2002-02-11 Thread Thomas J Keller

  Hi.  I have been awayv for a while.  I see that 3.23 is still listed as the
current distribution version.  When might one expect that 4.X will be released
as a production version?

MySQL, versions

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2001-07-21 Thread Thomas J Keller

John Birrell wrote: 
 On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:29:52PM -0400, Britt Johnston wrote:
  MySQL AB and NuSphere had a meeting over the phone, we exchanged
  information and opinions and NuSphere will propose times for the
  next meeting.
 Since these issues are between two private companies, please take
 your discussions off this list. It is none of our business. By
 all means, tell us the result.

   With all due respect, John, I for one absolutely disagree with you on this. 
I want to be kept as informed as MySQL AB and NuSphere are willing to keep me.

   I'd be willing to bet there are a sufficient number of participants here who
agree with me.

Tom Keller

mysql?  query?  database?  huh?

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2001-07-15 Thread Thomas J Keller

  Well, I have gone and looked more closely at

  I am forced to confess that I find several disheartening features at this
site.  I am unwilling at this juncture to typify these issues as deliberate or
ill-intentioned, but I will say that NuSphere needs to make a concerted,
immediate effort to resolve these points.

1)  While they do point out that they are not affliated, and provide a link to
MySQL AB, they do not state why this is relevant, or why someone might WANT to
go to MySQL AB.  

2)  They do not explicitly claim to be the developers of MySQL, but they also do
not explicitly state that they are not.  While experienced MySQL users would
recognize this fact, new-comers or persons searching for information in support
of a product decision would  most likely not recognize that distinction.

3)  The tone and content of the requests for participation and assistance in
development do suggest that participating in the NuSphere development
effort is identical to participating in MySQL development, which is clearly not
the case.

   In my opinion, Nusphere needs to take the following actions immediately:

1)  Explicitly and prominently identify on their front page, the ownership of
the MySQL trademark as belonging to MySQL AB, and point at the

2)  Clearly delineate the difference between NuSphere MySQL and MySQL, on the
front page, and prominently.

3)  Cause their site not to resemble in any way related to design or

4)  NuSphere needs to clarify the extent and nature of their investments in
MySQL.  Investment in their inhouse products does not qualify as investment in
the MySQL server product.  Monies paid to MySQL AB, subject to the details of
whatever agreements said monies were paid under, may qualify.

   None of these are onerous, and doing these things will go a long way to
putting NuSphere back into good graces with this community and with the folks at

   As a separate issue, I will offer my comments re: the domain name/trademark

   It is my opinion that regardless of what rights NuSphere may believe,
correctly or otherwise, they have to the use of the MySQL trademark, that the
only honorable and acceptable action for them to take is to transfer the domain
name to MySQL AB immediately.  This is a matter of ethics and courtesy (and good
PR), not legality.

   As for the issue of trademark infringement and protection, it is true that
failure to take appropriate legal action to defend a trademark can, and
sometimes does, lead to loss of legal protection for that trademark.  This being
the case, NuSphere and MySQL AB need to work up a written agreement which
asserts that the trademark MySQL does explicitly belong to MySQL AB, and that
NuSphere formally acknowledges that ownership.  Such an agreement gives MySQL AB
proof of defense, which is their largest single concern (in my interpretation).
The actual use of the trademark by NuSphere is an issue that should be settled
betwen NuSphere and MySQL, or in the courts, if that unfortunate necessity

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2001-07-14 Thread Thomas J Keller

  Alright.  I have received Mr. Johnson's permission to share the email response
he made to me.  it is included herewith for informational purposes without
comment or prejudice:

   cut here   
NOTE:  personal opening comments removed for brevity has not been publically announced and it will take
some time for it to become the thriving community it is destined
to be.  My hope is that rather than fighting it, you can join it
and be part of an even more vibrant mysql community.

It is disappointing that our friends from MySQL AB seem threatened 
by the creation of noncommercial site to promote mysql that they
jump in and announce it themselves to the world and claim they 
were not informed.  The facts are they were informed and invited 
to participate, their response is what you have read.

You mention specifically that you believe we have no right to the
domain name.  The facts are that we believe we have a right under 
an agreement that was signed by both Monty and David that provided
us with broad rights to mysql related names.  In fact we paid a
significant sum of money for the ability to use those names and
other items and that same agreement in fact required MySQL 
to be released under the GPL.  Now that MySQL AB has taken on 
venture capital funding and hired new management, they want to
ignore those agreements.

