General DB Design Question - How to avoid redundancy in table relationships

2006-02-13 Thread Scott Klarenbach
 These are the tables in question:

RFQ (Request for Quote)

Inventory items ALWAYS have a partID.

RFQ items ALWAYS have a partID.

However, sometimes, RFQ items have an inventoryID as well.  Now, we have a
redundancy problem.  Because, in those instances when the RFQ has an
inventoryID, the partID should be derived from the inventoryID.  If there is
no inventoryID, then the partID needs to be stored directly in the RFQ
table.  We don't want to have both the inventoryID and the partID in the RFQ
table, because it opens up data integrity issues.  ie, what if the RFQ item
shows inventoryID 2, and partID 1...but inventoryID 2 is associated to
partID 2.  Now which partID is correct?  They can't both be right.

I'm sure this type of problem is run up against all the time, and I'm
wondering what the best practice methodology is from experienced DBA's.

This was a simple example; however, we are running into the problem system
wide.  For example, a quote table has an OPTIONAL RFQ ID, and a mandatory
contactID.  The RFQ table has a mandatory contactID.  If the quote table has
an RFQID, we want to derive the contactID from the RFQID.  If the quote has
NO RFQID, then we need to store the contactID directly in the quote table.
 In those instances where there IS an RFQID in the quote table, we end up
storing the contactID twice.  Once in the quote table, and once in the
association between the RFQ/Contact table.  Same problem as above: integrity
and poor overall design.

Thanks for your advice.


2006-02-03 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Thanks a lot Shawn.  As always, your advice has been very helpful.


 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/02/2006 02:01:11

  I have a table `requirement` which is left joining to a table
  based on a matching `partNumber` column.  The inventory table has
  of records, the requirement table has tens of thousands.  I'm noticing
  the left join between requirement and inventory doesn't take advantage
 of a
  LIMIT clause.  So whether I select all records from requirement or limit
  to 50, the LEFT JOIN operation still seems to be calculating for ALL
  requirement records against ALL inventory records.  (The query takes the
  exact same amount of time, whether I pull 50 requirement records or
  How can I force mysql to only join the inventory table for the those 50
  records brought back by the LIMIT clause?
  What I would do in a more powerful DB like SQL Server, is build a
  table with my 50 requirement rows, and then perform the inventory join
  the temp table.  But due to MySQL SPROC limitations (ie, LIMIT clauses
  have integer constants, not parameters) and View limititations (ie, no
  indexing of views), I'd have to build this temporary table and the rest
  query in PHP first, which is really ugly.
  I'm hoping there is a nice SQL trick I can use with MySQL to restrict
  join to only those records that would come back from the limit set.
  Scott Klarenbach

 Yes, and no.  You cannot apply a LIMIT specifically to a JOIN clause
 unless you break your query into separate pieces and put limits on each of
 them.  What happens during the normal execution of a query is that after
 parsing and planning the engine begins collecting and combining the source
 data. Which records are combined and matched against which others is defined
 in the FROM clause and all of the JOIN clauses.

 The equivalent to a large virtual table (similar to saying SELECT * FROM
 all involved tables) is created in memory. The only restrictions to which
 rows of data make it into this first processing stage come from the ON
 clauses (and any WHERE clauses the optimizer _may_ choose to include)
 defined between the JOINed tables. Next comes WHERE clause processing, then
 GROUP BY processing, HAVING processing, ORDER BY processing, and finally
 LIMIT processing.

 As you can see by the flow of query execution, LIMIT clauses are really
 only useful for restricting how much data is finally sent to the user. In
 order to minimize how much processing your CPU has to do to compute a
 particular query you have several tools at your disposal: indexes, temporary
 tables, and stepwize result construction.

 JOINing tables is a geometrically expensive action. The number of
 potential row matches increase by the product of the number of rows in each
 table involved in the join. If you can preselect certain target rows from
 your really large tables into smaller temporary tables and build your final
 result set from them, the query processor will only need to compute a small
 fraction of the row comparisons it would have had to perform compared to the
 number of row comparisons necessary to JOIN your original tables. Take this
 rough math as an example:

 TABLE A: 1 rows
 TABLE B: 1 rows

 SELECT * from A INNER JOIN B ON = B.A_ic;

 There are potentially 1 x 1 = 1 (1.0e+08) row combinations
 to be checked. If instead of joining A to B, we create two derivative tables
 called C and D (assuming we don't change the column names)

 TABLE A - TABLE C: 5000 rows
 TABLE B - TABLE D: 1000 rows

 SELECT * from C INNER JOIN D ON = D.A_ic;

 That means there are now 5000 x 1000 = 500 (5.0e+06) or 1/20th the
 number of comparisons to run. Computing tables C and D should be in linear
 or logarithmic time (because you should have good index coverage) so there
 will usually be a net gain in performance. This is the secret to stepwize
 result construction.

 To help you to optimize your particular query, I would need to see it and
 the table definitions it is working against (SHOW CREATE TABLE works best
 for me).

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine


2006-02-02 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I have a table `requirement` which is left joining to a table `inventory`
based on a matching `partNumber` column.  The inventory table has millions
of records, the requirement table has tens of thousands.  I'm noticing that
the left join between requirement and inventory doesn't take advantage of a
LIMIT clause.  So whether I select all records from requirement or limit it
to 50, the LEFT JOIN operation still seems to be calculating for ALL
requirement records against ALL inventory records.  (The query takes the
exact same amount of time, whether I pull 50 requirement records or 10,000).

How can I force mysql to only join the inventory table for the those 50
records brought back by the LIMIT clause?

What I would do in a more powerful DB like SQL Server, is build a temporary
table with my 50 requirement rows, and then perform the inventory join on
the temp table.  But due to MySQL SPROC limitations (ie, LIMIT clauses must
have integer constants, not parameters) and View limititations (ie, no
indexing of views), I'd have to build this temporary table and the rest of
query in PHP first, which is really ugly.

I'm hoping there is a nice SQL trick I can use with MySQL to restrict the
join to only those records that would come back from the limit set.

Scott Klarenbach

Import File / Insert Optimization Help

2006-01-20 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I am importing records from a text file into my DB.  Each record in the text
file corresponds to six tables in the DB due to normalization.

So for example, an inventory record containing a part, vendor,
contactPerson, mpn ONE line of a text file, requires 6 inserts into
the DB.

Further more, before each insert, I need to check for redundancy.  So, if an
inventory line in the text file has vendor 'Scott', BEFORE I add 'Scott' to
the vendor table, I check the vendor table for whether 'Scott' exists.  If
'Scott' does exist, then I just pull the ID and use that in the inventory
insert - if 'Scott' DOESN'T exist yet, I insert 'Scott' into the Vendor
Table, get the last_insert_id() and use that in the inventory table.

Each LINE in the text file can result in more than 20 Select/Insert
statements of the underlying DB before I can insert the record with all the
properly allocated foreign keys.

Considering many of these text files have thousands of lines of inventory,
as you can imagine, I have a massive performance problem.  Each complete
line of the text file requires about 1 full second to validate and insert
into the underlying schema.

I'm using InnoDB tables so alot of the Insert Optimization techniques I
found from MySQL don't seem to apply too well.  I'm hoping for some
experienced feedback in alternative techniques for performing this sort of

Some further info:

In PHP 5, I get my connection object, and then in a loop I'm calling
$connecion-query(); for each line of the text file.  I'm assuming this is
always using the same connection and that each query doesn't require a
re-connect to the DB...if it does, that's a major bottleneck that could be
avoided (with persistent connections?)

$conn = mysqli_init(); //null connection object
$conn-real_connect('host', 'user', 'pass', 'db') or die('connection');
foreach($file as $line)
  $result = $conn-query($sql);

I hope each time I call $conn-query($sql) it's using the SAME connection
resource and not having to reconnect to the DB.

Secondly, $sql involves a call to a Stored Procedure, which in turn ends up
calling other stored procedures to faciliate all the transactions,
validations and inserts...I assume that's not too much more innefficient
than using sql insert statements directly.

Any help is appreciated.

