RE: Query Help

2009-02-10 Thread ddevaudreuil

"Ben Wiechman"  wrote on 02/10/2009 01:30:14 PM:

> Thanks for the input! That is close to what I need, however not exactly.
> will give me the last time a user logged into the host in question but I
> want to prune users who have since logged into a different host.
> find out how many users are logged into a given host or who are not
> currently logged in but have not logged into a different host since they
> logged out of the target.

Figure out the last time each user logged in to any host:

SELECT login, MAX(datetime)as lastlogindate
GROUP BY login

So use that query as a derived table to get the rest of the info (untested

SELECT Userinfo.Username, Userinfo.GroupName, Log.hostname, Log.datetime
FROM Userinfo
  (SELECT login, MAX(datetime)as lastlogindate
  FROM Log
  GROUP BY login) AS lastlogin
  ON Userinfo.login=lastlogin.login
INNER JOIN Log  ON lastlogin.login=Log.login AND

Hope that helps.


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Re: db setup - correction

2009-02-10 Thread ddevaudreuil

PJ  wrote on 02/10/2009 12:44:04 PM:

> -- -
> -- Table `books`
> -- -
>   `title` VARCHAR(148) NULL ,
>   `sub_title` VARCHAR(90) NULL ,
>   `descr` TINYTEXT NULL ,
>   `comment` TEXT NULL ,
>   `bk_cover` VARCHAR(32) NULL ,
>   `publish_date` YEAR NULL ,
>   `ISBN` BIGINT(13) NULL ,
>   `language_id` INT NULL ,
>   PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ,
>   INDEX `fk_books_language` (`language_id` ASC) ,
>   CONSTRAINT `fk_books_language`
> FOREIGN KEY (`language_id` )
> REFERENCES `biblane`.`language` (`id` )
> ENGINE = InnoDB;
May I make one sugggestion? I noticed that the column is defined
as SMALLINT UNSIGNED. Unless your database is going to stay quite small,
that is really going to limit the number of books. This column is used as a
FK in a number of your other tables and if you later on have to change the
data type to make it bigger, you'll have to change all the related tables.
If I remember correctly, I had to drop all the FK constraints that
referenced this column, do the alter tables, and then recreate the FK
constraints.  Save yourself the hassle and make it at least an Integer, if
not a BIGINT (unsigned).


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Re: Algorithm for resolving foreign key dependencies?

2009-02-03 Thread ddevaudreuil
Try looking at the  information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table (where
referenced_table_schema is not null).  It will show you the FK
relationships.  You could then create a tree that you could use to find the
hierarchy.  For that, I suggest looking at  The
information_schema table is already sort of an edge-list, although each
node is made up of the tuple (table_schema, table_name, column_name) or
(referenced_table_schema, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name).


news  wrote on 02/03/2009 05:38:34 PM:

> Andy Shellam wrote:
> > Am I missing something here?  (It is late after a long day, I admit!)
> Only something I forgot to mention.
> All the foreign keys are set up as ON DELETE RESTRICT, meaning MySQL's
> response to a foreign key violation is to spit out an error message to
> effect of "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that."
> The problem is, the target platform doesn't use foreign keys for
> reasons. I want to use foreign keys in development as a
bug-trappingmethod --
> I'd rather see an FK violation error in development than get an angry
> from a customer asking why there's a part listed that doesn't seem to
have a
> manufacturer.
> The plan was to write a code-generator that would generate all the
> code for me, then I could deal with the page templates and display logic
> myself (thus eliminating ~80% of the boring, repetitive work). I want the

> generated code to handle foreign keys itself, rather than relying on
> the database.
> As I said above, if foreign key constraints didn't slow things down
> I'd use them in production. Based on the (admittedly limited) testing
> done, application-side FK enforcement is considerably faster than using
> DELETE CASCADE and letting MySQL deal with the foreign keys.
> I don't like writing database code by hand (it all follows a standard
> template), so I figured I'd write a program to do it for me. "Work
> smarter not
> harder" and all that :)
> Thanks,
> --
> Phil.
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Re: Is deleting the .FRM, .MYD and .MYI files the same as dropping table?

2009-01-16 Thread ddevaudreuil
Daevid Vincent  wrote on 01/15/2009 09:57:19 PM:

> you misunderstand me. I have three servers (dev, test, prod) that all
> have maybe 3 databases EACH that have all these eventum* tables in them.
> don't ask. a simple "trickle" won't do. I'm writing a script to loop
> through them all.

The script below will create the Drop Table command for all tables like

from information_schema.TABLES
where TABLE_NAME like 'eventum%' and TABLE_TYPE <> 'VIEW'

Donna D.

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Re: com_* status variables seem to reset in mysql 5

2008-11-13 Thread ddevaudreuil
Try show global status like 'com_select';


 "Jim Lyons"   
 .com>  To 
   "MySQL List"
 11/12/2008 05:24   
 PM cc 
   com_* status variables seem to  
   reset in mysql 5

I have been trying to compute query cache utilization in mysql 5 but cannot
because the com_select status variable is always 1 when I start a new mysql
session.  This probably holds for all the com_* variables and maybe others,
but I've only been working with com_select.  They're supposed to be
cumulative and reset only when you explicitly reset status or bounce the

Here's an example, showing the tail end of a test mysql session showing the
value of com_select when I exited, and the value a few seconds later when I
began a new mysql session.  This was on my own test server, no one else was
on to reset status.  It repeats every time I try it:


mysql> show status like 'com_select';
show status like 'com_select'

| Variable_name | Value |
| Com_select| 4 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> quit

> mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 94774
Server version: 5.0.45-community-log MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Reading history-file /home/jlyons/.mysql_history
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> show status like 'com_select';
show status like 'com_select'

| Variable_name | Value |
| Com_select| 1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)



Note how com_select is 4 in the first session, then is reset to 1.  I tried
this on Linux RHEL, Linux RH 5 community (as shown here) and a Windows
5 platform.  Heres' the script I ran:

drop table if exists t;
create table t (x serial);
# put some data in
insert into t values (null);
insert into t values (null);
insert into t values (null);
insert into t values (null);
# create some selects
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 2;
select * from t where x = 3;
select * from t where x = 4;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;

show status like 'qcache_hits';
show status like 'com_select';

When I ran the same script on a Windows mysql 4 version, the value of
com_select persisted over the login, which is what it should.

