_sort_buffer_size  current value: 8388608
 myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size  current value: 256
 myisam_max_sort_file_size  current value: 2047
 net_buffer_length current value: 16384
 net_retry_count   current value: 10
 net_read_timeout  current value: 30
 net_write_timeout current value: 60
 open_files_limit  current value: 0
 query_buffer_size current value: 0
 record_buffer current value: 131072
 record_rnd_buffer current value: 0
 slave_net_timeout current value: 3600
 slow_launch_time  current value: 2
 sort_buffer   current value: 2097144
 table_cache   current value: 64
 thread_concurrencycurrent value: 10
 thread_cache_size current value: 0
 tmp_table_sizecurrent value: 33554432
 thread_stack  current value: 131072
 wait_timeout  current value: 28800

 Thank you

 Bob T

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Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to 12 test Failures

2001-09-21 Thread R Talbot

My problem is probably my and GNU Make v. 3.78.1
being too old but how muc trouble is it to upgrade.the LIB
V.  3.23.40 is running but with 12 failed tests including bigint is
this an install I want to develop with.

Please advise


SEND-PR: -*- send-pr -*-
SEND-PR: Lines starting with `SEND-PR' will be removed automatically, as

SEND-PR: will all comments (text enclosed in `' and `').
From: root
Subject: make test fails 12 tests

   make test fails 12 tests including bigint. Installed anyway.
  then ran make-tests-run same results, of course..
   Mysql does run in all other ways. This problem is duplicated
   on 3 linux installations tried both 3.23.40 and 3.23.42
   I was running 3.22.32.. used GNU Make ver 3.77 and 3.78.1
 precise description of the problem (multiple lines)
  tar -zxvf mysql-3.23.40.tar.gz
  cd /usr/src/OpenLinux/SOURCES/mysql-3.23.40
  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
  make test

   or after make install
 /usr/local/mysql/mysql-test/mysql-test-run --force

 how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple lines)

Submitter-Id: submitter ID
Originator: root
 organization of PR author (multiple lines)
MySQL support: [none |
Synopsis: fails make test on 12 items
Severity: | serious |
Priority: [ high ]
Category: mysql
Class:  server bug install
Release: mysql-3.23.40 (Source distribution)

System: Linux thinkpad.ibmpeers 2.2.10 #1 SMP Tue Aug 10 19:01:45 MDT
1999 i586 unknown
Architecture: i586

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/egcs-2.91.66/specs
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS=''  CXX='c++'  CXXFLAGS=''
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Jul 18  2000 /lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  1245005 Aug 10  1999
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  2256720 Aug 10  1999 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  178 Aug 10  1999 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
Perl: This is perl, version 5.005_02 built for i386-linux-thread

Bob T

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to 12 test Failures

2001-09-21 Thread R Talbot

Sasha Pachev wrote:

 On Thursday 20 September 2001 20:37, R Talbot wrote:
  My problem is probably my and GNU Make v. 3.78.1
  being too old but how muc trouble is it to upgrade.the LIB
  V.  3.23.40 is running but with 12 failed tests including bigint is
  this an install I want to develop with.

 Just use our binary - that is the easiest way to fix it.


   If I could I wouldBut your binary RPM of any version
will not install on a Caldera desktop..
   I tried..
 But I was able to successfully Compile v. 3.22.32

You must compile for Caldera.. Has to do with
the fact that Red Hat
places some items in non GNU locations.. And
Everbody prepares
for Red Hat..

So my question is it worth my time to
upgrade my libc,  no small task.
Because it may not even make a difference
regarding my Success.

 I have too much invested in time and apps
and upgrades to abandon
four Caldera installations...
Any help is appreciated..

 Installed and working fine
PostgeSQL 7.0.2
DB2 v 7.1
Sybase Server 11
MySQL 3.22.32
VA for Java v.2.0
Perl v 5.003
JDK 1.18

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Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to 12 test Failures

2001-09-21 Thread R Talbot

Sasha Pachev wrote:

 On Thursday 20 September 2001 20:37, R Talbot
  My problem is probably my and
GNU Make v. 3.78.1
  being too old but how muc trouble is it
to upgrade.the LIB
  V.  3.23.40 is running but with 12 failed
tests including bigint is
  this an install I want to develop with.

 Just use our binary - that is the easiest way
to fix it.


