questions about bind_param and mysql trace data included

2004-05-11 Thread smrtalec

below I have a snippet from a trace file read out for a section of code below. The 
problem seems to be with '$sth-bind_param (2,$rh_row-{prop_str_addr});' The first 
Bind works fine however the next one in the line listed produces a null entry per the 
trace file. I have verified that the data is correct in '$rh_row-{prop_str_addr}' and 
that it is quoted but for some reason myql isn't recieving the data any help would be 

- dbd_st_execute 0 rows
- execute= '0E0' at line 128
- bind_param for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x8104f14)~0x8104e3c 1 
- bind_param= 1 at line 122
- execute for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x8104f14)~0x8104e3c)
- dbd_st_execute for 08104e48
  Binding parameters: UPDATE own_info
   SET own_phone_home = '\'310-673-5515\''
   WHERE own_str_addr = NULL

$dbh = connect_try(**,**);
foreach $k (keys (%{$ar_info-[1]})){ # retrieves a generic set of fields and uses 
them to assign values for each row.
if ($table eq prop_info){ # checks which table is being used and assigns the 
correct SQL statement
$sth = $dbh-prepare (UPDATE prop_info
   SET $k = ?
   WHERE prop_str_addr = ?) or
   err_trap(failed to prepare statement\n);
}elsif ($table eq own_info){
$sth = $dbh-prepare (UPDATE own_info
   SET $k = ?
   WHERE own_str_addr = ?) or
   err_trap(failed to prepare statement\n);

$sth-trace(2, ./trace_data.txt);
foreach $rh_row (@$ar_info) { # iterates through the list of rows and assigns 
the correct value to the field
print ::$k=$rh_row-{$k}; # this is an internal check to verify what 
values are being inserted
$sth-bind_param (1,$rh_row-{$k});
if ($table eq prop_str_addr) {
$sth-bind_param (2,$rh_row-{prop_str_addr});
}elsif  ($table eq own_str_addr) {
$sth-bind_param (2,$rh_row-{own_str_addr});
$sth-execute() or
err_trap(failed to execute statement\n);

print \n===\n;

$dbh-disconnect or
err_trap(failed to disconnect statement\n);

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Data dump using perl with mysql won't update

2004-05-05 Thread smrtalec
before I begin sorry for the cross post but i'm desperate
The routine in question is below. It's pretty straight forward its a series of loops 
which basically matches the row then dumps data stored in hash ref into the DB. for 
some reason the script runs with no errors (ran with strict)  I can verify that the 
data is being iterated, but when I check the Db no data is updated, the int fields 
have been updated to 0 as opposed to NULL. is anyone seeing somethign I'm not.

sub write_db_2 {
my ($ar_info,$table) = @_;
my ($dbh,$sth,$k,$rh_row);
$dbh = connect_try(rowan,5340brig);
foreach $k (keys (%{$ar_info-[1]})){
if ($table eq prop_info){
$sth = $dbh-prepare (UPDATE prop_info
   SET $k = ?
   WHERE prop_str_addr = ?;) or
   err_trap(failed to prepare statement\n);
}elsif ($table eq own_info){
$sth = $dbh-prepare (UPDATE own_info
   SET $k = ?
   WHERE own_str_addr = ?;) or
   err_trap(failed to prepare statement\n);

foreach $rh_row (@$ar_info) {
print ::$k=$rh_row-{$k};
$sth-bind_param (1,$rh_row-{$k});
if ($table eq prop_str_addr) {
$sth-bind_param (2,$rh_row-{prop_str_addr});
}elsif  ($table eq own_str_addr) {
$sth-bind_param (2,$rh_row-{own_str_addr});
$sth-execute() or
err_trap(failed to execute statement\n);

print \n===\n;

$dbh-disconnect or
err_trap(failed to disconnect statement\n);

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Re: Data dump using perl with mysql won't update

2004-05-05 Thread smrtalec

 If you want them set to NULL using DBI, you have to bind undef to the
 proper parameter.  Is that what you're doing, or are you binding
 something else, such as 0 or the empty string?