Re: MySQL View Optimization Help

2006-01-09 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Thanks a lot Shawn.

I didn't realize that views don't take advantage of indexing.  This is the
cause of my major performance hits.  I'm basically using views as a form of
DB abstraction over the tables.  So, many of my views pull all records from
all tables they join, and it is up to the user to submit a where query to
the view.  In many cases, I'm getting 20-30 second queries, whereas the
underlying (indexed) tables return results in .33 seconds.

The views themselves aren't using criteria.  This runs contrary to what I
imagine to be a common use of views, ie, vwSelectAllArizonaResidents sort of
thing, where the view internally compiles the where criteria from the
underlying table.

Scott Klarenbach


 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 01/06/2006 08:13:10

  I'm new to views and am discovering massive performance hits in the
  I've created once the records start to climb above 20,000 or so.  Does
  anyone know of a great primer/tutorial site for optimizing views in
  or even generally?  What are the best practices etc...?  I find when I
  create the same view in SQL by joining the tables directly, it's much
  than the views which invariably are joining other views.  Is there a
  recursion problem with this method?  Should views only join underlying
  tables and not other views?

 Treat views as you would any other query. All of the optimizations that
 normally apply to SELECT query performance should also apply to view

 Views differ from tables in that they cannot be indexed. That is probably
 why you are getting performance hits by building views on views. Any query
 against a view (such as a second-tier derivative view) will end up
 performing the equivalent of a full table scan on any view it uses.

 There is no hard and fast rule about building views based on other views
 or based on tables. What works best for you should be which solution you
 stick with. If you have millions of rows in a base table and a view can
 reduce that to about ten thousand rows of summary information, I would be
 very tempted to stick with the view as the basis of a future query. You
 still have to generate that view each time you want to use it but its data
 may be sitting there in the query cache so it has the potential to be very

 If I were you I would review the entire optimization chapter:

 It's loaded with useful information.

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

MySQL View Optimization Help

2006-01-06 Thread Scott Klarenbach

I'm new to views and am discovering massive performance hits in the views
I've created once the records start to climb above 20,000 or so.  Does
anyone know of a great primer/tutorial site for optimizing views in MySQL,
or even generally?  What are the best practices etc...?  I find when I
create the same view in SQL by joining the tables directly, it's much faster
than the views which invariably are joining other views.  Is there a
recursion problem with this method?  Should views only join underlying
tables and not other views?


Re: How to use Logic in View Statment?

2005-12-05 Thread Scott Klarenbach
As an update to my earlier question, is it possible to have logic in
select statements including the join?  ie,

 IF(CHAR_LENGTH(broker)0,broker,vendor) as company
from table 1
 IF(CHAR_LENGTH(broker)0,INNER JOIN tblBroker,INNER JOIN tblVendor)



 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/28/2005 01:58:22

  I'd like to do the following in my view
if(fieldThree.length0) then fieldThree as Company
else fieldFour as Company
  from table;
  I realize this syntax isn't correct and length doesn't exists, but is
  this possible?  I've seen it done in SQLServer, but can't remember the
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 LENGTH does exist (as a function):

 and here is how to use the IF() function:

 I believe this is the equivalent statement you wanted:

   IF(CHAR_LENGTH(fieldThree)0,fieldThree,fieldFour) as
 FROM table;

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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How to use Logic in View Statment?

2005-11-28 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I'd like to do the following in my view

  if(fieldThree.length0) then fieldThree as Company
  else fieldFour as Company

from table;

I realize this syntax isn't correct and length doesn't exists, but is
this possible?  I've seen it done in SQLServer, but can't remember the

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Order By Statement in Views not working properly

2005-10-25 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Mysql seems to have a problem returning ordered lists from views.

ie, 'select * from myView order by column' does not return a properly
ordered list.  (it does change the ordering sequence, but to an
erroneous list)

converting myView to be a Temporary Table using 'ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE'
in the 'CREATE VIEW' statement works, but I imagine this is a
performance hit, especially on large tables.

Has anybody figured out why this is and come up with a solution, or am
I missing something that wasn't in the manual?

Note: I'm aware that any order by clauses in the create view statement
itself are overridden by an order by clause when calling the view, but
this isn't what I'm referring to.  The myView statement has no order
by clause, yet I can't seem to order the list when calling the view.

Scott Klarenbach

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Addition: Order By Statement in Views not working properly

2005-10-25 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Must be a bug of sorts:

If you add an ORDER BY clause to the view itself, then mysql allows
the caller to override with their own ORDER BY clause and it works as
expected.  However; if no ORDER BY clause is present in the CREATE
VIEW statement, then the caller receives erroneous results if they
call the view with their own ORDER BY clause.

Scott Klarenbach.

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Possible Bug? Left Join With OR Clause Takes Minutes

2005-10-07 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I'm using Mysql 5.0.7 and I've noticed the following very strange
functionality, perhaps someone can shed some light on it for me.

2 Tables (Request and Inventory)

  id (int),
  partNumber varchar(60)

  MPN varchar(60),
  MPNClean varchar(60)

I have about 1500 request records, and 20,000 inventory records.

The following query takes over 1.5 minutes to execute.

select from request r LEFT JOIN inventory i ON
(i.MPN=r.partNumber OR i.MPNClean=r.partNumber);
[~1.5 minutes to execute]

I have no Idea why it would take so long.  So I started playing around
with the joins, and noticed something.  If there is only one join
criteria, it returns quickly:

select from request r LEFT JOIN inventory i ON (i.MPN=r.partNumber)
[~1 second to execute]

Similarly, an INNER join, regardless of the number of parameters, also
returns quickly

select from request r INNER JOIN inventory i ON
(i.MPN=r.partNumber OR i.MPNClean=r.partNumber);
[~1 second to execute]

select from request r INNER JOIN inventory i ON (i.MPN=r.partNumber);
[~1 second to execute]

If someone could enlighten me as to why this is happening, I'd really
appreciate it.


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mysqldump ONLY Schema

2005-10-06 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I've used msyqldump to retrieve the structure and data of my db, but
can I use it to only spit out the structure, ie, the Create Table
statements, but none of the inserts.


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Native XML Support

2005-08-15 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Does MySQL 5 provide native XML support?  ie, can I have a stored
procedure return an XML string instead of a recordset?  Can I pass in
an XML string/doc and have the DB update relational tables based on



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Select Query Optimization - 1 minute long :(

2005-07-12 Thread Scott Klarenbach
The following query is in desperate need of optimization.  Any gurus
out there who can share some insights, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I have a request table, from which I'm pulling all records.  Each
request record has a part number, and for each requested part number,
I'd like to query the inventory table for all matching inventory items
for that part number, and calculate the potential value of the
inventory.  Each inventory record has 4 price fields, and it is the
HIGHEST value of these fields used in the calculation.  As you can
tell by running the query, it is incredibly expensive.  We have
potentially millions of inventory records and 10,000+ requests, so the
query is going to take several minutes to complete.

Also, I found that due to the joining on each record(?), I couldn't
implement a limit clause to save time.  Whether or not a limit clause
is tacked onto the end of the query, it completes the entire
calculation process for both tables, and THEN returns the limited
number of records.  This of course saves me no time.  :(

Any help is greatly appreciated,

ps, all pertinent fields have already been indexed.  This reduced the
query time by half, but half of an eternity is still not that
impressive.  I'm also aware that the use of LIKE in my JOIN is
expensive, but after replacing it with a =, I achieved only modest
performance gains.

i.originalCost,i.unitCost,i.unitSellCost)*r.qty   AS
 count( as 'matches',
 SUM(i.qty) as 'qtyAvailable'
FROM request r
LEFT JOIN inventory i ON ( i.MPN LIKE CONCAT(r.partNumber, '%')
OR i.MPNClean LIKE CONCAT(r.partNumber, '%')) AND i.status=1
WHERE r.deleted=0

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

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Re: MySQL preg_split functionality?