Is this a bug in mysql 5?  Is something set incorrectly in my config file
that would cause this (I can't find anything)?

Thanks for any help.

Jim Lyons
Web developer / Database administrator

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Re: trouble with group by and similar tables

2008-06-05 Thread ddevaudreuil
Eben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/05/2008 02:44:42 PM:

> I have the following tables:
> table1
> ---
> id1
> some_field
> table2
> ---
> id
> id1
> score
> table3
> ---
> id
> id1
> score
> I then have the following query:
> SELECT,SUM(table2.score) as table2_score
> FROM table1, table2
> WHERE table1.some_field = 'value'
> AND table2.id1 =
> This works fine and returns each record in table1, grouped by id, with 
> the sum of scores from table2.  However, when I do this query:
> SELECT,SUM(table2.score) as table2_score, SUM(table3.score) as 

> table3_score
> FROM table1, table2, table3
> WHERE table1.some_field = 'value'
> AND table2.id1 =
> AND table3.id1 =
> The sum'd score values go crazy, reflecting #s that aren't logical.  Is 
> the issue that table2 and table3 are identical table structures, or that 

> I simply don't understand how the group by is really working here...?
> Any advice is appreciated,
> Eben

Try taking away the sum and the group by and just select * from your 
query.  You'll see the problem is with the join, not the group by. 

There are probably several solutions.  Here's one way (untested).  This 
will only work if your version of MySQL
supports derived tables, which I think is 4.1 or higher but I'm not sure.

SELECT, t2sum.table2_score, t3sum.table3_score
FROM table1
INNER JOIN (SELECT id1, SUM(score)as table2_score FROM table2 GROUP BY 
id1) as t2sum 
INNER JOIN (SELECT id1, SUM(score)as table3_score FROM table3 GROUP BY 
id1) as t3sum


Re: select does too much work to find rows where primary key does not match

2008-04-15 Thread ddevaudreuil
How about using a left outer join.  Find all the rows in bar without a 
matching row in foo:

To verify:
select *
from bar
left outer join foo on
where is null

delete bar.*
from bar 
left outer join foo on
where is null

Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/15/2008 05:32:38 PM:

> I would have thought your not = though is matching a lot more rows every
> time..
> I would look into using where not exists as a subselect
> delete from bar where not exists (select 'y' from foo where =
> something like that.
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Patrick J. McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I have two MyISAM tables; each uses 'phone' as a primary key. Finding 
> > where the primary keys match is efficient:
> >
> > mysql> explain select from foo,bar where;
> >
> > ++-+---++---+-
> +-+---+---+-+
> > | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys | key | 
key_len |
> > ref   | rows  | Extra   |
> >
> > ++-+---++---+-
> +-+---+---+-+
> > |  1 | SIMPLE  | bar   | index  | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY | 10  |
> > NULL  | 77446 | Using index |
> > |  1 | SIMPLE  | foo   | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY | 10  |
> > | 1 | Using index |
> >
> > ++-+---++---+-
> +-+---+---+-+
> > 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> >
> >
> > Finding rows in one table that do not match a row in the other table 
> > wildly inefficient:
> >
> > mysql> explain select from foo,bar where!;
> >
> > ++-+---+---+---+-
> +-+--+-+--+
> > | id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key | key_len 
> > ref  | rows| Extra|
> >
> > ++-+---+---+---+-
> +-+--+-+--+
> > |  1 | SIMPLE  | bar   | index | NULL  | PRIMARY | 10 |
> > NULL |   77446 | Using index  |
> > |  1 | SIMPLE  | foo   | index | NULL  | PRIMARY | 10 |
> > NULL | 3855468 | Using where; Using index |
> >
> > ++-+---+---+---+-
> +-+--+-+--+
> > 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> >
> > (This is the same for 'NOT', '!=', or '<>'.)
> >
> > The amount of work should be identical in both cases: grab a row, look 
> > by primary key in the other table, proceed.
> >
> > My real goal is to delete rows in the smaller table if there is no 
> > in the larger table:
> >
> >delete from bar using foo,bar where not;
> >
> > but it runs for hours. I suppose I could SELECT INTO a new table and
> > rename the tables, but that seems dorky.
> >
> > Is there any way to force SELECT/DELETE to look up the primary key 
> > than scan the entire index?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> > --
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Re: Completeness rate of records

2008-03-27 Thread ddevaudreuil
Olaf Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/27/2008 
01:16:43 PM:

> Hey all,
> I have a table with 40 columns. If for a record a value is not available 
> column is set to NULL. Is there a quick way of finding out how many 
> have a value (NOT NULL) for 90% (or lets say 35 columns) of the columns.
> Thanks
> Olaf
Try something like:

sum(case when column1 is not null then 1 else 0 end) as 
sum(case when column2 is not null then 1 else 0 end) as 
from table

You can use the concat function to create the individual column statements 
so you don't have to type 35 selects items:

select concat('sum(case when ', column_name, ' is not null then 1 else 0 
end) as ', column_name, 'NotNullCount,')
from information_schema.columns 
where table_schema='YourDBNameHere' 
and table_name= 'YourTableNameHere'



Re: group a select * and a select COUNT from 2 different tables using result of first table to do the COUNT ... is it possible ?

2008-02-19 Thread ddevaudreuil
Actually, this works too:

 SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name, Count(b.username) as count
 FROM user_list a
 LEFT OUTER JOIN login_table b ON a.username = b.username
 GROUP BY a.username,a.first_name,a.lastname;


 SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name, SUM(case when b.username is 
null then 0 else 1 end) as count
 FROM user_list a
 LEFT OUTER JOIN login_table b ON a.username = b.username
 GROUP BY a.username,a.first_name,a.lastname;


02/19/2008 05:29 PM


Re: group a select * and a select COUNT from 2 different tables using 
result of first table to do the COUNT ... is it possible ?

Sorry it's me again, I made a mistake, it counts the number of logins 
correctly, but does not show members with 0 logins !

Any idea how to do this?

