Re: Display more than 2500 rows

2008-04-24 Thread Reinhardt Christiansen

Velen wrote:


May be it's not the right forum i'm posting to.

I have a Mysql Query : Select a.code,b.description, 
b.other_details,a.qty,a.price from xyz a, bcd b where a.code=b.code and'5' order by

This is running fine but when using VB6 to display it in a Msflexgrid, it's a nightmare!  It will take about 3-5 mins to display around 2500 rows.  

I'm not sure what you mean when you say it is "running fine". If that 
means that you are getting the right result but it's taking too long, 
that's one thing. If you mean that the speed is fine until you get VB6 
involved, that's another.

Try the query in MySQL itself and see how long it takes to display the 
data. If the speed is perfectly acceptable in raw MySQL but dreadful 
when you use VB6, you've pretty much proven that VB6 is the problem, not 
MySQL. In that case, you may want to ask on a VB6 newsgroup for hints in 
making it perform better.

Can anyone suggest a better alternative to Msflexgrid or how to improve the 
speed on msflexgrid?






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Re: where column

2007-08-23 Thread Reinhardt Christiansen

- Original Message - 
From: "Olav Mørkrid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 1:07 AM
Subject: where column


does anyone know what is returned when you do a where column without
further parameters?


for integer columns it seems to return non-zero columns, but for other
types of columns the results seemed unpredictable.

In my opinion, the statement should not execute at all since it isn't 
syntactically correct. In the dialects of SQL I have used - and I've been 
using SQL for a lot of years - simply saying "WHERE hiredate" (or whatever 
column name you want) is an incomplete statement since the column name must 
be followed by some kind of operator, such as =, <, >, LIKE, or whatever.

Despite that, I am not up-to-date on MySQL and they may support an extension 
that lets you write SQL like that; in that case, the MySQL manual for your 
version should make it clear what happens if you write that.

But I still think it should not execute at all. The WHERE clause is a filter 
to prevent rows that don't satisfy the condition from appearing in your 
result set; "WHERE columnname" is not a complete condition in my opinion so 
it simply should execute.


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Re: need help with delete query

2007-06-14 Thread Reinhardt Christiansen

- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 3:11 PM
Subject: need help with delete query

I'm trying to delete a subset of items in a table. The problem is, I don't
want to query for the subset first, store the results and then run a 

of delete queries. I believe this is a rather basic issue that has a
well-accepted, simple solution which I am ignorant of. There are two
relevant tables:
order_items (individual items in a particular order)

orders (order details such as person's name, address, phone number, etc)

I have set all "shopping carts" or initiated/incomplete orders so that

I wish to "clear all shopping carts" so I need to delete two sets of 

1) All records in order_items where order_items.ord_id=orders.ord_id and
2) All records in orders where orders.cust_id=-1

I can do #2 easily enough, but I can't figure out how to write the delete
query for #1.

I've tried:

DELETE FROM order_items WHERE order_items.ord_id=orders.ord_id AND

DELETE FROM order_items LEFT JOIN orders ON

Neither of them seem to work.

Thanks for any help.

First of all, let me explain that I have been away from database work for 
about a year now and I have not kept up with developments in MySQL. However, 
I have been working with databases for many years, including many years with 
DB2 and a fair bit of work with MySQL until last summer. So, based on that 
experience, I'm going to offer you my opinions for what they're worth.

First of all, the first DELETE that you cited should work. I don't see any 
reason why it wouldn't except possibly that there are no rows that satisfy 
the query. It should be easy to determine if there are any qualifying rows: 
simply turn the query into a SELECT and see if any rows satsify the query. 

SELECT * FROM order_items
WHERE order_items.ord_id=orders.ord_id
AND orders.cust_id=-1

If you get no rows from that, then that's why your query failed. In that 
case, investigate the UDPATE queries that were supposed to be setting the 
cust_id to -1 and see what's wrong with them.

As for the second DELETE, I am dubious that this could ever work but I'm not 
100% certain. That query LOOKS like a join and, in DB2 at least, you can 
never delete rows from a join. Now, MySQL may tolerate that syntax and not 
interpret it as a join so you may want to confirm this with someone familiar 
with the version of MySQL you are using.

So, in a nutshell, the first DELETE should work fine but you may not have 
the data there that will allow it to do anything.


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Re: Determining number of vowels in a string

2007-05-31 Thread Reinhardt Christiansen

- Original Message - 
From: "Brent Baisley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 1:50 PM
Subject: Determining number of vowels in a string

I'm trying to do a select that will return the number of vowels/consonants 
present in a string for each record. I thought a simple grep was the way 
to go, but it appears the grep functions only tell you if a string is 
present. I would even settle for a grep replace. Just replace the vowels 
with nothing and determine how the string length changed.

Any ideas? I'm using v4.1.

I'd rather do it in a sql statement rather than using a scripting 

Is your text always in English? Recognizing vowels in other languages and 
scripts could be very difficult; for instance, I'm not sure if Japanese even 
has the _concept_ of vowels or consonants. And even in English, "y" is 
sometimes considered a vowel and sometimes a consonant. At least it was when 
I was in primary school way back when.


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Re: do I need 2 selects?

2007-05-25 Thread Reinhardt Christiansen

- Original Message - 
From: "James Lockie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "MySQL Mailing List" 
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 3:11 PM
Subject: do I need 2 selects?

Say I have x rows of 2 columns each.
For example, 2 rows:  'A 10:00pm' and 'A 11:00pm'.

I want to return one 'A' row with the latest time (eg. 'A 11:00pm).

I could do 'select distinct(col1) from table' and then 'select
col1, max( col2 ) where col1=row[0]'?

Is there a way to do it in one select?

That's hard to answer. I have a feeling that this is not your _real_ 
question, just the essence of a bigger problem. That means that any answer I 
give to your specific question may not be very useful in handling the bigger 

For example, your ultimate goal may be to produce a report showing the 
maximum column 2 value for umpteen different values in column 1.  So, given 
the following table:


You might want a report that says:

B 23:00

But taking your question at face value and assuming that there is only one 
unique value in Column 1, you could get what you want with a subquery. I 
don't know if you are familiar with them but subqueries are queries within a 
query. Subqueries are written within brackets and are always executed first. 
The subquery result gets plugged into the outer query and the subquery 
result controls the rows obtained by the outer query, which are then 

You need a subquery that determines the largest value of column 2 for all 
rows that contain A in column 1. That query is:

select max(col2)
from table
where col1 = 'A'

That subquery is only ever going to return 1 row, even if there are dozens 
of rows that contain the largest col2 value. Therefore, even if the table 
had several rows that said "A 11:00" and there were no rows that had an 
A value that was greater than 11:00, the max() function ensures that the 
value "11:00" is returned by the subquery, even if that value occurred many 
times in the table.

The outer query is simply going to say:

select col1, col2
from table
where col2 = (insert subquery here)

In other words, what is the col1 and col2 value on the row that contains the 
time returned by the subquery, which is the highest time for an "A" row.

Therefore, the full query will be:

select col1, col2
from table
where col2 =
(select max(col2)
from table
where col1 = 'A')

So, play with that a bit and satisfy yourself that it works. Then, see if 
you can figure out the answer to your bigger question on your own, using the 
principles of this answer. If not, post again and perhaps someone can help 
you with your REAL question ;-)


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