2005-06-01 Thread Scott Klarenbach

 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005 06:57:19
  -- How is 'xFxIxExLxDx1x' easier to search than 'FIELD1'?
  It's not easier.  It is; however, accurate for the purpose at hand. 
  FIELD1 isn't completely would miss FIELD-1...
  -- However, It seems to me that this kind of data manipulation
  (cleanup) needs to happen BEFORE the data enters the databse.
  Sometimes FIELD-1 is the ACTUAL data, with no erroneus
  characters...and sometimes it is FIELD1 with an erroneous (or
  unwanted) - character before the 1) cleaning the data would
  actually be corrupting some of it.
  I need to keep the data in it's original form, but also allow for
  querying without worrying about the special characters inside the
  FYI, these are part numbers off of electronic components, many of them
  coming from, a Cisco part may have an MPN of RX321, or
  RX321-TR...either is valid.  Now, the corresponding Chinese part
  number for the first one, may come back as RX32-1...which is out of my
  Cleaning the data would be the wrong approach, because it would
  actually invalidate the second Cisco part number, which MEANT to
  include the special characters.
  For this reason, the user wants to be able to search for 'RX321' and
  'RX321TR' respectively, and not worry about whether the data is
  erroneous or valid; just to basically ignore all the characters and
  let a human decide what they want.
  If you have a more elegant solution, I'm all ears :-).
   Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005
Ya, it is a little too's why I need it.

I have a client that wants to search for part numbers in his DB.  The
problem is, they come into his DB from external sources, with all
sorts of special characters in them...

So, he has fields like 
fi--eld   2,


but, he wants to do a search for 'fieldone' and return the first one,
'field2' returns the second, etc...basically disregard all non-alphas
padding every character in the search string.

On 5/27/05, Eric Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm working on a set of UDFs for preg functions.
 I have a hard time figuring out when you would use such a function.
 not believe you will be able to duplicate this behavior without
 constructing your own UDF or by writing a stored procedure. BTW,
 you want this function?
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005
 I'm trying to replicate this PHP behavior in a MySQL stored
  The purpose is to pad every character of the string with a pad
 character.  For example, if the pad character is 'x' and thestring
 'STRING', the result is 'xSxTxRxIxNxGx'.
 Here is the PHP code if it helps.  I'd like to use a regular
 expression to replace, but I guess I could loop through the string
 char by char and build a new one, it's just less elegant.  Thanks
 $regPattern =  implode('x', preg_split('//', STRING, -1,
   Thank you very much. I find this whole padding process very
   counterintuitive. I have a few minor questions, if you don't mind. How
   'xFxIxExLxDx1x' easier to search than 'FIELD1'?  Would you, could you
   explain the theory behind why and when this kind of padding should be
   What problem does it solve and how is it a solution to that problem? 
   is completely baffling to me and I thought I had seen a lot of weird
   before :-) 
   However, It seems to me that this kind of data manipulation (cleanup)
   to happen BEFORE the data enters the databse. What data import
   is your client using? Can you not change the import process to scrub the
   data and does it not have a better facility to interleave padding into a
   string than a MySQL stored procedure or UDF? 
   Thanks for you patience! 
   Shawn Green
   Database Administrator
   Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 
 I would suggest the following technique. Keep your original data (trimmed of
 leading and trailing whitespace characters) in one field and a cleansed
 version of the same information in a second field. By cleansing you should
 eliminate all non-alphanumerics from your search string. 
 I have some direct insight to searching similar but different product codes
 (same product/different codes  different products/same codes). My wife

Re: Select MAX(column1,column2)

2005-06-01 Thread Scott Klarenbach
You guys have been so helpful with this, I'm hoping that I can ask for
one more favor...

The reason I needed the greatest(max()) functionality, was to run the
following query...I can make it work from the command line, but
everytime I run it from PHP, the MySQL service shuts down, and needs
to be restarted manually.

I'm calling a stored procedure 'selectAllRequests' which is the following query:

functionGetHighestValue(r.partNumber, r.qty) AS 'highestValue'
FROM request r
WHERE r.deleted=0
ORDER BY highestValue DESC, r.dateSent DESC;

the function I'm calling is as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION `functionGetHighestValue`(`MPNParam` varchar(60),
`qtyParam` DOUBLE(10,4)) RETURNS DOUBLE(10,4)

GREATEST(MAX(i.distySellCost), MAX(i.originalCost), 
FROM inventory i
WHERE i.MPN = 'MPNParam' AND i.status=1 INTO dHighest;

RETURN dHighest;

As I say, I can call this procedure from the command line and it
works, but calling it from PHP results in the MySQL service crashing
on my Windows 2003 server.  I'm using PHP 5.0.4 and MySQL 5.0.4.  Any
help is appreciated.  Thanks.

On 5/27/05, Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 select greatest(max(col1), max(col2), max(col3), max(col4)) from table
 works the best, as Keith pointed toward initially.  Remember, I forgot
 to mention that I wanted the greatest for the whole table, not just
 for each rowso, 10, 12, 8 is not what I wanted...out of
 10  2  3
 5  4  8
 1 12  7
 i want 12.
 thanks again.
  I forgot :
  10, 12, 8 is not a row !!!
   Hi Keith,
   yes concat makes an associative lost for max.
   But if we split the desc on all the columns, it works :
   mysql select * from numbers
   - order by a desc,b desc,c desc
   - limit 1;
   | a| b| c|
   |   10 |2 |3 |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)
   it's a real desc ordering.
   Selon Keith Ivey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi all,
 what is max ? it's the first row when we sort data in descending 


 select col1,col2,col3,col4 ... from table
 order by concat(col1,col2,col3,col4 ... ) desc
 LIMIt 1;

 should be silar to what is needed. I say should :o)
That would only work if the greatest values for col2, col3, col4, etc., 
occurred in the same row with the greatest value for col1, and if all 
for col1 had the same number of digits (and the same for col2, col3, 
Consider this table:
10  2  3
 5  4  8
 1 12  7
Your query would give 5, 4, 8 (because 548 as a string is greater than
or 1127), but he wants 10, 12, 8.
Smokefree DC
Washington, DC

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Call a function from a select statement?

2005-05-31 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Is this not the proper way to use a function in a select statement?

 functionPerformAdditionalQueryFromField(t.field2) AS 'customField'
FROM Table t

I'd like to perform the function on every row in the result set, and
store the returned value of that function in EACH row, as a custom

It works from the command line, but in PHP...

the result set comes back the FIRST time, but then I lose my
connection to the database, and need to restart the service in 2003

Very frusterating...any help is appreciated.

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Re: Call a function from a select statement?

2005-05-31 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Tried that, but to no avail.  I'm running Mysql 5.0.4 and PHP 5.0.4,
and was hoping it is a bug in one of these, but I don't think so...

I can run the query as I said from the command line, but in PHP, I get
a real_connect_error, immediately after executing the query...

that is...the windows service shuts down at the completion of the
query and needs to be manually restarted...(the service crashing, is
what causes the real_connect_error)...

On 5/31/05, Dathan Pattishall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you getting a error Lost Connection to Server error? If you are
 reconnect to the server every time you issue the SQL request. OR issue
 the command set GLOBAL wait_timeout=28000; Then issue the select
 Dathan Vance Pattishall
  -Original Message-
  From: Scott Klarenbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:58 AM
  To: My SQL
  Subject: Call a function from a select statement?
  Is this not the proper way to use a function in a select statement?
   functionPerformAdditionalQueryFromField(t.field2) AS 'customField'
  FROM Table t
  I'd like to perform the function on every row in the result
  set, and store the returned value of that function in EACH
  row, as a custom field.
  It works from the command line, but in PHP...
  the result set comes back the FIRST time, but then I lose my
  connection to the database, and need to restart the service
  in 2003 server.
  Very frusterating...any help is appreciated.
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MySQL preg_split functionality?

2005-05-27 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I'm trying to replicate this PHP behavior in a MySQL stored procedure.
 The purpose is to pad every character of the string with a pad
character.  For example, if the pad character is 'x' and the string is
'STRING', the result is 'xSxTxRxIxNxGx'.