Thanks :)

Peter Brawley a écrit :
> Richard,
>  >Can I do something like this :
>  >SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,b.(SELECT COUNT(*) AS 
>  >FROM login_table b WHERE a.username = b.username) FROM user_list a
> Try ...
> SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,COUNT(b.username) AS count
> FROM user_list a
> JOIN login_table b ON a.username = b.username
> GROUP BY a.username,a.first_name,a.lastname;
> PB
> -
> Richard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This time I'm rearly not sure if this is possible to do. I've got two 
>> queries that I would like to bring together to make only one query ...
>> I've got a list of users
>> And also a login table
>> I would like to list all users and show the number of times they have 
>> logged in.
>> So to get the list of users I would do :
>> SELECT username, first_name, last_name FROM user_list
>> And to count the number of connections I would do
>> SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM login_table WHERE username = 
>> $result['username']
>> Can I do something like this :
>> SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,b.(SELECT COUNT(*) AS 
>> count FROM login_table b WHERE a.username = b.username) FROM user_list 
>> I know that the above query can not work but It's just to give a 
>> better idea about what I'm trying to do . :)
>> If I do a join, I will the username repeated for each login.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Richard

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Re: group a select * and a select COUNT from 2 different tables using result of first table to do the COUNT ... is it possible ?

2008-02-19 Thread ddevaudreuil
 SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name, SUM(case when b.username is 
null then 0 else 1 end) as count
 FROM user_list a
 LEFT OUTER JOIN login_table b ON a.username = b.username
 GROUP BY a.username,a.first_name,a.lastname;


02/19/2008 05:29 PM


Re: group a select * and a select COUNT from 2 different tables using 
result of first table to do the COUNT ... is it possible ?

Sorry it's me again, I made a mistake, it counts the number of logins 
correctly, but does not show members with 0 logins !

Any idea how to do this?

Thanks :)

Peter Brawley a écrit :
> Richard,
>  >Can I do something like this :
>  >SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,b.(SELECT COUNT(*) AS 
>  >FROM login_table b WHERE a.username = b.username) FROM user_list a
> Try ...
> SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,COUNT(b.username) AS count
> FROM user_list a
> JOIN login_table b ON a.username = b.username
> GROUP BY a.username,a.first_name,a.lastname;
> PB
> -
> Richard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This time I'm rearly not sure if this is possible to do. I've got two 
>> queries that I would like to bring together to make only one query ...
>> I've got a list of users
>> And also a login table
>> I would like to list all users and show the number of times they have 
>> logged in.
>> So to get the list of users I would do :
>> SELECT username, first_name, last_name FROM user_list
>> And to count the number of connections I would do
>> SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM login_table WHERE username = 
>> $result['username']
>> Can I do something like this :
>> SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,b.(SELECT COUNT(*) AS 
>> count FROM login_table b WHERE a.username = b.username) FROM user_list 
>> I know that the above query can not work but It's just to give a 
>> better idea about what I'm trying to do . :)
>> If I do a join, I will the username repeated for each login.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Richard

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Re: Send INSERT statement from MS SQL SERVER to MySQL

2008-02-12 Thread ddevaudreuil
Mário Gamito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/12/2008 01:00:25 AM:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to send an INSERT statement from a Windows server running 

> MS SQL SERVER 2005 to a Linux box running MySQL ?
> If so, how ? Do I need any special tools ?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Warm Regards,
> Mário Gamito

We use MS SQL Server 2000 and MySQL and move data using DTS and an ODBC 
connection to MySQL.  You can also try to set up SQL Server transactional 
replication to an ODBC data source.
I experimented  with this a while back and couldn't make it work, but it 
might be easier in MSSQL 2005. 


Re: return integer for positive values

2007-04-05 Thread ddevaudreuil
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/05/2007 02:46:43 PM:

> I have a table with a list of pollutants.  I have a table of 
> locations, site names, counties, etc.  I can join the these tables 
> together and get a list of of all the pollutants at a site.  But, 
> what I am really wanting is a list of all the pollutants with a 
> integer field, zero for pollutant not here, 1 for pollutant here.
> So that instead of the list I get now:
> benzaldehyde
> freon
> formaldehyde
> I would get:
> lead 0
> acetone 0
> benzaldehyde 1
> butane 0
> freon 1
> formaldehyde 1

Simplyfying to these "pseudo" tables:

Site (SiteId int not null auto_increment, SiteName varchar(100))
Pollutant (PollutantId int not null auto_increment, PollutantName 
rlSitePollutant (SiteId, PollutantId primarykey(SiteId, PollutantId))

Then to list all sites, all pollutants and whether they exist at a site:

Select PollutantName, 
Case when sp.PollutantId is Null then 0 else 1 END as ExistsAtSite,
from Pollutant p 
left outer join SitePollutant sp on p.PollutantId=rlsp.PollutantId
inner join Site s on rl.SiteId=s.SiteId

The case statement can be very handy:

Hope that helps.


RE: Is there a professional quality mySQL GUI for Linux?

2007-03-15 Thread ddevaudreuil
"Tim Lucia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/15/2007 07:47:29 AM:

> I trade between SQLYog and SQL Exporer plugin for Eclipse.  The former 
> shows 1 result set at a time (boo) while the latter shows more than one
> (yeah!)  The former doesn't let you sort columns from your own query, 
> the table preview.  The latter doesn't let you sort the columns.
> Neither one is perfect.
> Tim

SQLYog 5.25 was just released and it now allows multiple result sets (one 
per query tab).  There is
also a beta release of a new monitoring tool.


Restore Question

2007-02-23 Thread ddevaudreuil
We're in the process of changing our InnoDB databases to file-per-table. I 
started last night with our test server.  It went pretty smoothly, except 
for one stupid mistake on my part.  I backed up all  databases, deleted he 
data and log files, re-created the MySQL database from the script, then 
restored all the user databases.  Everything is fine, except of course I'm 
missing all the users.  So my questions are:

1.  I had to create the new mysql database in order to get the server to 
start without error ([ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege 
tables: Table '' doesn't exist).After creating a new mysql 
db from the script, should I have first restored the old mysql database, 
then the user databases? 

2.  Somewhere I saw that I still needed to create the InnoDB shared 
tablespace.  What does InnoDB use this for?  For the production system, I 
need to estimate what size to start with.