Your comments about us not participating in any meaninful fashion
in the open source community are disappointing because it means
NuSphere has not done a good job communicating its work, I believe 
we provide a significant service and have allowed many people who
otherwise could not use open source software to use it because of
our work on improving windows ports, integration of components,
and major features.  We contribute back fixes and improvements to
many open source communities including apache, perl, php and mysql.
Much of that work is available at no cost through downloads at our
website.  I'd invite you to download and try NuSphere MySQL and 
see an example of what we have done.

The importance of our investment is reflected in Monty's own words:
NuSphere has identified a very important technical enhancement 
needed to transform MySQL into an enterprise-enabled database capable 
of competing with commercial heavyweights, said Michael Monty 
Widenius, chief technology officer of MySQL AB. In MySQL's five-year 
history, this is the most significant contribution from a source 
outside MySQL AB that has ever occurred.

We also support the community by sponsoring and helping organize
events such as the OSCON 2001 with O'Reilly, Open Source Database 
Summit with OSDN, and the Linux Legacy through Geek Cruises to name
a few.  We are proud of the significant investment we make in these 
areas so that the open source community can meet and learn from each 
other face to face.

As we said last January, we planned on Gemini being released
under an open source license as part of the launch of MySQL 4.0,
but that release has not shipped so we have decided to release
the source through instead soon after its launch (the
community needs to setup CVS to support that effort).  Note that 
Gemini has both commercial and open source licenses just like 
MySQL itself and the products we are currently shipping are 
provided with a commercial license of Gemini.  We absolutely
believe we have the right to do this.

In closing, I hope you will take a moment to see things from our
perspective and understand that we want a strong mysql community
as strong as apache or php and one that is not controlled by a
single commercial company.

Thanks for your time,


D. Britton Johnston   603-578-6707 Nashua
Chief Technology Officer  781-280-4954 Bedford
NuSphere Corporation  781-280-4600 Main
14 Oak Park   781-280-4646 Fax
Bedford, MA 01730

   cut here   

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2001-07-14 Thread Thomas J Keller

Marten Mickos wrote: 
 In response to the posting by Thomas J Keller of Britt Johnston's text, I
 feel I have to come with the following comments.
 (The quoted text marked with   is by Britt Johnston) has not been publically announced and it will take
  some time for it to become the thriving community it is destined
  to be.  My hope is that rather than fighting it, you can join it
  and be part of an even more vibrant mysql community.
 We do not oppose communities that form around a common interest in our
 product. But we do mind if our trademark is used without authorisation. So
 we are not fighting the community, we are fighting the violations of our
 Is there any reason for not operating the site under the name
 or some other name?

  Now on this point, in consideration of the assertions of a temporary agreement
which MySQL AB asserts to have formally terminated, NuSphere would appear to be
violating MySQL AB's trademark.  Marten's question regarding another name is
quite proper.  Unless NuSphere can provide solid evidence that there is a
current formal agreement in force at this time, my opinion (humble, not huble,
or otherwise *grin*) is that NuSphere should post-haste transfer to
MySQL AB.  This is a sticky legal point, since both parties would appear to have
differing interpretations of the nature, term and status of any agreement
between them.

  It is disappointing that our friends from MySQL AB seem threatened
  by the creation of noncommercial site to promote mysql that they
  jump in and announce it themselves to the world and claim they
  were not informed.  The facts are they were informed and invited
  to participate, their response is what you have read.
 The last sentence is untrue. MySQL AB was not invited, nor informed of
 this. The last record we have that relates to is from early June
 when we asked NuSphere to transfer the domain to us, and Lorne Cooper
 replied that NuSphere refuses to do so. He also noted that NuSphere had not
 populated the site. 
 We do not oppose any creation of a concommercial site to promote the MySQL
 server. But we do mind ... (see my comment above).