No the initial values in the DB are set to null, with the exception of one field. I'm 
trying to assign the correct values to each field as I iterate through the rows. 
However after runnign the script the values either remain at null or 0 in the caase of 
an intiger. I'm reposting a clearer version of the script which actually has remarks

sub write_db_2 { #updates specified table in a dump fasion using a hash table
my ($ar_info,$table) = @_;
my ($dbh,$sth,$k,$rh_row);
$dbh = connect_try(***,**);
foreach $k (keys (%{$ar_info-[1]})){ # retrieves a generic set of fields and uses 
them to assign values for each row.
if ($table eq prop_info){ # checks which table is being used and assigns the 
correct SQL statement
$sth = $dbh-prepare (UPDATE prop_info
   SET $k = ?
   WHERE prop_str_addr = ?;) or
   err_trap(failed to prepare statement\n);
}elsif ($table eq own_info){
$sth = $dbh-prepare (UPDATE own_info
   SET $k = ?
   WHERE own_str_addr = ?;) or
   err_trap(failed to prepare statement\n);

foreach $rh_row (@$ar_info) { # iterates through the list of rows and assigns 
the correct value to the field
print ::$k=$rh_row-{$k}; # this is an internal check to verify what 
values are being inserted
$sth-bind_param (1,$rh_row-{$k});
if ($table eq prop_str_addr) {
$sth-bind_param (2,$rh_row-{prop_str_addr});
}elsif  ($table eq own_str_addr) {
$sth-bind_param (2,$rh_row-{own_str_addr});
$sth-execute() or
err_trap(failed to execute statement\n);

print \n===\n;

$dbh-disconnect or
err_trap(failed to disconnect statement\n);

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best way to query multiple searchs --was bind_param and mysql

2004-01-29 Thread smrtalec

 I must admit that I do not understand what you really have in mind 
 witha search for multiple strings. If you are referring to 
 specific MySQL
 features, could you please be so kind and provide a pointer to the
 relevant docs?

maybe if I explain what i'm trying to do.  I have a hash that has 4 strings for which 
I woudl like to search. Typically I would just do a SELECT * FROM table WHERE $1 OR $2 
OR $3. However I wish to set up a ruitine that will automatically search for any given 
number of variables.  reading the DBI book fromO'Rielly it pretty much says running a 
query for each variable via a loop then adding the result to an array is not 
efficient. I'm told bind_param is a better way this should allow me to Select each 
string via a loop. Then do one single fetch_all  for all the results. However perhaps 
I m misunderstanding the use of bind. what would be the best way to approach this 

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Re: questions about bind_param and mysql

2004-01-28 Thread smrtalec

 Should work, as long as your parameters are all strings. With numbers
 you currently need to specify the type (for example DBI::INTEGER or
 similar, written from memory) as a third parameter.

do I need to specify the DBD module in addition to DBI ? After reading the module info 
on CPAN it seemed to offer two options one just specifying DBI then anothe where you 
encoded the connection info using DBD then used DBI-connect to connect.

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Re: questions about bind_param and mysql

2004-01-28 Thread smrtalec

I'm attempting a search for multiple strings using the bind_param option. My 
understanding is the server will flag each string then after each string has been 
selected and exicuted I can then do a fethall_array.  However the the results only 
include the last string searched. any ideas.  an example query woudl be like [qw/%7th% 
%8th%/] only values for %8th% are returned. help


### extract search pattern, and values and seperate into veriables
my @search_pat = @_;
my $pat = $search_pat[0];
shift (@search_pat);
my $svalue;
my $dbh = connect_try(rowan,5340brig);
my $sql = SELECT str_no_addr, str_name_addr, cit_addr FROM 
s3a_inglewood_project_info WHERE str_name_addr LIKE ?;;
## select rows in table based on search strings - only works with or
my $sth = $dbh-prepare ($sql) or err_trap(failed to prepare statement\n);
foreach $svalue (@search_pat){

$sth-bind_param( 1, $svalue);
$sth-execute or err_trap(failed to execute statement\n);
my $array_ref = $sth-fetchall_arrayref();

# place field names on top
unshift @$array_ref, [ 'id no.', 'street no.', 'street name', 'city' ];
# place search values in with everything to make sure i'm getting ligit values
unshift (@$array_ref, @search_pat);

$dbh-disconnect or err_trap(failed to disconnect at get_date statement\n);
gen_table ($array_ref);

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questions about bind_param and mysql

2004-01-27 Thread smrtalec

I have a snippet of code below. I'm trying to use teh bind_param option to select 
multiple rows using a foreach loop. after doign some reading I realized this is 
supprted through DBD  are there any special measures that I need to take to make 
bind_param work.