Here is the PHP code if it helps.  I'd like to use a regular
expression to replace, but I guess I could loop through the string
char by char and build a new one, it's just less elegant.  Thanks in

$regPattern =  implode('x', preg_split('//', STRING, -1,

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Select MAX(column1,column2)

2005-05-27 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Can I select the maximum value across multiple columns?

ie, I'd like to select the highest value of buyCost AND sellCost in a
table...where buy and sell are two different columns in the same

i actually have 4 comparisons to run, and don't want to have to
execute 4 queries.

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Re: Mysql Preg_split functionality

2005-05-27 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Here's what I came up with in case anyone else needs a quick fix.  A
regular expression replace would've been nicer, but, you do what you
gotta do...

CREATE PROCEDURE `test`(`par` varchar(60))
DECLARE sRegEx VARCHAR(60) DEFAULT '[^a-zA-Z0-9]*';

-- pad the regex pattern on each side of every character in the search 
WHILE nCounter = nChars DO
SET sPattern = CONCAT(sPattern, sRegEx, SUBSTR(par, nCounter, 
SET nCounter = nCounter + 1;
-- add the pattern to the end of the string too
SET sPattern = CONCAT(sPattern, sRegEx);


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Re: MySQL preg_split functionality?

2005-05-27 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Ya, it is a little too's why I need it.

I have a client that wants to search for part numbers in his DB.  The
problem is, they come into his DB from external sources, with all
sorts of special characters in them...

So, he has fields like 
fi--eld   2,


but, he wants to do a search for 'fieldone' and return the first one,
'field2' returns the second, etc...basically disregard all non-alphas
padding every character in the search string.

On 5/27/05, Eric Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm working on a set of UDFs for preg functions.
 I have a hard time figuring out when you would use such a function. I do
 not believe you will be able to duplicate this behavior without
 constructing your own UDF or by writing a stored procedure. BTW, why *do*
 you want this function?
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005 01:30:35
 I'm trying to replicate this PHP behavior in a MySQL stored procedure.
  The purpose is to pad every character of the string with a pad
 character.  For example, if the pad character is 'x' and the string is
 'STRING', the result is 'xSxTxRxIxNxGx'.
 Here is the PHP code if it helps.  I'd like to use a regular
 expression to replace, but I guess I could loop through the string
 char by char and build a new one, it's just less elegant.  Thanks in
 $regPattern =  implode('x', preg_split('//', STRING, -1,
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Re: Select MAX(column1,column2)

2005-05-27 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Thanks Keith.  It didn't quite work as expected, but it helps me a lot
none the less.

The Documentation says it returns the max value, so
select greatest(1, 2, 3, 4) will return 4.

But, across multiple column names, it returns all the values in one
column, not just the greatest

select greatest(fieldone, fieldtwo, fieldthree, fieldfour) from table 


etc...from all 4 of those fields.

So, by going Select MAX(GREATEST(fieldone, fieldtwo, fieldthree)) I
can accomplish exactly what I've been banging my head against a wall

On 5/27/05, Keith Ivey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Scott Klarenbach wrote:
  Can I select the maximum value across multiple columns?
 You want the GREATEST() function:
 Smokefree DC
 Washington, DC

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Re: Select MAX(column1,column2)

2005-05-27 Thread Scott Klarenbach
select greatest(max(col1), max(col2), max(col3), max(col4)) from table
works the best, as Keith pointed toward initially.  Remember, I forgot
to mention that I wanted the greatest for the whole table, not just
for each rowso, 10, 12, 8 is not what I wanted...out of

10  2  3
5  4  8
1 12  7

i want 12.

thanks again.

 I forgot :
 10, 12, 8 is not a row !!!
  Hi Keith,
  yes concat makes an associative lost for max.
  But if we split the desc on all the columns, it works :
  mysql select * from numbers
  - order by a desc,b desc,c desc
  - limit 1;
  | a| b| c|
  |   10 |2 |3 |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  it's a real desc ordering.
  Selon Keith Ivey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Hi all,
what is max ? it's the first row when we sort data in descending order.
select col1,col2,col3,col4 ... from table
order by concat(col1,col2,col3,col4 ... ) desc
LIMIt 1;
should be silar to what is needed. I say should :o)
   That would only work if the greatest values for col2, col3, col4, etc., 
   occurred in the same row with the greatest value for col1, and if all the
   for col1 had the same number of digits (and the same for col2, col3, 
   Consider this table:
   10  2  3
5  4  8
1 12  7
   Your query would give 5, 4, 8 (because 548 as a string is greater than
   or 1127), but he wants 10, 12, 8.
   Smokefree DC
   Washington, DC

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Re: MySQL preg_split functionality?

2005-05-27 Thread Scott Klarenbach
-- How is 'xFxIxExLxDx1x' easier to search than 'FIELD1'?

It's not easier.  It is; however, accurate for the purpose at hand. 
FIELD1 isn't completely would miss FIELD-1...

-- However, It seems to me that this kind of data manipulation
(cleanup) needs to happen BEFORE the data enters the databse.

Sometimes FIELD-1 is the ACTUAL data, with no erroneus
characters...and sometimes it is FIELD1 with an erroneous (or
unwanted) - character before the 1) cleaning the data would
actually be corrupting some of it.

I need to keep the data in it's original form, but also allow for
querying without worrying about the special characters inside the

FYI, these are part numbers off of electronic components, many of them
coming from, a Cisco part may have an MPN of RX321, or
RX321-TR...either is valid.  Now, the corresponding Chinese part
number for the first one, may come back as RX32-1...which is out of my

Cleaning the data would be the wrong approach, because it would
actually invalidate the second Cisco part number, which MEANT to
include the special characters.

For this reason, the user wants to be able to search for 'RX321' and
'RX321TR' respectively, and not worry about whether the data is
erroneous or valid; just to basically ignore all the characters and
let a human decide what they want.

If you have a more elegant solution, I'm all ears :-).

 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005 04:38:40
  Ya, it is a little too's why I need it.
  I have a client that wants to search for part numbers in his DB.  The
  problem is, they come into his DB from external sources, with all
  sorts of special characters in them...
  So, he has fields like 
  fi--eld   2,
  but, he wants to do a search for 'fieldone' and return the first one,
  'field2' returns the second, etc...basically disregard all non-alphas
  padding every character in the search string.
  On 5/27/05, Eric Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm working on a set of UDFs for preg functions.
   I have a hard time figuring out when you would use such a function. I
   not believe you will be able to duplicate this behavior without
   constructing your own UDF or by writing a stored procedure. BTW, why
   you want this function?
   Shawn Green
   Database Administrator
   Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
   Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/27/2005
   I'm trying to replicate this PHP behavior in a MySQL stored procedure.
The purpose is to pad every character of the string with a pad
   character.  For example, if the pad character is 'x' and the string is
   'STRING', the result is 'xSxTxRxIxNxGx'.
   Here is the PHP code if it helps.  I'd like to use a regular
   expression to replace, but I guess I could loop through the string
   char by char and build a new one, it's just less elegant.  Thanks in
   $regPattern =  implode('x', preg_split('//', STRING, -1,
 Thank you very much. I find this whole padding process very
 counterintuitive. I have a few minor questions, if you don't mind. How is
 'xFxIxExLxDx1x' easier to search than 'FIELD1'?  Would you, could you please
 explain the theory behind why and when this kind of padding should be done?
 What problem does it solve and how is it a solution to that problem?  This
 is completely baffling to me and I thought I had seen a lot of weird data
 before :-) 
 However, It seems to me that this kind of data manipulation (cleanup) needs
 to happen BEFORE the data enters the databse. What data import tool/process
 is your client using? Can you not change the import process to scrub the
 data and does it not have a better facility to interleave padding into a
 string than a MySQL stored procedure or UDF? 
 Thanks for you patience! 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

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String Literals ONLY for REGEXP, LIMIT and LOAD DATA clauses in MySQL Stored Procedures?

2005-05-25 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Am I correct in assuming that MySQL requires string literals in stored
procedures for the following clauses:


For example, I cannot seem to pass in the {pattern} as a parameter to
my SPROC, and then query for ...WHERE field REGEXP pattern

I'm having the same problem passing in the {count,offset} parameters
for LIMIT clauses, and the {filename} for LOAD DATA INFILE.

