Fully compliant GIS

2004-05-18 Thread Trevor Price
Mysql AB,
What is the roadmap for fully compliant GIS?
 The OpenGIS specification defines the following functions, which MySQL 
does not yet implement. They should appear in future releases. When 
implemented, they will provide full support for spatial analysis, not 
just MBR-based support.

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Re: MySQL and NPTL

2004-05-18 Thread Trevor Price
I have had this same problem exept the entire server does not hang, only 
one thread which experiences a signficiat slowdown. This happens a 
couple times a week for our 4 servers. I believe this is a thread 
scheduling issue. The mysql support team suggests against using NPTL. 
However, I use mysqld-max on redhat linux 9.0 and have found a 10-20% 
performance difference at HIGH (hundreds of connections) load levels. 
The support team claims the difference in performance between linux 
threads and NPTL is never significant. Incidentally I have experinced 
this same thread starvation issue on redhat as 3.0 amd64 while using 
Linux threads. Theory is that glic 2.3 is to blame ( redhat 9.0 -  
glibc-2.3.2-11.9 , redhat as 3.0 - glibc-2.3.2-95.6 ). So the version 
of glibc looks to be the culprit. As I understand it Mysql is working 
with Redhat to determine the issues with glibc 2.3. I haven't tried the
export line.

Steve Meyers wrote:
Has anyone else experienced this bug?
We've been seeing this problem on several of our servers (see the last 
comment to the bug). MySQL just hangs occasionally, it happens about 
3-4 times per month. We have 13 database servers, so that 
unfortunately increases our odds.

I just wondered how many other people have seen it, and if the 
suggested export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5; mysqld_safe  has worked 
for anyone. In order to turn that on, I will need to take our site 
down completely, which is (of course) not desirable.

Steve Meyers

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Change ft_min_word_len require fulltext index rebuild

2004-05-18 Thread Trevor Price
  I just discovered that a server has ft_min_word_len=4 when I want 
ft_min_word_len=3 .  Do I have to rebuild all the fulltext indicies so 
that searches on three-letter words will work correctly?

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Re: avoiding Locked threads

2004-05-14 Thread Trevor Price
an update statement is supposed to return the # of rows updated, so the 
client must wait for a response, which means the client will wait if you 
low_priority your updates. But if they are insert delayed then the 
client gets a return immediately. This behavior limits the usefullness 
of low priority with updates. I did ask on the list if there were any 
plans for a delayed update, but I was told there aren't.

Jon Drukman wrote:
Dathan Vance Pattishall wrote:

This is on a separate drive?

yes, the database is the only thing on the high speed RAID. everything 
else is on the other drive (also a RAID but only RAID0 with 2 drives).

any ideas appreciated!

Try setting low-priority-updates and delay-key-write=ALL

i haven't tried this yet, but one of the other developers has objected 
that doing this will kill performance for people posting messages 
because their clients will hang waiting for the selects to finish. is 
this true?

Your running into a concurrency issue, the only other quick fix is to 
innodb, but your blobs will kill you in disk space.

h we've got approx 60G free on the RAID so this may not be such a 
big problem.


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Maintaining fulltext

2004-03-18 Thread Trevor Price

1.  How can I tell how many words a fulltext index has indexed?(for 
purposes of estimating performance)
2.  How can I tell how much index file space a full text is responsible for?
   ( for regular indicies I use (key_length +4)/.067 ) but my 
fulltext's are all on text's.



p.s.  See you at the conference.

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Low_Priority Updates

2004-03-11 Thread Trevor Price

  Does a low_priority behave like a DELAYED for insert and return 
to the caller before the update has actually been executed?   If not are 
their plans for a DELAYED option with update?



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Read bursts on datadir

2004-01-28 Thread Trevor Price

 Greetings  We have been experiencing a performance problem 
that relates to either mysql's buffers of the ext3 file cache.  Our 
mysql servers are experiencing load spikes due to massive disk reads on 
datadir(  3meg sec).  Datadir is a seprate disk.  Most of the day the disk
is being read at 50k-100k/sec.  However at higher questions/sec the disk 
reads jump up and stay there for on the order of an hour.  Running 
redhay 9 with 2X2.4 xeon with 4GB ram and the active portion of memory 
(according to top) is ~ 3GB.  Filesystem has 3.3 GB and mysql ~500M.  
According to the ration or key_reads/key_requests the key_buffer is 
large enough and key_writes/key_write_requests ~ 1.  I must admit I 
don't know if it is the MYI or MYD files that are being read during this 
period(tried lsof, any other tools to see disk activity by file?). 

During this period of high read I see one specific query being heavily 
slowed.  Whe shall call this query,  A.  Query A joins 3 tables but the 
explain reveals that all use an index with type (const,ref,ref).  There 
is an order by in query A.   I thought about extending the size of the 
sort_buffer or read_rnd_buffer but aren't those just pulling in record 
data which should be cached by the file system already?  I have included 
the explain of query A below.  Any advice would be most appreciated.



| table | type  | possible_keys| 
key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra
| t | const | PRIMARY,tribe_id_idx | 
PRIMARY  |  40 | const |1 | Using temporary; 
Using filesort
| s | ref   | PRIMARY,statistics_parent_id_idx | 
statistics_parent_id_idx |  40 | const |1 | Using where
| c | ref   | click_statistics_id_idx,click_visitor_id_idx | 
click_statistics_id_idx  |  40 | s.ID  |   81 | Using where
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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