   If I could I wouldBut your binary RPM of
any version will not install on a Caldera desktop..
   I tried..
 But I was able to successfully Compile v. 3.22.32

You must compile for Caldera.. Has to do with
the fact that Red Hat places some items in non GNU locations..
And Everbody prepares for Red Hat..

So my question is it worth my time to
upgrade my libc,  no small task.
Because it may not even make a difference
regarding my Success.

 I have too much invested in time and apps
and upgrades to abandon
four Caldera installations...
Any help is appreciated..

 Installed and working fine
PostgeSQL 7.0.2
DB2 v 7.1
Sybase Server 11
MySQL 3.22.32
VA for Java v.2.0
Perl v 5.003
JDK 1.18

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to 12 test Failures

2001-09-21 Thread R Talbot

R Talbot wrote:

 Michael Widenius wrote:

   R == R Talbot [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  R Sasha Pachev wrote:
   On Thursday 20 September 2001 20:37, R Talbot wrote:
My problem is probably my and GNU Make v. 3.78.1
being too old but how muc trouble is it to upgrade.the LIB
V.  3.23.40 is running but with 12 failed tests including bigint is
this an install I want to develop with.
   Just use our binary - that is the easiest way to fix it.
  R Sasha
  RIf I could I wouldBut your binary RPM of any version
  R will not install on a Caldera desktop..
  In that case, don't use the RPM, but our normal Linux binary.
  This should work on most Linux systems!

 Thanks Monty,,

 I did not read carefully... I did not realize that there was a
 Generic Linux Binary.. A year ago I ended up failing with the
 Binary and was forced to use the Source.tar.gz.. This time
 I automatically headed back for the source page.. I never
 noticed a GNU version..

 I hope this works as I have spend a good deal of time
 learning MySQL, But my system houses three other DBMSs .
 But I really like the Science behind MySQL.
 My intention is develop my latetest project on it.

  I will post you as to my installation results with the GNU Binary..

 Thank You
 Bob Talbot

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to 12 test Failures

2001-09-21 Thread R Talbot

R Talbot wrote:

 Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:

  What version of Caldera are you running?  I may be able to help next week.
  ZENEZ   3748 Valley Forge Road, Magna Utah  84044
  Office 801-250-0795 FAX 801-250-7975

   I am a Caldera user since 1996.
 Currently using Caldera Desktops 2.3 and 2.4..
 I also have but have never installed Eserver 2.3..

 While your working on the problem I am going to take
 Monty's advice and try to install the MySQL GNU Linux Binary 3.23.42

 Email as to your progress and Thanks!

 Bob Talbot

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Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to 12 test Failures

2001-09-21 Thread R Talbot


 Took your advice and downloaded
Placed it in /usr/local
Renamed /usr/local/mysql to /usr/local/mysql-old
unpacked  with
tar -zxvf  mysql-3.23.42-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
which made /usr/local/mysql-3.23.42-pc-linux-gnu-i686

 I checked out the dir ( I was working as root)
and I saw the owner of the dir and files is db2as !!
Now db2as is the Admin User Created by the DB2 7.1 install.
How did this happen??
I have used tar frequently and I have never seen this error.
DB2 was installed in April.
I did whoami and I was root. Tried as user same results.
Tarred another non Mysql file, No problem?
So, I changed all the dir and file owners to root or mysql.
I changed the dir name to /usr/local/mysql.
I ran   /usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db
and got this error every time..

faults: command not found
Didn't find ./bin/mysqld
You should do a 'make install' before executing this script

I renamed the dir to long name and copied mysqld to /bin...
  same error message...
I guess this just won't work.. :^(

any other suggestions.??


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Mysql Daemon starts at boot then Terminates??

2001-09-18 Thread R Talbot

I have deleted the Mysql 3.22.32  install and compiled
source for and installed Mysql 3.23.40.
The new installation resides at /usr/local/mysql.
  Make Test  did fail onlymerge
From the command line The daemon starts perfectly with either
mysql.server startor
safe mysqld 

but when started by /etc/rc.d/ini.d/mysql.server
 I see recorded during boot
Starting mysqld daimon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/var
Starting rstat services: rpc.rstatd010918 12:55 mysqld ended
 (what's that all about) and why does it shut down
I used to start v. 3.22.32 by the same method..
any HELP!!!

mysql.server  directory references are
mysql_daemon_user=root # Run mysqld as this user.
export PATH

I copied and the mysql.server to  /etc/rc.d/init.d/
and then linked
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S35mysql
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K01mysql

Also the end of make install asked me to do the following
something like
mysqladmin -u root -p password = newpassword ('data')
mysqladmin -h mymachine.peer -p password = newpassword ('data')
 ( I hope I remembered that correctly)

I am baffled my next step will be entries to my.cnf


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@variableName What Version?