Thanks for any insights.

Scott Klarenbach

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repetition-operator operand invalid

2005-05-10 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I've upgraded from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 Beta, and now there is a glitch in
one of my regular expression queries.

The expression works like this: a query for 'search' returns true for
a matching 'search' field, but, querying 's$$#e%ar^c)(h' must also
return true for a 'search' field.  In other words, I need to pad every
letter of the search string and tell it to allow any number of
non-alphanumeric characters.

Here is the expression I'm using below, for the term SEARCH:


As I said, it worked fine until I upgraded.  Is it to do with the
double parsing MySQL does with REGEXP's?

In some instances, I get emtpy result set where I used to get a match,
and in other instances, I get a 'repetition-operator operand invalid'.
 Is there a simple way I can prevent errors from a search string that
contains ^*$ or other sensitive expression characters?  addslashes()
in php maybe?

Any help is appreciated.

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Re: Pessimistic Record Locking

2005-05-02 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Thanks for your help, that's going to work great!

 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/29/2005 05:39:36
  Thanks Shawn, that helps a lot.  I like your general idea of handling
  it at application level.  I guess my main concern w/ web apps and
  locking the record (even at app level) is orphaned locks, resulting
  from browser closes or other events that don't go through the normal
  channels of updating or cancelling the update.
  So, if you set a lock to have a timeout of say 15 minutes, and the
  user WAS simply taking longer than that 15 minutes, how do you handle
  that when they try and save it?
  I was thinking, just go ahead with the commit if the record hasn't
  been locked in the meantime by another user, otherwise, prompt them
  saying it's now been locked by another user and your changes won't be
  saved.  But this is the same user inconvenience caused by optomistic
 That's basically what I do. Here's my general logic. It may or may not fit
 your situation. 
 If userA has a record locked and that lock has that timed out but userA
 still had the page open for editing, userB could follow along and change the
 same record (it appears to be unlocked because userA took too long to save
 their changes). If userA finally decides to save their changes, the
 application code detects that they no longer have a lock on the record
 (either because userB has the record locked or because the lock was cleared
 when userB released it) and offers userA two choices: restart the edit from
 the current state or abandon their changes. Either way, you avoid changing
 userB's update unintentionally. 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 
   Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/29/2005

I'm using MySQL 5.0.3 Beta, and I'm hoping for some general
tips/experience you guys may have had regarding optomistic vs
pessimistic locking in a web app (PHP 5.0.3)

I'm more of a windows programmer, and I've always implemented
pessimistic over optomistic as it's much more professional and
attractive to the end user.

The problem as you know, is that web development makes pessimistic
locking much more difficult, because of the user closing the browser,
and a bunch of other factors I can't control.

Question:  which type of locking do you usually implement in your web
apps, and do you do it at a DB level or in your application layer?

Any thoughts on a custom locking scheme (ie, a lock table that is
written to with a user id and record id and timestamp)?

Other solutions/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


   I don't use record locking until it's time to actually do something to
   data. Even then it depends on what I am doing. As Mathias already
   InnoDB works better for this because it can lock individual rows and has
   full transactional support. 
   In my webapp the users do mostly reads (which do not require locks) and
   edits. In order to prevent another user from editing the same record
   someone else is already editing, I have added a field to those table
   require concurrency checking and fill in that field with the
   application-login of the user requesting to edit the record. It looks
   something like this: 
   UPDATE datatable 
   SET mtxEditor = 'user_id' 
   WHERE pkid =  
   AND mtxEditor is null; 
   SELECT mtxEditor 
   FROM datatable 
   WHERE pkid = ; 
   If I get a match, then I allow the user to navigate to the edit web
   otherwise they get the view web page and a popup saying that therecord
   already being edited by insert name here. That way I don't have 2
   trying to make concurrent changes and the second or later users are told
   has that record open so they can check with that person to see if they
   done or if they just forgot to save their changes. 
   Now, if the user exits the page manually (the page gets the onunload
   or decides to cancel their edit, I request a page that cleares
   field. That works something like this: 
   UPDATE datatable 
   SET mtxEditor = null 
   WHERE pkid =  
   AND mtxEditor ='userid'; 
   When it comes time to apply the effects of the edit, I check the
   field one more time to make sure that nobody has hijacked the page or
   the user didn't navigate away (causing their edit lock to go away) and
   back (a user can't update the record unless they are the one editing
   It's not perfect but it works remarkably well for the application-level
   locking I need to provide. 
   One enhancement to this would

Pessimistic Record Locking

2005-04-29 Thread Scott Klarenbach

I'm using MySQL 5.0.3 Beta, and I'm hoping for some general
tips/experience you guys may have had regarding optomistic vs
pessimistic locking in a web app (PHP 5.0.3)

I'm more of a windows programmer, and I've always implemented
pessimistic over optomistic as it's much more professional and
attractive to the end user.

The problem as you know, is that web development makes pessimistic
locking much more difficult, because of the user closing the browser,
and a bunch of other factors I can't control.

Question:  which type of locking do you usually implement in your web
apps, and do you do it at a DB level or in your application layer?

Any thoughts on a custom locking scheme (ie, a lock table that is
written to with a user id and record id and timestamp)?

Other solutions/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Pessimistic Record Locking

2005-04-29 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Thanks Shawn, that helps a lot.  I like your general idea of handling
it at application level.  I guess my main concern w/ web apps and
locking the record (even at app level) is orphaned locks, resulting
from browser closes or other events that don't go through the normal
channels of updating or cancelling the update.

So, if you set a lock to have a timeout of say 15 minutes, and the
user WAS simply taking longer than that 15 minutes, how do you handle
that when they try and save it?

I was thinking, just go ahead with the commit if the record hasn't
been locked in the meantime by another user, otherwise, prompt them
saying it's now been locked by another user and your changes won't be
saved.  But this is the same user inconvenience caused by optomistic


 Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/29/2005 02:28:25
  I'm using MySQL 5.0.3 Beta, and I'm hoping for some general
  tips/experience you guys may have had regarding optomistic vs
  pessimistic locking in a web app (PHP 5.0.3)
  I'm more of a windows programmer, and I've always implemented
  pessimistic over optomistic as it's much more professional and
  attractive to the end user.
  The problem as you know, is that web development makes pessimistic
  locking much more difficult, because of the user closing the browser,
  and a bunch of other factors I can't control.
  Question:  which type of locking do you usually implement in your web
  apps, and do you do it at a DB level or in your application layer?
  Any thoughts on a custom locking scheme (ie, a lock table that is
  written to with a user id and record id and timestamp)?
  Other solutions/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  Thanks in advance.
 I don't use record locking until it's time to actually do something to the
 data. Even then it depends on what I am doing. As Mathias already suggested,
 InnoDB works better for this because it can lock individual rows and has
 full transactional support. 
 In my webapp the users do mostly reads (which do not require locks) and few
 edits. In order to prevent another user from editing the same record that
 someone else is already editing, I have added a field to those table that
 require concurrency checking and fill in that field with the
 application-login of the user requesting to edit the record. It looks
 something like this: 
 UPDATE datatable 
 SET mtxEditor = 'user_id' 
 WHERE pkid =  
 AND mtxEditor is null; 
 SELECT mtxEditor 
 FROM datatable 
 WHERE pkid = ; 
 If I get a match, then I allow the user to navigate to the edit web page,
 otherwise they get the view web page and a popup saying that the record is
 already being edited by insert name here. That way I don't have 2 users
 trying to make concurrent changes and the second or later users are told who
 has that record open so they can check with that person to see if they are
 done or if they just forgot to save their changes. 
 Now, if the user exits the page manually (the page gets the onunload event)
 or decides to cancel their edit, I request a page that cleares the mtxEditor
 field. That works something like this: 
 UPDATE datatable 
 SET mtxEditor = null 
 WHERE pkid =  
 AND mtxEditor ='userid'; 
 When it comes time to apply the effects of the edit, I check the mtxEditor
 field one more time to make sure that nobody has hijacked the page or that
 the user didn't navigate away (causing their edit lock to go away) and come
 back (a user can't update the record unless they are the one editing it).
 It's not perfect but it works remarkably well for the application-level
 locking I need to provide. 
 One enhancement to this would be to provide a sunset timer. When a user is
 assigned as the editor set a datetimefield to 10 or 20 minutes from NOW().
 If the user hasn't submitted their updates by then, they have to re-request
 to edit the page. That way, in case someone manages to leave the page
 without tripping the onunload event (which would trigger the reset of the
 mtxEditor field) you still have a way of unlocking the record for the next
 BTW, I use Hungarian notation only if a field is used more like a variable
 than the other data-related fields. In this case the 'mtx' is my shorthand
 for 'mutex' because that field is acting as a mutual exclusion flag to be
 read by the application. The name of the application user editing a record
 adds no useful value to the rest of the data stored on the table (if I
 listed the properties of the object being stored in the table, the editing
 user isn't one of them. Am I making sense?). 
 It's generally a BAD idea to lock any rows for longer than what is
 absolutely necessary to complete the transaction. That means you should not
 lock a row (at the database level) and wait for a user to update it before
 you release the lock. To do that completely ruins