3.  I restored the original mysql database as mysql_old, so I have access 
to the old grant tables.  Any suggestions for how to recover the user 
permissions without redoing all the steps? 



Re: Strange query.

2007-01-10 Thread ddevaudreuil
Oh, sorry.  I set up a test table and then to send the query to the list, 
I changed the table names and column names to match yours...but I missed 
some.  I think this one will work.

 SUM(CASE when e.sid is null then 0 else 1 end) as counts, HOURS.hour
 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT sid, date_format(timestamp, '%H')as hr FROM 
event) as e ON HOURS.hour
 WHERE timestamp between '2007-01-10 04:00:00' and '2007-01-11
 04:00:00' AND sid=1
 group by HOURS.hour


"Paul Halliday" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
01/10/2007 10:36 AM


Re: Strange query.


Giving me errors..

> Try something like this:
> SUM(CASE when e.c1 is null then 0 else 1 end) as counts, HOURS.hour
> LEFT OUTER JOIN   (SELET sid, date_format(timestamp, '%H')as hr FROM
> event) as e on HOURS.hour
> WHERE timestamp between '2007-01-10 04:00:00' and '2007-01-11
> 04:00:00' AND sid=1
> group by HOURS.hour
> Donna
> "Paul Halliday" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 01/10/2007 09:48 AM
> To
> "Brent Baisley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc
> Subject
> Re: Strange query.
> That query doesn't return empty values. Just to clarify what I want as
> the result:
> My initial query was this,
> mysql> select count(*),DATE_FORMAT(timestamp,'%H') AS hour FROM event
> WHERE timestamp between '2007-01-10 04:00:00' and '2007-01-11
> 04:00:00' AND sid=1 GROUP BY hour;
> +--+--+
> | count(*) | hour |
> +--+--+
> |4 | 04   |
> |5 | 06   |
> |5 | 07   |
> |1 | 08   |
> |7 | 09   |
> |   12 | 10   |
> |   73 | 12   |
> |   31 | 13   |
> |   50 | 14   |
> +--+--+
> 9 rows in set (0.03 sec)
> What I am looking for is  0's for every empty result and up to the end
> of the day.
> Thanks.
> On 1/10/07, Brent Baisley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can't join on the result of calculations in the field selection. 
> result is not associated with any table. So the problem
> > isn't so much with the date_format statement, but that you are joining
> on HOURS.hour the timestamp, not HOURS.hour the DATE_FORMAT.
> > I would think you would be getting an error when you run your SELECT.
> > Your group by can use the result of a calculation. So you may actually
> have two problems, since you are grouping on HOURS.hour, the
> > timestamp, the 'hour' the alias name for the calculation result.
> > I'm not sure why you don't just pull the hour from the timestamp 
> >
> > SELECT COUNT(*), HOUR(timestamp) AS hour FOM HOURS
> > LEFT JOIN event ON HOURS.hour=HOUR(timestamp)
> > WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2007-01-09 04:00:00'
> > AND '2007-01-10 04:00:00' AND sid=2 GROUP BY hour
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Paul Halliday" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:39 AM
> > Subject: Strange query.
> >
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am trying to deal with empty values so that I can graph data over 
> > > 24 hour period without gaps.
> > >
> > > I created a table called HOURS which simply has 0->23 and I am 
> > > to do a join on this to produce the desired results. I think that 
> > > DATE_FORMAT in the query is screwing things up.
> > >
> > > The query looks something like this:
> > >
> > > JOIN event ON HOURS.hour=hour WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2007-01-09
> > > 04:00:00' AND '2007-01-10 04:00:00' AND sid=2 GROUP BY HOURS.hour;
> > >
> > > Any help would be appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > --
> > > MySQL General Mailing List
> > > For list archives:
> > > To unsubscribe:
> > >
> >
> >
> --
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Re: Strange query.

2007-01-10 Thread ddevaudreuil
Try something like this:

SUM(CASE when e.c1 is null then 0 else 1 end) as counts, HOURS.hour 
LEFT OUTER JOIN   (SELET sid, date_format(timestamp, '%H')as hr FROM 
event) as e on HOURS.hour 
WHERE timestamp between '2007-01-10 04:00:00' and '2007-01-11
04:00:00' AND sid=1
group by HOURS.hour 


"Paul Halliday" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
01/10/2007 09:48 AM

"Brent Baisley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Re: Strange query.

That query doesn't return empty values. Just to clarify what I want as
the result:

My initial query was this,

mysql> select count(*),DATE_FORMAT(timestamp,'%H') AS hour FROM event
WHERE timestamp between '2007-01-10 04:00:00' and '2007-01-11
04:00:00' AND sid=1 GROUP BY hour;
| count(*) | hour |
|4 | 04   |
|5 | 06   |
|5 | 07   |
|1 | 08   |
|7 | 09   |
|   12 | 10   |
|   73 | 12   |
|   31 | 13   |
|   50 | 14   |
9 rows in set (0.03 sec)

What I am looking for is  0's for every empty result and up to the end
of the day.


On 1/10/07, Brent Baisley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can't join on the result of calculations in the field selection. The 
result is not associated with any table. So the problem
> isn't so much with the date_format statement, but that you are joining 
on HOURS.hour the timestamp, not HOURS.hour the DATE_FORMAT.
> I would think you would be getting an error when you run your SELECT.
> Your group by can use the result of a calculation. So you may actually 
have two problems, since you are grouping on HOURS.hour, the
> timestamp, the 'hour' the alias name for the calculation result.
> I'm not sure why you don't just pull the hour from the timestamp either.
> SELECT COUNT(*), HOUR(timestamp) AS hour FOM HOURS
> LEFT JOIN event ON HOURS.hour=HOUR(timestamp)
> WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2007-01-09 04:00:00'
> AND '2007-01-10 04:00:00' AND sid=2 GROUP BY hour
> - Original Message -
> From: "Paul Halliday" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:39 AM
> Subject: Strange query.
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to deal with empty values so that I can graph data over a
> > 24 hour period without gaps.
> >
> > I created a table called HOURS which simply has 0->23 and I am trying
> > to do a join on this to produce the desired results. I think that the
> > DATE_FORMAT in the query is screwing things up.
> >
> > The query looks something like this:
> >
> > JOIN event ON HOURS.hour=hour WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2007-01-09
> > 04:00:00' AND '2007-01-10 04:00:00' AND sid=2 GROUP BY HOURS.hour;
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > MySQL General Mailing List
> > For list archives:
> > To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

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Re: Varchar limit warning

2007-01-05 Thread ddevaudreuil
You need to set the sql_mode to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES or STRICT_ALL_TABLES. 
We set this for the server in the my.cnf file.  Be careful, though, 
because there are some third-party  GUI clients that don't read the my.cnf 
file and thus don't set the sql_mode to what you expect.  In that case, 
set it yourself in the client:

select @@session.sql_mode;

You can read about sql_mode here.