   Another point where the two parties would appear to have differing
interpretations of events.
  You mention specifically that you believe we have no right to the
  domain name.  The facts are that we believe we have a right under
  an agreement that was signed by both Monty and David that provided
  us with broad rights to mysql related names.  In fact we paid a
  significant sum of money for the ability to use those names and
  other items and that same agreement in fact required MySQL
  to be released under the GPL.  Now that MySQL AB has taken on
  venture capital funding and hired new management, they want to
  ignore those agreements. 
 There WAS an interim agreement from June 2000 to be replaced within 3
 months by a final agreement. We have confirmed to NuSphere in writing the
 termination of the interim agreement. It has not been in force for some time.
 For the records, it was only David Axmark who signed it and faxed it to
 Progress. Progress or NuSphere have never sent us a version with their

   This is in essence the same differing interpretation problem as noted above.

 When it was in force, the interim agreement did NOT provide NuSphere with
 broad rights to use the MySQL name. 
 Under the agreement, Progress paid a total of USD 312,501 with the last
 check being cut in September 2000. See for more information on this.

   Well, in the face of radically different interpretations, I see a few
possible ways to resolve this:

First: take it to court.  Potentially expensive, and probably not good for
public relations for either party. 

Second: (and I fully note that there could be any number of valid and compelling
reasons for either or both parties to find this suggestion untenable) post the
text of the agreement here, for the community to peruse.  This suggestion
carries with it an implicit expectation that the parties would be expected to
abide by the opinion of the community (assuming an overwhelming majority
interpret the agreement one way over another).

Third:  NuSphere could, in the interests of peace within the community, transfer
the domain name to MySQL AB, and MySQL AB could back off the GPL violation issue
(this presumes that NuSphere brings themselves into compliance with GPL
immediately).  Intent is an important issue here.  It is entirely possible that
NuSphere understood their procedures to be in compliance with GPL, and that
MySQL believes them not to be, with both parties acting in good faith.  NuSphere
can confirm their good faith by accepting that their release is problematic and
rectifying the situation immediately.  MySQL AB can confirm their good faith by
accepting this gesture and relenting on the GPL licensing issue.

 The comment by Britt on vc funding


2001-07-14 Thread Thomas J Keller

 The more I think about this, the more convinced I am that someone needs to
offer the following observations:

  It is unfortunate that so many people within this community are so eager to
assume the worst about a company, simply because they ARE a company.  Not all
corporations are Mickey$lu$h (I guess my biases in this regard are obvious), and
not all corporate leaders are Bill Gates.

  Bring in business to make a profit is not a bad thing.  One might note that
David and Monty are in business to make a profit, and by their own statements,
this was always their intent.  Good on them!

  As has been pointed out by several people, including myself, some of the
issues involved in this dispute are very tricky and difficult to understand,
even if one had ALL the relevant information to hand.  The fact is that very few
(perhaps 3?) of the participants in this brouhaha have more than a modicum of
real information available to them.

  There have been comments made by both parties which are arguably less than
totally correct.  There have also been many comments made that perhaps should
not have been.  Big surprise, with both money and pride involved, people get hot
under the collar when others don't see things THEIR way!

   The people who tend to become involved heavily in the Open Source community
are often highly opinionated (who, ME?!) and quick to form judgements.  This can
work against us as a community when it leads to the kinds of recrminations and
attacks we have seen here.

   The unfortunate truth is that when millions or billions of dollars are on the
line, and when highly sophisticated legal concepts such as intellectual property
and licensing are involved, it often requires people with special training (OK,
I'll say it: lawyers) to sort things out.  It is important to realize also that
all any lawyer can do is offer their opinion and interpretation of the law. 
Only the Courts can offer a final statement as to the actual meanings of laws,
and even then, things are seldom clear cut.  Remember that laws have no inherent
validity or meaning.  They are abstract intellectual creations dreamed up by
human beings, and are subject to the inherent inefficiencies of language.

   I seriously doubt that anyone from either of these companies has any
nefarious intentions.  Although some things have been said on both sides which
may turn out not to be true, I rather suspect that this is due to differences of
opinion, coupled with a little anger, rather than intentional mendacity.

   So...the upshot of all this, I suppose is:  cool off, everyone.  Let's see if
the folks at MySQL AB and NuSphere can resolve this to their mutual
satisfaction.  Above all, PLEASE, let's stop calling each other names.  None of
us are little children here. 


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Re: Strange pseudo-coded query

2001-07-01 Thread Thomas J Keller

Rolf Hopkins wrote: 
 This is way off topic and you should seek an MS Access help list. 

   Excuse me.  I am working in MySQL.  I see no reference whatever to MS Access
in my message.  How do you
figure this is off topic?