Re: Pessimistic Record Locking

2005-04-29 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I could set the user's session timeout to be the same duration as the
record lock timeout...that way, in any event where the user's lock
would have expired, he would have to log back into the system
anyway...but this may be inconvenient as well, as I know a lot of
user's could be idle for some time, and would be annoyed if they had
to log back in every time...

On 4/29/05, Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Shawn, that helps a lot.  I like your general idea of handling
 it at application level.  I guess my main concern w/ web apps and
 locking the record (even at app level) is orphaned locks, resulting
 from browser closes or other events that don't go through the normal
 channels of updating or cancelling the update.
 So, if you set a lock to have a timeout of say 15 minutes, and the
 user WAS simply taking longer than that 15 minutes, how do you handle
 that when they try and save it?
 I was thinking, just go ahead with the commit if the record hasn't
 been locked in the meantime by another user, otherwise, prompt them
 saying it's now been locked by another user and your changes won't be
 saved.  But this is the same user inconvenience caused by optomistic
  Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/29/2005 02:28:25
   I'm using MySQL 5.0.3 Beta, and I'm hoping for some general
   tips/experience you guys may have had regarding optomistic vs
   pessimistic locking in a web app (PHP 5.0.3)
   I'm more of a windows programmer, and I've always implemented
   pessimistic over optomistic as it's much more professional and
   attractive to the end user.
   The problem as you know, is that web development makes pessimistic
   locking much more difficult, because of the user closing the browser,
   and a bunch of other factors I can't control.
   Question:  which type of locking do you usually implement in your web
   apps, and do you do it at a DB level or in your application layer?
   Any thoughts on a custom locking scheme (ie, a lock table that is
   written to with a user id and record id and timestamp)?
   Other solutions/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
   Thanks in advance.
  I don't use record locking until it's time to actually do something to the
  data. Even then it depends on what I am doing. As Mathias already suggested,
  InnoDB works better for this because it can lock individual rows and has
  full transactional support.
  In my webapp the users do mostly reads (which do not require locks) and few
  edits. In order to prevent another user from editing the same record that
  someone else is already editing, I have added a field to those table that
  require concurrency checking and fill in that field with the
  application-login of the user requesting to edit the record. It looks
  something like this:
  UPDATE datatable
  SET mtxEditor = 'user_id'
  WHERE pkid = 
  AND mtxEditor is null;
  SELECT mtxEditor
  FROM datatable
  WHERE pkid = ;
  If I get a match, then I allow the user to navigate to the edit web page,
  otherwise they get the view web page and a popup saying that the record is
  already being edited by insert name here. That way I don't have 2 users
  trying to make concurrent changes and the second or later users are told who
  has that record open so they can check with that person to see if they are
  done or if they just forgot to save their changes.
  Now, if the user exits the page manually (the page gets the onunload event)
  or decides to cancel their edit, I request a page that cleares the mtxEditor
  field. That works something like this:
  UPDATE datatable
  SET mtxEditor = null
  WHERE pkid = 
  AND mtxEditor ='userid';
  When it comes time to apply the effects of the edit, I check the mtxEditor
  field one more time to make sure that nobody has hijacked the page or that
  the user didn't navigate away (causing their edit lock to go away) and come
  back (a user can't update the record unless they are the one editing it).
  It's not perfect but it works remarkably well for the application-level
  locking I need to provide.
  One enhancement to this would be to provide a sunset timer. When a user is
  assigned as the editor set a datetimefield to 10 or 20 minutes from NOW().
  If the user hasn't submitted their updates by then, they have to re-request
  to edit the page. That way, in case someone manages to leave the page
  without tripping the onunload event (which would trigger the reset of the
  mtxEditor field) you still have a way of unlocking the record for the next
  BTW, I use Hungarian notation only if a field is used more like a variable
  than the other data-related fields. In this case the 'mtx' is my shorthand
  for 'mutex' because that field is acting as a mutual exclusion flag to be
  read by the application. The name of the application user

Re: create database+tables

2005-04-02 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Do this.

Save the create tables commands in a textfile on your harddrive called
Load mysql from the command line.

@ the prompt, type the following

mysqlcreate database `myDBName`;
mysqluse `myDBName`;
mysqlsource C:\tables.sql;

that's it!

On Apr 2, 2005 10:26 AM, Niki Lampropoulou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 better description
 instructions to be followed for installation of ALICE
 PHP chatbot. It is the first time I am using MySQL
 2. Create a database for the program to use in MySQL.
 3. Create the tables in the new database using db.sql
 which is in the sql directory.
 # Table structure for table `bot`
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  bot tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  value text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY botname (bot,name)
 # Table structure for table `bots`
  id tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  botname varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (botname),
  KEY id (id)
 # Table structure for table `conversationlog`
 CREATE TABLE conversationlog (
  bot tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  input text,
  response text,
  uid varchar(255) default NULL,
  enteredtime timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY botid (bot)
 # Table structure for table `dstore`
 CREATE TABLE dstore (
  uid varchar(255) default NULL,
  name text,
  value text,
  enteredtime timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY nameidx (name(40))
 # Table structure for table `gmcache`
 CREATE TABLE gmcache (
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  bot tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  template int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  inputstarvals text,
  thatstarvals text,
  topicstarvals text,
  patternmatched text,
  inputmatched text,
  combined text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY combined (bot,combined(255))
 # Table structure for table `gossip`
 CREATE TABLE gossip (
  bot tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  gossip text,
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY botidx (bot)
 # Table structure for table `patterns`
 CREATE TABLE patterns (
  bot tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  word varchar(255) default NULL,
  ordera tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  parent int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  isend tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY wordparent (parent,word),
  KEY botid (bot)
 # Table structure for table `templates`
 CREATE TABLE templates (
  bot tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  template text NOT NULL,
  pattern varchar(255) default NULL,
  that varchar(255) default NULL,
  topic varchar(255) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY bot (id)
 # Table structure for table `thatindex`
 CREATE TABLE thatindex (
  uid varchar(255) default NULL,
  enteredtime timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 # Table structure for table `thatstack`
 CREATE TABLE thatstack (
  thatid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  value varchar(255) default NULL,
  enteredtime timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
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General Table Locking Question

2005-03-30 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I've got a good deal of experience using mysql, but never in a large
production environment with many concurrent users.

Using the InnoDB engine, what is the general practice for ensuring
data integrity when multiple users are writing to the same table?

Should I explicitly lock the table before I write to it, or does mysql
do this automatically?


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Infinity as field value

2005-03-29 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Is there a way to represent infinity in mysql?

I've got a range field in my GUI, which is  x...

if the user chooses this field, in the DB, I store it as:

id | from | to | other
2 | x | infinity | etc...

this is because there are situations of  x and between x AND y,
so from and to is the easiest way to store it...

I could make infinity default to 100,000,000 or some other number I
know will never be reached, but it seems less elegant a solution...