01/05/2007 12:37 PM


Varchar limit warning

Hi all

If I insert a value to great for a field (e.g. '123456' into a varchar(5)
field), mysql runs the insert without warning or error and cuts of what
doesn't fit.

How can I tell it to launch an error and abort the insert?


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RE: group by/select issue..

2007-01-04 Thread ddevaudreuil
select s1.universityID, s1.actionID, ut.svn_dir_name (or other columns of 
your choice)
from from SvnTBL as s1
inner join universityTBL ut on s1.univeristyID=ut.ID
left outer join
(select universityID from SvnTBL  where actionID =3) as s2 ON
where s2.universityID is null;

I think you should put indexes, if you don't already have them, on 
SvnTBL.universityID and You also shouldn't need the 
group by you have in your first query below, but I can't tell you if that 
is hurting performance.  Try putting EXPLAIN in front of the query and 
it'll give you some details of the query plan. 


"bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
01/04/2007 01:45 PM
Please respond to


RE: group by/select issue..

thanks for the derived tbl approach. it solved my 1st problem/issue.

the final query that i used is:

select distinct s1.universityID
from SvnTBL as s1
left outer join
(select universityID from SvnTBL  where actionID =3) as s2 ON
where s2.universityID is null;

this works, in that i get the unique universityID data...

i now have two additional questions...

1) in the SvnTBL, how can i also get the actionID value? if i attempt to 
something like:

   select distinct s1.universityID, s1.actionID
from SvnTBL as s1
   left outer join
(select universityID from SvnTBL  where actionID =3) as s2
   where s2.universityID is null
   group by universityID;

the query eventually returns with what appears to be the correct
information. i get a distinct universityID/actionID, but the
query takes ~65 secs to run... the tbl only has ~2900 rows...

2) also, if i want to do a join with another tbl, where i also
want to have the select pull information from the joined tbl,
is there a 'better' way to handle this...

the 2nd tbl is:
mysql> describe universityTBL;
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| name  | varchar(75) | NO   | UNI | NULL||
| svn_dir_name  | varchar(50) | NO   | | NULL||
| city  | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL||
| stateVAL  | varchar(5)  | NO   | | NULL||
| userID| int(10) | NO   | | 0   ||
| ID| int(10) | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| parsefilename | varchar(50) | NO   | | NULL||
| statusID  | int(1)  | NO   | | 1   ||
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

the join would take place on SvnTBL.universityID=universityTBL.ID

thanks for helping me to see what's going on...

my initial approach is to simply do the unique select on only the SvnTBL,
and then have an iterative loop through the resulting data, where i then
query the universityTBL each time... however, this results in the app 
to hit the db a number of times...



-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:01 AM
Cc: 'Chris White';; 'Peter Bradley'
Subject: RE: group by/select issue..

Use a derived table (untested query):

select distinct universityID
from SvnTBL s1
left outer join
(select universityID from SvnTBL  where actionID =3) as s2 ON
where ID is NULL

I'm not sure if derived tables are in all versions of MySQL, I use MySQL
5.0.  If your tables are big, you'll probably need to add an index on

Hope that helps.


01/04/2007 12:49 PM
Please respond to

"'Peter Bradley'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"'Chris White'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
RE: group by/select issue..

hi peter

i must be missing something. the following is my actual schema. i have a
test tbl with ~2900 rows... only a few of the rows have an actionID=3.
universityID can have multiple actionIDs

mysql> describe SvnTBL;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default| Extra  |
| universityID | int   | NO   | | 0 ||
| actionID | int   | NO   | | 0 ||
| statusID | int   | NO   | | 0 ||
| _date| timestamp| YES  | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
| ID   | int   | NO   | PRI | NULL  | auto_increment |
| semseterID   | int   | NO   | | 0  

RE: group by/select issue..

2007-01-04 Thread ddevaudreuil
Use a derived table (untested query):

select distinct universityID
from SvnTBL s1 
left outer join 
(select universityID from SvnTBL  where actionID =3) as s2 ON 
where ID is NULL

I'm not sure if derived tables are in all versions of MySQL, I use MySQL 
5.0.  If your tables are big, you'll probably need to add an index on 

Hope that helps.


"bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
01/04/2007 12:49 PM
Please respond to

"'Peter Bradley'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"'Chris White'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
RE: group by/select issue..

hi peter

i must be missing something. the following is my actual schema. i have a
test tbl with ~2900 rows... only a few of the rows have an actionID=3. 
universityID can have multiple actionIDs

mysql> describe SvnTBL;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default| Extra  |
| universityID | int   | NO   | | 0 ||
| actionID | int   | NO   | | 0 ||
| statusID | int   | NO   | | 0 ||
| _date| timestamp| YES  | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
| ID   | int   | NO   | PRI | NULL  | auto_increment |
| semseterID   | int   | NO   | | 0 ||
6 rows in set (0.09 sec)

when i do:
select distinct universityID, from SvnTBL
 where actionID !=3;

i get return of 2879 rows,

which is the same thing i get when i do:
 select distinct universityID, from SvnTBL;

when i do:
 mysql> select universityID, actionID from SvnTBL
->  where actionID =3;
| universityID | actionID |
|1 |3 |
|2 |3 |
|3 |3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

which tells me that i have 3 'groups' (on universityID) that have
actionID=3. however, each of these universityID, can also have
actionID=(1,2) as well.

so how can a query be created to return the universityID (groups) that 
have an actionID=3...

when i tried,
WHERE actionID != 3

i got the same as if i did:


-Original Message-
From: Peter Bradley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 9:32 AM
Cc: 'Chris White';
Subject: Re: group by/select issue..