 [Zip Code Distance Extractor]  could refer to any number of diff things such as a
 column in a table, a table name, a field on a form.

   I suppose it could.  There is no such table or column listed in the
documentation that comes with this product.

 The ! also has several different meanings and you should be able to find it in 
help files.

   Help files for what?  According to the books I have, the ! means NOT in
the context of a SELECT clause.

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Strange pseudo-coded query

2001-06-30 Thread Thomas J Keller

   I am working with a commercially supplied database of zipcode numbers and
related data.  In the documentation, the following pseudo-coded SQL queries are
included.  I am mystified by two things here:

1)  [Zip Code Distance Extractor]  --  I have no clue as to what this is
referring to

2)  the use of the ! operator makes no sense to me in this context


Thanks in advance...

---  included text  ---

 Programming Notes 
Zip Code Distance Calculator


1.  CPA Firms Table (CPAFIRMS)


1)   First Name
2)   Middle Name
3)   Last Name
4)   Company
5)   Address 1
6)   Address 2
7)   City
8)   State
9)   Zip Code – 10 digit 
10)  Delivery Point
11)  County
12)  Code Number
13)  Zip Code – 5 digit
2.  Zip Code – Latitude – Longitude Table (ZIP-LAT-LONG)


1)  Zip Code – 5 digit
2)  Latitude
3)  Longitude
4)  City
5)  State
6)  County


1.  Find Center Zip Code  
 Finds matching Latitude/Longitude from ZIP-LAT-LONG table.




WHERE ((([ZIP-LAT-LONG].[ZIP CODE])=[Forms]![Zip Code Distance Extractor]![Zip

2.  Find Distance
Calculates Distance from Center Zip Code Query against Zip Codes in the  


[Distance Lat], (69.1*([ZIP-LAT-LONG]!
CENTER ZIP CODE]![LATITUDE]/57.3))) AS [Distance Long], 
((([Distance Lat]^2)+([Distance Long]^2))^0.5) AS Distance


3.  Find Distance by Radius
Limits the results of the Find Distance Query by the radius number.


SELECT [Find Distance].Distance, [CPAFIRM'S].COMPANY, 

FROM ([Find Distance] INNER JOIN [ZIP-LAT-LONG] ON [Find 

WHERE ((([Find Distance].Distance)=[Forms]![Zip Code 
Distance Extractor]![radius]))

ORDER BY [Find Distance].Distance;

---  end included text  ---

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SQL query problem

2001-06-22 Thread Thomas J Keller

  I am using two versions of MySQL, on two different platforms, and having the
same problem on both.  One very odd aspect of this problem is that it behaves
precisely the same way on both platforms, down to which records are garbled
onscreen and how they are garbled.  Anyone with any ideas?   Thanks in advance


RedHat Linux 6.1   MySQL Ver. 3.23.28gamma  (locally compiled)
FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE MySQL Ver. 3.22.32

Problem:  when I use the following query, I get garbled data in the MySQL
command line client:

select zip, city, county from zipcodes where zip between 68400 and 68500;

here is a portion of the garbled output:

   |444 | STRANG   | FILLMORE
   || ONG  | CLAY
   || WACO | YORK
  |8461 | WALTON   | LANCASTER
   || WYMORE   | GAGE
   || YORK | YORK

BUT, if I use:  select zip, city, county from zipcodes where zip = 68465;  for
example  I get:

 |68465 | WILBER | SALINE 

  This holds for any specific zipcode in the database.  There is one range,
68500 through 58600 which
display correctly.  Oddly enough, that is the range for the city I am in.

   The zipcodes database looks like this:

mysql desc zipcodes;
| Field | Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges  |
| zip   | int(11)|  | PRI | 0   |   |
select,insert,update,references |
| latitude  | float(7,4) | YES  | | NULL|   |
select,insert,update,references |
| longitude | float(8,4) | YES  | | NULL|   |
select,insert,update,references |
| city  | text   | YES  | | NULL|   |
select,insert,update,references |
| state | text   | YES  | | NULL|   |
select,insert,update,references |
| county| text   | YES  | | NULL|   |
select,insert,update,references |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  This is a commercial database product named ZipPLUS.

   I also tried this:

mysql check table zipcodes;
| Table  | Op| Msg_type | Msg_text |
| build.zipcodes | check | status   | OK   |
1 row in set (0.91 sec)

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