2001-09-11 Thread R Talbot

I currently use MySQL  3.22.32-log

I compiled the source code to use with Caldera 2.3..

Does my version support the use of the @variable syntax..
When I attempt to use this I get error Error 1064 ..
I find that this also would not work  set @min_price=min(shop.price);

P.S   What  is the  log   indicate for my version..

Bob T

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Version 3.22.32 Source to upgrade??

2001-07-15 Thread R Talbot

 I am spending considerable time working with
  I am deciding on Project development tools..
 Each RDBMS has some short coming for me..
Addressing MySQL which I like very much..
  I use v. 3.22.32  because there is not a binary RPM
for Caldera 2.3 and 2.4 edesktop. I also installed to
OS/2 and Winnt.

 As I had to compile my install and can't determine if
I can upgrade for Caldera Install. I can only locate
source for 3.23.39 or 3.22.32 and I am not sure if
3.23.39 will compile properly on my 2.2.10 kernal.
Where is the source hidden for 3.22.33 thru 3.23.38??
?? Question:  What version do you suggest in my situation..?

??Questions: with 3.22.32...
   Work around suggestions for
1  Searching on two keys ( In Tutorial) as 3.22.32 can not
  create temporary tables..
2   Select * from table to Output
 I understand this will not work with 3.22.32
   ?? Comments suggestions
   Temp tables can be a valuable tool..
   Would you create new permanant tables temporarily and
then drop them.

What features do you believe sorely lacking in 3.22.32 which
would force an upgrade.. Including perhaps Application Interface
changes to perl or java..

Thank you for you time..

Bob T

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RE: Select and =MAX()

2001-06-27 Thread R Talbot

  When I issue your suggested commands here are the resulted rows..
mysql SELECT price
-FROM shop
-HAVING price=MAX(price);
Empty set (0.01 sec)

But when I issue...
mysql select price from shop order by price desc;
| price |
| 19.95 |
| 10.99 |
|  3.99 |
|  3.45 |
|  1.69 |
|  1.45 |
|  1.25 |
7 rows in set (0.01 sec)


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Select and = MAX()

2001-06-26 Thread R Talbot

Following the Tutorial
Creating and populating the table Shop in the db Test..
Why won't the following syntax work?

mysql select  price
- from shop
- where price=Max(price) ;
ERROR : Invalid use of group function

Bob T

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Couldn't select database

2001-06-25 Thread R Talbot

Hi Jake,

 Your problem appears similar to a problem I had but...
you aren't providing quite enough information..
 Are you working as a user on the same local host or
are connecting across a network?
 To eliminate a MySQL problem ( so you can concentrate
 your efforts on PHP code) try to connect directly from
the command line with MySQL as follows..
  #root$  mysql yourdatabasename -h hostname -u username -p password

 You can eliminate -h and -p if your on the same machine without

See if this will connect..


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Console Remote connect Commands

2001-06-23 Thread R Talbot

As a long time DB2.. Sybase..  Postgresql user upon turning to MySQL
I find only some functionalities not intuitive.

1. What command syntax to use and connect to a database on another

( where I have granted permissions in  mysql tables User..Host..and
..DB )
 ( have been successful using MySQL GUI but not the Command  Console

2.  When I add a Database.., to use it I must add a user ??? and must
I again
add to the host table with reference to user and database??

I have searched the mailing lists and Documentation but my searches have

not turned up the answer..
 Also I have purchased three adequate Beginner MySQL books which,
don't include a clue as to the remote command line connection.
Or at least I can't see the instruction...
  MySQL in 21 days  ( Don't Laugh has been quite useful)  ;^) ==
  MySQL and PHP Application Development
  SQL in a Nutshell  ( includes MySQL Commands)

Any Help..

Bob Talbot

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How many Mysql PIDs ?

2001-06-09 Thread R Talbot

   Re: How many Mysql PIDs ?
   Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:42:15 -0700
   Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 08:23:03AM -0400, R Talbot wrote:
 Please explain why I get multiple Daemon process
 when I start mysql.server..Such as

  1075 pts/0S  0:00 sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld
 --user=root --pid
  1093 pts/0SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
  1095 pts/0SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
  1096 pts/0SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld

  This occurs when starting as suggested through Link

 or if I start from command line mysql.server start. If I kill one
 process all processes die.. Caldera 2.3 edesktop mysql 3.22.32
 compiled from source.