Should do the trick.

You obviously don't want the STATUS  field.  If you include it, you'll
get more than one line per name.  Similarly for ID.  If you want to
include the STATUS or ID fields, then you obviously want more than one
line (otherwise what would you expect to go in there?).



Ysgrifennodd bruce:
> hi chris...
> your query,
>  >>SELECT name FROM dog WHERE status = 3 GROUP BY name<<
> will actually give the items where status=3
> however, i can't get the resulting issues by doing 'status!=3', because
> tbl has multiple status for a given name, so the query will still return
> other status that aren't equal to '3' for the given name...
> -Original Message-
> From: Chris White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 9:07 AM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: group by/select issue..
> bruce wrote:
>> i'm trying to figure out how to create a select query that groups
>> the tbl around 'name' such that if i want all names that do not
>> have a status=3, i'd get a single row for 'sue' and 'bob'
> I'm not sure why `SELECT name FROM dog WHERE status = 3 GROUP BY name;`
> wouldn't give you what you'd want (or that's possibly what you're
> looking for?).  If that's the answer then "wee", if not I'll throw my
> lost flag in the air.

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2006-11-28 Thread ddevaudreuil
I'm not sure that this is exactly what you want, but I think you can use 
the WITH ROLLUP modifier:

select district, town, street, surname, count(surname)
from test5
group by district asc, town asc, street asc, surname asc WITH ROLLUP

Here's a link to the MySQL documentation on WITH  ROLLUP


"Kerry Frater" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/28/2006 02:31 PM
Please respond to




Hope I have the right group.

I am working out how to get groups within groups. e.g.
I have a table with 4 columns C1,C2,C3 & C4

I am looking to select data so that I can get

C1 group item

   C2 Group item

  C3 Group Item

 C4 detail

  End of C3 Group Item
  count/totals of C3

   End of C2 Group Item
   count/totals of C2, C3

End of C1 Group item
count/totals of C1, C2, C3

to describe the gorups let us say the 4 columns are

A full "report" would be all the surnames in surname order within

At the end of each "street" I would also get the number of surnames in 
"street" within

At the end of each "town" I would also get the number of "streets" and
"surnames" within the town within

At the end of each "district" I would also get the number of "towns",
"streets" and "surnames" within the district

At the end of selecting all I get the number of "districts", "towns",
"streets" and "surnames"



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Re: Many-Many relation, matching all

2006-11-28 Thread ddevaudreuil
Yes, it's true that the query won't work if you have duplicate aid,bid 
rows.  I probably shouldn't have assumed that there would be a PK or 
unique constraint on aid,bid.  So if that isn't the case, you can add a 

WHERE BID in (1,2)
HAVING count(distinct BID) =2


Peter Brawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/28/2006 10:53 AM
Please respond to

James Northcott / Chief Systems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

Re: Many-Many relation, matching all

James Northcott / Chief Systems wrote:

 >FROM AhasB WHERE BID in (1,2)
 >HAVING count(BID) =2

Not quite, since that will catch aid's with two bid=1 rows or bid=2 rows:

| i| j|
|1 |4 |
|1 |5 |
|3 |5 |
|3 |5 |
FROM t WHERE j in (4,5)
HAVING count(j) =2;
| i|
|1 |
|3 |
HAVING list='4,5';
| i| list |
|1 | 4,5  |



> Peter Brawley wrote:
>> >I want to find all A's such that
>> >they have exactly B's 1 and 2
>> >SELECT A.ID, group_concat(BID ORDER BY BID) as Bs
>> >HAVING Bs='1,2'
>> Why the join? Doesn't your ahasb bridge table already incorporate the 
>> join logic? If your requirement is to retrieve all aid's with exactly 
>> one instance of bid=1, exactly one with bid=2, and no other bid's, 
>> why not just ...
>> SELECT aid,GROUP_CONCAT(bid) AS list
>> FROM ahasb
>> GROUP BY aid
>> HAVING list='1,2';
>> PB
> I actually need some of the other columns from A, but you're correct, 
> this does work.  I did discover though that the ORDER BY in the 
> group_concat is important, since MySQL doesn't always pick the same 
> order for the list.
>> I think this will work:
>> FROM AhasB WHERE BID in (1,2)
>> HAVING count(BID) =2
>> Donna
> Thank you, this is actually very helpful.  The where clause uses the 
> index I have in the table to screen out many more rows early in the 
> query, and it also very nicely avoids the string compare on the 
> group_concat.  I also wasn't aware that you could use an aggregate 
> function in the HAVING clause without it appearing in the SELECT clause.
> Thanks again, this solves the problem quite elegantly, and I probably 
> never would have thought of it.

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Re: Many-Many relation, matching all

2006-11-28 Thread ddevaudreuil
I think this will work:

WHERE BID in (1,2)
HAVING count(BID) =2


James Northcott / Chief Systems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/27/2006 04:35 PM


Many-Many relation, matching all


I'm having a conceptual issue with many-to-many relations.  I have the 
following structure:

Table A
ID (int primary key)
... descriptive columns ...

Table B
ID (int primary key)
... descriptive columns ...

Table AhasB
AID (references A.ID)
BID (references B.ID)

So, each A can have any number of B's, and each B can be had by any 
number of A's.  I want to find all A's such that they have exactly B's 1 
and 2.  So far, the only working solution I have looks like:

SELECT A.ID, group_concat(BID ORDER BY BID) as Bs
HAVING Bs='1,2'

This does work fine, but it seems very clunky - in particular, it's 
annoying to have to always remember to add the group_concat to the 
SELECT clause so that I can filter based on it in the HAVING clause, and 
it also doesn't scale particularly well, since HAVING isn't applied 
until the final stage of the query, so many rows are included in the 
result set that it would seem I ought to be able to filter earlier.

Any ideas on how I can do this better/more efficiently?  Also, does 
anybody have a name for what I'm trying to do?  I'm finding it hard to 
even Google for information, since a can't seem to describe what I want 
concisely enough for a search.

Thanks in advance,


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Stored Procedure Security Question

2006-10-03 Thread ddevaudreuil
When creating a stored procedure, you can set the sql security 
characteristic to either definer or invoker.  As an example, I have a 
stored procedure that does a select from a table, and an application user 
(appuser) that calls the stored procedure.  If the sql security is set to 
invoker, then I have to give appuser both select and execute privileges. 
If the sql security is set to definer, then the definer needs select 
privileges and appuser only needs execute.