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Re: Adding fields to db table (primary key and other type)

2005-03-16 Thread Scott Klarenbach


On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 14:56:59 -0500, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
   I am using MySQL Command Line and have created a table called dtd_test. It 
 has two varchar fields at the moment. How can I add more fields? I want to 
 add a primary key column  which autoincrements, how can I do that? Thanks a 

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Re: Fw: Adding fields to db table (primary key and other type)

2005-03-16 Thread Scott Klarenbach
See my original post:

Primary key could've just as easily been another column.  You have to
include another ADD command after the comma.

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 15:25:14 -0800, Scott Klarenbach
 See my original post:
 Primary key could've just as easily been another column.  You have to
 include another ADD command after the comma.
 On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 18:13:54 -0500, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for the replies, works fine, I checked out the alter table syntax 
  and added a new field. How can you add two new fields I tried with
  ALTER TABLE DTD_Test add  template_header varchar(255), template_footer 
  but i get an error. Cheers

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Re: Two columns query from a single column table?

2005-03-15 Thread Scott Klarenbach
SELECT id, id FROM data should work just fine.

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 17:43:29 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there!
 I need to do this:
 From this table
 |id|Data   |
 | 1|Something 1|
 | 2|Something 2|
 | 3|Something 3|
 | 4|Something 4|
 | 5|Something 5|
 | 6|Something 6|
 Get this query
 |id|Data   |id|Data   |
 | 1|Something 1| 4|Something 4|
 | 2|Something 2| 5|Something 5|
 | 3|Something 3| 6|Something 6|
 Any idea?
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Re: Two columns query from a single column table?

2005-03-15 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Oh, sorry, I didn't look close enough at your question...never mind :-)

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 16:02:59 -0800, Scott Klarenbach
 SELECT id, id FROM data should work just fine.
 On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 17:43:29 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Hi there!
  I need to do this:
  From this table
  |id|Data   |
  | 1|Something 1|
  | 2|Something 2|
  | 3|Something 3|
  | 4|Something 4|
  | 5|Something 5|
  | 6|Something 6|
  Get this query
  |id|Data   |id|Data   |
  | 1|Something 1| 4|Something 4|
  | 2|Something 2| 5|Something 5|
  | 3|Something 3| 6|Something 6|
  Any idea?
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Re: Two columns query from a single column table?

2005-03-15 Thread Scott Klarenbach
SELECT (SELECT id from data WHERE id=1), (SELECT id from data WHERE id=4);

This willl return you the 2 columns in one row.

Otherwise, if you're looking to return multiple queries into one
result set, then UNION is what you're looking for.  ie (select id from
data) UNION (select id from data).

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 17:43:29 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there!
 I need to do this:
 From this table
 |id|Data   |
 | 1|Something 1|
 | 2|Something 2|
 | 3|Something 3|
 | 4|Something 4|
 | 5|Something 5|
 | 6|Something 6|
 Get this query
 |id|Data   |id|Data   |
 | 1|Something 1| 4|Something 4|
 | 2|Something 2| 5|Something 5|
 | 3|Something 3| 6|Something 6|
 Any idea?
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Re: Multi-Table Query Problem...

2005-03-14 Thread Scott Klarenbach
What are the results?

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 14:22:38 -0800, Nick Zukin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to do a multitable query and am having problems.
 I have three tables: vendors, products, and vendorproducts. The
 vendorproducts table creates a many to many relationship between the vendors
 and the products. There is nothing more than the vendor and product ids in
 the vendorproducts table.
 I want to be able to create a query that will find vendors who have certain
 products. However, I'm trying to make a keyword search (PHP/MySQL) so that
 using form data I can search multiple columns for the same keyword. Here's
 how I am currently doing the query:
 $query  = SELECT v.vbusiness, v.vcategory, v.vurl, v.vcity, v.vstate,
 v.vendorid ;
 $query .= FROM vendorproducts AS vp ;
 $query .= INNER JOIN vendors AS v ON vp.vpvendorid = v.vendorid ;
 $query .= INNER JOIN products AS p ON vp.vpvendorid = p.productid ;
 $query .= WHERE (p.productname LIKE '%.$_GET['keyword'].%') ;
 $query .= OR (p.productfamily LIKE '%.$_GET['keyword'].%') ;
 $query .= OR (v.vcategory LIKE '%.$_GET['keyword'].%') ;
 $query .= GROUP BY v.vbusiness ;
 As an example, it might look like this:
 SELECT v.vbusiness, v.vcategory, v.vurl, v.vcity, v.vstate, v.vendorid
 FROM vendorproducts AS vp
 INNER JOIN vendors AS v ON vp.vpvendorid = v.vendorid
 INNER JOIN products AS p ON vp.vpvendorid = p.productid
 WHERE (p.productname LIKE '%Apples%')
 OR (p.productfamily LIKE '%Apples%')
 OR (v.vcategory LIKE '%Apples%')
 GROUP BY v.vbusiness
 Where am I going wrong? The results aren't random, but I can't see how
 they're coming up with what they're coming up with.
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Re: Multi-Table Query Problem...

2005-03-14 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Because, with the '%keyword%' operator, you're going to match any of
those columns that contain the keyword inside of it.  This can be a
little confusing as 'ef' will return true on 'abcdefghijk'?  Instead,
you might try 'keyword%' so that 'apple' returns true for 'apples',
'apple juice', 'apple cider', BUT returns false for 'ple'.

But, without seeing the results and what you'd hoped them to be, it's
tough to narrow down the problem.


On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 15:08:28 -0800, Scott Klarenbach
 What are the results?
 On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 14:22:38 -0800, Nick Zukin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to do a multitable query and am having problems.
  I have three tables: vendors, products, and vendorproducts. The
  vendorproducts table creates a many to many relationship between the vendors
  and the products. There is nothing more than the vendor and product ids in
  the vendorproducts table.
  I want to be able to create a query that will find vendors who have certain
  products. However, I'm trying to make a keyword search (PHP/MySQL) so that
  using form data I can search multiple columns for the same keyword. Here's
  how I am currently doing the query:
  $query  = SELECT v.vbusiness, v.vcategory, v.vurl, v.vcity, v.vstate,
  v.vendorid ;
  $query .= FROM vendorproducts AS vp ;
  $query .= INNER JOIN vendors AS v ON vp.vpvendorid = v.vendorid ;
  $query .= INNER JOIN products AS p ON vp.vpvendorid = p.productid ;
  $query .= WHERE (p.productname LIKE '%.$_GET['keyword'].%') ;
  $query .= OR (p.productfamily LIKE '%.$_GET['keyword'].%') ;
  $query .= OR (v.vcategory LIKE '%.$_GET['keyword'].%') ;
  $query .= GROUP BY v.vbusiness ;
  As an example, it might look like this:
  SELECT v.vbusiness, v.vcategory, v.vurl, v.vcity, v.vstate, v.vendorid
  FROM vendorproducts AS vp
  INNER JOIN vendors AS v ON vp.vpvendorid = v.vendorid
  INNER JOIN products AS p ON vp.vpvendorid = p.productid
  WHERE (p.productname LIKE '%Apples%')
  OR (p.productfamily LIKE '%Apples%')
  OR (v.vcategory LIKE '%Apples%')
  GROUP BY v.vbusiness
  Where am I going wrong? The results aren't random, but I can't see how
  they're coming up with what they're coming up with.
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Re: Column Order

2005-03-14 Thread Scott Klarenbach
ALTER TABLE TableName MODIFY COLUMN ColumnNameToMove longtext AFTER

Note that long text is required (put in the correct column type you
intend to move)


INSERT INTO new_table SELECT columns-in-new-order FROM old_table;
DROP table old_table;
ALTER TABLE new_table RENAME old_table;

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 23:54:56 +, shaun thornburgh
 Is it possible to change the order of columns in a table after the table has
 been created?
 Thanks for your help
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Re: Column Order

2005-03-14 Thread Scott Klarenbach

ALTER TABLE TableName MODIFY COLUMN ColumnNameToMove longtext BEFORE
ALTER TABLE TableName MODIFY COLUMN ColumnNameToMove longtext FIRST
ALTER TABLE TableName MODIFY COLUMN ColumnNameToMove longtext LAST

will work, depending on what you're looking to do.