 Because that's how the Linux kernel implements threads. They're all
 part of the same process, actually. It just looks a bit funny. If you
  kill the right one, they'll all die.

There is more on this topic in the mail archives, of course. It's a
 fairly common question.

 Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
 Desk: (408) 349-7878Fax: (408) 349-5454Cell: (408) 439-9951

 MySQL 3.23.29: up 13 days, processed 82,085,883 queries (71/sec. avg)

   Yeah I follow you and as a LInux user of 5 years I am accustomed to
multiple processes launched for the same executable but

I installed the same version of Mysql on a 2nd machine on my LAN.
difference being the 2nd installation was on Caldera 2.4 edesktop and
the rpm install.. My process question was vs. regarding the compiled
from source
 same version on Caldera 2.3..Same version of Mysql should Launch the
same processes, No?

   The rpm package shows these associated processes only when I command
#prompt  ps  x
679S  0:00   sh /usr/bin/safe_mysql  --user=mysql
774S  0:01   httpd -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -D  AUTH_MYSQL

The src  package shows these associated processes only when I command
#prompt  ps  x
 754 ?S  0:00 httpd -f /etc/httpd/apache/conf/httpd.conf
  790 ?S  0:00 sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld
--user=root --pid
  858 ?SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
   875 ?SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
  876 ?SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld

   Notice the difference in the apache server conf  between versions...
The compiled source did not produce a mod auth_mysql.conf
Which is named in a  IfDefine AUTH)_MYSQL in a Apache.conf
It appears to use a mod_dav.conf a  mod_perl.conf, a mod_php.conf and a
mod_roaming.conf  ONLY on Caldera 2.4 rpm install of MYSQL   or
perhaps, is this some module coding stuck in there by CALDERA with 2.4

Please Shine a light over here ..   :^) ..

Bob T

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Re: Too many PIDs

2001-06-09 Thread R Talbot

Jeremy.. Apoligies
   I shot off an email to you 3 seconds before I saw this one.
Please read both..this email and that email..

Jeremy Zawodny wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 07:36:54PM -0400, R Talbot wrote:
  So what your pointing out is I am seeing several threads
  generated by mysqld...


   But that does not answer as to why the rpm installation
  start with one thread??
  Both installations which I compiled from source start with
  multiple threads.. ( diffrent machines Caldera 2.3)


  Same version of mysql both rpm and source..??

  What are your thoughts as to why is one broken and not the other. I
  think they should all start with the same # of threads.

 Are they using the same config file?

Yes, for Mysql but as you will read in my email of today the Apache.conf
is altered..

 Does SHOW PROCESSLIST on both show no active processes?

mysql show processlist;

| Id | User | Host  | db   | Command | Time | State |
Info |

|  2 | root | localhost | NULL | Query   | 0| NULL  | show
processlist |

1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Same on both Machines
Read my second Email

 Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
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 MySQL 3.23.29: up 13 days, processed 84,025,473 queries (71/sec. avg)

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How many Mysql PIDs ?

2001-06-08 Thread R Talbot

Please explain why I get multiple Daemon process
when I start mysql.server..Such as

 1075 pts/0S  0:00 sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld
--user=root --pid
 1093 pts/0SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
 1095 pts/0SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
 1096 pts/0SN 0:00 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld

 This occurs when starting as suggested through Link /etc/rc5.d/S99mysql

or if I start from command line  mysql.server start. If I kill one
all processes die.. Caldera 2.3 edesktop mysql 3.22.32 compiled from

 This does not occur on the Caldera 2.4 edesktop which the mysql 3.22.32
installed from RPM.. The rpm would not install (dependencies) on 2.3
So I compiled for 2.3 edesktop and RPM for 2.4 edesktop.

 Are the above processes normal ?? But not on the RPM install ???

Bob T.

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Too many PIDs

2001-06-08 Thread R Talbot


So what your pointing out is I am seeing several threads
generated by mysqld...
 But that does not answer as to why the rpm installation
start with one thread??
Both installations which I compiled from source start
with multiple threads.. ( diffrent machines Caldera 2.3)
Same version of mysql both rpm and source..??

What are your thoughts as to why is one broken and not
the other. I think they should all start with the same # of threads.


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