What I'd like to be able to do is to give appuser the execute privilege 
and not have to give any privileges on the underlying tables to the 
definer.  Is this possible?  We do almost 100% of our work through stored 
procedures.  It would be a lot easier to manage just the execute 
privilege.  Are there reasons why this is not a good idea? This is how we 
manage security with our other DBMS and it's worked quite well, but it 
doesn't have the definer/invoker characteristic for stored procs either. 
Any suggestions about how to manage users/privileges would be appreciated. 


Re: AW: Count of children

2006-09-27 Thread ddevaudreuil
I've found this website to be extremely helpful:

Donna DeVaudreuil

André Hänsel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
09/27/2006 10:55 AM


AW: Count of children

I will use any model that is suitable. ;)

I am somewhat familiar with both tree models but I can't come up with a
method to get the count of all sub- and sub-sub-nodes in either of them.

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Peter Brawley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. September 2006 16:49
> An: André Hänsel
> Cc:
> Betreff: Re: Count of children
> André,
> >I want the count of all sub-entries for a specific entry.
> Depends on the model you are using--edge list or nested sets?
> PB
> -
> André Hänsel wrote:
> > I have a table with id and parent_id.
> > I want the count of all sub-entries for a specific entry.
> >
> > I found several documents about working with graphs/trees 
> in MySQL but I
> > could not find a solution for my problem.
> >
> > I can imagine two possibilities, but one is memory 
> intensive and the other
> > one creates load on updates.
> > The first is, that I select all entries and then use a 
> procedural language
> > to determine recursively whether an node is a sub-node of 
> the specific node.
> > The second is, that I store the sub-node count with each 
> node and when I do
> > an insert, I walk the tree upwards and increment the node-counts.
> >
> > Is there a smart solution/best practice for my problem?
> >
> > Now I can't think of another sentence starting with an i. ;-)
> >
> > Best regards,
> > André
> >
> >
> > 
> -- 
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Restore Questions

2006-09-01 Thread ddevaudreuil
We're using MySQL 5.0.22 on CentOS 3.7 (running on VMWare).  We use InnoDB 
tables and also use views, stored procedures, and functions.  I had to 
move our development databases to a new server this week by doing a backup 
with mysqldump and then restoring the databases on the new server.  I ran 
into a weird problem, in one database the views were restored as tables! I 
also got this error:

ERROR 1418 (HY000) at line 206: This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, 
NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled 
(you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators 

Looking at the dump file, in general the sequence of statements is:
1.  create tables
2.  insert into tables
3.  create tables that are really views in the original db
4.  create functions
5.  create stored procedures
6.  drop the tables that should be views and re-create them as actual 

In my case, #4 caused the error, #5 succeeded (all procs were created), 
and then it's like #6 doesn't happen.  I fixed this by adding 
deterministic to the offending function, but it brings up some questions.  
Why does mysqldump first create views as tables, then drop and re-create 
them as views?  Why did the stored  procs get created after the error, but 
not the views? 

I also tried to create another function without specifying deterministic, 
and was unable how did I create that function in the first place? 
Note that when we built out the new server, we used the same my.cnf file 
so the two should have been configured the same.

Thank you. 

Donna DeVaudreuil

Re: Tables/sum

2006-08-17 Thread ddevaudreuil
How about:

select sum(t1.column1 + t2.column2 +t3.column3) as Columnsum
Table1 t1
inner join Table2 t2 on
inner join Table3 t3 on
group by

This is a rough cut that assumes the id value  in the join  exists in all 
three tables.  If it's missing in any one of the tables, then the query 
will return null.  If that is not okay, then you'd have to do something 
with outer joins...without knowing what you're trying to find it's hard to 
be more specific.


"Peter South" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
08/17/2006 05:05 PM




Can anyone tell me how to add up values in different tables? For example 
Table1.Column1 + Table2.Column2 + Table1.Column3 Where id(row) = n
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Re: Query Question

2006-08-14 Thread ddevaudreuil
Here's a single query version of Douglas's solution:

select @id:=6;

select distinct t.testid, 
 (select max(testid) from t  where testid <@id) as previousId,
 (select min(testid) from t  where testid > @id) as nextId
from t


Douglas Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
08/14/2006 10:47 AM

Michael DePhillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Re: Query Question

I think this will do it, although it takes three queries.

I'm assuming the id values are unique, even if there can be gaps 
(that's what you might get with an AUTO_INCREMENT field).  If the 
values are not guaranteed to be unique then this may not give what 
you want (if there are multiple rows with the same value you're 
looking for, e.g. 3,4,5,5,5,6,9, and you ask for 5, then this would 
give you 3,5,6, not three fives.)

SELECT @id:=5;

But as to putting that in one statement... it might be better just to 
do it as three.

Douglas Sims

On Aug 14, 2006, at 9:32 AM, Michael DePhillips wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> Thanks for the prompt reply,
> As I described it yes, you are correct, however, the id may not 
> always be one(1) value away. So the number one needs, somehow, to 
> be replaced with a way to get the "next largest value " and the 
> "previous less than" value.
> Sorry for the lack of precision in my prior post.
> Regards,
> Michael
> Dan Julson wrote:
>> Michael,
>> I would think this is what you want.
>> Select ID from T1 where ID BETWEEN ( - 1) and (> in question> + 1)
>> If you want distinct values, place the distinct keyword in front 
>> of ID (i.e. Select DISTINCT ID...
>> This should do it for you.
>> -Dan
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone have a clever way of returning; a requested value 
>> with  one
>> value  less than that value, and one value greater than that value 
>> with
>> one query.
>> For example T1 contains
>> ID
>> 1234
>> 1235
>> 1236
>> 1238
>> select ID from T1 where ID = 1235 and ID<1235 and ID >1235 LIMIT 3
>> (obviously this doesn't work)  I would want to return
>> 1234
>> 1235
>> 1236
>> or;
>> select ID from T1 where ID = 1237 and ID<1237 and ID >1237 LIMIT 3 I
>> would want
>> 1236
>> 1238
>> I would be surprised if there was no way of doing this.but then
>> again, I'm often surprised
>> Thanks
>> Michael
>> --
>> Michael DePhillips
> -- 
> Michael DePhillips
> -- 
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Re: WHERE problem, or is it a problem?