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Re: Mysqldump alternative due to bug

2005-03-13 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Ya, all my tables are InnoDB unfortunately, and they need to stay that way ;-).

On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 13:48:26 +0200, Amr Mostafa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is the mysqlhotcopy, it's faster too.
 However, It will only work if all your tables are MyIsam.
 Scott Klarenbach wrote:
 I'm using Mysql 5.0.2 w/ Windows 2003 server, and there is a bug with
 the mysqldump utility.  The bug is actually with the Describe table
 statement, or Show fields from table statement...
 It's been documented on, so I'm wondering if there is a
 simple alternative to mysqldump that I can use to backup the database,
 until this bug is resolved in a future release?

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Re: Mysqldump alternative due to bug

2005-03-13 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Awesome, I guess that's the best alternative.  In fact, I was logging
on to ask you that very question.  Thanks,


On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 20:03:15 +0200, Amr Mostafa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can copy mysql tables files directly from /var/lib/mysql/data
 directory (or wherever your path/to/mysql is :)
 For more details/information, read this :
 - Amr
 Scott Klarenbach wrote:
 Ya, all my tables are InnoDB unfortunately, and they need to stay that way 
 On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 13:48:26 +0200, Amr Mostafa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is the mysqlhotcopy, it's faster too.
 However, It will only work if all your tables are MyIsam.
 Scott Klarenbach wrote:
 I'm using Mysql 5.0.2 w/ Windows 2003 server, and there is a bug with
 the mysqldump utility.  The bug is actually with the Describe table
 statement, or Show fields from table statement...
 It's been documented on, so I'm wondering if there is a
 simple alternative to mysqldump that I can use to backup the database,
 until this bug is resolved in a future release?

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Mysqldump alternative due to bug

2005-03-12 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I'm using Mysql 5.0.2 w/ Windows 2003 server, and there is a bug with
the mysqldump utility.  The bug is actually with the Describe table
statement, or Show fields from table statement...

It's been documented on, so I'm wondering if there is a
simple alternative to mysqldump that I can use to backup the database,
until this bug is resolved in a future release?


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Re: Optimizing a big query...

2005-03-09 Thread Scott Klarenbach
That's incredibly slow.  I pull 1000 records through PHP in 1 second
on a P4 2.4 Ghz.  Are you pulling the entire recordset and then
limiting it in your app code?  Or are you using a limit clause in the

Also, Peter's point about indexing might help.  Without specific SQL
examples, it's difficult to suggest optimizations.  Mysql does have a
great section in their manual re: optimizing select queries.


On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 16:10:19 -0500, Peter J Milanese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does the app display all 1000 rows at once? Does your app require all
 fields? Only retrieve what you need for the page. If the app displays all
 1000 rows, it may remain slow depending on how you get them (order, group,
 function) and indexing.. Also, the link and disk  may matter depending on
 the size of the row. I do not know what you could do on the client side to
 --Original Message--
 From: Carlos Savoretti
 To: MySQL List
 Sent: Mar 9, 2005 5:49 PM
 Subject: Optimizing a big query...
 Hi all:
 I programming a GUI which retrieve big tables oftenly.
 So, I retrieve chunks of 1000 rows and paginate then
 to browse the entire table. It works fine, but it's rather
 I would like to know if I could set some option thru
 mysql_option() to optimize the client side (mysql-client-3.23.58)
 and what is the the recommended value to clamp the `page' for a
 gui app. (For 1000 rows it uses about 12 seconds).
 Thanks a lot...
 Carlos Savoretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Sent from my NYPL BlackBerry Handheld.
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Auto Escape characters

2005-03-08 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Is there a flag in MYSQL to automatically escape special characters
like single quotes with a backslash?  Instead of using a C API or PHP
addslashes() funciton for each field I'd need to escape?


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Re: Auto Escape characters

2005-03-08 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Haha!  Great point.  I guess it's time for me to call it a day and get
some sleep :-).


On Tue, 08 Mar 2005 18:23:24 -0500, Keith Ivey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Scott Klarenbach wrote:
  Is there a flag in MYSQL to automatically escape special characters
  like single quotes with a backslash?  Instead of using a C API or PHP
  addslashes() funciton for each field I'd need to escape?
 I don't think you've thought that through completely.  How would 
 MySQL know which quotes you intended to escape?  If what you're 
   asking for were possible, there'd be no need for escaping in 
 the first place.
 Smokefree DC
 Washington, DC
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Re: Switching to InnoDB turns out dissapointing

2005-03-01 Thread Scott Klarenbach
Gary's got another point about the transactions.

I'd still look to using mysqldump first if possible, if they have the
ability it will be remarkably faster.

Otherwise, turning transactions off before the insert, and locking the
table as well, (if you haven't already done that) could prove to save
you a lot of time.


On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 15:32:54 -0800, Gary Richardson
 What have you actually done to 'tune' the server? How are you doing
 the inserts?
 InnoDB uses transactions. If you are doing each row as a single
 transaction (the default), it would probably take a lot longer.
 I assume you're doing your copying as a INSERT INTO $new_table SELECT
 * FROM $old_table. Try wrapping that in a
  INSERT INTO $new_table SELECT * FROM $old_table;
 How do you have your table space configured?
 Just some random thoughts..
 On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 17:24:32 -0600, Alfredo Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have switched from MyISAM tables to InnoDB, using MySQL 4.1.10 under SuSE
  My application, an ERP system developed in-house, uses 70 tables, the 
  one holding a little over one million rows. To assist when changing table
  structures, we developed a software that creates a new table for each of the
  70 tables, one at a time, using the new structure, copies all of the records
  from the old table to the new one, drops the old one and renames the new 
  Using MyISAM tables, this process takes 10 minutes using a two Xeon 2.4 Ghz
  server, with 4 Gb RAM and SCSI RAID 5 disks. The same system takes 2 1/2
  hours using InnoDB tables with the same configuration. We have followed the
  guidelines for tuning the server, and still, we find this to be excessive.
  Can somebody point to some docs, guidelines or web sites we can consult to
  improve InnoDB's performance? It seems inserting many rows decreases
  performance significantly.
  Thank you and regards.
  Alfredo J. Cole
  Grupo ACyC - - SolCom -
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Regular Expression Query

2005-02-26 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I have a client that wants to search table fields for strings, and
ignore any-non alphanumeric character in the field. (match only the
alphanumeric portion of the field, and discard the rest)

for example, a search for apple would return true on the following record

a**__-p p   + l ^^   @e

I have some experience with Regular expressions, but I'm stumped on this one.

Any help is appreciated.


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LIMIT clause as Stored Procedure Parameter

2005-02-18 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I can't seem to pass in the LIMIT clause variables into a stored procedure


Select * from table limit param1, param2;

I get a syntax error compiling the procedure, but when I replace
param1 and param2 with hard coded ints, ie, 10, 10, it compiles and
works fine.

Is this functionality not available?  I had a similar problem w/ the
Load Data Infile statement, in that it wouldn't allow me to pass in
the file name as a parameter to the SPROC.

If the LIMIT clause doesn't work this way either, I will really regret
building the system using SPROCS, as most of the complicated queries
will have to be hard-coded in PHP to allow variable passing on the
query line, err!

I hope I'm missing something.

Thanks a lot for any help you can provide.


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Load Data Infile in Stored procedure

2004-12-17 Thread Scott Klarenbach
I can't seem to make the Load Data statement work inside of a stored procedure.



this works fine in PHP, but when I use it in a procedure, and pass in
the file name as a parameter, it won't compile.

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE fileParameter INTO my_table

I think it's because the statement requires the file to be in quotes,
but if I concatenate the parameter into quotes, then it looks for the
EXACT variable string, not the file.

ie LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ' +fileParam+ ' INTO my_table --this returns
an error saying it can't find the file fileParam :-).

I also tried creating a prepared statement and then executing it USING
my file parameters, but no luck either.

Any help is appreciated.

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