## select rows in table based on search strings - only works with or
foreach $search(@search_pat){
my $sth = $dbh-prepare (SELECT str_no_addr, str_name_addr, cit_addr
  FROM s3a_inglewood_project_info
  WHERE * LIKE ?;) or err_trap(failed to prepare 

## exicute and fetch selected rows
$sth-execute or
err_trap(failed to execute statement\n);
my $array_ref = $sth-fetchall_arrayref();

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unable to access mysql as anyone besideslinux user= root

2004-01-25 Thread smrtalec

whenever I try to connect to mysql logged on as anyone besides root I get teh error 
below. This isnt' making sence to me. The ps-ef output and the permissions info is 
also included.

mysql 2524  2500  0 15:41 pts/100:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld-max --basedir=/usr 
--datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/li
mysql 2526  2524  0 15:41 pts/100:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld-max --basedir=/usr 
--datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/li
mysql 2527  2526  0 15:41 pts/100:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld-max --basedir=/usr 
--datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/li
mysql 2528  2526  0 15:41 pts/100:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld-max --basedir=/usr 
--datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/li
root  2568  2100  0 15:53 pts/100:00:00 ps -ef

inglewood:/var/lib/mysql # l
total 395
drwx--5 mysqldaemon616 Jan 24 15:41 ./
drwxr-xr-x   26 root root  672 Jan 21 03:06 ../
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon   4884 Jan 21 03:06 inglewood-bin.001
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon 347233 Jan 24 08:28 inglewood-bin.002
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon 86 Jan 24 11:30 inglewood-bin.003
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon 73 Jan 24 11:30 inglewood-bin.004
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon 86 Jan 24 11:38 inglewood-bin.005
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon414 Jan 24 15:37 inglewood-bin.006
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon 86 Jan 24 15:40 inglewood-bin.007
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon 73 Jan 24 15:41 inglewood-bin.008
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon160 Jan 24 15:41 inglewood-bin.index
-rw-rw1 mysqldaemon  4 Jan 24 15:41
drwx--2 mysqldaemon528 Jan 21 03:06 mysql/
srwxrwxrwx1 mysqldaemon  0 Jan 24 15:41 mysql.sock=
-rw-r--r--1 mysqldaemon   3831 Jan 24 15:41 mysqld.log
-rw-r--r--1 mysqldaemon635 Jan 24 08:28 mysqld.log-20040122
drwx--2 mysqldaemon 48 Jan 24 14:42 studio_3/
drwx--2 mysqldaemon   2976 Jan 21 06:44 test/

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/perl mysqladmin -u root -p version
Enter password:
mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' 
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' exists!

unable to update root password or connect.

2004-01-20 Thread smrtalec

This is a new install of mysql 3.23 on a SuSE8.0 Box. I installd everythign via suse 
rpms. I ran mysql_install_db  when I to run the update root password I get the 
following error. I'm logged into the server via ssh as root while exicuting the 
commands. any ideas.

inglewood:/etc # mysqladmin -u root -h inglewood -p password '**'
Enter password:
mysqladmin: connect to server at 'inglewood' failed
error: 'Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server'

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unable to start mysql new install

2004-01-20 Thread smrtalec

I am new so forgive me if i'm asking a stupid question. I did a reinstall (rpm) of my 
mysql 3.23 running on SuSE8.0 when I tried to run msql after running msql_install_db I 
get the error below. Just to give some bacground info. After getting connection errors 
regarding permissions (see previous e-mail) I deleted the mysql folder under 
/var/lib/mysql per the documentation.  any help ?

040120 10:44:39  mysqld started
040120 10:44:39  Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
040120 10:44:39  Do you already have another mysqld server running on socket: 
/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ?
040120 10:44:39  Aborting

040120 10:44:39  /usr/sbin/mysqld-max: Shutdown Complete

040120 10:44:39  mysqld ended

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