2006-07-26 Thread ddevaudreuil
Use the HAVING clause:

SELECT part.memberid, part.prefname,, COUNT(*) AS numberofans
FROM tblparticipants part
LEFT JOIN tblanswers answer ON (answer.par_num=part.memberid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN profilepdfauth pdfauth ON (part.memberid=pdfauth.memberid)
GROUP BY part.memberid
HAVING count(*) >=31
ORDER BY numberofans DESC, part.memberid;

"Peter Lauri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
07/26/2006 09:58 AM



WHERE problem, or is it a problem?

Best group member,

I have this query on MySQL version 4.0.27:

SELECT part.memberid, part.prefname,, COUNT(*) AS numberofans
FROM tblparticipants part
LEFT JOIN tblanswers answer ON (answer.par_num=part.memberid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN profilepdfauth pdfauth ON (part.memberid=pdfauth.memberid)
GROUP BY part.memberid
ORDER BY numberofans DESC, part.memberid;

This works fine,

However, I only want the results where COUNT(*)>=31. So I tried:

SELECT part.memberid, part.prefname,, COUNT( * ) AS numberofans
FROM tblparticipants part
LEFT JOIN tblanswers answer ON ( answer.par_num = part.memberid )
LEFT OUTER JOIN profilepdfauth pdfauth ON ( part.memberid =
AND COUNT( * ) >=31
GROUP BY part.memberid
ORDER BY numberofans DESC , part.memberid

But then MySQL answered with: # - Invalid use of group function

What is the problem here? Why can I not do a WHERE COUNT(*)>=31?

Is there any other way to just select the COUNT(*)>=31?

Best regards,
Peter Lauri

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Re: {Spam?} Limiting results from joins

2006-06-12 Thread ddevaudreuil
How about:

select * from products p
inner join manufactors m on p.manufactor_id=m.manufactor_id
inner join items i on p.product_id=i.product_id and i.item_updated=1


"Kim Christensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
06/12/2006 06:15 AM
Please respond to


{Spam?} Limiting results from joins

Hey list;

Consider this statement:

SELECT * FROM products p, manufactors m, items i WHERE p.manufactor_id
= m.manufactor_id && p.product_id = i.product_id;

Now, each unique product_id from "products" can have more than one
entry in the "items" table, but I only want to fetch the one which
fullfills a certain criteria. In this case, I want the statement only
to JOIN the row if the column "item_updated" from the "items" table
equals "1".

Is this the proper way to solve this:

SELECT * FROM products p, manufactors m, items i WHERE p.manufactor_id
= m.manufactor_id && p.product_id = i.product_id && i.item_id =
(SELECT item_id FROM items i2 WHERE i2.item_updated = 1);

I find the above solution VERY slow, almost as if I have missed out on
a very fundamental part of the logic - but it does get the work done.
How could I speed this up, or solve it in another statement?

Kim Christensen

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Transfer users and permissions between servers

2006-06-07 Thread ddevaudreuil
Is there an easy way to transfer users and their permissions from one 
server to another?  We are moving databases to a new server and have a lot 
of users to move as well. 

Thanks in advance!


Re: {Spam?} MySQL and dates puzzle

2005-10-27 Thread ddevaudreuil
I think there are four cases to consider (hopefully the "picture" will 
come through okay).
starttime|--|endtime   The time span in consideration
 *-*  Case 1:  ta has mtg  that 
starts before starttime, mtg ends between starttime and endtime 1
   *--*  Case 2:  mtg starts before 
starttime, mtg ends after endtime 2 
*-*   Case 3:  mtg starts and mtg 
ends between startime and endtime 3
 *---*Case 4:  mtg starts between 
starttime and endtime, mtg ends after endtime 4

However the four can be reduced to two:

a.  A  meeting starts before the starttime and ends after the starttime 
(cases 1 and 2)
b.  A meeting starts between the starttime and the endtime (cases 3 and 

So to check if the TA is busy between 17:30 and 18:10

SELECT count(TAID) as total 
FROM tbl_schedule 
where TAID = 1
and ((starts <'2005-10-27 17:30' and ends >'2005-10-27 17:30')
or (starts >=  '2005-10-27 17:30' and starts < '2005-10-27 18:10'))


"C.F. Scheidecker Antunes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
10/27/2005 05:31 PM


{Spam?} MySQL and dates puzzle

Hello all,

I have a TA table to record TA UNAVAILABLE times.
This table is quite simple. It has a TAID number, a start date and an 
end date.

tbl_schedule {
TAID  integer,
starts  datetime,
ends datetime }

A valid entry would be a TA whose id is 1 and between 17:00 and 18:00 he 
is busy.
1,'2005-10-27 17:00:00','2005-10-27 18:00:00'

Each ta can have more than one entry per day. He might be a busy TA and 
have a lot
of meetings scheduled. The meetings do not have to be 1 hour length, 
they can be 5 or 10 minutes.
So something like this would also be valid:
1,'2005-10-27 17:05:00','2005-10-27 17:10:00'

Now, I need to check, given a start and end dates, if that would overlap 
with some record already present
in the database.
If I want to know if the TA is busy between 17:30 and 18:10 I could I 
issue something like this:

SELECT count(TAID) as total FROM tbl_schedule where (TAID = 1) AND 
(('2005-10-27 17:30' BETWEEN starts AND ends) OR ('2005-10-27 18:10' 
BETWEEN starts AND ends))

It would return a number not zero as total if the dates are between the 
registered database. However, this does not work properly.
Here's a case when it does not work:
Say I want to check between 14:00 and 20:00. The TA is busy from 17:00 
and 18:00, hence if I try to schedule a meeting that will go
from 14:00 to 20:00 with the statement above it would return 0 as total. 
This is not good because I need to know that given 14:00 to 20:00 that 
not overlap with any previous engagement on the database. Since the TA 
is busy from 17:00 to 18:00 I must know that I cannot schedule anything 

Can anyone help me on this issue? How can I check given a start and end 
datetime that it does not overlap with what is in the database?



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